yunjae Callous Heart (Completed) _autumndreamer

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Hi Everyone! Autumndreamer is here again. Well, i know i didn't tell anyone about this story being post up, and if you are my old reader and you found this story! GOOD JOB! To any new reader, i hope you will enjoy your reading on this one. This story will start in a little confusing manner, but little by little the details will be revealed. I would have to say, i planned this story for over two monthes, and it is pretty well organized already. Hope everyone will have fun reading it. Thank you! I love you all very much!



I love him because he is my everything..

Sometimes he is happy, but sometimes he is sad..

Sometimes he is outgoing, but sometimes he is shy..

He can run around in the field.. can sing in front of a piano..

He can hang around me like an angel.. or just give me a light smile but keeping his distance with me..

He can play around in the sun.. or glow in the darkness..

Whatever it is.. I love him..

But sometimes.. I feel as if I am in love with two people..



"No! They can't be together!"

"What am I suppose to do about it?"

"How do you know they are going to be together for sure?"

"I saw it in my mirror. I am sure they are going to love each other. But this can't happen! Someone do something about it!"

"Fine, I will make them hate each other then. But remember, if they are fated to be together, then nothing can separate them."



Someone yelled as a boy turned around and widened his eyes, but it was too late. A car accelerating at full speed down the street, it came straight toward the boy.


A loud scream breaks out on the entire street and the boy falls down on the street with blood dripping down from his face..

Another little figure freezes at the spot and stared at what is happening in front of his eyes..


"Maybe you two don't believe it, but all the misfortune of your son is caused by him."

"So this is the only way?"

"Yes! This is the only way. You have to cut all relationships with him or else you will lose your son."

Silence filled the room, and a little boy stood by the door as tears rolled down from his face..


*Banging on the door*

"Umma! Appa! Please, let me out! I promise to be good! Please!" A boy kept on banging on the door and cried while begging to his parents, however, there was no response at all. He was left there to cry and using any part of his body to hit the door hoping to find a way out.

"Umma! Appa!" He kept on yelling but still no one came to the door.

The boy finally gat up after screaming for hours and hour, and slowly he turned around while sitting on the ground with tears rolling down from his face. He crawled slowly to the window and looked out from the only place that he can still connect to the outside world.

He looked out, but an image blocked his view from the window. From the reflection, the boy stared at his own face and his vision focused on those pair of eyes of his. Tears rolled out from those beautiful blue eyes, the boy whispered to himself: "If I didn't have those eyes, maybe I can be normal and happier too."

"Appa.. Umma.." He whispered and hugged onto himself tightly.


Chapter 1

My Angel

Yunho's pov..

I walked across the hallway but my eyes stopped on that beautiful boy talking with his friends in front of a classroom again. He is so beautiful.. I have never seen anyone as pretty as him in my life..

At first, I was so pissed at my parents who transferred me into a boy school, but ever since I took my first step into the school campus, I realized that this is when my fate with him began and this is why god wanted me to come to this school.

I can always spot him in the middle of the coward and I think it was fate that put me into the same class as him also. I noticed that he is very popular, even though this is an all boy school, but all the guys would surround him as if he is the only girl. But I can understand, because he is prettier than any girl that I have seen. His black, silky hair, big eyes always sparkling, pointy yet small nose, and those rosy and kissable lips.. gosh.. so tempting..

Even boys that are in different classes would come over to our classroom just to chat or take a look at him. On the first day, I already learned his name.. Kim Hero.. he is really my hero.. and I know from the moment I made my first eye-contact with him, I have already fallen for him and without him.. my life would be incomplete..

Flash back..

I stepped into my first class feeling totally miserable, seriously, why did my parents enroll me in this school? I guess they really want me to settle down and study, huh? But I was never a player, why are they doing this?

I searched for room 2139, and there it is in front of me. I looked around the hallway and found a lot of boys standing by the window peeking into the room.

"Oh look! He is smiling at me!" A boy said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah right! He is smiling at me!" Another boy argued and pushed the other boy.

What are they talking about? I walked over and took a look at the direction they were looking at. I only see a whole group of people surrounding something and couldn't see anyone smiling. Are they looking at a ghost?

I laughed inside my mind and pushed the door open, said: "Hey everyone! My name is Jung Yunho! I am new here, please take care of me!"

Then I looked around but no one seemed to notice what I just said, and the whole bunch of people were still surrounding over something. I was confused as I felt someone pulled my shelve a little, and I looked over as I saw a boy sitting on the chair..

"Hi! I am Jung Yunho! Did you need something?" I asked.

The boy smiled a little and said: "No one is going to listen to you buddy, don't you see everyone is busy over there? *pointing at the group of people*"

"What are they doing over there? Is someone selling something?" I asked and looked over.

The boy smiled again and stood up as he looked over with me: "You could say it that way. He is selling his beauty again.. ahhh.."

"What do you mean?" I got more confused.

The boy took his hand out and said: "I am Kim Junsu! Nice to meet you!"

I took the boy's hand as he smiled sweetly at me, and I said: "I am Jung Yunho!"

"I know, I heard you! Don't worry, the chaos would go away when the teacher comes. Then you can reintroduce yourself in front of the class." Junsu said and pointed at a seat next to him, "This seat is empty for now, you can take a seat here if you want to."

I nodded and sat down next to him but I turned my head over to the coward again and heard their laughter, but they were so loud and I couldn't make out anything that they were saying. More like, all the guys were talking at the same time..


The bell rings once, and everyone quiets down as people said: "The teacher is coming!"

I turned around again and watched all the people rushing back to their seats. The coward is getting smaller and smaller, and I was finally able to see what is going on in the middle. But I was surprised.. they weren't selling anything.. after everyone rushed back to their seats, I couldn't help but to stare with my jaw dropped open.. I rubbed my eyes a few times and couldn't believe that there is an angel living on earth..

I stared with widened eyes, and that angel slowly turned over to my direction. My heart pounded so fast when his eyes made a quick contact with mine and then looked away.. even though it was just one second, but I know.. I am in love with my beautiful angel..

Flash ended..

I sighed softly while settling down on my seat, and my eyes looked over at the same direction again, but I still couldn't see anything like what happens everyday. Junsu walked into the class at this time and sat down next to me.. he is the only one who doesn't like Hero.. part of me thinks he is jealous but I never asked him anything..

"Good morning! Junsu!" I greeted with a smile.

Junsu looked over and smiled back as he made a little yawn: "Gosh! My roommate was so loud last night while talking on the phone about "that person", and I couldn't get any sleep. I wonder if he never gets tired of talking about "that person."

I know Junsu is talking about Hero again, and I just chuckled: "you seem pissed."

Junsu: "If someone stays on the phone all night and talking next to your head all night, wouldn't you get pissed?"

I just smiled, actually, if that person talks about Hero all night I wouldn't mind. I know I am hopeless now, but I can't help it.

"Yunho.. Yunho.. Yunho!" Junsu screamed next to my ear.

"GAH!" I yelled, "What is it?"

Junsu rolls his eyes: "Can you even see anything? I really don't understand.. why does everyone like him? He is such a slut.."

"Slut?" I asked but I felt a little unhappy when Junsu used that disgraceful word on my angel.

"Yeah!" Junsu continued to state his opinion without knowing that I wasn't happy about it, "I heard he dates so many guys at the same time, and he only plays with their feelings but he doesn't take any of them serious."

"How can you say that about people when you don't even know him?" I sounded a little mad.

Junsu looked over and sighed: "You are being poisoned also. I really don't understand. But let me warn you, he has a boyfriend in this school, I would say.. forget about him.. he is already dating the hottest guy in this school!"

"The hottest guy? How come you never told me about that before?" I asked and got really jealous at the fact that my angel is dating with someone else. "Who is it?"

I wanted to know so bad, because I want to be able to compete with him so I can win his heart. I know I will win his love no matter what, because he is my angel.. my Hero..

"His name is Park Yoochun!" Junsu said and his voice suddenly became so warm and soft.

I looked over at Junsu and found his face flushing in red.. I think I know why Junsu hates Hero so much now.. I smiled at myself knowing that Junsu would be happy if Hero breaks up with that Park Yoochun, and I have planned to take my action today, well.. I at least I want him to notice me..


Physical fitness class is next, and I know I will definitely get him to notice me in this class, because I am the most confident at sports. I wanted to make sure everything is ready, so I stood up and said: "Junsu ah.. I am going to the bathroom first, I will meet you in the gym."

Junsu nodded: "I will save you a seat."

I patted his shoulder and walked over toward the bathroom. I could feel my heart pounding so fast because I am going to show him the best of myself just in a little bit. The teacher said today we will have a competition in basketball between two teams, and I would love to see him cheering for me while I score.

Thinking about this, a smile curved up from my face as he turned into the bathroom, but suddenly..


I bombed into something very light and when I looked over I saw a body falling backwards. I quickly grabbed onto the person's waist and held him up before he hits the floor.

Just then I looked down at the person I am holding, and I freezes at the spot. It's him.. my Hero.. my angel..

"H.. Hero.." I stuttered and stared at his still shocked face while laying in my arms.

Quickly, I saw him knitted his eye-browns and pushed himself out from my hold. I was a little upset when I lose his body in my hold, but I could still feel the left over warmth he gave me.

He didn't walk away, instead, he stood there and looked at me: "You are.. the new student right?"

I nodded my head: "I am Jung Yunho! Nice to meet you!"

Then I smiled sweetly at him, and I saw him smiled and shyly looked away from me. His smile was so innocent and shy, and from that moment, I know all those bad rumors about him were fake.. how can a so called slut look so innocent.. and those big brown eyes, they are as pure as water and I can see through them into his heart..

"Nice to meet you too.." He said softly and his voice sounded so sweet. I felt my heart skipped a beat to hear his voice finally flying into my ears. I smiled and said, "Let's go to class together.."

I took out my hand for him to hold, but he hesitated for a second, then I pulled my hand back and smiled awkwardly.. I know I am a little too fast, but I swear I saw his face flush in red when I talk to him, and I know he likes me already. This is the first time, I walked so close to him and I could look at him so close at him. He is indeed the most beautiful thing in the world.. just like a doll..



Poster and background credit goes to Chaena! Thank you Chaena! They are beautiful~ ^^

Chapter 2

Fated together

In the art department..

"Jaejoong, how is the statue going?" Mrs. Bong, the art teacher asked as she walked over to a boy concentrating on his piece.

The boy was wearing glasses and his hair was very messy. He doesn't wear good clothes, but just something comfortable and sample.. no one really notice him while he walks around the school, and he is always so concentrated on his art works. He never talked to anyone and on one saw him having fun with anyone else, most of the people don't even know his name.

The boy looked up a little as he heard the teacher, and he looked through the glasses but didn't look up at the teacher's face. Slowly, he nodded his head and answered with a voice that could be hardly heard by anyone, "It's good.."

Mrs. Bong nodded a little and looked at the statue that is almost done, she knows that Jaejoong is always good at arts, but she doesn't understand how come he never considered joining any art competition in school. He just builds or draws quietly in a corner all by himself, and he never cares for whatever grade he gets or how good he is.. it seems as if he is expressing his thoughts through his pieces of art..

Mrs. Bong looked at the statue in front of her, it was a mother holding a baby.. the baby is smiling and looking up at his mother.. the mother has such beautiful and tender eyes, and she seemed to be holding and also protecting the baby from harm.

Jaejoong was fixing the dress of the mother, and Mrs. Bong sighed out at Jaejoong's back as she walked away.. she really doesn't know how to help this boy in front of her, and she knows that he must went through something horrible.. very horrible..

Jaejoong looked up at the mother's face and stopped his hand. Tears rolled around in his eyes, he takes off his glasses and wipes his tears away then quickly puts his glasses back on.


The bell rings and Jaejoong looks up at the clock. The class has ended, and it is time for lunch. Jaejoong puts the statue back on the shelf, and Mrs. Bong walked over: "It is almost done, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong nodded and carefully pulled the white sheet over the statue, then Mrs. Bong handed Jaejoong a piece of paper: "Take a look at this Jaejoong, and I really hope you would participant this time. You are such a genius artist and I think you should let everyone see your art work."

Jaejoong took the paper and nodded: "I will think about it.."

Then he walked out from the classroom after bowing to the teacher. It is lunch time already, Jaejoong watched all the students rushed toward the different cafeterias or restaurants around the campus, but he just signed to himself while walking back toward his dorm. There aren't many people living in the school dorms anymore, and most people would rent an apartment near the campus or live in their own house. In Jaejoong's dorm building, his floor only had five people and none of them ever comes back. Jaejoong has a single, because he wants privacy and the quietness of the dorm area actually makes Jaejoong feel calm and peaceful.

Jaejoong walked out from the elevator to his floor, and before he could step into the room he noticed someone leaning on his door from the outside.

Jaejoong looks up and then looks away..

"You are back.." A voice said and stood in front of him.

"Why are you here this time?" Jaejoong asked at the same time opening the door.

The person smiled a little: "Why can't I come?"

Jaejoong walked in and the guy followed, then he sat down on Jaejoong's bed: "Your room is still so neat huh? I guess you have nothing to do but clean your room all day."

"What do you want?" Jaejoong asked impatiently.

The guy nodded and stood up: "Listen! I have a new target!"

Jaejoong looked away and said: "Why are you telling this to me?"

"Because I need your help!" The guy said and walked over to Jaejoong who was sitting on the chair.

"Help? How can I help you?" Jaejoong asked confusedly. "You always get whoever you target, don't you? Why do you need my help? People hardly even know me. I don't want to have anything to do with anyone either."

The guy smiled and walked over to Jaejoong: "Don't worry, you can help me big times this time. You just have to do everything I ask you to do, and I promise I won't do anything to hurt you.. especially at home.."

Jaejoong knitted his eye-browns together and stared into space when he heard the word "home", slowly, tears rolled down from his cheek.. the guy looked at Jaejoong's face and slowly lifted his face up..

"You still miss them?" The guy asked.

Jaejoong looked away and said: "Leave me alone please!"

The guy nodded: "Alright, I have a date anyways, I will come back for you later when I got my plan figured out, okay?"

Then the guy walked out from the dorm, Jaejoong walked over to his bed and lays down as he took off his glasses. The pair of blue eyes shined under the dim light coming from the little window in the room.


Hero's pov..

"Hero ah!"

I heard a voice called me when I was walking toward the lunchroom, and I turned around found Yunho smiling at me and catching up to me. I stopped walking and smiled back at him.

"You going to lunch?" Yunho asked.

I nodded: "Yeah! Yunho shi.. you were so good at basketball.. I was really impressed. I have watched many guys playing basketball before but none of them can match up to your level."

He smiled and scratched his head: "Oh.. I was on the basketball team in my previous school."

"So, why did you transfer here?" I asked.

"My parents made me." Yunho said, "They wanted me to study hard."

I laughed a little: "You must be popular with girls then, since, they transfer you into a boy school."

I watched Yunho smiled shyly: "No.. I wasn't.. I.."

"So, you don't like it here huh?" I asked him.

"No!" He answered me immediately and stared at me, "I love it here! Well.. I might have hated it before but right now.. I love it.."

I smiled at him sweetly and found him staring at me dreamingly.. he looks very handsome for a guy and I have to say, when he stepped into the class on the first day, I have noticed him. I was very happy when he finally talked to me today.

"Hero!" A deep voice called and both of us turned over.

It was Yoochun. I smiled at Yoochun: "Oh.. Chunnie ah.. you are out of class."

Yoochun walked over and held me by my waist then pecked me on my cheek, as he turned over to look at Yunho: "Who is he?"

I smiled: "This is Yunho shi.. he just transferred into this school.. Yunho shi, this is Yoochun!"

Yoochun took out his hand and said: "Hi! I am Park Yoochun, Hero's boyfriend.. nice to meet you.."

I looked over at Yunho found him looking away instead of taking Yoochun's hand. Yunho then turned to me and said: "I still have something to do, I will see you later.. Hero ah.."

Then I watched him hurried away. Yoochun: "What's up with him?"

I shrugged and didn't say anything, to say the truth, I don't like Yoochun. Well, it's not like I hate him, but I don't feel anything with him. He is very romantic and good looking, but sometimes he can be so clinging. Just like now, he just had to hug me and kiss me in front of everyone to let them know that I am his property.

"Let's go to lunch." I said to Yoochun and still holding onto my waist, we walked toward the lunchroom.

Once again, all the guys backed away when they saw me. I just smiled gently and went to the front of the line to order with Yoochun beside me. It is not because of my beauty, mostly, the guys backed off were because they were a little scared of Yoochun. Yoochun is rich and he is the son of the principle in this school, so everyone is scared of him somewhat in this school. He would also go crazy when he finds other guys flirting with me.

Sitting down next to Yoochun, I watched Yunho walking into the lunchroom with the kid named Junsu beside him. They seemed very close lately, and they would always go to places together.

I have to admit, Junsu is a very cute looking guy and I have noticed guys staring at him in this school. I somehow felt a little uncomfortable with Yunho being so close with Junsu. I pouted and looked away..

"What's wrong?" Yoochun asked me.

"Nothing.." I answered and digs into my food.

End of pov..

Junsu: "See! They are eating together over here!"

Yunho looked over and sighed: "I have already met him."

"I told you to give it up." Junsu said and takes a bit onto his sandwich.

Yunho: "I am not going to give up! I can tell he is interested in me also when he talked with me. I am going to take my chance."

"Why would you do that? Yoochun will get mad, and he can kick you out from this school." Junsu said.

"Who cares, my parents won't let the principle do that!" Yunho said.

Junsu looked over: "Are you.. really rich?"

Yunho: "Well.. I wouldn't say really rich, but I got into this school because they donated a lot of money here."

Junsu nodded with amazed face: "fine! Do whatever you want then. Yoochun actually isn't that scary either."

Yunho looked over at Hero and Yoochun, pov- Watch me after school today.. Kim Hero, I will make you mine in no time! I am sure we are fated to be together.



Chapter 3

A little fight

After classes..

Jaejoong picked up all his things and walked back to his dorm by himself, and the campus is already very empty, but he likes it better this way because he doesn't want to talk to anyone.

He enjoys his life by himself already, and there is only one hope in his heart right now. Although, sometimes he does get on the internet but there are only a few people on his contact list.. all of them stopped talking to him a long time ago.. the only people who still talks to him are the ones who don't know him..

Jaejoong sat down in front of his desk as he opened up his lap-top, and a new friend invite popped up. Jaejoong looked at it for a well, slowly he moved the mouse toward the accept bottom and he doesn't know out of what strength he added the person.

*U-know appears online*

Jaejoong stared at the computer for a while and doesn't know why did a random person added him out of nowhere? What does he or she want?

U-know: Hello!

Blue: Hi

U-know: I am sorry for adding you without any permission, but I found your name from a list and I think it is interesting.

Blue: Oh.. Ok..

U-know: I don't normally add strangers but I have a feeling we can become friends. Let's keep on contact and we can tell each other their troubles on here.

Jaejoong smiled a little, and pov- Maybe this is a good idea, since he doesn't know me then maybe I can let out some of my troubles once I get to know him.. plus.. he doesn't seem very bad so far..

Blue: Sure.

U-know: Then can I ask you a question?

Blue: What is it?

U-know: Why is your name blue?

Blue: Because that's the only color in my world.

U-know: *thinking pose* oh, your favorite color is blue?

Blue: No, I hate blue.

U-know: You are making me confused now. Maybe you can tell me next time. I have to go. Bye!

Blue: Bye!

*U-know appears off line*

Jaejoong leans back on the chair and sighed out hard as he stared at the ceiling and slowly taking off his glasses exposing those beautiful blue-eyes only to the air..


Yunho's house..

Yunho closed the chatting window and smiled as he wondered how come his new pen-pal sounded so mysterious. But then his mind shifted to Hero again, Yunho thought about Hero's beauty but suddenly an image of Yoochun popped out in his head.

"Aish!" Yunho slammed his hand hard on the table as he said, "Why that guy has to date him? And what is up with that Yoochun guy's face! Aish.. and he looks like he can control the whole world when he is hugging onto Hero like that. I WANT TO KILL HIM!"

Knock.. Knock..

"Master! Are you okay?" A maid called from outside.

Yunho coughed a few times and calmed himself down: "I am fine.. I am fine.."

The maid then walked away. Yunho sat down on the bed and sighed, pov- I need to get my mind off from Hero for a second.. hum.. maybe I should call Junsu and see if he wants to hang out.

Ring.. Ring..

"Hello? Junsu is speaking!" Junsu said on the other line.

"I know you are speaking! Hey, want to hang out?" Yunho asked.

"Hang out? Where?" Junsu asked.

Yunho: "Want to go clubbing?"

"What? I am too innocent for that!" Junsu answered.

Yunho rolled his eyes: "I will pick you up in 30 minutes! Get ready!"

"Hey! I didn't say I will.."

Yunho cuts the line off as he walked into his big closet to get dressed..

Arriving at the club..

Junsu grabbed onto the belt: "I am not going in there!"

"What is wrong Junsu! Come on!" Yunho dragging drags Junsu's arm.

Junsu still holding onto his seat belt: "No! I can't believe you dragged me out from my house and stuffed me into the car! I am not going to let you drag me into the club!"

Yunho sighed hard as he walked out from the car and walked over to Junsu's side. Yunho pulled onto the door but Junsu was trying to close it from the inside. Yunho: "Aish! Junsu! Let go.. you are going to break my.. car door!"

Junsu: "I am not going in there!"

Yunho grabbed onto the door harder and suddenly jerked the door open, and Junsu: "GAH!"

Junsu falls on the ground hard..

Yunho patted and held up a handle in his hand: "Omg! I broke my handle!"

"Yunho?" A sweet voice called from the back.

Yunho turned around and found Hero standing behind him. Yunho quickly hides the handle that was in his hand and waved at Hero, but then he noticed Yoochun walking over as he put his arm around Hero's shoulder.

Yunho frowned and then looked away..

"Is that your car?" Hero asked with a smile.

Yunho nodded quickly and then stepped away, but then Junsu showed up in everyone's sight while lying on the floor rubbing his arm.

"JUNG YUNHO!" Junsu yelled and pointed up at Yunho.

"Hey.. isn't that Junsu shi?" Yoochun asked, "Are you two on a date?"

Yunho: "WHAT? NO!"

Hero looked at Junsu and slowly walked over and took out his hand. Junsu looked at Hero's hand, then Hero said: "Let me help you get up!"

Junsu took Hero's hand and Hero helped Junsu to get the dust off from his clothes, "You are clean now."

Yunho pov- Oh my god! He is such a sweet heart.. how can anyone call him any mean names? Gosh! I think I am more in love with him now.

Yoochun grabbed onto Hero's hand and pulled him back: "Come on! Let's go!"

Hero then was being pulled away by Yoochun but he kept on looking back at Yunho, and Yunho stomped his food: "Who does he think he is?"

"I KNOW!" Junsu yelled, "Who does he think he is? How can he act all fake in front of people?"

"Yah!" Yunho yelled and turned over to Junsu, "How can you say that? He is not acting.. I can tell he was being his true self.."

"THAT IS A LIE!" Junsu yelled, "I know him better okay? You just transferred into this school, what do you know about Hero? He may seem like an angel sometimes, but he is actually a devil. He will trick you with his looks.. trust me.. he is a slut!"

"STOP THAT!" Yunho yelled, "Don't call him that in front of me again please! I believe he is not.. and I love him.."

"Oh! Does he even love you? Look at him! He is dating with Yoochun!" Junsu asked.

Yunho sighed and gulped his words back, because he understands Junsu's situation, since he is Hero's enemy because of Yoochun. It is the same thing, because he is Yoochun's enemy for Hero.

"Come on! Let's go in!" Yunho said and dragged Junsu into the club.

Yoochun handed Hero a drink and sighed: "What are you thinking?"

Hero: "Nothing!"

Yoochun: "You can't lie to me. He is your next target huh?"

Hero looked over and glared at Yoochun: "I should have never agreed to go out with you!"

Yoochun smiled coldly: "Oh, you regret it now? It is not like you are only going out with me anyways!"

"What are you talking about?" Hero snapped and looked over at Yoochun.

Yoochun grabbed onto Hero's waist and pulled him close: "Don't lie to me! I saw you with him the other day."

Hero tried to pull himself out fro Yoochun's hold: "You re hurting me.. Chunnie, what are you talking about? Who are you talking about?"

"CHOI SIWON!" Yoochun yelled and made everyone around him stare at them.

Hero widened his eyes and stared at Yoochun..

"What? You are speechless now? I told you.. you cannot hide anything from me.." Yoochun smirked.

Hero looked back at his drink and took a sip from it, but suddenly Yoochun grabbed onto Hero's chin and pulled him to face him back.

"What are you doing? Yoochun! You are hurting my face!" Hero whined and grabbed onto Yoochun's arm trying to pull him away.

Yoochun: "How can a guy with an innocent look like you be so evil in your heart? I can't believe what everyone said about you were all true. Kim Hero! How can you play with people's heart like this?"

"Chunnie.. I am not.." Hero whined and tried to get away, but suddenly a strong hand pulled Yoochun's arm away from Hero's face.

Hero turned over and widened his eyes as he gasped: "Yunho?"

Yunho gave a death glare at Yoochun as he grabbed onto Hero's arm: "If you can't treat him right at least don't hurt him! You worst piece of crap!"

Yoochun stood up and glared at Yunho: "What did you say?"


Chapter 4

Falling inlove already

Yunho stepped in front of Yoochun and yelled: "I am saying you are the worst man alive!"

"Yunho!" Junsu pulled onto Yunho when he saw Yoochun's mad face about to explode.

Everyone around them gathered around and stared at all four of them whispering things to each other.

Yunho ignored the surrounding and said: "I can't believe Hero would even agree to go out with you."

Hero widened his eyes and Yunho suddenly pulled onto Hero and dragged him out from the club. Junsu widened his eyes and stared about them leaving. Junsu turned over to Yoochun: "Aren't you going to go after them?"

Yoochun takes a sip from his cup and shakes his head..

"Why? He is your boyfriend right? How can you let them go away like this?" Junsu asked and pulled onto Yoochun's arm.

Yoochun smiled at the cup: "I brought Hero out for a break up anyways!"

"Break up?" Junsu asked.

Yoochun looked over at Junsu: "He doesn't love me then what's the point of being together? But if I were you, I would warn your friend there. He is not going to get any luckier than I am. Finding the person that you love so much cheat on you is such a horrible feeling. If he doesn't want to get hurt, then maybe he should stay away from Hero."

Junsu looks away and sighed, "It is not like he would listen to me."

"Aren't you guys dating?" Yoochun asked.

"NO!" Junsu looked up, "Of course not!"

Yoochun nodded and smiled a little as he handed Junsu a drink: "Want to join me? I am very lonely right now.. but I usually don't invite strangers."

Junsu blushed a little as he carefully took a seat and wrapped his hand around the cup..

Yunho dragged Hero out from the club and headed to nowhere till he reached back to where he parked his car and stopped..

Hero looked over at Yunho and then down at their connected hands as he blushed away, Yunho quickly pulled his hand back and said: "I am sorry.."

"No.. it's okay.." Hero said and looked away.

Yunho: "Look.. I didn't mean to pull you away from your boyfriend like this, but what he said and did was so rude to a person like you. I really couldn't just sit there and watch anymore."

Hero looked up with a sad smile: "Thank you.. but he is not my boyfriend anymore.."

"What? Why? Did you guys fight over something?" Yunho asked with full concerns, "You can tell me anything. I know we don't really know each other yet, but I am a very good listener. If you trust me enough, then you can tell me anything."

Hero looked up at Yunho with tears rolling around in his eyes, then slowly he wrapped his arms around Yunho's waist and hugged him softly.

Yunho freezes at the same spot and widens his eyes in disbelief. He didn't know how to react to anything but he only knows a warm body is hugging onto his body.

Slowly, Hero moved away and looked up at Yunho's still shocking face and giggled a little: "I am sorry.."

Yunho suddenly looked back at Hero as if his soul has just returned back to his body, "What? What?"

Hero chuckled: "What's wrong?"

"No.. nothing.." Yunho could feel his face glowing in red, and he turned away to hide his blushing cheeks.

Hero looked over at Yunho and asked: "Are you mad at me for hugging you? Why are you turning away from me?"

Yunho quickly turned over: "No! no! I am not mad."

Hero smiled sweetly: "That's good! Yunho ah.. if I am feeling a lot better now, if I need someone to talk to again, can I always talk to you?"

Yunho nodded frantically: "Of course! Here is my number call me anytime."

Hero looked at the paper and smiled: "I will defiantly call you, Yunnie!"

"Yunnie?" Yunho asked and felt his heart being so fast as if he just gotten an electricity shock.

Hero looks away: "Can I.. call you that?"

Yunho: "Of course! I love it! Look, it is getting late already. A person like you shouldn't stay out so late. Let me take you home."

Hero: "Oh, Yunnie, you are so thoughtful."

Yunho scratches the back of his head, pov- This is great. I didn't know I had stepped so much closer to Hero tonight. This is just what I thought, we are fated to be together. Now I finally get to spend my time alone with him.

Yunho helped Hero to get into the car and they chatted happily with each other till Hero reached back to his house..

Yunho pulled the car into the gate of Hero's house, then he looked around and said: "Your house is very nice, Hero."

Hero smiled: "Thank you! You have a very nice car also."

"Erm.. Hero ah.. can we always talk like this from now on?" Yunho asked and blushed a little, "I have never felt so happy chatting with anyone but you, and I feel so special when I am around you."

Hero smiled: "Of course! We can always be like this. I have to thank you very much to cheer me up."

Hero then opened the car door but before he stepped out from the car, he looked back at Yunho with his beautiful eyes. Suddenly, Hero leaned over and pecked Yunho on the cheek softly. Yunho freezes at the spot, then Hero smiled and stepped out from the car as he waved good-bye..

Yunho leaned his head back on the seat hard while touching the place where Hero just kissed him, pov- Is this all a dream? I feel like fainting right now.

Hero walked back into the house and smiled to himself. He walked passed the living room, and Mrs. Kim said: "Hero ah.. you came home!"

"Nae.. Umma.. it is getting late, I think I am going to sleep right now." Hero answered.

Mrs. Kim nodded: "Sleep well."

Hero nodded but before he walked toward the stairs he found his Umma holding the same frame again. Hero frowned and turned away as he stomped his feet while walking up the stairs madly.

Ring.. Ring..

Hero looked down at his phone and took it out from his pocket, "Hello?"

A guy's voice: "I miss you baby!"

"Oh.. Siwon ah.. I miss you too!" Hero said sweetly while undoing his shirt.

