yunjae one-word man

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One word man-Jeajoong

by sparklin'babe


First, I wanna ssy sorry for mistype "Jaejoong" on the title..

please forgive me cz I didn't do it on a purpose..^_^

this is a story about a man named "Kim Jaejoong" who is famous for his one-word attitude..

He is blunt and no one can expect what will he say..

He was born in USA and lived in there until graduated from Junior high school..

therefore, No one blame him for being blunt without considering the eastern norms..

The new student, Jung Yunho, is also wonder what will Kim Jaejoong say to him.

For what he has heard, Jaejoong can say someone "stinky","dumbass", "pig", etc directly to the person's face.

What will jaejoong say to Yunho will be the turning point in this story.

What will he say?

If you are curious, stay reading this fanfic..^_^

Chapter 1

"One-word man?"

Chapter 1

"One-word man?"


My name is Jung Yunho..

I am a Gwangju boy..

I'm proud of that..

But today..

I feel doubt about it..!!!


because I will be a student of Seoul high school where many riches can be found in there..

I'll be its students because of my scholarship and it's starting from today..


I mean this morning..

Yunho arrives in his new school gate.

He can see that he is the only one who uses bus to school.

He sighs hard.

It doesn't mean he regret to be a Gwangju boy.

It is just by thinking the pressure from the riches later will be hard for him to handle it alone.

Is he alone?

Yes, he is.

He lives in a low-cost apartment.

It's the only apartment that affordable for his family so it's impossible for his family lives also in Seoul.

It would be expensive.

He enters the building.

"Wow!It's a super duper huge building", he said enthusiastically.

"Umma..Appa..wish me luck", he prays in his heart.

He looks for his class until he gets lost for thirty minutes but finally, he can find it.

He comes to his class.

When he opens the door, he sees the teacher is already come to the class.

It makes him more nervous.

"Hmmm...ex..xcuse me Madam," he stutters in his words.

"I..I'm late because I was lost in searching this class", he says nervously.

He takes a deep breath before he talks more.

"My name is Jung Yunho and I'm a new student from Gwangju", he says confidently.

"Why there's no reaction from the teacher and others, Aishh!!!", he talks in his heart.


the teacher and the students are amazed with this boy.

"Well, welcome Jung Yunho. You are a polite boy and I hope your friends will behave like you", she says in a sarcastic tone.

Yunho POV

I wonder why until a boy comes to the class and without saying sorry, he sits in his seat directly.

My eyes widen. "Is he out of his mind?".

" I mean, he's already late for thirty minutes like me and no sorry at all?".

I can see the teacher gives him a death glare and I feel the class become so tense.

Until the teacher breaks the silence..

"Well, I hope HE can behave like you JUNG YUNHO, A BOY WHO CAN SAY SORRY WHEN HE IS LATE", she stresses her tone on those words.

"I nearly deaf when the teacher stresses her words and I think she screams a bit on my ears".

I look the boy and he is soooooooooooo pretty.

"how come there's a boy like that? Rebellious but damn pretty!"I murmur in my heart.

I'm lost in his beauty until his voice breaks the silence.

"Sit!"he says in a clear voice.

"Huh?"I say confusedly.

"Does he order me to sit?"I say more confusedly.

"Isn't the teacher who is supposed to say it?"I become more and more confused.

I can hear some students laugh at the back.

I can see the teacher's eyeballs seems want to come out and her head seems want to explode.


I nod my head and walk to the seat where the teacher asks me to sit.

While walking to my seat, I keep staring to the boy.

I pass him and he is sooooooo fragrant.

I get lost again until I don't know that actually I've already passed my seat.

Then, the boy called Junsu breaks my lost mind.

"Hey, Gwangju Boy! you sit here!", says Junsu with his unique voice.

"I'm Kim Junsu", he introduces himself.

"I'm Jung Yunho", I introduce myself to him.

"Well, never mind about him!" he says while point his finger to the pretty boy.

"Uh..huh", I say in a hesitant voice because I'm still curious about him "the pretty boy".

"He is a one-word man", continue Junsu.

"One-word man?", I ask curiously.

"Yes, just wait and see why he is called "one-word man", continue Junsu while smirking.

"What does..", I continue ask him but interrupted by..............

"WHAT A FREAKY OLD WOMAN!", the pretty boy says coldly to THE TEACHER.

my eyes widen and I'm shocked.

I can see Junsu laughs and he gives me a nod.

That's what he means earlier with "one-word man".

"One-word man..", I keep repeating his name in my mind.

"What kind of person are you?"

Chapter 2

"What will it be?"

Chapter 2

"What will it be?"

Yunho POV

"Hey..Gwangju Boy!!!", Junsu yells at me.

"What?", I said in a surprised tone.

"Are you still in shocked?", Junsu says while smirking.

" Uhuh..a bit", I lie. Actually I'm still so shocked.

"Well, I give you a brief description about Jaejoong", continue Junsu.

"Jaejoong?", I ask confusedly.

"Yes, his name is jaejoong", says Junsu.

"Ooohh...", I says while smiling. I think his name is cute.

"Well, he comes from America with his cousins; Changmin and Yoochun", says Junsu while pointing the two guys behind jaejoong.

"They were born in USA and lived in there until they graduated from Junior high school", continue Junsu.

"Ooohhh..", I says. All I can do is just make an O sound.

"Yoochun is my boyfriend", says Junsu proudly.

"Oooohhh....EH??BOYFRIEND", I scream unconsciously.

Junsu slaps my hand because my scream makes all students look at us except the one-word man. I can see that yoochun guy gives me a death glare. Maybe he thinks I flirt with his boyfriend.

" I've already lived together with him since last semester", continue Junsu.

"WHAT?LIVE TOGETHER WITHOUT MARRIED?", I scream again unconsciously.

"Shhhh...", Junsu ask me to silent my voice.

I can see all students look at us again and still, except the one-word man.

"Why?living together is not a sin", Junsu says confidently.

"Well, back to them", continue Junsu.

"They behave in a western way. They don't know any eastern norms because they have a western background. Therefore, no wonder if I live together with yoochun and so does changmin with his boyfriend", explain Junsu.

"WHAT?CHANGMIN IS ALSO GAY?", I whisper hard.

"Yes, what's wrong with gay?", Junsu ask furiously.

"Hmm...nothing is wrong", I try to calm him.

"Well, is jaejoong a gay?", I ask curiously.

"Maybe, because his surrounding is gay", continue Junsu while laughing.

I smile a bit. Wait!!!!

"Why do I feel a bit happy?I'm not gay by the way or I........", I keep questioning myself.

"I think I might be a gay since I sit with Junsu", I try calm myself.

"I think it's not the matter of sitting beside Junsu but Jaejoong.....Aishhh!!!what am I thinking? my parents will die in a heart attack if I say I'm interested in a boy and probably I'm gay!!", I still get lost in my mind until.......

"Hey, Gwangju boy!!!", scream Junsu.

"Are you listening to me?", ask him.

"Yes..", I say straightly.

"As you can see, jaejoong is blunt and speak his mind without thinking others' feeling. Many students feel being humiliated by him because if you are ugly or stinky, he will say directly to your face without seeing the situation just like what happen to the teacher previously", continue Junsu.

"Oooohhhhh...does he always say one word?", I ask Junsu.

"Well, he can say one sentence, one phrase but not more than that. he is a quiet person but when he speaks, everyone feels nervous..Hahahaha...", Junsu laugh.

" The first word that he said to me is "DOLPHIN!", continue junsu while laughing.

" I feel humiliated first but then, yoochun come and say sorry on his behalf and I fell for yoochun at that time", says Junsu while smiling.

"Ooohhhhhh.......", I continue saying an O sound.

"Well, I wonder what will be the first word he say to you later, GWANGJU BOY!!", says Junsu while smirking.

"Huh?", I reply him in shock.

"What will be the first word he say to me?" I wonder in my heart.

"Maybe..Stinky country boy!! or Poor helpless Gwangju Boy!! or maybe an animal like Cow!! or even PIG!! since I lived in farm, OMG!!!", I keep asking myself.

"What will it be?"

Chapter 3

"Just wait and see..."

Chapter 3

"Just wait and see..."

Yunho's first day in his new school is finally over and he goes back to his small apartment.

"Finally.....", Yunho let out his tiredness.

"I think the riches aren't bad. Well, at least for today", yunho keep murmuring to himself.

" Jaejoong....what will be the first word you say to me?", ask yunho and again to himself.

" What will it be?", he keeps asking that question until he falls in a deep sleep.

Meanwhile in Yoosu's apartment....

"Susu my boo..what did you play with the country boy?I'm jealous", says Yoochun while pouting.

"So boo is jealous", tease Junsu.

"Nothing hunny.. I just said that we are couple and live together and it made him in a heart attack. He is totally a country boy", continue Junsu.

"Owh.. so now you like the innocent one,huh?", Ask yoochun with a sarcastic tone.

"Well, of course not.. I love the experienced one", says Junsu in a seductive tone. Then, he kisses yoochun passionately.

"I wanna go home", says the one-word man interrupting the couple.

"Okay..don't forget to lock your apartment before you sleep", remind Yoochun who knows well his cousin bad habit. He is clumsy and sometimes forgets to lock his apartment until the morning come. For information, Jaejoong lives on the same floor with Yoosu and KiMin.

Jaejoong just smiles but his smile is soooooo rare to see or even never.

"What's with that smile?", Yoosu says in at the same time.

"Never mind..let's continue our business in our bedroom", says Yoochun while smirking in a seductive way.

"Naughty..", Reply Junsu playfully.

Jaejoong keeps smiling while walking to his apartment. He keeps smiling and smiling until he falls asleep in his bedroom.

The next day....

"I think It is Yunho..", says Junsu while pointing to the guy who has just got off from a Bus. All of them include Kimin and The one-word man who are sitting on the bench near the school garden look at Yunho at the same time.

"Yea...THE GWANGJU BOY!!!", says Yoochun sarcastically.

"What's up with the tone? Are you still jealous, huh?"says Junsu seductively.

"Hmmm..Nope if you give me a kiss," reply Yoochun while getting close to Junsu's lips.

"Mmmm...", Moan Junsu.

Yunho POV

"Aish...I hope I'm not late again", Yunho is murmuring to himself.

When he is about to pass the school garden, he hears some moans from his side. Then, he sees Yoosu make out on THE BENCH IN THE SCHOOL GARDEN.

"ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MIND?", yunho wonder in his heart. The school garden is in the middle of the building and Yunho can see many people see them making out.

He is shocked of what he is seeing right now. The next couple beside him also flirt to each other and they (Kimin) are about to do the same thing,

"What's wrong with this city boys?", Says yunho while shaking his head to the right and left. Then, he realizes that the one-word man is looking at him deeply.

"Oh my he looking at me?", ask yunho nervously to himself.

"Umma..Appa..I'm nervous to death!", continue him. He feels his feet are numb and can't move because of the gaze. He wants to run because he doesn't want to feel the humiliation. At least, not now! because many people are looking at the garden. If the one word-man call him"Pig" or "Cow" or maybe "Stinky country boy", he doesn't know how to survive anymore in the school. Then, the making out couple can sense the tense between me and Jaejoong. they stop making out and see the gaze between us. Jaejoong gets up from the bench and starts walking towards me.

"Oh God..Please help me. Please move my feet. Maybe I wonder what will he say to me but I don't expect the time will come this sooner", Yunho prays in his heart.

He can see jaejoong walk closer and closer to him. He can feel his body is full of nervous sweat.

"Oh God..please help me", prays Yunho.

When Jaejoong seems closer to him, The bell is ringing and for him, it's God's helping hand for him. his feet aren't numb anymore and he runs and runs to the classroom.

He can hear jaejoong chuckles a bit when he starts running.

Jaejoong chuckles and smiles seeing Yunho runs away.

"What's up with our one-word man, huh?"tease Yoochun.

Jaejoong is still smiling and ignore his cousin's question.

" never put that smile on anyone and even us", says Changmin while pouting.

Jaejoong keeps ignoring his cousins and takes his bag. Then, he walks toward the classroom.

"I wonder what he wanna say to that country boy", says Changmin.

"Me too", says Yoosu and KIbum in unison.

"Wait..why don'r we ask him?", continue Junsu.

"Yeah..!!", says Kimin and yoochun at the same time.

"Jae..wait", scream yoosu and kimin.

Jaejoong turns his head after heard his cousin calling him.

"What?", ask jaejoong.

"What do you wanna say to him?", ask yoosu and kimin at the same time.

Jaejoong doesn't reply their question but he gives A GESTURE that makes his cousins' jaw drop and their heart stops beating.

"Bye..", says Jaejoong and he doesn't care that HIS GESTURE make his cousins speechless and numb on their spot.

No one expect that from Jaejoong. Yoosu and Kimin can't say a word. They are too speechless and also super exciting at one side.

"Is he serious?" ask Junsu and his question breaks the silence.

"I don't know but I think he is", says Yoochun.

"Well, just wait and see", says Kimin.

~guys..comment please^_^

this is my first time writing a fanfic..

I need your guidance..

thx B4..^_^

Chapter 4

"The first word is .... me!!"

Chapter 4

The first word is .... me!

In the classroom..

Yunho POV

"Aishhh!!!why did I run away like that?I'm sure he will call me "Coward Chicken Country boy!!" or even worse "Grilled Gwangju Chicken"!!! or "Dumbass Gwangju boy"!!!Aishhhhh..I'm going insane!!", says Yunho while rubbing his head and chest as if he had a great headache and heartache.

Then, the one-word man and his cousins enter the class. Yunho can see that Jaejoong still has the same gaze in his eyes or even, it is more tense than before.

"I know the time will come sooner or later. This would be my humiliation time. JUNG YUNHO..HWAITING!!!", says Yunho in his heart in order to cheer up himself.

But luckily, the teacher comes behind jaejoong and his cousins and once again, yunho feels relieved.

"Well, today..our class will have a basketball match against the two graders, so I want you to choose your class team members and then, prepare yourself for the match. Understand?"says teacher.

"Why is it so sudden Sir?"ask changmin.

"Well, I think I had informed your one-word man, Jaejoong, yesterday but I think he forgot", continue the teacher while giving a death glare to jaejoong.

"NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!", reply jaejoong straightly to THE TEACHER'S FACE.

Then, jaejoong puts his earphone and listens to his iPod as if nothing happened.


No one dare to say understand and suddenly another scream comes from the teacher.

"JUNG YUNHO!!!NOW YOU ARE THE HEAD OF THE CLASS!!!", scream the teacher.

Yunho POV

"Well, thanks for making another difficulty in my life", I murmur in my heart.

"I've just run away from Jaejoong and now, he wants me to take his position as the head of the class. Another drama comes....Jung Yunho..what a pity boy you are!!", I pity my own self.

I can't think another name for Jaejoong to call me. Maybe the word "Thief" will be added to my name later.

"Yeah..maybe "the coward thief!!" or..or..Aishhh!!!!", I said while banging my head on the table.

"Yah..Gwangju Boy!!!are you okay?", Asks Junsu.

"Huh..", I look at him with a surprised face because I don't know that he sees me banging my head on the table.

"Well..I know you are scared what will Jaejoong say to you. FIRST, YOU ARE DARE TO RUN AWAY FROM HIM. SECOND, YOU TAKE HIS POSITION. I can't imagine what will he say to you?", tease Junsu.

"I know, I shouldn't have run away and taken his position. I'll tell the teacher that I don't want this position.", says Yunho while getting up from his seat.

"What an innocent boy. If he knew what jaejoong will say to him, I'm sure he would faint..hahhaha", Junsu is murmuring while laughing.

"You don't need to. We don't have enough time for this matter. We have to choose our class team member", says yoochun while stopping my step.

"I believe in you country seem health and well-built. I know you can be a good leader", continue him while patting my shoulders as if he gives his support to me.

"Thanks...", I just can say thanks because I'm speechless from this gentle guy. No wonder Junsu fell for him. I hope I can be his friend.

"Yoochun..", he introduce himself.

"Yunho..", I introduce myself to him.

"Well..Yunho, I suggest you to pick me and my cousin changmin with his boyfriend,Kibum. We are good players", says Yoochun.

"Well, that's good. It means we still need one person beside me because I'll be the captain. Don't worry in Gwangju, basketball is also one of famous sports and I did it a lot", I says confidently. I know I can do well in basketball since I love it so much and just for information, I'm the MVP in Gwangju.

"That's good!!Changmin and this is my boyfriend, Kibum", Changmin introduces himself and his boyfriend.

" the way, who will be the fifth member?", I ask because I'm a new student. Therefore, I don't know which one is good at basketball.

"I hope it would be Jaejoong because I wanna break the ice between us", I wish in my heart.

"Well..of course my Susu..he's much better than others", says Yoochun while touching his boyfriend's hair.

"Okay..we will change our outfit first. Then, we meet at the hall to do some warm-ups and practices. See ya", I say a bit enthusiastically. A bit because I want Jaejoong as the fifth member so I'm a bit disappointed.

"You will change your clothes in here?", asks Junsu while smirking.

"Yes..just go ahead. We'll meet at the hall. Okay?", reply me.

"Well then..bye..", says Junsu while smiling.

"Jae...we'll meet at the hall. Watch us!!Okay..?", says yoochun.

Jaejoong just nod his head and back listens to his iPod.

"Guys..please support us!!", Shouts Junsu with his dolphin voice.

"Okay..", says all students at the same time. They leave the class one by one and leave me and Jaejoong in the class alone.

"Aishhh...why did I decide to change my clothes in the classroom? I thought Jaejoong will be with his cousins. What should I do?If I suddenly get out of the class, he will be misunderstood to me because he heard me clearly that I wanna change my clothes in the class", I murmur in my heart.

"Well..I think he is busy with his iPod and he also sits two lines at the front. So I will change my clothes quickly.", I continue murmuring.

Then, yunho starts lifting his uniform and when he is about to put his basketball uniform, Jaejoong gets up and turns his body to the back. In other words, now, Jaejoong is seeing yunho only in his singlet and boxer. Both of them is exchanging eyes to each other. Jaejoong comes closer to Yunho. As usual, that gaze makes yunho's feet weak and numb. Closer they are, Jaejoong can see how well-built Yunho's body is and Yunho can see how beautiful Jaejoong is. His face, lips , skin, and everything makes yunho weak. He gulps down his saliva when Jaejoong move closer and closer. He's so nervous.

Yunho POV

"Aishhh..why Jaejoong comes closer and closer to me?", says Yunho in his heart.

"I'm so nervous to death. I know he will say something. I know this is the time when I'll be called "Dumbass!!", "Coward", or "Thief from Gwangju!", I keep murmuring in my mind.

Then, I can feel my body move to my chair and sit in there as if I'm waiting for my punishment; waiting for the one-word man call me with those scary names. I feel my feet are number and number. Jaejoong really moves closer and closer to me. I know he will scream on my ears because our distance becomes shorter and shorter. Surprisingly, he sits on my lap.

"Oh my god..I can feel the electricity all over my body. Why?Why he is sitting on my lap now. I can see he wants to say something from his beautiful lips. Oh God, I can't hear those scary names from that beautiful lips. I can't hea....", says Yunho in his heart but he is interrupted by one phrase from the one-word man.

"Fuck me!", says Jaejoong bluntly.

My eyes widen and my jaw drop. I can feel all the cells in my body are shocked.

"Whh..att..Fff..uckk you", I stutters in my words. I think it's normal. I mean this one-word man doesn't call me with scary names but he wants me to fuck him.

Jaejoong just smiles and I love his smile. I can feel my body is burning and the beautiful guy on my laps is just too beautiful to resist. I can feel my body starts trembling while seeing him move his neck to the right and left. Maybe there's something wrong with his neck but it makes my eyes focus on his flawless neck.

Then, I hear some noises from outside. It must be his cousins because I'm late to the hall. Jaejoong hears the noise and he gets up from my laps but before that he says..

"Waiting you"..

"At the nursery room"..

"After the match" he says while walking to the door.

I'm still numb on my spot. I can't believe what his first word to me.

The first word is Fuck me!

Well guys,

the first word is revealed.

is it surprising?

I hope for you it's not a rude word since you knew that Jaejoong in this story has a western background.

Comment please..^_^

Chapter 6

"What should I do?"

Chapter 6

"What should I do?"

Yunho still can't believe what he heard. He never thinks the first word that come out is "Fuck me!". He's still virgin and never had any experience before. He wonders that Jaejoong must have had many experiences before and it makes him a bit down and sad. But inside his heart, he wants to prove to Jaejoong that he doesn't lose from all the boys that he had sex before. He can do better and can make Jaejoong feel an unforgettable pleasure. He keeps wondering and talking to himself about it.

Yunho POV

"Oh he really serious?"

" I mean, does he wanna be fucked by me for real or I'm just being trapped by him?"

I keep talking to myself until I realize that Yoosu and Kimin are already in front of me with a big smile on their face.

"How long have you all been there?" I say with a serious tone.

"From the moment you say will make Jaejoong feel the pleasure that he never had before until you are questioning is he for real or not", tease Junsu.

"Aishh!!you guys shouldn't have done that!!!", I reply with an angry tone.

"Chillax my man!!!we didn't intend to hear all of them but we did try to wake you up from your world but you kept talking to yourself and spilled out all the beans..hahahaha..", tease Yoochun.

I can't blame them actually. I was so into my mind and I ignored their existence.

"Never mind..let's do some warms up at the hall", I say before they ask me for details.

"Well, you'd better wear your basketball uniform first or you'll get cold before DOING THE REAL ACTION!!!", tease Junsu.

All of them are laughing and I'm so embarrassed because I haven't worn my basketball uniform. I'm still in the same condition when Jaejoong left the class.

"you are a well-built man..I know you can bring an unforgettable pleasure for my cousin", continue Changmin while patting my shouders.

"Yeah you can do it! Hwaiting!", they say at the same time.

"Oh God, I think they are already crazy. This is the matter of FUCKING THEIR COUSIN!! why they act like it's a small thing??", I wonder why.

"Stop thinking!you have to win the match know!" tease Yoochun while moving his hips back and forth behind junsu's butt as if he is fucking him.

"You are insane!!", I say while walking toward the door. By seeing yoochun like that, I imagine that today after the match, I'll do the same thing to Jaejoong. Just by imagining like that, my body starts sweating.

"Aishh..what am I thinking?"

I stop my feet and ask yoochun to have a talk with me for a while.

"What's up man?wanna have some tips?", says Yoochun.

"I don't need that!", I say boldly.

" seems our country boy in here has enough experience" tease him.

"Shut up! I don't mean like that!", I say to make clear that I'm not the experienced one.

"So you admit that you're still virgin, huh?", tease him again.

"Whatever!" I say.

Actually, I've never been embarrassed for being a virgin with my well-built body but in front of this man, I become embarrassed to admit it. No doubt I'm a virgin. I come from a village in Gwangju and sex before married is taboo in there. It'll be considered as a big sin and it will make our family's reputation bad in the society.

"Okay calm down..what do you wanna talk to me?" ask Yoochun.

"I wanna ask whether Jaejoong is serious or not?", I say with a hope in my eyes.

"Before I answer your question, which one do you want?"says yoochun while smirking.

"Hmmm..I..Hmmm...Maybe..I...Hmm", I stutter in my words.

"Hmmm..Hmmm...I know you want it baby!!!just let it go!!Fuck Jaejoong and you know the answer whether he is serious or not..hahahhaha", continue yoochun.

"For God sake..he is your cousin!!!", I say with higher tone.

"For God sake..I KNOW HE WANTS YOU AND YOU WANT HIM!!!", continue Yoochun with higher tone than me.

I'm speechless for a while. The words "he wants me" seems like a fuel for my burning desire. I decide to come to the medical room after the match and fuck Jaejoong.

"Jung Yunho..Hwaiting!!!Jaejoong..please wait for me!!!", I cheer myself.

Maybe I'm crazy and I think I'm already crazy since I met the one-word man. I don't care with the society anymore and also my parents. I know they can be died immediately because of heart attacks if they heard I had sex before married and moreover, WITH A BOY!! I don't care anymore at least for now because all I want right now is finish the match. Then, come to Jaejoong and fuck him. By thinking that makes me blushed and hot.

At the match

"Guys..beat them and make them crash and burn!!!", yunho says to cheer his team.

"Yeah..crash and burn!!!". says the rest at the same time.

Yunho's team wins against the second graders. Then, in the final, they win against the third graders. It means they will be the school's representatives two days later in the national basketball match. They are so happy but Yunho is still nervous because the time is coming. The time he will go to the medical room and meet jaejoong and then....

At the shower

"Yunho..have you done??", ask yoochun to Yunho who has been in the shower for more than fifteen minutes.

"Yeah...just a minute more!!!", reply Yunho.

"You said a minute more before and now you say a minute more again. Chillax my man...we can smell from here that you're already fragrant so there's no need to use ALL THE SOAP..", tease yoochun and the rest are laughing the same time.

"Yeah..You'll be sweat again later when", tease Junsu again. Then, the rest are laughing again.

"Aishh!!!!shut up!!", says Yunho while getting out from the shower.

"Why don't you all just leave if you had finished cleaning your body?", complain Yunho.

"Well, we just want to cheer you up man!!", says Changmin.

"Hwaiting!!", says Yoosu and Kimin.

"Thanks anyway", Yunho say.

"Oh I forgot..please tell us later if the one-word man moan or not when you fuck him", says Yoochun with a big grin on his face.

"yeah..we are curious too!!", says Junsu and Kimin.

" all are crazy", Yunho says while leaving the shower room and now he is heading to the medical room where Jaejoong is waiting.

"Jung Yunho..calm down..", yunho says to calm himself.

Yunho POV

Now I'm in front of the medical room's door and I'm breathless. I take a deep breath and open the door. When I come into the room, I can smell Jaejoong and it makes me more nervous and breathless. I don't forget to lock the door just in case. the annoying troopers (Kimin and Yoosu) will come. I move into the bed side and I can see Jaejoong is sitting on the bed and looking at me with the same gaze. The gaze he gave when he says "Fuck me!".

"Aishhh!!!that gaze makes me weak".

We're looking at each other for about ten minutes and WITHOUT A WORD.

"Is he waiting for me to move?", I question myself.

"What should I do?"

"Should I say..Jaejoong let's fuck"

"Or don't worry jaejoong, I'm already bathed and I'm fragrant so let's fuck"

"Or I just come near him and start kissing him if he slap me?"

"Oh God...What should I do?"

What do you think should yunnie do??

Chapter 7

"I'm only yours (R)"

Chapter 7

"I'm only yours ®"

Yunho still don't know what to do. He keeps thinking the way to get closer to Jaejoong. Then, suddenly his mind is interrupted with a voice.

"Bored!" says Jaejoong bluntly.

He gets up from the bed and walk closer to Yunho. Yunho feels his feet stuck on the spot. He doesn't know what will Jaejoong do but when he hasn't figured out what Jaejoong will do, his hand are pulled by Jaejoong to the bed and his body falls to the bed. When yunho open his eyes, Jaejoong is already on top of him. He can see clearly Jaejoong's beautiful eyes, lips and neck. For yunho, all of them are so tempting. Meanwhile, for Jaejoong, Yunho's brown eyes, handsome face and his warmth are so tempting. Both of them actually can't resist to each other.

"I want you", says Jaejoong.

"Me too", Yunho replies immediately without hesitation.

Their lips meet and they kiss each other passionately. Jaejoong let Yunho taste his flavor.

They kiss until hard to breathe. They are panting for air now. Suddenly, Jaejoong takes his uniform off. He reveals his creamy skin and pink nipples which looks like strawberry candies. While yunho is still shocked with the view, Jaejoong has already taken yunho's shirts off and smile naughtily after that.

"Let me drive you crazy", Jaejoong says seductively.

Jaejoong lower his lips to Yunho's nipples and suck it hard. Makes the right and the left nipples harden. Yunho can't hide his feelings.

"'s so nice..Ahhh", Yunho keeps moaning under the one-word man's touch.

Both of them can feel their members are getting harder and harder. Jaejoong doesn't waste the time. While kissing yunho passionately once again, he is unzipping yunho's pants. Yunho is shocked when he see his hard member is already seen. Then, he almost gets a heart attack because of the sudden pleasure that jae gives. He kisses yunho's tip member and plays his tongue around it. Then, he sucks it while playing with Yunho's balls. Yunho can't stand with the pleasure.

"Jae...Ahhh,,,harder..ahhhh.."Yunho is moaning jae's name while playing with Jae's hair.

Listening to Yunho's moans, Jaejoong sucks it harder and harder until Yunho comes into his mouth. Jaejoong swallows all yunho's liquid and lick the rest on his mouth. Yunho sees Jaejoong licks his liquid and it makes him hard again. For yunho, Jaejoong looks so beautiful and erotic when he does it. Moreover, his messy hair brings more erotic appearance on Jaejoong's face. After drives Yunho crazy, he whispers to Yunho's ear.

"My turn", Jaejoong say in a seductive tone.

Yunho reacts immediately. He flips Jae's body and now, yunho is on top of Jae's body. This movement makes the bed a bit crack. Both of them share the laugh when hear the bed is cracked. Yunho feels a bit embarrassed because he doesn't know that his power in flipping Jae's body will be that powerful but he feels happy on the other side because he can see Jae's sweet smile. Then he doesn't waste much time, he starts kissing Jae's neck hungrily.

"Hmmmm...", moans Jae.

Hearing jaejoong moaning, yunho starts lower his lips into Jae's strawberry candies; his nipples. He plays his tongue around it and sucks it hard. It makes Jaejoong moans harder.

"Ahhh..Yun..", Moans Jaejoong.

Yunho feels happy when the one-word man moans his name. Then, he unzips Jaejoong's pants and reveals his harden member. He can't believe that even his member looks beautiful.

"Jae..everything about you is beautiful", compliments yunho.

Jaejoong chuckles after heard Yunho says that. He feels so embarrassed but also happy. Yunho starts playing his tongue on the tip of Jae's member. Then, Jae feels like in heaven when Yunho starts sucking hard his member and playing his balls.

"Ahhh..Yun...harder..ahhhh", Jaejoong can't hide his moan.

Yunho sucks harder and harder after hearing Jaejoong's moans his name. Then, Jaejoong comes into his mouth and he swallows all Jaejoong's liquid. He feels the sweetness of Jaejoong's liquid. He sees Jaejoong is panting hard because of the pleasure that he brings. He can feel his member is getting harder and harder by seeing Jae. Then, he kisses Jae's earlobe and whisper...

"Jae..I want you..", whisper Yunho.

"Then, Fuck me", Jae says in a seductive tone.

Yunho chuckles a bit hearing those words. Those words that makes him going crazy over this beautiful man. The bluntness of Jaejoong and the way he say it made Yunho nervous.

Yunho POV

"Aishhh..I really don't know how to fuck!"

"What should I do first?"

Then I see Jae spread his legs and reveal his small little hole. I see my big member and feel unsure whether it will fit that small hole or not. It must be hurt for Jaejoong if I thrust my big member into it. I position my member into his hole but when I come closer, I can feel Jae's body is trembling beneath me. It makes me hesitate but suddenly, Jae pulls my body into him and makes my member thrust into his hole fully.

"Ahhhhh...", Both of us moan together.

I moan because I feel the pleasure from his tight little hole but I know he moan in pain.

I can feel his tears are running down to his cheeks. I can feel his tight grip on my hand.

Then, I cup my hand on his cheeks and wipe the tears. I also feel my eyes is starting wet because I'm sad to see him endure the pain.

" don't have to do this. We can do it when you are ready. I'm hurt to see you in pain like this", I say in a hoarse voice.

"I want you", reply jae in a hoarse voice too.

I can feel my tears are running down on my cheeks. I can't believe how lucky I am that makes Jae wants me so much. I want him so much too but the feeling that he wants me as much as I do makes my heart melt and can't stop my tears flowing down my cheek. I feel so happy.

"I want you too. I do really want you Jae", I say to him and kiss him passionately to lessen his pain. After we kiss until hard to breathe, Jaejoong gives me sign that he's ready.

"Yun..start fucking me!", Ask Jae.

I start thrusting my member into his tight hole.

"Oh tight..ahhh...", I moan because of the great pleasure that I get.

"Ahhh...Yun...Faster..ahhh", Jae moans and ask me to go faster.

"", I thrust faster as what he asked.

I feel so happy that we moan to each other. The annoying troopers must be going crazy if I say that the one-word man moans my name. I chuckle a bit and then, I see his neglected member and start pumping it while I keep thrusting my member into his hole.

I want to bring him an unforgettable pleasure. I want him to remember our first night.

"Ahhh..Yun..Ahhh...I'm about..ahhh", Jae moans when he is about to release.

" Me too..Jae..wait..ahhh..wait for me", I ask him to wait for me. I wanna release together with him.

With a few thrusting and pumping, we release together.

"Ahhhhh!!!!", we release our liquid together.

I come into his hole and he comes into my stomach. I lick all of his liquid without leaving a bit of it.

We are panting hard after that. I feel so warm in my heart and I hope he feels the same as the way I do. I move my members out of his hole and lay myself beside him.

"I love you Yunnie", Jaejoong says while hugging me.

I hug him back and say " I love you too Joongie".

I suddenly agree with people who say that love is unconditional. Maybe our love starts in an extreme way. I don't know that I love this man if I didn't decide to come to the medical room after the match. I'll regret If I didn't do it. I'll be in sorrow if I ignored his bluntness when he says "fuck me!".

"Jae..I'm lucky that you are my first. Thank you", I say in a hoarse voice because I wanna cry again. Cry in happiness.

"Me too,,"replies him.

I look into his eyes and can't believe that I'm his first too.

"I'm only yours", continue Jae.

"Oh God..why did I do until I get this great blessing?Thanks God, I can't ask for more", I say while touching his face and give him light kiss on his lips.

He chuckles to hear me talking to God. No wonder he was trembling when I was about thrust into his hole. He hasn't had sex yet before but how he knows how to please me.

"Jae..How do you know to please me if you haven't had sex yet?" I ask him.

"Yoosu and Kimin's videos", He reply.

"Then how you dare to ask me to fuck you?", I ask while grinning.

"I wanna be yours", he replies and pout.

He is so cute. This one-word man is really blunt. He never knows the effect of his words. He truly speaks what's on his mind. I really fall in love with this one-word man.

"Then, never say it again to anyone except me", I say boldly.

"Sure", he reply.

"cz I'm only yours", he continues.

I kiss him passionately once again and we fall asleep in that medical room. The room when we share our first night, our virginity, moans and the most important is our love.

How is it??

it's hard to write a smut for the first time..

Chapter 8

"You are the best I've ever had"

Chapter 8

"You are the best I've ever had"

The sun rises in the east but the couple hasn't waken up yet. They are too tired or just want to feel each other's warmth and forget about the world outside.

Jaejoong POV

I can feel the shine of the morning sun through the window. I can feel my bottom hurts but warm inside my heart and body. I can see yunho's sleeping face and I can't believe that I'm his and he is mine. Suddenly, I remember when I first met him.


"I'm leaving", I said to my cousins who still busy with their morning making out session.

I arrived at school and as usual, I sat on the bench of the school garden because I wanted to skip Mrs.Shakill's class. I hate her class because it's so boring.

When I felt a bit sleepy because of the breeze air in the garden, I heard someone keep saying..

"Aishh...not this one",

"Aishh...I'll be late",

"Aishhh...what should I do?".

Then, I found him.

I could know directly that he must be a new student who comes from a village. I chuckled to see his clumsiness. He seemed so panic and scared to death because he couldn't find the class and he would be late on his first day in this school.

Not only his clumsiness that attracted me but his handsome face and his well-built body driving me insane. I saw him back and forth from building one to another and I was so happy that his class is the same with me.

Then, I decided to come to the class even though I hate it so much. When I came to the class, I saw him saying sorry for his lateness. I found it so cute and gentle. But I hate to see Mrs.Shakill's expression who seems in victory because there's student say sorry to her. I sat directly without saying sorry to her and I could see how surprised the new student was.

I hate to see her enjoyed her victory so I decided to order him to sit.

"Sit", I ordered him to sit and I could see how surprised he was.

"Cute", I said in my heart.

Then, Mrs.Shakill asked him to sit beside Junsu.

"Damn!Lucky dolphin!", I said in my heart.

My heart was beating so fast when He was passing me.

I thought he was looking at me while walking to his seat.

Just my thought but then..

I could hear Junsu say"Hey Gwangju Boy!!You sit here!".

I wondered in my heart.

"Was he really looking at me while walking?"

"Did he miss his seat because of it?"

"Aishhh..I'm going crazy!!", I screamed in my heart.

Maybe everyone thinks I'm too cold and blunt but don't blame on me. Blame on my dad! The disease is hereditary. But for the first time, I felt my coldness was melt by his face, his clumsiness and his well-built body.

While I was still in my dreaming land, I could see the stare from Mrs.Shakill. She thought I would be afraid of her death stare.

" For God sake!!I'm not afraid of you OLD WOMAN!!", Tease me in my heart.

Then, I took the chance to make her embarrassed so she would know that she couldn't play with me.

"WHAT A FREAKY OLD WOMAN!", I said loudly.

I knew she wanted to eat me alive but who cared?

Then, I was in my dreaming land again and Yunho was in it too.

"I think I really fall in love with this guy", I said in my heart.

" I will confess to him sooner ", I decided in my heart.

But then I heard, he screamed from the back.



I knew he must be talking with Junsu about how Junsu and Yoochun is a gay couple and they lived together. I thought he is so innocent because he lives in a farm but it didn't change my decision. I felt I wanna him so bad and nothing could change it. Maybe when people say I'm stubborn and here I am.

Then, I didn't realize that I kept smiling on that day. I knew that Yoosu must be wondering why I kept smiling but I couldn't stop smiling. I was too happy to find my first love. I lived in USA for nearly fifteen years but I didn't find someone that I like because my type isn't American. Yoochun and Changmin were so lucky. Changmin found Kibum in USA meanwhile yoochun found Junsu when we were a new student in Seoul High School. But who knew that in the middle of the first semester, Yunho came and made me fall in love for the first time. I kept smiling while thinking about him until I fell asleep.

Then, on the next day when we were sitting on the bench as usual, suddenly Junsu say..

" I think it's yunho..", while pointing to him.

I saw him got off from the bus and I smiled wildly. Luckily, he was far enough to see me smiling and the two couples beside me were busy flirting to each other. Then, I saw him looking blankly to the bench. I knew he must be shocked because of the two couples who were making out. I felt my confessing time was come. I walked closer and closer to him.

While I was walking closer and closer to him, My mind was changing. I didn't want only to be his boyfriend but I wanted to be his.

"Yes, I'm gonna say it to him", I decided in my heart.

I didn't care what he would think of me but once again, some people say that I'm stubborn and blunt, so HERE I AM.

I could see his panic face and trembling legs.

"How cute!", I said in my heart.

"Take me!", I murmured.

But suddenly..


I could see Yunho ran and ran as fast as he could.

I couldn't help but chuckled and the making out couple found it.

They were amazed and they wondered what I wanted to say to Yunho.

They saw it when I looked at Yunho deeply and I looked like wanted to say something to him.

They asked me what I would say to Yunho.

I couldn't give them the answer but I gave them A GESTURE OF FUCKING SOMEONE.

Then, I left them shocked and speechless. I decided to come to the class quickly and say it to Yunho before the teacher came.

In the classroom

I could see Yunho was already on his seat. I decided to come to his seat but



I kept cursing the teacher in my mind until I realized that he was scolding me because I forgot to tell my classmates that today we would have a match with the second graders.

"NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!" I said loudly because I didn't want to be the head of the class but my classmates who chose me. Moreover, I was so busy dreaming yesterday.

Then, all I knew he kept blabbering about changing the head and so on and so on. I ignored him and busy with my iPod until I heard Yunho would change his uniform in the class.

"Yay!!", I screamed in my heart.

I waited for all students left the class but I was still looked like busy with my iPod.

Then, I could hear Yunho starts changing his clothes. Well, actually I already turned off my iPod and I just pretended to be busy with it.

"How naughty I am..", I laughed at my naughty side.

Then I turned my body toward Yunho and lucky me, I saw him only with his singlet and boxer.

"Hot!", I said in my heart.

I couldn't wait to say it to him.

I really wanted to be one with him.

Then, I walked closer and closer and I saw him trembling and finally sit.

"Cute!", I said in my heart seeing his clumsiness.

I decided to sit on his lap and say what I really wanted to say.

When I sat on his lap, I could see he was so nervous.

I could see his handsome face and his brown eyes.

I felt his warmth when I sat on his lap.

Then, I didn't waste much time.

"Fuck me!", I say directly.

Then, I heard him stuttering on his words "Whh..att..Fff..uckk you?"

I smiled to his nervousness but actually, deep down in my heart, I felt nervous too.

So I decided to move my head to the right and left seductively to hide my nervousness and I also thanked to my cold face.

Then, I heard Yoosu and Kimin's voice from outside so I decided to get up from his lap and say that I would wait him at the medical room after the match. I realized that I had made a sex appointment with him. For the first time in my life, I worried of my statement.

I haven't had any experience in it before so I decided to borrow Changmin's mobile phone which has many porn videos. Yoosu and Kimin knew exactly why I borrowed it and they gave me their support. I kept watching those videos while waiting Yunho finished the match. My heart kept beating hard because I worried to death whether he would come or not.

