[YulSic][Long-fic]Addiction Eng 11-End

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Chapter 11

Yuri needed to smoke. She took out a cigarette and placed it between her lips, she then rummaged through the drawer to find a lighter, but she couldn't find any. Her hand wouldn't stop shaking; she wasn't sure if it was because she was still wet and cold or because of the recent incident with Jessica.

From anger she pulled the cigarette out and threw it on the floor, followed by the cigarette box. She sighed deeply as she ran her hand on her hair. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, a slight throbbing pain erupted in her knuckles but she pushed it aside.

Suddenly she heard the bathroom door click open and Yuri saw Jessica emerge wearing an over-sized t-shirt and shorts. Her eyes were red and puffy and she held on to her body tightly.

Yuri approached her and caressed her cheek, lightly.

"Are you okay?"

Jessica nodded her head slowly, and smiled sadly. Yuri held her hand and brought her in the bedroom.

"You need to rest"

Jessica laid on the bed as Yuri covered her warmly with the blanket. She then placed a kiss on Jessica's forehead before walking out of the room.


Yuri turned around once she heard Jessica's voice.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be sleeping on the couch"

Yuri smiled one last time before turning the lights off and walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. She entered the bathroom and entered the shower; she let the hot water drop on her as thoughts were clouded with Jessica.

She was too occupied with Tiffany that she forgot about Jessica. How could she ever forget about Jessica. What would have happened if Victoria hadn't messaged her and warned her.

The Yuri realized something. How did Victoria know about Jessica? Did she plan it? Was this her way of bringing them together?

Yuri gritted her teeth in anger once she realized the culprit was Victoria all along.

Yuri got out of the shower and immediately wore her clothes and got out of the bathroom. She took hold of her phone and dialed Victoria's number, yet she got no signal. The storm was getting stronger, breaking the connection.

Yuri would have to face Victoria tomorrow as for know she was going to sleep on the couch. She laid on the couch and closed her eyes. The events that happened today were too much to handle, and Yuri needed to rest.


Yuri immediately opened her eyes to the voice that called her. She sat up, and even though it was dark, she was able to see the outline of Jessica.


She called again, and Yuri could hear her voice tremble.

"I'm here"

Jessica slowly walked towards the voice and Yuri held her hand and brought her down to lay on the couch with her. Jessica laid her head on Yuri's chest as Yuri gently stroked her hair. She couldn't hold it any longer and she let the tear slid down her face and onto Yuri's shirt. She tightened her hold on Yuri's waist and cried silently.

"He wanted me to scream" whimpered Jessica

Yuri caressed Jessica's back as she whispered words of comfort in her ear.

"Remember when we were together?"

Jessica lightly nodded her head as Yuri continued,

"I promised you that till my last breath I will love you, cherish you, and protect you. Jessica, I still love you and I promise you I will protect you with all my strength"

Jessica shivered slightly and Yuri pulled up the blanket to cover their bodies. Then Yuri lightly kissed Jessica's head and continued to stroke her hair until she fell asleep.


Victoria walked down an alley and into a bar. She closed her umbrella and shook off the droplets of water from it.

"Yah! Hankyung!" shouted Victoria

The man chocked on his beer as he looked at his cousin who was furious.

"Yes, Victoria" he said, frightened

"I told you to make Jessica look like a damsel in distress"

"That's what I did"

"No you made it look like you were raping her!"

"You told me to make her scream for help, but she wouldn't scream instead she kept kicking Shindong. So when I ripped her shirt she screamed"

Victoria sighed as she leaned her hand against the bar stool and then out of frustration she smacked Hankyung's head.

"Why do I have a stupid cousin like you"

"Yah! You're not so smart either! You made it look so obvious when you sent the message to Yuri! She'll know it's you!"

"Of course she's going to know it me, you idiot. After all I didn't come back for nothing, I came back to build their relationship back"


Chapter 12

Grey = Past

Jessica woke up and found herself sleeping on the couch alone, with Yuri nowhere in sight. She stood up and saw Yuri in the balcony observing her fresh painted canvas. Jessica walked closer and stood behind her and observed the painting. Yuri never seemed to disappoint her when it came to art; it was absolutely breath taking.

"It's perfect"

Yuri turned around to the voice and smiled at Jessica.

"Good morning, did you have a goodnight sleep?"

Jessica nodded her head as Yuri walked in the apartment. She closed the balcony door behind her and she walked closer to Jessica, and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Go change, I've made breakfast"

Jessica stood still as Yuri walked past her and into the kitchen. It felt like old times when they were together. Jessica pushed the thought away, and made her way to the bathroom. Once she was done, she entered the kitchen and saw Yuri flipping some things.

"Take a seat"

Jessica listened to Yuri and she took a seat. She watched Yuri place the food in a plate and decorate with strawberries and honey.

"Here you go. Pancakes your favorite" smiled Yuri

All the memories of them came flooding back and Jessica felt numb.


"Jessica look! I can flip the pancakes"

Jessica smiled as she watched Yuri flip the pancakes with the pan. She giggled when Yuri nearly dropped it. It was typical of her, so clumsy.

Once she was done, she placed the pancake in front of Jessica with a silly grin on her face.

"Tell me what you think of it"

Jessica held a fork and cut a small piece of it and placed the piece in her mouth. It was mouth-watering.

"Yuri it tastes so good!"

Jessica continued to eat as Yuri watched her. The Jessica cut a piece and pointed it to Yuri.

"Let me feed you"

"I don't like honey"

Jessica looked at Yuri confused.

"I thought you did"

Yuri then leaned closer and whispered in her ear,

"I only like it when it's on your body. It tastes much more sweeter"

Jessica bit her bottom lip as Yuri pulled away from her grinning. She then grabbed Yuri's collar and pulled her forward, placing her lips on Yuri. They slowly started to kiss, and make their way out of the kitchen; but before they left Yuri grabbed the honey bottle with her.

"Don't forget the whipped cream" mumbled Jessica, between kisses

She could feel Yuri smile in the kiss as they made their way back to the bedroom.


She looked up in Yuri's eyes, and she then stood up.

"I'm not hungry"

Jessica then walked out of the kitchen with Yuri following behind.


Yuri tried to hold Jessica, but failed when Jessica shoved her away.

"I need to leave"

"It's still raining outside"

"It's just drizzles"

"I'll drop you"


Yuri gritted her teeth, and clenched her fist.

"Do you think I'll let you walk alone after what happened yesterday night!"