"How come you didn't come out with me tonight? I stayed home doing nothing. It is so boring without you." Siwon said.

Hero smiled: "You are such a baby. Okay, I will go out with you tomorrow okay?"

Siwon: "Oh really? Then I will pick you up at your school!"

"No.." Hero replied, "Remember, pick me up at my house. I don't want people in school to have more stupid rumors about me."

Siwon pouted: "Fine then! I will see you tomorrow."

Hero smiled: "I love you Siwonnie! Good night!"

Then Hero hanged up the phone and frowned immediately. He sighed and walked into the bathroom to take a long shower.


Jaejoong lied on the little dorm bed, and he flipped front and back but couldn't fall asleep at all.

He sighed and got out from the bed as he flipped his lap top open, suddenly his messenger made a sound as someone else signed in. Jaejoong looked down at the bottom right corner and it said 1 a.m. already, who would have signed in at this time?

Jaejoong opened up the messenger and found "U-Know" shown as the only one online..

Jaejoong moved his mouth to that name and he didn't even know why but he opened the chat open. Slowly, Jaejoong typed a "Hi" and paused before he could send it out.

U-Know: Hi! Not sleeping yet?

Jaejoong gasped a little while he saw "U-know" talked to him first..

Blue: Oh hi.. I couldn't fall asleep..

U-Know: Really? Me too! What is troubling you?

Blue: I don't know, I just get these times sometimes. What about you?

U-Know: Actually, I have just spent the best night of my life. I think I am in love, and I am going to confess to him soon.

Blue: Oh really? I love someone?

U-Know: Yeah! He is the most beautiful man in the world.

Blue: Oh, really? Are you going to confess to him soon?

U-Know: I think I will. Maybe I will confess tomorrow, because I think he likes me too. His smile would melt me away, when I close my eyes right now, I think I can see his face.

Blue: I am glad you are so happy.

U-Know: What about you? Do you like anyone?

Blue: No.. I don't think so..

U-Know: Aww.. I am sure you will find the person soon. Hey, if we are friends already, maybe I should introduce myself first. My actual name is Jung Yunho, and I go to SM all boy college.

Jaejoong widened his eyes and stared at the screen pov- He goes to the same school as me? Maybe I shouldn't tell him who I really am then.. I don't want to bring any trouble to myself..

U-Know: Hello? What about you?

Blue: Just call me Blue.. that is my name.. it is getting late, I am going to sleep now. I will chat with you later.

*Blue signs off*

Yunho stared at the screen, pov- He is so mysterious, well.. maybe it is a she? No, it can't be! From the way he talks, it is definitely a he.. maybe he will open up to me more later..

Yunho shrugged and turned off the computer as he went over to his bed and lied down to think about his plan for tomorrow..


Chapter 5

A plan.. a threat

Yunho's pov..

I took a deep breath as I looked into the mirror to take a last check on my look. Hair.. check.. teeth.. check.. clothes.. check.. okay, everything is ready.

Today is going to be a big day, and I need to make sure everything is prefect. I am going to officially propose to my angel today. I took one last breath and then walked out from the bathroom. I could feel my heart bumping so fast right now.

"Good morning! Master!" The maid greeted.

I nodded my head to sit down and had some breakfast, then I looked up and asked: "Are my flowers ready?"

The maid held up a banquet and said: "The flower shop had delivered these over this morning, master!"

I stood up and took the banquet of roses then said: "I am off to school now."

I jumped into my car and placed the roses on the passenger seat, and then speed off to school. I can't wait to see my angel, and tell him that I am in love with him then watch him smiling shyly yet sweetly at me.

I blushed as the thought came into my mind, and this is my first time falling in love with a man, but I feel so happy and sweet in my heart.

End of pov..

Yunho walked out from his car and then watched Junsu walking toward the lecture building.

"Junsu!" Yunho called and Junsu looked over.

"Yunho!" Junsu said, "Where did you go last night? Did you know you left me in the club?"

"I am so sorry Junsu!" Yunho apologized, "I didn't mean to leave you there by yourself, so how did you get home last night?"

Junsu suddenly smiled with a blush: "Oh.. I.. I.."

"Junsu.." A voice called from the back and both Junsu and Yunho turned around.

Yunho widened his eyes as he saw Yoochun walking over, Junsu waved at Yoochun with a smile on.

"Did you have hang over this morning?" Yoochun asked thoughtful and held onto Junsu's waist softly.

Junsu shakes his head with a smile on his face. Yunho looked at them confusedly, and then Yoochun looked over at Yunho then down at the roses he is holding.

"Are those for Hero?" Yoochun asked.

Yunho gasped for a moment there, and then he looked away and didn't want to reply anything back to Yoochun. Yoochun smiled a little and said: "you don't have to worry about me. I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore."

Yunho looked over and Yoochun gave Yunho a light smile, but then he patted on Yunho's shoulder: "I do want to warn you.. if you really do love Hero, I would say.. be careful.. don't fall too deep, but if you just want to play, then go ahead. He is good at that."

Yunho watched Yoochun confusedly as Yoochun looked back at Junsu and walked into the lecture building with him..

Yunho pov- He is probably just jealous.. why does everyone say bad things about Hero? He is such an angel..

Just as Yunho was thinking, Hero walked out from his car and saw Yunho standing there staring at nothing.

Hero walked over and called: "Yunnie, what are you looking at?"

Yunho turned over and found Hero staring at him, he then swallows hard and felt his heart being in a very fast speed, "Erm.. nothing.. Hero ah.. I want to tell you something."

Hero stared at Yunho with his big and round eyes: "What is it?"

Yunho paused for a second then took out the roses from his back as he handed them to Hero: "This is for you."

Hero gasps and looks over at the roses, "Yunnie.. they are beautiful.."

"I love you Hero!" Yunho said while holding onto a beautiful guy's hand and looking into the guy's eyes deeply, "Would you go out with me?"

The beautiful boy blinked a few times and took over the roses then stared at Yunho's face, slowly, he smiled sweetly: "Yunho ah.. this is so unexpected, but.. of course, I love you too!"

Yunho smiled and pushed the smaller man into his embrace: "I am so happy Hero ah.. I will take care of you forever.."

The smaller man smiled sweetly and hugged Yunho back..

Yunho whispers in Hero's ear: "Let's go out tonight then, I will take you out for a romantic dinner."

Hero suddenly got a little nervous and asked: "To.. tonight? So fast.."

Yunho looked over at Hero: "What are you busy?"

"No.. no.. it's fine.. tonight is fine.." Hero said and looked away a little.

Yunho kisses Hero on the cheek and said: "I will wait for you in front of school then!"

Hero nodded and said: "Let's go to class together then."


Jae walked into the music room and it is his free practice period now. This is his second favorite place other than the art room, because this is the place where he can pursue his thoughts through the music notes.

Jae carefully took out an old music sheet out from his beg, and he carefully placed them on the music stand. The music sheets were placed into those plastic covers, so it wouldn't get ripped in any ways.

Jae looked down at the piano key boards as he placed his hand on there with his eye closed. Actually, he didn't need those sheets at all, because he had been playing this song for years and years.. and this is the only song that he can play so beautifully without any mistakes..

The music notes echoed in the whole room, and it was so beautiful even people who were walking outside would stop for a few seconds to listen to this beautiful melody.

Jae opened his eyes a little with tears rolling around in his eyes, and tears dripped down from his face onto the key boards and his hands. He would cry whenever he plays this song, because he could remember those sweet memories he once had.

Finally, Jae stopped on the last note and took his hand off from the piano as he got back from his fantasy world back into the reality. He lets out a soft sigh.

"You still cry when you play this song?" A voice asked in the corner of the practice room.

Jae turned around and saw the same person sitting there with his arms folded: "Why are you here? You are supposed to be in class."

"I can't get out to use the bathroom?" The guy asked.

"What do you want.. Hero.." Jae asked and looked away.

Hero smiled and walked over, but suddenly he took the sheets off from the piano..

Jae immediately jumped up: "Give them back to me!"

"Sure! I can gave them back to you, but you need to do me a favor." Hero said.

"What do you want from me?" Jae asked.

Hero: "Remember what I said last time? I want you to help me. You know how I am, I always date more than one guy at the same time, and that is how I lost Yoochun. He is too smart and he figured it out that I am seeing other people. Because, I can't go on to a date with two guys on the same day, and if I go with one then the other one will get suspicious"

"What does it have to do with me?" Jae asked angrily.

Hero: "So in order to not let them figure out, I would need to go out with both of them at the same time. Which means.. the other me is going to be you.."

"WHAT?" Jae gasped, "Hero! How can you even think of this? They are your boyfriends not mine!"

Hero took the music sheets out from the cover: "Oh really? Then maybe I will rip these music sheets apart!"

"No! Please.. that is the last thing Umma left for me.." Jae begged with tears coming out from his eyes, "Give them back to me! Please.. Hero ah.."

Hero smirked: "Then.. what do you say?"

Jae looked away: "But.."

Hero: "You know I can always make Umma and Appa cut your allowance. I don't even know why they still support you when you are obviously not a member in our family anymore."

Jae looked away and bits onto his lips, then Hero whispers: "And I can also add some more details to them. Don't you hope that you can see them someday, maybe I can make you not to see them ever again."

Jae widened his eyes and looked over at Hero, then he looked down: "Okay.. I agree.. but, I am so different from you. How can I be you? Why do you want me to be you?"

"That.. you don't have to worry about, just listen to what I said and don't talk too much." Hero said.

Jae nodded and hanged his head low.

Hero smiled and patted Jae on the shoulder: "That's my brother. Come on, let's go get you ready for tonight. Remember, the person you are going to date is called Jung Yunho!"

Hero walked over to the door, but Jae suddenly looked up pov- Jung.. Yunho? It's him? He is Hero's new target and the person he told me about last night was.. Hero?

Jae gasped and couldn't believe such a coincidence is happening..

Chapter 6

The first date

Flash back..

"Hero ah! You can't catch me!" Jae who was eight years old yelled at his brother who is trying to catch him from the back.

"Jaejoong ah.. don't run too fast.." Hero who is a couple hours younger than Jae yelled while trying to catch Jae.

Jae and Hero are twins, and they have been hanging out together almost everyday. They look exactly the same, and their parents would dress them alike also. The only way to tell the differences between them was that Jae had blue eyes, yet Hero had brown eyes.

Everyone, including their parents loved to look at Jae's eyes, and they all precious those beautiful blue eyes as a gift from heaven.

Jae and Hero were running around in front of their house and playing like usual, but suddenly..

Beep.. Beep..

Jae widened his eyes and turned around and saw a car coming toward Hero: "HERO AH! RUN!"

Hero heard the loud yelling and was shocked but before he could realize anything..



That was the only sound echoed in Jae's ears..

Flash ended..

Jae's pov..

Hero dragged me back to my dorm and I watched him walking back and forth to make me look more like him, but my mind kept on wondering about the guy that named Yunho. I haven't been so close to Hero for a long time, and I feel like my mind is going to explode right now. I can't believe I am going to help him to cheat on a guy now, but I need my music sheets back.

"Remove your glasses!" Hero said and woke me up from my thoughts.

I looked up at him: "No, I can't.."

Hero rolled his eyes: "I don't ever wear glasses, how are you going to pretend that you are me when you have those ugly glasses on. Take them off!"

"Why do you even want me to do this? If you don't like the guy then why don't you reject him?" I asked.

Hero: "Reject him? You didn't see what car he was driving. He is rich.. maybe richer than Yoochun, that's why I dumped Yoochun, and I can't say I don't like him.. I just don't know him yet, but he is pretty hot."

I looked away and sighed hard. I don't blame Hero though, because he always loved attention and he won't reject anyone who loves him.

"Listen! If you don't agree to do this, then I won't force you." Hero said, but then he held up my music sheets, "But, I guess you won't get this back again. I know how important this is to you."

I jumped up and stiffed, then I bit onto my lips and said: "Ok.. okay.. I will do it. Give it back to me now!"

I reached for the music sheets but Hero took them away, and then smirked at me: "I will give these back to you after you go on to that date for me."

"Why? I said I will do it!" I said and tried to reach it, but Hero pulled it farther away from me.

Hero grabbed onto my hand and said: "Don't worry, I will give these back to you. For now, I will keep it safe for you just in case you don't listen to what I said. Now, listen you have to act just like me, but good thing Yunho doesn't really know me yet, so just smile sweetly and try not to talk too much."

Hero then walked over to his bag and throws a box at me: "Here! Take this!"

I asked: "What is this?"

Hero handed me a box, and then said: "I bought these contact-lens for you. They are black, just put these on and then your eyes will be brownish black just like mine."

I took the box and looked up at Hero, but he glared at me and then said: "Don't look at me like that! Remember what Umma and Appa said?"

I looked away and bitted my lips while I hide my tears while hearing Umma and Appa. I miss them so much but I haven't seen them for such a long time. Yes, Hero is my twin brother that I can't really admit to anyone, and he wouldn't admit it either, because our family isn't like other's families. Ever since that horrible accident, our family had changed completely, and I was no longer treated as a member in the family. Appa and Umma forbidden me from seeing Hero, and Hero has became more and more aggressive toward me every time he sees me.

I sighed softly and said with a low voice: "I am sorry."

Hero then grabbed some clothes out from his bag and throws them to me: "Put these on tonight and remember to give them back to me later."

I looked down at those stylish clothes and wondered how I would look like in those. Then I heard Hero's phone started to ring and he answered it: "Hello baby! Siwon.. I said pick me up at my house.. I am still in school right now. I want to get ready for our date, okay? Okay then, I will see you later."

Hero hanged up and I felt so sick listening to his pretending to be sweet voice. Hero turned to me and grabbed his bag: "Listen! I have to go now. Don't forget those contact-lens, and put some accessories on with those clothes tonight. You are going to meet him in front of the school gate. Just don't talk too much, and you better behave yourself too, otherwise those music sheets will be gone forever."

Hero walked over to the door and opened it, but before he left he turned back: "Listen! Yunho is after all my boyfriend, you better not do anything to him."

Hero then slapped the door shut and made me jumped a little. I sighed out and turned over to the small mirror that Hero left me and gasped. This is the first time I saw myself looking like this, and I never knew I could be so good looking with my hair styled up like this. Maybe I can blind away as Hero tonight, but lying to a stranger like this still makes me feel so nervous.

I looked down at the time and it was around 4 p.m. already. I don't have much time left and I need to get ready for this date. I quickly changed into Hero's clothes and put on a necklace as Hero told me to, also, I sprayed some of Hero's fragrance so Yunho wouldn't get suspicious. I decided to go early, because I know I am so nervous right now and I can't calm down in my room anyways. Maybe making some contact with the cool air outside will make me calm down a little.

I walked over to the school gate, and there were some students who already got out from their classes. Somehow, when people walked by me they all greeted me which this had never happened to me before, but they were calling me "Hero." Of course, I am dressing like Hero right now.

I leaned my back on the gate and looked up at the sky and waited for Yunho. I don't even know how does he look like, and I don't know how to behave like at all. Touching my heart, I felt it bumping in an unusual speed.. I am so nervous.. I have never went on a date with anymore before.. how would it be like?

Soon, I saw someone running toward me.. it must be Yunho.. I looked over and found the guy running so fast and when he stopped in front of me, I could see sweats dripping down from his face.

"Hero!" He called me.

"Yunho shi?" I asked just to make sure, but I regret asking that because I heard him say, "What's wrong? You didn't see me for one day and you forgot about me already?"

How stupid was I? Of course, Hero knows him, why would he ask him that? I bit onto my lips and looked down while said, "No.. erm.. did you run here?"

I tried to change to topic so he wouldn't get suspicious at me. Yunho smiled sweetly at me and said he didn't want to keep me waiting. I stared at his face and realized that he was indeed very handsome.

I couldn't help myself but raised my hand to wipe his sweats off from his face, but suddenly he grabbed onto my hand and took it in front of his mouth while giving it a gentle kiss. I widened my eyes and stared at him, no one has never kissed me in anyways. I gasped and blushed madly.. I heard him chuckle and I blushed even more..

I know if it continues I probably couldn't control my heart from jumping out, so I slipped my hand out from him and looked down on the ground.

End of pov..

Yunho's pov..

I counted till the last second of my class and finally the bell rings and teacher called dismiss. I seriously cannot wait till I meet my angel and go on to my first date with him. I quickly pecked all my books and rushed out from my classroom.

I picked up my pace and run with the fastest speed toward the front gate of our campus because that's where Hero told me to meet with him. I don't want to keep my angel waiting for me any longer.

When I got near to the gate, I saw someone leaning against the gate and looking down at the ground. I could tell that's my angel, Hero.

"Hero!" I called and rushed toward him, but I was running too fast and I patted a lot while finally standing in front of him.

"Yunho shi?" My angel asked me with his sweet voice.

I smiled: "What's wrong? You didn't see me for one day and you forgot about me already?"

He looked down and said: "No.. erm.. did you run here?"

"Of course! I wanted to see you as soon as possible, and plus how can I keep you waiting here for me?" I said and told his hand.

He looked up and gasped a little. I can't believe he is so cute and innocent like this, and I felt that I am more attracted to him. He looked over at him and slowly, I saw him reached out his other hand and wiped my sweats on my face for me.

I took his hand off from my face and held it up toward my mouth as I kissed his soft hand. He stared at me and his face turned into a red tomato, haha.. my angel is so cute right now and I just want to kiss his red lips, but I know I need to control myself, so I won't scare him off.

"Where do you want to go today?" I asked held and held onto his hand while playing with his long and slim fingers. I watched him turn his head away and bits onto his soft lips.

"Any.. where.. is fine.." He stuttered and slowly slipped his hand out from mine.

I chuckled and said: "Then you listen to my order today, and I will make sure you give you the most memorable night since this is our first date."

I watched him slowly nodding his head and hanged his head low. Wait.. how come he is so shy today? I know he is shy normally also, but somehow he seems extremely shy today.. why is that? Maybe it is because we are on our first date. I didn't think anything much as I took his hand and walked with him toward my car.


Chapter 7

The most beautiful

Yunho stopped at an expansive restaurant and Jae blinked his eyes as he stared at such a view in front of his eyes. There were waiters waiting in front of the restaurant to open the car door for guests and there were waiters asking for people's name who reserved seats, and greeting all the guests.

Yunho smiled at Jae and said: "Hero ah, get out from the car!"

"Yun.. Yunho.. are you sure we are eating in here?" Jae pointed at the expansive restaurant and couldn't believe he is going to eat in a place like this.

Yunho chuckled at Jae's cuteness and then he got out from the car as he walked over to Jae's side and took his hand out for Jae.

Jae gulps a little then took Yunho's hand as he blushed madly, Yunho held onto Jae's hand and let him to the entrance, then a waiter greeted them: "Good evening Mister, may I take your name?"

"Jung Yunho!" Yunho said firmly.

"Oh, good evening Mr. Jung! Your reserved table is already set up, please come with our waiter this way." The waiter greeted them with a bow.

Yunho and Jae walked over to their table hand in hand, Jae looked around at all the rich people having dinner with each other and felt very nervous. Jae's body started to shake a little, and Yunho felt the trembling hand as he looked over: "Are you okay Hero?"

Jae looked over: "Erm.. yea.. I.."

Yunho smiled: "Don't worry, you will be fine."

Jae nodded as Yunho helped Jae to sit down and Yunho sat down himself. Yunho smiled at Jae: "Hero ah.. I am so happy that I am finally taking you on a date."

Jae looked up: "Did you always wanted to take me out on a date?"

"Of course! Hero ah, I have fallen in love with you ever since the first time I have seen you. I never believed in falling in love at the first sight, but when I met you, I think what I believed was wrong." Yunho confessed and reached over to Jae's hand.

Jae looked down at Yunho's hand slowly cherishing his own hand, and he smiled a little. This smile has been long gone from his face, but Yunho was the first one who brought it back. Jae looked up at Yunho's handsome face, pov- I think I like this guy already.. he is so sweet and caring..

Yunho: "Hero ah, what do you want to eat?"

Yunho's sentence breaks Jae's thought and he suddenly frowned, pov- That's right! I am not myself.. I am Hero right now.. how can I fall for him?

"What's wrong?" Yunho asked.

I looked up: "Oh.. anything is fine.. I don't really know what to order, you can order for me!"

Yunho nodded and ordered some food that Jae has never heard of before then handed the menu back to the waiter. Waiter: "Your dishes will be right now, please wait while tasting our side dishes special for today."

Yunho nodded and sent the waiter off, then he turned over to Jae who is frowning a little. Yunho: "Do you not like it here? You don't look so happy."

Jae looked up: "Yunho ah.."

Yunho cuts Jae off: "Why don't you call me Yunnie anymore?"

"Y.. Yunnie?" Jae asked with his eyes wide open.

Yunho nodded with a smile: "Yeah! I love it when you call me that, you sound so sweet and you really know how to make my heart melt."

Jae pov- Yeah, Hero really knows how to do that.. but I don't..

"I guess, it is a little awkward right? Since it is our first date, so why don't we try to get to know more about each other?" Yunho suggested and looked over at Jae.

Jae nodded, and Yunho said: "I will start with myself first then. Well, I already told you why I transferred into our school. My parents are currently in Korea, but they always fly to different countries for their business. I am sure you have heard of the Jung's company in Korea, and that is my family's property. That is the main reason why I am in business major with you. So, tell me about yourself and your family.."

"My.. my family.." Jae stuttered and looked away from Yunho trying to figure out what to say, but all sorts of memories came back into his mind at the moment.

Jae closes his eyes as images fly through his mind, slowly, Jae opened his mouth and said: "My family.. I have an Appa, Umma and a Dongseng.. my parents are also business people, and they wanted me to major in business, but my Dongseng.. my Dongseng.. he.."

"You have a Dongseng, Hero?" Yunho asked.

Jae opened his eyes and nodded: "I have a Dongseng, and he is.. not living with us anymore.."

"Why is that?" Yunho asked and looked concerned at Jae.

Slowly, Jae looked up as a tear dropped down from his face..

Flash back..

"WHERE IS MY SON! WHERE IS MY SON!" Mr. Kim yelled and rushed down the hallway in a hospital.

Jae stood up with tears all over his face while looking at his parents, Mrs. Kim cried and held onto Jae: "Jaejoong ah.. where is Hero?"

Jae pointed at the emergency room and cried hard..

Mr. Kim: "What happened to him?"

Jae couldn't really make out his words: "I.. he.. the car.. I told him.. but.. the car.. him.. and.. I.."

Mrs. Kim hugged onto Jae and cried hard. Mr. Kim stared at the red light on top of the emergency room, and suddenly it turned green. Mr. Kim rushed over to the door and a doctor stepped out.

"What happened to my son?" Mr. Kim asked and grabbed onto the doctor.

"He needs blood, he is losing too much blood." The doctor answered.


Mrs. Kim: "No! Take mine!"

Mr. Kim turned around: "You stay with Jae right here, and don't let anything happen to him also."

Mrs. Kim nodded as tears pouring out from her eyes, Mr. Kim rushed into the emergency room and the door closed.

Mrs. Kim hugged onto Jae and cried while saying to herself: "It is all my fault. I always seemed to forget about Hero. It is my entire fault. Just because Jaejoong had those blue eyes, so I gave most of my love to Jaejoong. Hero has always been the weaker one, and he has been sick a lot ever since he was little. I should have loved him more, maybe this would never happen."

Jae heard those words from his Umma, and he felt so guilty towards Hero. He thought it was all his fault that Hero got hurt, and he bits onto his lips as he looked up at his Umma who is blaming onto herself none stop.

Jae whispers with he sobs: "I am sorry Umma.. sorry.. Hero ah.."

Flash ended..

"Why are you crying Hero ah? Is your Dongseng okay now?" Yunho asked and held onto Jae's hand.

Jae looked up and wiped his tears away as he got back into the reality and whispered: "He is fine. He is an art and music major right now but I don't really get to see him."

"Why is that?" Yunho asked.

Jae shakes his head: "Yunho ah.. the food is coming.. let's eat okay?"

Yunho pov- Hero seemed so different today. He seemed as if he is a completely different person as the one I met in school. He was always smiling and so sweet, yet, the Hero in front of me is bitter and pitiful. I have never seen him cry before, maybe something really happened to him in the past and upset him. But I never heard Hero having a brother from anyone.. why is that? If he has a brother.. why doesn't his brother live with him? Is he sad because of his brother?

Yunho studied Jae's face and found the unusual sadness in his eyes that he has never seen before. They didn't talk much through the dinner, and Yunho didn't really know what to say to cheer his Hero up, but actually, Jae was just thinking about his past instead of paying much attention to Yunho.

Yunho drove his car around the street and the lights at night seemed so beautiful that Jae couldn't take his eyes off the street.

"Hero ah.. are you feeling better now?" Yunho asked and looked over at Jae.

Jae turned over: "I am so sorry Yunho ah.. I hope I didn't ruin your mood.."

Yunho parked the car in a park near by and looked over at Jae: "Do you want to take a walk to exercise down the food we just ate?"

Jae nodded as he stepped out from the car, and the night has already fall. There is a little lake in the park where dukes swimming in there. The water reflected the bright moon in the sky, and Jae was so attached to the scene in front of him when he didn't realize Yunho wrapped his arm around Jae's thin waist.

Yunho and Jae walked along the little lake, and Yunho whispers: "Hero ah, you look so beautiful right now."

Jae turned over and found Yunho's face just inches away from his own. Jae felt his breath getting heavy as he stared into Yunho's eyes..

"Omo.." Yunho gasped.

Jae blinked a few times: "What's wrong?"

"Your eyes!" Yunho said and stared at Jae's eyes.

Jae quickly turned away pov- I already put those contact-lens in, can he still tell?

Yunho grabbed onto Jae's chin lightly and slowly turned Jae's face back to him. Yunho stared into Jae's eyes carefully, "Hero ah.. how come your eyes seemed so deep at night? They are beautiful.. and I could see a little deep blue in your eye color.. Hero ah, you are really the most amazing thing in the world."

Jae pov- Deep blue? My original eye color is light blue.. so the contact-lens still cannot cover all parts of the blue color? Well, at least he didn't get suspicious.

Jae cleared his throat and said: "Maybe it's the lake colored in those deep blue in my eyes, its not my eye color Yunho."

Yunho smiled and whispered in Jae's ears: "Either way.. you are the most beautiful thing in the world.. I love you.. Hero ah!"

Chapter 8

romantic night

Jae widened his eyes as he saw Yunho leaning in closer and closer to his face. Jae felt his heart was going to jump out from his mouth, but suddenly he remembered what Hero said and Jae backed away from Yunho.

Yunho opened his eyes and smiled embarrassedly: "I am sorry.."

"No.." Jae blushed madly and looked away.

Jae pov- I actually didn't mind.. but Yunho ah.. you are not thinking about me.. you love Hero..

Yunho: "I know it was a little fast, but I really can't control myself around you."

Yunho looked down and then suddenly looked up: "Oh! Wait here, I forgot to give you something."

Jae watched Yunho return back to his car, then rushed back with a bag in his hand. Jae gave Yunho a questionable look, and Yunho grinned as he handed Jae the small bag and said: "This is a gift for you.."

"What for?" Jae asked.

"This is our first date, so it's my first gift to you." Yunho said, "I will give you something on our every date."

Jae stared at the bag and felt so sad that the gift wasn't actually given to him, and the sweet words were not meant for him to hear either. Jae slowly took the bag and said: "Th.. thank you.."

"Where is my gift?" Yunho suddenly asked with a pouting face.

Jae widened his eyes: "What.. gift.. I.. I.. didn't prepare.."

"Aww.. do you not love me Hero?" Yunho asked with a more pouting face.

Jae gulped hard and then he looked around and said: "Yunho ah.. I mean.. Yunnie.. do like Piano?"

"Of course! I learned it before, but I didn't get really good at it." Yunho laughed and scratched his head.

Jae smiled at Yunho: "I can play a song for you."

Yunho smiled: "You want to play for me?"

Jae nodded, pov- I want to Yunho.. and even though you don't know me yet, but maybe this can be a way for you to get to know me other than me hiding under Hero's shadow.. Yunho yah..

"Yes, and can this be a gift for you?" Jae asked.

"Of course!" Yunho nodded with a wide smile on, "This is the best gift of my life."

"Where can we find a piano though?" Jae asked.

Yunho smiled and hugged Jae around the shoulder: "Don't worry, I want to see you play under the moonlight, I bet you will look extra beautiful. I will get a piano here right away."

"Right.. here?" Jae asked.

Yunho nodded with a confident smile, then he took out his phone and dialed a number: "Yes this is me. I want a piano right away, yes.. just take the one in my house, and I am at XXX park right now."

Jae widened his eyes and watched Yunho hanged up his phone. Yunho looked over at Jae with a smile on his face then nodded with confidence. Soon, Jae saw big truck coming into the park, and he widened his eyes as Yunho walked over.

"Master!" A man walked out from the car and bowed to Yunho.

"Did you get it here?" Yunho asked and held onto Jae's hand.

Then the man walked over to the back and opened the back door of the truck, then Jae dropped his jaw open as he saw a piano at the back of the truck. Then a few men walked over to take the piano off from the car and placed it near the lack. Jae stared at the white piano sitting quietly by the lack and shinning upon hits own beauty.

Slowly, Jae lets go of Yunho's hand and walked over to the piano. He opened the cover as his fingers touched the black and white keys on the piano. Yunho smiled and walked over as he stood by Jae: "Play it for me.. I want to hear how beautiful it sounds under your fingers.."

Jae looked over with a small smile, then he sat down as he closed his eyes. He played the same song he had been playing for the almost his whole life, and the melody echoed around the park, Yunho stared at Jae's beauty and couldn't take his eyes off from him. Because, this "Hero" in front of him had such a different feel of the Hero in school, and he felt that he is falling in love with Hero more and more.

Yunho pov- Today, I have seen another side of him.. the sad one.. the quiet one.. and the beautiful one.. he is such an angel.. how can he hide so much of his sweetness behind his already so sweet figure?

Jae played the last note of the song, and then slowly he took his hands off the keys and opened his eyes. He wasn't crying this time, slowly, he looked back at Yunho who seemed to be glued to Jae's face.

Jae smiled a little and stood up: "This is such a nice piano.. Yun.."

"Yun?" Yunho asked and got back to earth.

"What's wrong?" Jae asked.

"I like you call me Yun also.. I like it more than Yunnie now.." Yunho smiled, "Call me Yun from now on then."

Jae nodded with a smile on his face..

"I love you Hero." Yunho said.

Jae stared at Yunho's face pov- I know you do.. and I wish.. you don't.. I really do.. am I too selfish.. Yun? Because I think I like you now.