Then, I got a phone call from Yoochun. He said that Yunho hasn't come out yet from the shower and he thought Yunho would come because he seemed nervous in preparing himself. I chuckled on his clumsiness. I really couldn't wait for him to come. I waited him on the bed because I didn't waste much time.

Then, I heard someone opened the door and locked it.

"How thoughtful he is but still clumsy", I chuckled in my heart.

Then, I saw him standing in front of the bed and looked at me nervously.

To be honest, I was also nervous and ten minutes just passed by without a word.

Then, I decided to make a move first. I thought I was really in love with him and couldn't wait to be fucked by him. All I knew after that, we moaned each other because we wanted each other and I was so happy when I heard I was his first. Then, I could see he was also happy when he knew he was my first but the happiest moment was when he said he loved me too. I knew our love started with extreme way but WHO CARES?

End of flashback

"Yunnie...", I say while cupping his face with my hands.

"Hmmm"., he replies and slowly open his eyes.

"You are the bestI've ever had", I say proudly.

"You too my joongie", he replies and gives me light kiss on my lips.

Chapter 9

" drive me crazy once again!"

Chapter 9

" drive me crazy once again"

The couple has woken up. They can feel how morning has never been so good like now. They used to sleep alone but now, they can see their lovers' eyes when they wake up. They don't wanna lose this moment. They still hug tightly to each other because they wanna feel each other's warmth once again.

Their hug suddenly is interrupted by THE RINGING BELL!!! They immediately realize that they are in the medical room and the class is about to start.

"Joongie..we'd better put our clothes on and go to the class",, says Yunho panicky.

Jaejoong chuckles to see how panic his yunnie is and that what makes him more in love with him.

"Let's skip the class", says Jaejoong bluntly.

"Joongie...don't be naughty", Yunho says while cupping Jaejoong's face and touching it softly.

"Well then", Reply jaejoong and then, he gives yunho a light kiss on his lips.

" I love you", says Yunho.

" I love you too", reply Jaejoong.

Both of them put their clothes on. Then, they go to the class hand in hand. They don't care if they haven't bathed yet because they love the smell of their scent after having sex. When they enter the class, Mrs. Shakill is already in the class. Yunho looks panic because he is late again for her class but Jaejoong stays calm as usual.

"Excuse me Madam..I'm really sorry I'm late again but next time, I won't be late again", explain Yunho.

"It's okay Yunho..I've just come but are you sick?" ask Mrs.Shakill.

"No", reply Yunho.

"But you look messy and there's a dark circle on your eyes", continue Mrs.Shakill with a concern tone.

"We had sex", says Jaejoong bluntly.

"" Stutter Mrs.Shakill.

"We haven't bathed yet", continue Jaejoong. Jaejoong sure knows how to make the old woman piss off.

"YOU!!!WHAT DID YOU..", scold Mrs.Shakill but interrupted again by Jaejoong.

"Let's sit yunnie..", Interrupt Jaejoong and then, he drags Yunho who is still speechless of his Joongie's bluntness.

The annoying troopers are laughing out loud. They are already got used to Jaejoong's bluntness but seeing Yunho's expression make them laughing wildly. Then, Yunho sits in his seat and Junsu is still laughing.

"Well Yunho, what a naughty cat you have!", Tease Junsu.

Yunho just smiles. He tries to get used to his Joongie's bluntness because he loves him so much.

"He must be wild in bed, isn't he?", Ask Junsu.

"Secret DOLPHIN!", reply Yunho while smirking.

"YAH...!!YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!", says Junsu in his highest dolphin tone.

Yunho just can laugh out loud to see Junsu mad at him.

Then, his attention is back to his lover. He can see the lovely broad shoulders of his lovers from behind. His soft hair and his white neck make him crazy. He is still craving for more. He knows he is already crazy because he has known Jaejoong for only three days but he's already fallen in love with him and made love to him.

"Joongie..I love you", whisper Yunho.

"WE KNOW IT!!!", says Yoosu and Kimin at the same time.

"YAH!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", ask Yunho.

"Well, actually we are the one who wants to ask you?what are you doing JUNG YUNHO?THE CLASS IS ALREADY OVER BUT YOU ARE STILL DREAMING!!", tease Yoochun.

"Whh..att??th..the cl..lass..o.o..over?", stutters Yunho. He feels so embarrassed.

"'s your night?did Jaejoong moan?"ask Yoosu and Kimin.

"Aishhh!!you guys!!can't we talk about it?" ask yunho.

"NO!!", says Yoosu and Kimin once again.

When the annoying troopers are about to force yunho once again, Jaejoong comes.

"Yunnie..", he calls his lover and sits on his lap.

"What's wrong hunny?", ask Yunho softly.

" sweeeeeeettttttt!!", says Yoosu and Kimin at the same time.

"Noisy!!", says Jaejoong.

"Euwwwwwww...The naughty cat starts angry!!", tease the annoying troopers once again.

"What do you wanna know?" Ask Jaejoong. He sure knows well his cousins and their lovers.

"Hmm..We wanna know whether THE ONE-WORD MAN moan or not when having sex?" ask Changmin.

"Yeah!!", says the rest.

"I did!!I said..Ahhh..Yunho..faster..ahh", tease Jaejoong but before he goes further, Yunho covers Jaejoong's mouth and whisper.

"Joongie...embarrassing!", whispers yunho in a redden face.

"Yunnie..cute!!", reply Jaejoong while touching his lover's face.

They ignore the speechless troopers. Then, they leave the class and go to the cafeteria.

At the cafeteria

"Yunnie..where do you live?" ask Jaejoong.

" I live in a small apartment at X street", reply Yunho.

"How about you?", ask Yunho.

"in Mirotic apartment", reply Jaejoong.

"'s an expensive one. Sorry Jae..I just live in the small one", continue Yunho with his redden face.

"I don't give a shit about that!", says Jaejoong.

"Really?", continue Yunho with a big smile on his face.

Jaejoong nod his head. They smile to each other. They know that money can't separate them.

"Yunnie..", calls Jaejoong.

"Hmm.."reply Yunho.

"Let's live together", says Jaejoong while hugging his lover.

Yunho is shocked with his lover's statement but somewhat he feels happy. How can he resist to live with someone that he loves for 24/7. He knows it will bring trouble later with his parents but he doesn't care anymore. He is too in love with Jaejoong.

"Sure..", reply Yunho while hugging back his lover.

" drive me crazy once again!", Yunho says in his heart.

It's quite short, isn't it?

Chapter 10

"Everything is for two"

Chapter 10

"Everything is for two"

After the school is finished, Yunjae decides to go to the supermarket to buy anything that they need to move together. Both of them are excited just like a newly wed. They know that no one will separate them even the time because they will be there for each other 24/7.

Yunho POV

When we walk to the supermarket hand in hand, I can see Joongie's face like a blooming flower. He seems so happy and I can't help but keeps thanking to God for the blessing that God sent to me. Then, my wandering mind is interrupted by him.

"Yunnie..are you okay?", ask him with his beautiful eyes.

"Hmm..I'm just mesmerized by your beauty", I reply while looking deeply at his beautiful eyes.

"Yunniieeee...", he replies while blushing.

"Oh God...", that's all I can say deep down in my heart.

Then, I come closer and closer. I kiss his soft lips and he replies my kiss. We share a passionate and lovely kiss. I forget that we are in a public street and many people walk there. I can't help but I just wanna feel him. It makes me warm. Then, our kiss is broken by a loud cough which comes from an old man. I feel so embarrassed and nervous because the old man gives us a death glare. I understand how he feels because we use our uniform but we don't reflect how a good student should be. I can feel the tense in Joongie's eyes.

"DAMN OL..", I straightly cover his mouth and bow to the old man as the sign of apologizing.

I know that Joongie will curse the old man and I don't wanna see him get hurt by the old man's words later. I know my Joongie isn't a type of cry baby but somewhat I can feel that deep down he is vulnerable and I want to protect him.

"Joongieee..", I say while playing with his tender fingers.

"Don't say like that again okay..", I continue while brushing his hair now.

"He disturbed us!", he says.

"But we can continue in OUR HOME later..", I reply while touching his soft cheeks.

"Yup!!Love you yunnie", he says while hugging me.

"Love you too Joongie", I hug him back.

At the supermarket

"Yunnie..let's buy a couple mug", Jaejoong says in full spirit.

"Hmm..", agree Yunho.

"Cute!!", Jaejoong says when he sees a pair of Teddy's Bear towel.

"Let's buy it if you want", Yunho says.

"Nope!!", reply Jaejoong.

"Why?", ask Yunho curiously.

"Just buy the ordinary one", Reply Jaejoong.

"Why?You love the Teddy Bear on those towel right?", ask Yunho once again curiously.

"Love them but don't want to buy them", Jaejoong replies.

Jaejoong prefers to buy the ordinary red towels and then, he tells Yunho that he is planning to embroider Yunjae's name on it. It will be much cheaper but meaningful.

Yunho knows that Jaejoong doesn't want to spend lots of money because he wants to live like Yunho. Yunho can feel how his heart a bit broken to see Jaejoong's sacrifice but also feels a great warm in it. Yunho doesn't have an income except the allowance that his school gives as a part of his scholarship.

"Joongie..I'll find a work to make our living", promise Yunho.

"That's my man", Jaejoong praises his lover.

Yunho knows that actually if Jaejoong could choose, he wouldn't let him work because his money is already enough to make their living but Jaejoong doesn't want to ruin Yunho's pride as the man in their relationship and Yunho once again thanks to God because he can have Jaejoong.

The couple finished their shopping and they are heading to Yunho's apartment now. They are walking hand in hand while smiling. God knows how fast their heart is beating right now. How excited they are. Then, they arrive in front of Yunho's apartment.

"Well Joongie..this is our home", says Yunho after opened the door.

Yunho is a bit worried that Jaejoong will change his mind after seeing his small apartment but his doubt is vanished quickly when he sees Jaejoong's expression. His Joongie looks so happy and he is about to cry. Yunho feels want to cry too because the moment is too touching for him. When he moved to this apartment, he didn't think that he would live with someone he loves this sooner.

"Lovely..", says Jaejoong while hugging to his lover.

"Homy..",continue Jaejoong while tighten his hug.

"I'm glad you like it. I'm worried to death that you'll change your mind after saw this small apartment", says Yunho.

"Clumsy Yunnie..", says Jaejoong while laughing at his lover's clumsiness.

Jaejoong POV

"I've never felt so happy like this", I say in my heart.

"Hugging with my lover in our home",

"I would never exchange this feeling for anything", I continue.

The apartment is small but I don't mind at all. I just want to live with Yunho and treasure our precious time in each minute. I'm not a gold digger but I'm a love digger. I just want to love and being loved by someone and I get it from Yunho.

Then, I feel a bit tired so I decide to organize what we have bought at the supermarket before I sleep.

"Yunnie..go clean first", I order Yunnie to clean himself first while I'm organizing the stuff.

"Okay", he gives me a light kiss before cleaning himself.

I organize the mugs, the toothbrushes, the towel, the plates, the bowls, the spoons, the forks, the chopsticks, etc. Everything is the couple things. I keep smiling while organizing the things. I feel like a newly wed. I know I'm crazy because we are still high school students but already decided to move together. Maybe that's when people call love is blind.

Then, I can smell yunnie and he hug me from behind.

"Joongie..your turn", he whisper on my ears and I can feel his hot breath.

"Hmm..", all I can react is that because I feel butterflies all over my stomach.

Then, I face him and give him a passionate kiss. I love his smell. I love his tender lips and touch. We break our kiss to get some air. We smile to each other. I feel happy because in my eyes there's him and in his eyes there's me.

Yunho POV

I'm speechless of this beauty in front of me. By imagining that I'm gonna spend my days and nights with him brings me to heaven. I can't ask for more and I won't exchange this moment with anything.

"Joongie..are you hungry?", I ask.

"Hmm..", he nod his head.

"Well,,we haven't shopped any veggies yet so how about Ramen?", Yunho ask.

"Lovely", Replies Jaejoong.

Then, he goes to clean himself but then he says..

"Tomorrow I'll be in charge of cooking", He says while smiling.

I just can smile to see his smile. He has the most beautiful smile.

Then, I walk to the kitchen and see everything is well-organized and the most noticeable is EVERYTHING IS FOR TWO.

I can't help but smiling wildly to see them. All things are set beside their pairs just like me and Jaejoong. We are standing to each other and hope that nothing will separate us.

A new chapter..

Chapter 11

"Our First Sunday"

Chapter 11

"Our first Sunday"

The sun has risen and it smiles brightly seeing the couple is still sleeping while hugging to each other in their bedroom. The sun doesn't want to bother the lovely couple and even the singing bird, the moving wind and the nice weather also do the same thing.

They just keep watching while smiling widely seeing the couple who seems doesn't want to wake up sooner. They can see the small one is nearly seen because his body is almost covered up by his lover. They can see how tightly the couple is hugging to each other. If they could, they wanted to stop the time because they want the couple will stay like that forever. That scene is too precious to be forgotten but they know the couple won't give up on their love easily over a small thing and no one or nothing that can separate the couple. Therefore, they only give their blessings to this couple for their eternal love.

Meanwhile, the couple know that the sun, the singing bird, the moving wind have already started their activity but they don't want to let go their precious moment; their first time sleeping and waking up together in their home. However, the drum band in their stomach doesn't want to compromise any longer. They are already tired playing the drum to wake their master up. Therefore, the couple starts opening their eyes. Both of them can hear their lover's hungry stomach because they are hugging too tightly as if they were afraid of losing to each other. Their eyes meet to each other directly when they open their eyes. Nothing can describe their feeling when they open their eyes, the first thing that they see is their lover's eyes.

"Morning Yunnie..", says Jaejoong.

"Morning Joongie..", reply Yunho.

"Did you sleep well?", ask Yunho while brushing his lover's hair tenderly.

"Never better", says Jaejoong.

Yunho can't help but chuckles to see the cuteness of his lover. Yunho is amazed by his lover's beauty when he wakes up. This is the second time for him to see it but still the butterflies are flying around his stomach when he see his lover's morning face.

Jaejoong feels the same way too. He is also amazed by his lover's handsomeness. He can't help himself for falling in love with Yunho deeper and deeper.

"Joongie..Hungry..", says Yunho while rubbing his hungry stomach.

"Go clean yourself first and I'll make you breakfast", reply Jaejoong while touching his lover's face softly.

"I love you Joongie", says Yunho directly. He can't hide his feeling. In every second, he wants to say "I love you Joongie" because he wants the world knows how much he loves his Joongie.

"I love you too Yunnie", reply Jaejoong. Then, he gives his lover a light kiss before he gets up from the bed.

At the kitchen

Jaejoong can't cook well but at least, he can make hamburger or roast bread and creamy corn soup pretty well. He decides to cook them because he wants to give yunho the best breakfast on their first Sunday. He knows that other days except Sunday, they will have a quick breakfast because of school so he puts all his love on his cooking. After finished cooking, he puts the hamburger on their couple plates and soup on the couple bowls. Then, he pours the orange juice on their couple glasses. He places them neatly on their small table. He doesn't forget to show his love explicitly by putting a sauce on the hamburgers and the cream on the soup in a heart shape. Maybe he is the blunt one who is well-known for his "One-word man" nickname but he has a romantic side in his heart.

Then, not long after Jaejoong finished placing the food, Yunho comes to his lover and hugs him from behind. Yunho kisses his lover's neck and suck them a bit.

"mmm..", moan Jaejoong a bit when Yunho suck his neck softly.

"Yunnie..I haven't bathed yet", says Jaejoong shyly because he thinks he is smelly.

"Your still smells good even you haven't bathed yet. I love your scent", whispers Yunho seductively.

"Yunnieeeee......", Jaejoong can't help but facing his lover's face immediately and kiss him passionately.

Yunho loves his lover's scent and for him, Jaejoong's scent doesn't change even he hasn't bathed yet. After sharing the passionate kiss, Jaejoong goes bathing while Yunho is watching TV to wait his lover. They want to have their first breakfast together.

Fifteen minutes later, Jaejoong finish bathing and he sees Yunho is watching TV. Therefore, Jaejoong kisses his lover's cheek to make him notice that he's already finished bathing.

"Let's have breakfast yunnie...." he says after kissing his lover's cheek.

Yunho notices his lover after his lover gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then, Yunho is totally mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. Jaejoong wears Yunho's baseball shirts and it is oversize for his slender figure. Therefore, it reveals his flawless neck and shoulders a bit. Moreover, Jaejoong doesn't use shorts or pants. so his flawless leg is clearly seen. Yunho really wants to eat him up but he knows he'd better eat their breakfast first because his stomach can't compromise any longer. The couple looks so sweet together because Yunho also wears a baseball shirt with shorts so they look like a couple who made in heaven.


Yunho smiles widely when he sees the breakfast that his lover has prepared. He can see the creamy heart shape on the soup and the sauce heart shape inside the hamburger. Yunho feels warm in his heart.

"Joongie..thanks..I've never been so happy like this before", says Yunho.

"you are welcome hunny", reply Jaejoong while smiling widely.

Jaejoong also feels warm to see Yunho's happy expression. He used to see Yoochun or Changmin's expression when their lover's cooked for them but now, he can see his own lover's happy expression.

The couple eats their breakfast happily. It is a simple breakfast and many people can do it but the feeling to love someone and be loved by someone can't be felt by all people and the couple thinks they are one of the luckiest people in the world who can feel that kind of feeling.

After they finished having their breakfast, they sit on the sofa comfortably and watch TV together. Maybe the TV isn't the big and flat one but they are so happy can watch TV together on their Sunday. The couple is cuddling to each other while watching TV. For lunch, they decide to order pizza. They eat it while watching the TV. Maybe the shows that they are watching aren't the best ones but being together with their loved one is the greatest feeling. They spend their Sunday afternoon in front of the TV; watching, cuddling, kissing, laughing, teasing and smiling.

Then, when the sky darkens, they decide to see the sunset in front of their bedroom's window. They open the curtain and sit in the bed while facing the window. Maybe the view of the sunset isn't the best one from there, but they still want to see the sky of their first sunday is changing into the night together.

"Yunnie...Our first Sunday will be ended soon", says Jaejoong.

"Yeah..but we'll have other happy days just like now in the future", says Yunho while holding his lover's waist tightly.

The couple sees the sky darken into the night through the window of their bedroom. They are smiling to each other. They know that their happiness doesn't stop only on this Sunday because they love each other. They will make other days just as happy as this Sunday. They stare at each other lovely and deeply. Then, their lips meet and only in a second, they melt into one. Next, their body is closer and closer until they can feel their own breath of love. Finally, their heart becomes one when they make love in the night of their FIRST SUNDAY.


Chapter 12


Chapter 12


The sun tries to wake up the lovely couple from the unforgettable Sunday night when they moaned to each other's name for the first time in the small apartment that they call "home".

Monday morning is the day when the couple will start their usual school days. Yunho as usual wakes up sooner when he knows that sun is getting shinier and shinier.

Then, he cleans himself immediately to avoid lateness; as expected from a scholar boy. Meanwhile, Jaejoong is still in bed and doesn't give any signal that he will wake up sooner.

After cleaning himself, Yunho sees his Jaejoong is still sleeping so he decides to wake him up because the school will be started on the next thirty minutes.

"Wake up Joongie..", says Yunho while touching Jaejoong's cheek tenderly.

Jaejoong doesn't give any respond and Yunho smiles seeing his Joongie sleeping like there's no tomorrow and there's no school or damn classes.

On one side, yunho doesn't want to wake his lover up because he seems tired after a hot night they shared but he does worry if Jaejoong came late again, he would be the teacher's punch bag. It will be different if Yunho himself who were late, the teacher would always forgive him because he is smart and polite in the fact and in the teacher's point of view. Therefore, Yunho tries to wake his lover up no matter what the way will he use.

Yunho tries to wake Jaejoong with the alarm first but it doesn't work. Then, screaming as if there's fire as his second attempt but it ends worthlessly. Jaejoong still doesn't wake up yet. For the next attempt, Yunho tries to tickle his lover's leg on his thighs and it works. Jaejoong responds and slowly open his eyes.

"Yunnie..wanna get some more", ask Jaejoong bluntly.

Yunho POV

I can't help laughing after Jaejoong ask me if I wanted to get some more. How come he thinks of that on Monday morning?

If this morning wasn't a school day, I would attack him again and make love as much as we want.

"Joongie..wake will be started sooner", I say while caressing my lover's face.

"Owh.." he just gives a simple answer and fall into his sleep again immediately.

"Joongieeeeeeee..", I call his name once again.

Jaejoong doesn't give any respond once again but I can see, he is no longer sleepy but he is just like a little child who is lazy to go to school; trying to shut his eyes as if he is fallen into a deep sleep.

I chuckles to see his cuteness but I have to find a way to make him wake up quickly because on twenty five minutes, the school will be started.

"Well then..",

"I thought that I would come to the school with my lover together. Taking the bus together, sitting on the bus side by side and seeing the beautiful morning, walking to the school hand in hand..but I think it's just my dream", I say with a fake disappointed tone.

I pretend to sigh hard while walking toward the door. Then, I can feel Jaejoong's hands grab my waist.

"Yunnieeee.......", Jaejoong say with a tone like a guilty child.

"I wanna do it too", he continues with the guiltier tone.

I smile but also feel a bit hurt in my heart. I make him feeling guilty but I don't mean it. It is for his sake. Therefore, I face him immediately and kiss his forehead tenderly.

" I know it, so clean yourself and dress up quickly. I'll prepare cereal for our breakfast. Okay", I say while rubbing his soft cheek.

He nods like a forgiven child and head to the bathroom quickly.

"Jaejoong.....I love you so much", I say in my deepest heart.

After we have our breakfast, we go to the bus shelter as soon as possible because there's only ten minutes left. Luckily, the bus arrives sooner.

In the Bus

"Yunnie..I'm sorry", Jaejoong says while placing his head on my shoulders.

" I forgive you my joongie.. but don't do it again. We'll go to school twenty or thirty minutes before the school starts so we don't have to go in a hurry like this. We can see the beautiful morning with more relax feeling", I say while brushing his soft hair with my lips.

Then, we see the busy street together with our fingers intertwined to each other tightly. I smile happily and I can see Jaejoong smiles happily also from his reflection in the window.

Ten minutes later, we arrive in the school. We are late for five minutes and I hope the teacher hasn't come yet.

Jaejoong POV

I feel so happy that I can walk with my loved one hand in hand to school but I feel guilty also. Thankfully, he forgives me. I promise that I won't be like that again. I don't want to make him lose his scholarship because of my selfishness. I will be his supporter not distractor.

I will wake up earlier from now on and tries study hard but I also hope that FREAKING BORED TEACHER won't try to mess with me again or with my pleasure, I'll mess with 'em again!

My mind keep wandering while we are walking to the classroom. Then, we arrive at the classroom and for the first time, I feel so relieved that the teacher hasn't come to the class yet. I used to not give a shit whether the teacher has come or not but now, I don't want to make Yunho worry about me. I know that I'll be a fresh flesh for THOSE STARVING SHARKS if I came late.

When we enter the class, we are welcomed by the annoying troopers (Yunho who told me about this and I found it was quite true..XD).

"Morning...our lovely newlywed!!", scream them.

I smile devilishly to them. I know them for too long. I know what they want to know and when I'm about to make them shut, the shark comes. Then, all students are back to their seat include me and Yunho.

"Okay student..I have an important announcement", he says and I ignore it. I play my iPod and hear my favorite songs but then I hear Yunho's name is being mentioned so I decide to stop playing my iPod and hear him for the first time.

"Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun and Shim Changmin are chosen to be one of national U21 basketball team members. Three of you will have a training in Japan for three weeks and it will be started from tomorrow morning. You will be prepared for the international match against the Japan U-21 team on the next month", says the shark proudly.

"Three of you also will be paid highly because we are talking about NATIONAL TEAM anyway", continue the shark passionately.

"Why the training must be conducted in Japan while the match will take place in our school?", ask Yoochun logically.

"It because you will have some warm-ups match with some Japan school in order to know more the characteristic of Japanese players", answer the shark.

The shark can smile proudly and widely but his damn announcement is just like A THUNDER for me.

Yunho and I will be separated for three weeks and he'll be far away on Japan. This will be our first separation. I don't expect this come sooner and I feel so sad by just imagining hree weeks without Yunho.

Moreover, when the shark shows the rules that three of them have to obey, I see "NO CELLPHONE DURING THE TRAINING". It gives a SUPER DUPER FIERCE THUNDER to my day.

"IT"S HELL", I say loudly.

"It's heaven for them. They will be paid as much as national player. It's heaven for us too bec..", before he keeps blabbering, I interrupt him.

"WHATEVA!", I play my iPod again to ignore him but I can hear Junsu is crying loudly and Kibum is sniffing behind me.

"Japan?without phone?three weeks??Yoochuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn", Junsu cries as loud as he can.

"For god sake!!!it's just two weeks JUNSU!!You're acting like Yoochun will go to war", yell the shark.

"You don't know anything!!", reply Junsu while crying harder and harder.

"Aishhhhhhhh!!!!stop your crying!!", yell the shark again.

"Yoochun..please calm down your boyfriend!!", order the shark because Junsu's crying is getting harder and harder.

Meanwhile at my back,

"Minnie....don't forget me", Kibum is also crying but not as loud as the dolphin Junsu.

"Of course not babe..", reply Changmin calmly.

Meanwhile in my heart,

I feel like wanna cry out loud too. By just imagining, I would be separated from Yunho, it makes my heart stop beating and hard to breathe. I would miss his caring eyes, touch, lips, soothing voice and his presence in our home.

This is our first day to school together but for three weeks later, there'll be no more days like this again. If I woke up earlier, this morning would be more beautiful. I feel guilty and sad at the same time. I can't help but let out my tears silently. I pretend to sleep as if I'm enjoying my favorite music but actually, I cry and cry to make my heart feeling better.

Yunho POV


I can hear Jaejoong sad tone on those words. I know what he feels because I feel the same way too. I really love him until the good opportunity like that seems like a bullet for me.

I can't separate from Jaejoong even just for a minute but starting from tomorrow, I will be separated from him for three weeks; separated from his lovely eyes, tender touch, soft lips, beautiful eyes and everything about him.

Junsu's crying and Kibum's sniffing makes my heart sink deeper and deeper. They worsen the situation but I know they don't mean it.

Then, I see Jaejoong falls asleep in his table but I know he doesn't sleep at all. I can see his shaking shoulders. He must be crying and it makes me crying also but I can't show it. I have to be stronger than him even I don't know how to.

I find this opportunity is good also because I can earn money to make our living. After the teacher quits the class and all students leave the class to have lunch include the sad troopers, I come to him and hug his back immediately.

"Joongie..", I whisper in his ears.

He deepens his face into the table and doesn't want to see my face.

"'re gonna miss my cute face if you ignore me right now", I say playfully to break the ice.

"Yunnieeeee.....", he hugs me and crying hard. I can't help but also crying.

"Joongie...listen to me",I say in a soothing voice.

"It's not the end and we've just started our journey so separated for three weeks will not be a big matter for our love. It can spice up our beginning journey", I continue while sobbing a bit.

Jaejoong is still crying hard while listening to me.

" I can't stand also to be separated from you but this is a good opportunity for us. I can earn money to make our living and make you proud also", I try to convince him.

"Yunnie..I love you", he says.

"I love you too Joongie so you don't have to be afraid. I'll go and be back as your yunnie.." I say while sobbing hard.

We hug until the break time finish and we are still in our world during the lesson. The sad troopers also do the same. I can hear Junsu is still sobbing hard beside me and all I can do is just..

"Don't worry Junsu, I'll take care of yoochun", I promise to him even I don't know how to bear the days without Jaejoong.

On the way to our home, we keep silent but our hands are intertwining because we don't want to let go of each other's hands. We feel each other warmth through our intertwined fingers.

At night

The couple is busy packing during the whole day and the packing is finally finished at 8.00 p.m.

Actually, Yunho thinks packing will be shorter but it takes lots of time because Jaejoong wants his lover go with a well preparation.

Jaejoong is afraid that Yunho will have difficulties in Japan and he can't talk Japanese language to solve his difficulty.

Therefore, Jaejoong makes sure for hundred times that there's nothing left out.

Yunho understands what his babe feeling, therefore, he just let Jaejoong do the packing. They have Chinese food delivery for dinner. It's practical and cheap but delicious. Yunho have to feed his lover just like a baby because if he doesn't do that, Jaejoong will stay focus on packing and forget his dinner.

"Finish!", Jaejoong says after he do the checking to Yunho's bag for hundred times.

Yunho smiles to see his babe. Then, yunho gives him a fresh strawberry juice because Jaejoong really loves strawberry.

"Thanks", says Yunho while giving the juice.

"Yay!strawberry!", reply Jaejoong excitedly.

Then Jaejoong drinks it quickly while yunho is smiling to see his love's happy expression from the corner of the bed. After finish the juice, Jaejoong looks at yunho deeply with his seductive eyes.

Yunho's breath becomes unsteady because of excitement.


"Fuck me!", says Jaejoong with seductive eyes.

Yunho smiles to hear those words. The words that make him and Jaejoong became one. The words that make him fall in love. The words that make his world turn upside down in a good way. The words that he always wants to hear from his lover.

"Let me ride you", says Yunho with seductive tone.

"Come here baby", continue him.

Jaejoong is coming closer and closer while taking off every fabric in his body one by one. Yunho is waiting for him in the corner of the bed excitedly. He also starts taking off every fabric on his body. Then, the bodies naked meet and hungry for each other's touch.

Jaejoong sits on Yunho's lap and kiss his lips hungrily while his arms is around yunho. Yunho can feel his lover's hardened member touches his stomach meanwhile Jaejoong can feel yunho's hardened member touches his inner thigh.

Their movement makes their body rub harder their partner's hardened member and make them let out their moans.

"Ahhh...", Jaejoong moan when his member rub yunho's stomach while yunho's member rub Jaejoong's inner thigh.

Both of them are still in the position where Jaejoong sits on Yunho's laps but they share more passionate kiss not only in the lips but also the necks, nipples and chests. They wanna mark their belongings that will be far away for three weeks.

Then, they breaks their kiss to have some air. Yunho takes this chance to flip Jaejoong's body into the bed and now, he is on top of Jaejoong. He caress his lover's hair, face and lips tenderly. He wants to feel it through his fingers. He wants his fingers record all the softness of his lover's beautiful feature.

He can see that his lover's breath is unsteady just like him because both of them are totally turned on and want each other badly.

Yunho starts kissing his lover's hair, forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, neck, chest and nipples lightly. Then, he is back to his red lips and kiss them passionately. Jaejoong let yunho's tongue slide in and play around in his mouth. They break their kiss, have some air and continue kissing again as if they want to stock all the pleasure for the next three weeks.

Feeling already enough stocking all the pleasure on his lover's and his own mouth, Yunho starts go down to his lover's neck. He kisses, sucks and bites it. He wants to leave his mark so his lover won't forget him. Jaejoong did the same too when he sat on Yunho's lap. Jaejoong just keep moaning and moaning because of the pleasure that Yunho gives.

Yunho is going lower to his lover's mesmerizing pink nipples. He is playing his fingers on those pink nipples while sucking and biting his lover's chest.

"Ahhh yun......", Jaejoong just keeps saying those words. The pleasure is too much to handle and he enjoy it so much.

Next, Yunho plays his tongue around the mesmerizing pink nipples, sucks and bites them.

Yunho left those nipples hard and he trails down his amazing tongue to Jaejoong's flawless stomach. He kisses, sucks, licks and bites the white stomach. Yunho leaves his mark in all over Jaejoong's body. Jaejoong keeps enjoying the heaven's tongue play around on his body.

Yunho can see how the lollipop down there is calling his amazing tongue to have a play with it sooner. Therefore, Yunho starts licking and kissing the tip of his lover's member. He plays his tongue around it and bites it lightly and it brings Jaejoong to the enjoyful strange pleasure.

"Yun...suck it hard!", ask Jaejoong because he can't stand the pleasure anymore.

"With my pleasure my Queen", says Yunho with a wild eyes.

Yunho takes full of his lover's member immediately and sucks it hard.

"Ahhh...good..Yun..ahhhh", Jaejoong keeps moaning.

Then He is brought to cloud nine when his tip touch Yunho's inner mouth.

"Yun..I'", stutters Jaejoong because of the pleasure.

Then, Jaejoong cum to Yunho's mouth and Yunho swallow all of it and nothing's left.

Their breath become noisier and noisier.

When their breath is already stable enough, Yunho ask Jaejoong to lick his fingers and Jaejoong do it as if those fingers are melting sundaes ice cream.

Jaejoong lift his leg and put them around Yunho's waist. It makes his tight tiny hole is seen clearly. It makes Yunho turn on so he put his first finger on Jaejoong's tiny hole immediately.

Jaejoong is shaking a bit but then he ask for more fingers. Yunho does exactly what Jaejoong ask. Now, his three fingers thrust Jaejoong's tiny hole. Jaejoong feels great pain at first but then, he starts moving his hips to deepen the thrusting fingers.

"Fuck me hard Yunnie..", ask Jaejoong with pleading eyes because he wants to feel his lover's member thrusting harder and harder. He doesn't scare of the pain because the pleasure is much more dominant for him.

"I will", reply Yunho seductively.

Yunho directly thrust all of his hot member on Jaejoong's little tight hole. He knows jaejoong will feel a great pain. Therefore, he is kissing him passionately while waiting his lover to adjust with his big member.

"Yunnie..ready", says Jaejoong because the pain is gone and the need for pleasure is demanding.

Yunho start thrusting hard his member on his lover's tight hole.

"Jae...tight..ahhh..nice", Yunho moans while thrusting hard.

"Yun...ahhh..faster..yeah...", Jaejoong moans sexily.

"", moan both of them.

Yunho holds the bed tightly while thrusting and it makes the bed gives a crack rhythm as if the bed is also moaning in every thrust. Meanwhile, Jaejoong hold tightly on Yunho's hair.

In order to cum together, Jaejoong pumps his member in the same rhythm with Yunho's thrust. The sight of Jaejoong pumping his own member makes Yunho desire to fuck his lover harder. They moan each other's name harmonically and beautifully. The small room turns into a moaning concert hall.

"Yun..I'm gonna cum", says Jaejoong in a hoarse voice.

"Me too..let's cum", stutters Yunho because the pleasure that tight hole give.



They cum together. Jaejoong comes on his own hand while Yunho cum on his lover's tight hole.

Then, Yunho lick all of Jaejoong's white liquid and it makes Jaejoong turn on again. They smile to each other after then and look each other deeply.

They know tomorrow they will be separated for three weeks without contacting to each other. They decide to have more rounds but now Yunho willl fuck Jaejoong from behind.

Jaejoong gives his sexy back with his sexy tattoo and Yunho once again mark his lover's body with his heaven sucking and biting. Then, they are making love, panting, sweating, and moaning all over the night.

They don't want to let go of each other's warm touch. They wanna feel it through the night. They know that tonight isn't their last night but three weeks without each other's warmth makes they are hungry for it tonight.

Yunho wants to fill their home with their sex scents so Jaejoong can breath his scent and their sex scent at anytime. Meanwhile, Jaejoong wants to leave his scent in Yunho's body as much as he could so Yunho can smell him whenever and wherever he is.

The couple keep touching, kissing, sucking, biting, fucking and moaning through the night because they will be separated tomorrow.

How is it?

Chapter 13

"How can I face the days without U?"

Chapter 12

"How can I face the days without U?"

Jaejoong POV

This is the first morning I wake up without Yunnie beside me. I feel my eyes are getting wet again and there are still twenty days that I should face without him beside me. Our little home seems so big and I feel so lonely. Last night, I couldn't stop crying and kept remembering our first until last moment.



"Joongie..the sun is already shining", said Yunho while cupping his hands on Jaejoong's face.

"I know", reply Jaejoong weakly. He knew that the time was coming.

The couple didn't sleep at all at that night. They made love for so many times until they felt totally tired. They awoke to wait the sun came while hugging tightly to each other.

"Joongieeee.." called Yunho while brushing his lover's hair tenderly.

"Hmm.."replied Jaejoong.

"Don't be late to school"

"Don't skip your meal even just once"

"Don't forget to lock the door"

"Don't forget to use warm clothes when you get out"

"Use blankets when you sleep"

"Don't catch a cold"

Jaejoong just nodded weakly while his tears kept running from his beautiful eyes.

"Joongieee.." called Yunho again.

"Hmm.."replied Jaejoong while sobbing hard.

"Take care of yourself"

"Don't be naughty at school because I can't protect you while I'm away" said Yunho while sobbing a little.

"Maybe I'm not with you physically but I always in your heart", continued Yunho.

"Don't spend your time for crying because I'll go and be back as your one and only Yunnie", said Yunho but at this time, he couldn't help but crying hard and hugged his lover tightly.

"Joongie..I love you", Yunho said while crying in his lover's embrace.

"I love you too", replied Jaejoong while crying also in Yunho's embrace.


" I won't be late to school"

"I won't skip my meal even just once"

"I won't forget to lock the door"

"I'll use my warm clothes whenever I go"

"I'll use blankets when I'm sleeping"

"I won't catch a cold"

"I won't be naughty at school"

"I'll take care of myself", promised Jaejoong while sobbing hard.


"I'm always waiting for you in here, in our home"

"So please stay healthy in there and come back as my yunnie right now"

"I'll support you from here so do your best"

"I'll always remember you whenever and wherever I am so please remember me and our moment also"

"Yunnie.." called Jaejoong.

"Don't..hmm.." said Jaejoong hesitantly,


"I won't cheat on you", said Yunho interrupted his lover. He knew what his lover was worried about.

"You won't cheat on me, will you?", asked Yunho while pinching his lover's nose playfully.

"I won't", replied Jaejoong Immediately.

The couple laughed at their worried feeling toward each other. Both of them were afraid that one of them would cheat and forgot all the sweet moments that they shared together but the couple thought their relationship was too precious to be sacrificed for silly things.

Then, they woke up and prepared themselves. Yunho prepared to go to the airport while Jaejoong prepared himself to go to school.

Fifteen minutes later, the taxi came.

"Joongie...I'll go", said Yunho with teary eyes.

"Hmm..take care", replied Jaejoong while crying.

Then, they shared a passionate kiss with their tears kept flowing.

The taxi started moving leaving their home. Jaejoong just kept staring the leaving taxi with teary eyes while Yunho kept staring his lover from the back window of the taxi.


"Yunnie...I miss you", I say with my teary eyes again.

Maybe I am well-known as a one-word man that stubborn and insensitive with someone's feeling but when it comes to Yunho, I become weak because I really love him and separating like this is totally a hell for me.

Then, I wake up and prepare myself to go to the school because I promised to Yunho that I won't be late to school. I can see my beautiful eyes turns to be an owl eyes because I couldn't stop crying last night.

"Yunnie..what are you doing now?" I ask the mirror.

In Japan

Yunho POV

"Joongie..what are you doing now?" I ask to the mirror.

I wonder what Joongie is doing.

"Does he skip his meal?"

"Does he wear warm clothes to school?"

"Did he use blanket last night?"

Many questions are in my mind. I miss him so much but I can't see his beautiful eyes, face, skin and hair when I woke up this morning.

I cried a lot last night. Maybe I am well-known as a tough boy from Gwangju but I'll be vulnerable when it comes to Joongie because he is the one that I love and want in my life.

I even didn't cry when I left home to study in Seoul.

"Yunho..are you ready?" ask yoochun.

"Yes", I reply weakly because I miss Joongie's voice when he calls my name.

"Cmon buddy..we still have twenty days to go and we have to bear it", continue Yoochun.

"Yoochun is right...I'm sure THE ONE-WORD MAN can take care of himself", says Changmin to calm me.

"Hmm.." I nod my head.

"Well at least, I'm sure you spent a hot night on the night before we went to Japan, huh?" Tease Yoochun.

I just smile at him because I'm too embarrassed to talk about those things.

"Unlike me..My suSu kept yelling at me and throwing my clothes as if I was the one who wanted to go to Japan", says Yoochun.

"So you didn't make love with Junsu at that night?What a poor boy?" tease Changmin.

"Well, thankfully we did even it was on 4 a.m after Junsu finally realized that he did waste the time!", reply Yoochun.

"But that's the cute side of my Susu", continue Yoochun.

"How about U Mr.Changmin?" ask Yoochun.

'Of course we made love with all the styles that we watched on those porn videos..hahahha", says Changmin proudly.

"You've never changed!!", says Yoochun with sarcastic tone.

I laugh a lot to hear their conversation. They succeed in brightening my day with their story.

Maybe we are at the same age but they are my seniors in the matter of love relationship. This separation isn't their first time unlike me and Jaejoong. I'm glad that they are with me to go through these lonely days.

In Korea

Jaejoong POV

I can see that Junsu and Kibum have an owl eyes just like me but Junsu's eyes is totally freaking me out!

During the lesson, I keep spacing out. I can hear Kibum's sniffing from behind and Junsu's dolphin crying from two rows behind me.

We can't console each other because it's already hard to console our ownselves so today, we decide to be alone.