Jessica stared at Yuri, who had anger in her eyes.

"I'll call Krystal, she'll pick me up"

Yuri watched as Jessica took out her phone from her purse and dial a number. Did she do something wrong? Did she say something wrong so Jessica could react in such a way?

She ran her hand through her hair and sighed as she entered the kitchen to clean up the mess she has made while cooking. She heard Jessica's heals click on the wooden floor, and Yuri walked out of the kitchen.

"Is she here?"

"No I'll wait downstairs for her"

"I'll wait with you"

"Yuri you don't ha--"

"I want to"

Jessica simply nodded her head as she watched Yuri grab a coat and walk out of the door. The elevator ride was quite as none of them spoke a word. Once the reached the ground floor, Jessica stood outside next to the door, hoping her sister wouldn't take her time.

It was cold and Jessica didn't even have a jacket on, she shivered. Yuri noticed and immediately took off her coat and placed it around Jessica.

"Yuri I'm fine, I don't need it"

"Just wear it" said Yuri, coldly

She then took out her pack of cigarettes and placed one in between her lips and lit it. She inhaled a large amount of smoke before releasing it. They both stood in silence as they waited for Krystal, and it didn't take her long to reach. As soon as they spotted her, Yuri immediately extinguished the cigarette as Krystal pounced on Yuri; hugging her.

"Unnie! I miss you!"

Yuri laughed lightly as she returned the hug.

"I miss you too"

When they broke the hug, Krystal lightly punched Yuri on the shoulder.

"I thought you said you'd stop smoking"

"I did, for a while"

"Unnie!" whined Krystal

"I promise I'll try harder" said Yuri, as she cupped Krystal's face

Jessica watched the interaction of her sister and former lover, she smiled sadly.

"Krystal lets go"

Krystal hugged Yuri one more time before walking towards her sister. Jessica looked up at Yuri and smiled lightly before saying,

"Thank you for everything, I'm sorry if I troubled you"

"You never trouble me Jessica"

She saw the sincerity in Yuri's eyes and she broke the gaze. She then grabbed Krystal and walked away, leaving Yuri watching them.

P.S. For YulSic shippers check out Assistant, my new short story/one-shot


Chapter 13

Yuri extinguished her cigarette as she blew the smoke above her. She was laying down on the floor of her studio as she was waiting for Victoria to arrive; she was finally going to deal with her.

Yuri took hold of the cigarette box that was placed next to her and groaned once she realizes that she was out of cigarettes. She needed to buy new packs. Yuri closed her eyes as events of her and Jessica flashed through her mind. A small smile appeared on her face as she thought of Jessica.

Suddenly she heard the door of the studio click open. Yuri slowly opened her eyes as she realized Victoria couldn't enter since she didn't have the key. Yuri immediately shut her eyes and hoped it wasn't Sooyoung annoying her about the painting.

The heels clicked against the wooden floor, as it got louder with every step she took. Yuri sighed as she realized she was going to get another lecture from Sooyoung any minute.


Yuri opened her eyes and sat up. In front of her stood Tiffany looking worried.

"Tiffany, what are you doing here?"

"I tried calling you, but you wouldn't answer. I passed by your apartment and you weren't there, so I assumed you'd be here"

Yuri took out her phone from her pocket and saw the number of missed calls she received from Tiffany and looked back up to her.

"I'm sorry, it was on silent the whole time"

Tiffany smiled as she made her way to Yuri. She straddled Yuri's waist and caressed her cheek.

"I thought you said you'd stop smoking"

Yuri smiled sadly as she replied,

"I'm sorry, I can't live without them"

Tiffany hands were now tangled in Yuri's hair as she whispered,

"Can you live without me?"

Yuri avoided eye contact with her and hesitated to respond. The only answer that popped in her mind was she surely couldn't live without Jessica.


Tiffany leaned her forehead against Yuri's and she whispered against her lips.

"I know I can't live without you, Yuri"

She then crushed her lips against Yuri's. Even though Yuri wanted to pull away she couldn't, Tiffany's hold on her was strong.

"Excuse me"

They both parted from the kiss, and Yuri found Victoria standing in front of them.

"I saw the door open so I thought it wouldn't be a problem if I entered"

Tiffany got off Yuri and Yuri stood up.

"I'm sorry was I interrupting something," said Victoria

"No, no you weren't" replied Tiffany, as she adjusted yourself

She the leaned against Yuri's ears and whispered,

"Once you're done with your clients, call me"

She then kissed Yuri's ear and walked out of the studio. As soon as the door closed Yuri glared at Victoria.

"She is a feisty one," said Victoria, as she approached

Yuri gritted her teeth as she pushed Victoria against the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

"What did I do?" said Victoria, so innocently

"I know you're the one who planned the attack on Jessica!" shouted Yuri

Victoria pushed Yuri away and walked calmly around the studio.

"Do you know that you traumatized her"

"It wasn't suppose to go far as ripping her shirt off, but hey, at least you two spent the night together"

"Victoria this isn't funny!"

Victoria's face then became serious as she approached Yuri.

"Tell me you didn't enjoy the night with her! Tell me you didn't miss her being so close to you and in your arms!"

Yuri gritted her teeth as she bit her tongue. She did enjoy Jessica's company but she wasn't going to admit it to Victoria.

"Why aren't you answering me Yuri? Or is it that you prefer to fall into the arms of this sl*t that was just on top of you"

"Don't say that!"

"Then pick one Yuri! You cant have both"

"I don't have Jessica anymore! I moved on with Tiffany"

Victoria laughed bitterly and she folded her arms across her chest.

"So your telling me that you actually love this girl?"

Yuri didn't reply.

"I want to hear you say it, say you love her"

Yuri clenched her fist as she turned away from Victoria.

"Get out" hissed Yuri

Victoria approached her one last time and threw a file on the floor, revealing pictures of Jessica with a man. Yuri looked surprised at the pictures showing Jessica holding a man, kissing him, laughing with him.

"Did she tell you that she has someone else?"

Yuri held her breath as her eyes still lingered on the pictures.

"You've been following her around?" asked Yuri

"I've been following you both"

Yuri removed her gaze from the pictures and then to Victoria.

"If you give me a chance Yuri I could fix what I have broken" said Victoria, sincerely

"She's moving on, just let her be"

"Could you let her go?"

Yuri swallowed the lump in her throat and turned away.