Yunho and Jae got back to Yunho's car, and Yunho looked over at Jae: "Should I take you home now?"

Jae turned over to Yunho: "Just drop me back to our school, I.. I parked my car in our school's parking lot.."

"Are you sure? Just go get it tomorrow." Yunho said.

"Don't worry, my parents would be worried if I leave the car in the parking lot all night long." Jae said.

Yunho nodded and started the car as he drives back to school, and on the way back, Yunho was holding onto Jae's hand the whole time. Jae kept on looking at Yunho with the corner of his eyes. Jae couldn't help it, because he felt Yunho is such a caring and gentle guy.. Jae wanted to look at Yunho more.. because he doesn't know when will he see Yunho the next time..

Time passed by very fast, and they are back at the school gate already..

Yunho parked the car and turned over to Jae: "Hero ah.. I had a very good night tonight. I am so happy that our first date went so well, and I have definitely seen a different side of you. You are making me falling more in love with you now. I hope you also had a good night just like me."

Jae nodded his head: "I had the best night ever.. Yun.. thank you."

Yunho smiled and then asked: "When will be our next date?"

Jae paused for a second then said: "I will tell you when I see you in school."

Yunho nodded and Jae said: "I think I will go home now."

Jae took the bag from Yunho, then he put his hand on the door handle, but suddenly, Yunho grabbed onto Jae's waist and pulled him back as Yunho's lips crushed onto Jae's forehead.

Jae widened his eyes, and Yunho slowly pulled away: "I love you.."

Jae stared at Yunho, and without noticing, Jae said: "I love you too.."

Suddenly, Jae blushed hard and turned away as he stepped out from the car quickly and walked away shaking his head. Jae pov- Stupid! Stupid! Why did you say that? Gosh! You can't fall for him, he is Hero's boyfriend and he likes Hero.. not you.. why are you doing this to yourself?

Jae felt tears rolling around in his eyes and he rushed over toward his dorm quickly..

Yunho watched Jae disappeared in the darkness and smiled pov- Yay! He said he loves me too.

Yunho then touches his lips and looks up at the sky: "He is so cute and sweet.."


Next day..

"Earth to Yunho!" Junsu yelled at Yunho who is currently smiling so widely and staring into space as if he has been hypnotized.

Junsu waved his hand in front of Yunho, and Yunho still didn't move at all. Junsu sighed and turned over to Yoochun: "He is hopeless now.."

Yoochun knitted his eye-browns: "I have never been like this when I went out with Hero though. What happened?"

Junsu sighed: "I hope he has not fallen too deep."

"Do you know what angel he was last night?" Yunho suddenly said to no one.

Yoochun and Junsu looked over, and Yoochun: "He is an angel? Are you kidding me?"

Yunho turned over still with his retarded smiling face on: "He played the piano so beautifully, and he was being so shy and innocent."

"Shy and innocent?" Junsu asked in disbelief.

Yoochun: "Wait.. play the piano? I didn't know he can play the piano."

Yunho sighed: "I guess.. he likes me more, because he played it for me."

"Whatever.." Yoochun rolled his eyes pov- how come this sounded so different from the Hero I know?

Hero walked into the class at this time, and Yunho immediately stood up as he rushed over to Hero and hugged onto him: "Baby.. I missed you.."

Hero hugged Yunho back: "Aww.. I miss you too.."

Yunho pulled away and smiled at Hero: "Do you want to go out again tonight?"

Hero nodded: "Sure!"

Yunho jumped up: "Asa! I love you Hero ah!"

"I love you too.. Yunnie!" Hero smiled back.

"Yunnie? Why don't you call me Yun anymore?" Yunho asked and stared at Hero.

Hero looked over at Yunho confused pov- shoot! I forgot to ask what happened last night from Jae.. did I say something wrong?



Chapter 9

Confused feelings

Jae's pov..

I woke up as the sun shines on my face, and last night still seemed like a dream to me. I touched my cheek as if flashed in red slowly. Jung Yunho.. this name has been echoing in my ear for the whole night.. even a person like me who don't usually have dreams had his face appeared in my mind throughout the whole night..

I smiled a little and I didn't even know why, and this sweet feeling rushed into my chest. Slowly I sat up and looked over at the clock. It is time to get to my art class. I sighed and swing my eyes off from my bed then I looked up at my table and there is the gift bag from Yunho. I never had a chance to open it yet..

Slowly I reached my hand out for the bag, and I took it in my hold. I pulled out a small box and it said "Tiffany & Co.". I knew it is some kind of jewelry now, then I opened the box and there lies two cross-earrings.

I gasped as I touched my ears. I don't have my ear-pierced, I just realized that and Hero does. Good thing Yunho didn't find out last night. I sighed in relief, but just then I heard loud foot steps coming toward my way. Suddenly, the door swings open and Hero's patting face appeared.

I stared at him as he walked in and looked at the bag in my hand: "What is that?"

"It's.. from Yunho.." I said with a soft voice.

Hero took it over and looked at the earring: "Oh! He has nice taste."

Then Hero took over the bag and smirked at me: "you didn't want to keep it.. did you?"

I looked down: "No.. it gave it to you.."

Hero nodded with satisfied face then he grabbed my seat and sat down: "So tell me what happened last night. Did you call him a new neck name or something? Why did you do that? I almost got caught."

I nodded: "I.. I didn't want to call him Yunnie.. it sounded very.. mushy.."

Hero smiled at me coldly: "Why is your face so red?"

I quickly touched my cheeks and didn't say anything. Hero then patted my shoulder: "Do you want your music sheets back?"

I looked up and nodded my head: "Where is it?"

"Sorry.. I forgot it at home today.." Hero said carelessly and looked around my room.

"How can you do that? You promised you will give them back to me." I shouted a little, but I know my voice wasn't forceful and loudly enough for him to fear in anyways.

"So what?" Hero replied me, "I said when I feel satisfied then I will give it back to you. Well, if you want them back, you are going be my replacement whenever I want for Yunho's date."

I sighed hard: "Hero.. Yunho is a really nice guy, you shouldn't cheat on him like this."

"Nice guy?" Hero scoffed: "He falls for me on the first day when he saw me.. he only cares about my face.. see I replaced you for me, and he didn't even notice. Those rich guys are not meant for treating seriously, you just have to know the way to play with them and get *pointed at the bag* whatever you wanted."

I can't believe Hero just said that. So he doesn't love Yunho at all.. well, maybe it is not a bad thing. If he doesn't love Yunho, then.. I don't mind loving Yunho as his replacement. I don't want to see Yunho gets hurt.. I don't even know when did I start to fall for him so deeply, but I heard people say, when you love something there is no dignity or pride for yourself. Yunho loves Hero, but Hero doesn't.. he would be hurt if he knows this.. maybe the only thing I can do for him is to be the replacement and let him believe that Hero loves him..

Hero: "So.. what do you say?"

I looked down and slowly nodded my head..

"Good then!" Hero smiled, "Okay.. you better tell me what you guys did all last night, so when I go back to class I won't act like a fool. Remember, every time you went on a date with him, you have to report everything back to me on the next day."

I sighed and told Hero everything we did, but I purposely skipped the Piano part, because Hero can't play the Piano.. maybe I am selfish now, because I really fall for Yunho, and since Hero gave me the chance, then I am going to leave clues for Yunho on our every date.. Yunho Yah.. how I wish I could tell you who I really am instead of being Hero's replacement in your heart.

End of pov..


"Hero ah.." Yunho called and Hero turned over with a smile on his face.

Yunho: "What do you want for lunch?"

Hero thinks for a second: "I think I want to eat spaghetti?"

"Really?" Yunho asked, "We just had that last night though."

Hero smiles: "That's why I want to eat it again, so I can feel the sweetness you brought me once again."

Yunho hugged onto Hero: "Aww.. you are so sweet honey.."

Hero smiled and hugged Yunho back, but Yunho felt very weird pov- Something doesn't feel right. I have a feeling there is no way for Hero to act like this last night, but the way Hero acts right is seems very smooth also. How come he is so shy last night? Maybe its because we had gone to our first date already, so he is more open to me..

"Hero ah.. where do you want to go today?" Yunho asked.

Hero pov- Grr.. does it matter? I am not going with you anyways..

Hero smiled a little: "Anywhere is fine.. as long as I am with you.."

Yunho smiled and didn't reply anything pov- Something definitely doesn't feel right.. what is it?


Yunho's pov..

I chatted with Hero happily during lunch and he can say the sweetest words from his sweet mouth. I felt very happy talking with him, but I lost the feeling of the need to protect him which was the feeling that I adopted last night. Hero seemed so strong during school, and he is very out-going too. I am not saying I don't like this.. I love all sides of him.. but he really gives me a different feeling just now..

Once again, I waited impatiently for the last bell to ring, but I really want to see Hero again. I feel so sad that I am not in all of Hero's classes.. and I can only see him after school..


Finally, there is the bell. I was about to run out, but I felt a hand pulled on my arm. I turned around and saw Junsu..

"What's up Junsu?" I asked.

Junsu: "Yunho, are you going on a date with Hero again?"

I nodded: "Yeah! What's wrong?"

"Hey, be careful with him okay?" Junsu said as a warning.

I laughed a little: "What is there to be careful about?"

Junsu: "I heard he is a gold digging.. erm.. person.. if he asks for something you better consider, and also, he really knows how to sweet talk.. as a friend I don't want you to get tricked by his sweet appearance.. in conclusion.. I jut don't want you to get hurt.."

I smiled and I do understand that Junsu has those worries about Hero, but I don't need to worry, because I have already seen how Hero is when we are on dates. I nodded my head and said: "Don't worry.."

Junsu nodded, and I rushed out from the classroom. Shoot! I am late.. am I? We are meeting in front of the school gate again. I rushed there as quickly as I can, and he was once again standing by the gate looking up at the sky.

I smiled as I slowed down and slowly walked over to him then tipped him on the shoulder softly. He gasped a little and looked over at me, slowly, he smiled a little at me: "Yunho ah.. you run over here again.."

I nodded: "Of course! Even if I run here, you are still waiting for me."

"I just like to arrive early." He said softly and once again he wipes my sweats off for me. I smiled sweetly and stared at him, "So where do you want to go today, Yun?"

I thought for a second then said: "Let's go to the amusement park."

He smiled a little and nodded: "I haven't been there for a long time."

I held out my hand for him and gave him a warm smile. He blushed and slowly took my hand, when our hands touched I felt my body have been shocked with electricity. Gosh! Hero! You are driving me crazy.

We walked over to my car, and I opened the car for him while watched him stepping in. This is such a different feeling.. he is shy again.. why is it? I can see his face flushing in red all the time now, but never will I see this in school? Why?

He was so quiet during the whole ride, and I couldn't figure out those questions running in my head at all. Soon, we arrived to the park, and I looked over at him who seemed to be glued onto those high rides inside the park. Is he scared? That's so cute.

"Come on! Let's go!" I said and pulled him out from my car. Then we rushed into the park, and I pulled him to the elevator ride.

"Yun.. Yunho.." He stuttered, "Are you sure.. we are going.. to.. to. .ride this?"

"What's wrong?" I asked, "Are you scared?"

"No.. I.. but.. this is.." He stuttered more and I could feel his hand trembling in my. I chuckled then hugged onto his shaking body, "Don't be scared, I will be right beside you."

I hugged onto him lightly, but strangely, he didn't return the hug this time. He just lets me hug onto him while standing there. I remember, he would always return the hug to me when I hug him in school. I pushed him out from my embrace a little then I stared at his face.. there is nothing wrong.. he has the same beautiful face.. but those eyes.. why are they fall of sadness all of the sudden.. I can't see those sadness marks during the day time.. why Hero? Are you hiding something from me?

"It's our turn!" He said softly and broke my thought. I shook my head and thoughts off, then smiled, "Let's go! Don't worry, I will be right beside you."



Chapter 10

A kiss.. A story

Yunho: "Woohoo! That was so cool.. Hero ah.. Hero?"

Yunho looked behind him and saw Jae's face was turning green while holding onto a tree shaking hard. Yunho rushed over: "Hero! What's wrong?"

"I.. think.. I.. I.." Jae stuttered and still could feel the fear when the elevator ride dropped to the bottom all of the sudden, "I.. need a rest.."

Yunho smiled and rushed over as he helped Jae to sit down on a bench: "Aww.. were you that scared?"

Jae nodded and held onto Yunho tightly. Yunho patted Jae on the head: "Why are you so lovely Hero? Come on! Let's go ride the Ferris Wheel, it is slower and you can take a rest whole watching the sun-set on there."

Jae looked up and nodded with a smile. Then they walked over to the Ferris-Wheel together, Yunho pov- This Hero in front of me really gave me a feeling of wanting to be protected. He is so weak and even his strongest grasp on my hand seemed to weak and fragile. People can usually tell the deepest secret in their heart to each other on the Ferris-Wheel, because this is a place full of secrets between two people. I hope.. I can learn something more about him..


Jae's pov..

It is our turn after waiting in the line for a while, and Yunho helped me get inside the Ferris-Wheel then he sat on the opposite side of me. I turned my head toward the left as I watched the Ferris-Wheel getting higher and higher. However, I felt my heart sinking down lower and lower.. I never thought I would come back to ride the Ferris-Wheel again..

"What are you thinking?" Yunho asked me with a serious face.

I turned over and I wanted to smile at him to tell him there is nothing, but I couldn't control my own emotions as a tear rolled out from my eyes. Yunho widened his eyes and he switched over to my side as he pushed me into his warm hug.

"Yun.. will you leave me?" I felt so weak right now, and I just want to hear an answer from him.. even if he isn't talking or thinking about me.. even if I am just Hero's replacement..

"No! Of course not! I love you Hero. I will never leave you." Yunho said and softly kisses my forehead.

I looked up at him with my teary eyes, but I could barely make his face out because of the tears in my eyes. Oh.. Yun.. how I wish you could call my name from your mouth.. but for now, I don't care.. I just want to be loved by you even if you don't love me..

Slowly, without my notice I leaned forward to his face, and he leaned in too. I closed my eyes while tears rolled down from my face then I felt those warm lips crashed onto my lips.

I felt the time has stopped at the second and I felt his lips sucking onto my own. I don't know how to kiss, because I have never kissed anyone before, but I won't regret this kiss.. I knew it by the time those warm lips touched mine.. I opened my mouth for him as his tongue slipped into my mouth, and I felt my body shaking madly.. this is such a sweet feeling.. Yun.. I love you..

He hugged onto my body tightly and moved his head from side to side with me turning the opposite way. His tongue licks and sucks onto my, and I felt that I don't have to do anything, everything is under his control including me.. but it's okay.. I want to give myself to his control.. because I love him..

Slowly, we pulled apart and stared at each other. We realized that we already reached to the top of the Ferris-Wheel. Yunho wiped the tears off from my face: "Don't cry anymore, you are not pretty if you cry like this all the time."

"I am not pretty.. *sniff* I am a guy.." I said and tried to stop my sniffing but I smiled a little.

Yunho smiled and hugged onto me: "Yes.. yes.. Wuli Hero is a guy.."

I pushed myself out from Yunho: "Yun.. what if you find out that I am not who you really think I am.. will you stay with me?"

"What do you mean?" I saw him knitted his eye-browns together.

I looked up at Yunho: "I know you love me, but you don't really know much about me yet, what if something you find that I am not who you think I really am.. will you hate me? Will you leave me? Yun ah.. I am afraid that I might lose you someday, and it could be any day."

"Babo! Why do you say that?" Yunho asked me, "I will never leave you. I love you, and I know I will love whoever you are and however you are. Stop thinking about those stupid questions, those things will just make your head explode. You just need to know that I will always love you and protect you."

I looked into Yunho's eyes and I really wish I could believe everything he said right now, but I can't even imagine how would he feel if he knew that both Hero and I were tricking and lying to him.. will he hate both of us? Or will he hate me the most?

The Ferris-Wheel stopped at the very top. It's probably because people are getting on at the bottom. I looked out and sighed slowly, and when I closed my eyes I knew my memories are going to come back to my mind again. I don't want to think about those anymore, but suddenly, Yunho's question broke my thoughts.

"Hero ah.. is there something you are hiding from me? I always wanted to ask you, but last time you mentioned something about your Dongseng. Did something happen to him? Or.. do you have some family problems?" Yunho said with concerned face.

I looked down and bit onto my lips. What should I say to him? Maybe.. I should tell him.. then he will at least know about me..

"Yun ah.. there is nothing wrong with my family, and my Dongseng is not in Korea anymore. He left to the States to study art." I answered because I don't want Yunho to get suspicious.

Yunho nodded: "Is that so? Okay.. but you seemed very sad the other day when I talked about your Dongseng."

I smiled a little and said: "I just remembered a story I once heard from my Umma. Yun ah.. do you want to hear a story from a long time ago?"

He looked over at me and nodded his head, "Tell me anything you want."

I looked down at my fingers and said: "It's a little boy's story.."

Flash back..

A woman stood outside of a small shot hesitating with tears rolling around in her eyes. She held her hands in front of her chest felt her heart beating so fast. Then she looked through the glass and at the same moment the woman sitting inside the shop looked up. They made eye-contacts with each other, and the woman inside the shop signaled her to come in.

The hesitating woman sighed hard then walked into the shop and took a seat in front of the other woman who had most of her face covered up..

"You have two sons, do you?" The woman in the store asked and looked into her crystal ball in her hands.

"I do! How did you know?" Another woman speaks.

"I am a witch! Of course I know everything." The witch speaks. "So what are you here for?"

The woman cries silently: "My child.. he has gotten into a car accident, and he has always been so weak and getting sick a lot. I felt like I am being a bad Umma to him, so I am here to ask for a safe symbol from you. I want him to be safe and happy from now on."

The witch smiled lightly and said: "You don't need any symbols."

The woman looked up: "Why?"

"Because, your son will die soon.." The witch said with a calm face.

"WHAT?" The woman jumped up.

"He has gotten into that car accident, and he still didn't wake up yet. Am I right?" The witch said with confidence and the woman nodded her head slowly, then the witch continued, "He will never wake up again. You are meant to lose one of your sons this year. There is nothing that you can change about this fact."

"I.. I will lose one of them?" The woman said. "No.. please.. I can't let him die.."

The witch smiled lightly: "I said you will lose one of them, but I never said they have to die. Tell you the truth, the one in the hospital right now doesn't have to die, actually, all of his misfortune was caused by the other one who has that little something born with him. I think you know what I was talking about. He was unique from the start, and you took him as a gift and loved him more, but you often ignore the other child. This is why, you are going to lose the other child now. The only way to prevent this from happening is that you will have to cut all your family contacts with the unique one. Then both of them will be alive, but you will lose that gift you had from God."

The woman widened his eyes: "You mean.. I have to abandon my son?"

"Or you can let the other one die in the hospital." The witch said and stood up "It is your choice. Now, I need to take a rest, you may go."

The woman widened her eyes and stared at the witch, but none of them noticed a little figure standing outside of the window crying silently..

Flash ended..

I looked up at Yunho with teary eyes, and Yunho had this very strange face on. He looked so serious and concerned, then he opened his eyes: "Hero ah.. who are those kids in this story?"

"Yun.. this is just a story.. the characters are just made up.." I replied and tried to make my voice as calm as possible, "It is just a story I heard from my Umma. Nothing much!"

No, Yunho.. it is not.. that is me.. I am the unique one.. Yun ah.. can you see the truth from my eyes?


Chapter 11

Time to change

Yunho's pov..

I sent Hero back to the school again, but I don't understand why he doesn't let me take him home. Maybe he doesn't want his parents to find out yet, so we wouldn't get into trouble? After all, we are both guys.

I watched him turned his head to the window and held onto the handle, but he suddenly turned his head back to me. I smiled at him but his eyes looked very sad. He gave me the same expression from last time when he walked out from my car.. as if.. he would never get to see me again.. why does he have this kind of expression on his face every time?

"Yun.." I called me softly and my heart skipped a beat by his sweet voice.

"Nae?" I asked then he leaned closer to me, and I could feel his warm and sweet breath on my face again.

"Can I.. kiss you?" I asked me and shocked me a little. Is he asking for a kiss first? This is so unexpected, and my heart was beating so fast at the moment. I nodded my head and stared at his beautiful face.

Slowly, his big eyes closed and while closing the little gap between our lips. I closed my eyes and kissed those soft lips. He is not good at kissing at all, and I could tell he is a beginner, but I love this innocent feeling. He is so pure.. just like water.. I hugged onto his slim body and don't want to let go. I wish time could just stop like this and he could stay in my embrace forever.. I know I will protect him from any harm forever..

Slowly, we were both out of breath and he pulled away with a slight red colored on his cheeks. He looked up at me with shinny eyes: "I love you Yun.. do you know that?"

"Of course!" I patted his head.

He nodded and smiled a little: "Good night Yun!"

"Good night!" I whispered and pecks his cheek. Then he pushed the door open, but I grabbed onto his hand: "You forgot your gift today."

He shakes his head: "No Yun.. I don't want you to go me a gift on our date anymore.. I am not dating you for the gift.. I am dating you because I want to date you."

I smiled and said: "But this is for you, if you don't take it, I will feel sad."

He paused for a second then grabbed the bag: "Remember, don't do this next time."

"Okay.." I nodded with a smile on my face, and he grabbed the bag as he walked out from the car and waved good-bye to me.

I smiled at him then watched his figure vanished at the darkness once again. Hero ah.. I love you so much.. and I love the feeling of protecting you also..

I started the car after a long time of thinking about our sweet date today, then I drove back to my house. I walked into my house and the maids all greeted me, but I wanted to chat with someone now. I want to share my happiness with that person.

I rushed up to my computer and as a coincidence, he is on..

End of pov..

U-know: Hi! Long time no chat!

Blue: Yes! How are you?

U-Know: I am Great! What about you?

Blue: I am fine too! How was your dates with the person you love?

U-Know: It's going great. You can't believe how much I am in love with him. But I feel a little weird at times, because when I meet him in school, I feel that he is so strong and sun-shine, but whenever he is with me along, I can see a different side of him. The one that is lonely and side, and needs my protection.. this makes me love him more..

Blue: Which side of love do you love the most though?

U-Know: I love both of him, but I think I am more comfortable with him when I am on a date with him along. He feels more real.. and so mysterious.. I really want to get to know him more.

Blue: I think you should try to get to know him more.

U-Know: I will! What about you? Did find someone you love also?

Blue: I did!

U-Know: Really? That is great! I am glad you find your love one also.

Blue: Me too.. I wish you are happy with the person you love. Remember, you have to listen to your heart.

U-Know: I will.. thank you.. good night to you.

Blue: Good night!


The next day..

"What is it this time?" Hero grabbed the bag and then took out a ring, "Wow! A ring! This is so pretty!"

Hero puts the ring on his finger and Jae just stared at it, Hero then looked over at Jae: "So, nothing else happened?"

Jae blushed a little and looked away: "No.. nothing.."

Hero nodded and then got up: "I am going to class now. I will tell you if you have to go on a date again later."

Jae nodded and Hero walked out from Jae's room. On the way back to class, many guys were flirting with Hero and Hero smiled sweetly back to them. When Hero finally reached the class, Yunho rushed over: "Hero ah! Did you have a nice dream about me last night?"

"Of course!" Hero smiled.

Suddenly, Yunho pecked Hero on the lips and then smiled at him. Hero widened his eyes and touched his lips. Yunho smiled: "What's wrong?"

"Yunnie.. why did you do that suddenly?" Hero asked with a smile on his face.

"Aww.. why are you so shy? It's not like this is the first time we kiss. Right?" Yunho said and hugged Hero around his thin waist.

Hero: "Wha.. oh.. of course.."

Hero pov- What? This is the not the first time we kissed? He kissed Jaejoong? THAT KIM JAEJOONG DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME! I already told him that Yunho is my boyfriend, how can he kiss him? Oh my god! I am going to explode now!

Hero smiled at Yunho: "Yunnie ah.. where should we go today?"

"Erm.. where do you want to go?" Yunho asked.

"Let's go to your house." Hero whispered.

Yunho widened his eyes: "My.. my house?"

"Yea.. I have never been to your house before.. can you bring me there? I want to see!" Hero gave Yunho a puppy face.

Yunho smiled: "Sure! Anything for you! Baby!"

Hero nodded with a smile and then the bell rings, then Hero went back to his seat. Hero pov- I am going to stop Jae from seeing Yunho, if they continues then Yunho might find out soon.


Hero took his phone out and it was a text from Siwon, "Baby.. when are we meeting today?"

Hero texts back: "I can't see you today. I have a project!"

Then Hero turned his phone off. He looked over at Yunho pov- Actually, Yunho is hot, why didn't I see that before? I am going over to his house today.. haha.. I can even imagine what is going to happen. Jaejoong.. you think you are going to get Yunho? He is after all my boyfriend..

Lunch time..


Jae's dorm door was kicked open by Hero, and Jae looked over at Hero. Hero walked over and said: "Kim Jaejoong!"

Jae stood up and Hero said: "You think you are a little smart ass huh? I told you.. lying to me would do you no good.. what? So you kissed Yunho huh?"

Jae widened his eyes and looked away..

Hero grabbed onto Jae's face: "So you are starting this game with me again huh? Ever since we were little, you would take everything from me. Are you going to let this game start again? So, you like Yunho, don't you?"

"I.. I.." Jae stuttered.

"I totally know what you are doing? You want to make Yunho like you right? But listen up! He still doesn't know you exist in the world yet." Hero said loudly, "He loves me and he thought he is dating me. Listen, I am going over to Yunho's house tonight! You will never see him again. Do you hear me?"

Jae widened his eyes and stared at Hero, then Hero throws Jae on the bed: "You worthless crap.. Kim Jaejoong.. I already warned you before, but you disobey my order on purpose. This is what you will get."

Hero then took out the music sheets from his bag, and showed it in front of Jae's face. Jae widened his eyes and tried to grab it, but Hero took it away as he placed his hands on there.. slowly, he ripped the sheets in half.. then again.. and again.. and again.. till the sheets changed into make little pieces of paper..

Jae dropped his jaw open and watched Hero throw the pieces in the mid-air of his room. Hero then smirked at Jae and Jae cried as he yelled while trying to catch those pieces: "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS? THIS IS THE ONLY THING UMMA LEFT FOR ME!"


Jae stared at Hero with tears rolling out from his eyes: "He is not your boyfriend! You never even dated him once! You don't even love him!"

"Oh really?" Hero whispered and leaned over to Jae's face, "Watch me make him my boyfriend tonight then."

Hero then turned to the door and slammed it shut. Jae closed his eyes as he cried out loud. He collapsed on the group in the middle of those broke pieces of paper. He looked around and whispered: "Umma.."

Slowly, he reaches for those broke pieces and tries to put them back together, but tears won't stop rolling out to blur his vision. He felt his heart is hurting so much as if a knife was stabbed in it, he looked up at the ceiling and whispered: "Yunho ah.."



Chapter 12

The differences

Yunho's pov..

Hero was gone during lunch and I couldn't find him anywhere, so I got some food and went over to Junsu's table. Yoochun is there as well, and he looked up: "Where is Hero?"

"I don't know." I answered and sat down.

Yoochun smiled: "Are you still mad at me?"

"No.." I answered, and it is true I am not mad at him, I just don't feel comfortable sitting with my boyfriend's ex.

Junsu breaks the silence: "Yunho ah.. so how was your date with him?"

I looked up with a smile: "It was good. We ride Ferris-Wheel together, but I have a feeling that he is hiding something from me. I think it's his family problem, so I didn't ask too much, but he seemed sad."

"Hero is sad?" Yoochun said shockingly, "Wow, I have never seen him let out one tear."

I looked over at Yoochun: "Hey, did you know that Hero had a Dongseng?"

"Really?" Yoochun seemed more shocking now, "He does? He never mentioned anything about a Dongseng to me. Wow, and I thought I knew him enough."

I looked away and wondered how come Yoochun didn't know, but Hero was so sad talking about his Dongseng. I do somehow feel that the story he told me about wasn't just a simple made up story. It must be his childhood or maybe he was part of it, but I don't understand. The puzzles pieces don't seem to quite fit together yet, I guess we will have more time to talk at my house tonight.

Junsu: "Hero seemed to have changed to someone else from your description Yunho. Are you sure that is what happened?"

I nodded my head and Junsu looked over at Yoochun. I don't know, both of them seemed to be shocked that Hero is this way with me, and Yoochun even dated Hero before. I don't care, as long as I get to see the real Hero, I am happy. Because I really love the Hero who is alone with me, he is so soft and sweet.

After lunch, I had different classes with Hero so I went to my class which was near the music department but suddenly my feet stopped. I heard the same piano notes that Hero played for me the other night. I turned my head to the door all the way at the end of the hallway, could it be Hero in there? I wanted to go but..


The bell woke me up, and then the music stopped as someone walked out from the music room and turned to the stairs door next to that door. I couldn't see the person's face, because I was a little far away from the music room. I looked at the person's back as he turned into the stairs then I sighed.. could it be Hero? Why would he be at the music department at this time though?

"Yunho!" Junsu called me, "You are going to be late to class if you just stand there."

I turned over and nodded then walked over to my classroom with Junsu. I couldn't take my mind of that person though, because I wonder who is he and why did he know how to play that same song I heard from Hero.

Finally, the last bell ring and I rushed out from the classroom like usual. I want to meet him at the school gate right now because I haven't seen him since lunch, this is driving me crazy. When did I even fall so deeply for him? I rushed over to the school gate and expected to see his slim body leaning against the gate waiting for me, but.. when I got there.. I didn't see anything waiting for me..

I looked around and whispered: "He didn't come yet?"

This is weird, how come he is late this time? He said he likes to arrive early. Did something happen to him? I took out my phone and dialed Hero's number, but his phone was turned off. I looked up and waited impatiently, did something happen to him? I want to go find him, but I don't know where to look. I hesitated as I walked in circles in front of the school gate.

After a long time as I remembered, suddenly, I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hero's smiling face.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked me back.

"What took you so long?" I asked again, "You are always the one waiting for me."

He just smiled at me: "What's wrong with you waiting for me? If you love me then you wouldn't mind right?"

I looked at him dumbfounded.. erm.. what happened? Something is definitely wrong. He is so different today. Hero took my hand and said: "Yunnie, aren't we going to your house now?"

I shook my thoughts away and smiled back. Oh well, maybe he is in a good mood and we already got closer now so he is not shy anymore. I nodded: "Yeah! Let's go!"

"Yunnie ah.. put on some music please." He requested while sitting in my car.