Moreover, I can't look at the two rows behind me because it's yunho's seat. I will cry hard again.

I have to be strong because I promised to yunnie not to spend my days for crying so I decide, at least, I won't cry in school.

Then, I walk to our home with a great lonely feeling. I can feel that my fingers are looking for the other warm fingers.

Seoul is snowy right now so I feel my heart and body is cold. I keep spacing out while walking until I bump into the running children. I lose my balance and I fall because the street is slippery.

"Ouch..", I fall and I can feel my knees is bleeding. It hurts so bad.

I get up slowly and continue my walk. I can see my blood and tears keeps flowing.

I used to know how to be tough whenever and wherever because my mom died when I was born and I lived with my dad until ten years before he died.

He was one-word man also and he taught me how to be strong and tough whenever and wherever I was. The bleeding knee like this wouldn't make me cry because If I fell, he would tell me to get up by myself and not to cry.

But now, it's different. I feel save when I'm with Yunho and now, without him, I feel so unprotected and bleeding knee makes me weak.

I feel more pain in my heart than in my knee. The bleeding knee just worsens my bleeding heart.

Finally, I get home after trying so hard to walk with my bleeding knee. I immediately wash the bleeding knee and take the medicine box. I start putting the alcohol to my knee.

"It's hurt!!", I scream a bit because of the pain.


"I fell and bleeding", I sob hard.

"Yunnie.." I call his name as of he could hear me.

I cry hard while watching the aching knee. I cry hard because I know if Yunho was here, he would take care of my knee with his gentleness.

" can I face the days without you?"

In Japan

Yunho POV

"Ahh..", I fell on the court ground.

I fell because of the tired. The training is sure makes us horribly tired. We don't have time to take a little break or even to breathe.

"Are you okay?" ask Yoochun with a tired voice.

"Your knees is bleeding?" says Changmin with his tired voice also.

Both of them have also fallen before but thankfully, their knees aren't bleeding like me.

"I'll tell the coach", says Yoochun.

Then, the training is stopped for a while.

"This is sure a HELL!!" says Yoochun while drinking a gallon of water.

"I'll be back as a BONE if we're still be trained like this for the next twenty days!!", Joke Changmin coldly.

I'm laughing a bit while cleaning my bleeding knees. I put some alcohol on my wounds and I can feel the hurt, not from my wounds but from my heart.

I'm sure Jaejoong will take care of my wounds and I can imagine his worried face if he knew that I'm bleeding.

It makes me sad that I can't take care of myself as I promised to him.

I wonder what he's doing right now.

I wonder whether he takes care of himself or not.

I wonder whether he skips his meal or not.

I wonder whether he is crying now or not.

Those questions are wandering on my mind but one thing for sure, I really miss him so much. I can feel that my wounds is wet again because of my tears.


"I fell and bleeding"

I sob hard but quietly because I don't want changmin and yoochun know.

I admit that I'm a crybaby with something relate to Jaejoong because I love him so much.


"How can I face the days without you?"

sad chapter..:(

Chapter 14

"Let's do our best!"

Chapter 14

"Let's do our best!"

A week has passed since Yunho left their small apartment that they call their home.

Jaejoong still cry silently at night but he handle his sadness better than the days before. He also thinks positively about all the things now.

Therefore, he decides to have a boys day and night out with other left boyfriends; Junsu and Kibum.

"Guys..let's have a nice Sunday together", says Jaejoong to Junsu and Kibum in the web-cam conference.

"I think it's a good idea", reply Kibum.

"I guess so", reply Junsu.

"So....let's dress up and I'm gonna pick you up at ten o'clock", says Jaejoong.

"Okay", reply Junki (Junsu and Kibum) together.

Jaejoong POV

I'm gonna spend this Sunday with Junki. It doesn't mean I don't feel sad anymore or don't miss Yunho anymore.

I miss him so much but I have to do something else so counting the days when Yunho will be back, will be less painful if I'm getting busy myself.

Moreover, I promised to Yunho that I won't spend my days for crying.

"hwaiting..Jaejoong", I cheer myself up.

I dress up nicely today. I use my stylish and fashionable warm clothes. Then, I pick up Junki at their apartment.

"I'm here so get out!", I say Jokingly.

"We're here", they say at the same time.

"Let's have some fun!!!", say the dolphin with his high pitch.

I drive fast as if I'm in the car race. I really want the wind to wash away our tiredness for the last six days.

I can see that Junki also enjoy the wind even the wind is quite cold but honestly, our heart is colder than the wind.

"Well guys..what will be our first stop?"I ask them.

"How about Ice skiing?", suggest Junsu.

"Well then", I speed up the car faster.

Then we arrive at the ice skiingplace. We can see many couples are skiing together hand in hand. We can see how happy they are.

"Damn Place!", say Junsu.

"You are the one who suggest this place, stupid dolphin!", reply Kibum.

"But you agree, damn brat!", reply Junsu.

"We're going in or not?", I ask impatiently.

Both of them are silent. I can see both of them starts teary.

"Well..let's go", I say while dragging them to the ice skiing place.

I feel sad also to see other couple can laugh and happy with their partner but wherever and whenever, we'll always miss our lover because the problem is in our heart not the place.

Junki are still in the same spot and not move to anywhere after putting on their skiing stuff.

I'm totally sick of seeing them like that. So I decide to throw a snow ball to their head.

"Ahhh..", they say at the same time.

" look like a frozen dolphin!!", I tease Junsu.

"and you Kibum, you are the frozen macarel!!" I tease Kibum.

"Suck!!" I say before runs away.

"Yahh..." Junsu protest with his doplhin pitch.

"We'll get you jae..",Junki say while catching me and throwing many snow ball to my body.

We are catching to each other like little children. Then, I decide to stop suddenly to make them lose their balance and I do it.

"Ahhh...", they fall and badly, they bump into me.

"damn!" I murmur because my plan is failed. I'm the one who trap on my stupid plan.

"Gotcha!!", they say while laughing at me.

"Taste your own trick, huh?", tease Junsu.

"yeah..whateva", I say while smiling shyly.

Three of us laugh out loud to our silliness. Then, we decide to have a break a little while before going back.

We lay our head on the snow and see the snowy sky. Then, our hands are intertwining together. We feel the warmth that we share through our hands.

We never feel like this. We never feel lonely at the same time. But now, we feel and share the same pain, the same loneliness and the same tears.

"what are they doing now?" ask Junsu to the sky.

"Are they tired now?", ask Kibum to the sky also.

"Do they miss us?", I ask the sky also.

"We must be crazy because we ask the sky!", say Junsu with teary eyes.

"We're already crazy since we fell in love with them", reply Kibum.

"We're not crazy but WE'RE FUCKING CRAZY!', I say.

Three of us are laughing while the tears keep running from our eyes. We know that we're crazy in love.

"I think no doubt that we're crazy!", say Junsu.

"Why?" Kibum asks.

"We're only students but we have lived together as if we are the engaged couple" continue Junsu.

"We also had sex so many times but we haven't yet the second graders", continue Kibum.

"Yeah, we're crazy because WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT!", I say.

"Do you regret it?" I ask them.

"Hell no!', they say at the same time.

"Then, stop talking nonsense!', I reply.

Three of us laugh again at our craziness. We don't care about such a thing after we decided to live together.

Maybe we haven't engaged and graduated yet but we have a strong commitment to each other just like other engaged couple.

"By the way, which style do you like?" ask Kibum to break the ice.

"You mean sex style?", ask Junsu.

"yeah..what else?", reply Kibum.

"I like yoochun's style,,it's different from any styles in your porn videos", say Junsu proudly.

"Really??well then, record your style when you have sex and give it to me. I wanna try it too!", say Kibum.

"Crazy bastard!", reply Junsu sarcastically.

"Kidding..dolphin!!you don't have to scream at my ears!", says Kibum.

"You are guys sex freak!", I say.

"Then you?", they ask me at the same time with their devilish smile.

I just ignore their question and look at the sky. I know they will attack me with their stupid questions and arguments. They won't give up easily.

"How big Yunho's little baby?", ask Kibum.

"It must be smaller than my Yoochun's", tease Junsu.

"my changmin's must be the biggest because he know how to take care of it", reply Kibum.

"Unlike the Gwangju boy!", they tease me.

I know they try to provoke me. Maybe they forget how blunt I am. They are too busy in teasing me.


"Well..I know my COUSINS WELL!!', I say with my devilish smile.

"My yunnie's is THREE TIMES BIGGER THAN MY COUSINS!!", I say bluntly.

"And I'm in heaven when it touched mine!!", I continue.

I leave them dumbfounded with their jaw open. Actually, I don't know whether my yunnie's is bigger than my cousins but thanks to my cold face. I can convince them. I can't help but laughing on my way to the car.

"Yaaahhh..wanna be the real frozen dolphin and macarel in there?", I scream from my car.

They awake from their dream and quickly, go to the car.

" wonder you pick the boy from the village", says Junsu while patting my head.

"Yeah..he has the Jumbo packet", continue Kibum.

I just laugh at their comments. These boys sure know how to tease someone but they are gullible.

I speed up the car again to feel the breeze.

"Next destination?' I ask them.

" about it?", suggest Kibum.

"Well then", I agree and so does Junsu.

Then, we arrive at our favourite salon.

"I wanna cut and dye my hair", I say.

"Me too", say Junsu,

"It's a good idea", say Kibum.

I cut my hair and dye it with brownish color (Imagine Jaejoong used to have black hair just like in Five in the black tour and now, just like in secret code tour).

Junsu also cut his hair (Mirotic style) and Kibum also does the same.

" look fucking great!", compliment Junsu and Kibum.

"You guys are fucking great too!!", I reply.

"I'm sure our boys will love our new hairdo", Kibum say.

"We hope so", me and Junsu say.

Then, we continue our day out. We talk about many things and suddenly, the cooking issue is brought up in our conversation. Three of us still need to learn in cooking. We can cook but only few instant food.

"Guys..let's cook!!", I suggest.

"Great idea..", Junki agree.

"But what food we want to cook?" ask Kibum.

"Something Korean food", I say.

"yeah..because we can only cook American food", Kibum say.

" about kimchi stew?", Junsu suggest.

"My mom's kimchi stew is the best!I can ask her for the receipt", say Junsu.

"Great!!", me and Kibum say.

"Phone your mother now and we'll stop at the supermarket to buy the ingredients", continue Kibum.

"Okay" reply Junsu.

Junsu is calling his mother while I'm driving the car to the nearest supermarket.

Then, we arrive at the supermarket.

"Here's the list of the ingredients that we need", say Junsu.

We walk around the supermarket to buy the ingredients, the chips and the beverages for our night.

"Then, where will we cook this?", I ask.

"how about in my apartment?", suggest Kibum.

"Well then..", me and Junsu nod.

Ten minutes later, we arrive in Kibum's apartment.

His kitchen is the least well-used one because Kimin loves food so much so they often eat out in many different restaurant.

We change our clothes to our casual clothes.

As usual, I use my yunnie's oversize baseball t-shirt with no pants while Junsu and Kibum do the same. I can see that we are totally the girls in the relationship.

"Well, what should we do first?" ask Kibum.

"First is boil the water and do this and that", order Junsu.

We are so excited in cooking the food. We can see how inexperience we are but we do our best.

Then, after finishing all the steps, we see our stew and it looks a bit like what we saw in many restaurant.

"We did it!!", says Junsu.

"Yeah!!", me and Kibum agree.

We feel so happy and satisfied because we can make the kimchi stew. We think that we can serve this later to our boyfriend when they get home.

"So all the steps are done and now, we just have to wait for fifteen minutes for it to be boiled well", say Junsu.

"Okay..then, we'd better have chips and soda to relax", suggest Kibum.

"Great!', I say.

We sit on the couch with satisfied feeling. In fifteen minutes, our first kimchi stew will be done and we can't wait to taste it. We are having soda and chips while waiting and suddenly.....


We are shocked until our soda and chips are shattered on the carpet.

"What the hell?", we ask curiously and walk to the place where the sound come.

The sound comes from the KITCHEN and we can see OUR FIRST KIMCHI STEW are shattered on the floor.

We start panic because the fire is still on and getting higher and higher.

"Jae..put off the fire!!", plead Junsu.

"Jae..I'm scare!!", plead Kibum also.

"Aishh!!!" I complain.

"Jae..hurry up!!the fire..the fire...", says Junsu panicky.

"Oh no...Minnieee..we're going to die!!", shouts Kibum exaggeratedly.

"Shut the hell up!", I shout at them because their act in this dangerous moment can't help but worsen the moment.

We can see that the fire is getting higher and higher.

"Omo..", scream Junsu.

"Kibum..where is the fire extinguisher?", I ask Kibum Panicky.

"Oh God..why didn't we think about it?" reply him.

"Aishh..hurry up!!", I order Kibum.

"Okay" he says and run quickly to take the fire extinguisher.

"Chunnieeee.....I love you", shout Junsu while sobbing hard.

"Shut up!!we're not gonna die!!", I say to calm him and myself too.

" it is!!", says Kibum panicky.

Then, I try to put off the fire with the fire extinguisher and five minutes later, the fire can be put off completely.

"Damn!!it's close", I say while sitting weakly on the floor.

"Omo..we're almost die", cry Junsu.

"Yeah..thanks god", say Kibum who is sobbing hard also.

Then, after we can feel relax a bit..

"I have to call my mom. What's wrong with the receipt?", say Junsu angrily.

On the phone with the speaker on.

"Ummaaaaaa.....i'm almost die because your receipt..", say Junsu while sobbing hard.

"What??It's impossible", reply his mother.

"But how come the stew suddenly explode?", ask Junsu.

"You wait for fifteen minutes and not more than that right?", ask his mom.

"yeah..but before fifteen minutes boiled, the stew has already exploded!!', complain Junsu.

"Then, there must be wrong with the fire. You must have cooked it with a big fire, didn't you?", ask her mom.

"Yeah..", reply Junsu guiltily.

"You did forget when I tell you to cook it with the small fire, didn't you?" ask his mom.

"Yeah..", reply Junsu guiltily once again.

"Well..that's the problem. Fifteen minutes is for the small fire. No wonder your stew exploded and nearly burn you out", his mother says.

"Well then,,sorry umma" apologize Junsu.

" time listen carefully what I say and take care",say his mom.

Me and Kibum just laugh to hear Junsu's conversation with his mom.

"How forgetful our dolphin is until we're almost die", I tease.

"Moreover, he's the one who cry the loudest!!", continue Kibum.

"Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!", complain Junsu embarrasedly.

"hahahahahaha...........", we laugh out loud to our silliness.

Then, we clean our failed kimchi stew and order pizza for our dinner.

We decide to watch some movies before go sleep.

Movies after movies we watch but still our hearts and minds are thinking about our dear boyfriends. We feel tired after watched the fifth movies.

"Well guys..I think it's time to sleep", say Kibum.

"hmm..", me and Junsu nod.

I sleep in the Kibum's guest room. I wash my face before sleeping. Then, I put the blanket and listen to my ipod.

I listen to one of my and yunnie's favorite song "I'm already there" by westlife.

I cry a lot listening to the lyrics.

I'm already there..

Take a look around..

I'm the sunshine in your hair,

I'm the shadow on the ground,

I'm the whisper in the wind,

I'm your imaginary friend,

And I know, I'm in your prays cz I'm already there..

"Yunnie..let's do our best!', I murmur before falling into a deep sleep.

In Japan

Yunho POV

"Yoochun..pass the ball", I order to Yoochun when I see the chance to make a score.

We win the match again. It is our sixth consecutive winning in the warm up matches against some school in Japan and I always be the MVP in the match.

I'm chosen to be the leader of our team and it makes my work harder than others.

By the way, It is the first Sunday I spend in japan and without jaejoong beside me.

I wonder what Joongie is doing on Sunday without me.

I remember our first Sunday and it was amazing.

I miss him so much but I don't want our separation become worthless.

Therefore, I tried hard in each day.

Me and Yoomin start to get used to the training system which is terribly hard.

"Yahhhhh..another hard day but thankfully we win again", says Yoochun.

"Great job guys!!", I compliment Yoomin.

"You too!!our best leader!!", Changmin compliment back.

"Thanks", I say.

"Well..what are they doing now?", ask Yoochun.

"We don't know but I hope they are okay", say Changmin.

"Hmm..', I nod weakly.

"I miss him so much", I say.

"Me too", say Yoomin at the same time.

"Another thing that makes this training like a hell that we can't contact or phone our lovers or parents. Moreover, we have to leave our handphone in Seoul!!", say Yoochun angrily.

"Yeah!!" I and changmin agree.

If we could phone to Seoul, it would be much easier for us to bear with our feeling.

"Cmon..guys..we have to prepare for our next match

tomorrow", shouts the coach.

"Damn!!he treats us like a robot!!!", protest Yoochun.

"Yeah!!we can't have some love and rest!!", continue changmin.

"Don't give up!Let's fighting for our dear boyfriends in Seoul!!", I cheer them up.

I use our boyfriend in cheering them up because honestly, jaejoong is the only reason I can bear with everything.

"Jae...I'll do this for you", I say to cheer myself up.

The horrible training starts again and it finish again at the late night. We come back to our hotel to have only four hours sleeping but we use it wisely because it's the only longer rest we have in a day!

I clean myself and then cover myself with blanket.

I think of jaejoong and I wish I could hug him.

Seoul is snowy right now and I really wanna make him warm.

I listen to my iPod and can't help my tears to flow again when I listen to one of our favorite songs "I'm already there" by westlife.

The lyrics of the song really describe what we feel right now..

I wish I was in your arms,

Lying right there beside you,

But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight,

And I'll gently kiss your lips,

Touch you with my fingertips,

So turn out the light,

And close your eyes..

I'm already there,

Don't make a sound,

I'm the beat in your heart,

I'm the moonlight shining down,

I'm the whisper in the wind,

And I'll be there till the end,

Can you feel?

The love that we share..

Cz I'm already there.

Maybe a thousand miles apart but i'll be with you wherever you are....

I cry hard but silently..

"Joongie..are you cold?", I ask to the ceiling.

"I miss you so let's do our best!"

Chapter 15

"World will know who belongs to whom"

Chapter 15

"World will know who belongs to whom"

Jaejoong POV

Two weeks has already passed and I can't wait for the day my Yunnie will be back. I spend my days to learn many recipe of korean food and to embroider more.

As usual for the past two weeks, I wake up without yunnie beside me and I miss him so much but the good thing is I'm never late to school again as what I promised to Yunnie before.

At school

I can see that our school has already started their preparation for the next week match. Our school is the most famous school in South Korea so no surprises that we will hold the national basketball match against Japan next week.

I can hear that the cheerleaders from our school and japan's school start yelling here and there. Last week, the basketball team from Japan also practiced in here.

I wonder why not our school team practice in here and The japanese practice in their own school. I didn't get it but the shark said it was for the sake of adjusting with the opponent's style.

"Adjusting my ass!!", I murmur while passing the yelling cheerleaders.

I can see the japanese girls start talking here and there when I pass them. I don't know what they are talking about since I can't speak Japanese language.

At first, I don't give a damn about them but I hear my yunnie's name is being mentioned by one of the japanese cheerleaders.

I can guess that she must be the captain of the team. She looks so happy when she mentions Yunho's name. I stop my feet for a while and try to hear what they are saying even I don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

"Jae..", call Junki.

"Hey..", I reply and then we walk to the classroom together.

My mind is still questioning and wondering whether it's my yunnie's name or not that they are talking about.

"Damn!!", I sigh hard.

I wish I knew japanese language so I can understand them when they talk about my yunnie. I mean I'll beat them on the spot if I knew they tried to seduce my yunnie in Japan. I'm not a possessive boy but I'll fight for my love.

Yunnie is my first love and I won't give up on him easily. I believe in yunho but my heart is hurt just by imagining that Japanese girl with my yunho.

"Aishhhhhh", I sigh hard again and then, I bury my head on my desk just in case I'll be crying so no one will know even Junki.

"Hey Ga hee, how's the preparation?", ask Junsu.

"Good but the japanese's cheerleaders looks energetic too but of course, not as cute as our cheerleaders", reply Ga hee. She is the captain of our school's cheerleaders.

"By the way, who is the captain of Japanese team?Is she as fit as you?", ask Kibum.

When I hear, the captain of Japanese cheerleaders is being mentioned, I open my ears as wide as I can.

"Her name is Mika. I know her since I was in the Junior high school. At that time, she was also the captain of her junior high school's team. She's a model also", reply Ga hee.

"Owh..she's the one with the long leg and hair, isn't she?", ask Junsu.

" are right. By the way, she told me that she likes Yunho so much. She met him last week when her school lost against Yunho's team. She said she's very excited to meet Yunho again next week. She even plans to school in here if Yunho likes her too. I think they will make a cute couple. I mean the captain of the basketball team and cheerleaders are dating. It's perfect just like in any Hollywood teen movies", continue Ga hee.

"Perfect my ass!!", I say loudly and then, leave the class.

Junsu POV

I know why Jae leaves the class. My heart is also worried whether any Japanese girl or boy like my chunnie. I can see Kibum's worried eyes also.

'Junsu..", Ga hee calls me because I'm lost in my deep thought.

" you hear me?', calls Ga hee impatiently.

"what?", I reply.

"Is Jae angry at me??what should I do?did I say something wrong?", ask Ga hee worriedly once again.

"I think so", I reply.

"What did I do?" ask her again.

I know that she's afraid that jae will angry at her. As what people know, if Jae hates someone, he will eat him/her alive with his words just like what happen with the teachers in here.

"Junsu..what did I do?" ask Ga hee and I know she's about to cry.

"You'll know it sooner", say Kibum and he leaves the class also.

"'ll find it sooner", I reply and leave the class.

Not many students know that yunjae is together and even, if some students found out when yunjae was holding hand, those students wouldn't be dare to come into Jae's private life so they just keep their mouth shut.

When me and Kibum look for Jae, we see him already standing in front of the Japanese cheerleaders who are practicing. I can see his death glare to Mika.

I know what he feels but I think it's not the right time to eat Mika up because Jae will get punished if the teacher found out, he cursed our school's guest.

Me and Kibum decide to stop him.

"Jae..calm yourself", I say.

"'s her who likes Yunho and I'm sure Yunho doesn't have any feeling to her", continue Kibum.

Jae doesn't respond us. He keeps glaring to the girl with his cold eyes and face. I can see nervous and confuse are written on Mika's face.

Who won't be nervous and confuse if someone you don't know suddenly give a death glare to you in front of your face?

When we are about to speak again to Jae, we see Mika loses her balance and falls to the ground. All of her friends are shocked and approach her immediately.

After seeing Mika fall, we see Jae's reaction.

"World will know who belongs to whom sooner", he says coldly and then leave us.

Me and Kibum are looking to each other confusedly but somehow, we are glad that Jae still use his brain and not curse the girl instead.

Jaejoong POV

"Yunnie..I believe in you", I keep saying it in my heart while walking home.

When I arrive at home, the first thing that I wanna do is laying my head on the bed. I feel so tired and a bit dizzy but when I'm about to sleep, yunho's handphone vibrate. There's a message.

I open the message because Yunho ask me to check his handphone just in case, his parents send a message to him.

Then, I read the message.

"Yunho oppa...I'm in Seoul now.


I'll be your classmates starting from tomorrow",)

I'm so happy that we can be classmates again.

I will come over to oppa's apartment tonight because I bring something from Auntie.

She misses you a lot and so does uncle.

See ya Oppa..

~Se Eun

"Another slut.huh?" I sigh hard.

It seems my yunnie has lots of admirers but I won't give up.

I wonder about this girl. Maybe she comes from the same village and she has been Yunho's classmates before but once again, I don't care.

"Just come baby and I'll wait for you", I murmur before get into a deep sleep.

At 07.00 p.m on Yunjae's apartment

"Knock,,knock..", Se Eun knocks the apartment's door.

She keeps knocking because there's no respond but she believes that Yunho is in his apartment.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong who is sleeping finally realize that someone is knocking his apartment's door.

Jaejoong wakes up slowly because he is still sleepy.

Then, he opens the door..

"Oppa..", Greets Se Eun. She is sure that Yunho is the one who opens the door.

But then, she realizes that the one who opens the door isn't yunho but an extremely beautiful girl.

A beautiful girl who has a big eyes, sharp nose, red cherry lips, flawless skin, and perfect leg.

Jae as usual use his Yunnie's oversize baseball t-shirt without a short or pant so all of his beauty is revealed.

"Hmm..sorry..maybe I knock the wrong door", Se Eun apologizes to Jaejoong but when she is about leave the apartment, Jae calls her.

"Se eun, right?", says Jae.

"You didn't knock the wrong door, come in', continue Jaejoong.

"Huh??Is it Yunho oppa's apartment?" ask Se Eun worriedly.

"Mmm", Jaejoong nods.

"But..who are you?", ask Se Eun with a pale face.

"Please come in first", reply Jae.

Then, Se Eun enter Yunjae's apartment. Actually, she doesn't want to enter the apartment but she feels curious who is exactly the beautiful girl in front of her.

She can't stand anymore with the fact that there's a girl in Yunho's apartment.

"WHO ARE YOU?" ask Se Eun angrily.

Jaejoong is quite surprise with Se Eun's tone. Actually, Jae wants to be nice with her but no more again.

"WHO ARE YOU?" ask Se Eun again and still with the same tone and expression.

"I'm yunho's boyfriend", says Jaejoong directly to her face.

"Whh..aa..t??bb..oyy..frr..iend?", Stutters Se Eun.

"Yeah..", reply Jaejoong while giving a cold smile.

"ARE YOU A BOY?" ask Se Eun with a wide eyes.

Se Eun can't believe the person that she thinks a beautiful girl is actually a BOY. The flawless skin, the red yummy lips and the beautiful legs belongs to a BOY. Moreover, this beautiful boy is Yunho's lover.

"Then, WHY ARE YOU HERE?", ask Se Eun.

"We live together", reply Jaejoong calmly.

"WHAT??LIVE..TO..GETHER?", ask Se Eun with her dropped jaw.

"Mmm..", nods Jaejoong while drinking a glass of cold water.

"Why?", ask Jaejoong.


Jae seems so angry at her attitude. Jae hates when someone point out his/her finger in front of his face but Jae stays calm but his death glare is dedicated to Se Eun.

"OMO..I'LL DIE IN A HEART ATTCK IMMEDIATELY IF THIS IS TRUE..", continue Se Eun while holding her chest as if she will get a heart attack sooner.

"THEN DIE..", reply Jaejoong coldly.

Se Eun is shocked at the beautiful boy's respond. Her eyes are widened and she can't believe that such a cold person can take her oppa's heart.

"YOU'LL REGRET THIS!!I'LL DO SOMETHING!!", threat Se Eun to Jaejoong. Then, she leaves the apartment.

Jaejoong still stays calm.

"You'll do something but I'll do everything to fight for my love", say Jaejoong to leaving girl.

In Japan

"Guys..tonight we'll have dinner with our opponent team so prepare yourselves at 08.00 p.m, okay?" say Yunho to his team members.


"Btw, the whole member of our opponent will be there too?" ask Yoochun.

" show your charisma to them!', reply Yunho jokingly.

"They have a great score also when they did a match with some schools in Korea last week", add Yunho.

"Really?" say Yoomin at the same time.

"Yeah..they also practiced in our school last week to adjust with the court, atmosphere and so on", add Yunho.

"Owh..", respond Yoomin.

"Mmm..but don't worry, the real winner isn't based on the win score you have but good or bad you play at the match. So guys, don't give up!!", continue Yunho.

"Don't worry!!we'll do our best!!", say Yoomin.

"Next week, we'll meet our lovers!!", say Changmin excitedly.

"Yeah..I can't wait for that!!!", reply Yunho.

"Sure!!!Susu...wait for me!!", add Yoochun.

At dinner

The two teams meet at the booked sushi restaurant. The situation is a bit awkward at first because they will head to head on the match next week.

Yunho greet them to break the ice with his limited japanese language.

"Thanx for the invitation", says Yunho.

"You're welcome", say the captain of the team, Taki.

"Taki", introduce Taki.

"Yunho", reply Yunho and shakes hand with Taki.

"Well, these are my members", continue Yunho introducing his team members. After then, Taki does the same.

Then, they are chatting while having their dinner.

"Which one of you fluent in Japanese language?", ask Taki.

"Me", reply Changmin.

"How about you?anyone can speak Korean Language?" ask Changmin back.

"No one but I'm learning now", reply Taki.

"He's learning Korean language because he likes your friend", tease one of Taki's team member.

"Friend?", ask Changmin.

"Mmm...he's very beautiful. We've never seen such a beautiful boy before", continue Taki's friend.

Changmin is wondering who is the beautiful boy that Taki likes because he sees around his team member, there's no beautiful guy. All of them are manly and so masculine.

Meanwhile, the others include Yunho and Yoochun just keep eating their sushi because they have no idea what they are talking about.

"His name is Jaejoong if I'm not mistaken", add Taki's friend.

"Shut up!!", say Taki shyly.

"Jaejoong?", Changmin is surprised when he heard the name.

Yunho suddenly cough after heard Jaejoong's name. He doesn't know what Changmin are talking about with Taki and his friend but hearing the way Changmin calls Jae's name and seeing Taki's shy expression, Yunho can figure out what happen because he is too smart to deceive.

"Changmin, Does the guy in front of me like my Joongie?", ask Yunho in Korean language to Changmin.

"Yeah..he met Jaejoong last week when his team member practiced in our school", reply Changmin.

"Really??", ask Yoochun surprisedly.

"Ask more..I mean did jae respond him back?", ask Yoochun curiously.

Then, Changmin ask Taki about it. He makes it looks like a spontaneous question so Taki won't feel burden in telling his private matter.

"Well, he doesn't even look at me. He looks so cold but it makes him interesting!do you know him?" ask Taki.

"Yeah..he's my classmate", reply Changmin simply. He doesn't want to tell that he is actually jae's cousin.

He can see how angry Yunho is but he knows Yunho will keep his anger well. He knows that Yunho is the type of man who prefers to win in the match rather than in fighting.

" he single?" ask Taki curiously.

"Well, that matter...Hmmm", Changmin looks at Yunho and Yunho gives an "X" mark by their hands. It means he can't tell Taki about Yunjae.

"I don't know but sooner you'll find out", continue Changmin.

"Yeah..sooner..the world will know who belongs to whom", say Taki dreamily.

Sorry for the late update because I had so many assignments..

Chapter 16

"Their love tell the world........."

Chapter 16

"Their love tell the world........."

In JunKijae's apartment

"Yahhhhhhhh..what should I wear?", ask them to each other at the same time at the web conference.

" eyes have a dark circle", shout Junsu.

"Me too..what should we do?", shout Kibum.

"Damn!!!me too,,", curse Jaejoong.

"You guys couldn't sleep too last night?", ask Junsu.

"Hmm..", say Jaeki together.

"Aishhhhh...what should we do now?", ask Junsu.

Three of them are thinking the way out. Of course, no one of them want to look like an owl in front of their lovers. They couldn't sleep last night because of the excitement for meeting their lovers today but as result, they got a black circle under their beautiful eyes.

"We should go to our salon first and then, go to the hall", suggest Kibum.

"Good idea..Jae call the owner so we can have the treatment in this early morning", continue Junsu.

"Well then..", reply Jae.

"Let's meet at the salon at 07.30 a.m ", add Jae.

"Okay..", say Junki at the same time.

Three of them have lots of time to have the three hours complete spa treatment in order to prepare themselves well because the match is started at 11.00 a.m.

At the airport

"Koreaaaaa........we're back!!!", shout Yoochun.

Yoochun makes his team members laugh. Everyone are so excited to be back to their lovely country.

"Jae..I'm back", whisper Yunho in his heart.

"Guys..we can't waste much time. We will go straightly to the school to have the last practice. So, no one will go to their home before the match", order the coach.

"Aishhhhh..I really want to punch him after the match. Make sure our payment will be worth for our sacrifice. If not, I'll eat him ALIVE!!!", threat Changmin.

"Don't worry, we'll eat him ALIVE together!!", say the other members.

"Be patient'll meet Jaejoong after the match", say Yunho to calm his heart.

At Se Eun's apartment

"Mom..Dad..Auntie..Uncle..I miss you", say Se Eun to her parents and Yunho's parents.

Her parents and Yunho's parents come to her apartment before going to Yunho's match together.


Se Eun invited Yunho's parents to watch Yunho's big match.

Actually, Yunho's parents didn't plan to watch the match because it will cost a lot but Se Eun's parents paid all the transportation cost for them.

Actually, yunho's parents refused the offer first but because their relationship is close, therefore, to refuse the offer for the second time will make them feel guilty to Se Eun's parents.

Well, their relationship is like a future in-law relationship.

Yunho and Se Eun are always schoolmates from elementary until now, senior high school students.

Their relationship is always good but never more than just a friend.

Their parents think maybe both of them are still not ready for the relationship but they believe deep down in Yunho's and Se Eun's heart actually there are some chemistry for each other.

herefore, they are waiting for that moment. The moment when Yunho and Se eun together.

Se Eun is happy to see Yunho's parents come together with her parents. It will make her plan goes smoothly. She wants Yunho's parents know about his son relationship with Jaejoong and the truth of them living together.

"Auntie..I haven't given this to Yunho Oppa because he wasn't at home. I'm sorry..", apologize Se Eun.

"Se don't have to say wasn't your fault. Moreover, it is just a blanket. How sweet our Se Eun is..", compliment Yunho's mother.

"I'm sure she will make a good couple with the gentle Yunho", compliment Se Eun's mom back.

Everyone is laughing but Se Eun is laughing the loudest. She's EXTREMELY HAPPY.

At Salon

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh", shout JunkiJae when the electricity down suddenly.

"What the hell?", ask Junsu.

"I'm sorry Sir, the electricity is down", reply the salon's employee.

"We know it!!we can see it with our BARE EYES!!", say Jaejoong sarcastically.

"But what the fuckin' hell with it?", ask Jaejoong.

"Don't you have an electric generator?", ask Kibum.

"We do but we don't know how to operate it and the technician will come in the afternoon as our usual work time", reply the employee.

"DAMN!!!", shout JunKiJae together.

"How is it??we can't leave the salon and go to the hall with the masker on our face!!", say Kibum.

"Hell no", shout Junsu with his dolphin's tone.

"Call your friend Jae..the owner of this fucking salon!!", continue Junsu.

"I told you earlier..she leaves Korea this morning", reply Jaejoong.

"Noooooooooooo......", shouts Junsu once again.

"What should we do?It's already 10.30 a.m", say Kibum worriedly.

"How about your favorite salon, Junsu? Maybe we can go there and continue our last masker treatment in there", ask Kibum.

"It's too far and we'll be late", reply Junsu.

"It 's much better than having a masker like this!!", say Kibum.

"But..I don't wanna be late to the match. Yoochun will look for me!!", add Junsu.



"Well then..", reply Junsu.

Three of them drive their car to Junsu's favorite salon with the masker on their face as fast as they can.

They have to go to Junsu's salon because it is one of the three salon in Korea that has the same special masker treatment with jae's salon.

When they arrive in Junsu's salon, the time is already 10.50 a.m. It means the match will be started in ten minutes.

"Damn!!we should be quick!!", say Kibum.

Meanwhile at the hall..

"Well we are..five minutes again, we'll have a match that we've been looking for. The past three tired weeks will be wasteful if we don't give our best performance today. Show our best!! Hwaiting!!", Cheer Yunho as the leader of the team to his team members.

"Hwaiting!!", say all the members together.

Yunho POV

"Five minutes again, the match will be started but where is Jaejoong?", ask Yunho in his heart.

He is looking for his lover but he can't find him but he's not really worry because he's not the only one who can't find his love,Yoomin also can't find their lovers.

"So, where are they?", ask Yoochun.

"I don't know because we don't have any handphone to call them', reply Changmin.

"Maybe they wanna surprise us after the match or maybe they have another plan but I hope there's nothing bad happen to them", say Yunho calmly.

"What a positive wonder you are the leader Yunho", say Yoochun while patting Yunho's back.

Actually, yunho is a bit disappointed and worry why Jae doesn't show up his face but his love to Jaejoong is more than his disappointment and curiosity.

"The time is coming guys..let's do our best!!I'm sure our lovers are watching us from somewhere!!Let's play our best for them and our team!!", cheer Yunho.

"Yeah..the hall is quite big!!I'm sure they are watching us!!", reply Yoochun.

"Hmm..", nod Changmin.

"Hwaiting!!", shout them together.

End of POV

"Yunho-ah...", shout Yunho's mom.

"Mom...Dad...", reply Yunho in surprise.

"How did you..", before Yunho complete his sentence, Se Eun interrupts..

"They come with my parents", say Se Eun with a big smile on her face.

"Hey..Se Eun..", greet Yunho.

"Yunho Oppa..", greet Se Eun back and she can't hide her happiness.

"Yunho..", greet Se Eun's parents.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Han", greet Yunho back to Se Eun's parents.

" for coming. I'll do my best!!", say Yunho.

"Say thanks to Se Eun because she's the one who initiate this", say Yunho's mom while holding Se Eun's hands.

"Well..thanks Se Eun. Btw, do you study in here?", ask Yunho.

"Yes..we'll be classmates again", reply Se Eun while smiling widely.

"What a nice fate", say Se Eun's mom.

Yunho doesn't respond anything because he knows exactly what his parents and Se eun's family intend to say.

If he liked Se Eun, why didn't he date her from the first time?

But Yunho keeps silent because he doesn't want to make his family embarrassed.

Moreover, Se Eun's family has helped his family a lot. Yunho still believes that Se Eun's family will still be his family's relative even he doesn't end up with Se Eun one day.

For Yunho, his feeling can't be forced and love have to come naturally and without any forceful arrangement.

That love that he finds in jaejoong.

"Well, I think it's time for me to warm up", say Yunho.

" your best!!", cheer Yunho's mom.

"Win the match!!", say Yunho's father coolly.

Yunho suddenly remember his lover because his father is like his Joongie; always say something directly and doesn't talk much.

"I will dad..", promise Yunho.

"Yunho oppa....fighting!!", cheer Se Eun.

"Thanx..", reply Yunho.

Yunho POV

Actually, I wanna hear Jae cheer me up.

"Where are you Jae?"

"I'll play my best for you!!", I cheer myself up.

"Well buddy!!let's warm up!!", say Yoochun.

When we do the warm-up, suddenly one of the Japanese cheerleader comes to me.

"Hey Yunho..", greets her.

"Hey..", I greet her back.

"Mika..", she introduces herself.

"Yunho..", I introduce myself back even she already knows my name.

"I'll be there to cheer you up!!", she says while pointing the corner of the court where she's cheering.

I just stay silent. I don't know what this girl wants because she's Japanese cheerleader but why does she cheer 4me?

"Yunho..I wanna talk to you after the match", she says.

"I think I.." she interrupts me before I complete my sentence.

"Don't go anywhere. Just stay on your spot!!", she says hurriedly and then, leave.

"I don't get it!!", I murmur.

"I think she likes you", says Yoochun.

"Huh?whatever..", I reply simply.

I just want my Jaejoong in the surface or deep down in my heart.

I can see Taki prepare himself for the match. I also can see that his eyes are looking for someone. I'm sure, he's looking for my Joongie.

It makes my motivation to win is bigger and I really want to beat this guy.

The match

The match is running intensely. Both team give their best performance. Yunho and Taki are the center of the match.

They make many points for their team and they show their competitive attitude.


"Thanks God..we're just late for fifteen minutes!!", say Kibum.

"Yeah..fifteen minutes but we can't get a seat!!damn!!', curse Junsu.

"Jaeeeeeee............", beg Junki.

Both of them know that anyone will give their seat to Jae.

"MOVE!!", say Jae to the three girls who are watching the game seriously.

The three girls are startled when Jae ask them to move. They know about this man so they let JunkiJae get their seat.

"Thanks Jae..", say Junki at the same time.

Actually, Jae hates doing this because the girls don't do anything wrong to him but he wants to see Yunho so bad.

"Jae..why don't you ask the people at the front to move. We can't see our lovers closely", complain Junsu.

Jae just gives him a deep death glare and it brings Junsu a chill on his neck.

Three of them just get the back seat but still, it's better than get nothing.


I can see my Yunnie even not really clear. My heart start beating faster. I miss him a lot. I wanna jump to the court and hug him tightly.

I feel guilty that I can't cheer him before the match.

Thanks to the damn salon anyway!!

I can hear JunKi start shouting their lovers' name and so do I. I know some people around me are wondering but whatever!!

We want our lovers hear our shout but I know, it's useless because the crowd are damn noisy.

The match

Beside Jae, Mika and Se Eun are also cheering for Yunho. They are totally in love with Jae's man.

The match is over and Yunho's team wins the match.

No doubt that Yunho will be the MVP of this match.

JunKiJae are screaming like fangirls.

They decide to meet their lovers when the crowd starts leaving their seat one by one because they can't get out from their seat.

Yunho POV

"We win guys!!!we did our best!!", I say and then, high five with all the team members.


My name is announced as MVP of the match.

"Congratz deserve it!!", say my team members.

I'm so happy because my sacrifice for the past three weeks is paid well.

I come to the middle of the court to receive the prize.

I look at my parents and their happy face makes me happier.