"Leave Victoria, please"

Victoria realized she has hurt Yuri far enough for a day. So she nodded her head and left the studio.

P.S. For YulTi shippers I've recently wrote a failed one-shot (please do forgive me), it's called Ace Of Heart. Once again sorry. I'll try to write more and better YulTi shots


Chapter 14

Grey = Past

Yuri stared at the paintings that were taken down from the wall as she took a puff of smoke. She observed it carefully. She was finally going to let it go. She was moving on.

"Are you sure you want to sell them"

Yuri turned around to face Sooyoung and exhaled the smoke.


Sooyoung eyed her carefully, not fully understanding the situation. She so badly wanted to get her hands on these precise paintings, but Yuri never allowed her to touch it since it reminded her of Jessica. But now she was simply giving it away.

"Yuri is there something wrong?"

"Don't you want the painting?" said Yuri, with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, but--"

"Then take it"

"Yuri -"

"Take it before I burn them"

Sooyoung nodded her head as she prevented asking any further questions. She held on to the batch of paintings and left the apartment. Meanwhile Yuri approached her fireplace and flicked the cigarette in as she was done.

Yuri laughed bitterly as she recalled the memory of Jessica supporting her to move on. No wonder why she did it, because she has already moved on with a man.


Yuri faced Jessica as they sat opposite of each other in a coffee shop.

"So tell me about this girl named Tiffany"

Yuri took a sip of her coffee and watched the people walk down the streets through the window.

"I don't want to talk about her"

"Why not? She seems to have an interest on you"

"Well I'm not really interested in her"

Suddenly she felt Jessica's hand on top of hers, caressing it.

"How long are you going to be like this Yuri? How long are you going to hold on?"

"As long as I get you back"

Jessica smiled sadly as she squeezed Yuri's hand.

"Yuri, I'm sorry. I love you, but only as a friend nothing more"

Yuri sighed as she removed her hand from Jessica's hold and looked out the window. Maybe Jessica was right; it's time to move on. If someone entered her life, she might forget about Jessica. Even though she didn't want to, it was better to be friends rather than nothing.

"Her name is Tiffany Hwang. Her dad is one of the top dealers in the art industry. In my recent exhibition he introduced me to her. From then on, she keeps visiting my studios asking me out for lunch or coffee break; but I always rejected. Few days ago she gave me her number, and said if any new artworks were released she would want to be informed"

Jessica giggled as she put down her coffee.

"What's so funny?"

"She's not interested in your art, she's actually interested in you"

"I know"

"It's kind of cute"

Yuri played with the salt pack as she avoided Jessica's gaze.



"Give her a chance"

Yuri didn't answer, but she suddenly felt Jessica's hand on her again; and she looked up.

"Do it for me Yuri"


Krystal entered the coffee shop and saw the familiar figure sitting at the far end of a booth. She approached her and sat opposite of her.

"Nice to see you again Krystal"

"Cut the cr*p Victoria, and what is it that you want from me"

Victoria sighed as she looked at Krystal.

"You still hate me, don't you"

"After what you've done to my sister. Yes"

"I am back to fix what I have broken"

"You think it's that easy! Both of them can't even come to proper terms without fighting!"

"That's why I need your help"

Krystal looked at Victoria surprised, before she replied,

"And what exactly are you planning to do?"

"Well my first step is this"

Victoria took out a file and placed it in front of Krystal. When Krystal opened the file, she gasped as she saw the pictures.

"Your not going to show this to Yuri, are you?"

"I have to"

"It will break her!"

"That's the point"

"I don't get it!"

Victoria took a sip of her coffee calmly before she continued.

"I need to break Yuri to the point where Jessica can't stand and watch her fall. We both know that Jessica still has feelings for Yuri, but she's stubborn to admit anything. Once she sees the state Yuri's in she's going to drop her guard and help Yuri"

"Do you think it will actually work?"

"That's where you come in. I want you to keep informing your sister daily updates about Yuri and how she's coping with it"

"What is your part?"

"I need to make Yuri realize if she loves Jessica, she has to fight for her. Let her prove her love to Jessica"

"And how will you do that?"

"I have my way"

Krystal sighed as she looked around the coffee shop.

"I just hope your right this time Victoria"

"Don't worry little Jung, I've got everything planned"


Chapter 15

Tiffany entered the apartment and dropped her purse and took off her coat. She entered the bedroom and saw Yuri on bed. She smiled as she climbed on top of her and started to massage her shoulder.

"Yuri, how many days have you been in bed?"

Yuri didn't reply, instead her eyes were on the clock that kept ticking at ever minute.


She felt Tiffany's hand enter her shirt and rub against her skin.

"I don't know" replied Yuri

"You missed your expedition yesterday night. It was a huge success"

Yuri again didn't reply as she closed her eyes and felt her shoulder relax from Tiffany's touch. She then felt Tiffany's lips on her shoulder, lightly kissing it.


Tiffany's hot breath against her ears, and Yuri turned around to face her.

"Why are you always sexually active?"

Tiffany straddled Yuri's waist and grinned as she leaned down to capture Yuri's lips.

"You make me feel hot and bothered"

"Is that only how I make you feel?"

Tiffany backed away a bit to gaze into Yuri's eyes, before cupping her hand.

"You make me feel so many things Yuri, that's why I love you"

She then lowered her head again and sucked on Yuri's bottom lips. Yuri had no choice but to surrender in the kiss. Tiffany hands slowly wondered up Yuri's shirt as she then traveled her lips down to Yuri's neck and gently suck on it.

The doorbell suddenly rang and Yuri opened her eyes.

"Tiffany I have to answer that"

"Or you could ignore it" replied Tiffany, as she kissed Yuri's earlobe

She then lightly bit on Yuri's neck, and Yuri groaned before pulling Tiffany away from her.

"I'll be back" said Yuri, as she left the bedroom

She tiredly walked towards the door and opened it only to find the mailman.

"I have a delivery for Ms. Kwon Yuri"

"That's me"

"Sign here"

The man handed Yuri a paper and she signed it. In exchange he gave her a large envelope and bid her farewell. Yuri closed the door and opened the envelope. There was a sticky note, and a familiar handwriting; it was indeed Victoria's handwriting. Only she would be curving her 'i' and place a heart above it.

Here name is Kim Taeyeon

Yuri took out the contents of the envelope and found pictures of Tiffany getting intimate with a shorter girl. Yuri kept looking at the bunch of pictures and realized most of them consisted of Tiffany making out with Taeyeon in the office, the car, and bed.