I did so, and he smiled while listening to the music and moving a little with the beat. I felt weird, Hero never asked for music before and he would just stare out from the window all the time. I drove out from school, and he never stopped talking. He would point out at restaurants and stores that he liked. This is so strange, he is so talkative today.. what is going on? What confused me more was..

"Wow! This is such a nice house." Hero said and looked at my mansion.

"You like it? It seems too big for me living here by my self." I said.

Then I walked out and closed the door but when I was about to lock my car, Hero stopped me, he said: "Wait, there is something in the car I didn't take out yet."

Hero walked to the back seat and took out his bag, then I said: "Just leave it in my car, no one will touch it."

Hero smirked at me then he reached into his bag and took out a bottle: "Who said I am going to take the bag in?"

I stared at the bottle: "Is it.."

"Let's have some drink tonight.. Yunnie.." Hero said with his shinny eyes.

I almost dropped his jaw open, because I never thought Hero would ask me to drink.. well.. he did went to the bar with Yoochun on his break up day.. but the Hero I dated was so pure and innocent.. I stared at the bottle and didn't even know how to respond..

End of pov..


"Did you find it yet?" Junsu whispered.

Yoochun covered Junsu's mouth: "Shhh.. you know we are not supposed to be here, even though my Appa is the owner of this school. But looking at the student's profile is totally illegal, so stop talking!"

"You are the one who talked the most!" Junsu pulled Yoochun's hand away.

Yoochun continued to search for Hero's profile and said: "Your voice is too squeaky and it is way too noticeable.. so stop.. wait.. I find it!"

Junsu looked over: "Read it! Read it!"

Yoochun pulled the file out and opened it: "Kim Hero. Born in 1986. Blood type: O.."

"Who cares about this? Get to the important part already!" Junsu cuts Yoochun off.

"You think I have done this before? Shssh!" Yoochun rolled his eyes and looked down at the file, "Wait.. here.. relative.. HE DOES HAVE A BROTHER!"

"SHHHHH!" Junsu covered Yoochun's mouth this time.

Yoochun pulls Junsu's hand away and continued: "Relative to Kim Jaejoong.. wait.. but there is no information about his brother though.. it just said his name.."

Junsu looked over and sighed: "What's the use of only knowing that guy's name? We don't even know where he is right now."

Yoochun thinks for a second: "Do you think.. he might.. possibly.. go to this school as well?"

Junsu widened his eyes: "No way.."

Yoochun turned back to the pile of files and started to search for Kim Jaejoong's name, and when he got to the J letter, Yoochun's hand stopped as he widened his eyes. There is the name "Kim Jaejoong".

Junsu widened his eyes: "Kim Jaejoong!"

Yoochun pulled out the file with shaking hands, slowly he opened the first page and he widened his eyes as Junsu dropped his jaw open..


Jae sighed with tears rolling out from his eyes as he tried to tape the music sheets back together. Jae pov- Umma.. I am going to get these music sheets back together, because I know this is not a simple music sheets.. it has your hope and wish for me to become a good pianist.. you gave these sheets for me, because you wanted me to practice harder. Umma, even though you are not here for me anymore, but I won't disappoint you.. I hope once I am good enough to go on the stage.. you can come back to me..

Suddenly Jae felt a sharp pain in his heart as an image of Yunho flies in his head, he sighed hard and closed his eyes.

"What am I thinking? He is with Hero now, who he truly loves. I should be happy for him.. why do I feel like crying?" Jae talked to himself..

Then he stood up and walked over to the window in his dorm and stared out, pov- When will I see you again.. Yunho ah..

Jae touches his lips and he could still remember the warmth Yunho brought for him. Closing his eyes, Jae could still feel Yunho's hands holding onto him.. he felt so safe and well protected.. he knows that he will not forget Yunho.. because he is the first one who made him fall in love so deeply and happily.. Yunho ah..

Knock.. Knock..

Jae opened his eyes and looked at the door pov- Who could it be?


"Let's play a game, Yunnie!" Hero said as he sat the bottle of liquor on the table in Yunho's bedroom.

Yunho looked up with a smile: "What is it?"

"We play rock, paper, scissors and whoever loses will have to take a drink." Hero suggested with a smirk.

Yunho smiled: "Deal! You are so going to lose Hero ah!"


Chapter 13

Something is wrong

Jae's pov..

I looked at the two men in front of me and they were both staring at me with their jaw almost dropped to the ground. I felt a little uncomfortable and looked away as I hide my eyes under my hair and glasses. Are they staring at me because of my eyes? This thought made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Are you.. Kim Jaejoong?" A man spoke with his deep and romantic sounding voice.

I looked up a little and nodded my head. The man widened his eyes even more and stared at me, I looked away and asked: "I am sorry, but is there something you need from me?"

The other guy suddenly stepped in front of me and stared at my face super close and I stared at him back. The guy yelled with his squeaky voice: "Oh my god! Yoochun! He looks exactly like Hero! They are really twins!"

Hero.. they are Hero's friends? I turned my head away, and I thought Hero would never mention anything about me. How did they find me? I still stood by the door and didn't feel like inviting them in. They are Hero's friends.. what do they need from me?

Yoochun coughed a few times and probably sensed my discomfort, then he said: "Erm.. I am sorry for the yelling and rudeness. Let me introduce, I am Park Yoochun and I am the son of the principle of this school, and this is Kim Junsu. We are both business major and are classmates with Hero.. who is your brother I suppose.."

I nodded slowly and moved away from the door: "Come in."

They stepped in and looked around my dorm. Yes, it is small, and fitting three people at one time almost filled up all the space. The guy named Junsu closed the door and walked over to me: "So, Hero really is your brother.. and your twin?"

I didn't say anything but looked away. Yoochun pulls Junsu back and then said: "We are really sorry for the sudden bother, but this is really big news to us and we couldn't help with our curiosity. How come you don't live with Hero and never show up with him?"

"That's none of your business." I said with a cold voice, because I don't want to tell them anything. Hero would be mad at me for letting people know that I exist in the world.

Yoochun and Junsu looked at each other, but then Junsu suddenly said: "Okay, we won't ask anything about you and your family problems. I know that is your own problem, but I need to ask you something for a friend of mine. Do you know Jung Yunho?"

I looked up and widened my eyes after hearing that name.. Yunho.. they know Yunho?

End of pov..


"Oh! You lose again!" Yunho said excitedly and Hero pouted as he took the cup and drink it in one go.

"This is.. not fair.." Hero said with his cheeks turning red. "Let's play again!"

Yunho: "Hero ah! You are getting too drunk already, let's not play anymore! I will ask my maid to cook something, and let's eat some food okay?"

Hero grabbed the drink from Yunho stubbornly: "No! I want to play more! I am not drunk!"

"Hero! Don't be so childish!" Yunho said with a smile and tried to hold Hero down who is currently jumping around in the middle of the room. He never knew how can Hero drink so much and so hard to control.

Suddenly, Hero lost balance while jumping and falls backgrounds, Yunho: "Hero ah!"

Yunho quickly got up and rushed over as he caught Hero in his hands, but Yunho lost balance as well, so they both fall on the ground with Hero on top.

"Owwh.. my back.." Yunho whined but when he opened his eyes Hero's face was only inches away from his. Hero stared at Yunho and his cheek flushed in red, slowly, Yunho gulps and looked deeply into Hero's eyes.

"Yunnie.." Hero whispered.

Yunho looked up and slowly he felt Hero leans closer and closer to him, Yunho closes his eyes as he felt those pair of sweet lips touched his. Yunho was about to kiss Hero, but he paused because Hero was the only kissing him this time. Hero sucked onto Yunho's lips and licked around on his lips. When Yunho parked his mouth, Hero slipped his tongue into Yunho's mouth smoothly. Yunho twitched a little pov- When did he start to kiss so good?

Hero touches Yunho's face while kissing Yunho passionately and pov- Jung Yunho! Are you turned on right now? You want me.. don't you?

Hero started to rub his bottom against Yunho's and Yunho moaned softly in between the kiss: "Uh.."

Hero smiled a little as he pulled away but started to kiss Yunho on the neck and licked around Yunho's ears. Yunho felt chills down his own body by Hero's hot touch, but something doesn't feel right.. in fact.. it is so wrong! Why is the shy Hero all over him right now? Where did he learn how to do all these for seduction? Is it the alcohol, then I shouldn't take advantage.

Yunho suddenly popped his eyes open and pushed Hero away a little, Hero stared at Yunho's face: "What's wrong Yunnie?"

"Erm.. Hero ah.. you are drunk.. let's stop here for today okay?" Yunho said and tried to control his body from farther reactions toward Hero's seduction.

"What do you mean?" Hero said and circling his finger in front of Yunho's chest outside of his clothes.

Yunho looked away: "Hero ah.. I think we are moving too fast, and plus you are drunk!"

Yunho pushed Hero off and then stood up: "I will ask the maid to cook something, and if you are too tired, you should sleep here today. There are towels in the bathroom and you can change into my clothes after."

Hero: "Yunho ah.."

Yunho turned over and smiled: "Don't worry honey, we will continue it on some other day. I don't want to take advantage of you when you are drunk. I want us to have our first time in the most memorable day and time."

Hero stared at Yunho who existed the room, and he stood up madly as he grabbed onto the pillow and swings it across the room. Hero pov- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM? HE REJECTED MY SEDUCTION? He said he loves me.. what does he mean by moving too fast? Gosh! He is so boring and where the fuck is my gift for today? OH MY GOD! Calm down.. Hero.. clam down.. you have more time to change his mind and get him! Kim Jaejoong, don't think you are going to win Yunho away from me!


"You do know him! Don't you?" Junsu asked and looked over at Jae. "Tell me the truth, do you know that Yunho is currently dating your brother, Hero?"

Jae nodded and looked down at his hands, then Yoochun said: "Thank you for telling us the truth Jaejoong shi. Now, let me be honest with you, I am Hero's ex. Boyfriend."

Jae looked up at Yoochun and then Yoochun continued: "I knew deep down what kind of person Hero is, and I know how Hero acts and talks. Yunho is currently dating Hero, and he had been talking about Hero a lot. We found out from Yunho that Hero had a brother which is you, but there are many things that is so confusing, because Hero seemed like a different person from the way Yunho described, and the most weird thing is.. Hero doesn't know how to play the Piano, and you do, because you are art and music major."

Jae widened his eyes and stared at Yoochun then Junsu, and Junsu said: "Yunho is my best friend and I am really worried about him. Please tell us the truth.. Hero didn't go on to those dates with Yunho.. right?"

Jae looked over at Junsu and then back at Yoochun, slowly, he nodded his head and said: "You two are right."

Yoochun and Junsu looked at each other and both were still a little shocked but then everything fit together now. Yoochun: "That little whore! I knew it, so this is his new trick."

Jae walked over to Yoochun and Junsu and begged with a soft voice: "Please.. please.. don't tell this to anyone. Hero would be mad at me, and plus, Hero is dating Yunho right now. He won't let me date Yunho anymore."

Tears rolled out from Jae's eyes as he begged Yoochun and Junsu, he continued: "I know you two care about Yunho, but telling him this will make him hurt and hate Hero. He loves Hero, please.. don't tell him the truth.. I beg you two.. I probably won't see Yunho again, and this won't hurt anyone."

Junsu stared at Jae crying his heart out and begging them to keep this as a secret, and he looked over at Yoochun. Yoochun looked at Jae hurtfully: "You.. like Yunho?"

Jae looked up slowly as tears rolling down his beautiful face. Yoochun and Junsu suddenly gasped when they saw Jae's beautiful blue eyes shinning with tears.



Yunho found Hero asleep in his bed, and he walked out from the bedroom toward his study room where his computer is. And he sighed out as he sat down in front of his computer.. he is really confused right now.. and he doesn't even understand himself anymore..

*Blue appears online*

Blue: Hi!

Yunho looked over and typed: Hi! Good! You signed on just on time.

Blue: What's wrong?

U-Know: I am so confused right now. Blue, my lover is currently in my house right now and I let him sleep in my room. Do you know how weird he has been today? He was usually so shy and innocent, and today, he changed into a totally different person. Also, I thought I loved him, but today I actually rejected his seduction. What is wrong with me?

Blue: Yunho ah! I don't really know what to tell you, but you just have to listen to your heart. Only your heart knows what do you want and what do you need. Trust your heart.

U-Know: My heart is telling me, that my lover is so different today, and I don't want to have anything to do with him. I feel like I miss something or someone else.

Blue: Is that so? What do you miss then?

U-Know: I miss the shy and innocent him. I want to see his shinning eyes and the feeling that he gave me of wanting someone to protect him.

Blue: Maybe, he will go back to who is tomorrow. Don't think too much.

U-Know: I hope he will. Because, I really don't feel comfortable with him right now.

Blue: Don't think too much anymore, you should go to sleep and have a good night.

U-Know: You too.

Jae signed off and looked at the screen pov- Yunho ah.. you didn't touch him? You didn't touch Hero? How come I thought you loved him.. and do you really miss.. me? Yunho ah.. maybe someday, I will show up in front of you with my own identity, will you love me or hate me?



Chapter 14

They finally meet..

Hero's pov..

Nothing happened during the night at Yunho's house, I planned so well with my alcohol and seductive attack to make Yunho sleep with me, but he actually rejected me. How can this happen? Yunho never came back to the room and I had to sleep by myself. Is this guy even a guy?

Sitting in my classroom, I stared out from the window and sighed. Did I really lose to Jae again? How come Jae can always capture everyone's heart and I am always taking the transparent or bad part when there is Jae?

Flash back..

When Hero and Jae were eight before the accident..

"Hero ah! Come on! We are going to be late." Mrs. Kim yelled, "Look! Jae is already in the car."

Hero rushed down after fixing his clothes and said: "Umma, are we really going to visit Minnie?"

Mrs. Kim: "Yes! Yes! Now get in the car."

Hero smiled widely and got in the car as he sat next to Jae. Jae turned over and watched his Umma sitting into the car, "Umma! I really miss Uncle and Aunty Shim."

"Us too, baby! You will see Changmin also." Mrs. Jung replied with a smile on.

Jae smiled: "Minnie! I miss him too."

They arrived to Shim's mansion, and all of them got out fro their car. Hero walked next to Jae as they stepped into the house. Soon, they saw Changmin rushing out and called: "Appa! Umma! Kim's family is here!"

Jae and Hero: "Minnie!"

Changmin smiled and walked over: "Jae.. Hero ah.. I missed you two! Come on! Let's go to my room."

Hero nodded and Jae turned back: "Can we.. Umma?"

Mrs. Kim nodded with a smile on. Changmin smiled and thanked Mrs. Kim as he pulled onto Jae's arm and rushed into their room. Hero stared at Changmin pulling onto Jae and he frowned.

"Aww.. they look so cute together." Hero heard Mrs. Shim said.

Hero turned over a little, and Mrs. Shim smiled at Mrs. Kim: "What do you think Unnie, you should let Jaejoong marry our Minnie!"

"But they are both guys." Mrs. Kim said with a smile on. "How can they get married."

"Aww.. it's okay! Jaejoong is so pretty and I just love his eyes. He is so precious, even our Minnie always talk about him to me." Mrs. Shim said with a smile on her face, "I wouldn't mind having a son-in-law as Jae."

Hero heard the words and he felt his heart bleeding. He stomped his feet a little as he walked away, and when he passed Changmin's room, he saw Changmin feeding Jae candy and smiling sweetly at Jae. Hero rushed into the bathroom and hugged onto his legs as tears rolled out from his eyes. Hero pov- Why is it always Jaejoong? What about me? I have the same face as Jaejoong also. Why can't Minnie ever play with me?

Flash ended..

I sighed and turned my head back. Changmin left to Japan when I fully recovered from that accident, and I never got to see him again. Even though he never really paid much attention to me when we were little, but I still miss him a lot.

End of pov..


Yoochun looked over at the sleeping Junsu and smiled pov- He is so cute! How come I never noticed him before? I still haven't asked him out yet, and I can sense that he likes me for a long time. I am just waiting for the right time to give my Su a big surprise.. but first.. I am still very shocked at what happened yesterday..

"Su! Wake up!" Yoochun nudges Junsu and Junsu slowly got up as he rubs his eyes.

Junsu: "Hum? It is lunch already?"

Yoochun nodded with a smile, and then Junsu turned over to Yunho's seat: "Where did he go?"

Yoochun: "I don't know, he rushed out right after the bell. Maybe he went to meet Hero again."

"Yoochun ah.. do you think we should tell him about Jaejoong?" Junsu said.

Yoochun shakes his head: "We already promised Jaejoong that we won't tell."

"But Jaejoong loves Yunho, and it is so sad that Hero is just playing with Yunho right now." Junsu said and bit onto his lips, "Honestly, I felt so bad when I saw tears pouring out from Jaejoong's eyes. I used to hate Hero's face, but when that face appeared in front of me as Jaejoong, I started to feel so pitiful of that face now. For the firs time, I thought that face looked pretty."

Yoochun smiled: "You are so kind hearted. Maybe we should invite Jaejoong to have lunch with us, and we would get to know him a little more. He doesn't seem to have any friends here."

Junsu nodded and walked out from the classroom with Yoochun, Junsu pov- Even though we can't help Jaejoong watching him crying so pitifully in front of me, but at least, I want to be friends with him and I can help him by cheering him up.


The bell rings and Yunho yawned as he stretched his body. Yunho pov- Hum.. I wonder what is Hero doing now? It's lunch time, I should go have lunch with him and see if he recovered from the hang out from last night.

Yunho stepped out from the classroom quickly and rushed toward the classroom where Hero was in, but when he got to the door he found Hero gone already. Yunho sighed pov- Is he.. possibly.. mad at me?

Yunho turned over and found himself standing near the music department again. Yunho stepped his feet-steps as he stepped toward the music rooms and hoped that he could hear the song again. When Yunho took a few steps, he widened his eyes as he heard the song playing softly from the second to the last piano room down the hallway.

Yunho fastened his feet steps and afraid to lose the chance to discover who is playing that song again. When Yunho finally reached in front of the room, he stepped as he held onto the door from the outside and patted hard.

Slowly, Yunho pushed the door open and he saw a guy facing back to him while playing on the piano. The melody sounded the same as the one Hero played for him on their first date. Yunho closed his eyes as he enjoyed the music and didn't want to disturb the guy.

Yunho listened till the last note as he slowly opened his eyes and watched the guy in front of him sighed hard and stood up. When the guy turned over his head, Yunho looked up and found the guy a little shocked and lowered his head.

"I am sorry for the disturbance, I just heard you playing this song and I really liked it. Can you tell me how did you know how to play this? Where did you hear it from? Because my boyfriend played it for me once, but I never had the chance to ask him.." Yunho said with a smile on his face.

But the guy in front of him lowered his head more and didn't say anything, Yunho was a little confused and he walked over: "Excuse me! Sir?"

Yunho looked down at the slim man in front of him trembling his whole body, and he thought the guy was sick: "Sir! Are you okay? You are shaking. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Yunho walked closer and held onto the man's shoulder and tried to help him, but the guy moved away from Yunho. Slowly, the guy speaks: "Sorry.. I.. I.. I have to go.."

The voice was so soft and it always melted with the air around them, but Yunho caught it, and suddenly Yunho widened his eyes pov- that voice.. I have heard of it before.. that voice..

The guy rushed toward the door, but Yunho quickly turned around and grabbed onto the guy's arm to turn him over. The guy was so shocked and he lifted his face up at Yunho. Yunho widened his eyes as the guy's face showed up in front of his eyes. Yunho yelled: "You.."


Knock.. Knock..

"Looks like he is not in there!" Yoochun said and turned to Junsu.

"Didn't you say he is music major? Maybe he is in the music department or art department right now. It is lunch time, maybe he is practicing when there is on one at the practicing room." Junsu said.

Yoochun nodded and said: "Let's go see then!"

Junsu and Yoochun walked toward the music department, but when they got to the hallway suddenly they heard Yunho's voice screaming..

"WHO ARE YOU?" Yunho's voice could be heard.

Junsu and Yoochun stopped as they looked at each other, then quickly, the picked up their steps and rushed over to where the voice was heard. When they opened the door, they found Yunho staring at Jae while Jae shaking none stop and trying to hid his face.

"Yunho.." Junsu called.

Yunho turned over with shocked face: "Junsu.. Yoochun.. he.. he.."

Jae looked up a little and looked over at Junsu and Yoochun. Yoochun walked over to Jae and patted on his shoulder to calm him down then he whispered: "Don't worry.. let me talk to him.. I promise I won't tell him anything between you and Hero's secret."

Jae nodded slowly, and Yoochun turned to Yunho with a smile: "Yunho.. it is about time to learn something about Hero, but this guy in front of you is definitely not Hero. His name is Kim Jaejoong and that is all I can tell you. If you want to know who he is, then I would suggest you to ask Hero."

Jae lowered his head more, and Yunho widened his eyes as he stared at Jae. Junsu sighed: "Yunho ah.. Hero told you about himself having a Dongseng right? Maybe you should go ask him about it."

Yunho freezes at the spot pov- I thought I already know enough about Hero, but I guess I really don't know anything. This guy in front of me.. he has the same face as Hero.. and his voice.. I have heard of his voice before, but where? I am so confused.. I guess there are so many things I don't know about.. I need to talk to Hero!



Chapter 15

Lies.. lies.. lies

Jae watched Yunho walking out from the door and he felt his heart sinks down a little. He hanged his head low and whispered: "Thank you."

Yoochun smiled a little at Jae: "No problem. We promised you that we won't tell him anything."

"Jaejoong shi, do you want to have lunch with us?" Junsu asked and walked over.

Jae looked up at Junsu and this is the first time someone asked Jae to enjoy dinner in a long time. Jae was a little shocked, and Junsu smiled sweetly at Jae: "Come on! You didn't eat yet right?"

"I.. I.." Jae whispered in a soft voice.

Yoochun smiled at Jae: "Come on! We really wish to get to know you and become friends with you."

Junsu and Yoochun then pulled Jae toward the lunch room. Jae couldn't help but follow them and he was for once very warmed up by these two caring people in front of him.

Yunho took out his phone and dialed Hero's number, and after three rings, Hero picked up: "Yunnie?"

"Hero! I need to talk to you. Where are you right now?" Yunho asked.

Hero: "Erm.. I am eating lunch, what's the hurry?"

Yunho: "I will meet you in the backyard. After you are done with lunch, then come to the backyard of our school."

"Hello? Hello?" Hero called into the phone but Yunho already hanged up.

Hero pov- What's the hurry? Why is he sounding a little mad in the phone?

Hero turned to the group of guys that he is eating with who admires his beauty but suddenly he widened his eyes as he saw Yoochun and Junsu walked into the lunchroom with someone he didn't expect to see at this time at all.

Hero pov- JAEJOONG? What the heck? He.. Yoochun and Junsu.. does that mean.. Yunho? Oh no!

Hero suddenly stood up and all the guys gasped: "What's wrong Hero?"

"Sorry I have to go now." Hero said and rushed out from the lunch room.

Yoochun watched Hero rushing out in the corner of his eyes. He just smirked a little and pulled Jae to sit down with him and Junsu. Junsu turned to Jae: "What do you want to eat, Jaejoong?"

Jae: "I.. I.. erm.. I don't know.."

Junsu handed Jae the menu and smiled: "Here is the menu, you pick one."

Jae looked down: "I never eat here before."

Yoochun took over the menu and said: "Don't make him awkward here, Junsu ah, let's just pick the food for him."

Jae looked down at his hands pov- Why are these two guys so nice to me? I haven't felt this way for a long time, and I almost forgot the feeling of having friends in a long time. I.. feel.. so warm..


Hero rushed toward the backyard and he saw Yunho sitting on the bench with his elbows supporting on his knees as if he was thinking about something. Hero walked over and slowly sat down beside Yunho. Hero puts his hand on Yunho's leg: "What's wrong Yunnie?"

Yunho turned over and looked at Hero's face, suddenly an image of Jae's face popped into his head: "How come you never told me you had a twin and he actually goes to this school?"

Hero parted his mouth a little and widened his eyes at Yunho: "How.. how did you.. know?"

"I saw him today." Yunho said, "Right now, in the piano room. How come there are so many things I don't know about you Hero? What else are you hiding from me? I thought we love each other, then why are you keeping all these secrets from me?"

Hero looked away pov- So he did find out about Jae. God damn you Kim Jaejoong, why do you always have to interfere with my life, my parents.. Changmin.. now Yoochun and Junsu are all on your side.. you know what? I am not just going to sit here and wait for you to ruin my life more, if you are going to destroy me then I will destroy you first.

Hero looked back at Yunho and suddenly puts on a sad face: "Yunho ah.. the reason why I didn't tell you was because.. he is actually not part of our family anymore. All my life, I had been living under his shadow Yunho, and he had always be torturing me Yunho ah. My parents were always on his side when we were little, and he would take everything away from me. He had been so mean to me and even beat me at times when he is not satisfied."

Hero let tears roll around in his eyes he stared at Yunho, and Yunho was shocked while hearing all these things from hero. Then Hero continued: "When I was eight, we were playing outside. I had gotten into a horrible accident that down, and I still had scars on my back, because of that accident. The reason behind that accident was that he pushed me to the car."

Hero turned over and lifted up his shirt a little, and Yunho widened his eyes as he saw a long scar on Hero's back. Yunho slowly traced his finger on Hero's back and whispered: "Hero ah.. this is.."

Hero turned back and nodded his head as tears rolled out from his big eyes: "Yunho ah.. that is why, my parents had let him into their family's care, because they found out that he had always hated me and wanted to get rid of me since I was his twin. He didn't want anyone to have the same face as himself, so that's why he wanted to kill me. I am so afraid of him, and I barely talk to him anymore. So, that's why I didn't tell you about him, I am sorry Yunho ah.. I lied to you.."

Hero is now pouring with tears, and his eyes turned puffy from all the crying also, and then he said with a broken voice from crying so much: "I love you so much, and I don't want to lose you. I know if someday you found out about him, then he will have his ways to take you away from. He had always done that, that's why I had bad reputations in our school. It is not because I played with so many guys, it's that I can never keep the one I love. Even now, he took Yoochun away from me also. If you don't trust me, let's go to the lunchroom and you can see them there."

Yunho widened his eyes: "That's why I saw Yoochun and Junsu in the piano room also."

Hero looks up and nodded: "He took Yoochun away from me, and he already threatened me to take you away also."

"Why would he do that?" Yunho asked and was confused.

"Because he is mad.. he is mad at me that my parents chose me at the end instead of him.. and he is doing this for revenge Yunho ah!" Hero said and held onto Yunho's arm.

Yunho pushed the crying man in front of him into his embrace as he kisses Hero's forehead: "I am so sorry baby.. I am sorry for blaming at you now, and I understand why you are crying so much now. I promise you, I will never leave you like the others did. I will never go to him. I can't believe two people with the same face can have totally different hearts and minds."

Yunho hugged onto the crying Hero and pov- God damn that Kim Jaejoong guy! Who does he think he is to put my angel in so much pain? That is why Hero is crying whenever he talks about his brother on our dates. That is why Hero seemed so different, he is living with this dark memory from his childhood and it is still haunting him.

"Baby.. don't cry anymore.." Yunho said and helped Hero to wipe away his ears, "I promise you I will do something about that Kim Jaejoong guy and tell him to stay away from you and me!"

Hero nodded with his red puffy eyes but inside pov- Jaejoong! Let's see who is going to win at the end this time? You took Changmin away from me, and now you want to take Yunho also? I am not letting that happen again.


Yoochun and Junsu ordered a lot of food and brought them to the table where Jae was sitting, and Junsu pushed all of them in front of Jae: "Eat some Jaejoong shi, you look so skinny. Even though, you are twins with Hero, but I can't believe you look so pile and fragile compare to him."

Jae looked up at the food and whispered: "Thank you."

"Your voice is always so soft." Junsu smiled, "This makes me feel so much more comfortable than Hero."

Jae: "We are two different people after all."

Yoochun: "So, Jaejoong shi, I know you told us it is not our business to ask your family issues, but we are really curious of why don't you live with your family also? How come Hero never talks about you and you never show up in front of him either? Please tell us, I don't want to lie to you, but watching you like this really makes us worried, even though we are not friends yet, but Junsu and I want to help you."

Jae looked up at Yoochun and Junsu as both of them smiled warmly at him. Jae gulps a little and Junsu said: "You can tell us the story some other time, if you are not comfortable. Let's all start from begin friends then."

"F.. friends?" Jae asked.

Junsu nodded as he hold out his hand: "Nice to meet you Jaejoong shi, I am Kim Junsu, and I would like to be your friend from now on!"

Jae watched Junsu's smiling face and he couldn't help be smiled a little as he took Junsu's hand and nodded his head. Yoochun smiled: "Me too!"

Jae smiled at Yoochun too, and the three of them enjoyed their lunch together, even though Jae didn't tell them anything yet, but he knows that he have two friends from now on and maybe this is the start of his new life from now on.

Chapter 16

Pain in the heart

After lunch..

Yoochun and Junsu walked Jae out from the lunchroom, Yoochun asked: "Jaejoong ah, what classes do you have now?"

Jae said with a soft voice: "I have to go to the art department to finish my statue."

Yoochun nodded and said: "We are at opposite directions, then we are going to separate here. Lets have lunch again some other time."

Junsu nodded: "Yeah! Jaejoong ah, do you have a number that we can call?"

Jae looked down: "S.. sorry.. I don't have a phone.."

Yoochun nodded: "It's okay, we will find you. By the way, do you want to have dinner together? You will be by yourself right?"

Jae looked up and Junsu smiled: "We will go find you after class and we will go off campus for dinner."

Jae smiled a little and nodded. Then he turned to the other side as he waved bye to Yoochun and Junsu. Yoochun sighed as he stared at Jae's back: "Why does my heart feel so heavy when I see his face?"

Junsu looked over at Yoochun and said: "Yoochun ah.. you seem to care about him a lot? Are you.."

Yoochun smiled as he looked over at Junsu: "Are you jealous, Su?"

"Su?" Junsu asked.

Yoochun nodded: "Yes.. Su, are you jealous?"

Junsu blushed and looked down: "N.. no.."

Yoochun: "Aww.. I thought you were.. I am so disappointed Su.. well, let me answer you questions, I do care about him."

Junsu sighed and looked down: "I know.. he looks so pitiful and.. it is hard to not care about him.. huh?"

Yoochun holds onto Junsu's shoulder then he smiled while leaning into Junsu's ears and whispered: "But I love you.."

Junsu jerked his head up and stared at Yoochun: "W.. what?"

Yoochun quickly pecked Junsu on the lips and then smiled at Junsu: "You missed it, I am not saying it again."