I'm looking around to see my lover's face but when I haven't found him yet, I hear Taki calls his name.

"It's jae..", tell Taki to his team members while pointing his finger.

I can see that Taki start blushing.

Then, I turn my head to the direction where Taki point his finger.

I can see my angel walks from the crowd..

I can see his white and flawless skin are shining from the crowd..

I can see his red cherry lips are calling my lips from the crowd..

I can see his soft hair is shorter and brownish now but it looks more mesmerizing..

I can see his slender and attractive body which are revealed from the V neck white t-shirt, the tight Jeans and the boots..

I can see his cheeks are redden and it looks adorable..

I love this angel so much and my heart start beating faster as if it wants to jump out from my body..

He is getting closer and closer and I can feel my body is trembling..

End of POV

"Yunho Oppa become the MVP..i'm so happy!!", say Se Eun.

"We are happy too..let's congratz him", say Yunho's mom.

"I can't wait to tell him that I love him", say Mika excitedly.

"Then, tell him NOW!!", say Ga Hee.

"Oh God..Jae..why are you so beautiful? I like you Jae..", say Taki while looking at Jae deeply.

"TELL HIM NOW OR YOU'LL BE REGRET!!", say one of Taki's team member.

The three hearts are walking to their hopeful light.

They wanna reach the light and hope that it will bring them into the heaven of love..

They just focus their attention to the person that they hope will bring the brightest light in their life but..

They ignore..

Ignore the two hearts that already become one are getting closer and closer..

The two hearts that even have been separated for three weeks, their love are still the same and even, getting deeper and deeper.

When the three hearts are about to get close with the person they love and adore..

Jae's hands already snake around Yunho's neck meanwhile Yunho's hands are in Jae's waist.

They hold each other tightly..


They kiss passionately because they want to fill up their empty hearts for the past three weeks with each other warmth..

They kiss as if they were in their bed alone..

They moan for the pleasure without feeling shy..

They are totally in their heaven..

"Yunnie..I miss U..", whisper Jaejoong when he breaks the kiss to get some air.

"I miss U too..My only one Joongie", reply Yunho and Kiss his Joongie passionately again and again.

They don't know how long they kiss but they still enjoy it and don't care about their surrounding.

They ignore the three broken hearts, the shocked parents, the neglected trophy, the forgotten tired, the making out couples (Yoosu and Kimin) and the leaving crowd.

They are in love..

No one tell the world..

But their love tell the world "who belongs to whom"..


Everyone knows Yunjae's love and how big their love to each other ..^_^

Thx for your comments guys..

Chapter 17

"Can We Be Like This Forever?"

Chapter 17

"Can We Be Like This Forever?"

The lovely couple is still sharing their passionate kiss. Their tounge are playing in each other's mouth without feeling shy. They really miss each other but some people don't understand. They find it disgusting and heart breaking.

"JUNG YUNHO!!!", shouts Yunho's mom.

The couple stop their kissing when they hear a loud shout from Yunho's mom. Kimin and Yoosu also stop making out. All the eyes are directing to Yunho's mom and Yunho.

Yunho have just realized that his parents are in there meanwhile Jaejoong doesn't know anything but he can see with his bare eyes that A woman gives him a death glare.

"Moo..omm..I..I..", stutters Yunho while holding Jaejoong's hands tightly.

"Mom?", Wonders Jaejoong.

"JUNG YUNHO!!!!THIS IS WHAT YOU DID IN SEOUL!!!", scold Yunho's mom.

"Mom..This is my..", Yunho wants to introduce jaejoong but he is interrupted by his mom.

"WHATEVER!!NOW..LET'S GO TO YOUR APARTMENT!!!", scold Yunho's mom again and he hold yunho's hands tightly and drag him forcefully from Jaejoong's hands.

"Mom..wait!!!", yunho stops his mom.

"I can explain and please let Jaejoong go home with us", say Yunho.

"WHAT???JUNG YUNHO!!!", yell his mom.

Jaejoong is stuck on the situation. He is speechless. He doesn't expect to meet Yunho's mom this sooner and moreover, yunho's mom seems missunderstand with him.

Yunho tries to let go of his mom's tight grip but his father stops him.

"Yunho..just go back with us now and we'll talk about it at your apartment", say yunho's father calmly.

"Dad..I can't leave Jaejoong here. I won't go home without him", reply Yunho while looking at his lover's eyes deeply.

Jaejoong feels so happy when Yunho say it but he can see that Yunho's mom is totally angry and she looks like want to slap his yunnie.

"Yunnie..I'll be at my old apartment for a while. Go home and I'll phone you later", convince Jaejoong.

"'s our home..", reply Yunho softly.

"Let's go home!!", say yunho while dragging Jaejoong and escaping from his mom's tight grip.

But his effort is failed. His mom stops him. She breaks Yunho's hands from Jaejoong and push Jaejoong's hands harshly.

Jaejoong nearly falls to the ground but he manages his balance well.

"Joongieeeee.......", shouts Yunho when he sees Jaejoong is about to fall.

"Mom...what are you doing?", Yunho yells at his mom unconsciously.

"JUNG YUNHO!!!YOU DARE YELL AT ME??", scold his mom.

"I'm sorry mom..I didn't do it in a purpose but mom , please don't hurt jaejoong like that", reply Yunho and his tears are about to cry because he has to confront his lovely mom but he also doesn't want to see his lover get hurt. He feels like standing at the edge of the hill. He doesn't know what to do.

"FOR GOD SAKE YUNHO!!HE IS A BOY!!!", yell his mom once again.

"Why if he is a boy? I LOVE HIM!!", shouts Yunho.

"Yunho..let's go home!!", say Yunho's father and he drags Yunho forcefully.

"Dad..let go my", say Yunho while trying hard to let go his hands from his father's grip.

But his dad doesn't let go of Yunho's hands, he tighten his grip instead.

Yunho knows he can't beat his dad's power but he doesn't want to be separated from Jaejoong. He can't endure another separation.

"Joongie....", he calls his lover's name as loud as he can before his dad drag him farther and farther.

"Yunnie...", calls Jaejoong back and he runs to catch his lover but yunho's mom stops him.

"YOU!!!STOP IN THERE!!", shout Yunho's mom.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY SON!!", scold yunho's mom.

"I can't!!", reply Jaejoong directly.


Kimin and Yoosu are shocked with yunho's mom statement. If she wasn't yunho's mom, Junsu and Kibum would eat her alive.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong stays calm and he doesn't blink at all to hear that.

"Sorry but we love each other and IT ISN'T A SIN!!! SO I WON'T AND NEVER LEAVE YUNHO!!!", reply Jaejoong.

"YOU..!!!", shouts Yunho's mom and when she is about to slap jaejoong, yoochun and changmin stops her.

"I'm sorry auntie..but please calm down", say Yoochun while holding Yunho's mom.

"JUST SAY TO YOUR FRIEND..I'LL NEVER LET MY SON BE WITH HIM!!NEVER!!!", shouts Yunho's mom for the last time before leaving.

Jaejoong is still stuck on the same spot. He doesn't know what to do. He can't believe that the day when he has been waiting for ends like this. His heart is sunk into a deep grief ocean.

He starts crying inside but he doesn't want to cry on the outside. He knows that there's a pair of eyes from the corner that waiting for him to cry out loud and beg for a mercy.

The pair of eyes belongs to Se Eun who watches happily from the corner. Her heart is broken when she saw Yunho kissed Jaejoong passionately and she cried hard at that time but the end really makes her happy and she can't hide her smile.

"Well..I said it right?I would so something!!How is it Jaejoong?", Murmur Se Eun.

Jaejoong seems know what she is talking about. He gives her a deep unfriendly look from a distance.

Jaejoong knows well that he is a stubborn person so he won't give up even deep down, he also feel unsure about their future.

At Yunho's apartment

"Stop dad!!we have arrived!!let go my hands!!", Yunho say while letting go his hands from his father tight grip.

Yunho is sniffing because his heart is broken to leave Jaejoong on that way. He can't believe that his parents will do that far.

He was too naive to believe that his parents would accept his relationship with Jaejoong. He feels guilty now. If he knew his parents did this far to his relationship, he would try manage it beforehand so Jaejoong doesn't get hurt.

Yunho is sniffing hard when he opens the door. He imagined during the flight how happy he would be when he came into their home after three weeks in japan but now, imagination is still imagination.

When Yunho come into the apartment, he can see how neat it is and all the couple stuff are still in the same place when he left them and still in a well-organized position.

"Yunho..come here!Let's talk as a man!", call his father.

Yunho ignore his father.

"I'm sorry for dragging you like that but you'll act something stupid to your mom if I didn't drag you quickly and it will make you harder to get her permission", continue yunho's father.

"So you mean, you agree with our relationship?', ask Yunho with a glimpse of a hope in his eyes.

"I didn't say I agree but for me, as long as you don't choose the wrong person, I'm okay with it. One thing you can't forget, we come from a small village and we live in a simple lifestyle. Therefore, choose someone that can bear with that kind of condition. I know there's no one know what the future hold, but it's better if we have umbrella before it's raining, right?", add Yunho's father wisely.

"I know it well, therefore, I asked Jaejoong about it first but he said he didn't give a damn about money. I can see from his sincere eyes. Dad..I really love him", say Yunho with a watery eyes.

"He's blunt but he speaks what's on his mind and not fake", add Yunho.

"I'm happy and grateful to have him", continue Yunho.

Yunho's dad can see how deep his son has fallen in love with Jaejoong becasue he can see that his son's apartment is cared with love.

The neat and homy small apartment are there because of his son's love with jaejoong but he can't do anyhing right now because he has to see with his own eyes who is Jaejoong is and whether he is the right choice or not.

Moreover, he's not the only parent that Yunho has. Therefore, he has to talk about it with his wife also.

"Now..get a rest because I know that you are tired. I think your mom is still in Se Eun's apartment now. You know exactly what Se eun feel, right? so maybe your mom still try to calm her and apologize with her and her parents", say Yunho's father.

"I know what she feels to me but we don't have to apologize to them because I never promise anything to her", say Yunho before he goes to his bedroom.

Yunho is a bit hesitate when he enter his bedroom. He knows that he will cry to see the empty bedroom; the place where they share and make love. He imagined that tonight, he will be together with Jaejoong under the moonlight. He miss his lover so much.

Then, Yunho opens his bedroom's door and finds that his bedroom is already arranged romantically. The blanket is embroidered with YUNJAE FOREVER. He let his tears fall. He still can't believe that he is seperated again with his Joongie.

"Joongie...", he calls his lover's name while crying hard in his bed.

Yunho's father can hear yunho's crying and he feels sad too. His son is a tough guy and he has never seen his son cry before.

Yunho never begged for a help because he wasn't a helpless boy. He always had a way out for any problem but now, his son beg him to accept his relationship with Jaejoong.

'He's really in love", murmur Yunho's father behind yunho's bedroom door.


"Jae...let's eat. You haven't eaten since this afternoon", say Junsu.

Jaejoong still ignore yoosu and kimin. He keeps looking at the window blankly. Actually, he has alread prepared dinner for Yunho and put it in the refrigerator. He planned to warm the food when yunho took the shower but his plan is just a plan.

"Jae...Junsu's mom make kimchi stew and it's very delicio..ouch!!", protest Changmin because his lover pinch his arm and he doesn't know what does it for.

Kibum knows exactly that kimchi stew will make Jae sadder and sadder.

"Thanks..but can you leave me,please?", ask Jaejoong.

Yoosu and Kimin actually don't want to leave Jae in his condition right now but they know Jae won't do something stupid so they leave Jae alone in his apartment.

At Yunho's apartment

'Yunho..your mom call me. She will stay over at Se Eun's apartment because she is still sad", say Yunho's dad from the behind of Yunho's bedroom door.

Yunho hear it but he ignore it.

" haven't eaten so let's eat. I think your lover's kimchi stew looks nice", say Yunho's dad.

Yunho hear it but not ignore it for this time.

He open the door and ask.

"What do you mean?", he ask his dad about the Kimchi Stew.

"You don't know? Well, I open the refrigerator to find something to eat but I see the ready-eaten kimchi stew and other food", reply Yunho's dad.

"I have warmed the kimchi stew. So let's eat together", continue Yunho's dad.

Yunho runs to the kitchen and he can see the delicious Kimchi stew. Then, he open the refrigerator, he can see many other food that his Joongie has already prepared for him.

"Joongie.......", he calls his lover again in a sad tone.

"Hmm..delicious..", compliment Yunho's dad.

"Yunho,,if you didn't eat it quickly, I would eat them all", threat Yunho's dad.

"Dad..I'm sorry but can you just eat a bowl of this stew. I want to bring this to Jaejoong's apartment and eat it with him", beg Yunho.

"Sure..because there's still many delicious food in refrigerator", reply Yunho's dad.

"Thanks dad", reply Yunho.

Then, he wrap the stew in a tupperware and run to his bedroom to take his jacket.

"Maybe..I'll stay over in his apartment tonight so you don't need to wait for me", say Yunho.

"I know..but you know what you are doing and be responsible for it", say Yunho's dad.

"I know it dad..bye..", convince Yunho before he leaves the apartment.

He runs to the bus station as fast as he could.

Then, he arrives at Jaejoong's apartment.

He takes a deep breath before he press the bell.

"dingdong..dingdong..", the belll is ringing.

There's no answer so he decides to call his lover's name loudly.

"Jae..are you inside?", shouts Yunho.

Jaejoong ignore the bell at first but then, he hears his lover's voice calling out his name.

He makes sure for certain time to check whether it is his imagination or not.

Then, he is finally sure that it isn't his imagination.

He runs to the door as fast as he could.

He wipes his tears but the tears keep running from his eyes but now, it is his tears of happiness.

He opens the door and hug his lover tightly his lover immediately.

"Yunnieeeeeeeeee.......", sniff jaejoong.

"Joongieeeeeeeee......", reply Yunho.

"I'm sorry...", apologize yunho.

"It wasn't your fault. It is another test for our love but still I'm afraid of losing you", say Jaejoong.

"You won't and never lose me", reply Yunho and then, place his lips to Jaejoong's soft lips.

They kiss passionately in front of the door and then, they realize that they are still in the outside.

"Come in yunnie..", say Jaejoong.

"Woahhhhh..what a big apartment compared to our home", say Yunho.

"For me..our home is damn bigger than this becasue it is filled with our love", continue Jaejoong and hug his lover tightly.

"Me too...", reply Yunho and then, kiss his lover's soft hair.

"Joongie..let's eat", say Yunho while showing the tupperwear.

"heh..??", respond Jaejoong confusedly.

"This is your Kimchi Stew. Let's eat it while hot!", say Yunho.

"Yunniee.......", respond jaejoong while hugging his lover again.

"I'm sorry Jae..we are supposed to eat this in our home in a romantic dinner", say Yunho guiltily.

"Wherever and whenever as long as it is with you, I'm okay", reply Jae.

"Thank you..", say Yunho and kiss his lover's cheek.

"Let's eat!", say both of them at the same time.

They eat the stew together and they are sooooooo happy.

"It's delicious..where do you learn it?",ask Yunho.

"From Junsu's mom and we had a dangerous cooking session before this", reply Jaejoong while chuckling.

Yunho laughs hard when Jaejoong tell him about the dangerous cooking session that he had with Junki but Yunho also feels happy and warm because his lover learn to cook it for him.

Then, they wash the dishes together and have lots of laugh.

They snuggles on the couch after it. They have many words to say after the three weeks separation.

" you miss me a lot?", ask Jaejoong.

"Not a lot", tease Yunho.

"Really?well then..",reply Jaejoong while pouting.

"Cute..", say Yunho.

"Fuck you!!", reply Jaejoong.

" one-word man is fucking angry!!", tease Yunho.

"Whateva!!", reply jaejoong coldly.

"Of course I miss you..I cried a lot because of it..", say Yunho while getting closer and closer.

Jaejoong's expression start changing from the disappointed one to the excited one because Yunho is close to his hot body now.

"Say the magic word..", tease Yunho seductively on jae's ears.

Jaejoong chuckles because he knows exactly what Yunho means.

Jaejoong looks his lover seductively and say the magic word.

"Fuck me!", say Jaejoong seductively.

"With my pleasure..", reply Yunho.

Then, he start licking Jae's ears and down to his neck. It brings jae to the gate of heaven.

Yunho plays his tongue around jae's ears and neck.

Then, Yunho starts kissing Jae's lips and sucking it a bit and then, play his tongue in Jae's hungry mouth.

"Mmpphh..", moan them.

They play their tongue in turn and Jae lays his body on the couch and let yunho dominate him.

They break their kiss to get some air. Jae is smirking evilly while rubbing Yunho's hard crotch with his hands.

"Ahhh..", moan Yunho.

Jae loves to see Yunho in pleasure. Then, he takes off yunho's shorts and reveals the hard member.

He starts stroking it lightly and then harder and harder.

" that...ahhh..", moan Yunho. He can't hide his pleasure because Jae's hands play his crotch amazingly.

Then, he comes in his lover's hands and Jaejoong licks all his milk and nothing is left.

Yunho is still hard to breathe and his breath become harder when he see his lover licks all of his milk. It makes him hard again.

"Hard again, huh?", ask Jaejoong seductively.

"Let me eat it up", say Jaejoong while moving Yunho's crotch closer to his mouth.

Jaejoong licks the hard crotch just like an ice cream. He licks it and licks it.

Yunho feels butterfly in his stomach and suddenly, he is sent to heaven when Jaejoong starts sucking his member hard.

"Mmpphhh...", moan Jaejoong during his sucking.

Yunho loves seeing his lover's face when he sucks him member just like a melted ice cream.

"Harder joongie..", ask Yunho.

Jaejoong sucks it harder and harder.

"Mmpphh..yeah..joongie..ahhh..mmphhh..", moan Yunho.

Yunho push his member into Jaejoong's mouth and the touch with Jaejoong's deep mouth, send him into the highest stairs of heaven.

Then, Yunho come into Jaejoong's mouth. Jaejoong swallow all of yunho's milk.

"Delicious..", say Jaejoong while panting hard.

Yunho is also panting hard because Jaejoong has sent him into heaven twice and now his turn.

He takes all of his clothes and Jaejoong's clothes too.

"Let me please you princess..", say Yunho seductively.

Jaejoong smiles excitedly.

Yunho then kiss him passionately while rubbing Jae's hard member with his hard member.

"Ahhh..", moan Jaejoon between their passionate kiss.

Yunho trails down his kisses to Jaejoong's neck, chest, nipples, stomach and mark all of them with his light and lovely bite.

Jaejoong just keep moaning and moaning because Yunho's tongue and bite bring him a great pleasure.

Then, Yunho looks at Jaejoong's hard member seductively.

He wants to eat it up. He wants to suck hard the neglected member that he left for three weeks.

He kisses the tip first and then licks it from the base to the tip. He plays with the balls too and it brings a double pleasure for Jaejoong.

Then, after enough playing with Jae's crotch, he sucks it lightly and then harder and harder.

"Mmmphhh..YUnnie..aahhhh...", moan Jaejoong while holding onto Yunho's hair and the couch.

Yunho sucks it harder and harder and makes the hard member touch his deep mouth.

"Aahhhhh..that's it Yunnie..mmmphh..", moan Jaejoong.

Then, Jaejoong comes to his mouth and he swallows all Jae's delicious milk.

"Delicious hot milk", say Yunho.

They try to catch their breath and seeing each other in pleasure makes them craving for each other's warmth more.

"Prepare me Yunnie..", ask Jaejoong.

"Then, licks my fingers", reply Yunho.

Jaejoong licks them and make them wet. Then, Yunho thrust his fingers one by one and can feel how tight Jae's hole is.

"Aahhh...", moan Jaejoong in pain first but then the pleasure dominate the pain.

"Now..", say Jaejoong.

Yunho position his member in front of Jae's red small hole.

Then, he thrust it lightly until all of part of his hard member fill Jae's hole.

"Mmphhh..", moan Jae when he feel his body is filled with his lover's member.

"Joongie..I love you", say Yunho and stroke his lover's hair lightly.

"I love you too yunnie..", reply Jae while looking deeply into Yunho's eyes.

Yunho starts thrusting his member and make it slow at first to make Jae's hole expand a bit.

"Harder yunnie..", demand Jaejoong.

Yunho nods his head and starts thrusting harder and harder.

"yeah baby..ahhh..mmphhhh...nice..ahhh.."moan Jaejoong.

"", moan yunho.

Yunho also strokes Jae's member in a rhythm with his thrusting.

"Ahhh..yunnie..go..od..", moan Jaejoong.

"", moan Yunho.

Their moans fill out the apartment. The couch are moving and sounding just like their body and moans.

"Yunnie..I'll come..", say Jaejoong.

"Me too..wait for me..", reply Yunho.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhh,,,,,", they come together.

Yunho fills Jae's hole with his hot milk while Jaejoong makes Yunho's hands wet with his hot milk but Yunho licks them all with a pleasure.

They are panting for the air now and then, yunho lays himself beside his lover. The small couch makes them warmer because their body snuggles to each other.

Yunho strokes Jae's hair lovely and softly.

"Joongie..", call Yunho.

"Hmm..", respond Jae.

"I really really really love you and I wanna be with you forever", say Yunho.

Jaejoong smiles happily.

"Me too..I am completely in love with you and I wanna be with you for the rest of my life", reply Jaejoong and Yunho kisses his hair lovely and tighten his hug.

Both of them are happy laying in each other's warm hug and they can hear each other's breath. They slowly close their eyes but their heart keep questioning and wondering..

"Can we be like this forever?"


Chapter 18


Chapter 18


Yunjae at Dawn

"Joongie..wake up honey", Say Yunho.

"Hmm..", reply Jaejoong lazily.

"It's already dawn honey..", Say Yunho.

" what?", ask Jaejoong.

"It's still dawn by the way..", continue Jaejoong.

Yunho chuckles to see his rebellious Joongie.

"Soo my Joongie hasn't changed yet..still late to school, huh?", ask Yunho seductively to Jae's ears.


"Sooo..why don't you wake up now?", ask Yunho.

"At dawn?Kidding me Yunnie..", reply Jaejoong.

"Our uniform is still in our home so we have to go back to our home first, then, go to school", say Yunho.

"Hmmm...gimme five minutes Yunnie", respond Jaejoong. He buries his face to Yunho's chest deeper.

"Joongieee..", call Yunho.

"I'm fuckin' tired..we made love on this small couch and my body cram..", pout Jaejoong once again.

"So you regret it?", ask Yunho seductively.

"Hell no..", reply Jaejoong immediately.

"Wanna have it again?",tease Yunho seductively once again and he licks Jae's earlobes.

"Mmmphh...yeah", moan Jaejoong.

"I'd love too BUT WAKE UP NOW!!!", shout Yunho a bit while chuckling and he gets up immediately.

"FUCK U", blurt Jaejoong.

Yunho is laughing hard seeing his lovely one-word man. His Joongie is never changed; blunt and direct.

Then, Yunho offers his hands to help his joongie wake up.

Jaejoong holds Yunho hands and lift his body slowly.

The pain in his bottom is surely painful and his small body is totally cram but remembering his lovely night with Yunho makes him smile and forget the pain.

They are holding hands at dawn to take the early bus to their apartment.

Jaejoong holds yunhos's hands tightly because he's afraid of losing him. He knows that going back to the apartment together is a bad idea but soonet or later,he has to face it.

"We arrive at our lovely home", say Yunho.

"Yunnie..I love you", say Jaejoong before enter their home.

"I love you too Joongie..", reply Yunho with a wide smile on his face.

They enter their home and find yunho's father is still sleeping on the couch.

"Yunnie..why don't uncle sleep in our bedroom?", ask Jaejoong in a low voice. He doesn't want to wake yunho's father up.

"He's like that. I really admire him", reply yunho.

"Wanna take shower first?",ask Yunho.

" go first. I'll make breakfast", reply Jaejoong.

"Okay..thanx", say Yunho and he gives Jaejoong a peck on his lips.

Jaejoong sees the sleeping father on the couch with watery eyes. He remember his father figure at that day.

Jaejoong POV


At that time,I was only ten years old and didn't know whether my dad was sleeping or not.

I just knew that my father often slept on the couch because he often went home late from office. Therefore, he got asleep on the chouch because of the tiredness.

But at that time, I didn't hear my father snoring. I ignored it at first because I was only ten, for god sake!!

I ate my cereal as usual and I found strange with my dad. He often woke up immediately when the sound of the pouring cereal and milk were made. But then, I ignored it for the second time.

I kept eating my cereal and the phone rang right beside my dad.

He still didn't wake up and the phone kept ringing.

Finally, I didn't ignore it.

I walked closer to my sleeping dad and shaked his body.

"Dad...are you that tired?", I asked him and shaked his body.

"Dad..wake up!!!", I became worry because he didn't wake up at all.

"Dad..don't kidding me!!', I shaked him more roughly but then..

His body fell to the floor and he didn't wake up at all. I knew straight away that he was dead.


I cried harder just like the ringing phone.

I picked up the phone and it was yoochun.

"'s already late..why haven't you come down from your apartment", complain Yoochun.

"Shut up!!", I scold him back.

"My dad..", my voice started shaking.

"What's wrong with your dad", asked Yoochun back.

"He is dead", I reply.

Yoochun and Changmin went to my apartment immediately. At that time, I lost him forever. Even he never gave me a lovely hug but I knew he cared for me.

He always spoke directly to me and no sweet words but that what happened when you were rasied by a direct and straight father with no mom figure.

End of flashback

"Why do you cry?", ask Yunho's dad.

He doesn't know that Yunho's father is already woken up because he is so into recalling his sad past memories.

"Huh??", jaejoong respond surprisedly.

"Nothing...I'll make breakfast", Jae says and goes to the kitchen immediately.

He wipes his tears and makes breakfast.

"Morning wake up already", greet Yunho to his father.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho's father.

"When did you come back?", ask Yunho father.

"Just fifteen minutes ago..", reply Yunho.

"Breakfast ready..", say Jaejoong.

"I'm sorry..I can only make scrambled eggs sandwhich for breakfast because there's no time left enough", apologize jaejoong.

"It's already enough Jaejoong-shi", thanks Yunho's dad.

"Yeah..thanx Joongie. Now, you'd better take shower and dress up", say Yunho.

"Mmm..", Jaejoong nod.

Then, Jaejoong takes shower and leaves the father and his son.

"He cried", say Yunho's dad while eating.

"Huh??do you mean Jaejoong?", ask Yunho.

"Mmm.."nod Yunho's dad.

"I woke up because I heard someone crying and when I woke up, I saw him looking at me blankly and crying", continue Yunho's dad.

Yunho wonders why his Joongie crying and then, he remembers Jaejoong's story about his dad.

"Hmmm..I think he remembers his dad", say Yunho.

"What's wrong with his dad?", ask Yunho's dad.

"His dad passed away when he was ten years old. His dad died because of a heart attack when he slept in the couch. Seeing you sleeping in the couch recalls his memory", reply Yunho with a hard sigh.

" about his mother?", ask Yunho's dad again.

"She died when Jaejoong was born", reply Yunho and he seems lose his appetite immediately.

"Well..what a pity boy. Where are the rest of his relatives?", ask Yunho's dad.

"His relatives are only his cousins and their family. He used to live alone in his apartment before moved out with me", explain Yunho.

"Yunnie..I'm ready", say jaejoong suddenly from the bedroom.

"Have a breakfast first", reply Yunho.

"Hmm..can I skip it?", plead jaejoong. He doesn't have any appetite anymore.

"I'll wrap it then but you have to eat it before the class begin,okay?", say Yunho softly while rubbing his Joongie's cheeks with his tender touch.

Yunho knows why Jaejoong lose his appetite but still, yunho doesn't want him to get sick.

"Well then..", reply Jaejoong.

"'s your breakfast?", ask Jaejoong.

"Nice..thanx for the breakfast", thanks Yunho's dad.

"you're welcome", reply Jaejoong.

"Wow..our one-word man can say "you're welcome" sweetly". Tease Yunho.

"Damn!!", blurt Jaejoong while slap his Lover's hands lightly.

"Kidding..let's go!", say Yunho while holding Jaejoong's hands.

"Uncle..we leave..", say Jaejoong.

"Dad..we leave..", Yunho say goodbye to his dad.

Yunho's dad just can smile to see the two lovebirds. Now, he understands why Yunho loves jaejoong and vice versa.

He is happy to see his son happy like that and moreover, Jaejoong is a nice boy also even sometimes he blurts out but he understand why he can be like that.

He raised by a father alone and left when he was ten years old; the age when a child still need parents figure to tell him right or wrong.

At Se Eun's apartment

"Auntie..I don't wanna go to school. Yunjae is killing me", say Se Eun while sobbing hard.

"Honey..don't be like that. Our sweet Se Eun has to go to school. Yunho will see how smart our Se Eun compare to that punk", say Yunho's mom.

Se Eun just stunt when she hears Yunho's mom. Actually, she knows well that Jaejoong is smart.

Therefore, whatever he does and how mad the teachers at him, they will forgive Jaejoong at the end because he is damn smart just like Yunho.

Meanwhile, Se Eun has to study hard to enter the school. Actually, Yunho always helped her to make homework or any school project in the past and yunho's parents didn't know about it.

She tries to change the conversation..

"Hmm..but Jaejoong is mean. He hurts anyone with his mouth and even the teachers. I'm scare..", continue Se Eun.

"Don't worry..Yunho will there for you because he has already known you since he was a child", say Yunho's mom to calm Se Eun.

Se Eun thinks it's the right time to spill out the beans.

"But he has lived with Yunho oppa since Yunho oppa moved to Seoul", cry Se Eun harder and harder.

"WHAT??LIVE TOGETHER?", ask yunho's mother in shock.

" don't know??yunho oppa didn't tell you??it must be Jaejoong who ask him not to tell you", cry Se eun.

"Omo..I feel like wanna die. Yunho..why are you so stupid? I know now why he begged me to bring that punk home too", say Yunho's mom while calming her heart.

"Se Eun..auntie has to go now. Auntie wants to solve this sin relationship", say Yunho's mom.

"Auntie..don't say anything to Yunho oppa. Don't say what I've said to you. I'm scare..", say Se eun.

"Don't worry honey..I won't say anything. You can rest for today but tomorrow you have to go to school. Auntie promise will solve this problem as soon as possible. Take care yourself since your parents has gone back to Gwangju", say yunho's mom before leave her apartment.

Yunho's mom also leaves the smiling girl.

"Gotcha..Jaejoong", say Se Eun with a victory smile.

Chapter 19

"Auntie..let me love you please.."

Chapter 19

"Auntie..let me love you please.."

" want to talk to us now", say yoochun when yunjae has just arrived at school.

"Okay..joongie I'll meet coach for a while", yunho say to his lover.

"What the hell he wants now?", pout Jaejoong.

"Joongieee..", call Yunho.

"Hmm.."nod Jaejoong.

"I wonder too what he wants now??I think he wants to separate us again", protest Junsu.

"Damn shark!!!", add kibum.

Jaejoong just can sigh hard. Since yunho has signed the contract, he knows that anytime will be possible to be separated again with him.

Fifteen minutes later, YunYooMin come to the class.

"So how is it about?", ask Junsu.

"There will be a match next month so start from today, we will have practice and practice again. Thankfully, the practice will takes place in our school", reply Yoochun.

"Well then", relieve Junsu.

" will go home alone. Is it okay?", ask Yunho while holding his lover's hands.

"I'm not a kiddo by the way", reply Jaejoong jokingly.

" are not a kiddo but MY BABY!!!", reply Yunho mushily.

"Ewwwwww..get a room!!", say Yoosu and Kimin at the same time.

"ANNOYING TROOPERS!!", reply Yunjae in unison.

All of them are laughing for their silly conversation.

Then, the teacher enters the class.

"Okay class...I'll call you one by one and please raise your hands if I call you", say the teacher.

The teacher call the students one by one but one name isn't in the class..

"Kim Se Eun..", call the teacher.

"She's drowning on her way back to Gwangju", Joke Junsu.

All students are laughing because of Junsu's jokes. Yoosu and Kimin knows that Se Eun is the witch for yunjae's relationship because jaejoong told him about her when he was in his apartment.

Yunho chuckles a bit not because he doesn't like Junsu mock Se Eun but he knows that something bad will be happen.

He knows that his mom will do something to his relationship with Jaejoong and it makes him worried to death. Moreover, Jaejoong has to go home alone without him.

What if his mom did something to Jaejoong when he wasn't around?

His mind keep questioning that thing over and over again.

"Yunnie..let's have a lunch. Are you sick?", ask Jaejoong worriedly.

"No..let's go", reply Yunho immediately. He doesn't want to make Jaejoong worry at him or anything.

The bell is ringing...

"Joongie..take care. Don't wait up for me because you know the practice will be like hell. It will stop at late at night so go sleep first", say Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"'ll phone or text you during the break time", continue Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong once again.

"Joongie..", call yunho again.

"What's up grandpa Yunnie..?", reply Jaejoong jokingly.

" something harsh and bad, don't mind her. I love you and that's the most important thing that you have to remember..okay", say Yunho.

"Yunnie..don't worry. Everything is gonna be alright", calm Jaejoong.

"I love you too", say Jaejoong and give his lover a deep kiss before leaving.

"Jae..wanna hang out?", ask Junsu.

"I think not this time..I have to face yunho's mom sooner or later", reply Jaejoong.

"Fighting Jae..", say Junki at the same time.

"Don't let her bring you down!!", say Junsu in his dolphin tone.

"Sure dolphin!!", reply Jaejoong.

"Yah!!!!", protest Junsu.

"Just call us of you need a kick to force her out!!!", add Kibum.

"Thanx mackerel", reply Jaejoong jokingly.

"Yah!!!", protest Kibum.

"Bye...", jae leaves the protest boys.

At Yunjae's apartment.

"Se Eun..stop crying have been crying since this morning", calm Yunho's mom on the phone with Se eun.

"Has yunho oppa back home?", ask Se Eun.

"Not yet..if he has back home, I would ask him to pay you a visit", reply yunho's mom.

"Yunho oppa won't come to here because he has Jaejoong...~crying hard~", continue Se Eun.

Yunho's dad is watching the tv but actually he's already hungry and boring because his wife keeps talking on the phone with Se eun. Actually, she's not talking but more calming and baby-sitting Se Eun.

"I'll buy some food", say Yunho's dad to his wife but then when he opens the door, Jaejoong arrives..

"Uncle..", say Jaejoong surprised.

"Jaejoong..where is yunho?", ask yunho's dad.

"He has some practice and maybe he will come home late", reply Jaejoong.

"Hmm..where do you wanna go?", ask Jaejoong.

"I wanna buy some food..", reply yunho's dad.

"Food for lunch?", ask Jaejoong.

"Hmm..", nod yunho's dad.

"Let me cook for you uncle", say Jaejoong.

"Hmm..If you don't mind..", reply yunho's dad hesitantly.

He is hesitant not because he doesn't want Jaejoong cook for him but he is worried about his wife and Jaejoong also.

"I don't mind of course..don't worry I'm not looking for a face in front of you. I'm not that type of person", add Jaejoong after seeing yunho's dad hesitation.

"Let's come in uncle", say Jaejoong.

On his way to the kitchen, he sees yunho's mom talking on the phone with Se Eun.

"That slut!!", murmur Jaejoong in his heart.

Then, their eyes meet and yunho's mom end the phone immediately and gives Jaejoong a deep death glare.

Jaejoong ignores the eyes and walk to the kitchen.

"YOU STOP THERE!!!", yell yunho's mom.

Jaejoong stops for a while and then, continue his walk.

"YAH!!!!", scream yunho's mom.

"Honey..stop yelling!!the neighbors are taking a nap", say yunho's dad.


"This is my home", reply Jaejoong simply.


Then, Jaejoong face yunho's mom. Their eyes meet again.

Jaejoong is still with his cold face and expression meanwhile yunho's mom is just like a boiling kettle.

"I'm sorry auntie..but we've decided to live together and this apartment became my home from that moment", reply Jaejoong calmly.

"YOU..!!!!", say yunho's mom while getting closer and closer to Jaejoong.

She wants to slap Jaejoong's face but stop by yunho's dad.

"This isn't the way to solve this problem", say yunho's dad while holding his wife's hands tightly.

"Let me go!!", say yunho's mom and loose his husband's tight grip.


"I'm not deaf but I'm blind because of love", reply Jaejoong straight to yunho's mom eyes.

Yunho's mom is mesmerized with Jaejoong's big and beautiful sincere eyes, She can see also how beautiful the rebellious punk is but she doesn't want his son with him.

For her, it is a sin.


Yunho's mom slaps Jaejoong's face and it makes a red mark on Jaejoong's flawless cheek.


"HONEY!! YOU ARE TOO MUCH!!!", yells yunho's dad to his wife.

"WHAT??YOU WANNA CONFRONT ME TOO!!!A BOY LIKE HIM MUST HAVE BEEN IGNORED BY HIS PARENTS!!", yell yunho's mom while pointing her fingers to jaejoong's face.

"ENOUGH!!!!", scream Jaejoong before running to the bedroom.

"He sure wants to leave now. I think he will pack his stuff. Good then..", say yunho's mom in victory.

"You are too much!!!", say yunho's dad in a disappointment.

He feels bad for Jaejoong because he knows exactly what he feels now.

"I wanna call Se Eun again and inform her about this", continue yunho's mom.

"whatever!!", reply yunho's dad while seeing the closed bedroom.

He wonders what Jaejoong is doing.

In the bedroom.

"Mom..Dad...", sob Jaejoong.

"Mom..are you sad in there?"

" you cry in there?"

"I'm crying hard in here.."

"I'm crying because both of you aren't here to hug me"

"I'm crying because I crave for love from others"

"I'm crying..because of got mocked",

"For not teach me some manners..for not lead me into a straight guy.."

"I'm sorry", say Jaejoong while crying and sobbing hard.

"What should I do?" he asks to his parents as if they listened to him.


Jaejoong phone is vibrating..

It's a message from Yunho..

"Joongie..I'm sorry I can't phone you because the shark will eat me up into pieces!!!

Btw, what are you doing now?are you taking a nap now?

Everything is alright, isn't it?

Don't forget to wear blanket because the wind is strong today..

Aisshh..why do I become grandpa yunnie again??..hehehehe..


I miss U..

I wanna be the pillow that you holds now..

I wanna be the blanket that hugs now..


Dream about me..okay??

I love you soooooooooooooooooooooo much...


~your lovely yunnie~"

"Yunnieeee.........", cry Jaejoong once again.

" I love you too", he cries again and again.

Then, he replies his lover's message.


I've just woken up from my sleeping beauty..


I miss you too..

You must be jealous of the pillow and blanket because I hug them tightly and kiss them sometimes..


Nothing can warm me like you do..


Don't be too hard in the practice..

Cz you have to leave some of your energy for me tonight..

I'm so pervert, arent't I??


I love you sooooooooooooooooo much..

I'll never give up on our love..^_^

~your lovely Joongie..~

After he replies his lover's message, he wipes his tears.

He knows that yunho's message is the answer from his parents to tell him not to give up on his love.

He walks straight to the door and open it..

He meets yunho's mom eyes and he walks closer and closer.

" are ready to leave now?",ask yunho's mom.

"I'm sorry auntie..but I won't leave!!", say Jaejoong.

"WHAT?", ask yunho's mom in a high tone.

"I won't leave unless yunho who asks me to leave", reply Jaejoong.

"YOU!!!YOU ARE TOTALLY STUBBORN!!", yell yunho's mom.

"Yes..I am..", reply Jaejoong firmly.

Yunho's mom wonders of the boy in front of her and she wants to yell at him again but get interrupted..

"Auntie..let me love you please", say Jaejoong and it makes her eyes widened.

Chapter 20


Chapter 20


Yunho's mom POV

"Auntie..let me love you please..",

That words keep wandering in my mind. That punk is totally as stubborn as rock or maybe more stubborn.

After he says it, I can't say anything.

I ignore him and sit on the couch immediately.

I turn on the TV while changing from one show to another.

My mind keep thinking the way to get rid of THAT STUBBORN PUNK!!

I don't know why my husband seem defend him also and he even said that I was too much when I had argument with that punk.


I can hear that punk is busy in the kitchen.

I know he just want to try his best to get my attention by cooking a dinner for us.

"Don't try too hard if you can't!!", I murmur in my heart.

My lovely Se Eun even can't cook now but I believe she could later and how come that spoiled punk can cook?

"cihh..", I sigh hard.




I can see my husband is sleeping soundly on the couch.

I wonder at this time, he can still sleep like that.

" can sleep on the bedroom if you want", say that punk.

"I'm not tired", I reply him coldly.

"I've already changed the bed sheet and blanket into the new ones..don't worry", he continues.

"I SAID I'M NOT TIRED..ARE YOU DEAF!!", I yell at his face.

"Honey..what's wrong now?", ask my husband.

My loud voice wakes him up.

"I'm sorry..but this punk is totally deaf!", I reply sarcastically.

"What's wrong Jaejoong?", my husband ask him gently.

I wonder why..

"Nothing..I just ask if auntie was tired and wanted to sleep in the bedroom", reply that punk.

"Honey..please, don't exaggerate a small thing like that", my husband say coldly.

"For god sake!!!this punk is totally a disaster!!", I complain in my heart while giving him a cold glare.