"Yuri, who was that?"

Yuri looked up and saw Tiffany leaning against the doorframe on the bedroom. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she tightly gripped on the pictures. Her heart was already torn into pieces and now it was stepped on by Tiffany.

She wanted to act normal, she wanted to smile and pretend nothing was wrong. But she couldn't. She stood frozen staring at Tiffany.

"Yuri, what's wrong?"

Tiffany approached her and took a glimpse of the pictures. She trembled in fear as she looked up at Yuri.

"Yuri, I could explain"

She held on to Yuri's arms as the pictures fell carelessly on the floor. Yuri couldn't think, she didn't know how to react.

"Yuri, please listen to what I have to say"

Tears were falling down Tiffany's eyes as she cupped Yuri's face, hoping she would hear her explanation. Yuri avoided eye contact with her, she couldn't face her; not at this moment.

"It was a mistake, a stupid mistake"

"I don't want to know"

"Yuri, please" sobbed Tiffany

Yuri got out of Tiffany's grip, but Tiffany wrapped her arms around Yuri's waist and hugged her tightly.

"You ignored me, you didn't care about me, you never said you love me, and you never gave me a chance to prove my love for you. I didn't think I could hold on to you any longer. I couldn't stay strong in this relationship since it's only one sided"

Tiffany continued to hug Yuri as more tears fell.

"Taeyeon helped me"

"By what? By saying how much she loves you? By sex?"

Yuri got out of Tiffany's grasp and stared at her. She gritted her teeth and looked away; she couldn't stand the sight of Tiffany, crying.


"Yuri -"

"Please Tiffany, just leave"

She could hear Tiffany walk away and close the door behind her. Once she was gone Yuri slid down the wall and fell on the floor. Tears slowly escaped her eyes. It's been a while since she last let her emotions out. She held on to her heart, as she felt it throb in pain.

Karma is certainly a b*tch.


Chapter 16

Jessica sighed as she put her novel down and stared at her sister. Krystal has just informed her about Tiffany cheating on Yuri.

"And when did you find out?" asked Jessica

"Just today"

"Did they break up?"

"I don't know I haven't heard anything else"

Jessica put on her reading glasses and returned to her novel.

"You aren't going to do anything?"

Jessica lowered her novel a bit and glared at Krystal.

"And what exactly do you want me to do?" said Jessica, coldly

"You should see if Yuri's okay"

"If Yuri needs me she can call me, besides I shouldn't interfere"

Krystal approached her sister and grabbed the novel away.

"Yah! Krystal!"

"Do you think Yuri would actually call you in this situation after what happened between you two. She's experiencing something that you've already went through because of her. I don't think she could face seeking comfort from you"

Jessica sat up properly and took of her glasses and stared at her sister.

"Why are you persistent?"

"I know you still care about her"

"Your wrong"

"Just because you're dating Jaejoong doesn't mean you've moved on. I know you Jessica"

They both stared into each other's eyes as if they were competing until Jessica broke the eye contact and stood up.

"Get your coat"


Jessica and Krystal stood in front of Yuri's studio and realized the door was slightly opened. They entered and realized it was quiet, extremely quiet. Krystal shut the door behind her and approached Jessica, who stood frozen.

Yuri stood in front of three fresh painted canvases, paint was everywhere. On her clothes, face, and also on the walls.


Yuri turned around and was surprised to see Jessica and Krystal. She dropped her paintbrush and lightly smiled at them.

"By the looks on your face I assume you know"

Jessica entered the room and approached Yuri. She observed the three painting, and realized they were dark. Black, a color Yuri always tried to avoid while painting was now displayed in all three of the canvases.

"How are you?"

Yuri laughed bitterly at the question as she gazed at Jessica.

"Why are you here Jessica? Is it to pour more salt on the wound?"

"Yuri I would -"

"Just get out"

Jessica gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She came to comfort Yuri and instead she gets kicked out.

"I'm glad she cheated on you"

Yuri turned around and glared at Jessica.

"Excuse me?"

"You never paid attention to her, you pushed her away. You only thought about yourself and how you were suffering"

Yuri hit the can of paint, which fell on the floor with a loud impact pouring the paint all over the place.


Jessica loosened a bit when she realized that Yuri was aware she was dating someone.

"You think you could hide it from me! You thought that I would never find out!"

"I can date whoever I want to. I don't need to ask for your permission or even inform you"

Yuri couldn't respond, she didn't know how to respond. She kicked the table from anger and turned around, she couldn't look at Jessica in defeat. Jessica lowered her defense once she realized Yuri was out of words.

"Your too selfish. You only think about yourself, your feelings, your heart, but not others. The reason why we really ended, apart from cheating on me three times, was you never really cared about my feelings. You never mended my broken heart; you just pretended everything was back to normal. As long as you are content then nothing else matters. You've never cared if I suffered, you never cared if my heart was healed or not. You never really cared about me"

Jessica breathed in as she tried to hold back her tears, and continued,

"The same goes for Tiffany. You never really cared about her heart, you never really cared about her. You drowned yourself in misery and brought her along with you. She suffered because of you. She needed to feel love, she needed someone, and that someone couldn't be you"

She stood staring at Yuri's back, hoping Yuri would reply with an answer to all of her question but she didn't. Instead Yuri didn't even bother to turn around and look at her.

"Come on Krystal, let's go"

She took hold of Krystal's hand and walked out of the studio. As soon as she closed the door, a tear escaped Jessica's eye.

Meanwhile Yuri put her hand over her heart as she heard the door shut.

"I do care about you Jessica. I do," whispered Yuri


Chapter 17

Tiffany took in a deep breath as she made her way to Yuri's studio. It's been exactly a week since they've last seen each other, and it's been exactly a week that Yuri has known about her and Taeyeon.

She was scared of facing Yuri, scared of losing her to a stupid mistake that she has made. She knocked on the door, and waited for an answer.

"Door's open, come in!" shouted Yuri, through the doorway

Tiffany opened the door and entered the studio. She walked further inside and saw Yuri leaning against the wall observing her painting.


Yuri turned around and faced Tiffany she lightly smiled as she made her way towards Tiffany. She held on to Tiffany's hand and as soon as they came in contact Tiffany burst into tears.

"I'm sorry Yuri, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me"

Yuri immediately cupped her face and wiped away her tears.