Then Yoochun turned around and walked toward the class, Junsu touched his lips and stared at Yoochun's back. Then Yoochun turned around and smirked at Junsu: "HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO STAND THERE? Su Su?"

Junsu blushed madly and rushed over to Yoochun, then Yoochun wrapped his arm around Junsu's shoulder and pulled him into the classroom..


Jae's pov..

I feel so warm right now and I smiled to myself as I walked toward the art department. I finally made friends and I know it was a right decision to become friends with Yoochun and Junsu. They are so friendly and apparently they didn't get influenced by Hero's words and behavior.

I walked into the art room and took off my half finished statue from the shelf as I begin to work on it more. Mrs. Bong walked over and patted my shoulder, I turned around and smiled a little as I greeted: "Mrs. Bong!"

She looked a little surprised with my attitude and she smiled back at me: "Jaejoong ah, have you thought about the competition?"

I looked over at my statue: "Mrs. Bong! I think I will take my chance and join once I finish this statue."

Mrs. Bong nodded her head and smiled: "Really? You really want to join? That's great! What made you change your mind?"

I smiled and didn't say anything, then Mrs. Bong patted on my shoulder a few more times and said: "Well, I hope you try your best and you will win the competition. I believe in you Jaejoong!"

I nodded and continued on the statue. I smiled a little while fixing the face of the woman, and her expression somehow changed from sad to tender. I stared and smiled a little to myself.

I was so focused on the statue, and I didn't know that time flied by so fast. When I looked up again while Mrs. Bong called my name, I realized that I was the only one left in the art room along with her.

She smiled: "Jaejoong ah, it is getting late already. You should go home now."

"Mrs. Bong! I think I want to work on the statue a little more, I will clean up the mess after a little. You can leave first." I said and tried to make her not worry about me.

She grabbed her purse and said as she walked toward the door: "Don't forget to lock the door."

"Nae!" I answered and walked back to my seat while fixing the statue in front of me more. I wanted to stay is because I am almost done with it, and I want to get it done today. Also, Yoochun and Junsu didn't come yet so I could take this time to wait for them also.

Slowly, I began to hear feet-steps coming toward the art room. Is it Yoochun and Junsu? I didn't think too much and continued, but suddenly the door opened and I looked up. But I widened my eyes immediately.. it's.. it's.. Yunho.. how did he.. but.. he..

"Kim Jaejoong!" Yunho called.

This is the first time that he called me by my name. I am so happy, he finally know that I exist in the world, and he just called my name. I thought I was going to faint. Slowly, I stood up ad watched him walking over to me.

I gulped and stared at his face, and god, I missed his face so much. Why is he here? Is he here to see me?

Just when I was wondering with hope, suddenly I was pulled by my collar and lifted me up toward him. I widened my eyes and stared a his face, and he seemed so mad for some reason.. why? Why does he look so mad?

"You whore!" Yunho said with a deep yet sharp voice.

I widened my eyes more and stared at him but I couldn't say anything, slowly, I parted my mouth and whispered: "Yun.. Yunho.. please.. put me down.."


That was all I got in return. He hissed at me: "WHO TOLD YOU TO CALL ME BY MY NAME?"

I closed my eyes a little because his voice was so loud, he pulled me closer and I could feel his warm breath on my face and he said: "Listen up! Kim Jaejoong! You are the worst piece of shit in the whole world. I don't know what did Hero ever do to make you do all those things to hurt him, but if I see you ever hurt him again, then.."

Before I realized anything, I felt a hard fist on my right cheek as I sparkled on the ground hard. My head felt so dizzy but I was immediately lifted up on my foot again. I opened my eyes but my vision was so fuzzy and I couldn't even see his face clear.

"That was just a warning! Now, this is for what you have done to Hero!" Yunho yelled and then swings another punch at my face.

I hit the ground hard again and lied there as I felt something licking out from the corner of my mouth. I closed my eyes with tears slowly rolling out, and I could hear Yunho's voice ringing above my head: "Listen up you bastard! Don't ever hurt Hero again, and you don't ever think you can be a replacement of Hero in my heart!"

That sentence hit me hard and I didn't even realize that he already walked out from the art room. I lied there with my eyes closed and felt my face burning hard slowly. I don't know how long I have lied there, till I heard..


Slowly, I opened my eyes and lifted up my head. Yoochun and Junsu's worried face showed up in front of me.

"What happened to you? Did someone hit you?" Junsu said and tired to help me up.

I supported myself up painfully and reached for my already flied out glasses. Yoochun bent down and said: "Oh my god! You are bleeding Jaejoong! Who hit you?"

Junsu gasped: "Wait! Yoochun, did we just saw Yunho on the way here?"

Yoochun widened his eyes: "Yunho hit you?"

I looked up at Yoochun and Junsu with teary eyes..

End of pov..

Yunho walked out from the art room and when I lifted his face up he saw Yoochun and Junsu coming toward him.

Junsu: "Yunho! What are you doing here?"

Yunho looked over at Yoochun then sighed hard without saying anything then he walked away..

"Yunho?" Junsu called.

Yoochun: "What is wrong with him?"

Yunho heard them talking, but he didn't want to say anything. How can he? Hero is so pitiful and Yoochun is going to see Jaejoong now. How can Yoochun do that to Hero? How come Junsu doesn't even realize what they are doing to Hero?

Yunho walked toward his car and knowing that Hero is waiting for him there, when he got to the car Hero was standing beside it with a warm smile on.

Yunho hugged onto Hero: "Hero ah.."

"Why did you come so late Yunho?" Hero asked.

Yunho: "I just needed to handle something! I am sure no one will ever do anything to hurt you again. You will have me here and I will protect you forever."

Hero hugged Yunho back and then a smile of victory shined on his face..


Junsu: "Your face is bruising up! Let's get to you the nurse first! You need to get fixed up before your face gets worse."

Jae wiped the blood off from the corner of his mouth and whispered: "No.. it's okay.. I.. I don't have health insurance.."

Yoochun and Junsu paused for a second, and Jae got up then walked toward the statue painfully, Jae pov- at least the statue didn't break.. ahh.. my face is burning up and my whole body hurts right now. But the place that I felt the most painful is.. my heart.. Why did he say all that to me? Did he already find out? Yunho ah.. I can't even love you secretly? I can't even choose to be a replacement to you?



Chapter 17

Meeting in the restaurant

Hero's pov..

I watched Yunho driving the car and sighed in relief. I am so happy that Yunho trusted me, and I know he is entirely mine from now on. I smiled at myself in the reflection of the mirror and stared out on the street.

Just in case people tell on me, before Yunho came I made a decision and cut my contact with Siwon. Yoochun found out about Siwon and I, so he might try to tell Yunho. Right now, no one can say anything about me.

I smiled in victory again and turned over to Yunho: "Yunnie, where are we going now?"

Yunho smiled back at me: "Where do you want to go?"

"I am hungry. Let's go eat, what do you think?" I smiled cutely at Yunho and of course he is falling totally in love with my smile.

"Sure! Where do you want to go?" Yunho asked me.

"I want to eat at that newly opened Italian restaurant." I said.

Yunho looked over: "Hero ah.. we just ate there last time, why do you still want to go?"

I widened my eyes and paused for a second. I forgot! Shoot! Do I need to pretend myself like Jaejoong now?

"Well.." I tried to come up with an excuse, "I really like it, so I want to go again."

Yunho nodded and turned back: "Okay, we will go there then."

I sighed in relief. I should have never let Jaejoong replace for me, now Yunho always think of me like Jaejoong. Aish.. oh well, at least he loves me not him..

I smiled to myself and turned back to the road..

End of pov..

Junsu and Yoochun pulled Jae to the hospital and Jae kept on resisting to step into the room. Junsu: "Come on! Jaejoong! You need to get your face fixed up.."

Jae looked down and held onto the wall: "But.. but.. I.."

Yoochun sighed: "Don't worry about money, I will pay."

"No.. I.." Jae still rejecting..

Junsu sighed and lets go of Jae: "If you treat us as friends then please go in there and get your face fixed and do a check up on your health."

Jae looked up a little and Yoochun nodded, slowly, Jae lets go of the wall and Junsu held onto Jae's hand then led him into the doctor's room while stepped out with Yoochun.

Junsu sighed and turned over to Yoochun: "He is careful with everything and so locked up in his own world. Yoochun ah, why do you think Yunho hit Jaejoong?"

Yoochun laughed coldly: "Hero. I know him too while, after all I have been with him before. I have a feeling, Hero and Jaejoong had a very complicated past, and Hero probably has a strong hatred toward Jaejoong for some reason. Also, Hero lives with his parents but Jaejoong is kicked out, there must have been a reason.. did you see Jaejoong's eyes? Do you think that would have anything to do with his situation now?"

Junsu looked up at Yoochun: "His eyes.. yes, I have noticed that too. They are blue.. and they are beautiful, but he always hides them behind his glasses.. I really want to ask him more, but it seems to me that he doesn't want to talk about it.."

Just then, the door opened and the nurse stepped out.

Yoochun and Junsu looked up and Yoochun asked: "Is he done?"

Nurse nodded: "I have fixed those bruises on his face, but when I did a check up on his health I realized that he is malnutrition and a slight sign of anemia."

Yoochun and Junsu nodded and looked at each other, then they walked into the room and looked at Jae then suddenly both of them dragged onto each one of Jae's arms. Jae looked at them: "What.. are you two.. doing? Where are you two taking me?"

Junsu and Yoochun stuffed Jae in their car and Jae looked at them confusedly as Yoochun started the car, and Junsu turned back: "We are taking you to eat right now. I know you will reject again, but you have to watch your health from now on. Even though, you don't like to say anything to us, but we see you as friends already and we don't wish to see are friend get sick."

Jae widened his eyes and stared at Junsu, pov- Do I deserve friends like them? If I do see them as friends already then should I tell them my story? I know they really want to know about what happened between Hero and I, then if we are friends.. I should share it with them.. right?

Jae looked down and sank in his thoughts and before he realize he was standing by the front door of the same restaurant that Yunho brought him to. Jae looked around and suddenly felt tears rolling around in his eyes. Jae sighed and looked down, Junsu: "Jaejoong ah.. are you okay?"

Jae looked up as a tear slide down softly from his face. Junsu widened his eyes and looked over at Yoochun, Yoochun shakes his head and sighed hard. The three of them walked over to a table and sat down while Jae sobbed silently and tried to wipe the tears off as soon as they roll out.

Junsu: "Jaejoong ah.. does your face hurt or is there other part of your body hurt? Why are you crying? Please tell us."

Jae looked up a little and said with a soft voice: "This restaurant.. Yunho and I.. *sobs*"

Yoochun sighed and ordered food, then when the waiter walked away he asked: "Jaejoong ah! Why don't you tell Yunho the truth? Hero doesn't love Yunho, and I know he won't give Yunho happiness either. Lying to Yunho and suffering yourself will not make Yunho happy at the end. While I was dating Hero, I found him dating many other guys at the same time. You should know about this, then why don't we all tell Yunho the truth?"

Jae looked up and shake his head: "No, I can't! Then Hero would be mad, and I will never get to see my Umma and Appa again. Plus.. *looks down* Yunho loves Hero so much, and today he just told me that I can never replace Hero in his heart. I think I should just forget about him and live back to my old life-style. I don't have much of a wish, and all I want is for Yunho to be happy, also, I want to see my parents again.. someday.. when they can accept me again.."

Junsu: "Jaejoong ah.. if you don't mind.. please tell us about your story between Hero and your parents. Why are you like this now? Why don't you even have health insurance? How do you live your life?"

Jae looked up at Junsu and Yoochun, softly, he sighed and began to tell them his entire story. Jae: "Hero is my twin brother. We were very happy before, although, my parents cared about me a little more because of my special eye color, but this is also what brought me the misfortune now."

Flash back..

Jae widened his eyes with tears pouring down from his face when he saw his Appa coming at him. Jae whispered as he backed away: "A.. Appa?"

Suddenly, Mr. Kim grabbed onto Jae's arm and dragged him down the hallway. Jae cried: "Appa.. please.. you are hurting me.. Appa.."

Mr. Kim opened the door of the last room down the hallway which is a storage room, and then harshly pushed Jae into the room and locked the door. Jae hits the floor hurt but then he quickly gets up and banged onto the door: "Appa! Please Open the door! Please! Appa! I promise I will be good from now on! Appa! Umma!"

Mrs. Kim standing outside cried while covering her face, and Mr. Kim sighed as he turned over to Mrs. Kim: "Don't cry anymore.. he will become quiet later on when he is tired.."

Mrs. Kim hugged onto Mr. Kim: "Why are we doing this? Why are we so cure to our own son?"

"Shh.. remember, he is not our son anymore." Mr. Kim said, "If we claim him as our son then Hero will die. At least this way, none of our son will face death. In order for both of them to live, this is the only way."

"Appa! Umma! Open the door! Please!" Jae's crying voice echoed in the house.

Mrs. Kim rushed down the stairs and couldn't stand it anymore, then Mr. Kim sighed: "Let's go check up on Hero. Jaejoong will stay in that room from now on. As soon as he turned eighteen then we will cut all contacts with him after he enters college."

Flash ended..

Jae looked down with tears rolling down from his face again: "From then on, I never really see my parents again. I had to walk to school and walk back home, and once I am back home I was forced immediately back to the storage room. The maids were the ones who delivered food for me. Also, there was only paper, pen, and an old piano in that storage room, that's why I had nothing to be but to draw and practice piano when I am at home. My parents would avoid me and Hero never came to see me either after he returned back home from the hospital."

Yoochun and Junsu widened their eyes and stared at Jae, Junsu: "I can't believe this. Your parents are so superstitious, how can they believe that your eyes were what caused Hero's accident?"

Jae shakes his head: "But it is true, Hero always get sick when we were little, and he even got into that accident. But Hero never got sick again after what happened to me. I think it was my fault too, but someone I have a feeling that Hero has something against me also. He would be so bitter sometimes, but I really don't know what it is."

Yoochun: "What is he to be bitter about? He should be happy that he got everything, and why does he still hurt you? That little whore. He got everything he wanted in this world, and he is still being such an ass!"


A loud voice ringed above their heads, and all three of them looked up when they saw Hero and Yunho standing beside their table. Jae widened his eyes and quickly lowered his eyes. Right now, except for Jae and Hero, the other three were all shocked to see Hero and Jae finally appearing at the same place.. same time..

Yunho looked over at Jae and found his face all bruised up, suddenly, he felt his heart ached a little. Yunho looked away and bit onto his lips. Yoochun stood up and looked at Hero: "Hero ah.. what a coincidence? You are here also!"

Hero smirked: "Yes.. Yoochun ah, and I thought I just heard someone talk about me?"

Yoochun nodded with a smile: "I was talking about you. I was wondering how you are doing with Siwon now? Do you still see him? Do you still go on dates with him secretly?"

Hero widened his eyes and Yunho looked up as he turned over to Yoochun. Yoochun smirked at Hero and then looked over to Yunho: "Yunho! Have you ever had the pleasure to meet Hero's other boyfriend?"

Chapter 18

the promise from the past

Hero stared at Yoochun for a second and then slowly formed a light smile on his face. Yoochun looked at him and was confused by Hero's sudden change of expression. Hero: "Siwon? You didn't know? I broke up with him long before I met Yunho. I thought you know how to spy on me, how come you didn't know this?"

Hero turned over to Yunho and whispered: "I told you Yunnie, Yoochun spied on me the whole time when I went out with him. I felt so sad, because even my own boyfriend doesn't trust me."

Yunho looked at Hero's sad face and wrapped his arm around Hero's shoulder, Jae saw this in his eyes and he quickly looked away as he felt his heart hurting so much. Yoochun pointed at Hero and said: "Yunho! You believe everything he just said? Why are you so blind?"

"Yunho!" Junsu said and stood up then he held onto Jae's arm, "Look at him! Do you recognize him? He is Hero's twin."

Yunho looked over at Jae and then looked way: "Of course I recognize him, because I just had a special talk with him. Is that right Jaejoong shi?"

Hero quickly stepped in front of Yunho: "Junsu shi, what did you mean by that? Of course, Yunnie knows about my brother, because I told him everything already."

Jae looked away and doesn't know what to do or say at the second. Hero smirked a little: "And Yunnie also knows a little secret about Jaejoongie! Is that right? Wuli Jaejoongie really knows how to seduce people and make people trust him."

Jae shook his head up and looked at Hero, then Hero stared at him: "Isn't that right? Jaejoongie? So, tell us, why are you here with Yoochun and Junsu? Did you use your pitiful arua to fool your two new friends?"

Jae looked at Hero and was so hurt by Hero's word, but he knows he can't get Hero mad right now. Jae opened his mouth but nothing came out, and then he shifted his eyes to Yunho where Yunho was giving him death glares again. Jae looked down and sighed a little pov- He already hates me, then what is the point of trying to make myself looking any good in front of him right now? The more he hates me then the more he will love Hero.. I think it would be better that way..

Jae slowly lifted his face when Hero asked: "Is that right, Jaejoong ah?"

Jae felt his eyes filled with tears, slowly, he nodded his head. Yoochun and Junsu pulled onto Jae: "Jaejoong!"

"Mianhae.. Yoochun and Junsu shi.. I lied about everything I said." Jae whispered in a soft voice again, "I am sorry to trick you two and make you two believe in me. I shouldn't be here right now, I will leave right now."

Yoochun and Junsu stared at each other and then turned back to Jae, Hero then said: "See! You all have been tricked by him and he already admitted. That's how my brother like, and I am very sorry that I haven't been here earlier to tell you guys about him."

Junsu: "No! You are the one lying! Stop pretending Hero! Stop making Jaejoong look bad in front of Yunho and us, because you know what the truth in your heart is!"

Yunho: "Junsu! Don't yell at Hero."

"Why are you still protecting him? I can't believe Hero and Jae look the same but have totally different hearts." Junsu yelled at Yunho.

Yunho looked at Junsu for a second then turned to Jae and pointed his finger at Jae's face: "Look what you have done! Isn't it enough that you hurt Hero in private, but do you also have to fool my friends like that to turn against Hero? Hero is your own brother, why are you so evil? Stop with all the acting, and just get to your true self. I thought I already warned you, do you want to be warned again?"

Yunho looked so mad, and Jae was shaking hard. Slowly, he stood up and bowed done and said with a shaky voice: "I will leave now.. I.. I am sorry.."

Hero rushed over and blocked Jae's way, Jae looked up and begged: "Hero ah.. please.. let me leave!"

Hero whispered: "Not so fast. You are paying tonight."

Jae widened his eyes: "What? Hero! You know I don't have enough money to support my own living.. please.. let me go Hero.."

Hero grabbed onto Jae's arm and whispered into his ear: "Listen! Don't make things hard for me anymore. I warned you to get out from my life a long time ago, and what are you doing right now? You have to pay for dinner tonight and remember, this is the first warning. Next time, I will make you do worse things if you try to step into my life again."

Hero dragged Jae back and smiled: "Jaejoongie said for apologizing he will pay to the dinner tonight."

Yoochun and Junsu stood up: "Jaejoong! You.."

Jae: "I.. I will pay.."

Junsu wanted to say something but held it back, both Yoochun and Junsu felt that they wanted to punch Hero and Yunho right now, but they didn't want to do it in such an expansive restaurant.

Jae stuttered: "I.. I don't have money with me.. I.. I will pay back later.. I.."

Yunho speaks: "I will cover all the cost tonight."

Jae looked up and nodded: "I will pay you.. as soon as possible.."

Hero then lets Jae go and smiled in victory again, then Jae whispered: "Please.. let me leave now.."

Hero nodded and Jae turned away as he walked out from the restaurant. Junsu stood up and glared at Hero: "I don't want to eat anymore either. Yoochun let's go!"

Yoochun stood up and he walked past Yunho as he whispered: "You are the dumbest guy in the world."

Yunho turned over but Yoochun already rushed toward the door. Yunho pov- Why does he look so familiar to me? How come I feel as if I have see him and hear him before? And he doesn't give me any bad feelings, if I didn't know all those bad things what he did to Hero, then I think I would pity him myself too. Is he really pretending? Why do I have a feeling that he is.. not acting..

"Yunnie?" Hero called and Yunho turned over.

Hero smiled warmly: "Let's eat. I am hungry."

Yunho nodded and sat down as Hero ordered food as if he has been here many times. Yunho pov- Why is Hero acting so different these days? He seemed as if he has reflected his personality or something. Why do I feel the Hero in front of me right now.. is just a stranger? And in my heart I am calling and missing someone else..


Jae stepped out from the front door and then picked up his steps as he started to run. He doesn't want to think anything and he thinks that the best way is to get all his energy out for the moment. He could hear Yoochun and Junsu's voice calling him from the back, but he didn't stop. He just run as tears rolling out from his eyes none stop.

When Jae finally felt their calling voice disappeared, he stopped and held onto the straight light as he patted hard. Jae looked around and found himself in front of his house that he once lived in.

Jae looked up and turned his head as he saw the living room's light is still on. Jae cried as he sinks down on the ground and whispered: "Appa.. Umma.."

Just then, the front door opened. Jae quickly hides behind a wall and looked over, then he saw his Appa and Umma stepped out with a younger guy stepped out with them.

Jae looked over and widened his eyes as he heard, Mrs. Kim: "Changmin ah, it is good to see you back. Sorry Hero is not at home right now, but we will tell him that you came back."

The young man smiled: "Don't worry aunty, it was my fault that I didn't tell him before hand. So, where is Jaejoong?"

Mrs. Kim suddenly stopped speaking and looked down, then she said: "He is not in Seoul currently, you might not get to see him this time."

Changmin nodded and smiled: "It's okay! Then tell Hero to call me sometimes."

Mrs. Kim smiled and then both waved bye as Changmin walked over to his car and drove away. Jae widened his eyes and stared at the car, then he turned back to the door but it was already closed.

Jae pov- Changmin is back? What will Hero do now then? I know Changmin came back for Hero, he never break his promise.

Flash back..

Changmin pulled Jae into his bedroom, and Jae asked: "Minnie! Why did you pull me here so fast? Hero is still outside."

"I wanted to talk to you about something and I can't let Hero hear this." Changmin whispered.

Jae: "What is it?"

Changmin looked down and blushed: "You see.. I think I like Hero.."

"YOU WHAT?" Jae screamed.

Changmin: "Shh! Don't tell anyone, I think I want to marry Hero when I grow up. Do you think he will agree?"

Jae smiled: "Of course! He always talks about you too."

Changmin then said: "You have to keep this a secret for me. Here, I will give you my candy, and you promise me you won't tell anyone till the day I ask Hero to marry me."

Jae held up his hand and smiled: "I promise, Minnie!"

Changmin then held up a candy and feed it to Jae as they smiled at each other..

Flash ended..

Jae pov- Is Changmin back for that promise now? Then.. what about Yunho? Aish.. why am I thinking about him? He doesn't even care about me.. but I.. I can't forget about him.. I just.. can't..


Chapter 19


Yunho's pov..

I took Hero home, and I walked him to the front door this time. It is so weird, how come Hero is letting me take him home today? I thought he would always ask me to drop him off by the front gate of school.

"Yunnie.." Hero called and cut off my thought, "You didn't talk much tonight, is something bothering you?"

I quickly smiled and shake my head but then I frowned a little when an image of Jaejoong flashed in my mind. I looked up at Hero and somehow I could see part of Jaejoong from Hero's eyes, "Hero ah.. is Jaejoong really like how you described?"

I questioned him, because I am really confused right now. Part of me is not really trusting what Hero said, but I really want to trust this Hero in front of me, but.. I felt like a voice at the back of my head is screaming at me..

"Yunnie, you don't trust me?" Hero said and stared at me with his big eyes.

"No.. it's not that.." I answered and didn't want to upset him, "It's just.. I really wish to learn more you and your past, so I would like to hear all the stories happened to you before."

Hero sighed a little: "My past is very sad, and I try not to think too much about it. Yunnie ah, don't make me recall everything please."

I nodded and held onto Hero's hand: "I will see you in school tomorrow then."

Quickly I pecked him on the lips, Hero smiled at me and waved good-bye to me as the turned to the front door. I stared at his back and there were many thoughts on my mind but Jaejoong's soft voice and leaving figure kept on appearing in my mind at the second. Sure, Jaejoong and Hero look the same, but I know the person I am thinking right now is Jaejoong.

I could see the deep bruises on his face, and I could see the corner of his mouth still bleeding a little. I could hear his soft voice that I recognized from somewhere that I couldn't really recall. I could see his leaving figure shaking a little when he took every step out from my vision.

"You are the dumbest man in the world.."

Yoochun's sentence ringed in my ear. I shake my head hard, and went back to my car as I drove back to my house. I immediately opened my msn, but "Blue" wasn't online. I really hope that I could meet him one day and tell all about my trouble and ask him what I should do with them.

Without much pausing, my fingers traveled around the keyboard as I typed..

"Blue.. I wish to see you in person soon, how come we meet in front of the bench in DongBang park on this Friday, 6 p.m. I will bring something very noticeable, and I am sure you will find me there."

I closed the window and I knew "Blue" would meet me there, so I didn't need to wait for his response. I had been chatting with him for a while, and somehow I felt so close with him already and we could be the best friends ever if we get to meet in person. I lied down on my bed and turned off the light as I went into a deep sleep..

End of pov..

Hero walked back into the house and he knew that Yunho is already starting to suspect him. Hero pov- It's okay, he won't find anything else, plus, Jaejoong wouldn't dare to bring any trouble to me.

"Hero ah.." Mrs. Kim called from the living room.

Hero looked over and walked in: "Umma! You are still awake."

Mrs. Kim: "Hero ah! Changmin is back!"

Hero widened his eyes and said: "W.. what? Who?"

Mrs. Kim smiled a little: "Changmin! You don't remember him? He came back from Japan for an exchange student program and he came by tonight but you wasn't home so he told me to give you his number."

Mrs. Kim handed Hero a piece of paper with Changmin's number on there, Mrs. Kim continued: "He wanted to see you soon, and he said he has something important to tell you."

"See me?" Hero asked, "Are you sure, he said he wanted to see me?"

Mrs. Kim looked up at Hero and confused: "Yes.. he said you.. what is wrong with that?"

Hero shakes his head: "Okay.. thanks Umma.. I am going to rest now."

Mrs. Kim nodded and Hero turned to the stairs as he held onto the piece of paper tightly, Hero pov- Changmin.. Shim Changmin.. he is back? And he came for.. me? Am I dreaming? Shouldn't he be looking for Jaejoong?

Hero throws himself on the bed as he looked at the number on the paper, slowly, he closed his eyes as his childhood memories slowly came back into his head.. tears rolled out from his eyes..


The next day..

Yunho walked into the school, but he didn't see Hero anywhere. Yunho tried to search for Hero, but there was no sighs of him. Yunho looked down at the watch and there was still ten minutes before his class, so he sat down on a bench near a little lake inside the campus.

Yunho stared at the ducks swimming in the light blue colored water and then he looked up at the blue sky. Yunho: "Blue is truly a pretty color.. wonder why "Blue" picked this name.. but how come he said he hates this color?"

Just when Yunho was thinking, Junsu walked over and tapped Yunho's shoulder: "Jung Yunho!"

Yunho turned over and saw Junsu: "Hey.. why are you calling me by my formal name now?"

Junsu: "Because I suddenly felt that I don't know you anymore."

"What do you mean?" Yunho asked with a smile on.

Junsu sighed: "Do you trust him that much? You even went blind because of him? Do you know you are hurting other people with your ignorant actions?"

"What do you mean? Who did I hurt?" Yunho asked in confusion.

Junsu shakes his head: "I can't say anything, because I promised someone I won't say anything. Well, anyways, here!"

Junsu handed Yunho an envelop, and Yunho took it in confusion when he opened it there were money in there. Yunho widened his eyes: "Why did you give me money?'

"It's not from me!" Junsu said, "It's from Jaejoong!"

"Jaejoong?" Yunho is more confused now.

"He owned you dinner money right? Here is the money that he wants to pay back to you." Junsu said and his voice sounded very hurtful as he continued, "He worked all night for this money. You better appreciate it, but someone like probably won't appreciate him."

"He worked all night for this?" Yunho asked, "What did he do? Why didn't he give this to me himself?"

Junsu stood up and said as he looked straight at the lake water: "He worked in a construction place over night by carrying heavy metals and brick. He hurt his arm by a sharp metal, and he is refusing Yoochun's offer to go the hospital again because he doesn't even have health insurance. Do you know he is an art major? He can barely lift up his right arm to continue to work on his project right now. If you really think you and Hero have the right to make someone innocent suffer like this, then you are really just a stranger to me from now on. Also, for your last questions, I do remember someone told Jaejoong to never show up in front of him again! So there goes your answer!"

Junsu walked away without turning back. Yunho looked down at the envelop and was shocked to hear everything that Junsu, pov- This can't be, how come he doesn't have health insurance? He hurt his arm also? He worked all night for this money? I thought.. I thought he is bad.. and he.. I..

Yunho jumped and started to run toward the art department just like when he would run to the gate to meet "Hero" in the old days. Yunho doesn't even know what made him so worried, but he knows that he has to see Jaejoong right now and see if he is okay.

Yunho ran down every art room and peeked in everyone of them to check for Jaejoong's figure, and finally his legs stopped him at the last room down the hallway. There he saw Jaejoong trying to get the statue off from the top of the storage place. Jae held out his left arm and trying to reach for his statue, while his right arm was hanged on the side and couldn't make any usage.

Yunho gulps and slowly walked toward Jae and looking at the slim figure struggling in front of him. Yunho could feel the frustration coming from Jae when he couldn't even hold onto the piece of art he made himself.

Jae tried hard to reach for it, but he couldn't get a hold of it at all, pov- Aish! Why can't I even get this done? This is due very soon, I have to get it finished. But I can't even hold onto it now.. Aish..

Jae was so frustrated as tears rolled out from his eyes and dripped down on his shirt. But he didn't care to wipe them away, just then, Jae saw another hand reached over on his statue. Jae turned over in surprise and widened his eyes. Yunho?

Yunho sighed and took the statue off as he held it in his hand, and he looked up at Jae: "Why don't you go to the doctor?"

Jae held onto his right arm a little and looked down without saying anything..

Yunho: "I never asked you to pay me back the next day, why are you doing this?"

Jae bits onto his lips and still didn't say anything, Yunho sighed then dragged onto Jae's arm.

"AHH!" Jae screamed in pain.