End of POV

"The dinner will be ready in ten minutes", say Jaejoong.

"Thanks jaejoong..Sorry for making you busy", say yunho's dad.

"Not at all..I love cooking", reply Jaejoong.


Yunho comes home..

"Joongie..I'm home", yunho says.

"Yunnie..welcome..", jaejoong greets his lover and gives him a peck on his lips.

Then, jaejoong back to the kitchen.

"Aishhhh...that punk sure knows how to get on my nerves!!", yunho's mom protest in her heart.

"'m home", greets Yunho.

"How's your practice?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Good..", reply yunho with a weak smile.

"Take shower then because Jaejoong say the dinner will be ready in ten minutes", say yunho's dad.

"What do you prepare for dinner, Joongie?", ask Yunho sweetly.

"Secret!!", Jaejoong smiles cutely.

"Well then..I can't wait to have that SECRET DINNER!!!", reply yunho while smiling sweetly to Jaejoong.

"Yunho..take shower now!!", interrupt yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", reply yunho weakly because his mom is already ruined his sweet moment with Jaejoong purposely.

"Wait!!!", scream Jaejoong.

"WHAT NOW?", yeall yunho's mom.

"Yunnie..what's wrong with your knees?", ask Jaejoong worriedly.

"Hmm..nothing...hmm..just a small scratch", stutter yunho while stroking his hair just like a child who was caught eating too much candy.

"Did you fall?", ask jaejoong while blowing the scratch softly.

"Hmm...", admit Yunho while blushing.

"It's hurt, right?", ask jaejoong still in a worried tone.

"Hmm..a bit..hehehehehe..", reply Yunho.

"Then..sit now", command jaejoong.

"I'll clean the scratch and put some betadine on them..wait a minute", say jaejoong with a worried face.

Yunho's mom and dad are speechless. They just see the sweet moments in front of them without saying anything.

Yunho sits on the couch as what Jaejoong said.

Then, Jaejoong comes with a lap, warm water, betadine, and cotton.

Jaejoong blows the scratch softly, then clean them with the warm water.

"Is still hurt?", ask Jaejoong.

"Hmm..", yunho nod.

Then, Jaejoong blows the scratch again.

It melts yunho's heart so much.

This is exactly what he imagined when he fell in Japan.

"I'll put some bear the pain a little..okay yunnie..", say Jaejoong with his sincere and tender eyes.

"Hmm..', nod him.

"Oouch..", scream Yunho a bit.

"I'm sorry yunnie..just bear the pain a while", say Jaejoong.

"Finish", say Jaejoong while smiling at yunho sweetly.

" time..please be more careful", say Jaejoong and give a light kiss on yunho's forehead.

"Thanks joongie..I love you", say yunho and hug his lover's waist.

"I love you too", reply Jaejoong and stroking yunho's hair gently.

Yunho's dad POV

"I've never seen a vulnerable yunho in my life"

"He never say hurt even if it was hurt"

"He isn't a spoiled boy but what I see now is on the other way around"

"He let Jaejoong spoil him and I can see his eyes are sparkling like a shining star when Jaejoong takes care of his scratch"

"I can see Jaejoong's sincere eyes"

"I can see he cares a lot to my son"

"I think they totally love to each other"

I feel warm also in my heart when I see them.

I feel warm when my son is taken care by Jaejoong

I always saw him busy with helping me on the farm or studying.

I always saw him taking care of me and my wife but now..

I see another side of my son..

I let my smile become wider and wider..

I can see my wife is also smile..

Yunho's mom POV

"What is it?"

"I feel warm in my heart, what is it?"

"I can feel that I smile also, what is it?"

"Have I fallen to that punk's trick?"

"NEVER..NEVER!!!IT'S FAKE!!", I try to calm down my heart and back to my sense.

"Ehem!!", I interrupt them.

"Do you want to burn the kitchen?", I ask that punk sarcastically.

"Oops!!sorry..I forget", that punk excuse himself and back to the kitchen.

" nicely to Jaejoong please..", plead my son.

I ignore him and try to change the subject.

"Is still hurt?", I ask him.

"no..", he replies.

I can see he still blow his scratch little by little but why he doesn't admit it.

I don't see a vulnerable boy again in front of me.

I see my usual son; tough and unbeatable.


For the past years, yunho is a good son.

He never complained but he always helped me and my husband in the farm while keep studying hard to get a scholarship every year.

What I see in his eyes is only determination.

But since that day..

The day I found him kissing that punk..

I can see a different side of him.

A different expression of him.

A different eyes.

He begged, complained, yelled, and cried for that punk.


I see his weak side just because a scratch in his knees.

He never said hurt when he fell but now..

He said it was hurt and let that punk take care of his scratch.

Not determination in his eyes anymore but happiness..

I can see his eyes are as bright as the stars.

I can see also the tears of happiness on the edge of his eyes.

I know my son is totally in love and so is that punk..


"Why yunho??"

"Why does it have to be that punk?"


Chapter 21

"At least, give him a fair chance.."

Chapter 21

"At least, give him a fair chance.."

Both of them can't stop thinking of sweet moments that seen in front of their bare eyes.

Both of them doesn't know that smile is on their face by remembering that sweet moment.

Both of them are in Yunjae's bedroom now while Yunho sleep on the couch and Jaejoong back to his apartment to avoid any confrontation with yunho's mom.

Actually, yunho wants Jaejoong to sleep in their apartment as usual but he knows well that his mother won't let it happen. Therefore, he let jaejoong sleep in his apartment.

In the Bedroom.

Yunho's mom is sighing hard and it breaks the silence moment between them.

"Honey, are you okay?", ask yunho's dad and he face to face with his wife now.

"Hmm..", nod yunho's mom weakly.

"Are you sure?wanna talk about it with me?", ask Yunho's dad.

"It?Are you thinking the same thing with me?", ask Yunho's mom back.

"You are thinking about the sweet moment between our son and Jaejoong, right?", guess yunho's dad.

"Yeah..", reply yunho's mom weakly.

"You see it, right?so what's your opinion about it?", ask yunho's dad.

"Surprisingly, I feel warm in my heart. Maybe it's becasue I've never seen my son is taken care by someone else but when I realize, it's that punk who is taken care of our son, I feel disappointed", answer yunho's mom.

"Disappointed?why?You hope it will be Se Eun?", guess Yunho's dad.

It makes yunho's mom startled. She doesn't expect that his husband will read her mind quickly.

"How do you know?", ask yunho's mom.

"I'm your husband and I know you well", reply yunho's dad simply.

"Yes, I am. I know Se Eun since she was young and I keep imagining, she's the one that will take care of our Yunho and not him", add yunho's mom.

"No one will know what the future holds and our son relationship is the proof", continue yunho's dad.

His answer makes his wife bite her lips.

She knows that human can't control a fate but what a bad fate that his son got. At least, that what she thinks.

"I know Se Eun since she was young too but I never imagine her to be with our son", say yunho's dad firmly.

"What?So you think that It's my fault to keep imagining Se Eun with our son in the future?Why didn't you say anything about this before?I thought you felt the same way.", reply yunho's mom angrily.

"It's because you never asked me and you kept going on with your plan", reply yunho's dad with a slight of angry tone.

"Plan?what do you mean?", ask yunho's mom and now, she wakes up from bed and sit with her face straight directly to her husband.

"Plan to make our son closer and closer with Se Eun. You are the one who suggest her to school in Seoul", reply yunho's dad and now, he is sitting in the bed also.

"I just suggested to her and she managed to pass the scholarship exam", add yunho's mom.

"I doubt she managed to pass the exam by herself", say yunho's dad.

"what do you mean??SE EUN IS A SMART GIRL!!!", yell yunho's mom.

"Well..maybe I'm just hearing a rumour", reply yunho's dad calmly.

Actually, he knew something about Se Eun but he doesn't want to confront with his wife about Se Eun.

He knows that it will be useless because his wife will always defend Se Eun no matter what.

Meanwhile, on the couch..

Yunho wakes up because he hears his mom's yell.

"Huh!!Se Eun again!!!" He sigh hard when he hear Se Eun's name is brought up in his parent's little argument.

Then, he decides to take a walk while listening to Ipod loudly.

He sits on the bench in the park and call his Joongie.

"Yunnie..what's wrong?", ask Jaejoong .

"Joongie..I miss you", say Yunho directly.

Jaejoong chuckles to hear his lover miss him.

"Why do you laugh?doesn't you miss me also?", ask yunho.

"I do miss you yunnie..", reply Jaejoong sweetly.

"Can't sleep?", ask Jaejoong.

"Hmm..", reply Yunho.

"Why?you have to wake up in the early morning tomorrow and start practicing again so you have to sleep now!", say Jaejoong.

"Joongieeeeeeeee...I can't sleep without you", say yunho mushy.

"I can sleep well without you!", tease Jaejoong.

"MEAN!!!", yell yunho.

"YOU WANNA MAKE ME DEAF!!!", yell Jaejoong back.

Yunho laughs hard.

"Damn you!!!", say Jaejoong.

"Fuck you!!!", reply Yunho.

"YES, I AM A FUCKIN' SHIT!!!SO FUCK ME THEN!!!", yell Jaejoong.

Both of them are laughing hard for their silliness.

They want to be in each other's arms actually but they can't.

Yunho actually can go straightly jump to his lover's warm hug and so does Jaejoong but if his mother found out, they will be involved in more trouble.

"I can't sleep without you also yunnie..", say Jaejoong sweetly.

They keep talking and laughing on the phone.


A silence is still in between the argued couple.

Yunho's mom still can't believe that his husband actually didn't support Se Eun with yunho.

She thinks it will be hard for her to convince yunho to be with Se Eun because his husband influence yunho more than her.

"So..what do you think about Se Eun?", ask Yunho's mom to break the silence.

" wanna listen my opinion about her", reply yunho's dad coldly.

"Yah!!!I'm asking you..what do you think about her?", yell yunho's mom.

"Se Eun is a nice girl but the way her parents raise her makes her become a spoiled girl", say yunho's dad firmly.

"She deserves to be spoiled because she is a sweet girl and also smart', reply yunho's mom as if didn't want to be lost from his husband.

"She is sweet but our yunho doesn't only need a sweet one but independent and caring one", add yunho's dad.

"Yunho is a man so he's the one that should be independent and care to his wife", reply yunho's mom.

"I know you always think of that way but yunho is a tough boy since he was young. He knows that being an only son, he must take care of his parents. He keep studying hard and help us in the farm after he finished his school. It's always going on like that in his days. It will be hard for him if he had to have a wife that spoiled and keep depending on him. I can't imagine he has to add another burden in his life. It makes me hurt just by imagining it. The day will pass quickly and we'll get older. I know yunho will pay his attention more to us when we get older so I want him to find someone that can share his burden and always there for him to support him whenever and wherever", explain yunho's dad with his tears flowing a bit from his cheek.

Yunho's mom is also crying. She knows about it also, how his son always put them above his personal need and matter.

"I don't know but Jaejoong isn't a bad child like you think", say yunho's dad.

"As what you saw also, he takes care of our son and he used to live independently before he moved out here", add him.

"What??He must be a spoiled brat. He lives alone but his parents must support him with a big allowance", offend yunho's mom.

"Money but without parents' love is nothing. Only an independent child can survive from a bad fate like that", continue yunho's dad.

"What do you mean?I don't get it", ask yunho's mom.

"His mom died when he was born and his dad died when he was ten years old. He only lives with his cousins.", reply yunho's dad.

"What??", ask yunho's mom surprisingly.

She thinks hard and feel guilty when she mocked at jaejoong's parents.

No wonder a stubborn punk cried hard at that time and tell her to shut up.

"I'm sorry..I don't know about it", apologize yunho's mom.

"I tell you this not to make you pity on him but at least give him a chance", say yunho's dad firmly.

Yunho's mom gulp her saliva.

It's hard for her but surprisingly, her heart doesn't say so.

Her heart says she has to give him a chance.

A chance to love his son and prove them that he is the right one for his son.


The lovely couple is still talking happily on the phone..

"'d better sleep now or you'll be extremely exhausted tomorrow", say Jaejoong.

"If you said so, I would sleep now", reply yunho.

"Mushy..", tease Jaejoong.

"but you love this mushy boy, right?", tease yunho back.

'Got me!!", reply Jaejoong and then laugh.

"Bye Joongie..I love you", say Yunho before end the talk.

"Bye yunnie..I love you too", reply Jaejoong.

"Have a nice dream", they say at the same time and it makes them laugh before end the talk.


Yunho goes back to his apartment and can hear that there's no more arguments between his parents.

He straightly go to the couch and wrap himself with a blanket. Then, sleep with a smile on his face.

"I'll give him a chance", say yunho's mom after thinking hard.

"Fair chance, okay?", ask yunho's dad.

"mmm..fair chance", reply yunho's mom with a sincere smile on her face.

Hey guys...

Chapter 22

"I'm so glad to love him"

Chapter 22

"I'm so glad to love him"

After the long talk between this couple, they sleep peacefully and somehow, their heart feel at ease because they have talked honestly to each other.


The sun comes to wake up the tired basketball player and his parents.

(Stand By U ringtone..)

"Joongie..", greet yunho.

"WAKE UP!!!", order jaejoong.

"Ten minutes..I promise..", say Yunho in a sleepy tone.


"Aishhhhhh..", complain yunho.

Jaejoong chuckles to hear his lover's complaint but he does it because he doesn't want yunho to be the Shark's breakfast.

"Already wake up?", ask Jaejoong in a cute tone.

Yunho's anger face is changed into a happy face.

He loves Jaejoong's cute voice because Jaejoong often use his straight tone.

"You sure knows how to make me happy", say yunho sweetly.

"cause I was born to make you happy", reply Jaejoong simply but sweet.

Jaejoong's last sentence make yunho feels as the happiest man in the world.

He lost in his mind while smiling ear to ear..

He is thinking..

If at that time, he ignored Jaejoong's words..

If at that time, he didn't come to the medical room..

If at that time, he didn't have courage to make love with Jaejoong...

He would be the unlucky man right now..

He keeps thinking and thinking until..

"YAH!!!DO YOU SLEEP AGAIN?", yell Jaejoong makes yunho jumps up from his wandering mind.

"Nope babe..I'm just thinking about you right now", reply yunho sweetly.

"Owww...", reply Jaejoong in an embarrassed but happy tone.

Then, a silence happen. Not because they don't get along well but in their heart, there are so many things to say but they know, it will never be enough time to say all of them..

"Yunnie..go shower now!!!", yell jaejoong suddenly and it breaks the silence between them.

"Okay..understand", reply yunho.

"Don't skip breakfast after then", say Jaejoong.

"Understand my jooongieeeeeeee....... I can't wait to meet you at school", reply Yunho.

"Me you", say Jaejoong before end up his call.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!!", yell Yunho and it makes Jaejoong blushed like crazy.

Then, yunho goes to his bedroom to take the uniform and he can see his parents are still sleeping peacefully.

Yunho doesn't want to wake them up because he knows his parents must be tired from last night argument.

Remembering the argument last night, yunho starts feeling uneasy again.

He feels it because he is scared of being separated by his Joongie.

Yunho sighs hard and then, he takes shower.

Half an hour later...

"Honey wake's already 8 a.m", wake Yunho's dad to his wife.

"What??Yunho??", reply Yunho's mom in surprise and she rushes to the living room immediately.

She knows that Yunho has to wake up early for practicing again but she wakes up late.

Then, she can't find yunho and she knows yunho must have left to school.

"Poor that boy..he skips his breakfast but still has to practice hard", sigh Yunho's mom sadly.

"Yunho..left already?", ask yunho's dad.

"Hmm..", nod his wife weakly.

"What's wrong honey?", ask yunho's dad.

"I woke up late and made him skipped his breakfast. I'm worried at him because he has to practice hard again", reply yunho's mom sadly.

"Don't worry..he must have had his breakfast", add yunho's dad calmly.

"How do you know?You've just woke up like me", ask yunho's mom curiously.

"Jaejoong always prepare his handmade frozen food in the refrigerator so yunho just has to warm the food and eat it. If you don't believe in me, just open the refrigerator", reply yunho's dad.


Yunho's mom open the refrigerator and find frozen sandwhich and pies are wrapped neatly in the tupperware.

She is amazed at the sight in front of her.

"He is a boy, right?"

"But he is a wonder of he..but..he's still a boy?"

Her heart keeps questioning many things.

Then, she sees a cup and a plate in the dishwasher.

She feels relieve after then.

Her yunho doesn't skip his breakfast but something, make her feel a bit guilty inside.

She sees the used cup and plate are actually a couple stuff.

She can see the other are untouched and it is Jaejoong's mine.

She sighs hard and her mind is wandering.

"That boy..what kind of person are you?" she asks to herself.

Meanwhile at school..

"Yunhoooooooo....", yell Junsu with his dolphin voice.

"Aishhhh..Junsu..lower your voice please..", ask Yunho.

"YAH!!!!!", yell junsu again.

"Never mind", say yunho and then, close his ears with his hands.

"U ARE JUST LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND..FUCKING IGNORANT!!!", yell junsu at yunho's covered ears.

Then, he is laughing hard "EUKYANG KYANG".

Yunho just can give him a death glare.

"WEIRDO DOLHPHIN!!!SHUT UP!!", yell Jaejoong to junsu's ears.

"YAH!!!MY EARS!!", yell Junsu back.

"Joongie..where have you been?", ask yunho while pouting.

"Old woman's room. She gave me her FUCKING PREACH AGAIN!!!", reply jaejoong with his usual tone; straight and sarcastic.

Yunho laughs hard to see his lover's old soul is back into him.

"Come here..I miss U", say yunho while pulling Jaejoong onto his lap.

"I miss you too..", reply Jaejoong and when he is about putti his rosy lips into yunho's irresistible lips..

JunKi covers Jaejoong's lips with their hands and Yoomin does the same with yunho's lips.

"YAH!!!!!", yell yunjae after let go of their lips from yoosu and kimin's hands.

"DAMN!!!WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??", ask jaejoong furiously.

"YEAH!!WANNA DIE, HUH?", ask Yunho with anger tone also.


Yoosu and Kimin are running away from the angry yunjae.

"This is our revenge for disturbing our night!!!", shout Junsu.

"What?I don't get it!!", ask yunho to Jaejoong.

"It's me", say jaejoong.

"What?", ask Yunho curiously.

"I disturbed their sex last night", reply jaejoong with a smirk on his face.

"Naughty Joongie..what were you doing now?", ask Yunho.

"I couldn't sleep last night so I come to their bedroom back and forth..from yoosu to kimin..hehehehe..", explain Jaejoong.

"You came purposely when they do IT??", ask yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"I love their annoying expression last night", continue Jaejoong while smirking.

"No wonder they do it to us..naughty!!", say Yunho and pull his lover onto his lap once again.

'Punish me then!!", reply Jaejoong seductively.

Then, jaejoong licks yunho's lips.

"Naughty..", say yunho before kissing his lover passionately.

"DISGUSTING!!!!", yell Se Eun in front of the class.

She sees the kissing couple from one of the class' window.

"SLUT!!!", she yells again.

"NO SHAME!!!KISSING IN THE CLASS!!", she yell once again.

"I'll tell teacher now and you'll be dead!!!', threat Se Eun.

"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WILL DIE IF YOU DARE TO TELL TEACHER!!", shout Junsu to Se Eun and it makes her jump in surprise.

She doesn't know that Junki are outside.

"YOU ARE SLUT NOT JAEJOONG!!!", shout Kibum.

"I..I..di..di..din'"stutters Se Eun.


Se Eun starts crying hard.


"Let's go", say junsu and they leave the crying but fake Se Eun.

"Whores!!!", murmur Se Eun in her heart.

She wipes her fake tears and promise to herself that next time..

She would make jaejoong suffer and make sure that jaejoong's friends won't help him just like now.

"Just wait and see..jaejoong!!!", she says with a determination in her eyes.

The school is finished..

"Yunnie..I'll go home now", say jaejoong.

"Joongie..don't go!!!", reply yunho and hug jaejoong tightly.

"Kiddo!!let me go!!', say Jaejoong in a playful tone.

"Mean..!!!", reply yunho while hugging jaejoong more tightly.

Then, Jaejoong gives up and hug his lover back.

"yunho..the shark is waiting for you', say Yoochun.

"Damn!!", curse yunho.

"'ll be at home when I go home..okay!!", say yunho before he kiss Jaejoong and leaves the class.

Jaejoong smiles seeing his lover runs hurriedly as if he would be eaten by the shark.

Jaejoong walks to his home "yunjae's apartment" without a slight hesitation.

He knows that yunho's parenst are still in there but still, it's his home also since they decided to live together.

He knows that hiding from the problem isn't a solution.

Therefore, he will go home as usual and do the house chores as usual.

"I'm home", say jaejoong even he knows no one is waiting for him.

"Welcome home", say yunho's dad warmly.

"Uncle..where do you wanna go?",ask Jaejoong because he sees yunho's dad seems want to go out.

"I want to buy a train's ticket to go back to Gwangju 4tomorrow", reply yunho's dad.

"Tomorrow??I haven't brought you around Seoul", continue Jaejoong.

"It's okay..promise me you'll bring us around next time we come to Seoul", say yunho's dad.

"Okay", say Jeajoong.

"I'll leave then..", say yunho's dad.

"Hmm..take care", reply Jaejoong.

Then, he takes a deep breath before he enters the living room.

He knows that in the apartment, there's only him and yunho's mom who hates him sooooooo much.

However, it doesn't stop him. As expected, from the stubborn one-word man.

"Afternoon Auntie..", greet Jaejoong to yunho's mom who is watching the tv seriously or just act seriously.

"Afternoon", reply yunho's mom simply.

Then, Jaejoong excuse to change his uniform.

He goes to his share bedroom and change into yunho's oversize baseball t-shirt as usual.

He does his usual house chores after then.

He change the bedsheet, clean the table and do the dishes.

The last thing to do is cooking.

He looks the refrigerator to see if there was any ingredients left and fortunately, the ingredients is still enough.

He starts washing the vegetables and prepare everything to cook the dinner.

Then, his phone is ringing and it's from Junki.

He picks up the phone in the outside of his apartment because he knows that every time he has a phone conference with his best friend, Junki, it will be a total chaos.

"What now?", Jaejoong says when he picks up the phone.

"Still angry?", ask Junsu in a teasing tone.

"You have a brain, right?", reply Jaejoong in a sarcastic tone.

"I do but I think Junsu do not!!!hahahahahaha", laugh Kibum.

"SHUT UP!!!!", shout Junsu in his dolphin tone.

"Aishhhhhh...DON'T BE TOO LOUD IF YOU WANNA SCREAM!!!1", Kibum shout back.


"Okay..okay...let's back to business!!", say Junsu.

"What Business?", ask Jaejoong.

"Don't tell me it's a sex business!!", continue Jaejoong suspiciously.

"YAH!!!DO YOU THINK WE ARE A SEX FREAK!!!!", shout Junki at the same time.

Jaejoong is laughing out loud because he loves teasing both of them.

"So what business do you mean?", ask Jaejoong.

"That bitch!!Se Eun!!", reply Junsu.

"What is she doing?", ask Jaejoong.

"She saw you kissing with yunho and she was angry until shouted you as a slut with no shame", continue Kibum.

"Then?", ask Jaejoong calmly.

"The most fucking annoying thing is she didn't admit it and tried to act as innocent as she could eventhough she has already got caught saying those things!!!", add Junsu furiously.

"Then?", ask Jaejoong calmly once again.

"Then?Then?...YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL WITH HER POOR ACTING..!!!", yell kibum.

"I know..thanks for telling me!!nice job sex freaks!!!", tease Jaejoong.


Jaejoong just laughs hard and soon, Junki are laughing hard too.

"Well then..I'll hang up the phone now because I have to cook before yunho comes home", say Jaejoong.

"Me too..I wanna cook mexican food now with my mom", say Junsu.

"How about you Kibum?", ask Junsu.

"I wanna reserve a place in the newest restaurant for dinner tonight", reply Kibum.

"Ciih..this couple..always go out eating..if you broke someday, don't come to my home!!okay!!!", tease Junsu.

"I'd rather broke than never taste all the delicious food around the world!! With my minnie of course!!", reply Kibum.

"Romantic couple..just like romeo and juliet", say Jaejoong.

"Romantic my ass!!", tease Junsu.

"If romeo and juliet,' If you die, I'll die' and changmin "if you become beggar, I'll be beggar too!!!", continue Jaejoong.

"YAH!!!!", complain Kibum because both of his besfriends tease him.

"Well then..bye..", say Jaejoong to hang up the phone.

"Bye Beggar!!", say junsu before hang up the phone too.

"Bye stupid dolphin!!", say Kibum back to Junsu.


Yunho's mom who is acting busy watching the tv is actually pay attention to every single moment of Jaejoong's movement.

She sees how Jaejoong clean the apartment and start washing the vegetables.

Jaejoong doesn't notice it because he is too busy with the house chores.

Jaejoong loves cleaning and cooking because they bring a homy atmosphere.

Yunho's mom POV

"I can't believe what I see..he does all the housewife's works", she murmurs in her heart.

"No doubt that this boy is so beautiful", continue her while examining Jaejoong carefully.

"Does he want to cook now?", she asks to herself when she sees Jaejoong starts boiling some vegetables and cutting some meat.

I don't know what I should do but one thing for sure, I have to apologize for what I did to his parents. I mocked them at our last argument.

"Ehem..", I break the silence.

"Jaejoong-shi..", I call him.

"What's wrong auntie?", He asks with his big beautiful eyes.

"Aishhh..why do I become so weak to him?", I complain.

"Auntie?", he asks once again.

"Hmm..can we talk for a while?", I ask him.

"Sure..wait a minute,I'll turn off the stove first", he says.

Then, we sit in the living room.

He makes a cup of tea and brings some cookies.

He is actually sweet but still he is a BOY.

"Jaejoong-shi..I'm sorry about your parents. I've just known about it", I apologize to him.

He looks a bit shocked. Maybe he never thinks that I will apologize to him.

"It's okay", reply him simply.

I examine him carefully and I think he is less talkative than I predicted.

" did you get close with my son?", I ask him.

This is the question that I always want to ask to yunho.

The reason is I know well my son.

He is sociable but to make him agree in a relationship and moreover, commitment by living together is difficult.

My son always put his parents above everything.

I've ever asked him when he was about graduate from junior high school whether he had a girlfriend or not.

He simply answered that me and my husband would be always his first priority and having girlfriend is not his priority.

"I said a magical word", he answer and I don't get it at all.

"What?", I ask curiously.

"That's it", he continue.

"What magical word?", I ask and still in curiosity.

"Fuck me!", he answer bluntly.

"Whh..aat??", I stutter because of a great shock.

"Hmm..", he nods innocently.

"How come he can be so calm to say this thing to me?", I question in my heart.

I look at him and he looks fine to tell me about this.

I look at him again because I can't believe in what I hear.

His face is still cold and expressionless like there's nothing happen.

"In other words, we got close as we became one at that night", he continues after sip the tea.

" you hear me?",he asks and it wakes me up from a great shock.

"I hear you..", I answer weakly.

There are so many questions wandering in my mind.

" yunho isn't a virgin anymore?"

"So..he gave his first to Jaejoong?what about jaejoong?is it his first?"

" many times they do IT?since they live together?"

"Should I ask him about these or shouldn't I?"

I keep questioning many things..

'Auntie..", he calls me.

"Hmm..", I respond.

"So..actually..what kind of person are you before and after you meet my son?", I ask him spontaneously.

I want to know about him more.

I want to know whether my son has met his right one or not.

Moreover, when he implies that he has slept with my son, I know right away that their relationship is serious.

"Well..I used to be a one-word man. People always call me like that', he says.

"One-word man?', I ask curiously.

"Hmm..I don't talk much maybe just a word or a sentence", he continues.

"I'm like that because I can't express my feeling well", add him.

"But for some people, I'm too blunt. Therefore, many people are hurt because of my word. Well, at least, that's what people say even I don't think they are right", he chuckles.

"I felt like unbeatable because no one is dare to me", he chuckles again.

"After I met yunho, my life has changed" he says with glittering eyes.

"I become weak but in a good way", he says.

"I become more talkative and can express my feeling even not as well as others", he continues.

"Yunho shows me what love is. Love isn't about the strong and weak but about two people that can complete each other's strength and weaknesses", add him with glittering eyes.

"Two things that don't change in me are my bluntness and stubbornness", he chuckles.

"but I love that part of me. If I wasn't a blunt person, I wouldn't be with yunho and happy like now. If I wasn't a stubborn person, I would give up right away after you slap me", he says bluntly and it makes me shocked a bit.

I admit he is so blunt and stubborn.

"Auntie..I know you don't agree at this relationship but I won't give up until yunho gives up on this love first", he says directly to my eyes and it gives me Goosebumps but in a warm feeling.

"Why?", I ask him because I want to know what makes him so stubborn.

"Because I'm glad to love him", he answers simply.

His answer makes me warm.

He implies that even yunho doesn't love him anymore, he will still love him.

The reason is because he is glad to love my son.

Hey guys..

Chapter 23

"I'll bring you down no matter what!"

Chapter 23

"I'll bring you down no matter what!"

Yunho's mom can't keep her smile anymore.

She is touched by the way Jaejoong loves his son.

Doubt is still in her heart but at least, she feels relieve of her decision to give Jaejoong a fair chance to love her son.

"Is there anything you wanna ask again, auntie?", Jaejoong ask.

"I think no..", yunho's mom answer.

"Well..I wanna continue my cook then", say Jaejoong.

"Sure..", answer yunho's mom.

" the way..I'll help you", suggest yunho's mom.

"You don't have to..seriously", refuse Jaejoong politely.

"I have nothing to do so it's better if I help you, right?", insist yunho's mom.

"Well then..", answer jaejoong.

Jaejoong feels so happy. He knows that yunho's mom hasn't accepted him a hundred percent but he keeps dreaming of cooking together with his mom.

Now, he is cooking together with yunho's mom and he feels the same warm and happy feeling as what he feels in the dream.

They are cooking together to make a delicious dinner.

Yunho's mom isn't hesitate to share some tips about cooking and Jaejoong feels glad to hear them all.

They even share an awkward laugh but still, they are getting better.

Yunho's mom can see that Jaejoong is a bit clumsy and the way he hides his clumsiness is cute.

"Ouch..damn!!!", pout Jaejoong when he accidentally touch the hot water.

"Are you okay?", ask yunho's mom with a smile because Jaejoong has had the same thing for three times.

"Hmm..", nods jaejoong while pouting.

"Why don't you use a spatula to put the meat inside the water instead of using your bare hands? The chance to get contact with the hot water will be slimmer", suggest yunho's mom.

"Owh..I see..", nods jaejoong like an innocent child.

Yunho's mom smiles to see the stubborn but innocent boy in front of him.

She unconsciously agrees that no one can resist this boy include his son.

"Finish...", say Jaejoong and yunho's mom at the same time.

They smile to each other.

Jaejoong finally release all his happiness and not try to supress it anymore.

Actually, he is afraid that this happy moment will be disappear sooner and he will be disappointed later. Therefore, he doesn't want to fall deep in his happiness.

But, he decides to let it go and treasure this moment.

"Why does uncle take so long?is he lost?", wonder Jaejoong.

"Don't worry. He wants to see yunho practice in school before he leaves to Gwangju again.", answer yunho's mom while preparing the dinner.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"How about you auntie?you don't go to see yunho?", ask Jaejoong.

"I want but I don't want", answer yunho's mom.

"huh?", ask Jaejoong confusedly.

"I mean..I want to see him practicing and doing his best but somehow, it makes me hurt to see him being trained so hard. You get what I mean?", ask yunho's mom.

"I get it. People say that mother is a sensitive creature", answer Jaejoong.

Yunho's mom can see a great sadness in Jaejoong's eyes when he talks about a mother figure.

She knows that Jaejoong just heard from others what kind of creature a mother is but he never feels it directly.

Yunho's mom suddenly feel the urge to hug Jaejoong and stroke his hair lighly just like a mother should do to her son.

She approach Jaejoong step by step but when she is about to hug him there is a knock on the door.

"Let me open it..", say Jaejoong.

Then, when he opens the door, an unexpected and unwanted guest comes.

It's Se Eun.

Jaejoong straightly gives her a death glare.

"'s been a while", greet Se Eun with her so-called innocent tone.

Jaejoong ignores it and go back to his preparation for the dinner.

"Who is coming?", ask yunho's mom.

Before Jaejoong answers it..

"It's me auntie..", greet Se Eun.

"Se Eun honey..", greets yunho's mom back and hug Se Eun tightly as if they haven't met for so long.

Then, yunho's mom let Se Eun sit.

"'s everything?are you getting better, honey?", ask yunho's mom with a concern tone while stroking Se Eun's hair lightly.

"Hmm..", nod Se Eun.

"Are you sure?", ask yunho's mom once again.

"I'm sure but I miss you a lot", answer Se Eun and put her head in yunho's mom shoulder just like a spoiled daughter to her mom.

"I miss you too", add yunho's mom and strokes her hair again.

Jaejoong sees both of them from behind.

He feels a sharp pain on his heart.

Whether he is hurt because he never has that kind of moment with his mom or he is hurt because he has to back to the reality that actually he has no place in auntie's heart.

He ignores them and takes shower.

"Auntie..that punk!!what is he doing here?", ask Se eun when she knows that Jaejoong goes showering.

"You mean jaejoong?", ask yunho's mom calmly.

Se Eun is shocked of what she hears.

Yunho's mom is no longer call Jaejoong with "that punk".

She also can see yunho's mom eyes aren't longer burn with fire when she mentions Jaejoong.

Se Eun POV

"What the hell is it?"

"Don't say that whore has changed auntie's mind?"

Ask me to myself.

"Well..he lives in here so he comes home to here", answer auntie calmly.

"WHAT??WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS IT??", I scream in my heart.

I think I have to move fast before everything is getting late.

"FUCKING WHORE!!!", I murmur.

"I'LL TAKE WHAT I BELONG!!!", add me.

"What Se Eun?", ask auntie.

"Owh..nothing auntie. My heart is hurt so bad", I answer weakly.

"What's wrong honey?", ask auntie.


"Se Eun sweety..what's wrong?", ask Auntie once again.

"I'm hurt because you have chosen him and now, I just have to accept this fact sincerely", I cry a bit to convince her that I'm so sad.

"No says that I'm already chosen him?", convince auntie.

"You aren't?", I ask her.

" are the one that I want for my son..only you!", answer auntie straightly.

I hug my auntie and thanks her.

And I can see that Jaejoong is accidentally listening to our conversation.

I can see his changed expression.


He sees me with his cold gaze.

"Then..why do you act nice to him now?", I ask auntie.

I hope auntie's words will hurt him.

"Cmon auntie..say something!!!", my heart starts getting impatient because Auntie takes a long time to answer my question.

I can see that whore is also waiting for the answer.

"Hmmm..I just pity on him. His parents has died and he's alone. That's it!!no more!!", answer auntie and that's what I expect to come from her mouth.

I can see that whore's sad face and I think I see his teary eyes.

"No parents, huh??why are you so fucking dare to take my yunho oppa and his family?", I tease him with my eyes again.

My eyes don't trick me this time.

He is crying.

What a victory for me?

I think I come at the right time.

At the time,when he starts hoping to be accepted by Auntie.

"WHAT A POOR BOY!!!", I smile teasingly.

Jaejoong POV

I feel so hard to breathe.

My heart seems like being stabbed by a sharp knife.

Auntie's words is killing me slowly.

Actually, I don't want to listen their conversation but my feet and body are controlling me.

I end up hearing those painful words.

'I'm so stupid!!!"

"Why do I let myself melt in a bullshit!!!'

"I shoud have prepared myself for something like this so I won't get hurt like this!!"

I keep blaming on myself.

"Yes..I'm an orphan!!but I don't need any pity from others!!!"

"I don't want auntie to takes her pity on me but I just want her to accept me as someone who loves his son..that's it!!!"

"Doesn't she understand?"

I become harder and harder to breath.

My eyes can't compromise anymore. They wanna cry out loud.

They wanna pour all the sad tears.

I can see that poor actress is smiling in a victory to see me crying.

But I don't care because my heart is totally broken into pieces now.

I leave them and go to the bathroom again.

I open the shower and let it pour the water just like my eyes does.

I let my tears pouring down my cheek.

I let them wash away the short but sweet memory that I had with auntie.

I can't believe that her sincere eyes that I saw when we were cooking together is dedicated for an orphan not for me as yunho's lover.

"Yunnie..I love you"

"I love you"

I keep saying that so I won't give up on our love easily even I have to cry like now.

End of POV

"Why hasn't yunho and uncle come back home yet?", yunho's mom wonder.

"Maybe the practice hasn't finished yet", answer Se Eun with a smile on her face.

She can't stop smiling after seeing jaejoong's tears.

"Then, let's have a dinner first because I'm already hungry. I'm sure Jaejoong too. By the way, why does he take so long?", wonders yunho's mom.

"I don't know. Maybe he has to wear a heavy make up before yunho oppa comes home", tease Se Eun.

Yunho's mom just gives her a forced smile as a respond.

She doesn't know why she feels uneasy when Se Eun tease Jaejoong.

"Okay..I'll warm the soup while waiting for jaejoong", say yunho's mom.

"It looks delicious. Do you cook them all?", Se Eun ask.

"Nope..Jaejoong made all of them and I just give him a hand", answer yunho's mom proudly.


"Auntie..let's dine out!!!there's a family restaurant that have the same atmosphere with the restaurant in Gwangju that we used to visit together", suggest Se Eun.

"Really?Is there a restaurant like that in Seoul?", ask yunho's mom in astonishment.

" let's pick up yunho oppa and uncle and then, we eat together in there, just like what we used to do", suggest Se Eun.

" a...", say yunho's mom hesitantly.

She actually wanna ask how about Jaejoong and his delicious food.

But She knows it will hurt Se Eun.

"How about what?", ask Se Eun.

"How about the price?is it affordable?", ask yunho's mom.

"Sure..don't worry. Cmon!!!", say Se Eun while dragging yunho's mom.

Yunho's mom can't do anything because she is afraid that Se Eun will be sad again.

She actually feels worry at Jaejoong too.

She doesn't say anything before leaving and moreover, his food will be wasteful because all of them will eat at the restaurant.

But still, she lets Se Eun drag her out.


"Auntie..let's have a....", say Jaejoong before he realize that yunho's mom and Se Eun aren't there anymore.

"Do they leave?", wonder jaejoong.

Jaejoong has checked around the apartment and he can't find them.

"Whatever..', he sighs hard.

He looks the untouched food sadly but he still has a hope. His yunnie will eat them all and of course, together with him.


"yunho oppa....", shouts Se Eun.

"Lower your voice", respond yunho coldly.

"Finish already?", ask yunho's mom.

"Mom..why are you here?", ask yunho in surprise.

" come here too", ask yunho's dad.

"Hmm..we wanna ask you to dine out", say yunho's mom.

"Dine out?Nooo!!!', reject yunho.

"Why yunho?", ask yunho's mom.

"Jaejoong must have cooked so I wanna go home!!", answer yunho firmly.

"Yunho oppa is mean..don't yell at auntie", sob Se Eun.

"It's my suggestion to dine out, if you don't want it..that's fine..", sob Se Eun again.

"Babe..shhh..don't cry..okay..", calm yunho's mom.

Yunho ignores the sobbing girl and pack his things.

Then, he leaves but..


"I'm sorry but I wanna eat his food..that's it!!", reply yunho straightly.

"Yunho-ah...I just wanna spend this night together before we are leaving you tomorrow..just once honey..", plead yunho's mom.

Actually, one thing that makes yunho doesn't want to dine out with his parents is Se Eun.

Then, yunho sees his dad's reaction because he is so confused.

"Just tell Jaejoong..he will understand", suggest yunho's dad.

"Well then..", answer yunho in defeat.


Se Eun isn't happy.

She doesn't want yunho call Jaejoong.

"I won't let yunho oppa call that bitch!!!let him wait in disappointment!!!", threat Se Eun in her heart.

"but how?" Se Eun tries to think a way out.

Then, she sees a dog of one of yunho's team mates is waiting for its owner.

She approaches the dog and put her step on its tail.

The dog becomes angry and tries to chase Se Eun.

Se Eun runs as fast as she can and she runs purposely toward Yunho who is about to call Jaejoong.



Se Eun bumps into yunho and yunho's handphone is slipped from his hands and fall into the ground, broken.

The dog is stopped by the owner, Se Eun falls to the ground and yunho stands like a statue when he finds his handphone fall and broken into pieces.

"Yunho oppa..I'm sorry..that dog chase me!!"apologize Se Eun while sobbing hard.

"YOU!!!", yell yunho while pointing his finger on Se Eun's face.

"", stutters Se Eun.

"YUNHO!!!",yell yunho's mom.

"What now?", ask yunho furiously.

"You can't blame on Se Eun. She was chased by a dog and she came to you for your protection. Be gentle please!", say yunho's mom.

Yunho ignores his mother and Se Eun.

He doesn't want to argue with his lovely mother just because Se Eun again.

Actually, Se Eun is the only cause of all arguments that yunho had with his mother.

Therefore, he is too tired to argue.