"Stop it. I should be asking for forgiveness"

Tiffany looked up surprised at the respond as Yuri continued,

"I hurt you Tiffany. I ignored you, used you, and on top of that broke you. I don't blame you for what you did, I should be blaming myself"

"No, Yuri -"

Yuri placed a finger over Tiffany's lips as she leaned her forehead against Tiffany's.

"Does she love you?"

Tiffany couldn't respond, she didn't want to respond.

"Please Tiffany, answer me" whispered Yuri

"Yes, yes she does"

"Do you love her?"

"I love you"

Yuri smiled sadly as she looked deeply in Tiffany's eyes.

"But I can't return your love Fany. I can't love you back. I'm sorry"

Fresh tears rolled down Tiffany's face and Yuri wiped them away.

"I wish I could love you back, I wish I could say those three words to you; but I cant"

"Is it because of Taeyeon?"

"No, it was never about that. It's about me. It's about my heart"

Yuri hugged her and caressed her back softly as she let Tiffany cry on her shoulder.

"I don't want to hurt you any longer so I'm letting you go. Let Taeyeon love you, let her heal your heart that I've broken"

Tiffany held on to Yuri tighter and cried harder. She let all her emotions out as Yuri held her. When the broke off from the hug, Yuri wiped away the remaining tears and kissed Tiffany on the head.

"Go Tiffany"

Tiffany slowly backed away and smiled sadly at Yuri.

"Goodbye Yuri"

"Goodbye Fany"

She watched as Tiffany left the studio.

Jessica was right. Yuri did nothing except hurt the people who care about her. She had broke Jessica's hurt and she has broke Tiffany's.

Yuri took out her cigarette and lit it. She inhaled a deep one and stood in front of her canvas. She had to call Sooyoung, her new artwork were done.


Chapter 18

Jessica looked up from her laptop and saw her boyfriend Jaejoong talking on the phone. She sighed as she closed her laptop and removed her glasses. She stood up and walked towards the window and watched the rain fall.


She turned her gaze to the source of the voice and saw Jaejoong motioning her to sit on the couch. She smiled as she sat down next to him and he placed his hand over her shoulder.

"I missed you," he whispered, against her ear

Even though he has been gone for the past few weeks to America for business, Jessica didn't miss his presence. She tried hard to admit that she needed him, but deep down inside she knew she was fooling herself.

Jaejoong didn't wait for a reply as he captured Jessica's lips and slipped in his tongue in Jessica's mouth. He then slid down to Jessica's neck and started to nibble on it. He slowly laid Jessica down on the process and hovered on top of her.

"Jaejoong, no"

Jessica pushed him away and sat up. She couldn't do it.

Jaejoong got up angrily and slid his hand through his hair.

"Is it always going to be like this!"

She knew exactly why Jaejoong was frustrated, but she wouldn't do anything about it.

"It's been a year Jessica! One year and I haven't touched you!"

"I thought relationship was based on love, not sex," replied Jessica

"It's also based on trust! You don't trust me to love you!"

She let Yuri touch her, she let Yuri love her; but she couldn't even think of letting Jaejoong go as far as Yuri.

"I-I still need time"

"Until when Jessica? Do you want me to give you another year? How about two? Or maybe three? That surely would be enough," said Jaejoong, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice

When Jessica didn't reply, he grabbed his jacket and left her apartment in anger. Suddenly her phone started to ring and she saw the caller ID and realized it was Krystal.


"Jessica I just saw Jaejoong leave your apartment and he didn't look too happy. Is everything alright?"

Jessica stood up as she walked around the apartment.

"Krys, where are you?"

"Um?I'm around"

"Where exactly?"


"Hm?How did you see Jaejoong?"

"I saw him come out of your building"

"It's raining, how could you see him?"

"That's not the point, anyway I called just to tell you that Tiffany and Yuri broke up"

"Krystal why do I have a feeling your spying on people"

"I am not! I just wanted to tell you that maybe you should visit Yuri"

"And why should I do that?"

"I think now would be a good time to clear things between you too. You both eventually can't move on without clearing all the misunderstandings and feelings between you two. You should have a closure"

Jessica sighed as she stood against the counter of the kitchen.

"I hate it when you're right"

"Her studio is still opened by the way. I think you should hurry there. Anyway got to go, love you, bye"

Jessica stared at her phone and shook her head. Krystal was right; she needed a proper closure so she could move on with Jaejoong.


"That was close, she nearly suspected me"

Victoria rolled her eyes as she leaned against the wall looking at Krystal.

"Of course she would have suspected something. You lack to cover up and you made it sound so obvious. Next time remind me to write you a dialogue before you talk"

"Well look whose talking! Your plan isn't going to work after all"

"What makes you say that?"

"Your making Jessica get closure. Getting closure means breaking the connection between two"

Victoria laughed and Krystal looked at her surprised.

"Little Jung, you've got lots to learn. You actually think a closure might happen. Haven't you realized that both of them are now aware of their true feelings"

"I still don't get it"

"You'll see. By the end of tonight everything will go according to plan"

Krystal huffed and she looked through the binoculars and saw her sister leaving her apartment.


Chapter 19

Jessica entered the studio and closed her umbrella and laid it against the wall. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she went deeper in the studio.

"I'm sorry, but the studio is closed"

That familiar voice rang in Jessica's ear as she turned around to face Yuri.

"Jessica?" said Yuri


Yuri put down the canvas she was holding and approached her.

"What are you doing here?" asked Yuri

Jessica didn't know where to begin. She knew Yuri might be heartbroken after her break up with Tiffany and she doesn't want to injure her more since she came for a closure. She sighed as she gazed at Yuri.

"I heard you and Tiffany broke up"

She saw Yuri sadly smile as she picked up the canvas and hanged it on the wall.

"Yeah we did," replied Yuri, after awhile

"That's too bad she seems like a nice girl"

"She is"

Yuri still didn't face Jessica as she was still adjusting the canvas. Jessica walked closer and took a glimpse of the painting; she smiled once she realized how beautiful it was.

"It's amazing Yuri"

Yuri backed away from the canvas and proudly looked at it.

"I thought about you while I was painting"

Jessica held her breath and clenched her fist. She had to end this before it got any deeper.

"Yuri I came here for a reason"

Yuri turned to her side and faced Jessica, waiting to hear what she has to say. Jessica couldn't look in her eyes instead she looked down while she talked,

"I thought we could be friends, I thought I could be content that way but I was wrong. We keep arguing, we keep hurting each other, and I can't hold on any longer. I'm sorry Yuri, but it's better if we both just head our different path"

She looked up to see Yuri's response and instead saw Yuri staring at her expressionless. After staring into one another for a few minutes Yuri slowly approached her.