Yunho quickly lets go and turned back as he saw blood dripped down from Jae's right hand. Yunho held onto Jae's hand and rolled up Jae's sleeve while Jae bit onto his lips, and then Yunho gasped when he saw a deep cut on Jae's right arm with blood still dripping out and already dyeing the sleeve of the shirt in red. Yunho looked up at Jae in shock and Jae bit onto his lips trying to overcome the pain.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? What are you thinking? Let's go to the hospital now!" Yunho yelled and pulled onto Jae's left hand as he dragged him out of the classroom. Jae looked at Yunho's back and felt tears rolling around in his eyes.. at least.. he cares.. a little..

Chapter 20

Many questions

Yunho dragged Jae out from the building and walked toward his car. Jae stared at Yunho's back till they stopped in front of his car again, Jae looked over at the car and how he missed the days when he could sit in there smiling and chatting with Yunho happily.

Jae bits onto his lips and Yunho opened the door, said: "Get in!"

Jae looked up at Yunho and looked away. Yunho sighed then pushed Jae into his car as he ran over to his side looking rather annoyed. Jae lowered his head and avoided making any eye-contact with Yunho while he was driving knowing that Yunho is probably annoyed of him.

Jae pov- I need to remember that I am not Hero anymore, so I shouldn't feel very disappointed. But I can't seem to control my heart, because it hurts so much.

Yunho drives the car and kept on glancing over at Jae with the corner of his eyes, pov- Why does he look so much like the Hero I dated the first few times? Later, Hero changed which I couldn't quiet figure out why, but Jaejoong's expression and actions are more like the Hero I dated before.

Yunho stopped the car in front of a red light looked over at Jae's arm, it is still bleeding, and half of his sleeve is already covered with blood. Yunho pov- That idiotic! Who told him to pay me back so fast? I never asked him for the money. Why is he doing this to himself?

"Does it hurt?" Yunho couldn't help but asked softly.

Jae looks up slowly and Yunho could tell Jae's lips were trembling with pain, but slowly, Jae shakes his head. Yunho sighed and said: "We will be at the hospital soon. Try not to touch it now, and just bare with the pain for a while."

Jae nodded quickly and then lowered his head again. Yunho looked up and then drives when the light turned green, but when he looked ahead his eyes widened when he saw Hero walking down the street.. with another man..

Yunho turned his head a little, and didn't notice that he was going to crash into the car in the front till Jae grabbed onto Yunho's arm. Yunho stepped on the brake quickly and turned over to Jae. Jae looked at Yunho with his eyes widened, and Yunho gasped when he saw a pair of big blue eyes in front of him.

Jae quickly turned away and hides his eyes behind his bangs. Yunho: "Your eyes are.. blue?"

Yunho held onto Jae's shoulder and turned to turn him back, but Jae resisted. Yunho gave up when he heard a beep from the car behind him, then he started to drive again. Yunho pov- Jaejoong has blue eyes? Ahhh! There are so many surprises with Jaejoong, but did I just see Hero down the street with someone else? He wasn't in school today, did he go meet someone?

Yunho stopped the car in front of the hospital and then he walked in with Jae as Jae went into the doctor's room to get his arm fixed. Yunho took his phone out and dialed Hero's number, but there was no one picking up. Yunho sighed hard and leaned on the wall, pov- What is going on? Why did I see Hero with another guy?


Hero's pov..

I hanged up my phone with my shaking hands. I finally heard his voice again, and he sounded so mature now. Did I just hear that he wants to meet me?

I quickly jumped out from my bed and took a shower while preparing myself really hard to go meet him. I am so nervous and I could feel my body shaking. I miss him so much and I don't know what does he wants to tell me, but I hope it is something good.

I checked myself in the mirror one more time and walked out from my house. Getting into my car, I could feel my hands trembling while holding my key. I started the car, and drove toward the café that I am going to meet him at.

Stepping out from the car, I exhaled deeply and then took my steps toward the front door. He said he is already here waiting for me, and I couldn't wait to see his face again. Opening the door, I looked around, then I spotted someone sitting at the corner of the room holding a cup of coffee looking over at me.

Slowly, the person puts the cup down and smiled warmly. Is that him? Oh god! He is so handsome now, how can he get this handsome? My heart is melting little by little already. Is he really Changmin? That Changmin I liked so much when we were little? Gosh! I felt like fainting now.

"Hero ah.." I heard the deep voice that I just listened to from my phone a few minutes ago. Yes, that is him. It is Changmin.

I stared at him, and he smiled again at me while I walked closer and closer to the table. Changmin: "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me you don't recognize me already."

"No.. no.." My voice became so soft and careful, I looked away: "You are.. really good looking now.."

"So are you? You are beautiful!" Changmin said. "Not that you looked bad before, I always you looked so angelic."

I blushed hard and I looked away, "Changmin ah.. when did you learn to sweet talk with me? So why are you back?"

"I am here for a exchange student program thing, I won't stay long." Changmin smiled, "But I wanted to see you, because I never forgot about you."

I looked up and then bit onto my lips as I asked: "Aren't you here to see Jaejoong?"

"Jaejoong? Ah! I wanted to see him too, but aunty said he is not in town right now." Changmin answered, "It's okay, as long as I get to see you then I am fine."

I looked down and knowing that was a lie, then I looked up: "Changmin ah, you said you had something to tell me?"

Changmin nodded and his face changed into a serious expression: "I want to tell you something very important. Hero ah, this thing might affect your whole life and I want you to think very hard about it."

I nodded and looked at Changmin with a serious face, then Changmin reached over to my hand: "Hero ah.. I love you.."

I widened my eyes and stared at him. I couldn't believe my own ears, am I dreaming? This is a lie right? Changmin loves.. me? I thought he liked Jaejoong, and he moved to Japan, so shouldn't he be dating someone in Japan then? Is someone setting this up with me? What is going on? Changmin loves me? I.. I..

Changmin studied my shocking face: "Is this too much for you? I am sorry if I scared you, but I always wanted to tell you this, though I never had time till I left Korea. But I decided that I shouldn't wait anymore so I lose my chance with you again. Would you accept me?"

I still widened my eyes and couldn't make any sound come out from my mouth. I only felt my hands shaking under his. This is too much a shock for me.

End of pov..

Jae walked out from the doctor's room with his arms wrapped nicely, and the doctor gave Jae some medicines to take to ease the pain. Yunho looked over and asked: "Is his arm okay?"

Doctor: "I applied medicine for him, and as long as he doesn't touch water it will heal soon. If you feel too much pain then take a medicine I give you, and remember, don't do anything with that arm for a while, especially don't carry anything with it."

Jae nodded and Yunho said: "Thank you."

Then Yunho walked ahead while Jae followed him, Jae looked up at Yunho's back and asked softly: "Erm.. how much did it cost? I will pay you back."

Yunho said without looking back: "Don't need."

"No.. I can pay you back.." Jae insisted.

Yunho said: "I said you don't have to!"

"But.." Jae said but was cut off by Yunho's harsh voice.

Yunho turned around and said: "I already said you don't have to! God damn it! Why are you so annoying?"

Jae looked up at Yunho and widened his eyes, then he looked down: "S.. sorry.. I.."

Jae's voice sounded so shaky because tears were on the verge of rolling out from his eyes. Yunho sighed and looked at Jae's pitiful image in front him. Yunho pov- Gosh! Why did I yell at him for? He is not Hero! Why am I carrying out my anger on someone who looks like Hero!

Slowly, Yunho pushes Jae into his embrace. Jae widened his eyes while tears rolled down from his face. Yunho whispered: "Sorry.. I didn't mean to yell at you.."

Jae shakes his head, then Yunho pushes Jae out from his hug. Jae felt a slight disappointment when his body lost contact with Yunho's. Jae pov- He is probably not in a good mood.. is it because of Hero? Changmin is back, maybe he knows about it already.

Yunho looked out from the window with a very sad face, and Jae felt so hurt seeing him like this. He wanted to help Yunho, but he really doesn't know how.

"Yunho-shi.." Jae said because Yunho said not to call him by his name only, "Is there something troubling you?"

Yunho looked back at Jae and he asked: "Can you tell me the truth? How is Hero really like?"

Jae widened his eyes and looked up at Yunho as Yunho continued: "Why do I feel as if Hero has two personalities? Why do I feel that I am missing something in my heart right now?"

Chapter 21

Feeling bad

Yunho sighed and looked away: "Never mind, why am I asking you this anyways?"

Yunho then turned toward the front door and walked out, Jae looked over at Yunho's back pov- Is he already starting to suspect Hero? Changmin is back and he is going to confess to Hero, then Yunho will be upset. Should tell him the truth before he gets too upset? Should I take this chance to confess to him about my feelings to him?

Jae looked down at his hand and smiled a little pov- He drove me to the hospital so that means he at least cares right? Maybe if he finds out the truth the he will try to accept me and like me.

Jae looked up and chased after Yunho, when Yunho was about to walk toward his car he felt a soft hand grabbed onto his arm. Yunho turned around and saw Jae holding onto his arm and patting a little: "Y.. Yunho.. shi.."

Yunho looked at Jae's big eyes and he felt as if he could drown in those deep blue eyes, but he quickly came back to his sense and took his arm out from Jae's hold: "What is it?"

"Yunho shi.. do you really want to know the truth?" Jae asked with pleading eyes. "I can.. I can tell you the truth.."

"What do you mean?" Yunho knitted his eye-browns and stared at Jae's face.

Jae gulps a little and said: "Yunho shi, Hero doesn't love you and he never will. He is not in love with any of the guys that he has dated before, and to let you know the truth he goes out with many different guys at the same time. He.."

"Shut up!" Yunho yelled, "How can you talk about your own brother this way? I actually thought I pitied you and stared to change my thoughts about you after you paid me back, but I think I have to doubt any good impression I just had about you."

"I am not lying.." Jae said with a shaky voice, "I am telling the truth Yunho shi, please, open your eyes! You can tell Hero doesn't love you right? Because he has always been in love with someone else in his heart and I don't want you to continue like this and get hurt in the end.. I.."

"Why do you care so much, huh?" Yunho asked.

"I.. I.." Jae stuttered, then he exhaled a little and looked up at Yunho, "I care for you, Yunho ah.."

Yunho gasped and widened his eyes, then he felt Jae's hand touching his arm softly. Yunho stared at Jae's face, and he felt as if his breath was taken away from that beautiful face, but soon he got back to earth again. Yunho looked down at Jae's hand and quickly pushed him away: "What are you doing? What are you talking about?"

Jae: "Yunho.. don't you see? Hero has always been cheating on you and he doesn't love you. I don't want you to get hurt that's why I am telling you this, and plus, he.."

"Stop it!" Yunho yelled at Jae, and Jae backed up a few steps with fearful eyes, Yunho then walked toward Jae: "I know you are Hero's brother and you probably have a lot of things that you are unsatisfied with him, but I hope you can stop talking about him like this, because I already said in my heart he is the only angel and you can never replace him. I don't care if you truly care for me or you are just faking, but I like Hero only!"

Jae felt his leg weakening as he collapsed on the ground and looked up at Yunho's scary face. Tears rolled around in his eyes, and Yunho seemed to have no mercy for him.

Yunho sneered at Jae: "So, Hero was right! You do want to steal me away from him like you did to the others huh? So how did you steal Yoochun with your special seduction huh? Did you really use your pitiful appearance? Why don't you suck it up huh? I am not going to fall for it. Hero is right! You are noting but a whore who just wants to steal all the guys to yourself."

Jae looked up at Yunho and shakes his head to disagree, but Yunho just smirked coldly at Jae and not believing anything out from his mouth. Jae bits onto his lips and cries hard while holding onto his heart hurting so much.

"Let's go! I will take you back, and I don't expect to see you again after this." Yunho said harshly and walked toward his car.

Jae stared at Yunho's back and closed his eye while holding onto his itching heart, pov- I guess this is really the end of my hope. There is no way that he will believe the person who he went on dates with before was actually me.

Jae wipes away his tears and stood up as he walked toward Yunho's car slowly..


"Hero?" Changmin asked and looked over at Hero's shocking face.

"Chang.. Changmin.. you.." Hero asked, "Are you sure of what you said? I never though.. you.."

Changmin squeezes Hero's hand tighter: "I have always loved you, and I told Jae about it before! I told him to keep it a secret for me, and seems like he never told you right?"

"What? Jae knew about it?" Hero asked in shock.

Changmin nodded and smiled: "Remember that one time when you two came over to my house, and I pulled Jae to my room first, that's when I told him that I like you. I told him to not to tell you and I will tell you about my feelings myself, but then I moved away. But I never forgot about it."

Hero widened his eyes pov- Changmin never liked Jaejoong? He has always liked me? And Jaejoong knows about it? This whole time I have been mistaken Jaejoong for something he never did? This whole time I have been hating for him taking away Changmin from me but he never did? Oh my gosh! Jaejoong ah! I am so sorry! I am sorry.. brother.. Jaejoong ah..

Hero felt tears rolling out from his eyes, Changmin looked over: "what's wrong? Did I make you upset? I am sorry Hero ah.. don't cry.."

Hero suddenly hugged onto Changmin and cried in his hug: "Changmin an.. I am sorry.. please let me cry, I.. I.. I am such a bad person.. I don't deserve you.. I don't.."

Changmin patted Hero and smiled: "Why are you saying this pabo! I love you!"

Hero heard what Changmin said and he felt his heart hurting even more, he doesn't know what he should do to make everything up to Jaejoong. All these times, he took everything from Jae, and Jae never once tried to talk back to him. He even prevented Jae from seeing Yunho, when he obviously liked Yunho. Hero hugged onto Changmin tighter then opened his eyes pov- Maybe at least.. I can let Yunho know the truth and give Yunho back to Jae.. that's the last thing I can do for him..


Yunho took Jae back to school and stopped the car. Jae had been crying silently on the whole ride back, when the car stopped Jae looked over at Yunho's face one last time knowing he probably won't be able to see Yunho again. Yunho looked straight and then said: "You can get out now."

Jae sighed and turned to the door, then Yunho said: "Remember! I don't want to see your face again and I will never stop loving Hero."

Jae nodded slowly and then walked out from the car as he slowly walking back to his dorm. Yunho sighed hard and hits the steering-wheel hard, and cursed: "What the hell am I doing? Why do I always take out my anger on him? Aish!"

Yunho hits the steering-wheel once more, and then he drove home. When he opened his msn window there was no reply from "Blue". Yunho pov- I am meeting him tomorrow.. I am getting a little nervous.. hopefully I will become good friends with him and I want to share all my troubles with him..

Jae went back to his own dorm and he sat down on his chair as he sighed out hard. Jae took off his glasses and placed it on the table: "Who am I kidding? He will never look my way again. If he wants to be with Hero, then who should I even care anymore.. I should just disappear from his life.."

Jae flipped open his laptop and then a message from U-Know popped up. U-Know: Blue.. I wish to see you in person soon, how come we meet in front of the bench in DongBang park on this Friday, 6 p.m. I will bring something very noticeable, and I am sure you will find me there.

Jae stared at the screen and cries: "Yunho ah.. how am I going to meet you with my identity when you told me to never show up in front of you again?"

Jae lays his head down in front of the laptop and cries himself to sleep slowly..


Next day..

Yunho woke up early and started to prepare himself for the meeting that he was going to have with "Blue" soon. Yunho made sure he was very presentable, and then he dialed a number: "Hello? Dream Star Flower shop? Yes, is my special request ready? Great! I will come and pick it up in an hour."

Yunho smiled at himself pov- "Blue" will be very surprised to see what I have prepared for him. I am sure he will be able to see me out of all the people.

Looking down at his watch, Yunho smiled: "There are still a lot of time left, maybe I should call Hero right now and see what he is doing.. he never called me back last night.."

Yunho took out his phone and dialed Hero's number, after a few ring, the phone was finally picked up: "Hero ah.."

"Oh Yunho ah.." Hero said and sounded a little awkward.

"Where were you yesterday? I called you so many times, but you never replied my call." Yunho asked.

Hero paused for a second: "Yunho ah! Do you have time today? I want to see you and I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Yunho asked.

Hero: "No.. its nothing.. I just want to talk to you about something.."

"I can meet you now." Yunho said and thought something was wrong with Hero.

Hero: "No.. how about I meet you tonight?"

Yunho: "Okay, then I will go pick you up tonight."

Hero: "No Yunho ah.. I will wait for you at star bucks around 8 tonight.."

Yunho: "Okay, I love you."

Hero paused for a second then said: "See you Yunho ah.."

Yunho hangs up pov- Why doesn't Hero call me Yunnie anymore? What happened? How come he sounded very upset today? Is there something wrong with him?

Worrying about Hero, Yunho got into his car and drove off to the flower shop that he prepared for the meeting with his special friend.. "Blue"..

Chapter 22

Blue Rose

Yunho parked his car and looked down at his watch, it was about time for his meet with "Blue". Yunho smiled to himself and got out from the car not forgetting to take the special gift he ordered for Blue. Yunho held onto the gift and walked toward a bench as he sat down waiting for "Blue".

"I am sure he will see me." Yunho said confidently as he looked down at the gift.

Yunho had ordered this gift a few days ago before this meeting because he wants "Blue" to find him easily. This special request troubled the flower shop many days till they finally used high technology with biological method to figure out a way to make roses turn Blue. Yunho thought he was a genius to come up with this idea making the rose Blue as a simple to his friend "Blue".

Thirty-minutes passed..

An hour passed..

Two hours passed..

Yunho looked around pov- Where is he? I have been waiting for two hours already. Did he not get my message? Why didn't he show up or say anything?

Suddenly, Yunho's cell phone vibrated in his pocket, and it was an unknown number sending him a text message.

Yunho opened it, then reads: Yunho, I am sorry, but I can't show up in front of you yet. I am sorry for not telling you earlier and making you wait. But I can't let you see me right now.

Yunho sighed as he closed his cell phone and looked up at the already turning dark sky: "Why? Why can't you show up in front of me? I thought we were good friends, then whatever it is about you, I will accept.."

Yunho stood up and carefully placed the blue rose on the bench as he walked away slowly. He didn't notice that behind him a little figure flashed out from the behind of a tall tree with tears shinning on his face.

"Yunho yah.." Jae's soft voice that could be easily missed by anyone near him called out the name that he has longed for.

Jae watched Yunho driving away from the part, then he walked out toward the bench. There he saw the blue rose Yunho made for him, Jae cries hard and took the rose with shaking hands.

"Yunho ah, if you see me like this. I don't think you would accept me." Jae wipes away his tears and carefully held the rose close to him, "At least, I finally received a gift from you to me. I finally had something from you, but I don't think I have the right to take it."

Jae hanged his head low and walked out from the park while holding tightly onto the beautiful rose, and without his notice his feet stopped in front of a store. Jae looked up and gasped a little, because this is the place he has been avoiding for a long time. Ever since Hero's accident, this place was what made him changed his life completely. Why did he end up here though?

Jae looked into the store and saw the same woman sitting behind a table, and Jae widened his eyes when he saw the woman calling him in with her hand. Jae felt as if his feet moved on their own, and he opened the door to the store while walking toward the woman.

"Long time no see.. little boy.." The woman said with a somewhat deep voice. Her face couldn't be seen because of the shades, but Jae could tell that she was staring at his face straight.

Jae looked away and didn't say anything, the woman said: "I know what is troubling you. He will not love you, because he doesn't even know anything about you. You should give it up."

Jae glanced up: "How did you know?"

"You are just like your mother. I am a witch, of course, I know everything. Trust me, he is not meant for you. You need to forget about him." The woman answered.

Jae bits onto his lips: "I want to, but.. it is so hard.. I know he loves my brother, but I couldn't control my own feelings.."

Jae cries softly and lowered his head, the woman said with a firm voice: "You are just hurting yourself this way. You are not meant to be with him, because he hates you and he will never look your way. Listen, if you want to forget about him then I can help you, but you have to persuade yourself to really forget about him for this to work."

Jae looked up with tears shinning on his face: "If this can ease the pain I am in right now, then I will forget about him. Please.. help me.."

The woman then took out a little bottle with a clear kind liquid in there: "Here it's a special liquid called forgiveness. If you forgive then you will forget, if you believe in fate then you will forget.. drink it, and you will forget about the one who hurt you the most, because you forgive him already.. you want nothing more.. nothing less from him.."

Jae stared at the bottle in disbelief: "This will really work?"

"If you have faith.. then I will work.. if you want to get rid of the pain then it will work.." The woman said and then said, "You may leave now."

Jae nodded and took the bottle as he left the store, he is now holding the bottle with one hand and the blue rose with the other. Jae pov- Should I drink it? Then I will forget about him completely and I will be in no more pain. But will this really work? What if she is lying to me? Then nothing will happen anyways.. it won't hurt to drink it.. but do I really want to forget about him?

An image of Yunho's sweet smile flashed in Jae's head. Jae quickly shakes it off, pov- what am I thinking? That smile was never meant for me. She is right, I am not supposed to be with him. He is never mine and he never will be..

Jae looked down at the bottle in his hand and then he turned over while he was already standing in the middle of a bridge. Jae looked down at the deep river under the bridge as a tear dropped won straight into the water. The sky is getting so dark as if there is going to be no tomorrow.

Jae pov- Maybe there really isn't a tomorrow anymore. After tonight I will forget everything about him and my life will go back to normal again.. I will not see the sun again just like before.. and no more pain for me.. I will stay by myself just like I used to be.. I.. I.. will hold my callous heart forever..

Jae opened the bottle and stared at the clear liquid: "After I drink this, my memory will be as clear as this liquid.. right?"

He took it to his rosy lips, and slowly, he closed his eyes with tears rolling out from his eyes while sipped in the liquid to the very last drop. Tears poured out from his eyes, Jae reopened them and dropped the bottle into the river. He then looked over at the blue rose in his hand, then he held out his hand and slowly.. letting it go.. the rose flied in the air for a while as if it wanted to remain in Jae's hand for a little longer, but there was no hope.. it dropped straight down into the river..

Jae looked down at the blue rose being washed away by the water and he closed his eyes pov- It is really over. When I wake up again.. I will forget about you.. Jung Yunho..


Yoochun: "There is no use Junsu, Yunho will not turn to Jaejoong no matter what we say. Did you not see how he looked at Jaejoong, as if they were enemies.."

Junsu sighed as he walked next to Yoochun down the street: "But I feel so bad for Jaejoong, after all, Jae was the one who dated Yunho and made him think he is in love with Hero. I bet you Hero is with some other guy at the moment also."

Yoochun sighed and looked over at the bridge but then he widened his eyes and pointed at the person standing in the middle of the bridge: "Yah! Isn't that Jaejoong?"

Junsu looked over and gasped: "Yea! What is he doing there? It looks so dangerous."

Yoochun and Junsu called: "Jaejoong ah! Jaejoong!"

Suddenly, they saw Jaejoong moved back and forth a few times as if he was about to fall into the river. Yoochun gasped: "OH MY GOD! JAEJOONG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Junsu and Yoochun quickly ran toward where Jae was standing, but it was too late..


Junsu and Yoochun widened their eyes when they watched Jae falls straight down into the river..



Yunho parked the car in front of Star Buckets and he walked into the store feeling a little depressed that he didn't see "Blue". Then he saw Hero already waiting for him, Yunho was a little surprised as he took a seat in front of Hero: "You are early today."

Hero looked up at Yunho with serious eyes: "Yunho ah.. I have something to talk to you about.."

"What is it baby?" Yunho asked.

"I.." Hero bits onto his lips, "I.. I wanted to tell you.. let's break up.."

"WHAT?" Yunho yelled.

Hero looked away: "Sorry.. but I never loved you.. I.. I can't be with you anymore.. plus, you don't love me either."

Yunho: "what do you mean I don't love you? I love everything about you. Every part about you! Why are you breaking up with me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No.. no.. Yunho ah.. let me tell you the truth.. you love Jaejoong.. not me!" Hero said with a serious tone.

Yunho widened his eyes and stared at Hero, just then..


Chapter 23


Yunho's pov..

I rushed down the hallway with Hero next to me. Something happened to Jaejoong that I am not sure of, and Hero didn't take the time to explain to me. For some reason, this time, Hero is really worried and he was running ahead of me the whole time.

Finally, he stopped in front of a patient room and opened the door quickly then I stepped in with him. There I saw Yoochun and Junsu sitting next to the hospital bed with Jaejoong lying on the bed.

"Is he okay?" Hero asked desperately and walked over to Yoochun and Junsu.

Both of them stood up and they turned over to look at us, Junsu gave me a blaming look while Yoochun sighed lightly.

"He fell into the river, and good thing a police car passed by to help him get out from the water, or else, he will drown in there." Yoochun said, "I called you, because you are his only relatively that I know of."

Hero widened his eyes: "WHAT? HOW DID HE FELL INTO THE RIVER?"

Hero rushed over to Jae's bed and looked at the pile looking Jae with his hair all wet and spreading cross from his eyes. Hero sat down slowly on the bed and slowly helped Jae to remove those hair covering his eyes, he sighed: "Ahh.. Jaejoong ah, are you okay?"

Junsu looked over at Yoochun and was confused at Hero's action. Junsu: "Yah! Stop pretending to care, don't you always hate him and always make his life miserable? If you still see him as a brother then contact your parent and tell them about his condition."

Hero looked over at Junsu with teary eyes which shocked all three of us. Hero then turned back to Jae and sighed: "Jaejoong ah.. how jealous I am of you.. do you know that Jaejoong? How can you make everyone like you so much all the time?"

All of us watched Hero without saying anything. Hero grabbed Jae's hand and whispered: "I know what you have been through these years, but trust me, my life is not any better than yours. You might suffer physically but I am suffering emotionally, do you know Umma misses you so much she would sit in the living room for hours just to stare at your picture in that old frame.. Appa locks himself in his office all the time and I know he misses you more than anyone else.. do you know he wanted to give his company to you when we were little? Also, Umma wanted to pass down all her piano talent to you also. You are making me jealous from the bottom of my heart. Even though, I seemed to be living with our parents, but you were always the one in their hearts."

A tear rolled out from Hero's eyes, and I could see that his eyes were turning red. Hero then continued: "I am sorry for hurting you so much Jae ah, and please don't give up on your life easily. I promise I will give everything that belong to you back to you right now, and I am sorry for all the misunderstandings that I had with you all these years. Changmin explained everything, and I am such a Pabo! Can you forgive me Jae ah?"

"Hero! What is going on?" I asked and couldn't stand there listening to all these confusing sentences anymore.

Hero turned over and said: "Yunho! I am sorry for lying to you this whole time. I need to tell you the truth now, I never dated you from he beginning. Jae was the one who dated you. I never showed up at our date because I was too busy dating other guys, so I asked Jae to pretend to be me. Jae has blue eyes, so I forced him to wear black contacts, but even so, his eyes still shined in a deep blue color. I gave him my clothes and asked him to go on dates with you for me."

I widened my eyes and backed up a few steps. Those words seemed like thunder to me, and I couldn't believe my own ears. But, now everything makes sense, Jaejoong was the one I dated! Yes, this makes much more sense. Wonder why I felt as if I was dating two different people. Hero lied to me this whole time?

I glanced at Hero, and slowly, he nodded his head. I widened my eyes and looked over at Yoochun and Junsu while both of them nodded their heads. Junsu: "I tried to hint you a few times, but you never got my hint. Jae was never the kind of person you thought, and he is very pitiful also, he really loves you. I didn't want you to get hurt that's why he never told you."

"Hero! You are lying right?" I asked again and still couldn't believe what was happening even though everything stared to clear up and make sense in my head.

Hero stood up and walked over to me: "I am not.. I am sorry.. I am not the one you love. All of your feelings that you had about me was actually from Jae. He was the one who gave you the warmth and he was the one who made you attracted to me so much. Also, I never learned how to play the piano, only Jae knows how to play."

Now everything is clear, the person that I love so much was not Hero. It is Jaejoong! The sweet smile and the shyness belonged to Jaejoong. Aish.. how slow am I to just figure it out right now. Jaejoong was the one who made me deeply in love, and Jaejoong is the one who showed me what love is. He was never a stranger to me, but instead he was the love of my life.

An image of Jae's crying eyes flashed in my head. On the Ferris- Wheel, he cried talking about his family, that is because Jaejoong was the one who got separated from his family. I looked over at the bed and there lies Jaejoong, his pile face.. and I could still see parts of bruises that was not covered from my punch.. oh god! How could I hit him like that? How did he feel when he saw the person he loves punching him like that? Oh god! I just want to punch my own face right now.

Slowly, I stepped over to the bed. How come I never realized Jaejoong is so beautiful before? How come I always had this hateful feeling toward him before? How come.. how come.. I am so stupid before? Jaejoong is the person that made me feels so warm.. Jaejoong is the person who showed me love.. Jaejoong is the person who needs my protection the most.. Jaejoong! Jaejoong ah!

Hero cries and whispered: "I am sorry.. Yunho ah.. I am sorry for lying to you the whole time. What I said about Jaejoong were all lies.. he was never the person you thought he was.. when we were kids, he was so nice to me even when everyone ignores me, and he never pushed me to the car. It was just an accident that I gotten into. Yunho ah.. please don't hate me.. I never meant to lie to you."

"WHAT IS THE POINT OF SAYING ALL THESE RIGHT NOW?" I finally yelled when I couldn't control my anger anymore.

Hero widened his eyes and looked at me in fear. Hero whispered: "I.. I am sorry.."

"You.." I pointed at Hero's face, "Get out from my sight right now. I don't want to see your face again!"

Hero: "But.."

Yoochun walked over and pulled Hero up: "Listen to him. Jae will be fine, the doctor said he will wake up soon."

Hero nodded and looked down: "Yunho.."

I turned over a little without looking at him, then Hero whispered: "I am sorry.."

Then I heard the door closed behind me, Junsu patted on my shoulder: "Now, you know everything."

I held onto Jae's hand slowly and asked: "You know everything Junsu? And you didn't tell me?"

"Jae begged Yoochun and I not to tell, because he said you love Hero so much if you find out the truth and knows that Hero was lying to you the whole time. Then you will get hurt!" Junsu explained.

I closed my eyes as I felt a sorrowful feeling rose up to my chest. Gosh! Jaejoong ah! Why do you only think of me? Only if you tell me the truth earlier, then I would never let anything happen to you.

"Jaejoong ah.. why don't you tell me everything earlier?" I asked and squeezed Jae's soft hand. Yes, now I have the feeling, Jae's hands were the pair of hands that I had been longing for in my heart. His hands were so soft, but on his finger tips there were little hardened parts because of piano practicing for all these years.

Yoochun walked over and hugged onto Junsu. I was a little shocked, then Yoochun asked: "Are you hungry, Su? Jae is going to be fine. Do you want to eat something?"

Junsu nodded and hugged Yoochun back, I asked: "You two.."