Moreover, he wants to finish the dining as soon as possible and then, come back to his lover.

Yunho is worried at Jaejoong.

He knows that Jaejoong must be waiting for him now.

But nothing he can do.

His handpohone is broken and what he can do now is hoping that Jaejoong will understand.

"Let's dine out!", say Se Eun in high spirit.

"I love to be with this family, Auntie!!", add her while hugging yunho's mom tightly.

She is the happiest person with the dinner.

Yunho's parents don't look as happy as her and no doubt, yunho is the unhappiest person.

Se Eun is happy because she can dine out together with yunho and his parents.

Moreover, her plan to make Jaejoong wait in confusion and disappointment is successful.

" know what?"

"I'll bring you down no matter what!!!", threat Se Eun in her heart while smiling happily.

Chapter 24

"Just wait for the payback time!!"

Chapter 24

"Just wait for the payback time!!"

The dining is over and the smile is keep widing in Se Eun's face.

"Auntie..uncle..yunho oppa..thx for this wonderful night", thanks Se Eun before go back to her apartment.

"You're welcome Se Eun", reply yunho's mom.

"Yunho oppa..I'm sorry for your handphone..I'll replace it with the new one", apologize Se Eun.

"Forget it!!", reply yunho simply and straightly.

It doesn' mean he is no longer angry at Se Eun but he doesn't want to have any debt on her.

"Yunho o...", continue Se Eun but unfortunately, Yunho has already left and entered his apartment.

"I'm sorry Se Eun for yunho's rude attitude", apologize yunho's mom.

"I'm sad..", sob Se Eun.

"Don't cry babe..", ask yunho's mom.

"I think you should have understood him Se Eun. He went dinner without telling jaejoong. He must have worried at Jaejoong so much", say yunho's dad.

"WHAT???WHAT DID YOU SAY??DAMN OLD MAN!!!", yell Se eun in her heart.

Se Eun is crying harder.

"Sshhh...Se Eun's already late so stop crying. You'd better go home now and I'm sure you'll feel better on the next morning", calm yunho's mom while hugging Se eun.

"Hmm..okay. Please tell yunho oppa and Jaejoong my deep apology", say Se eun before leaving.

Yunho's parents watch her leaving with taxi before come into the apartment.

When they enter the apartment, they see yunho is stroking the sleeping Jaejoong's hair while sobbing softly.

Jaejoong is falling asleep on the table where his foods are already set up well.

Yunho feels so sad to see it because he knows that Jaejoong must have waited for him to have dinner together until he fell asleep on the table.

Moreover, when yunho touches Jaejoong's cheek, his cheek is still wet because of tears and Yunho hates himself for making Jaejoong cried.

Yunho's parents is drown in guilt to see the sight in front of them.

They feel like a pair of ignorant.

Yunho's dad feels guilty because he should have known that it was one of Se Eun's trick to break yunjae's relationship but he ignored it and trapped on her trick.

Meanwhile, yunho's mom feels guilty because she's the one who with Jaejoong this afternoon when he made the dinner.

She saw love in Jaejoong's eyes when he made the dinner for yunho but she kept insisting yunho to dine out with her and Se eun.

She isn't sure yet whether she has accepted jaejoong or not, but she feels sad inside her to see jaejoong is sleeping on the table.

"'d better take Jaejoong to the couch", suggest yunho's mom.

Yunho ignores his mom and he is still touching and stroking Jaejoong's hair while sobbing softly.

Yunho is really angry at his mom but he knows that it wasn't her fault but Se Eun.

"Yunho..", call Yunho's mom.

"I know it!!", reply yunho coldly.

Yunho's mom feels like being slapped by his own son but somehow, she thinks she deserves it.

Then, yunho takes Jaejoong to the couch and place him softly.

"'d better warm the soup and then, wake him up. I'm sure he hasn't had his dinner", suggest yunho's mom again.

"I KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO!!!", yell yunho a bit to his mom.

Actually, yunho never wants to yell at his mom but remembering how forceful his mom was when she insisted yunho to dine out with them makes him angry.

"Honey..I think yunho knows what he has to do. We'd better take a rest", calm yunho's dad.

Then, yunho's parents leave yunjae and go to the bedroom to take a rest.

"What's wrong?",ask yunho's dad to his wife when he sees his wife is sighing hard.

"Poor Jaejoong", reply her weakly.

Yunho's dad is shocked of what he has just heard.

"Why is it suddenly?", ask yunho's dad.

"I've spent this afternoon with him. I helped him cooking for our dinner but I ended up let him wait for us to have the dinner together. I can't believe that I'm so mean.", reply yunho's mom.

"Finally, you admit it!!", tease yunho's dad.

"yah!!I have apologized for what I did to him earlier", continue yunho's mom.

"I'm proud of you", reply yunho's dad.

"So..have you opened your heart for him?", ask yunho's dad.

"Hmm..I think know what?", ask yunho's mom.

"I don't know if you don't tell me", reply yunho's dad simply.

"When Se Eun asked why I acted so nice to Jaejoong, I answered that I was only pity on him because he's an orphan and nothing more", say yunho's mom.

"Then?", ask yunho's dad for a continuation.

"Hmm..I felt strange. I felt like I was lying to myself. I felt what I was saying to Se Eun wasn't right but part of me insisted that it was the right reason why suddenly i became so nice to Jaejoong", continue yunho's mom.

"It means you start seeing jaejoong as our son's lover but you keep denying it", add yunho's dad simply.

"Do I?", wonder Yunho's mom.


"WHAT??", Jaejoong's yell is heard in the bedroom.

"Oh my god..they are fighting", say yunho's mom in a worried tone.

"I have to clear everything", add yunho's mom.

"No..stay here. Let yunho clear everything", say yunho's dad.

"But..", continue yunho's mom.

"NO BUT!!", insist yunho's dad.

Back to Yunjae


Yunho warmed the soup and made a cup of hot tea for jaejoong.

Then, he woke up Jaejoong softly by kissing his cheek.

"Yunnie..", called Jaejoong softly.

"Hmm..", responded yunho.

"The practice is fucking hard, huh?", asked Jaejoong.

Yunho became sadder because Jaejoong thought that he was late go home because of the fucking practice.

Jaejoong had no idea that actually he had dinner with his parents and Se Eun.

" are so tired, aren't you?", asked Jaejoong worriedly while touching yunho's cheek softly.

"Joongie...forgive me", said Yunho while hugging his lover tightly.

"Yunnie..what's wrong?I can't breath!!", say Jaejoong. He couldn't breathe because yunho hugged him too tight.

Then, yunho lose his tight hug and kept hanging his head down.

"Yunnie..I'm sure you are tired and hungry so let's have a dinner", say Jaejoong calmly.

"I'm sorry Jaejoong. It isn't practice that makes me go home late. It's because I dined out with my parents and Se Eun", admitted Yunho while looking deeply to his lover's eyes.

"WHAT??", yell jaejoong

End of flashback

"Yeah joongie.. I had dinner with my parents and Se Eun. My parents say it's for a farewell before they are back to Gwangju so I can't refuse them", explain yunho.


"Joongie..I am the shit??why??", ask Yunho confusedly.


"I did but my phone is broken. Here you see it by yourselves", reply Yunho and let Jaejoong see his broken handphone.

Jaejoong still sees yunho with his gold gaze.

"How come?", ask Jaejoong coldly.

Then, yunho tells him what happened until his handphone can be broken like that.

"That bitch!!!", curse Jaejoong.

Then, he pushes Yunho from the couch and continues to sleep.

"Joongieeeeee....", call yunho.

"Do you believe in me?", whisper yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"If you believe in me, please look at me now", say yunho.

"Why should I?", reply Jaejoong.

"Because I wanna kiss you", say Yunho.

Jaejoong is blushed to hear yunho's words but thankfully, his back is facing yunho so yunho can't see his blushing face.

"Kiss my hair then", reply Jaejoong coldly.

"Okay..", say Yunho.

Yunho starts kissing Jaejoong's hair.

Jaejoong is ticklish; therefore, he can't hide his laughter.

"YAH!!!STOP IT!!!!", protest jaejoong and now his face is facing the smiling yunho.

"You are the one that ask me to kiss your hair but why do you stop me?Is it too nice?", ask yunho seductively.

"IT'S DISGUSTING!!!", reply jaejoong with his fake angry tone.

"If it was disgusting, why did you enjoy it sooo much?",ask yunho still in his seductive tone.

Jaejoong is blushed and yunho knows the answer.

He kisses Jaejoong lightly and then, starts deepening his kiss.

They kiss passionately until they have no air.

" matter what happen, I'm yours. Remember that!!", say yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong and they are kissing again.

In the bedroom

"What are they doing now?" ask yunho's mom who still can't get sleep because she is worried at yunjae.

"I can't hear a voice anymore. Do they keep silent to each other?", wonders yunho's mom.

"Honey...they are already grown up. They know what to do.", respond yunho's dad.

"I know but I'm so worried and I don't know why", say yunho's mom.

"I think you start accepting their relationship and now, you are afraid that their relationship will be broken", say yunho's dad.

"I don't!!!I'm just worried..that's it!!", deny yunho's mom.

" go sleep because we have to leave early for the train", say yunho's dad.

"Understand', reply yunho's mom but still, she is wondering what happen with yunjae outside.


The couple is still kissing passionately.

Then, they break for getting some air.

"Joongie...", call yunho.

"Hmm..", respond jae.

"Let's have a dinner, I'm hungry.", say yunho.

"NO WAY!!!", yell Jaejoong suddenly and push yunho from his face.

Jaejoong's yell suddenly in the silence makes yunho's mom worried.

Therefore, she decides to open the bedroom's door a bit and sneak at the couple.

"Joongie...", plead yunho.

"NO!!", refuse Jaejoong.

"WHY??", ask yunho.


"I'm so hungry. Look at me!!", reply yunho and he starts eating the soup, the grilled meat and the veggies fast just like a very starving person.

Jaejoong chuckles to see his lover.

He knows that Yunho is actually isn't hungry at all but still he does it because he wants Jaejoong to eat.

Jaejoong is very touched by his lover but remembering the scene when the bitch, Se eun, had dinner with his lover happily meanwhile he waited him like an idiot boils his anger again.

"I think you are REALLY HUNGRY!!!so eat them all and make sure nothing is left!!!", threat Jaejoong.

"Joongie..let's eat together", say yunho.


" wanna see your boyfriend die because of obesity??Meanie..", pout Yunho.

Jaejoong can't keep his smile but he still act cool.

"Come here and eat with me or...", say yunho.

"Or what?", ask Jaejoong.

"Or this..", suddenly yunho pull Jaejoong on his lap.

"What is this?", ask Jaejoong while blushing hard.

"Kiss what else", tease Yunho.

"Pervert!!!all you think is kiss, huh?", ask Jaejoong furiously.

"You don't like it??", ask Yunho.

Jaejoong can't reply yunho's question because he his super duper loves kissing with yunho.

"You like it, right?" tease Yunho.

"YAH!!!FUCK JUNG YUNHO!!!", reply Jaejoong and hit his lover's hands playfully.

Yunho just laughs to see his lover's cuteness.

"I want to feed you not kiss you", say yunho boldly.

"Huh?", ask Jaejoong.

"Yeah..I'll feed you', say yunho.

"This..take a bite", say yunho while spooning Jaejoong with a rice and a grilled meat.

"Yunnie..", call jaejoong softly.

Jaejoong feels so lucky to have yunho at his side.

Meanwhile, yunho feels lucky also to have Jaejoong.

Jaejoong still believes in him even he made him wait like an idiot.

The sight of yunho feeds Jaejoong on his lap makes yunho's mom's heart warm.

She unconsciously feels the happiness also.

She feels relieve after then and go to sleep.

She falls asleep immediately because her worries are gone now.

"Yunnie..I'm full", say Jaejoong.

"No Joongie..three spoon more", plead Yunho.

"Noo..", pout Jaejoong.

"Joongie...", call yunho.

"I'm not hungry anymore", say Jaejoong.

"Why?I'm sure you are still hungry", reply Yunho.

"Yes, I'm still hungry", admit Jaejoong.

"Finally, you admit it", say yunho in relieve.

"But I'm hungry of you not the food", reply Jaejoong seductively.

"Naughty Joongie..", reply yunho seductively also.

Then, yunho put away the spoon and lift his lover to the couch.

Place him gently and start kissing him from lips to his lower body.

'They moan each other's name to get faster and deeper after then.

But they control their moan because they are aware of yunho's parents.

They make out.

They make love.

They become one.

Then, they sleep in each other's arms after then.

Yunho falls asleep with a big smile on his face.


Jaejoong sleeps with a devilish smile.

"Yo bitch!!!just wait for the payback time!!!" threat Jaejoong in his sleep.


Chapter 25


Chapter 25


The dawn is coming..

The two couple are still sleepy but one person is already wake up..

It's the one-word man Jaejoong..

"Yunnie..wake up!!", say Jaejoong after he wash his face and brush his teeth.

"Hmmm..what's up joongie??it's still dawn??are you hungry??", ask yunho with his sleepy tone.

Jaejoong chuckles to see his lover whose soul is still not woken up yet.


Jaejoong moves his body onto top of his lover.

He pinches yunho's cheek and then, moves his lover's head to the right and left.

"YAH!!!Dizzy...!!!", complain yunho.

"Wake up then!!", command Jaejoong.

"Joongie..why do you do this to me?", pout Yunho.

"Because I love you", reply Jaejoong sweetly and then, peck his lover's lips gently.

"I love you too", reply yunho immediately.

"Wanna wake up now?", ask Jaejoong cutely.

"'s for you", reply Yunho sweetly.

Jaejoong is getting up from his lover's body while smiling widely because of the last words.

"So..what do you want me to do at this early dawn honey?", ask yunho while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Wash your face and help me cooking", reply Jaejoong.

"Cooking??for breakfast at this dawn?", wonder Yunho.

"Hmm..I wanna make a delicious roll rice for auntie and uncle for their lunch in train", reply Jaejoong.

" you..mmmmuahh", say yunho while kissing Jaejoong's cheek over and over again just like a child to his mom.

Jaejoong enjoys his lover's cuteness.

"Ready..", say yunho after washing his face and brushing his teeth.

" wash the veggies", order Jaejoong.

"Okay Boss!!!", reply yunho in high spirit.

Yunho wash the veggies and jaejoong cuts the clean veggies.

They are laughing, giggling, kissing during the cooking.

No doubt, they love to each other.

"Finish!!", say yunjae happily.

"I LOVE YOU!!!", say Jaejoong boldly.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!!", reply yunho.

"Thanks yunnie..", say Jaejoong while cupping his hands on yunho's face.

"Anything for you", reply yunho mushily.

"Mushy yunnie..", tease jaejoong.

"Haha..I AM MUSHY YUNNIE!!!", declare yunho while imitating one of power ranger's move.

Jaejoong is laughing hard to see his boyfriend's dork.

"Yunnie..takes shower first, I'll wrap the food now", say jaejoong.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.


Yunho back to the couch when he sees the clock is still 06.00 a.m.

He is back to his sleep again.

"Yunnie..have you..", when Jaejoong wants to ask whether yunho has done with his shower or not, he finds his boyfriend is sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Jaejoong is smiling to see the sight in front of him.

"Poor yunnie..he must be still sleepy", say Jaejoong and then, covers his boyfriend's body with blanket.

Then, he takes a bath.

Meanwhile in the bedroom,

"honey wake's already 06.15 a.m, we have to hurry", say yunho's dad to his wife.

" when do the train leave?", ask yunho's mom.

"08.30 a.m", reply yunho's dad.

"Well then..I still have time to make yunho and Jaejoong breakfast", continue yunho's mom.

Yunho's dad just smiles to hear his wife's words.

He feels happy that his wife now is also care to jaejoong.

"Okay..I'll take shower first", say yunho's dad.

"Okay..I'll clean the bedroom and go to kitchen afterward", say yunho's mom.

"Morning uncle..wanna take shower?", greet Jaejoong who is making tea in the kitchen.

"Morning are already wake up?", wonder yunho's dad.

"Hmm..", nod jaejoong cutely.

Jaejoong is happy when yunho's dad call him "Jae..".

He feels like being called by his dad.

"Then..yunho still sleep. What a boy!!", sigh yunho's dad.

"He is tired uncle..just let him sleep", say Jaejoong while smiling.

"Okay then..I'll go shower now", say yunho's dad.

"Okay..", reply Jaejoong.

Then, yunho's mom comes..

"Morning jaejoong..", greet yunho's mom.

Jaejoong is shocked to hear the voice behind him and he almost drop the cups of tea in his hands.

He is shocked that yunho's mom will greet him first but still, he doesn't want to let himself getting too deep into his happiness like the previous one.

"Morning Auntie..", greet back Jaejoong with his lovely smile.

"You're already woke up and make breakfast and tea..meanwhile yunhoooo is still sleep..", sigh yunho's mom.

"He is tired", say Jaejoong.

"Tired??Where is the tough boy from Gwangju??", complain yunho's mom.

Jaejoong is just laughing hard after heard yunho's mom comment about his lover.

"Auntie..when will the train leave?", ask jaejoong.

"08.30 a.m. ", answer yunho's mom.

"Well then..", respond jaejoong happily.

"What's wrong jaejoong?", ask yunho's mom after seeing the suddened happy Jaejoong.

"Hmm..nothing!!it's secret!!", wink Jaejoong to yunho's mom.

"What a cute boy", murmur yunho's mom in her heart.

Seeing jaejoong keeps his secret as if a child hid something from his mom, yunho's mom feels the urge to hug Jaejoong.

Then, she does it..

She hugs Jaejoong.

"Jae..I'm sorry I made you wait last night and made you fell asleep on the table. You even skipped your dinner last night. I'm sorry", apologize yunho's mom while hugging Jaejoong.

Jaejoong is shocked but happy with yunho's mom sudden action.

"It's okay..I wasn't mad at you at all", reply Jaejoong while hugging back yunho's mom.

Yunho's mom tightens her hug because the boy in her embrace is totally an angel.

Jaejoong forgives her even what she did last night was mean.

"Then..what is the secret that you hide right now?", ask yunho's mom while looking Jaejoong deeply.

"Hmm..S.E.C.R.E.T", spell Jaejoong while smiling widely.

Both of them share a laugh and then, yunho's mom goes to shower meanwhile Jaejoong keeps continuing his secret.

His secret mission is putting and decorating the wrapped roll rice beautifully in the box so it will look like a wrapped roll rice from a famous restaurant.

Actually Se Eun is already entered the apartment when yunho's mom and jaejoong is hugging and sharing a lovely laugh because Jaejoong has already unlocked the door.

So..the "well-mannered" Se Eun enter the apartment without knocking but she sees everything.

It makes her angry.

It makes her sick.

It makes her furious.

Therefore, she decides to go out for a while to calm herself or else, the true side of herself will be revealed and she won't make it happen.

Outside the apartment building.

"DAMN!!!!", she shouts.



She kicks the bottle, can or little rocks that she finds in the street.

She can't believe what she did last night is worthless.

It happens on the other way around.

It makes yunho's parents closer to jaejoong.

"SHITTY WHORE!!!SLUTTY BITCH!!!", shouts her.

She curses Jaejoong over and over again until her heart calm a bit.


She comes back to the apartment but she takes a deep breath before entering the apartment.

When she enters the apartment, yunho's parents are having breakfast together with jaejoong.

They smile to each other happily.

She hates it but she has to join them or Jaejoong will become closer and closer to yunho's parents.

"Auntie..", call Se Eun.

"Se Eun honey..come in and join us", say yunho's mom.

"Morning uncle...andddddd...jaejoong", greet Se Eun.

"Morning..", greet back yunho's dad but Jaejoong ignores her and gives her a death glare.

He is still the one-word man who can't hide his feeling.

If he hates someone, he will show it no matter what.

Yunho's parents can sense the tense between jaejoong and Se Eun.

"Come on Se Eun..let's breakfast with us', say yunho's mom to break the awkward silence.

"I'm already full..thank you", refuse Se Eun politely.

"It's good then", respond Jaejoong coldly.

Yunho's parents are shocked a bit with Jaejoong's respond but they start getting used to Jaejoong's bluntness.


"Well..take a seat Se Eun", say yunho's mom again to break the awkward silence.

"Hmm..", say Se Eun and when she wants to sit in the living room, she sees yunho is sleeping on the couch peacefully.

Suddenly, she is drowning on yunho's handsomeness.

"What a handsome boy, isn't he?", ask Jaejoong and then, peck yunho's lips in front of the dreaming Se Eun.

That sight makes Se Eun gets up from her dream.

She feels soo angry inside her.

She gives a death glare to jaejoong but Jaejoong shoots her back with his cold eyes.

Yunho's parents feel like it's not their portion to interrupt.

Even yunho's mom can't do something.

"Se can sit on my chair because my yunnie is still sleeping on the couch and I don't want you to sit near to my yunnie and I'm sure yunnie feels the same way too.", say jaejoong while pointing his chair in the dining table.

Se Eun is totally pissed of jaejoong.

Both of them are glaring to each other.


The honk of the taxi is heard.

"'s time for us to go", say yunho's dad and it breaks the cold glare between them.

"Oh really??", say Jaejoong and then he goes hurriedly to the kitchen to give yunho's parents his secret.

"Auntie..I hate him!!", whisper Se eun to yunho's mom.

Yunho's dad accidentally hears Se Eun's whisper to his wife.

He finds it as a coward action.

It's one of the reasons why he assumes that Se eun isn't what she looks like in the outside.

She keeps telling that jaejoong is A,B,C and D behind jaejoong's back but in front of Jaejoong, she doesn't do anything.

"Don't take it to your heart..he is blunt", reply yunho's mom calmly.

"WHAT???YOU KNOW WHAT??YOU ARE A STUPID WOMAN!!!", complain Se Eun in her heart.

She is very disappointed at yunho's mom answer.

"Auntie...", call Jaejoong in a high spirit just like a child who has just got a candy.

"What's wrong Jae?", respond yunho's mom lovely.

She doesn't know why she is like that. She even call Jaejoong with Jae!!

It makes Se Eun sick.

"Here is the secret..", wink Jaejoong and gives yunho's mom a box of roll rice which has designed beautifully.

"What is it Jae?", ask yunho's.

"It's a box of roll rice for you and uncle's lunch in the train. It is specially made by me and yunnie..", reply Jaejoong cutely.

Jaejoong's expression is like a child who finally succeeds in keeping his secret from his mom.

" looks delicious', compliment yunho's dad.

"It is..", reply Jaejoong proudly.

Three of them share a laugh after hearing Jae's cute respond.

Se Eun is sure pissed off.

"Thanks Jae..", say yunho's parents at the same time.

"Thanks to yunnie also..because he is willing to wake up very early to make this roll rice", say Jaejoong.

"So..the tough boy is tired because of roll rice??", jokes yunho's dad and three of them are laughing again.

It makes Se Eun sick of the sight in front of her and she can't stand it anymore.


"Ehem..auntie..uncle..the taxi is waiting by the way", interrupt Se Eun.

"Oh yeah..we almost forget anyway", say yunho's dad.

"Well then..take care of yourself and our Sleepy head Jae..", say yunho's dad.

"Let me wake him up", say Jaejoong.

"No you don't have to..let him sleep. He must practice hard again today so just let him sleep. Tell him to take care of himself and don't forget to call us", say yunho's mom.

"Okay..", reply Jaejoong.

"Thanks Jae for everything..take care of yourself and yunho too", say yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

Jaejoong is sad because at the moment when he feels he has someone else beside yunho..

They must leave but he hopes that he can meet again with yunho's parents and their relationship will be much better.

"HELLOOO..DO YOU FORGET ME FUCKING OLD COUPLE!!!", shouts Se Eun in her heart.

"Se Eun honey..take care of yourself okay..and yunho also", say yunho's mom and hug her.

"I will..", say Se Eun.

"Bye Jaejoong.. Se Eun", say yunho's dad.

"Bye..", say yunho's mom.

"Auntie..wait..", shout Jaejoong.

Then, Jaejoong runs toward yunho's mom and kiss her cheek.

It makes Yunho's mom a bit shocked but she feels warm.

"I'll miss you", say Jaejoong.

Then, yunho's mom hug him. Even she doesn't say "I'll miss you also", her hug is beyond those words.

Jaejoong hug yunho's mom not because he wants to make Se Eun angry or want to act cute in front of yunho's mom.


The feeling to have a mother figure in his life is more than any words. Even it is just for a short moment, he feels really grateful.

Then, they break their hug.

"I'll miss you too uncle", say Jaejoong and then hug yunho's dad for a while.

"Safe home", say Jaejoong.

No doubt, Se Eun is the supporting character in that sweet moment.

She just can stand like a statue even her heart is boiling.

"Bye Se Eun..don't forget to call us", say yunho's mom.

"Bye Se Eun..", say yunho's dad.

"Bye..", say Se Eun weakly.


Finally, It is just the two of them outside the apartment..

They are standing next to each other.

"So did you have fun last night?", ask Jaejoong coldly.

"Yes, I did. Yunho oppa chose me instead of you", reply Se Eun angrily.

"Are you sure?", tease Jaejoong.

"Yes, I'm sure. I can also imagine you waited him like an idiot last night", tease back Se Eun.

"Yeah..thanks to you Se Eun", reply Jaejoong coldly.

Se Eun smiles in victory when she hears Jaejoong lose from her.

But then..

"Thanks to you because last night yunnie feed me on his lap..sooo romantic!!", tease Jaejoong.

Se Eun holds her anger.

"Wanna know what next?", ask Jaejoong.

"We moaned to each other's name", continue Jaejoong boldly.

"YOU!!!SLUTTY BITCH!!', shouts Se Eun and when she is about to slap jaejoong, Jaejoong manages to hold her hands.

"LET ME GO!!!I'LL CALL AUNTIE..I'LL TELL HER THAT YOU ARE A WHORE!!TOTALLY WHORE!!", shouts Se eun and lose her hands from Jaejoong.

" gives me chill on my neck", jokes Jaejoong.

Then, Se Eun takes her handphone and start pressing the number.

But then..


Jaejoong takes her handphone and throw it hard to the ground.


"YOU!!!", yell Se eun back and then, she flies her hand to Jaejoong's face

But before she slaps jaejoong..


Jaejoong is already slapped her right cheek.

"THAT'S FOR YOUR SLY MOUTH!!!", yell Jaejoong.

And then..


Another slap from Jaejoong is landed on Se eun's left cheek.


Se Eun doesn't know what to say.

She is speechless.

Her cheeks are burn.

Her eyes start teary.

Jaejoong doesn't give mercy to the fake and sly girl.

"I'", sob Se Eun.

"I'm waiting for that but fill up your empty brain first!!!", mock Jaejoong.

"Y..yy..ou!!!", sob Se Eun.

"Se Eun biatch or whatever you called", say jaejoong.

"DO NOT MESS WITH ME!!!", threat Jaejoong.

"Understand?" emphasize Jaejoong.

With those last words, he leaves the sobbing and angry girl.

Hey guys..

Chapter 26

"Boys meet 'girls' "

Chapter 26

"Boys meet 'girls' "

The angry and crying girl leaves the apartment with her burnt cheeks.

She can't believe that she got twice slaps on her face.

Moreover, her opponent isn't as easy as she thinks.

"damn!!!!that gay!!!", she curses him under her angry breath.


"Yunnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........", scream Jaejoong as if someone who really needed 911 help.

"JOONGIE..WHAT'S WRONG??", scream back yunho in surprise.

He thinks something bad happen to his lover.

Therefore, he wakes up immediately.

"Nothing..", say Jaejoong calmly.

"Aishhh!!!Joongie..why do you do this to me?", pout yunho.

"Because....", say Jaejoong while approaching his lover and then, sit on his lover's lap.

"Because you love me, right?", guess yunho proudly.

"Because it's already 8 a.m", tease Jaejoong.

"Meanieeeeeee.........", pouts yunho.

Jaejoong can't help his smile to see the cute creature in front of him.

"Yes..yunnie..what else??It's because I love you", say Jaejoong while stroking his lover's hair.

"Auntie and uncle are already left", say Jaejoong.

"Damn!!!I parents!!!", say Yunho regretfully.

"What did they say?", ask yunho.

"They said you were sleepy head and weak unlike the Gwangju boy that they knew", answer Jaejoong.

"Really??"ask Yunho disappointedly.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong while smiling.

"Joongie..don't smile!I'm disappointed", pouts yunho.

Jaejoong's smile turns into laugh.

"Yah!!!", yell yunho.

"But..they say you have to take care of yourself and don't forget to call them", continue Jaejoong while caressing his lover's cheeks.

" how about our roll rice?", ask yunho curiously.

"They were surprised and happy. We made it!!!", reply Jaejoong cheerfully.

Yunho's anger is disappeared after seeing Jaejoong's eyes in happiness.

"Thanks Joongie..I know my mom will love you as much as I do sooner.", say yunho while looking deeply into Jaejoong's eyes.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong and his eyes starts teary.

Yunho has never talked this matter with him but unexpectedly, yunho has the same hope with him and it makes him touched.

"Yunnie...I am really really really glad to meet have be with you..", sob Jaejoong.

Then, yunho seals the sobbing boy's lips with his lips.

They share a lovely and sweet kiss.

"I'll take shower now or else, the shark will eat me up!!!", jokes yunho.

"Hmm..I'll prepare your breakfast", say Jaejoong.


While he is preparing yunho's breakfast, his phone is ringing..

It's another phone conference from Junki..

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeee...................", scream Junki as soon as Jaejoong picks up his phone.

"YAH!!!!", yell Jaejoong.

"Hahahahahaha..", laugh Junki.

"What do you want??", ask Jaejoong angrily.

"It's Sunday!!!Let's have a boys day out!!!", say Junsu in high spirit.

"Yeah..let's hang out!!!", add Kibum.

"Okay!!!but I'll tell yunho first", say Jaejoong.

"Well then..text us when the time you'll be ready..OKAY!!!!", shouts Junsu at the end.

"CRAZY DOLPHIN!!!", mock Jaejoong.

They are laughing together before hang up the phone.


"Din..din..", Junsu car's honk is heard.

Jaejoong comes out from his apartment.

His lover is already left and let jaejoong has a boy day out with Junki.

"Where do we wanna go?", ask Jaejoong.

"Sauna!!", say Junsu.

"Spa!!!", add Kibum.

"Let's go!!!!", screams Jaejoong and then, junsu drives the car fast.

In Sauna

" refreshing!!!!", say Junsu.

"Hmm...", nods Jaeki.

"So's yunho's parents?", ask Kibum.

"They have left this morning to Gwangju", answer jaejoong.

"That's can have a wild night with yunho!!!", tease Junsu.

"Yeah!!!", agree Kibum.

"Aishh!!as expected from sex freaks!!!', tease jaejoong back.

"YAH!!!!', protest Junki.

"I feel sad", say Jaejoong.

"Why??",ask Junki curiously.

"I feel like having a figure of a complete family when I'm with them", reply Jaejoong.

"Complete family my ass!!!", shoots Junsu.

"Yeah..yunho's mom even dared to slap you!!!", add Kibum.

"She did but she has already apologized for what she did", say jaejoong.

"Really??Are you sure she didn't try to trick you?", ask Junsu.

"No..I can see her sincere eyes. She even helped me cooking", say Jaejoong.

"She did??You mean she has changed?", ask Kibum.

"Part of me wants to believe it but other part keeps denying it because I don't want to be disappointed later", reply Jaejoong sadly.

"Jaeeeeee.....", call Junki at the same time after seeing jae's sad expression.

Then, they hold jae's hands.

"Don't deny it if you think she is sincere", say Kibum.

"Yeah..let yourself feel the happiness!", add Junsu.

"I miss her already..I miss her warm hug", say Jaejoong.

"She even hugged you..I'm sure she loves you jae but she keeps denying it like what you do", say Kibum.

"Hmm..I think it's just a matter of time", add Junsu.


'HWAITING!!!!", shouts Junki at the same time.

Jaejoong chuckles to see his two best friends.

"By the about that biatch??", ask Kibum.

"I slapped her twice this morning and I also threw her handphone", reply Jaejoong.

"Really??as expected from our one-word man!!!", say Junsu and then, he claps his hands.

"If I were you, I would kick her over and over again!!!", say junsu.

"As expected from a black belt junsu!!!", say Kibum playfully.

"Sure!!!" responds Junsu proudly.

"But I'm sure, her ears will also bleed because of your dolphin scream when you kick her!!!", tease Kibum.

"Ciih!!I know you won't compliment me easily!!!damn!!", curse Junsu.

"If I were jae, I would eat her alive!!!", say Kibum.

"As expected from OUR GREEDY CANIBAL!!!", mock Junsu.

"YAH!!!I'M NOT CANIBAL!!!", protest Kibum.

Junsu and Jae are laughing hard to see Kibum's angry expression.

"I know she will do something bad to me", say Jaejoong.

"She will so prepare yourself jae..", say Junsu.

"We are right behind you", add Kibum.

"hmm..thx guys!!!", say Jaejoong.

Three of them are enjoying their day out with massaging, spa and sauna.

They totally wanna relax their body.'s time for their beauty..

As usual, they go to Junsu's favorite beauty salon.

"Make sure that the electricity won't go down like the previous time!!", threat Junsu to his friend who is the owner of the salon.

"Okay Junsu..", say Eunhyuk.

"Well..this is Jaejoong. You have never seen him, right?", say Junsu to eunhyuk.

"Hey..I'm eunhyuk", greet eunhyuk to jaejoong.

"Jaejoong", greet jae back.

"Woahh...sooo pretty!!!", drool Eunhyuk.

"Don't touch him!!!his man is Gwangju man!!!", say Junsu.

"Woahhh...pretty boy with Gwangju boy!!!PERFECT!!!!", shouts Eunhyuk.

"Dumb with dumber!!!As expected!!!", tease Kibum.

"YAH!!!", protest Kibum after Junsu and Eunyuk hit his head.

Jaejoong just can smile and laugh to see the dork boys in front of him.

"Okay..what do you want to do with your hair Jaejoong-sshi?", ask Eunhyuk.

"Just trim my fringe a bit and gives my hair spa treatment afterward", reply Jaejoong.

"With my pleasure..", say Eunhyuk.

Junsu and Kibum also want the same treatment.

Then, TRF song "Boys meets girls" is heard..


"How about visit our boys after this?", suggest jaejoong.

"Great idea!!!", shouts Junki at the same time.



"Ouch!!!", respond Kibum once again in hurt after Junsu and Eunhyuk hit his head.

"Your mouth is just like your boyfriend!!!", comment Junsu and Euhnyuk at the same time.

"How about bring their lunch??", suggest Junsu.

"Hmm..great!!!how about sushi?", add Jaejoong.

"Good..I'll call sushi-tei and get them delivered six box of sushi to here", say Junsu.

"SIX??IT ISN'T ENOUGH!!!", shouts Kibum.

" many do you want GREEDY CANIBAL??", shoots Junsu.

"At least three for my Minnie..and two for me", say Kibum.

' call then", say Junsu immediately.

"Understand..", pout Kibum.


The hair is done and the sushi have been delivered.

"Let's surprise them!!!", shoots jaejunki in high spirit.

Now, it's kibum who drives the car fast.

"Now I want you to practice three points shoot. If you fail, do fifteen times sit up!!Understand??", command THE SHARK.

"Understand!!", say the team in unison.

"Understand my ass!!!", complain yoochun while running to get the ball.

"It's Sunday for god sake!!!", complain Changmin also.

"I wonder what my joongie is doing now?", wonder yunho.

"Me too..", agree Changmin.

"I bet they are having fun now and don't remember us", sigh Yoochun.

"Yeah..that's what "girls" always do when they are hanging out with their friends", agree Changmin.

"Are they?", ask Yunho innocently.

"YAH!!!THREE OF YOU!!!HURRY UP!!!", shouts THE SHARK and it ends their chit chat.

Three of them start running, taking the ball and shooting it.

So far, they shoot perfectly.


The "girls" are coming...

And they are watching their boys from the side of the court..


"Now..let's play three on three. Decide your own team!", order THE SHARK.

"yay!!!our boys are in one team", shouts Junsu.

His shout is noticeable for someone.

"Baby Su..", say Yoochun as soon as he recognizes the voice.

"Chunniee!!!", call Junsu.

Then, all the team members are turning their body especially Yunmin.

They face the three gorgeous boys.

"Joongie..",call yunho while waving to Jaejoong.

"Yunnie..", Jaejoong does the same thing.

"Kibuuumm..", shouts Changmin as if he was alone at that time.

"Minnie..", so does kibum.


"What a fierce shark!!!", shoots jaejoong and it makes THE SHARK widen his eyes.


"He is my boyfriend. I'm sorry for his behalf", apologize yunho politely while smiling secretly.

Yoomin are laughing hard because THE SHARK got shot by Jaejoong.


They start the three on three battle..

They become more motivated because their boyfriends are watching.

They play seriously as if they were in a fierce competition.


The 'girls' are watching their lover just like a group of Footballer WAGS..

"They are so cool", say Kibum.

"Sure..our boys!!!", reply Junsu proudly.

"Fuckin' hot!!", say Jaejoong suddenly.

"Who is FUCKIN' HOT jae??", ask Junsu while smirking.

"The weather orrrr yunho?", ask Junsu teasingly.

"My yunnie of course!", reply Jaejoong immediately.

"'s still afternoon any way...can't stand it anymore, huh?". Tease Junsu.

"Hold on Jae..hold on!!!", mock Junsu.

"STOP YOUR NON-SENSE!!!OR...", Threat Jaejoong.

"Or I'll scream..", continue Jaejoong.

"Scream as you like..", challenge Junsu.

"You mess with the wrong person, junsu..", say Kibum worriedly what will Jaejoong say.

"YOOCHUN!!!JUNSU NEEDS YOU NOW TO FUCK HIM!!!", scream Jaejoong loudly.

Yoochun and other team members' face redden after hearing Jaejoong's words.

Even the shark's face becomes red.

The match is suddenly stopped automatically.

But the reddest face is Junsu.

"YAH!!!KIM JAEJOONG!!!", yell Junsu.

Kibum can't stop laughing and so do Yunho and Changmin.

"Still dare teasing me?", ask Jaejoong.


Then, Jaejoong starts running fast and Junsu is right behind him chasing him.

"CHUNNIE!!!Help me.............", shouting Junsu while running.

Then, Yoochun gets up and starts chasing Jaejoong also.


He is stopped by YUNHO.

"Park yoochun..where are you going?", smirk Yunho.

"YAH!!!yunho..get outta my way!!!I wanna help my Baby Su...", say Yoochun.

"I wanna help my Joongie too..", reply Yunho.

"Just enjoy the show, guys!!!", say Changmin.

"Aishhh!!!", complain Yoochun.

"Ouch!!!", Jaejoong tripped when he runs.

"Joongie..", shouts Yunho when he sees his lover falls.

"eukyangkyang..there you go!!!", laugh Junsu when he sees Jaejoong falls.

"'s hurt, you know?", pouts Jaejoong to Junsu with a fake teary eyes.

Junsu's face expression is changed suddenly.

"Is it seriously hurt, Jae?", ask Junsu in a worried tone.

Jaejoong just shut his mouth and it makes Junsu feels guilty.

"Let me help you", say Junsu.

But when he gives his hands to Jaejoong, Jaejoong pulls him and makes him fall to the ground with his butt first.

"Gotcha!!!", say Jaejoong while smirking devilishly.

"YAH!!!LITTLE EVIL!!!", yell Junsu.

Jaejoong starts running again but then, his body is caught by a pair of strong hands that he knows them so well.

"Stop it!!!", say Yunho while hugging his lover to stop him from his childish playing.

"Why..??it's fun!!!", pouts Jaejoong.

"Your knees has a scratch so stop it before it getting worse", reply yunho calmly.

Then, yunho takes his lover in a bridal style to Jaejoong's previous seat.

"Yunnie...", call Jaejoong sweetly.

"Hmm..", respond Yunho.

"I'm sorry", say Jaejoong.

"For what?", ask Yunho.

"For being naughty!", reply Jaejoong.

"I love it", say yunho and it makes jaejoong blushed like crazy.

" butt!!!", complain Junsu while rubbing his butt.

"Let me blow it", say Yoochun clumsily.

"YAH!!!do you think your blow will be felt by my butt inside this jeans??", ask Junsu angrily.

"If not!!take off your Jeans then", smirk Yoochun.

"Ouch!!!", respond Yoochun after Junsu hit his head.


Yoochun takes him in a bridal style just like what yunho did.

"Jae..nyam..nyam...are you okay??nyam..nyam..", ask Changmin while munching his sushi.

"Hmm..nyam..nyam..are you..nyam..okay?", ask Kibum while doing the same thing.

"Aishhh!!!this couple!!!", complain Jaejoong.

"Where is our food?",ask Jaejoong.

Both of them exchange glances. They eat them all unconsciously. They are speechless.

"I ASK YOU!!!WHERE IS OUR FOOD??", ask Jaejoong angrily as if he knew what happened.

"What's up Jae?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..what's up Jae?", ask Yoosu.

"Our food is gone", reply Jaejoong.

"Who is dare to steal our food?", ask Junsu angrily.

"Who else??these two FOOD MONSTERS in front of us!!!", reply Jaejoong.