"You were right"

"About?" asked Jessica

"That I was selfish and only cared about myself"

"Yuri -"

"I want you to move on, I want someone to heal the pain that I have caused; but at the same time I don't want to let you go. I don't want to say goodbye to you, I don't want our relationship just to be a memory. You are part of me, Jessica. You are the reason why I paint, you are the reason why I breathe, and you are the reason why I am still living"

Jessica swallowed the lump in her throat as she closed her eyes and let a tear slip. Why was she affected by there words? Why is Yuri saying this all now?

"I love you Jessica. I love you"

She felt Yuri's hand wipe away her tear; she then felt Yuri's breath against her cheek.

"Let me fight for you. Let me fight for our love"

She felt Yuri's lips against her cheek slowly down to her lips. As soon as their lips came in contact all the resistance that Jessica held has fallen. She let herself drown in the heated kiss as her hands slowly made its way around Yuri's neck.

She could feel Yuri slowly pull her deeper into the studio until they have reached the end. Yuri gently placed her on the mattress as she hovered above Jessica. Yuri removed the bangs that covered Jessica's face and gazed lovingly in Jessica's eyes and smiled. When Jessica returned the smile she lowered down and captured her lips.

Her long, slender fingers were making their way under Jessica's shirt. Jessica gasped once Yuri started to nibble on her neck, and touch her.

She knew she was cheating on Jaejoong, she knew this was wrong in so many levels, she knew she had to back away; but she couldn't. Not now. Not when Yuri is loving her.


Krystal tried to look through the binoculars but she couldn't; the rain was getting heavier.

"Victoria I cant see anything"

Victoria sat up properly and started the engine of her car.

"Victoria! We can't leave now! We still don't know what's going inside, they might be slitting each others throat by now"

"Little Jung, you just don't get it do you"

Krystal looked at her confused.

"It's been over an hour and they are still there. Do you think they would still be arguing over this time limit? Their emotions would get the best of them, and one of them would have eventually left. And since no one has left the studio I think it's safe to say that everything is well"

"How are you sure?"

"They both had their wake up call"

Krystal looked at the studio one last time before Victoria drove away.

"So did the plan work?"

"Will just have to see until tomorrow," replied Victoria

P.S. My latest YulSic/YulTi short story Bloody Rose

Criticism, anyone?


Chapter 20

The rain stopped, but the dark clouds still covered the sun. Jessica gazed out the full-length window, Yuri?s hands wrapped around her from behind as they both laid on the mattress.

This mattress that they have slept on countless times when Jessica would visit Yuri?s studio. She lightly smiled as she remembered Yuri closing the studio early just so they could have time together on the mattress.

The smile faded away once Jessica realized what she has done. She slept with Yuri and cheated on Jaejoong. She wanted to feel regret, she wanted to feel ashamed of herself for doing such a thing; but she couldn?t. She couldn?t deny the fact that she was enjoying Yuri?s arms around her, Yuri?s steady breathing against her ears, and their legs tangled together.

She missed it. She missed this feeling, but she cant have it back she has Jaejoong now. She took in a deep breath as she looked through the window realizing the storm in still not over.

?Did he touch you??

She felt Yuri?s breath tickle her ears and tighten her hold around her. She was debating whether to answer truthfully or lie. If she would lie, it would be easier to tangle her way out of the web of trouble. If she answered the truth she knew she would sink deeper.


She closed her eyes once she felt Yuri let out a sigh of relief. She then felt Yuri?s lips on her shoulder, kissing it softly.

?I don?t want anyone to touch you, except me. Your mine, and I?m yours?

Jessica sat up and covered her body before she said,

?You let Victoria touch you, and Tiffany?

She sounded bitter but it was the truth. If Yuri loved her, why would she hurt her?

?I?m sorry? said Yuri, softly

Jessica then felt Yuri?s lips trailing wet kisses along her bareback. Jessica closed her eyes when she felt Yuri but her neck and trace the mark with her tongue.

?I have done so many mistakes in the past Sica..Please forgive me. Please?

Jessica still had her eyes closed as Yuri whispered those words in her ears. She then felt Yuri tilt her chin as they were now facing each other. Their lips came in touch and Yuri deepened the kiss by pulling Jessica closer. Yuri laid Jessica on the mattress as she hovered again; she broke the kiss to remove the blanket that covered Jessica before continuing.

?Let me make it up to you? whispered Yuri, as she placed kisses on Jessica?s neck


Krystal got out of the elevator and made her way to her sister?s apartment. She was going to ask Jessica what really happened between her and Yuri yesterday. She hoped that Victoria?s plan worked.

As she reached the door, she saw Jaejoong waiting outside. She looked surprised as she approached him.


Jaejoong turned around with a bouquet of flowers and smiled when he saw Krystal.

?Krystal, thank God you?re here!?

?Why, what?s wrong??

?I?ve knocking on your sisters door since two hours ago and she wouldn?t open the door. I think she?s still angry at me about yesterday? sighed Jaejoong

She felt sorry for him, after all her knew nothing-about Jessica?s past. But then another thought struck her.

?Wait a second, you said she hasn?t answered the door for the past two hours?

?Yeah, she hasn?t?

Krystal fumbled through her purse and took out her phone and immediately dialed a number.

?Hello? said a groggy voice

?Victoria? whispered Krystal, urgently

?What is it little Jung?? said Victoria, tiredly

?Jessica isn?t home yet, and Jaejoong is here! Do you think Jessica is alright??

?Don?t worry about Jessica, just get rid of Jaejoong?

?My sister is somewhere and your not telling me not to worry. What happens if someone tried to kill her late last night after she left Yuri!?

She heard Victoria take a deep breath before she replied,

?Jessica has stayed the night with Yuri, so you don?t have to worry about her. Your main concern should be Jaejoong?

?What should I do about him?

?I don?t know find a way. I?m tired. Bye?


She heard the line cut and she growled in anger. She placed her phone back in her pocket and turned around and found Jaejoong looking at her worried.

?Is Jessica going to open the door for me? Will she allow me in??

Krystal sighed as she approached Jaejoong and placed a hand on his shoulder.

?Jessica is way over you, Jaejoong?