Yoochun: "What? you didn't know we were together?"

I widened my eyes: "Wait! Don't you like Jaejoong though?"


Junsu looked over at me: "Yoochun and I have been going out after he broke up with Hero. Why do you think he likes Jaejoong?"

"Aish! I am so stupid! Why did I trust everything Hero said?" I yelled and cursed at myself.

Now, everything is cleared up. Hero never said anything true about Jaejoong. Jaejoong is just as pure as water, and I had been mistaken him for all those lies. Sorry, Jaejoong ah.. how I know the truth, but will you forgive me? I am so sorry.. Jaejoong ah.. how am I going to make it up to you?

"Oh, by the way, Yunho ah.. the police found this bottle in the water also. They said Jae's sudden faint might have something to do with this." Yoochun handed an empty bottle to me.

I took over the bottle and looked at it: "What is this?"

I saw the word "forgiveness" on the bottle and wondered what could have been in there. Yoochun and Junsu both shrugged, and Junsu said: "Maybe some kind of wine? Jae was seemed to be dizzy before he falls into the river. Yoochun and I saw him on the bridge."

I looked down at the bottle and had a very bad feeling.. Jaejoong ah.. what did you drink and what is going to happen?

"Jaejoong ah.. can you give me a chance to love you?" I asked and looked at Jae's pile face.

Chapter 24

Forgive or forget

Hero waited for a while, but Yunho never wanted to talk to him again, so he decided to go home and hopefully talk to his parents about Jae's situation. Actually, he has been forbidden to talk about Jae at home with his parents, because they didn't want to remember him and miss him. Hero knows, Jae has lived in his parent's hearts always, but none of them had the courage to look at him and repay him what they had taken away from him.

Yunho sat beside Jae's bed and held onto Jae's hand, pov- Gosh! Jaejoong ah, why didn't I realize this before? Why am I so stupid? You are the "Hero" I have always loved and I gave so much pain to you. Why didn't I listen to you when you finally had the courage to tell me the truth? And I told you to go away.. but why did you listen to me so much? Why did you really go away when I told you to go away?

"Yunho ah.." Junsu called and patted on Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho turned over and looked up at Junsu with hurtful eyes: "When will he wake up Junsu? Are you sure he is okay?"

"So now you are worried.." Yoochun said and smirked a little. Yunho glared over at Yoochun, and Yoochun continued: "Don't worry, the doctor said he just fainted and they got him out from the water on time, so he didn't drown or anytime."

Junsu handed Yunho some food: "Here! Have some food, or drink some water. You have been sitting here for hours already, you must be tired. I know you feel sorry for Jae, but hurting yourself is not going to help either."

Yunho shakes his head: "Junsu ah.. do you think Jae will forgive me once I apologize? I have been so stupid and if I was him I wouldn't even forgive myself."

Yoochun sat down and looked at Yunho: "If I was him I wouldn't forgive you either.."

Junsu: "Yoochun!"

Yunho stood up and turned over to Yoochun: "Yoochun.. look, do you have something against me? Why do you always say those sarcastic things to me?"

Yoochun looked over at Yunho and stood up also as he stepped forward face to face with Yunho, he said: "No, I don't have anything against you, Yunho, and you are the one who always had something against me. Just because I was Hero's ex. Boyfriend, you never listened to one word from me because you always thought I hated you since you stole Hero away from me."

Yunho moved forward, but Yoochun stopped him with his words: "Listen to me Yunho, you never stole Hero away from me. The night when you got together with Hero was the night when I was the one who broke up with him. Hero has always been dating with other guys while he was with me, but I just let him do that since I thought I could change him, but I guess none of us could have changed him. So, since then, there has always been this weird situation between you and I, but I think since I got Junsu and you found out you loved Jaejoong, we could be friends instead of enemies like before. Right?"

Yunho looked at Yoochun, then Yoochun took out his hand and slowly Yunho shakes it and said: "Friends!"

Yoochun smiled and patted Yunho on the back: "Listen! Jaejoong is an angel. Even though I said I wouldn't forgive you, but I never said he wouldn't forgive you. He loves you so much more than you could have imagined. I guess you were the first one who broke him happiness for a long time, so he falls in love with you fast and deep, but you hurt him so deep. I would say, he will forgive you but you really need to show him that you love him more than anything in the world."

Junsu nodded and held onto Yoochun's hand: "Yunho ah.. show him that you can love him as himself also, and show him that he deserves to be loved."

Yunho nodded and felt his eyes getting wet from all the guiltiness in his heart. Suddenly, the heard a moving noise coming from the bed. All three of them turned around and looked over at the bed. Jaejoong slowly moved his head over and opened his eyes looking at the three surprised man standing in the middle of the floor.

"Jaejoong ah!" All three yelled and rushed over to Jae's bed.

Jae blinked his eyes a few times and looked at the three of them. Yunho smiled at Jae: "Jaejoong ah.. you are awake, are you thirsty or hungry? Do you want anything? Just tell me okay?"

Jae looked over at Yunho who quickly poured a cup and water and handed to him. Jae looked at the cup then up at Yunho's face, slowly, he took the cup and drinks all the water at once.

Yunho smiled pov- He doesn't look to be mad and he drink the water I handed to him.. does that mean he forgive me?

Junsu and Yoochun looked over at Jae who just finished a cup of water and asked: "Jaejoong ah, how are you feeling? Do you want to call the doctor?"

Jae shakes his head no, and then slowly opened his mouth: "Junsu ah.. Yoochun ah.. what happened to me?"

Junsu sits on the bed: "you fall into the lack because you fainted. What happened to you? Did you get sick or eat something weird? The doctor said you fainted because there was something they couldn't really test out in your blood."

Jae thinks for a second and shakes his head: "I don't remember drinking anything or eating anything weird."

Jae then looked over at Yunho who is staring at him carefully, and then he turned back to Junsu and Yoochun: "Aren't you two going to introduce your friend to me?"

Junsu and Yoochun widened their eyes and looked at each other. Jae looked at then confusedly and then turned over to Yunho with a blink face. Yunho: "Jaejoong! What are you talking about? Introduce me? I am Yunho! Jung Yunho!"

"Yunho?" Jae whispers to himself and tries to think, then he looked up and shakes his head: "I am sorry, I don't know anyone named Yunho."

Yunho widened his eyes and dropped the glass cup in his hand down on the floor hard. With the sound of the broken glasses, Jae jumped a little and looked up at Yunho's lost face.


"What's wrong Hero ah?" Changmin asked.

Hero looks up at Changmin and sighed: "Changmin ah.. what if I am not really who you think I am? Would you still be with me?"

Changmin smiled: "Why are you speaking like that? Of course I will love you and be with you."

Hero cries and shakes his head: "Changmin ah.. I am such a bad person and I am a bad brother too. How can I treat Jaejoong like that all these years when he never had down anything wrong?"

"Jaejoong? What about him?" Changmin asked without a clue, "He is out of town right?"

Hero: "No! He is here! But he can't go home, and he is in the hospital now because of me. I thought the witch said, as long as we stay away from each other, then nothing would happen to any of us, but both of us are in pain right now. My parents miss him secretly but they can't see him, and me too.. I miss him too.. I miss him.. my brother.."

Changmin widened his eyes: "What are you talking about Hero ah?"

Hero looked up at Changmin and pulled his hand out from Changmin's hold: "Min.. Jaejoong never stole you away from me, but I thought he did, and I hated him for that so I made his life so miserable. But I don't want to do that anymore, I want to give him back what he deserved. Can you help me? I need to talk to my parents now, and they have to stop their mistake today. Jaejoong needs to come back to our family."

Changmin: "Hero! Wait! Can you tell me the whole story at least? So maybe I can help.. Jaejoong is in the hospital? How come? Jaejoong is my friend too and I want to help him if there is anything I can do. So tell me what happened and I will try to help you."

Hero wipes his tears away and looked at Changmin: "Min.. you might hate me after you hear all these but for Jaejoong I will tell you everything."

Changmin hugged onto Hero: "No, I won't hate you. Tell me, and I will help you!"

Hero nodded and begin to tell Changmin the story from the past..


Doctor sighed and walked away from Jae's bed as he looked over at Yunho, Yoochun and Junsu. He cleared his throat and said: "Okay, I don't want any of you to worry much about his condition. He is completely fine right now and his body is in a health yet weak condition. He might need to eat many healthy food and gain some weight, but other than that.. I don't see anything wrong with him.."


Yoochun and Junsu pulled Yunho away from the doctor, and the doctor fixed his clothes then said: "I am sorry sir, but he doesn't suffer from any kind of memory lose right now, and he can clearly remember everything that happened an hour before he fainted. According to his situation, that one hour doesn't count as losing of memory."


"I am sorry sir, this is the hospital, if you are going to scream like that I would have to ask you to step out." The doctor said and walked out from the room.

Yoochun and Junsu held onto Yunho while helping him to sit down on the chair to calm down. Yoochun: "Stop it Yunho, yelling at the doctor will not help Jae's sickness. Get yourself together."

"How can I get myself together? I was hoping for him to forgive me but now he forgot about me! How am I suppose to get myself together? Huh? You tell me!" Yunho said with tears rolling out from his eyes.

Jae looked over at the yelling Yunho and whispered: "Why is that guy so loud? Who is he?"

Junsu heard Jae's whisper and turned around, slowly, he shakes his head and looked back at the crying Yunho..

Chapter 25

Trying to help

"What the heck? This is what you called separating them? What a brilliant idea!" A voice yelled.

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop that yelling! Hankyung, you know we are doing this for the good of our prince." Another voice hissed.

Hankyung sighed: "I can't believe I just went to take a nap and so many things happened already, you know our prince was sent to earth to experience the human life not to suffer his whole life. Heechul ah.. what did you do?"

Heechul pouted: "It is not my fault, you know Kangin said they can't be together, so that was the only way I could think of. That Jung Yunho kid is ruining everything. I saw from my future mirror that our prince will get together with Yunho and Kangin told me to stop them."

Hankyung sighed: "Damn this stupid time difference between heaven and earth. One nap could be ten years of earth time, otherwise I would have stopped you and Kangin's stupid plan."

Heechul pouted: "Why are you screaming at me like that? You don't love me anymore?"

"I don't love you when you go down to the earth and pretend that you are a stupid witch!" Hankyung said, "And, did you steal that potion from me? When did you take it?"

Heechul: "I knew it! I knew it! Fine you go find yourself someone else! I am a stupid witch okay? Fine! Fine! I will just let our prince fall in love with a human dude and let him live on earth forever without coming back!"

Hankyung: "That's not what I meant! Obviously, prince cannot fall in love with a guy on earth, but that is not the way you should stop him."

Heechul: "Then what do you want me to do? Suddenly appear on earth like who I am right now and scare the heck out of him?"

Hankyung quits down and thinks: "That's right! What should we do then? But liking a guy on earth will really affect our prince's life in heaven? I don't really get it. What did Kangin say?"

Heechul fixing his hair in front of his mirror: "Kangin said, prince Jaejoong was sent to earth to experience human life so he could be a good prince in heaven later, and he cannot be gay because he is a prince. So, we must stop that Yunho guy from getting together with prince Jaejoong. You know, actually, I feel bad for Hero also, because prince Jaejoong wasn't even suppose to be in earth so he wasn't suppose to have a twin. If prince Jaejoong wasn't appointed to be Hero's twin, then Hero's life would have been better too."

Hankyung: "Whatever it is, we can't make prince suffer anymore, let's go get Kangin and Eeteuk and we will talk about it as a group now. From what I see, Jung Yunho is deeply in love with our prince and prince loves him too. So, if we separate them using our powers, I don't think it is the right thing to do. Whatever happens is all fate, just like us, right?"

Hankyung smirks at Heechul who is busy doing his hair, and Heechul whispered: "Whatever! Just don't let me turn into that witch again, I hate covering my face all the time."


Changmin looked over at Hero's crying face and indeed he felt bad for Jaejoong, but he doesn't blame it on Hero either. Changmin hugged onto Hero and whispered: "I am sorry Hero.."

"Why are you saying sorry to me?" Hero asked, "I was the evil one and I did all those bad things to my own brother."

Changmin: "If I had told you about my feelings earlier then nothing like this would have happened."

Hero shakes his head and sobs so hard that he couldn't speak, Changmin touches Hero's cheek: "Don't cry anymore, Hero ah.. I will help you to repay Jaejoong back, and I think we should go talk to your parents first. They are the ones who caused Jaejoong the most pain, and let's have your parents accept Jaejoong again and let him back into the family. That's the only thing we can do right now to make Jaejoong happy."

Hero nodded and hugged onto Changmin: "Min.. why are you so nice to me? I thought you would hate me after I tell you everything."

Changmin shakes his head: "I know you didn't mean to do that on purpose and you had your reasons. Where is Jaejoong now? I want to go visit him."

Hero nodded and said: "He is in the hospital now. I want to check on him too. I don't know if he is awake or not and I am really worried."

Changmin held onto Hero's hand: "Let's go then! I will talk to Jaejoong and I am sure he will forgive you. It was all just misunderstanding."

Changmin and Hero got into the car and drove off to the hospital..


"Jaejoong ah.. look at me please.. Jaejoong ah.." Yunho desperately said and holding onto Jae's hand, "Don't you remember me? Jaejoong ah! Please!"

Jae stared at Yunho fearfully and looked over at Junsu and Yoochun for help. Yoochun pulled Yunho back and said: "Stop it Yunho! You are scaring him and this is not helping."

Jae turned to Junsu: "Junsu ah.. who is he? Why is he acting so weird?"

Junsu sat down next to Jae and sighed as he looked over at Yunho: "Yoochun ah, why don't you take Yunho outside to calm down a little. He is scaring Jaejoong right now."

Yoochun nodded and dragged Yunho out from the room who is completely collapsing emotionally at the moment. Junsu turned over to Jae: "Jae, are you sure you don't remember him?"

Jae looks up and shakes his head: "Am I suppose to remember him?"

Junsu: "He is Jung Yunho, don't you recall that name? Jung Yunho!"

Jae thinks for a second: "I don't think I know a Jung Yunho before. What is his relationship with me anyways?"

"He.. he doesn't have any relationships with you.." Junsu said, "He was your brother's boyfriend."

Jae: "Oh.. is that so? Then I wouldn't know him, because I don't know any of Hero's boyfriends. He dates too many of them at a time and he never told me any of them either."

Junsu: "But he told you about Yunho, and you know Yunho personally also."

"That's impossible, Hero wouldn't let me see any of his boyfriends or friends because he doesn't want people to know about me." Jae explained and was so sure that he doesn't know the guy named Jung Yunho.

Knock.. Knock..

Junsu looked over at the door and then saw a guy walked in with Hero behind him. Junsu: "Hero.. and.. you are.."

Jae looked up and suddenly brightens: "Changmin ah!"

"Changmin?" Junsu whispered.

Jae sat up and smiled at the guy that Junsu doesn't know, and Junsu was surprised because he hasn't seen Jae smile like that ever. The guy named Changmin walked over to Jae's bed: "Jaejoong ah.. are you feeling better now?"

"Never been better now that I see you.. when did you come back? I missed you!" Jae smiled more and said to Changmin.

Then Jae looked back at Hero and then smiled: "Are you back for Hero?"

Hero bits onto his lips and looks over at Jae: "Jaejoong ah.. I am sorry.."

Jae looked up: "Huh?"

Hero held onto Jae's hand: "Jaejoong ah.. will you forgive me for what I did with you and Yunho? I am really sorry! Now, Changmin came back and he told me everything, and I am sorry that I misunderstood you the whole time and made your life miserable. I am sorry Jaejoong ah.. please forgive me.."

Jae said confusedly: "Why is everyone saying something about that Yunho guy? Who is he anyways?"

Hero widened his eyes: "What are you talking about? You don't know Yunho? Are you joking with me Jae?"

Jae looked up more confused, and Junsu pulled Hero aside and said: "Let's talk outside."

Hero nodded and walked out with Junsu, Changmin turned back to Jae: "Jaejoong ah, I have to thank you for keeping our secret all these years, but I didn't know our little secret brought so much misunderstanding between you and Hero."

Jae shakes his head: "No, it's okay! I know Hero would understand one day and he will stop being so mad at me. So, did you propose to him yet?"

Changmin nodded with a smile on his face: "Tell you the truth, I want to take Hero back to Japan with me but I still have to discuss this with him. In the mean time, I think the most important thing is to reunite you with your family. I can't believe Uncle and Aunty would do such a thing to you, but don't worry, Hero and I already planned to talk to them and let them reaccept you into the family. Then Hero can leave with me without any worries."

Jae looked up with happy eyes: "Really? I can see Appa and Umma again?"

Changmin nodded with a smile on his face..

Outside of the room..

"What? You mean he forgot about Yunho? How? He remembers everything else though." Hero asked shockingly.

Junsu sighed: "The doctor said that also, and he said there is nothing wrong with Jae, but we don't know how come he doesn't remember Yunho."

Hero looked down and bits onto his lips: "Why is he always suffering? Finally Yunho found out the truth and started to love him but he had to forget about Yunho. Where is Yunho right now?"

Junsu: "Yoochun took him out for a walk, because he was going insane over Jae's condition. I guess there is nothing we can do unless Jae can slowly recover all parts of his memory by himself."

Hero sighed: "And I will bring him back into the family also, because I own him too much these years and it is time to repay him."

Chapter 26

I promise I will

Yunho sat hard on the bench and looked up at the sky: "So, this is what I get for punishment huh? Jaejoong doesn't remember me anymore. Is this a joke?"

Yoochun sat down next to Yunho: "Get yourself together already, you are not helping with the situation. We need to find out why is Jae acting this way or maybe he is pretending?"

Yunho turns over: "He is pretending? Why would he do that?"

"Because someone apparently hurts him too much and Jae doesn't want to deal with it anymore?" Yoochun replied.

Yunho jumped up and walked to rush to the hospital building again, but Yoochun pulled him back: "Wait! Where are you going?"

Yunho: "I am going to tell him that I love him and I am going to let him know that I know all about the truth already."

"Wait! Wait! That was just one of my assumption, maybe he isn't pretending and you will scare him away." Yoochun said, "Just calm down and let's think of some plan."

Yunho groaned in anger: "ARGH! What am I suppose to do now? Out of everything in this world, he doesn't remember me!"

Yoochun covers his ears: "Aish.. what am I going to do with you? Wait! Yunho ah.. where is that bottle?"

"What bottle?" Yunho asked and didn't know what Yoochun was talking about.

Yoochun sighed and grabbed the bottle out from Yunho's pocket: "This one! The police found it in the river with Jae when they helped him out the water, and I think maybe this has something to do with Jae's condition right now."

Yunho looked at the bottle and took it over in his hand: "Yoochun ah.. look.. it said "forgiveness" on the front. Do you know any kind of drink named "forgiveness"? I never heard of this before."

Yoochun thinks for a second: "Forgiveness? I don't think so. Is it some kind of new alcohol? Is there anything else on there?"

Yunho looks around the bottle and at the bottom there was a line that was barely able to read: "Yoochun! Look! I think I found an address of the production for this bottle. Do you think.."

Yoochun nodded: "Let's go to that address right now and see if there is any clue we can find. Come on! Let's go back to Jae's room and I will tell Junsu to take care of Jae for now."

Yunho nodded and followed Yoochun back into the hospital building..


Kangin: "No! I mean our prince cannot fall in love with a human-being because he will have to come back to heaven eventually."

Hankyung: "Listen Kangin! Our prince can stay on earth as long as that Yunho guy, and there is nothing with them in love with each other because once our prince comes back to heaven, that Yunho guy will not be on earth anymore either."

Eeteuk: "That's right! Kangin ah, why are you so stubborn?"

Kangin sighed: "Yes! That's true, but our prince will remember everything happened to him on earth, do you think he then can live without Yunho?"

Heechul nodded: "That's right! We should just leave it as they are right now. Since, prince already forgot about Yunho, so let's keep it that way."

Hankyung chuckled: "Heechul ah.. do you know that potion will not last forever?"

"What?" Heechul looked over and screamed, "You told me it works before."

Hankyung: "Well, don't forget Jaejoong is our prince, he is not easily affected by my potions, and even though this one worked on him for now, but he can soon use his unknown power to get over the control of this potion and he will eventually start to remember Yunho. Then what are you going to do?"

Kangin: "Then we can only make that Yunho got leave!"

Heechul: "Hey don't look at me, I am not going down there to be a witch again! I like my pretty face too much to cover it."

Heechul turns away to look at himself in the mirror, but then he gasped: "OMO!"

"What?" Everyone asked.

Heechul: "I saw Yunho and that Yoochun guy found out about my address! Oh my god! They are coming to get me now. What am I suppose to do?"

Eetuek looked over and sighed: "See! I knew something would go wrong with your stupid plan, Kangin!"

Kangin sighed: "Aish! What am I suppose to do about it? I just don't want our prince to suffer later. You know he will come back and still love Yunho but Yunho cannot be with him in heaven. He is just a human-being."

Hankyung slammed his hand on the table: "This is too complicated, we cannot decide on our prince's future anymore, and I think it is better to report all these in to the queen and tell her about her son's situation, then let her decide what to do. For now, Heechul ah, I think you need to go back down to earth again and tell them what you need to tell them."

Heechul pouted: "Aish! Why is it me again?"

Hankyung kisses Heechul on the cheek: "Come on! Just have to cover your face for a little, but you get to wear that pretty dress again!"

Heechul brightens up: "That's right!"

Heechul then rushed out from the meeting garden to change, Kangin looked over at Hankyung: "I think we should go talk to the queen now, and soon, prince will recover his memories about Yunho. We need to have a solution as soon as possible."

Hankyung and Eetuek nodded and got up to go to the palace..


Yunho and Yoochun looked out from the car and saw this little store that looked so dark inside, Yunho: "What is this place?"

Yoochun: "Wait! Look! There is someone sitting in there I think."

Yunho got out from the car and Yoochun followed, then they saw the person inside signaled them to come in with "her" hand. Yunho and Yoochun looked at each other then walked in to the store..

"Hello there! Jung Yunho shi and Park Yoochun shi!" The witch speaks with a calm voice.

Yunho and Yoochun gasped in surprise, and then they were signaled do sit down. Yunho sat down and then looked up at the "woman" in front of him: "Erm.. how did you our names?"

"I am a witch and I know everything." The witch replied. "I also know what you are coming here for."

Yunho and Yoochun looked at each other, then the witch took out "her" hand and said: "Hand it over."

Yunho gives the bottle to the witch and the witch said: "I knew this will come back to me eventually. Jung Yunho, I know you are here for Kim Jaejoong's currently condition. Let me tell you the truth, he forgot about you because he chose to and I asked for this potion so he can stop the pain."

"What? He asked for it?" Yunho asked.

"Yes. He was in too much pain and he wanted to stop it, and I told him to forget is to forgive. You wanted to apologize to him after he wakes up, but he already forgives you before he drinks this potion otherwise he wouldn't work on him." The witch said, "He doesn't hate you or mad at you but he is just upset at what you have done to him. I know you want to cure his condition and get his memories back to him, but if I were you I would use this chance to love him and make him fall in love again."

Yunho looks at the witch and asked: "I don't need him to recover his memories?"

The witch paused a second then said: "Love will recover anything."

Yunho and Yoochun looked at each other, but then the witch said: "You two may leave now."

Yunho: "but.."

Yoochun stopped Yunho and pulled him up then walked out from the store. Yoochun looked at Yunho: "I think the witch is right, you should use this chance not to try to let Jae remember you but let Jae love you."

Yunho looked at Yoochun and slowly nodded his head: "I will show him how much I love him again and I will let him fall in love with me again."

Yoochun patted on Yunho's back and walked into the car. Heechul looked out and pulled his hood down then stared at Yunho's back: "Hum.. I actually don't think he is bad for our prince, I hope our queen will figure something out for them to stay together instead of separating them. After all, he is our prince's first love."

Yunho and Yoochun went back to the hospital and saw Hero and Changmin sitting in the room, Yunho looked over at them and nodded at Changmin who he just met. Changmin smiled at Yunho and said: "We didn't even get to introduce to each other yet, I am Shim Changmin and I am Jaejoong and Hero's childhood friend. Nice to meet you!"

Yunho took Changmin's hand: "Nice to meet you too! I am Jung Yunho!"

Changmin looked over at Jae and smiled at Yunho then whispered: "You must love him a lot right? Jaejoong has always been so special and lovable, and I hope you will take your chance to be with him now. I know everything that happened between you, Hero and Jae. It is hard but I am sure you can do it."

Yunho nodded and then looked over at Hero who looked down at his fingers, Yunho sighed then said: "Hero ah! Can we talk?"

Hero looked up and nodded as they stepped out from the room, Hero looked down the whole time and Yunho said: "Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"No.. no.. it was all my fault, I never meant to lie to you and hurt Jae so much. It was all because of my selfishness. I know Jae won't forgive me if he remembers everything now." Hero answered.

Yunho: "He won't forgive me either, but I will try my best to show him how much I love him."

Hero nodded: "Yunho ah.. take care of him please, I am going to try my best to let my parents reaccept Jae, and then I am leaving for Japan with Changmin. I want you to take care of Jae from now on and don't let him get hurt anymore."

Yunho looked up at Hero: "You are leaving?"

Hero looked over at Yunho also and nodded slowly: "I have always been in love with Changmin and now that I finally have him back, I don't want to leave him again. Same to you Yunho ah, now that Jae is in front of you for you love and take care of, please don't lose him again."

Yunho hugs onto Hero lightly and whispered: "I promise I will take care of him from now on."


Chapter 27

The queen's thoughts

Jae's pov..

The sun rises up again and I set up on the hospital bed. I don't know when am I able to get out from the hospital, but I don't feel anything wrong with me anymore. I feel like getting out from here, but Junsu said the doctor still needs to do some check up on me.

Hero has always came with Changmin to visit me these days, and for the first time, Hero was so nice to me. I wonder what happened, maybe its because Hero is finally together with Changmin and he is happy now.

I feel happy for them when I see their happy smiles together, but why does Hero always have this very guilty feeling whenever I look at him? Also, I always had a feeling that I had something missing in my life right? It seems like someone or something is missing.. but I don't know what it is..

"Jae ah! Time for breakfast!" Hero walked in and with Changmin behind him, "Jae! I got your favorite food."

I looked over and smiled: "Hero ah, when can I get out from here?"

Hero placed food down on the table in front of my bed and said: "Changmin and I already asked the doctor, and he said just a few more days, then you can move out."

Changmin winked at Hero and smiled. Hero smiled back and I found something weird with them, and I think there is something that they are hiding behind my back.

"Jaejoong ah! I brought you breakfast!" Another voice came across the room and the door swings open.

I looked up.. oh.. it's him again.. why is he here everyday? I don't even know him, and it seemed to me that everyone else knows him. How come I don't recall anything about him but he shows up in front of me everyday as if he knows me very well.

"Oh! Yunho ah!" Hero said and stood up from the chair, "I brought food for Jae too, but you can help him to eat it. Changmin and I had other plans, can you take care of Jae for me today?"

I looked over at Yunho and Yunho smiled brightly: "Of course!"

Weird, Hero always try to create time for me and this Yunho guy to be along. What is on his mind? I looked over at Hero and Changmin who waved bye to me. Then the door closed, and I looked down at my own fingers. I have a really weird feeling toward this Yunho guy and I kind of don't really want to get close to him.

"Jaejoong ah! Eat some food! And I will take you somewhere today." Yunho said.

I looked up and nodded my head, then I watched Yunho getting the food out and trying to feed me which made a little uncomfortable. I said: "I can eat by myself."

I took over the spoon and started to eat, but Yunho just stared at me with a smile on his face. What is this guy thinking?

After eating, I changed out from the hospital clothes and then walked out where Yunho was waiting for me. I asked: "Yunho shi! Where are you taking me?"

"Just call me Yunho!" Yunho demanded.

I nodded my head: "Yun.. Yunho.."

Yunho smiled and held onto my hand which made me gasped in shock, then he said: "Come on! We are going right now!"

I looked down at our hands, and I felt so uncomfortable, so I pushed with my other hand and got out from his grip. Yunho turned around and looked at me with confusion, then I said: "I can walk by myself.."

I could see a hint of hurtful feelings in his eyes, but I really didn't like the feeling. I walked ahead toward the elevator and Yunho followed me, and I really wanted to know where he is taking me now.

Getting into his car, I saw him driving with his attention focused on the road, did I hurt his feelings? I looked over without saying anything and silence filled the door. After I turned back, I saw Yunho stopped in a park. I have been to this park before, but when and why did I come here?

Yunho smiled at me again and opened the door for me. I stepped out and looked around: "What are we doing here?"

Yunho: "Do you remember this place Jae?"

"Jae?" I asked.

Yunho: "Can I call you that?


I paused for a while then nodded: "yea.. sure.."

Yunho looked a little more hurt by my words but I don't know why. But then he turned back to me with a smile on his face: "I can call you Jaejoong if you like it that way."

"No.. its fine.. really.. I don't mind.." I really don't want to see the hurtful feeling on his face anymore. I don't know, this guy is really weird actually.

Yunho then said: "Jae, let's go sit at the bench over there. Do you want to?"

I nodded and walked over to the bench, then Yunho said: "Jae.. do you remember it here now?"

I looked around: "I do remember coming here before. It looks very familiar, but.. I don't remember why did I come here.."

Yunho smiled: "That's great! Jae! At least you remember this place."

Yunho then walked over to the lake and pointed straight: "Jae! Do you see that?"

I looked up and saw a piano sitting on the opposite side of the lake. Wait.. a piano? I remember it now! I was playing it by this lake.. but why?

I walked over to the piano and touched it lightly, yeah this is the same piano I played on. Yunho stood behind me and said: "Play it.. Jae.."

I looked back at Yunho then sat down and played the same song I would play everyday. That one song my mom thought me and I play everyday. Yunho was standing beside me and he was being so quiet not to make any noise while I completed the whole song.

"That was beautiful Jae.. just like the first time when I heart it.." Yunho said after I was done.

"You heard this before?" I asked.

Yunho looked down at me and nodded: "I have Jae! And in was here too."

I was so confused and I looked up at Yunho. Yunho grabbed onto my hand and asked: "Jae.. you really don't remember me?"

I stared at Yunho's face and I really don't know what to say, because I have no recall of anything about him. Jung Yunho.. that is the strangest name to me and that face.. I have never seen it before..

Suddenly, I pushed him away and ran away whispering: "I am sorry.. I don't know you.."

"Jae! Jaejoong!" I can hear Yunho calling me from the back but I didn't stop.

End of pov..