"WHAT???DO YOU EAT THEM ALL??", respond YunYoosu.

Kimin stays silent. Kimin know what will be happen next.

Therefore, they start running away as far as they can.

Yunho and Yoochun are chasing them meanwhile jae and junsu cheer their lover as if they were the cheerleaders.

The laughs, the childish playing, the love and the friendship are always there when..

The boys meet 'girls'

Hey guys..

Chapter 27

"Spend the day with the annoying troopers"

Chapter 27

"Spend the day with the annoying troopers"

"Joongie..wake up..or we'll be late!", say yunho to wake his lover up.

Actually, this is the third time Yunho tries to wake Jaejoong up.

First is when yunho opened his eyes but he saw Jaejoong sleeps peacefully.

Therefore, yunho decided to take shower first and then, wake his lover again.

After he was done dressing up, he woke his lover up again but then, he saw Jaejoong still sleeping soundly so he decided to make breakfast and then, came again to wake Jaejoong up.

Yunho thought that Jaejoong was so tired because yesterday he fooled around with Junki like a child.

Therefore, he let Jaejoong wake up late.


Because there is still no respond from his lover after the third time he wakes him up, yunho becomes worried.

Then, he cups his lover's cheek and he can feel that his lover is sick.

Jaejoong's cheeks are burn and it makes Yunho more worried.

"Joongie..Joongie..are you okay?", sayYunho panicky.

"Joongie..answer me!!!", say Yunho more panicky.

"Yunnie..", call jaejoong weakly.

"Joongie..are you okay?", ask Yunho panicky.

"Yunnie..", call jaejoong once again weakly.

"Hmm..", respond Yunho.

"Tell me Joongie..are you cold?", ask yunho still in a panic tone.

"Hmm..I feel cold", answer jaejoong weakly.

Then, Yunho takes another blanket from the cupboard and cover Jaejoong's body.

"Still cold?", ask Yunho.

"Better", answer Jaejoong.

"What time is it now?", ask Jaejoong weakly.

"Don't worry..I'll call Yoochun to tell the teacher that we can't come to school today", answer Yunho.

" have to go to school", say Jaejoong.

"I won't leave you alone in this condition", respond Yunho immediately.

"you have to!!!", say Jaejoong forcefully.

"'re sick and I can't leave you like this!", reply Yunho.

"Yunnie..I'll be okay!!!", say jaejoong with a forceful smile.

"Are you sure?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm...", nod Jaejoong weakly but still in his forceful smile.

Actually, he wants Yunho stay beside him but he doesn't wanna make Yunho get scolded by THE SHARK because today , yunho's team will have the last preparation before they head to head with China's basketball team next week.

Meanwhile, yunho also doesn't want to leave Jaejoong. He wants to take care of his lover but he knows that Jaejoong will stay stubborn to insist him to go to school.

Moreover, he knows that Jaejoong will be more worried if he got scolded by THE SHARK.

Therefore, he leaves his lover with a hurtful feeling inside his heart.

"Joongie..I'll try to get permission from THE SHARK so I can go home earlier!", say Yunho weakly.

"Hmm..I'll be okay..I just need a sleep", comfort Jaejoong.

"Joongie..I'll stay if you let me stay..", say Yunho with a hopeful tone.

He hopes that his lover will let him stay beside him. He doesn't care about THE SHARK. He just wants to be in his lover's side, accompany him when he is sick.

"mmm..mmm", respond jaejoong while shaking his head to the right and left as a sign that Yunho has to go to school.

"Well then..but promise me you have to eat your breakfast and then, take a rest", say Yunho before leaving.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

Then, Yunho kisses his lover's forehead and leaves to school afterward.

In school

"Yunhoooooooo...where is Jae?", shouts Junsu.

Yunho sits on his place without responding to Junsu's question.

"YAH!!!JUNG YUNHO!!!", shouts Junsu again but still, yunho ignores it.

"What's up my man!!!had a fight with jaejoong?", ask Yoochun calmly.

Yunho is still in his blank expression.

"I think..nyam..nyam..he is deaf!!!", say Kibum while munching his sandwhich.

"Hmm..nyam..I's because..nyam..junsu's voice..nyam..nyam...", add Changmin.

"YAH!!!!", shouts Junsu while hitting changmin's back again and again.

It makes Changmin chokes out of his food and coughs for several times.

"MEANIE DOLPHIN!!!", yell Kibum.

Yoosu just keep laughing to see the choking Changmin and the furious Kibum.

But, they become quiet again after seeing, the expressionless Yunho.

"Yunho..", call Yoochun while shaking Yunho's body.

"Hmm..I'm sorry..I was blank..sorry..", apologize yunho.

"What's up man?", ask Yoochun.

"Yeah..wut's up man?", repeat Junsu with his ENGRISH.

"Jaejoong is sick and I'm worried to death!!!", answer Yunho worriedly.

"Jae is sick???", ask Junsu.

"Hmm..his body is burn with high temperature so he can't get out of the bed", reply Yunho.

"So..why do you still go to school?", ask Junsu.

"Jae forced me because he knows that today is our last preparation before the match", reply Yunho weakly.

"That damn stubborn boy!!!", complain Junsu.

"I think he'll get a high fever tonight", say Yoochun.

"What??high fever?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..last time as I remember, jae was sick when he was thirteen years old and he got a very high fever that night", recall Yoochun.

"Do you mean he doesn't get sick for four years??", ask junsu.

"He was sick for several times but it's the last time when he couldn't get out of his bed", answer Yoochun.

"And..he hates medicine. That's the problem!!", add Yoochun.

"Really?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm...but at that time, a thirteen year old boy is still gullible. Therefore, my mom did a trick to make him eat the medicine. Now, I don't know how to fool that one-word man!!!", answer Yoochun.

"Oh my god..I shouldn't leave him. I'll ask THE SHARK to let me skip today's practice", say Yunho guiltily.

"You'd better try it!!", agree Yoochun.

But when Yunho wants to call THE SHARK, the teacher comes.

"Okay'll have a group work. One group consists of six people. Decide your own group for three minutes", say the teacher.

Three minutes later..

"Yunho..who are your group members?", ask the teacher.

"Yoosu and Kimin", answer Yunho.

"So it means, your group consists of five?", ask the teacher.

"Yes, mam", answer Yunho.

"Well then..Se eun will be in your group. Therefore, your group will have six members", say the teacher and no one is happy about it except Se Eun.

"Se can join yunho's group", order the teacher.

Se Eun smiles ear to ear after hearing the teacher's command. Moreover, she doesn't find Jaejoong in yunho's group.

"Yunho oppa..thanks", say Se Eun.

Yunho ignores it but..

"'s the teacher's command not yunho's wish!!!", say Junsu.

"hmm..I think it's also not OUR WISH!!!", say Kibum boldly.

Yoosu and Kimin share a laugh but yunho still keeps thinking of jaejoong.

Se Eun just gives a bitter smile to Yoosu and Kimin but after she sees her oppa doesn't laugh at all, she feels happy because she thinks Yunho is in her side.

"Yunho oppa..", call Se Eun like a child.

Yunho ignores it.

"Oppa..", call Se Eun again but with a higher tone to make Yunho notice her existence.

"Oppa..are you sick?", ask Se Eun.

"Let me touch your forehead", say Se Eun but Yunho moves his head so Se Eun's hands fail to touch his forehead.

"EUKYANG KYANG!!!!", laugh Junsu and soon followed by Yoochun and Kimin.

Se Eun gives them a death glare and all of them shoot her back with their cold glare.


"Okay, we'll do a research on vertebrae animal", say the teacher.

"So I want the leader of the group to take a paper in here and it will decide what class of vertebrae that you will observe", continue the teacher.

Yunho comes forward and take a paper.

It is written "Amphibian".

"We get Amphibian", say yunho.

" unfortunate..why don't we get a mammal!!!", say Kibum.

"Yeah..we have a DOLPHIN in here!!!", add changmin.

"YAH!!!", shouts Junsu in his dolphin voice.

It makes Kimin and 2U laughs and even, Se Eun.

Junsu gives her a death glare because she is dare to laugh at him.

"It would be better if we get a REPTILE because we have a SNAKE in here", mock junsu while pointing at Se eun's face.

"Bingo!!!!it will be MUCH BETTER for us!!!!", agree Kibum.

It shuts Se Eun's mouth but the rest keeps laughing.

"Okay..all of you know what class of animal that you will observe. Now, go to the lab and find the animal that you need and observe them. Before you leave, all of you have to take this worksheet. I'm waiting here for your result in thirty minutes.", say the teacher.

"Okay mam..", say all students at the same time.

Then, all of them go to the lab but on the way to the lab, yunho sees THE SHARK sitting in his office.

"Guys..I think I have to talk to him now", say Yunho.

"You mean THE SHARK??where is he?", ask Yoochun.

"Right there on his office", answer Yunho while pointing to THE SHARK's office.

"Good luck then..!!!", say Yoochun.

"Hmm..hwaiting!!!", say Kimin and Yoosu at the same time.

"Yunho oppa..where do you want to go?", ask Se Eun.

"YAH!!!You come with us!!!", say Junsu while dragging Se Eun forcefully to the lab.

"Dirty snake!!you're gonna have a NICE DAY with us!!!", say Kibum straightly to Se Eun's face.

"Have a nice day!!!', shouts Junsu.

(rainy night's ringtone is ringing)

"Yo yunho..", say yoochun.

"Yoochun..I get his permission. I'll go home immediately so the practice and the lab assignment, I'll hand over it to you!!, say Yunho.

"Okay..hakuna matata", say Yoochun.

"what is it??", ask Yunho.

"it means..don't worry be happy!!!", answer Yoochun while laughing.

"Is it Kenyan Language??I'm sure it's Junsu who taught you", jokes Yunho.

"You got the point", respond Yoochun while laughing.

"Well then..thx bro", say Yunho.

"no problem..say our best wishes for jae to get well soon", say Yoochun.

"Hmm..", respond Yunho.

"don't forget..he hates medicine so you have to find a way!!good luck!!!", say Yoochun before hang up the phone.


"YAH!!!CATCH THAT FROG SE EUN!!!", yell Junsu.

"I WON'T!!!IT'S DISGUSTING!!!", yell back Se eun.


"HURRY UP!!!", yell Kibum.

Se Eun can't do anything but try to catch one frog for their research.

Yoosu and Kimin are flirting to each other and don't care with Se eun at all.

"I got one", say Se Eun with a bitter tone.

" you have to check this and that", command Junsu.

" by yourself!!!", say Kibum while giving her the worksheet.

Yoochun and Changmin don't interrupt because they think it's a "girl" business but they are ready if Se Eun does something bad to their lover.

Then, Yoosu and Kimin continue flirting to each other.

Se Eun can't believe what yoosu and kimin are doing to her but she can't do anything.

"Fucking bunch of idiots!!!", curse Se Eun in her heart while looking coldly to Yoosu and Kimin.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT???", shout Junsu.

"CONTINUE YOUR WORK!!!", add kibum.

Yoosu and Kimin are back to their world.

Se Eun keeps looking at the frog in front of her.

She doesn't know what to to because she doesn't understand at all.

Then, she ends up killing the frog.

"YAH!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT FROG??", ask Junsu angrily.


"I think she is stupid, baby su..", say yoochun.

"She is!!!that's why I made her to do it!!!", answer Junsu with a devilish smile.

"My naughty Susu..", whisper Yoochun seductively.

"Dirty Snake!!The teacher calls you and I think She is soooo angry at you!!!Gotcha!!!", say Kibum with a wide smile.

Se Eun's face is totally pale. She will get scold by the teacher because of the frog.

"DAMN BITHCES!!!!", curse Se Eun.


"I SAY YOU ARE DAMN BITCHES!!!!", shout Se Eun loudly.


"SE EUN!!!!DON'T BLAME ON OTHERS!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY CLASS FOR THE NEXT THREE MEETINGS!!!YOU GET IT??", scold the teacher and then, she leaves with an angry face.

Se Eun is so angry now.

She gets trapped by Yoosu and Kimin.

"Yay!!!no dirty snake in our class for three meetings!!!", say Junsu cheerfully in front of Se Eun's face.

"Cheers!!!", say Kibum while tossing his mineral bottle in front of Se Eun's face.

"YOU!!!", yell Se Eun and she is about to slap Kibum but Changmin manages to catch her hands.

"YAH!!!DON'T DARE TO SLAP MY LOVER OR I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK!!!", threat Changmin and he pulls Se Eun's hands as strong as he can.

As expected from the strong Changmin, Se Eun falls to the floor.

"How does it feel??", ask Kibum.

"We warn you not to DISTURB Yunjae's relationship or WE GONNA DO SOMETHING WORSE THAN THIS!!!", threat Junsu.


"we are the annoying troopers anyway!!!", reply Kibum.


Then, the annoying troopers leave the falling girl.

They are laughing as hard as they can.

They enjoy their time but Se Eun feels on the other hand.

She promises to herself that she will avenge what yoosu and kimin have done to her.

She also won't give up on Yunho..!!!

Chapter 28

"What should I Do?"

Chapter 28

"What should I Do?"

Yunho rushes back to his apartment.

Nothing but Jaejoong is inside his mind.

Finally, he arrives at his apartment.

Then, he finds Jaejoong is still lying weakly in the bed.

He feels hurt to see Jaejoong's condition.

This is the first time he sees Jaejoong sick.

"Joongie..I'm home", say Yunho while stroking his lover's hair gently.

"Yunnie...??", wonder Jaejoong.

"Hmm..THE SHARK allows me to skip the practice", say Yunho.

"Really??", ask Jaejoong.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.

Actually, THE SHARK didn't allow him that easily.

He was allowed with one condition. It is no chance to skip the practice again.

Yunho doesn't care about it as long as he can take care of Jaejoong right now.

"Have you had your breakfast?", ask Yunho.

Jaejoong keeps silent.

Yunho knows what it means but he stays calm instead of angry.

Maybe Jaejoong can't get out of his bed so he hasn't had his breakfast yet.

"Well can rest while I'm making porridge", calm Yunho while cupping his hands in Jaejoong's cheeks.

"Can you?", tease Jaejoong weakly.

"Hmm..I'll try..hehe..", answer Yunho.

"Yunnie..", call Jaejoong.

"Hmm??", ask Yunho.

"Thanks..", say Jaejoong.

"You are welcome", answer Yunho while smiling sweetly.

Jaejoong back to his sleep and Yunho walks to the kitchen with a determination in his eyes.

Actually, he doesn't know how to cook porridge but he'll give a shot.

"Okay..Yunho!!Hwaiting!!!", cheer Yunho to himself.

"First step is prepare the rice..", command Yunho to himself.

"Okay..but what now??", ask Yunho to himself.

"Aishhhhhh..what should I do???porridge is made of rice, right??but how can I soften the rice??", murmur Yunho to himself.

"Aha...WATER!!!! You are brilliant Yunho!!!", say Yunho to himself proudly.

"But what should I do with water??Aish!!!!", complain Yunho to himself.


Yunho is busy thinking of how and what should he do next??

When he sees the clock, the time is almost half past ten.

"Damn!!!Jaejoong must be so hungry now!!why am I so slow?", curse Yunho.

"I need a help!!!I'll call Junsu..", say Yunho.

When he wants to press the button, he suddenly remembers that Junsu and others are still in school.

Therefore, he doesn't call the annoying troopers.

"Jung Yunho!!!Think fast..think fast!!!", murmur Yunho.

"MOM!!!!", suddenly Yunho remembers his mom.

Then, he dials his home's number immediately.

"Hello..", say Yunho's mom when she is picking up the phone.

"MOM!!!", shouts Yunho panicky.

"Yunho-ah..what's wrong??", ask Yunho's mom panicky also.

"What should I do, mom??what should I do??", ask Yunho hurriedly.

"What should you do??what's matter honey??", ask Yunho's mom confusedly.

"The rice..I don't know how to soften it and Jaejoong must be hungry now..Aish!!why am I so slow, mom??please help me...",answer Yunho fast as if he was run out of time and it makes Yunho's mom more confused.

'Yunho-ah..calm down honey..I don't get it what you say if you talk that fast", calm Yunho's mom.


Yunho takes a deep breath and tries to manage his talk.

"Okay..Jaejoong is sick now and I want to make porridge for him but I don't know how. Meanwhile, the time keeps flying and Jaejoong hasn't had his breakfast. What should I do?", answer Yunho slowly.

Yunho's mom chuckles a bit to hear how clumsy and panic his son is.

Another surprising moment for her but she isn't surprised anymore with whom can make his son like that.

"Okay..I'll help you. Now, do what I say. Understand?", say Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", Yunho nods like crazy as if his mom could see it.

"First, boil the water and while you're waiting for it, you'd better wash the rice", guides Yunho's mom.

"Okay..", respond Yunho.

Second, third, fourth until the last step, Yunho follows it carefully.


The porridge can be finally made.

"Mom..thanks!!!", say Yunho excitedly.

"you are welcome, honey", answer Yunho's mom.

"I'll feed jaejoong now..", say Yunho still in his exciting tone.

"Understand but don't be too excited. Make sure you blow it before you feed jae", say Yunho's mom.

"Okay..I love you", say Yunho and then, hang up the phone.

"Yunho-ah..I love you too", reply Yunho's mom even she knows that Yunho has hung up the call.

She is extremely happy of what she has heard from his son.

She can't deny anymore that Jaejoong has changed his son's life in a better way.

His son is more expressive now.

"Joongie...", call Yunho gently to wake his lover.

"Hmm..", respond Jaejoong weakly while opening his eyes slowly.

"Tada!!!porridge is come!!!", say Yunho proudly.

Jaejoong smiles seeing his lover's face which is full in excitement.

"I'll help you to get up a bit and I'll feed you", say Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

Yunho helps jaejoong to get up and leans his body to the pillow so Jaejoong is sitting now but still leaning to the pillow to support his weak body.

Yunho takes a spoon of porridge and blows it gently.

Then, he feeds his lover.

"Delicious..", compliment Jaejoong.

Yunho is blushing hard.

Jaejoong finds it very cute so he smiles widely even his body feels so weak.

" you like it that much?", ask Yunho because jaejoong almost eat it up.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong while smiling sweetly.

Then, Yunho gives him a glass of warm water.

"Yunnie..come here and sleep beside me", say jaejoong.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.

He puts the bowl and glass to the kitchen and then, he lays his body beside Jaejoong.

He wraps his arms in Jaejoong's waist.

"Still cold?", ask Yunho.

"Much better", answer jaejoong and then, he falls asleep in Yunho's embrace.

Meanwhile, Yunho doesn't sleep at all.

He keeps watching his lover and he can feel that Jaejoong's body is still burn.

Actually, Jaejoong needs to take a medicine but Yunho still keeps thinking of the way.

Unconsciously, Yunho falls asleep when he is thinking of the way.

Then, Yunho wakes up because of the shivering jaejoong.

He feels the shaking body in his embrace.

"Joongie...are you okay?", ask Yunho.

But Jaejoong doesn't respond and keep shivering.

"Joongie..", call Yunho panicky.

Then, he became more worried after he touched Jaejoong's forehead.

Jaejoong is extremely in a high fever.

"What time is it now?", wonder Yunho.

"Aish!!how can I fell asleep for that long!!!", murmur Yunho.

The day is already evening and what Yoochun says is true.

Jaejoong starts shivering.

"Joongie..wait a minute, I'll take a warm water and a lap", say Yunho panicky.

Yunho rushes to the kitchen and pour the water shakily.

He is so panic right now.

Then, he rushes back to Jaejoong and immediately, put the warm lap on jaejoong's forehead.

"Joongie..tell me what do you feel?", ask Yunho panicky.

Jaejoong still doesn't respond and keep shivering.

But now, the shivering becomes louder and louder.

"Oh my god Joongie...", call Yunho in a shaking voice. He is about to cry now.

Yunho changes the lap immediately and put it again on Jaejoong's forehead afterward.

Yunho calls yoochun to ask him what should he do now.

But yoochun doesn't pick up the call.

"Damn!!!", curse Yunho.

He remembers that Yoochun must be in the practice now and so does Changmin sothey don't allow to pick up the call.

Then, he calls Junsu.

"Heiho..Junsu here..I'm sorry I can't pick up your phone because I'm in my sleeping beauty now..EUKYANG KYANG!!!", say Junsu's voicemail.

"Shit!!!!", curse Yunho.

He calls Kibum and he hopes Kibum will answer it.

"Heiho...", Kibum's voice is heard but Yunho hangs up the phone immediately.

He knows that Kibum must be in his sleeping beauty with Junsu.

"Aish!!that twin!!!", mad Yunho.

"Joongie...", call Yunho.

"", respond jaejoong.

"I know honey...I'll change the water because it gets cold now", say Yunho.

He rushes back to the kitchen and change the cold water with the warm water.

He runs back to the bedroom.

He puts the lap into the warm water and places it in jaejoong's forehead after then.

"Joongie..let's go to doctor", say Yunho.

Jaejoong shakes his head fast as a sign of no while sobbing.

" are shivering. We need to go to doctor", say Yunho while sobbing too because he is so panic and doesn't know what to do.

Jaejoong keeps shaking his head and his sobbing becomes harder and harder.

It breaks Yunho's heart.

"Okay..okay..we won't go to doctor", calm Yunho.

Jaejoong stops shaking his head and he manages to stop his sobbing.

Yunho strokes Jaejoongs' hair gently while sobbing.

Jaejoong is still shivering but Yunho doesn't know what to do.

He wants to make a soup but he can't leave jaejoong for a second in this condition.

So, he decides to make a delivery order.

He delivers a soup and porridge.

It's 8 o'clock now and Jaejoong has been shivering for almost two hours.

"God..please cure my Jaejoong", pray Yunho in his heart while stroking jaejoong's hair gently.

The soup and porridge are coming.

"Joongie honey..get up a bit and I'll feed you", say Yunho sweetly.

Jaejoong shakes his head.

" have to eat", plead Yunho.

Jaejoong doesn't respond and keeps shivering.

"Joongie..please..", sobs Yunho.

Jaejoong hears his lover's sob and he can't stand of it. He feels hurt.

"Yunnie..I want to eat", say Jaejoong in a shivering voice.

Yunho's sobs turn into a smile.

Then, he blows the soup immediately and feed Jaejoong.

But when Yunho feeds him for the third time, jaejoong vomits the soup and everything that he has eaten.

"Oh my God Joongie..", Yunho says panicky.

Yunho takes a plastic and let Jaejoong vomit in it.

He rubs Jaejoong's back harder so jaejoong can vomit all of the food.

Then, jaejoong is still shivering after vomited.

His shivering becomes harder now.

Yunho doesn't know what to do.

His tears keep flowing.

He wants to bring Jaejoong to doctor but he can't.

He decides to call his mom again.

"Hello..", say yunho' s mom.

"", sobs Yunho.

"What's wrong yun??what's wrong with jae?", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"*sob..*sob..", answer Yunho while sobbing.

Yunho's mom becomes panic. She guesses that Jae's fever must be serious because Yunho calls her at night and he is sobbing also.

"Calm down have you given jae a medicine?", ask Yunho's mom calmly.

"", ask Yunho while sobbing.

Yunho's mom tries to think hard.

If jaejoong hates medicine, he must be also hate going to a doctor.

"Mmom.,what should I do?", say Yunho while managing his sob so he can speak clearly.

"'ll make a herbal soup now", answer Yunho's mom.

"Herbal soup??will it be bitter like medicine?", ask Yunho worriedly.

"No honey..I know how to make the soup tastes just like a normal soup", answer Yunho's mom calmly.

"What are the ingredients?", ask Yunho.

"You have to buy this and that", say Yunho's mom meanwhile Yunho notes down the ingredients in a piece of paper.

"Is the supermarket near, honey?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..I'll run as fast as I can", answer Yunho.

"Well then..', say Yunho's mom in relieve.

Yunho change the cold water and place the warm lap on Jaejoong's forehead before he leaves.

"Joongie..I'll be back in five minutes..okay??", say Yunho gently.

Jaejoong doesn't respond but keeps shivering.

"Joongie..hold on!!", sobs Yunho.

Then, he runs to the supermarket as fast as he can.

He buys all the ingredients that he needs.

He rushes back to his apartment.

He checks jaejoong first and change the lap before he makes the soup.

He calls his mom and just like before when he made the porridge, he follows his mom's instruction.

Then, the herbal soup is made.

He tastes the soup and amazingly, the soup's taste just like a normal soup.

He is happy about it and he brings it to Jaejoong with hope that his lover will be okay after eat the soup.

"God..please help me", pray Yunho in his heart.

Then, he wakes up the shivering boy.

"Joongie..", call Yunho gently.

"Hmm..", respond Jaejoong.

"Eat this soup okay??I'll feed you", say Yunho.

Jaejoong's shakes his head weakly.

"Joongie..listen to me..", say Yunho.

"I love you so that's why I want you to eat this soup and I know you love me too, so will you allow me to feed you this soup?",ask Yunho in a hopeful tone.

Jaejoong finally nods his head.

Yunho immediately blows the soup and feeds Jaejoong.

Jaejoong eats a half of the soup and yunho is happy about it.

Then, he leans jaejoong's body gently into the bed again.

He covers Jaejoong body with the blanket.

He strokes his hair gently and kiss his forehead.

He puts back the used bowl and glass to the kitchen.

Then, he lays his body beside his lover.

He hugs him to make Jaejoong warmer.

He can feel that the herbal soup is worked well.

Jaejoong's shivering becomes lesser and lesser.

Jaejoong starts sweating and it is a good sign if someone had fever.

Yunho finally can breathe in relieve.

He thanks to God and then, he falls asleep.

But then, his handphone is ringing.

"'s jaejoong?", ask yunho's mom worriedly.

"Mom..thanks..", say Yunho.

"So jaejoong has got better?", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"Hmm..he gets better..he sweats also", answer Yunho.

"Thanks God..", say Yunho's mom in relieve.

"You'd better get a sleep now and tomorrow morning, you have to get up early and make the herbal soup again", continue yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", respond Yunho.

"Thanks mom..I love you and thanks for loving me and Jae..", say Yunho and then, hang up the phone.

Yunho's mom gulp his saliva and then, smiling widely.

She knows that she has fallen for the angel, Kim jaejoong.

Hey guys..

Chapter 29

"I can't help but loving this naughty boy!"

Chapter 29

"I can't help but loving this naughty boy!"

The boy who had been worried of his shivering boyfriend falls asleep deeply.

But something disturbs him..

He feels a heavy weight on the top of his stomach.

"Hmm..", groans him.

"Aish!!!What happen with my body??I feels so hard to move!". Groans him again but his eyes are still closed.

Another boy is chuckling.

He is the one who is sitting on the top of his lover.

He is the one that makes his lover hard to move his body.

Yunho hears the chuckle and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Morning Yunnie...", greets jaejoong with a big smile on his face.

"Joongie..!!!", greets Yunho back in surprise.

"Hmm..", respond Jaejoong sweetly.

Yunho touches jaejoong's forehead and then, his cheeks.

He feels them over and over again with his hands to make sure that Jaejoong's fever has gone.

"Yunnie..", call Jaejoong.

"I'm okay..", continue Jaejoong.

"Are you sure?", ask Yunho worriedly.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"Thanks for taking care of me", add Jaejoong while smiling sweetly.

"Thanks God..", exhale Yunho while smiling also.

"Yunnie..", call jaejoong again.

"Hmm..??", respond Yunho.

"I'm sorry for making you worried", apologize Jaejoong.

"No problem but I'm serious that I was worried to death last night", reply Yunho.

Jaejoong laughs to see his lover's worried expression but he is crying inside his heart.

He cries because he is happy. He feels so lucky to have him.

Then, Jaejoong lowers his head.

He kisses Yunho and Yunho kisses him back.

They share a morning lovely kiss.

Yunho changes his position.

He is sitting now and jaejoong is sitting on his lap.

"Let's go to school!!!", say Jaejoong cheerfully after they break their kiss.

"You don't have to. You still need a rest", say Yunho.

Jaejoong pouts immediately.

" will go to school but you still have to eat herbal soup this morning", say Yunho.

"Herbal soup??Yuck!!!Yunnie......I don't want it..", reply Jaejoong childishly.

"It isn't bitter at all. The taste is the same as what I gave you last night", say Yunho.

"Really??", ask Jaejoong curiously.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.

"But how??", ask Jaejoong.

"My mom's secret", reply Yunho proudly.

"Auntie's secret??", ask Jaejoong curiously.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.

"I called mom last night because I didn't know what to do. You hate doctor and medicine so she gave me that soup recipe. She was worried about you also", continue Yunho.

"Really??", ask Jaejoong happily.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho.

"A hundred percent serious??",ask Jaejoong just like a happy child.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho over and over again.

"I'll call auntie now and you can take shower first", say Jaejoong cheerfully.

He gets up from Yunho's lap immediately and takes yunho's handphone.

He jumps to the couch and presses yunho's house number excitedly.

"Joongie..don't move too much!", warn Yunho.

"I don't care!!!", reply Jaejoong while pouting.

Yunho chuckles to see his lover's act.

Yunho is happy to see his happy expression.

Then, he takes shower.

Jaejoong is happy like crazy while waiting his call is being picked up.

His heart beats faster.

"Hello..", yunho's mom's voice can be heard on the line.

"Auntie..", reply Jaejoong

Yunho's mom can't believe of the voice that he hears.

"Auntie..", call Jaejoong because there's no response.

" it you?", respond Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", say Jaejoong.

Yunho's mom feels warm inside her heart.

She misses the boy so much.

"Have you got better, jae?", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong over and over again as if yunho's mom could see him.

"Thanks Auntie for your recipe..", say jaejoong.

"So yunho-ah made it well, didn't he?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Very well..", praise Jaejoong.

"That's good. But have to eat it again this morning so your recovery will be faster, okay?", advice Yunho's mom.

"Okay!!!", reply Jaejoong excitedly.

"Where is uncle?", ask Jaejoong.

"He's already went to farm", reply yunho's mom.

"Owhh..", Jaejoong make a cute O.

"Auntie??", ask Jaejoong curiously.

"Auntie is a loyal housewife, Jae..", reply yunho's mom.

"Owh..I see..", reply Jaejoong.

"I'll be a loyal housewife too someday!!!", say Jaejoong excitedly.

Yunho's mom and jaejoong share a laugh.

Yunho's mom once again can't deny the cuteness of the one-word man.

"'s your turn", say Yunho.

Jaejoong ignores him.

"Joongie..we'll be late or you won't go to school?", ask Yunho.

Jaejoong gives him a death glare.

"Joongie..take shower now!!!", command Yunho.

"Auntie..I'll take shower now or yunho will kill me!!!", say Jaejoong.

"Don't exaggerate!!!", say Yunho.

"You can hear that he is yelling at me, right??", continue jaejoong.

Yunho's mom just laugh at them.

"Give me the phone Joongie or..", say Yunho.

"Or what??", ask jaejoong.

"Or I'll tickle you..", answer Yunho and he starts tickling the ticklish Jaejoong.

Jaejoong finally gives up and he gives the phone to Yunho but before that..

"Auntie..I'll miss you..bye..", say Jaejoong.

Then, he takes shower.

"Finally he gives up..", say Yunho in relieve.

"Yunho-ah..have you made the soup?", ask yunho's mom.

"Still in process", reply Yunho.

"Yunho-ah..take care of yourself and jaejoong because season start changing sooner and many people usually will get sick", advice yunho's mom.

"Hmm..don't worry", reply Yunho calmly.

"Yunho-ah..", call yunho's mom.

"Hmm??", respond Yunho.

"Hmmm...this holiday please back home...and..hmm...bring Jaejoong along with you", say Yunho's mom.

Yunho is surprised but also happy after hearing his mother's wish.

"Okay..I'll ask him first", say Yunho.

"Well then..I'll hang up now.. take care honey..", say Yunho's mom before hanging up the phone.

"Take care of yourself too..send my halo to father..", say Yunho.

"I will..bye..", say Yunho's mom for the last time before hanging up the phone.

Then..Yunjae goes to school..

They can't let go of their arms to each other.

In the bus..

On the street..

Their hands are locking.

Sometimes, their lips are locked deeply.

In the class..

"Jaeeeeeeeeeee.................", shouts Junki at the same time.

"YAH!!!!", complain jae because their voice are just too loud.

"You're okay, aren't you?", ask Junsu worriedly.

"I'm sorry I can't help yunho when he called me..Junsu forced me to have our sleeping beauty at that time", apologize Kibum.

"WHAT???", shrieks Junsu with his dolphin's voice.


"HELLO?????", complain Kibum.


When they realize, jaejoong has already gone to his seat.

Leaving them blaming on each other.

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeeee....................", shouts them.

"How dare you leave us??huh??", ask Junsu angrily.

"Junsu is right. It's impolite, you know?", add Kibum.

"Whateva dammit!!!", shoots jaejoong.

"YAH!!!!", yell Junki at the same time.

"Aishh!!you two..stop yelling!!!my Joongie has just got well!!!", scold Yunho.

Junki are just like two students who get scold by their teacher.

Both of them listen to Yunho obediently.

Meanwhile, jaejoong smiles devilishly to them.

"Yunho..THE SHARK calls us!", say Yoochun.

"Okay..I'll come right away!", reply Yunho.

"What the hell is going on?", ask Yoochun after seeing his Junsu is standing in line with Kibum but with his head down to the floor.

"Chunnie...", say Junsu with his puppy eyes to get a help from his lover.

"What's up baby?", ask Yoochun.

But when Junsu wants to answer him, Changmin calls from behind.


"Sorry babe..I gotta go now..", say Yoochun to Junsu.

"Joongie...I'm going for a while..", say Yunho while touching Jaejoong's cheeks gently.

Yoochun and Yunho leave the class for a while to meet THE SHARK.

" is it??", tease Jaejoong.

"DAMN U JAE!!!", curse Kibum.


Jaejoong just laugh at them.

They give him their death glare.

" was yesterday?", ask Jaejoong.


Two of them forget their anger immediately.

They tell jaejoong about yesterday excitedly when they bullied Se Eun.

Three of them are laughing hard.

Jaejoong also tell Junki about how Yunho really care to him and about his conversation with Yunho's mom.

Junki feel happy to hear it.

Junsu tell his wild night with Yoochun meanwhile Kibum tell his dinner with Changmin.

Their chat is stopped when the teacher comes and YunYooMin enter the class also.

"I think Se Eun Biatch won't come to school today", text Junsu to Kibum and Jae.

"Maybe she gets haunted by the dead frog that she killed!!!!", text back Jaejoong to Junki.

Jaejoong's last message to Junki make three of them laugh hard.

The teacher notices it.

"THREE OF YOU!!!WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??", ask the teacher angrily.

"WHO??", ask Jaejoong.

"WHO???YOU KIM JAEJOONG!!!YOU, JUNSU AND KIBUM!!!", scold the teacher.

"Owh..", respond jaejoong calmly and then, ignores the teacher's question.

"I'M ASKING THREE OF YOU!!!WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??", ask the teacher once again angrily.

"KIM JUNSU??", ask the teacher but Junsu doesn't answer it.

"KIM KIBUM??", ask the teacher but he doesn't answer it also.

"KIM JAEJOONG??", ask the teacher.

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!", answer Jaejoong boldly and Junki can't help but smiling.

"YOU!!!!", shouts the teacher.

"WHAT??", ask Jaejoong.

The teacher tries to calm her anger.

She feels humiliated.


Three of them leave the class willingly.

Their boyfriends just can shake their head because of their naughty "girlfriends".

Break time..

"Yunnie...", call jaejoong and he hugs Yunho from the back.

"How's the class??", ask jaejoong.

Yunho turns his body and now, he is face to face with jaejoong.

"My naughty Joongie...", call Yunho lovely.

"What's up my Yunnie?", ask Jaejoong.

"Why are you soooo naughty?", ask Yunho.

"Because I'm YOUR NAUGHTY BOY!!", reply Jaejoong seductively.

"Do you love THE NAUGHTY ME, don't cha?", ask Jaejoong and his lips are getting closer to Yunho's lips.

"Hmm..I can't help but loving this naughty boy!!!", reply Yunho and he kisses Jaejoong.

Yunho's worried last night is gone.

He feels thankful for it.

Jaejoong is no longer sick and his naughty side is back.

The side that can't be separated from Jaejoong and he loves it soo much.

Chapter 30

"A Promise Is Still A Promise"


"A Promise Is Still A Promise"

The happy couple can't get enough of each other.

They steal some school time to make out in the locker room.

They are the passionate teenagers who are so in love.

In the middle of their kiss..

" will come in a short time", say Yunho.

"Do you have any plan?", ask Yunho.

"Yes, I do", reply Jaejoong simply.

"What is it?", ask Yunho curiously.

"I WANNA SPEND DAYS AND NIGHTS WITH U", reply Jaejoong sweetly.

Yunho can't help himself to smile widely.

He also wants the same thing; spend days and nights with his Joongie.

"So..wherever we spend our holiday is okay, isn't it?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"Even only in our bedroom..I'm okay!!!", add Jaejoong naughtily.

"Naughty!", reply Yunho seductively.

"How about you?", ask Jaejoong back to Yunho.

"I've already had a plan", reply Yunho.

"What is it?", ask Jaejoong coldly.

"It's none of your business!", tease Yunho because it what made the teacher angry at Jaejoong.

"FUCK YOU!!!", shoots Jaejoong.

"I'm the top anyway so I'm the one who should FUCK YOU!!!", joke Yunho.

"SCREW YOU!!!", yell Jaejoong while hitting Yunho's arms.

Yunho can't help but laughing hard.

Jaejoong gives him a deep cold glare.

"YAH!!!IS IT FUNNY JERK??", shout Jaejoong.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho while giggling.

"I love it when my one-word man is angry..", continue Yunho and then laugh again.

"Veryyyyyyyyyyy cute!!!", add Yunho.

"Cute my ass!!!I'll go back to class now!!", threat Jaejoong.

"Joongieeeee........", call Yunho sweetly.

Jaejoong ignores him and walk straightly.

"Let's go to my house when holiday", say Yunho.

Jaejoong stops his walk and he feels excited but he pretends not happy at all.

"My mom asked me to bring you and I also want it so bad actually.", continue Yunho.

Jaejoong jumps a bit to hear it.

"Let's spend our days and nights together with my family at my house", add Yunho.

Jaejoong turns his body.

He is facing Yunho now.

His eyes are wet because of his excitement and happiness.

"Yunnie..are you serious?", ask Jaejoong.

"A HUNDRED PERCENT SERIOUS, BABE..", reply Yunho sweetly.

Jaejoong run towards him and snake his arms around yunho's neck.

"I'd love to go with you", say Jaejoong.

"Thank you..", reply Yunho and then, they kiss passionately again.

Meanwhile at Yunho's house..

"Hello..", say Yunho's mom.

"'s me Seohyun.", say Se Eun's mom in the line.

"Owh..Seohyun..what's wrong?", ask Yunho's mom.

"I want to invite you and hyung to dinner at my house tonight, can you make it?", ask Se Eun's mom.

"Tonight?I think we can make it", answer Yunho's mom.

"Well then..see you tonight at my house", say Se Eun's mom before hang up the phone.

Yunho's mom doesn't have any worries at all over the invitation.

She thinks it's just a usual dinner because they sometimes had dinner like that.

But not for Se Eun's mom.

She wants to have a serious talk about their plan regarding Yunho and Se Eun.

She does it because Se Eun told everything to her about Jaejoong slapped her, how the annoying troopers bullied her and how Yunho didn't care at all to her.

It makes her angry and she wants to force Yunho's mom to get Yunho and Se Eun together as soon as possible because her daughter can't wait anymore to get rid of Jaejoong, Yoosu and Kimin.

What she wants is only Yunho.

"We have to force them to fulfill their promise tonight.", say Se Eun's mom to her husband.

"Yeah..for our daughter!!", reply Se Eun's father.

Before Dinner

"Hello..", say Yunho's dad when he is picking up the phone.

" are you?", ask Yunho.

"Yunho-ah..I'm fine. How about you?", ask yunho's dad back to him.

"I'm fine too", reply Yunho.

"How's Jaejoong?I heard from your mom he was sick", continue Yunho's dad.

"Hmm..but he is better now..a lot better", reply Yunho while smiling to Jaejoong who is sitting beside him and leaning on him.

"What's mom doing now?",ask Yunho.

"She is in the shower now..what's wrong?", ask Yunho's dad.

"Just say to her that I'll go back to home in this holiday and I'll bring jaejoong along with me", say Yunho and jaejoong is smiling like a child beside him.

"Really??it's a good idea..I'll tell her then", respond Yunho's dad.

"Okay dad..thanks anyway!Don't forget to take care of yourself and mom", say Yunho before hang up the phone.

"You too..", reply Yunho's dad and then, he hangs up the phone.

"Did yunho call?", ask Yunho's mom from behind.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho's dad.

"He told me that he would back to here in this holiday and he would bring jaejoong along with him", add Yunho's dad.

"Really??I can't wait for that!!", say Yunho's mom excitedly.

She doesn't hide her feeling to Jaejoong anymore.

She doesn't need any more proofs to show that actually she has fallen for that stubborn angel.

Then, they go to Se eun's house to have dinner.