Chapter 21

Jessica stared at her phone as she realized the number of missed calls she got from Jaejoong. She sighed as she buttoned up her shirt and placed her phone back in her purse.

She saw Yuri leaning against the window watching her intently. She then stood up and approached her. Yuri placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head up. They gazed into each other?s eyes for a while before Yuri closed the gap between them and kissed her.

The kiss got intense once Yuri flicked her tongue in Jessica?s mouth. Then she felt Yuri push her against the wall as her hands made it?s way inside Jessica?s shirt.

As much as Jessica wanted to stop this, she couldn?t. She wanted Yuri to touch her, kiss her, and taste her. She wanted Yuri.

Suddenly her phone started to ring and a picture of Jaejoong popped in her mind. She gently pulled Yuri away, but that didn?t stop the tanned girl from using her lips. Yuri lowered her head to the side and began to kiss Jessica?s neck. Jessica moaned as she tried to push away Yuri, half-heartedly.

?Yuri..My phone?

?So? mumbled Yuri, between kissing

?It might be Jaejoong?

Jessica felt Yuri stop kissing, but still felt her breath against her neck.


She could hear the desperation and sadness in Yuri?s voice. She knew it would tear Yuri apart if she went back running to Jaejoong?s arms.

?Just let me end things?

Yuri pulled away and nodded as she let Jessica answer her phone. Jessica looked at the caller ID and realized it was her sister instead of Jaejoong and she picked up.


?Jessica! You have to come to your apartment Jaejoong is flipping mad!? whispered Krystal, in a rush

In the background she could hear Jaejoong curse words at her sister.

?What?s wrong?? asked Jessica, worried

?I told him you are dating Yuri, and you were just using him?


?Please just hurry?

Before Jessica could respond, Krystal shut the phone. Jessica immediately picked up her purse and coat.

?What?s wrong?? asked Yuri

?Krystal decided to tell Jaejoong that were together?

?Well aren?t we??

Jessica stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Yuri. She didn?t know what to answer, she had to face Jaejoong first.


?I?ll go with you? said Yuri, seriously

From the look in Yuri?s eyes she knew even though she disagreed with the idea, Yuri would still come along. Jessica nodded and they both made their way out of Yuri?s apartment.


Krystal smiled nervously at a raging Jaejoong who was demanding to see Jessica at the moment.

?She?s in her way, I just called her? replied Krystal

?This better not be a f*ucking joke!?

Krystal mentally slapped herself for actually exposing the truth. For a minute she wished she had the brains like Victoria and plan everything out. How stupid could she get?


Krystal turned around to the familiar voice and saw Yuri and Jessica approaching them. She sighed in relief once she thought she was on the safe side. Jaejoong gritted his teeth as he glared at Jessica and Yuri who now stood in front of them.

?Who is she?? said Jaejoong, harshly as he pointed at Yuri

?Jaejoong, calm down. Why don?t we enter the apartment and I?ll explain? said Jessica, calmly

?No! I want to know who she is! Is she the one you were cheating with!? shouted Jaejoong

Before Jessica could answer Yuri stepped in front of her.

?Yes I am?

Jessica wanted to prevent Yuri from saying anything else, but she was too late. Jaejoong already stepped forward and punched Yuri on the face. Yuri knocked her head against the wall before she fell down on the floor with a cut lip.

?Yuri!? gasped the Jung sisters

Jessica kneeled on the floor and held on to Yuri who was grunting in pain.

?All those time you wouldn?t let me touch you is because of that b*tch!? roared Jaejoong, in anger as he looked down on them

Jessica wasn?t even paying the slightest attention to him, she only cared about the injured Yuri in her arms.

?I hope she f*cks you well enough!? shouted Jaejoong

He then threw the bouquet of roses on the floor and walked away. Jessica and Krystal helped Yuri up as they entered Jessica?s apartment. They placed Yuri on the couch as Jessica ran to the kitchen to get the first aid kit. She then sat in front of Yuri and wiped away the blood with a cotton.

?I?m fine? said Yuri, as she saw the worried look in Jessica?s eyes

?He punched you. When did anyone punch you. No one ever punched you? said Jessica, with hesitation in her voice

?Well there is a first time for everything? chuckled Yuri

Still Jessica was worried as she cleaned up the blood. Yuri then grabbed her arm and pulled her closer until their lips came in contact. Jessica could taste the blood from Yuri?s lips in the kiss. Once the broke up, Yuri leaned her forehead against Jessica.

?I could taste your blood? said Jessica, breathlessly

?Is it sweet enough for you?? grinned Yuri

Krystal watched from afar and smiled as she took out her phone to message Victoria the results.

Chapter 22

Jessica woke up by the ray of light that shone through her curtain. She felt a hand wrapped around her waist and a warm figure next to her. She opened her eyes and saw Yuri fast asleep. She smiled slightly as she recalled last night?s events.

Jessica?s fingers slowly trailed up Yuri?s arm to her bare back, and finally resting it on her cheeks. She lightly caressed Yuri?s cheek, making sure she wont wake up the tanned girl. Her fingers traced over the cut lip and she leaned closer and placed a light kiss on it, hoping it would magically heal.

She then removed Yuri?s arms around her slowly and grabbed her phone. She then sent a message and crept out of the room, she didn?t want to wake up Yuri. She walked to the kitchen and brewed up a coffee, she waited until it was ready but before she could pour herself a cup she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

?You woke up early today? said Yuri, as she kissed Jessica?s neck

Jessica turned around and placed her arms around Yuri?s neck.

?Did I wake you up??

?How could I sleep without you by my side?

Jessica pulled her down for a kiss, and mumbled in between

?I?m sorry?

The kiss continued until the coffee machine started to beep. Jessica broke away and took out the coffee mug.

?What are you doing up anyways?? asked Yuri

?I need to meet someone?

Yuri stopped in her tracks and faced Jessica with serious eyes.

?Is it Jaejoong??

Jessica approached her and cupped her face.

?No, it?s a friend?

Yuri relaxed once Jessica placed a soft kiss on her lips. Yuri then hoisted Jessica up on the counter. She started to unbutton the overly large shirt Jessica was wearing.


Yuri didn?t pay the slightest attention as she started to nibble on Jessica?s neck.

?When do you have to meet your friend?? said Yuri, as she removed Jessica?s shirt

?In an hour? replied Jessica

?Enough time?

Yuri?s hand made its way to the last particle and removed it while she reconnected her lips with Jessica.