Hankyung, Kangin and Eeteuk bow down to the queen, and then they hear the queen's voice: "I know why you three are here, and I know what is going on already."

Hankyung: "Your majesty, I think you should let prince be with Yunho. It is his first love, and we have no right to use our power to stop their love."

Kangin: "Your majesty, we can't let prince fall in love with Yunho, because then he will remember Yunho ones he come back to heaven."

Hankyung: "Kangin! You know whatever happens is all fate! How can we stop them like that?"

Kangin argues back: "But he is our prince, he can't fall in love with a human-being! Worse, he is a guy!"

"Then why did you fall in love with Eetuek?" Hankyung asked.

Eeteuk: "Hankyung!"

Queen coughs a few times: "Everyone! Stop the argument! I know exactly what you all are thinking, and I think I have already made my decision."

The three of them looked over at the queen, then the queen walked down from her chair and then she smiled at the other three: "I made a decision for my son, and I want you all to help me with it."

The three listened up and then all of them gasped as they looked over at the queen. Then she smiled: "This way.. no one will be suffering anymore.."

Kangin: "But your majesty! You really want to do that?"

Hankyung gasped too: "That is against nature!"

The queen smiled warmly: "My son has finally fall in love how can I separate them? Now, I need you all to help my son to recover his memory soon, and then.. we will start our plan.. invite Jung Yunho over and I will talk to him.."

Eeteuk: "Invite him over? Meaning.."

Queen looked at Eeteuk and smiled: "You know how to do it."


"Jae! Where are you? Jaejoong!" Yunho yelled and ran down the street, but he couldn't see Jae anywhere.

"Jaejoong! Jaejoong!" Yunho kept on yelling.



Yunho quickly looked over and found Jae standing on the bridge again, Yunho widened his eyes: "JAEJOONG! JAEJOONG! PLEASE! DON'T DO ANYTHING!"

Yunho ran toward the bridge and prayed for Jae not to do anything stupid again. Jae looked over at Yunho with a blink face, and then turned to the river again. Yunho rushed over to Jae and pulled onto Jae's arm as he turned Jae back to face him.

"What are you doing?" Yunho asked.

Jae pointed down at the river: "I dropped my rose.. my rose.."

Yunho widened his eyes and stared at Jae in shock, pov- Rose?

Chapter 28


"What rose? Jaejoong! Are you okay? Talk to me please!" Yunho hugged onto Jae's body trying to struggle out from Yunho's hold.

Jae yelled: "Let go! My rose! I need to find it!"

Yunho held onto Jae tighter because Jae seems to be wanting to go off the bridge at any second: "Jae! Please! Calm down! Tell me! What are the roses? I will find it for you."

Jae turned around and held onto Yunho's collar: "Yunho! Yunho! Help me! I dropped the blue rose into the river! Yunho! That was the only thing I have.. but I dropped it.."

Jae started to cry hard and unable to speak because of all the tears. Yunho widened his eyes and hugged onto Jae: "Blue rose? Jae.. you said.. Blue rose? Then you are.. Blue? You are Blue the whole time?"

Jae cries hard: "That was the only thing.. I have.. but I dropped it.. I was so sad.. so I dropped, but I regretted the second I let go of it.. I tried to search for it.. but.. I.. I.. I couldn't find it.."

Yunho hugged onto Jae: "Jae! You were Blue? Why didn't you tell me? I am sorry.. I am sorry.. I am so stupid! Jae.. I am sorry.. please, don't do this to yourself anymore.."

Just after Yunho said that, Jae suddenly pushed Yunho away really hard and Yunho didn't have time to react to anything but was already sitting on the floor. The next thing Yunho saw was Jae jumped off from the bridge in front of his eyes.


Yunho jumped up and rushed over to the bridge and looked down found Jae strangling to keep himself from drowning. Yunho: "AISH!"

Yunho then took of his shoes and jumped in to the cold river with Jae. *SPLASH* Water splashed high as Yunho's body sunk down into the water. Yunho quickly swims up despite the amount of water that got into his mouth already, and he looked around for Jae's body. There he found Jae flooding on his back already, Yunho knows if he doesn't get Jae up now, then Jae would die.

Yunho swims toward Jae and finally he felt Jae's body next to him. Yunho hugged around Jae's shoulder and dragged him toward the side, but the river was so deep and with both of their weight, Yunho could barely keep up himself. Yunho knew he swallowed too much water already, but he kept himself conscious because he can't let Jae die.

Yunho swims slowly toward the side with Jae's body in his hand pov- Jaejoong! Please be okay! Don't die! I won't let you die! I won't let you leave me away. I love you Jaejoong! I love you so much! I am going to spend the rest of my life with you and take care of you from now on. I will never let you get hurt again. Jaejoong ah!


"What? What? WHAT? WHHHHAAATT?" Yoochun yelled into the phone and Junsu was jumping at every "What" Yoochun yelled into the phone.

Yoochun hanged up and Junsu asked: "What?"

Yoochun: "Jaejoong and Yunho both fall into the river and they are send to the hospital now. Hero just called me and said both of them are unconscious right now."

Junsu: "WHAT?"

Yoochun grabbed onto Junsu's hand: "Let's go! We need to go to the hospital now!"

Getting into the car, Junsu said: "Why is the river every time?"

Yoochun: "Why did both of them fall in this time?"

Junsu and Yoochun got out from the car and rushed into the hospital building, then both of them went to the emergency room. Outside of room, Hero and Changmin were sitting on the chairs and then looked over at Junsu and Yoochun.

Yoochun: "What is going on? What happened to Jaejoong?"

Hero sighed: "Jaejoong is fine! He is back in his room right now, and he just fall unconscious, but there is nothing wrong with him."

Junsu pointed at the red light: "Then who is in this room right now?"

Changmin looked up with a sad face: "It's Yunho!"

"Yunho?" Junsu and Yoochun gasped.

Hero cries: "He was trying his best to save Jae, but he swallowed too much water himself, and at the very last minute, he pushed Jae's body out from the water, but he falls back in himself."

Junsu and Yoochun widened their eyes, and Changmin continued: "When the police got there, Yunho was already unconscious but he kept on whispering Jaejoong's name."

Junsu and Yoochun stared at the door and was dumbfounded..


Yunho's pov..

I smell something sweet around me, is that the smell of flowers? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Where am I?

"Oh! You are awake!" A voice said. That voice sounded familiar in some way, but I couldn't really recall.

"Now! Get up! We need to go see the Queen right now!" Another voice said.

I looked around and found four people standing there and looking down at me. Where am I?

"You are in heaven right now!" The first voice answered and then flipped his or her hair.

"HEAVEN?" I yelled and jumped up, "I DIED? WHAT? I DIED? GAHHHHHHHH!"

I started to run around and the other four just looked at me boredly, so, I stopped running and looked at them. I gasped in surprised, all four of them were wearing white and the most important thing. They all had BLUE eyes.

"Yes! We all have blue eyes. People live heaven all have blue eyes. My name is Hankyung. The one who talked first is Heechul, and the one who talked second was Kangin. The one who didn't talk yet is Eetuek." Hankyung said, "Now! Stop running around, and you are not died yet, we invited you here because our queen needs to see you."

I gulped and pointed at myself: "Me?"

The four of them nodded and said: "Come this way!"

I walked around a garden kind of place and followed the other four, honestly, this whole thing is freaking me out and it felt like a dream to me, but then I know it is real because I already pinched myself but didn't work and was mocked by the guy or girl named Heechul.

"You are not dreaming!" Heechul said without turning around.

"Hey! You.. that voice.." I remembered, he or she sounded like that witch, "You are that witch!"

Heechul stopped and turned around with a mad face: "Yah! Stop calling me that or I will get mad!"

Hankyung held onto Heechul: "Heechul! Stop it! You did dress up as a witch why are you getting mad?"

Heechul: "I regret it, because that costume looked ugly."

I looked at them and chuckled a little, then Heechul turned over: "What are you laughing at?"

Hankyung: "Don't mind him Yunho! Come this way, the queen is waiting for you."

I walked into a palace and it looked beautiful, then all four of them stopped in the middle of a room and bowed down. I looked around and didn't know who they were bowing to.

"Yunho shi.. welcome.." A voice called from above and I looked up then I saw a woman's figure sitting on a very tall chair up the stairs but I couldn't see her face because of the light.

"Erm.. why am I here? Can someone explain it to me?" I asked.

Hankyung got up and turned to me: "Now! Let me explain everything. Listen, Yunho, you have to make a choice right now. Kim Jaejoong, the guy that you fall in love with is actually our Prince."

I widened my eyes and asked: "What? Prince?"

Kangin: "He is the heaven's Prince, and he was sent to earth for human life experience and that's why he has Blue eyes if you noticed them."

Heechul: "We said already, everyone in heaven have Blue eye, so that's why Jaejoong is different from the other human."

I dropped my jaw and couldn't believe everything in front of me and everything I just heard, but then again.. *close my jaw* it does make sense..

"Of course! Stupid! Don't think you Jaejoong is different from the other human-beings? He acts like an angel, doesn't he?" Eeteuk said.

"Stop reading my mind, that is annoying." I complained.

Hankyung: "We can't help it!"

Queen: "Okay! Everyone! Please exist here and leave Yunho shi with me, because I have to ask him a question right now. He already knows everything and I think it is better to ask him this question soon."

The other four bowed down and walked out from the room. Hankyung: "I think he will agree.."

"That lucky human!" Kangin said.

Eeteuk: "What are you complaining about? Are you saying you love our Prince?"

Kangin: "What? No! I love you only!"

Heechul rolled his eyes: "Hankyung! Let's go! I need to brush my hair now, and I don't want to hear their cheesy flirty conversations."

Hankyung sighed and followed Heechul..

Back in the room..

The queen smiled at Yunho: "Yunho shi.. I have two question to ask you, and the first one is.. do you really love my son, Kim Jaejoong?"

I said: "Of course I do! I love him more than anything and I can do anything for him. I am sorry that I hurt your son before, but I will do anything to make it up to him."

"Would you give up your life then?" The queen asked, "That is my second question."

"I will.. if I can make him happy then I can give up my life.." I replied.

Queen smiled: "Good then! So, you choose a heaven life with Jaejoong."

"What does that mean?" I asked confusedly.

Queen poured a cup of liquid and walked over to me but I still can't see her face, though I could tell she was smiling friendly at me. Queen said: "Human-beings are supposed to have one life after another and they will go back to earth after they die but into another identity with erased memories. But for us including Jaejoong, we are not suppose to go down earth to be a human except for the Prince, because he needs to experience the human-life before he takes over heaven. If you choose to be with him, then that means you choose to be in heaven also."

I looked at the Queen and gulped hard, then the queen smiled: "If you don't want to, I won't force you either. And I will not separate you and Jaejoong either, because after all you were his first love. But you have to know, after you die, then Jaejoong will come back to heaven. You can erase your memories but Jaejoong can't. He will remember you and always remember you.. he will never let go of you and suffering the feeling of missing you.."

I cut the queen off: "I understand what you mean now. I will not like Jae suffer anymore."

The queen then hands me the cup of liquid and said: "If you already made your decision, then drink this, after you drink it, you will go back to earth. If you don't want to, then pour this liquid on the ground, and you will go back to earth also."

I took the cup and looked up at the queen once more, then she said: "I wish you two happy together no matter what is your decision."

I looked down at the cup and the queen turned around as she walked out from the palace. Jaejoong.. it is my time to make the decision and to be with you.. if I can be with you then I can sacrifice anything.. I will live with you forever Jaejoong.. wait for me..

End of pov..

Chapter 29


"Yunho! Yunho!" Jae whispered in his sleep which woke Hero and Changmin up. Hero opened his eyes and looked over at Jae who is having a struggling face and calling out Yunho's name.

"Changmin! Changmin!" Hero called and nudging Changmin.

Changmin opens his eyes and looks over at Hero, then Hero pointed at Jae: "I think he is waking up."

"Yunho.." Jae continued to call and suddenly he sat up straight and yelled, "YUNHO! YUNHO! WHERE IS YUNHO?"

Hero and Changmin rushed over and pulled Jae down on the bed, Hero: "Jae! Jaejoong! Look at me! Are you okay?"

Jae struggled for a little but soon he calms himself down and looks up at Hero, then he looks over at Changmin. Hero and Changmin lets go of Jae, and Hero said: "Jae! Yunho is in the emergency room right now, and the doctor said they have to keep him there for a while because he is still in his dangerous state. Jae, you made me so worried."

Changmin said: "Jaejoong! Do you remember Yunho now? Do you really remember everything now? Yunho has stayed with you for the past few days and he had told you numbers of times that he loves you. Don't you remember?"

Jae tries to think and there were pieces of Yunho saying "I love you" near his ear, but he couldn't recollect those pieces together. Jae looks up and Hero and then whispered: "He doesn't love me. He only loves my face but the person he loves is Hero."

"No Jae! It is the opposite! Yunho loves you and he fall into the river trying to save your life that is why he is in a coma right now." Changmin explained.

Suddenly, there were running foot steps over to the room, and Junsu and Yoochun broke into the door. Junsu yelled: "YUNHO IS AWAKE!"


Jae's pov..

I heard Junsu's yelling and widened my eyes. My legs seemed to be moving on their own, and I rushed over to the emergency room there I saw doctors walking out and all of them had confused conversations with each other.

"I thought he couldn't make it, but he suddenly opened his eyes." One of them said.

The other one said in agreement: "His heart beat stopped already, but how did it started to beat again. This is so weird."

I rushed into the room and found Yunho lying on the bed with his head turning to the other way, but when he heard my foot-steps he slowly turned over.

I looked at his face and felt tears wetting my eyes again, slowly, he sat up and looked into my eyes.. there was when I gasped in shock and surprise..

"Yunho.. you.." I whispered and stared into Yunho's eyes. Those eyes.. that were once shaded in dark chocolate color, right now, they are sparkling in bright blue.. just like my own..

End of pov..

Junsu, Yoochun, Hero and Changmin rushed in at this time and all of them gasped at the sight in front of them. Yunho and Jae were staring at each other with the same shade of blue in their eyes.

"Jaejoong ah.." Yunho whispered and looked over at Jae, "From now on, I can finally be with you, forever."

Jae shakes his head and couldn't believe what is going on in front of him. Jae walked closer to Yunho and slowly touches his face and reaching up to Yunho's eyes: "Your eyes.. Yunho.."

Yunho smiled and grabs onto Jae's hand: "For you.. I can do anything.. do you trust me now?"

Jae cries and hugs onto Yunho tightly: "Yunho ah.. I love you too! I love you so much!"

Yunho hugs Jae back and smiles: "I know! Let me protect you from now on. Please! Trust me! I will never leave you again."

Jae pushes himself out from Yunho a little and stared into his eyes: "But.. how.."

Yunho smiled and whispered: "It's not important.. the most important thing is I will be with you forever from now and on.."

Jae smiled lightly and leans over as he planted a soft kiss on Yunho's warm lips..


Heechul hugging onto Hankyung: "Aww.. *sniff*"

Hankyung: "Yah.. Heechul.. can you.. let go of me?"

Heechul: "Why?"

Hankyung: "Your tears are getting my shirt dirty."

Hankyung looks down at his white shirt, and Heechul rolled his eyes: "You clean freak!"

Kangin: "Good thing that Yunho kid didn't spill anything out about the visit. Jaejoong might faint again if he knows since he has no collect of Heaven's life right now.. but, there is one more problem though.."

Eeteuk nodded: "I hope their parents will accept Jaejoong again, all thanks you.."

Heechul coughs: "Hey! Hey! Who was the one who gave me that idea?"

Kangin looks away and coughs a few times..

Hankyung: "I am sure Hero can handle it."


"Jaejoong ah.. are you hungry? Jaejoong ah.. do you want to drink anything? Jaejoong ah.. are you bored?" Yunho asked so many questions at once who was driving the car, and it was Jae's first day out from the hospital.

Jae smiled and looked over at Yunho: "Yunho! I can't answer so many questions at once. I am a little hungry! But where are we going now?"

Yunho smiled: "I will take you eat then."

Jae nodded and looked out from the window, after a while, the car stopped in front of the restaurant Jae had remembered for his life. Jae looked over at Yunho and Yunho smiled back: "Jae.. come on!"

Jae got out from the car and looked up at the same restaurant that Yunho brought him to his first date, and he smiled at Yunho: "You.. remember?"

Yunho: "Of course! This was our first date."

Yunho and Jae ate with sweet smiles on each other's faces because none of them had to pretend anything this time. Jae could finally show his own identity and go on to his first date with Yunho again.

Yunho smiled: "Where do you want to go after this Jaejoong ah?"

Jae thinks for a second as he stuffs a piece of meat in his mouth, then he turned back to Yunho: "I want to go to the Ferris-wheel, Yunho!"

Yunho smiled: "Okay! And I will make sure we don't ride those crazy rides this time."

Jae giggled a little and then he spotted some cheese was on Yunho's face, then Jae whispered: "Yunho! You have something on your face."

Yunho tried to wipe it, but he is always missing the spot. Jae reached his hand out and wiped Yunho's mouth with a napkin as he smiled: "You look like a kid when you eat.."

Yunho smiled and held onto Jae's hand: "Jaejoong ah.. I am so glad that you finally accept me now.."

Jae looked into Yunho's eyes and whispered: "How can I not?"

Yunho: "Eh?"

Slowly, Jae leans over and kisses Yunho on the cheek, and he said: "I love you Yunho!"

Yunho smiled sweetly and continued to eat. After the dinner, they went to the Ferris-Wheel that Jae had asked for. Yunho smiled secretly as he reached into his pocket and when the Ferris-wheel started to go up, Jae turned his head to look at the sun-set from outside.

Just then, something appeared in front of Jae's eyes and when he looked down it was a rose.. a blue rose..

Jae widened his eyes and looked back at Yunho who was holding that rose, Yunho said: "Here you go! Blue! I found it in the river, and I though you might want it back."

Jae gasped: "You.."

Yunho: "You are Blue, right?"

Jae looked down and blushed, then Yunho whispered: "But please don't jump into the river anymore. If you want it then I will buy you more."

Jae smiled and took the rose: "How did you make it blue, Yunho?"

Yunho smiled: "It's secret!"

Jae hits Yunho's arm lightly: "No fair! I want to know!"

"Don't worry, I will tell you someday." Yunho said and hugged Jae.

Jae nods and blushes when he felt Yunho so close to him, Yunho looked down at Jae and found his cheek turning red. Yunho: "Jaejoong.. now I know why you are an angel from the heaven.."

"Eh?" Jae looked up but suddenly Yunho crashed his lips onto Jae's and Jae widened his eyes. But suddenly, Jae was melted by Yunho's warm lips and he closed his eyes.. they shared their first real kiss together in the same Ferris-wheel.. but this time.. they knew they are in love with each other..


At night, Yunho who was driving the car found Jae frowned a little when he turned his head back. Yunho knows exactly what is on Jae's mind, and he also knows that Hero and Changmin haven't showed up the whole day today because they are on their secret plan..

Changmin and Hero got out from the car and looked over to the house, and then Changmin looked over at Hero: "Are you ready for this?"

Hero nodded: "Never been so ready before and I am sure Appa and Umma can't wait for seeing him either."

They walked to the door and Hero opened the door with his key, then he stepped into the house and without much thoughts Hero knew his Umma is in the living room again and his Appa is in his office.

Hero walked toward the living room and Changmin followed, "Umma!"

Mrs. Kim looked up and asked: "Oh! Hero.. Changmin ah.. you two meant each other, that's good!"

Changmin: "Aunty! Hero and I are here to tell you and Uncle something."

Mrs. Kim nodded and stood up: "Your Appa is in his office again, I will bring some tea up there, if you two want to go first and I will come later."

Hero pulled Changmin's hand and walked up the stairs toward the office with a few knocks, Hero opened the door and found his Appa staring at a picture on the wall. Hero, of course, knows what that picture is about. Hero called: "Appa!"

Mr. Kim turned around looking older than usual, maybe its because Hero hasn't seen him for a while already. Hero: "Appa.."

"Oh.. did you need something.. Hero ah.." Mr. Kim said with a low voice full of sorrow.

Hero said: "Appa! If you miss him this much why don't you go see him?"

Mr. Kim looked up and widened his eyes: "Who are you talking about, Hero ah?"

Hero looked up at his Appa and then said with a loud voice: "Jaejoong! Kim Jaejoong!"


The sound of the tea cup falls down on the ground and Mrs. Kim gasped in shock..

Chapter 30

Callous Heart- the end



Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim stared at Hero in shock, and Changmin hugged onto Hero to calm him down, then Changmin said: "Uncle, Aunty, I know I shouldn't be talking since it is your family business, but I saw Jaejoong already, and I know he is in town. In fact, when I saw him he was in the hospital.. he is in a very bad condition right now, and he almost died. I know you two love Jaejoong just as much as you two love Hero, but doing this for all these years isn't fair to any of you. Why don't you two give a chance to yourselves and Jaejoong.. and tape the broken piece in this family back together?"

"No.. we can't do that.. what if.." Mrs. Kim said with tears in her eyes.

Hero cries: "Appa.. Umma.. please.. reaccept Jaejoong for me. *looks back at Changmin* You two probably noticed that I am in love with Changmin already, but for the past, I have always thought Changmin and Jae were in love, so I did many things to hurt him. But he never hated me, and he forgave me without any hesitation. I felt so guilty and I have done so many things to hurt him despite that he is my own brother. Please, I need to do something to replay him back. He has wanted to see you two for so long, but I kept on stopping him, though I know I was wrong. I want to fix what I did wrong before, and I want you two to reaccept Jaejoong into the family. This is the least I can do for Jae."

Changmin: "Uncle, Aunty.. Hero and I are in love and have been together.. I want to take Hero to Japan with me, and I hope you two will give me the permission to love your son. But Hero said he can't leave you two along here, so he wouldn't go with me. But if you two could accept Jaejoong again, at least Hero can leave with a relief, so at least he knows Jaejoong will be here two take care of you two."

Mrs. Kim looked over at Hero: "Hero ah.. you have been in love with Changmin for such a long time, and I know about that for a while, why won't you agree to go with him?"

Hero cries: "Umma.. if you really love me, please listen to me just for once, and I know you have always liked Jaejoong more, but just for once, if you love me.. please accept Jaejoong. If you don't accept him, then I guess it is the end of my love with Changmin. I won't go with him since I can't leave you two along here."

Changmin hugged onto Hero: "Trust me, I will take care of Hero and I will never let anything bad happen to him. Hero will be safe in my protection and Jaejoong will also be safe, because you two will take care of him from now on."

Mr. Kim looked down with a tear dropped down from his face to the table..


"Yunho! What are we doing here?" Jae asked and stared at the house in front of him that belonged to his parents.

Jae refused to get out from the car, but Yunho pulled Jae out by his arm. Yunho: "Jaejoong ah! It is about time you go face them. I know you are not happy because without your parents.. you will never be happy.."

Jae held onto the side of the door: "No! Yunho.. I can't go in there.. I can't.."

"Yes you can! It was wrong for them to abundant you before, and after so many years of longing to get back with your parents, how can you say no?" Yunho questioned and pulled Jae toward the house, "Trust me! They will be happy to see you also."

Jae stared at Yunho in disbelief but before he knew it, he was already standing in front of the front door. Yunho knocked on the door, and looked over at the nervous Jae. Then Yunho hugged onto Jae lightly: "Don't worry, I am here with you. I will always be here no matter what happens."

Knock.. Knock..

Mr. and Mrs. Kim looked up after hearing the door knock, Hero turned over and then looked at his parents: "Jaejoong is here. Appa.. Umma.. don't you two want to see him? Don't you two want to know how he is going and if he is healthy? He just got out from the hospital today, he needs to be taken care of by you two."

Mrs. Kim couldn't control herself anymore as she rushed toward the office door, but Mr. Kim yelled: "YAH! Don't go!"

Mrs. Kim turned around and cries: "How can you say that? We have been so stupid to listen to the stupid witch before. I want to see my son right now, if anything happens to any of them I will die with them."

She disobeyed Mr. Kim's order and rushed down the stairs toward the front door..

Knock.. Knock..

"Yunho.. I want to leave please.. they are not going to open the door.." Jae said and turned away, but Yunho pulled him back just then the door swings open with a woman's face showing up and covered with tears.

Jae looked up and widened his eyes as he stared at the woman's face that he hasn't be able to see for a long time. A shaking voice called out his name: "J.. J.. Jaejoong ah.. Jaejoong ah.."

Jae widened his eyes still and stared at the woman, slowly, Yunho lets go of Jae and stepped away a little. Tears filled Jae's eyes but he refused to blink it away, because he hasn't seen this face for such a long time and he doesn't want to miss one second of it.

Jae felt tears sliding down from his eyes and suddenly Jae moved forward and hugged onto the woman in front of him as he cried like a baby calling: "Umma.. Umma.. I missed you.. Umma.."

Mrs. Kim cries and hugs Jae back: "Jaejoong ah.. Umma misses you too! Umma is so sorry.. let Umma look at you.. let Umma see if you got skinner or not."

Jae refuses to let go: "No.. Umma.. please let me hug you a little longer.. I am afraid if I let go now, then I will wake up from this dream again. Umma.. why do you feel so skinny? Have you been eating right? Umma.. I miss you so much."

"Jaejoong ah.. this is not a dream." Yunho whispered and puts his hand on Jae's shoulder.

Mrs. Kim and Jae moved apart and Mrs. Kim looked over at Yunho but suddenly she gasped: "You.. you are.."

Yunho bowed: "I am Jung Yunho! I am sorry for the late introduction."

"Umma.. Yunho is my boyfriend.." Jae said and hugged onto Yunho's arm.

Mrs. Kim stared at Yunho's eyes: "Your eyes.. are the same with Jaejoong's.."

Yunho nodded: "Yes! I am here to prove that with these eyes nothing happened to my family or to anyone around. Aunty, please don't believe in that witch's word. You have to trust your own son and your own family. Jaejoong has been suffering so long from missing you and Uncle, if you love him please don't hurt him anymore. He has been in a very bad condition, and he needs a family to take care of him. Even though I love him so much, but he cannot be happy being apart from you and uncle."

Mrs. Kim cries and covers her face in guiltiness, just then a deep voice came across the door: "You are right.. we have been so wrong before.. Jaejoong ah, won't you.. step into the your house now?"

Jae looked up and found his Appa standing behind his Umma. Jae: "Appa.."

Mr. Kim reached out a hand for Jae and whispered with tears in his eyes: "Jaejoong ah.. come back to Appa and Umma.. please.."

Jae nodded with tears in his eyes. Hero cries hard while hugging onto Changmin, and Changmin kisses Hero on the forehead: "You have finally repaid him, Hero.. you have done it.."

Hero smiled in happiness but still crying silently in Changmin's arms..


Two weeks later.. at the airport..

"Hero! Do you really have to leave?" Jae whispered and tagged onto Hero's hand.

Hero looked over at Jae and smiled: "Don't worry, I will come back at least once a month to visit you and our parents. You need to take care of yourself and take care of out parents remember?"

Jae nodded and Hero looked over at Yunho: "You better take care of Jae, okay?"

Yunho hugged onto Jae: "Of course I will!"

Jae looked at Changmin: "You too.. Changmin.. don't ever do anything to make Hero upset!"

Changmin smiled: "Jae.. you know me, I will never hurt Hero!"

Hero hugged Jae and whispered: "Appa and Umma will have to leave to you and I hope this make up to you for what I have done wrong. Please, forgive me!"

Jae patted on Hero's back and nodded. Hero then turned over to Changmin as he held onto Changmin's hand and waved bye to Jae and Yunho. Jae watches Hero and Changmin disappearing from his sight and he sighed out in sadness..

"Don't be upset, Hero will come back soon." Yunho said.

Jae nodded and held onto Yunho's hand: "Yun.. come over to my house today.. Appa and Umma prepared dinner for us and they say they want to eat with us."

Yunho kisses Jae on the forehead: "Of course I will. Jae.. do you know what's the most beautiful thing about you?"

Jae: "Why are you being so cheesy all of the sudden? Are you going to say my eyes again? But you also have those eyes."

Yunho: "Nope! Not your eyes!"

Jae looked up in confusion and Yunho touches Jae's face: "It's you heart!"

Jae smiled a little and blushes away, and then Yunho turns Jae's face back: "You have the mostly beautiful and forgiving heart ever. So many people have done things to hurt but you forgave all at the end. That's all, all the happiness belongs to you in the world from now on. Because you have been through the hardship already, so from now on, you will only have happiness and sweet memories."

Jae smiles angelically and Yunho slowly leans in and planted a light kiss on Jae's lips, but soon it turned into a very passionate one as everyone passing by them looking this cute couple in the middle of the coward.


"Erm.. together is good.. but don't you think they are.. a little.. too.. much?" Kangin said and staring into Heechul's mirror where Yunho and Jae are kissing in the middle of the airport..

Heechul pushes Kangin away: "If you don't like it then stop looking at it. Go make out with Eeteuk or something!"

Kangin: "Yah! Listen to you, do you ever sound like an angel? How did you even end up here?"

Heechul pretended to cry: "Hannie! Kangin is picking on me again!"

Hankyung smiled and hugged onto Heechul to stop him from crying, "don't cry Heechul, you will grow winkles!"

Heechul pouted: "I am an angel, I will not grow winkles!"

Kangin rolled his eyes: "You two can get mushier!"

"Kangin!" Eeteuk's yelling voice, "Come help me with something!"

Kangin: "Aish.. can't you do it yourself?"

Eeteuk's mad voice: "If you don't come then you will get it tonight!"

Heechul and Hankyung laughed at Kangin's running away figure. Hankyung: "Looks like only Eeteuk can control that cold faced Kangin."

Heechul smiles and hugs onto Hankyung: "Hannie.. look at them.. *pointing at the still kissing YunJae then pouted*"

"What's wrong?" Hankyung asked.

Heechul pointed at his lips: "I want some too!"

Hankyung smiled evilly and hugged Heechul back as he pushes Heechul down on the bed, Heechul yelled: "YAH! I MEANT ONLY A KISS!"

Yunho and Jae breaks the kiss while they were out of breath and Yunho asked: "Did you hear someone yelling?"

Jae shakes his head no, and Yunho looked up at the sky and smiled..

"What's wrong?" Jae asked.

Yunho smiles back: "Nothing! I just want to say I love you!"

"I love you too." Jae said and blushes as he hugged onto Yunho.

Jae pov- Maybe all the sadness will really end from today, and I have feeling my love with Yunho will least for a very long time.. that I can't even count in number, but we have gone through so much so we will always be in love from now on.


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