Victoria took a sip from her coffee as she sat down on the chair waiting. Jessica has sent her a message that they wanted to meet up, she wanted to reject at first but realized she should face her one more time before she left for good. After all she did have a feeling Krystal would blurt out soon enough.

The door of the empty caf? rang and a familiar figure entered and walked towards her.

?Excuse my lateness I was held up,? said Jessica, as she sat opposite of Victoria

Victoria smirked as she eyed Jessica carefully.

?Was Yuri part of your hold up??

Jessica took off her sunglasses and glared at Victoria. Victoria calmly took a sip from her coffee, not breaking the gaze with Jessica.

?So has Krystal told you?? assumed Victoria, breaking the eye contact

?She hasn?t told me anything?

Victoria raised her eyebrow as she looked at Jessica.

?Krystal has been acting strange lately, and I?ve realized that. I suspected she tried to bring Yuri and I back together, but I realized that she is not smart enough to come up with proper plan. I haven?t realized it until the end when Krystal blurted out to Jaejoong that I was cheating on him. It then occurred to me the strange calls I receive from Krystal updating me about Yuri and her whereabouts. Surely someone was behind it other than Krystal, and as I recall you reason to visit the country is to bring Yuri and I back together. Am I right?? said Jessica, coldly

Victoria couldn?t help but smile as she played with the rim of the coffee mug.

?Well my plan worked, didn?t it? I mean you and Yuri are back together?

?Are you expecting me to thank you??

Victoria looked up at Jessica, of course how could she have forgotten. Jessica is and will always be a cold person; except to Yuri.

?Then why are you here?? asked Victoria

?I just want you to understand even though you have brought Yuri and I together I will not lose her again to you or to anyone else?

?I think you?ve realized by now that Yuri loves you and only you; and besides I would be leaving soon. I won?t be coming back anymore. I have finished what I came her to do? said Victoria

?Then I should let you be,? said Jessica, as he stood up

As she was about to walk away, Victoria grabbed her wrist.

?Don?t tell Yuri anything about this? said Victoria

?I wont?

Victoria nodded,

?Take care of her?

?I will,? replied Jessica, as she left

She watched as Jessica walked out of the coffee shop and out of sight. She slumped back down on the chair and sighed. Deep down in her heart she wanted to take everything back, including Yuri. But she knew she did it for the best. Yuri was made for Jessica, and Jessica was for Yuri. They were a perfect match.

She had to accept the fact that her heart is broken and she needs to move; and so she will. She will leave this country and never return, China is her home at she will stay there until her heart has mended.

Reminder: Anyone has any questions or comments and need a fast and direct reply. Contact me here http://www.formspring.me/Jiliane


Final Chapter

Victoria got out of the taxi and grabbed her bag as she made her way inside the airport. She handed her passport to the man behind the desk and waited patiently as he checked through the computer. After a few minutes he handed back her passport including a ticket.

Victoria turned around and looked through the window one last time before she was about to leave.

?Goodbye? whispered Victoria, to herself

She walked up to the airhostess and handed her ticket, before she was about to enter the plane she heard a loud voice boom through the airport.



Victoria turned around and saw Krystal running through the crowd shouting her name.


Krystal stopped in front of Victoria looking flushed and breathless.

?How could you leave without telling me? breathed Krystal

Victoria raised an eyebrow in surprise as she stared at Krystal.

?So your sister told you??

?She also told me that there is a possibility that you might not be coming back?

?Well I made it clear that I only came back to fix things. Now I have nothing in this country?

As soon as she finished her sentence Krystal grabbed Victoria?s collar, pulled her closer, and smashed her lips on the Chinese girls. At first Victoria was shocked but she slowly started to respond to the kiss.

When oxygen became necessary they broke from the kiss and leaned their foreheads on one another. Victoria opened her eyes and saw Krystal gazing at her.

?I hope this is a reason as to why you can come back again?

They both backed away when they heard the flight attendance announce the last boarding call. Victoria didn?t reply to Krystal instead walked away and boarded the plane. She sat on her seat and touched her lips. A smile started to curve on her face.

?Little Jung?


It?s been exactly a week since Jessica last saw Yuri; Yuri said she was going to be busy for her exhibitions and she wanted to perfect it. Normally Yuri wouldn?t care less about her exhibitions on top of that she wouldn?t even attend at times, but this exhibitions was different. She has put all her attention and focus on it that Jessica was surprised herself.

She walked towards the gallery and saw a group of people line up at the door waiting for the gallery to open. Jessica was shocked by the number of people who were waiting. Of course Yuri is a painter, and a famous one indeed.

Was she going to wait in line also?


Jessica turned around to the voice and saw a familiar figure approach her.

?Hi, I?m Tiffany?

Jessica returned the handshake and realized who she was immediately.

?You must be the one that has stolen Yuri?s heart? smiled Tiffany

Jessica eyes her carefully and realized Tiffany meant no harm.

?I am sorry about your break up? replied Jessica

?No need to apologize, besides we were not meant to be?

Jessica returned Tiffany?s smile and saw a short girl standing next to Tiffany.

?I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Taeyeon?

She saw as Taeyeon protectively wrap her arms around Tiffany?s waist and glare at Jessica. She found it cute that those two were together.

?Are you two here for the exhibitions?? asked Jessica

?Yeah Yuri invited us. She said it was important for the world to see what she has to show? said Tiffany

Jessica nodded her head. Now she was really curious about Yuri.

?She named this exhibitions Addiction, do you know what the meaning is behind it all?? asked Tiffany

?I hope it?s not cigarettes? replied Jessica

The three of them burst out laughing. Before they could continue conversing the door of the gallery opened and the crowd rushed in. Jessica waited for a few minutes before she entered.

Once she entered her eyes laid on the first painting, which was a painting of her. She looked around and realized all the paintings were about her; in different shapes and sizes.

Jessica stood shocked in her place with her mouth gaped open in surprise.

?Do you like it??

She felt Yuri wrap her arms around her wait and whisper in her ear.


Yuri turned her around and faced her.

?I love you..I want the world to know that I love you, and only you?

Yuri closed the gap in between and kissed Jessica lightly on the lips.

?You?re my drug Jessica..I?m addicted to you. My addiction?

Jessica smiled as she pulled Yuri in for a heated kiss.

"I'm so addicted to all the things you do..

..When you're going down on me, in between the sheets..

..Or the sound you make with every breath you take..

..It's not like anything when you're loving me.."

The End

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