It's not a city style dinner but the neighbors around there love gathering together.

It binds their relationship.

At Dinner

"Unni.. come in", greet Se Eun's mom.

"Hyung..welcome", greets Se Eun's dad to yunho's dad.

"Thanks anyway for the invitation", say Yunho's dad politely.

"No is just we rarely have meal together these days", say Se Eun's dad.

"Hmm..he is right!", add Se Eun's mom.

"Have a seat please..", say Se Eun's mom.

Then, Yunho's parents sit at their living room.

" are you unni..hyung?", ask Se Eun's mom as a warmer question.

"We are about you and your husband?", ask yunho's mom back.

"We are also fine", reply Se Eun's mom.

"Well..I think the soup is ready..let's eat!", add her.

Four of them now are sitting in the dining room.

Simple food are already prepared well.

They start having their dinner.


"Unni..let's have the engagement party this holiday", say Se Eun's mom.

Yunho's parents suddenly choke their food.

"What engagement?", ask Yunho's dad.

"Our Se Eun and Yunho of course Hyung..", reply Se Eun's dad.

"I never say they will engage", say Yunho's dad boldly.

"But Unni did..", say Se Eun's mom while looking deeply to Yunho's mom.

Yunho's mom is speechless now.

"Did you?", ask Yunho's dad.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho's mom weakly.

Yunho's dad looks at his wife angrily but he knows it isn't the right place and time to discuss about it.

" how is it?This holiday is the right time, isn't it?", ask Se Eun's mom.

"Hmm.. I think it's too hurry..they are still students", reply Yunho's mom softly so it won't be look like a rejection.

"That's why I say engagement not marriage.", continue Se Eun's mom.

"Moreover, Se Eun can't bear with that punk anymore", add Se Eun's dad.

"That punk??you mean jaejoong?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Yeah..that punk!!!You called him like that, didn't you?", say Se Eun's mom.

"I..I..ddid..but..", stutters Yunho's mom but get interrupted by Se Eun's mom.

"I heard he is an wonder he behaves badly!!no parents no manner, am I right?", interrupt Se Eun's mom.

"No wonder he is also a gay and flirt around our yunho..!!!Poor yunho!!!", add Se Eun's dad.

They keep talking bad about jaejoong and Yunho's dad can't take it anymore.

"I think we don't have any right to talk bad things about him!!!", say Yunho's dad boldly.

It shuts Se Eun's parents' mouth.


Yunho's mom POV

I really don't know what to say and do.

But one thing that I know,

My heart is aching when they talk bad things about jaejoong.

He is an orphan..yes, he is.

But they can't talk in that way about him.

If they saw a pair of sincere eyes that belongs to jaejoong, they would change their mind like I did.

I know them for so long meanwhile just in a short time, I know Jaejoong.


I never feel like being threatened by jaejoong like this.


The two people in front of me whom I know for so long..

Seems like threaten me now..

"Unni...I know you are quiet because you think the same way too, right?", ask Se Eun's mom.

I gulp my saliva.

Actually, jaejoong has changed my feeling.

Honestly, I start liking him and loving him.

But, what should I say?

"honey..just tell them how you feel about Jaejoong.", say my husband.

I know he is right but will they accept it?

But they should know it sooner or later.

"Hmm..Actually..I", I stutter.

"Whatever it is..a promise is still a promise!am I right, Unni?", interrupt Se Eun's mom.

I can't continue my words.

That words "a promise is still a promise" keep playing in my mind.

What should I do?

I admit that I promised to them but how about Jae?

Jae will come to here this holiday..

Should I ignore him just like before?

But he will get hurt and..

My heart will hurt too..

Seeing those beautiful eyes in sadness again will break my heart..

I hold my husband's hands tightly because I don't know what to do.

He holds back my hands because he knows exactly what I feel..

But the words "a promise is still a promise" keep playing again and again..

Chapter 31

"Listen to Your Heart"


"Listen to Your Heart"

Yunho's parents keep silent on their way home.

Yunho's dad feels angry at what Se Eun's parents did to his wife meanwhile..

Yunho's mom feels mixed up.

Part of her is sad if she thought about Jae.

Part of her is guilty if she thought about Se Eun's family.

She really doesn't know what to do.

She wish if she could turn back the time, she wouldn't bug into Yunho's love life.

Finally, their silence brings them back to their home.

"Change your dress first and then, we'll talk", say Yunho's dad.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho's mom weakly.

Both of them change their clothes into their pajama.

Then, they sit on the bench outside their home which is heading to the farm.

"Honey..I'm sorry for being selfish", apologize Yunho's mom.

"I know something like this would happen", reply Yunho's dad.

"How do you know?I've never predicted something like this before", say Yunho's mom.

"That's the reason why I feel sorry for you now..", respond Yunho's dad.

"What do you mean?I don't get it", ask Yunho's mom confusedly.

"You were so confident that our Yunho would be with Se Eun in the future and it made you forget about our son's happiness", reply Yunho's dad.

The words "Yunho's happiness" makes her husband's answers seems like a bullet that shoots directly to her heart.

She starts crying now.

Yunho's dad snakes his arms around her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'm sorry...", apologize yunho's mom once again.

"What should I do about the promise?", ask Yunho's mom while sobbing.

"Only you can break it..", reply Yunho's dad.

"but how??and it's not good if we broke a promise", say Yunho's mom.

"If there was a storm outside but you have promised to meet your friend, what would you do?", ask Yunho's dad.

"I would tell her that there was a storm outside and I couldn't keep promise", reply yunho's mom.

"Why do you choose to tell your friend instead of keeping your promise?", ask Yunho's dad again.

"Because I know it would be dangerous for me if I kept my promise.", reply Yunho's mom.

"Who tell you about it?", ask Yunho's dad.

" heart..will say so", reply Yunho's mom.

"It's the same with your case now", say Yunho's dad.

"If your heart told you that it'd would be dangerous to keep that promise, break it!!!but if your heart told you to keep your promise, keep it!", continue Yunho's dad.

" A promise is still a promise but not every promise is made to be kept. There is one thing called fate. Anyone can break their promise because no one can break the fate", add him.


Yunho's dad wants to emphasize that when we break the promise, it isn't a matter of good or bad anymore but the fate insists us to break the promise.

We can't break the fate.

"I understand now. I know what should I do. Thanks honey..", say Yunho's mom while hugging her husband.

"Make sure don't take a wrong path this time.", advice Yunho's dad.

"hmm..", nod Yunho's mom.

She knows what to do now.

"Honey..If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep first", say Yunho's dad.

"Hmm..I don't mind at all..have a nice sleep honey", say Yunho's mom.

She is sitting in the living room now.

She presses Se Eun's number.

"Hello..", say Se Eun sleepily.

"Se Eun..I'm sorry for bothering your sleep", apologize Yunho's mom.

" problem auntie..", reply Se Eun forcefully.

"Hmm..auntie just wanna know whether you are health or not because we rare call each other lately" , excuse Yunho's mom.

"I'm not okay auntie..Yunho Oppa is mean to me", reply Se Eun like a child.

"Mean??", ask Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..he doesn't care to me at all and moreover, that orphan totally get my nerves!!!", complain Se Eun.

The word "orphan" breaks Yunho's mom's heart again.

"That orphan's friends are just like him; GAY AND ANNOYING!!!", add Se Eun.

"I hate them Auntie...they treat me badly..!!", continue Se Eun.

"Maybe you just haven't got along with them yet", respond Yunho's mom.

"There's no way I can get along with THOSE GAYS!!", reply Se Eun.

Yunho's mom tries to hold her emotion.

"Well..Se Eun..If Yunho didn't love you, what would you do?", ask Yunho's mom.

"I don't care..I just wanna be with him!!!that's it!!!", reply Se Eun boldly.

" the way, why did Auntie ask like that?", ask Se Eun curiously.

"I just wanna know how deep your love to my son", reply Yunho's mom.

" know that I love him sooo much and I wanna be with him so bad", respond Se Eun.

"I know it..", say Yunho's mom.

She feels guilty now to Se Eun.

Actually, she knew that Yunho never like Se Eun but she still forced their relationship.

She blames on herself for being selfish.


Yunho's mom talks about other things to Se Eun to hide her real intention why she calls Se Eun at that late at night.

Next number is Yunho's number.

She presses Yunho's number.

She doubts that Yunho will pick up the phone because it's already late at night.

If she could say, it's sooooooo late at night.

Se Eun can't stop complaining on the phone.

Therefore, she is a bit late to make a call to Yunho.

Actually, she wants to talk to Jaejoong but she doesn't have his number.

"Hello..", say a boy on the line.

"Auntie..", call that boy.

"Jae..??", call Yunho's mom.

"'s me Jae..", reply Jae sweetly.

"Haven't you slept yet, jae?", ask Yunho's mom curiously.

The reason why she asks like that because Jae doesn't answer the phone sleepily.

"Hmm..I gotta do something..hehehe..", reply Jaejoong just like a child who get caught doing something at a late night.

"Auntie..wanna talk to Yunho, don't you??I'll wake him up now!!", continue Jaejoong.

"No Jae..I wanna talk to you", reply Yunho's mom immediately.

"Really???", ask Jaejoong happily.

Yunho's mom chuckles to hear that.

Jaejoong is so cute and no one can believe that this angel can be so stubborn and blunt.

"Hmm..", respond Yunho's mom.

"Tell me what are you doing at this late at night, jae?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Secret!!!!", reply Jaejoong while chuckling.

"Wanna share your secret with auntie, Jae?", ask Yunho's mom curiously.

"Sure but no one especially Yunho can know about this, okay?", say Jaejoong.

"Okay..", promise Yunho's mom.

"I watch my Yunnie", reveal Jaejoong shyly.

"What??are you watching Yunho sleeping now?", ask Yunho's mom in astonishment.

"You can say like that", admit jaejoong shyly.

"But why Jae??doesn't Yunho snore in his sleep??", ask Yunho's mom.

"He is snoring a lot..hehehe..but I find it a bless for me", reply Jaejoong.

"Bless??What do you mean, jae?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Actually, I'm shy to reveal this but as I promise to you, I'll reveal my secret", reply Jaejoong.

"I always wake up at this time to watch my yunnie when he is sleeping", continue Jaejoong.

"Seeing him snoring, breathing, yawning or moving his head when he is sleeping is a bless for me. Therefore, I treasure every night that I had with him because I don't know how long I could have this bless", add Jaejoong in a shaky voice.

"It sounds embarrassing, isn't it?? Therefore, it used to be my own secret but now it becomes our secret", continue Jaejoong.

Yunho's mom is speechless.

The boy who is talking with her right now is loving her son sincerely.

"I don't find it embarrassing at all jae..and don't worry, I'll keep our secret!!", say Yunho's mom.

"Thanks auntie..", reply Jaejoong happily.

"jae..", call Yunho's mom.

"What if Yunho didn't love you anymore someday?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Actually, I don't want to imagine it because it's too painful but if it really happened, I would let him go", reply jaejoong in a shaky voice.

His tears are flowing and Yunho's mom can hear it.

"Why do you let him go?Don't you love him?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Because I love him and that's why I do it. What's the use of forcing someone that doesn't love you? Facing the fact that he doesn't love me is already hurtful and I can't imagine how does it feel If I kept him by my side even I know he doesn't love me at all", reply Jaejoong.

"But there's one condition for that actually", say Jaejoong.

"What is it?", ask Yunho's mom.

"If Yunho was the one who told me directly that he didn't love me anymore, I would let him go sincerely", reply Jaejoong.

"I've already told you this, haven't I?", continue Jaejoong.

"Yes, you have", reply Yunho's mom.

"Auntie..", call jaejoong.

"Hmm..??", respond Yunho's mom.

"Thanks for giving me a chance to love Yunho", say Jaejoong.

"I know it's hard for you but I'm thankful that you finally want to give me a chance", continue jaejoong.

"You are the one that make me change my mind, jae..", say Yunho's mom.


They talk about many things.

They talk about the upcoming holidays.

They even talk about food recipe.

But Yunho's mom initiate to stop the conversation because she knows that jaejoong must go to school.


She is sitting in the living room to think over the two conversations that she had with two different people.

She finds that two of them are having different personalities.

But one thing that similar..

They love her son even they have different way to love Yunho.

She has to choose between those two.

No one and nothing can help her to make her decision except..

She has to listen to her heart just like what her husband said.

Hey guys..

Chapter 32

"Waiting for Rising Sun"


"Waiting for Rising Sun"

There is a rated scene by the way..*warning*

Yunho's mom feels relieve.

She has found an angel for his son.

She feels so sure now.

Nothing can doubt her anymore.

"Morning honey..", greet Yunho's dad.

"Morning..", greet Yunho's mom back with a wide smile on her face.

Yunho's dad knows what is behind that smile.

She must found the answer but he doesn't know what it is.

"What are you doing at this early morning?", ask Yunho's dad when he sees his wife is doing something.

"I'm sewing a curtain..", reply Yunho's mom.

"Curtain??For our bedroom??", ask Yunho's dad curiously.

"No..For our guest room", reply Yunho's mom.

"Guest??Who will sleep over in our house?", ask Yunho's dad.

"'re asking too much questions. It's for our jae..he will come tomorrow..don't say that you forget about it?", reply Yunho's mom angrily.

"Our jae??", wonder Yunho's dad in his heart.

He smiles widely now because his wife chooses the right one.

"Of course..I don't forget about it honey..", reply Yunho's dad.

"It's good then...", respond Yunho's mom.

"You know that our guest room has never been taken care anymore so I want to clean it and redecorate it again", continue Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", nod Yunho's dad.

"Honey..", call Yunho's dad.

"You sew a pink curtain???It's for jae, right?", wonder Yunho's dad.

"Is there something wrong with pink??jae is so beautiful with this color", reply Yunho's mom.

"But..I didn't see him wearing pink when we stayed in their apartment??", say Yunho's dad.

"YAH!!!You'd better go to farm now because you are asking TOO MUCH!!!", reply Yunho's mom angrily.


She is angry at her husband because he doesn't understand that women have their own dream.

Actually, it's her dream to give a cute pinky room someday for Yunho's loved one when Yunho brings her to their house.

In fact, Yunho will bring a boy not girl.

But she doesn't bother about it anymore because she thinks jae is more beautiful than any other girls.

"Okay.. I understand..I'll go to work now..bye honey..", say Yunho's dad before leaving the house.

After a cute pinky curtain, she sews a cute pinky apron.

Just by imagining Jaejoong wears that cute pinky apron when he is cooking with her makes her smiling like crazy.

"Jae will look cuter when he wears this", say Yunho's mom.

Now, She is redecorating the guest room.

It's a small room that is rarely used.

So, she redecorates every little thing in that room.

She can't help but smiling widely while decorating the room.

She feels excited.

She has dreamt about this for a long time that her son would bring his loved one to their house and tomorrow, her dream will come true.

She can't wait for that happen.


"Joongie..", call Yunho after he wakes up because he can't find his lover beside him.

"Joongie..", call Yunho once again like a lost child who is calling for his parents.

"Yunnie..I'm here in the living room", reply Jaejoong when he hears his lover call him over and over again.

"Joongie..", call Yunho while pouting.

"Why do you leave me?", whine Yunho childishly.

Jaejoong chuckles to see his lover's cuteness.

"Come here my baby Yunnie..let me make it up for you", say jaejoong.

Yunho comes near to Jaeojoong who is sitting on the couch.

Then, he lays his head on jaejoong's lap.

Jaejoong strokes his hair lovely.

Yunho feels warm and safe.

"Joongie..", call Yunho sweetly.

"Hmm..", respond jaejoong.

"Why do you leave me alone in bed?", whine Yunho.

"I was knitting babe..", reply Jaejoong while caressing Yunho's cheeks.

"Knitting??", wonders Yunho.

"Hmm..I knitted scarves last night", reply Jaejoong.

"For me?", ask Yunho happily.

"Of course not!", reply jaejoong.

"Meanie!!!so for whom??", ask Yunho.

"For auntie and uncle..", reply Jaejoong.

"How about me?", ask Yunho.

"You have many scarves Yunnie..I knitted lots of scarves for you", reply Jaejoong.

"But I want a new one..", pouts Yunho like a child.

"Joongie..", plead Yunho.

"Okay..Okay..but you'll be in charge of making breakfast and cleaning the apartment today because it will take time to knit a scarf, understand?", say jaejoong.

"Understand..", reply Yunho happily.

"Now..I'll make breakfast. What do you want to eat?", ask Yunho while getting up from Jaejoong's lap.

"It's up to you as long as you don't give me a burnt food", jokes Jaejoong.

"Of course not..I'll make a delicious breakfast for my delicious Joongie..", say Yunho seductively while getting closer and closer to Jaejoong.

Then, he finally catches those delicious lips that belong to Jaejoong.

"Mmmm..", moan jaejoong.

Then, yunho insert his tongue to Jaejoong's mouth to taste all of its sweetness.

"", moan Jaejoong and Yunho because they get drown in their passionate kiss.

(stand by you ringtone is ringing)

"Yunnie..your handphone", say jaejoong.

"Ignore it..", reply Yunho and he starts kissing Jaejoong's neck.

"Hmm..mmph..", moan jaejoong.

They feel each other's hot breath.

Yunho down his lovely mouth to Jaejoong's collarbone and he sucks it lightly.

"Ahh..Yunnie..", moan Jaejoong because it is his sensitive area.

(Yunho's handphone is still ringing)

Yunho takes off Jaejoong's shirt and the flawless body is revealed.

Jaejoong do the same and a well-built body that belongs to Yunho can be seen.

Yunho trails down his kisses to jaejoong's nipples.

He starts sucking them one by one.

"Ahh..hmmmph..", moan jaejoong.

Jaejoong can't stand of it anymore.

He wants Yunho inside himself so bad.

Therefore, he turns his body and now, his back is facing Yunho.

"Yunnie..I want you now", say Jaejoong while catching his breath.

Jaejoong direct his cute ass to Yunho and he opens it to reveal his lovely tight hole.

"", orders Jaejoong because he really wants it so bad.

"My Joongie is so naughty but I love it", say Yunho and he positions himself.

Then, He starts thrusting into jaejoong's tight hole slowly.

"Ahhh...", moan Jaejoong because the pain still dominate the pleasure.

"Faster now..", order jaejoong when the pleasure leads the way.

"Okay honey..", say Yunho and then, he starts thrusting faster.

"", moan jaejoong.

Yunho keep thrusting faster while stroking jaejoong's member faster also.

"AHHH...that's it bb..abe..", moan Jaejoong loudly in pleasure when Yunho hit his sweet spot.

(Stand By You ringtone is ringing again)

Because Jaejoong's back that facing Yunho, therefore, he can see who is calling Yunho's handphone over and over again.

And it's written "Mom".

"'s..ahh..from..aa..untie..", say Jaejoong while managing his breath.

"' cum..ahh..", reply Yunho while managing his breath also.

"I'm", say Jaejoong.


"AHHHHH....", they come together.

Yunho falls on Jaejoong's back breathless.


Jaejoong also falls on the couch breathless.

They lose their breath because they had an intensed sex.

Then, Yunho lays his body beside jaejoong.

They look the ceiling while trying to catch their breath.

Yunho's handphone is ringing again.

Jaejoong picks it up even he is still trying hard to catch his breath.

"Hh..ello..", stutters Jaejoong because he is still trying to manage his breath.

"Jae..", call Yunho's mom.

"A..auntie..", stutters jaejoong again.

"Are you okay??I called for three times but no answer and now you seems breathless..", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"I'm okay..", reply Jaejoong still with a hard breath voice.

"Are you in fever, jae?", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"No auntie..I'm sorry..I'm breathless because I've just made..", reply jaejoong but yunho close his mouth immediately.

Jaejoong looks his worried boyfriend.

Yunho shakes his head and Jaejoong knows what it means.

Jaejoong almost blurts out that he has just made love with Yunho.

"What did you make?", ask Yunho's mom curiously.

"mmm..I made..a little burn in the kitchen", excuse Jaejoong.

"Omo..but you are okay, aren't you?", ask Yunho's mom worriedly.

"Hmm..thankfully, Yunho comes fast", excuse Jaejoong once again.

"Thanks careful next time..okay honey..", say Yunho's mom.

"Honey??", wonders Jaejoong happily in his heart.

"Hmm..", nods jaejoong like a child.

"Why do you call, Auntie?", ask Jaejoong.

"I wanna ask about tomorrow, when will you get on and off the train?", ask Yunho's mom.

"We'll get on the morning train so we'll arrive in the afternoon maybe..", reply Jaejoong.

"Well then..I'll prepare everything in here..", say Yunho's mom.

"jae-ah..I can't wait to meet both of you..", add Yunho's mom.

Jaejoong can feel the happiness rush through his veins.

The way Yunho's mom calls him makes him happy.

Moreover, she has just said that she couldn't wait to meet him.

"Auntie..I can't wait to meet you and uncle too..", reply Jaejoong.

"Okay Jae..take care yourself and say my hello to Yunho", say Yunho's mom before hanging up the phone.

"Bye Jae..", say Yunho's mom.

"Bye Auntie..", reply Jaejoong.

Jaejoong holds Yunho's handphone tightly.

He cries in happiness.

"Joongie..what's wrong?", ask Yunho worriedly.

Jaejoong doesn't answer Yunho but he hugs Yunho tightly and buries his head deeply on Yunho's chest.

"Yunnie..thanks for making my life becomes complete..", say Jaejoong.

Yunho knows what it means.

He hugs him back.

"You are welcome babe..", reply Yunho.


"Unnie..", say Se Eun's mom.

"Seohyun..can I come to your house now?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Sure..what's wrong?", ask Se Eun's mom curiously.

"There is something that I wanna talk to you about Yunho and Se Eun", reply Yunho's mom.

"Okay..I'm waiting..", say Se Eun's mom.

Yunho's mom decides to clear everything.

She decides to break her promise for his son and Se Eun's sake.

She believes that Seohyun (Se Eun's mom) will accept it because they have been a good friend for a long time.

Ten minutes later..

"Unnie..come in", welcome Se Eun's mom.

"What do you want for drink?", ask Se Eun's mom.

"Anything is okay..", reply Yunho's mom.


Se Eun's mom makes two cups of tea.

"So..have you agreed that we'll hold the engagement this holiday?", ask Se Eun's mom excitedly.

"Seohyun..I'm sorry I can't keep my promise..", apologize Yunho's mom.

"Why?", ask Se Eun's mom angrily.

"I think I was too selfish because I made a promise without thinking my son's happiness", explain Yunho's mom.

"Do you mean that Yunho can't be happy with my daughter?", ask Se Eun's mom angrily.

"I'm sorry Seohyun..but something that is forced is not good. I also don't want to see Se Eun is unhappy later because Yunho doesn't love her", explain Yunho's mom.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!HOW ABOUT MY SE EUN??", yell Se Eun's mom.

"I'll talk to her later and I'm sure she will understand because it's for her good also", reply Yunho's mom calmly.


"But Yunho doesn't love her Seohyun..she has to deal with it now or she will get more hurt later. I also hate myself for giving her an empty hope", say Yunho's mom.

"DOESN'T LOVE HER!!!DOESN'T LOVE HER!!!IT'S A BULLSHIT!!!", yell Se Eun's mom and it makes Yunho's mom shocked.


Yunho's mom last words are just like a slap on Se Eun's mom's face.

Yunho's mom is right.

If Yunho loved Se Eun, they would be a couple from a long time ago and they don't need to bug into their love life.

"I'm sorry Seohyun..I didn't mean to yell at you but we as their parents should think further about their future. We can't let our children suffer because of our selfishness", say Yunho's mom while holding Seohyun's hands.

"We have to face it that our children aren't meant to each other. I'm sorry Seohyun..I've tried so many times to keep my promise to you and Se Eun but the fate says I have to give up on my promise", apologize Yunho's mom once again.

Se Eun's mom ignores her.

She is still burnt with her anger.

Actually, part of her accepts the fact just like what Yunho's mom said but part of her doesn't want to accept the fact.

" you accept your son's choice??", ask Se Eun's mom.

"I accept him..", reply Yunho's mom.

" let your son become a gay??", ask Se Eun's mom again.

"A Gay isn't a sinner..they just have different preferences in love from other normal couples", reply Yunho's mom calmly.

"Seohyun-ah..I know that you are angry at me now..but please think over of what I said. Think over it for Se Eun's sake", say Yunho's mom.

Se Eun's mom nods weakly.

She knows that Yunho's mom is right.

She has to think of her daughter's future.

If Yunho doesn't love her at all, her daughter will live unhappily later.

"I'll talk to Se Eun later..when will she arrive?", ask Yunho's mom.

"This evening she will arrive but you don't need talk to her because I'm the one who tells her about this', reply Se Eun's mom.

"Are you sure?but I have to apologize to her", say Yunho's mom.

"It isn't your fault Unni..I'm the one who must say sorry because I have forced you to get your son together with Se Eun. Actually, I knew that Yunho never loves Se Eun but I keep forcing my daughter's wish", sob Se Eun's mom.

"'s not your fault only. It is my fault also. Therefore, it's not too late for us to make it up for our children's sake", say Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", nod Se Eun's mom.

"Well then..tomorrow night, I want your family to come to my house. We'll have dinner together with Yunjae also. I want all of us to get along well together", say Yunho's mom before leaving.

"it's a good idea..We'll come", say Se Eun's mom.

In the evening..

"Mom..I'm home..", say Se Eun.

"Honey..welcome home..", say Se Eun's parents.

"Do you have a discussion??what is it about?", ask Se Eun because when she enters her house, she sees her parents is talking seriously in the living room.

"Take a seat first, Se Eun", say Se Eun's mom.

"What do you want for drink??Iced tea or iced coffee maybe..", ask Se Eun's mom.

"Mom..tell me what's wrong?", ask Se Eun forcefully because she sees the awkwardness between her parents.

"Se will never married to Yunho because Yunho's mom has already given up her promise", answer Se Eun's mom.

'WHAT???", yell Se Eun.

"Yeah Se Eun-ah..we're very sorry we can't fulfill your wish this time", say Se Eun's dad.




"Oh my god..", respond Se Eun's dad in shocked.

He feels like he gets a heart attack suddenly.

He can't believe that her daughter that he always tried his best to give her happiness by fulfilling her wishes becomes a disgraceful child.

"Se Eun-ah..don't be like that!! I want you to face the reality that yunho doesn't love you and both of you aren't meant to each other", calm Se Eun's mom.



"DAD???", wonders Se Eun angrily after her dad slapped her.

"It is for your disgraceful behavior to us. I take my words that I have said that I would fulfill all your wishes. From now on, you have to work hard to fulfill your own wish!", scold Se Eun's dad.

Se Eun just can shut her mouth or else, her dad could slap her again.

"I'll send you to your Grandma so you can learn to live by yourselves without your parents' help", say Se Eun's dad.


"I won't take my words!!!", reply Se Eun's dad.

Se Eun's dad is totally angry at her.

He can't believe he has created a spoiled brat.

He has spent much money to fulfill her wishes.

Se Eun wants to school in Seoul High School and lives in a mid-luxurious apartment in Seoul, he fulfilled them all but what he gets is a disgraceful behavior.

"Tomorrow night, we'll come to Yunho's house and you have to end everything in there", continue Se Eun's dad.

"WHAT??", protest Se Eun.

"Yeah Se Eun..yunho's mom invite us to dinner with them and Yunjae tomorrow night. She wants us to get along to each other and no hates between us. I hope you can give up your love on Yunho and accept the fact that he is with jaejoong", say Se Eun's mom.

"IDIOT!!!GIVE UP MY LOVE??NEVER!!!", complain Se Eun in her heart.

"okay..we'll come and I will END EVERYTHING in there!!!", say Se Eun with a forceful smile.

"That's good..I'm sorry Se Eun-ah for making you disappointed like this. We shouldn't have given you an empty hope in the first place.", apologize Se Eun's mom.

Se Eun ignores her because she is thinking of something.

She plans something.

She doesn't care that whether after the dinner her parents will send her to her grandmother or not but she plans something for the dinner.

She can't wait for tomorrow..

And she is not alone..

Because Yunjae and Yunho's parents also can't wait for tomorrow when they will meet to each other..

It seems like everyone is waiting for rising sun..

Chapter 33

"Everything Happen For A Reason"


"Everything Happen For A Reason"

The rising sun is finally coming.

People who are waiting for that can't wait to do their activities.

"yay!!!Morning is coming!!!", say Jaejoong when he wakes up.


He jumps up from the bed.

It because he feels so excited.

" careful..", say Yunho in a sleepy tone.

"Yunnie..wake up!!!", say Jaejoong while shaking Yunho's body.

Jaejoong starts shaking Yunho's body harder.

"Joongie..", protest Yunho.

"Wake up..wake up..wake up..", shouts Jaejoong like a child.

"Okay..okay..I wake up now..", say Yunho in defeat.

Then, yunho wakes up and opens his sleepy eyes.

"Morning Yunnie...", greets Jaejoog and then, he put the new scarf on Yunho's neck.

"Don't catch a cold, okay?", add jaejoong while cupping Yunho's face sweetly.

Yunho smiles widely because he feels warm inside his heart.

"Joongie..thank you..I love you", say Yunho while holding Jaejoong's hands.

"I love you too my kiddo Yunnie...", reply Jaejoong.

"I'll take shower first..", say Jaejoong.

"Okay..", respond Yunho.


"OH NO!!!!", screams Yunho's mom.

"What's wrong honey??", ask Yunho's dad worriedly after hearing his wife's scream at early morning.

"Honey..hurry up!!help me!!!", screams Yunho's mom again.

Yunho's dad rush to the place where his wife is screaming.

It comes from the guest room.

"What's wrong??", ask Yunho's dad in a panic tone.

"The curtain..", reply Yunho's mom.

"There is a stain on the curtain..", continue yunho's mom.

"Oh my god..I think there is something going on with you", sigh Yunho's dad.

"What should I do? I try to clean up the stain but it can't be cleaned", whine Yunho's mom.

"It is a dust must have been careless when you put the curtain", say Yunho's dad.

"Omo..what should I do??", ask Yunho's mom sadly.

"How did you clean it?", ask Yunho's dad.

"With this..", reply Yunho's mom while showing a box of wet tissue.

'What??you cleaned it with a wet tissue??no wonder the stain couldn't be cleaned", jokes Yunho's dad.

"Honey..have you forgot all your knowledge as my house-wife for many years??", tease Yunho's dad.

"YAH!!! I...I was just panic you know..", say Yunho's mom embarrassedly.

Yunho's dad chuckles to see his wife's clumsiness.

"Let me handle it..", say Yunho's dad.

"Will you??", ask Yunho's mom happily.

"Hmm..", nods Yunho's dad.

'Thanks honey..but make sure, it will be dry before afternoon..", say Yunho's mom.

"Okay Boss!!!", reply Yunho's dad and they share a laugh.

"I'll go to market to buy veggies and others", say Yunho's mom.

"Okay..take care..", respond Yunho's dad.

"I really can't wait Yunjae to come to here", say Yunho's mom excitedly before leaving her house.

Yunho's dad just can smile widely to hear it and actually, he feels excited also.

The reason is because it's the first time his son brings his loved one to home and it is a sign that his son is already grown up now.

Yunho's dad takes off the curtain and washes it afterward.

At Se Eun's house

"Honey..don't you wanna go out?the weather is so fine today", ask Se Eun's mom.

"No mom..I just wanna sleep in this fine weather", reply Se Eun.


She wants to think of her plan for tonight's dinner.

"So..are you sure that you will go to the dinner tonight?", ask Se Eun's mom.

"Hmm..I'm sure. I'll end everything tonight", reply Se Eun confidently.

Actually, She doesn't have any bullets to shoots jaejoong and make him fall down for tonight's dinner.


She has to do something and her mouth will lead her way tonight.

No other choices.

She wants to make jaejoong feels like what she feels and she doesn't care about the result later.

She really hates jaejoong. Therefore, she doesn't want to be the only person that feels sad at the end.

She wants to make jaejoong suffer emotionally like what happen to her.

In the train,

"Yunnie..when will we arrive?", ask Jaejoong curiously.

"Joongie..the train has just moved so there are still hours to come", reply Yunho.

"I just wanna arrive as soon as possible", pouts jaejoong.

"I know it'd better relax and sleep now because you haven't had enough sleep last night. You knitted my scarf for the whole night, right??", say yunho.

"Hmm..", nod jaejoong.

"but wake me up as soon as we arrive, okay?", continue jaejoong.

"Of course you think I'll leave you alone in here??", say Yunho.

Jaejoong smiles shyly because he has said something stupid.

'Come here and relax your body. I promise I'll wake you up as soon as we arrive", calm Yunho.

Jaejoong smiles and then, he lays his head on Yunho's chest.

Yunho holds jaejoong tightly and Jaejoong falls asleep on yunho's broad chest afterward.


"Joongie..wake up!!!we arrive..", say Yunho.

"Really??YAY!!!", respond jaejoong after he wakes up.

He gets off the train excitedly.

"Be careful Joongie..", say Yunho.

"I'm so happy yunnie..", reply Jaejoong.

Yunho just smile to see the happiness in Jaejoong's eyes.

At Yunho's house

" I already look good??", ask Yunho's mom.

"You are already looked good honey..", reply Yunho's dad.

"Are you sure??", ask Yunho's mom.

" I am have already asked me for more than a hundred times I guess..", jokes Yunhos' dad.

"YAH!!! Don't exaggerate things!!!", protest Yunho's mom.

"How about the room??Does it look good?", ask Yunho's mom.

" looks soooooooooooooo good", reply Yunho's dad.

"I know it..I hope jae will like it", say Yunho's mom excitedly.

"He will love it", respond Yunho's dad to calm his excited wife.

(There's a knock on the door)

"Omo..they arrive..", say Yunho's mom excitedly.

"Do I look good?", ask Yunho's mom once again.

"Yes look soooooooooooo good!!", reply Yunho's dad who tries to be patient.

Then, Yunho's mom opens the door and she is extremely happy because it's Yunjae.

Finally, they arrive.

'Good afternoon mom/auntie..", greets Yunjae at the same time.

"Omo..Yunho-ah..Jae-ah..", say Yunho's mom and hug them one by one.

"Come in..", continue Yunho's mom.

"Dad..", greets Yunho.

"Yunho-ah...", greets back Yunho's dad and hugs him.

"Uncle..", greets jaejoong.

"Jae-ah..", greets back Yunho's dad and hugs him.

"How's the trip?", ask Yunho's mom while placing four cups of tea on the table.

"It's fun even I just slept in the train..hehehe..", say Jaejoong shyly and the rest are laughing at Jaejoong's cuteness.

"Jae-ah..We're very sorry that our house isn't big enough. I hope you can stay comfortably in this small house", apologize Yunho's mom.

"Auntie...I seriously don't give a shit about it!!!", blurts Jaejoong.

" curse honey..", say Yunho.

"Oops!!!I'm sorry uncle..auntie..hehehehe..", say Jaejoong shyly and his face is blushed but it makes him cuter.

The rest are laughing again at Jaejoong's cuteness.

"Auntie..Uncle..I have a present for you..", say Jaejoong excitedly.

"Really??", say Yunho's mom.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

"Here they are..", say Jaejoong while putting the scarf on Yunho's mom and Yunho's dad's neck.

"Don't catch a cold, okay?? I love you uncle..auntie..", say Jaejoong sweetly.

"We love you too, honey..", reply Yunho's mom while cupping Jaejoong's face lovely.

"We love you too you don't catch a cold too, okay??", say Yunho's dad sweetly.


Four of them are chatting happily while eating the cake that Yunho's mom has made.

"Jae-ah..Auntie will take you to your room now", say Yunho's mom.

"Joongie will be in my room, right?", say Yunho.

"Ouch!!!", complain Yunho after his mom hit his head.

"That's for being naughty boy!!!", say Yunho's mom.

Jaejoong chuckles to see his lover get scold by his mom.

"Okay..okay..", say Yunho while rubbing his head.

"Jae-ah..come here honey...", say Yunho's mom.

"This is your room..", add her after she opens the door.

The cute pinky room is seen.

"Cute..!!!", say jaejoong happily.

"Do you like it, honey??", ask Yunho's mom excitedly.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong like a child.

"I'm scared that you don't like it but I feel relieve now..", say Yunho's mom.

"Thank you Auntie..", say jaejoong and kiss Yunho's mom cheeks.

"You are welcome jae-ah..", say Yunho's mom happily.


Jaejoong puts his clothes on the cupboard but when he opens it, he sees a cute pink apron, a pinky strawberry blanket, a pink pajama, and a pinky strawberry oversize t-shirt.

He loves them all.

Pink is not Jaejoong's favorite color but he loves strawberry and any cute things.

Then, he decides to wear the oversize pinky strawberry t-shirt.

Yunho's mom prepared that t-shirt because she always saw Jaejoong used yunho's oversize t-shirt when he is at home.

"Joongie..", knock Yunho.

"Hmm..", respond Jaejoong.

"What are you doing in there?", ask Yunho like a lost child.

"Why do you take it so long in there?", ask Yunho again.

Jaejoong chuckles to hear his lover's cuteness.

"I'm changing clothes now..wait a minute..", reply jaejoong.

"Let me help you to change your clothes", jokes Yunho.

"Come in then..", reply Jaejoong.

"Okay..I'll come in..", say Yunho excitedly.

But then..

He can't open the door because it is locked.

"Meanie..!!!", protest Yunho.

Jaejoong is laughing hard inside the room.

"Joongie..", call Yunho.

"What's wrong babe??", reply jaejoong after he opens the door.

"Joongie..cute!!!", respond Yunho after seeing jae wears the pinky oversize t-shirt.

Then, Yunho holds Jaejoong's waist and he gets closer and closer to jaejoong's rosy lips.

"Ouch!!!", protest Yunho because his mom hit his head again and he fails to kiss Jaejoong.

" look so cute", compliment Yunho's mom.

"Thanks for the t-shirt auntie..I love it!!", say Jaejoong.

"I know you will look cuter in it", say Yunho's mom.

"My head's hurt!!", protest Yunho.

"That's for being pervert!!", say Yunho's mom.

Yunho pouts like a child and Jaejoong just smiles to see it.

"Let's have a lunch!!", say Yunho's mom.

Then, yunjae follows Yunho's mom toward the dining table.

Jaejoong sees Yunho is still pouting.

Therefore, he pulls Yunho's hands and gives him a quick lock lips.

Jaejoong smiles after then and so does Yunho.

Yunho smiles like crazy now.

"What's with that smile?", ask Yunho's mom.

"Secret!!", reply Yunho and he still smiles like crazy.

They have a lunch together and Jaejoong feels the puzzle of his life has united now.

He feels warm and complete.

"Tonight Se Eun's family will have dinner together with us", say Yunho's mom.

"For what??", ask Yunho angrily.

Jaejoong keeps silent because he is confused.

"I want all of us to get along well and no hates between us", reply Yunho's mom.

Yunho ignores his mom's reason.

"I'm sorry yunho-ah..jae-ah..I'm too late to realize that both of you are meant to each other", continue Yunho's mom.

"I also feel guilty to Se Eun's family but thankfully, they accept my apology. Therefore, I invited them to have dinner with us so we can get along well..", add Yunho's mom.

"I'm sorry..", apologize Yunho's mom once again.

"You have no faults auntie..", say Jaejoong because he understands yunho's mom reason.

"jae-ah..thank you..", say Yunho's mom.

Jaejoong smiles at her and yunho's mom also smiles at Jaejoong.

"So..what food will we prepare for dinner??", ask Jaejoong to break the awkward silence.

"I plan to make a,b,c,d..", explain Yunho's mom.

"I'll help you auntie..", say jaejoong.

"thank you honey..", say Yunho's mom.

Yunho still keep silent because he thinks that there is no need to invite Se Eun's family to dinner.

He is afraid that Jaejoong will get hurt again.

But then, he feels the warm hands that belongs to Jaejoong holds his hands tightly under the table.

He looks at Jaejoong who is still talking happily with his mom while holding his hands tightly.

He knows that Jaejoong gives a sign that he is okay and Yunho doesn't have to be worried like that.

Yunho feels a bit relieve now.

After the lunch,

All of them take a nap and Yunho sneaks into jaejoong's bedroom when his parents are already drown in their sleep.

" the door", call Yunho.

"it is unlocked..just open it", say Jaejoong.

Then, Yunho opens the door and he sees Jaejoong is lying in the bed.

"Can I sleep here?", ask Yunho.

"Sure..come here..", reply jaejoong.

Then, Yunho lays his body beside jaejoong.

Jaejoong holds yunho tightly and buries his head on Yunho's chest.

Jaejoong loves the warm from Yunho's broad chest.

He feels so safe and warm.

Yunho holds him back and both of them fall asleep in each other's warm embrace.

At Dinner time

"Finish..", say Jaejoong and Yunho's mom at the same time.

" can change your clothes first, honey..", say Yunho's mom.

Both of them have just finished their cooking and Jae is still in his cutie pinky apron.

"Okay..", reply Jaejoong simply.

"Joongie..are you ready?", knock Yunho.

"Hmm..", reply Jaejoong and then, he opens the door.

Four of them are sitting in the living room while waiting for the guests.

Jaejoong leans on Yunho's chest and Yunho holds Jaejoong's waist tightly.

They jokes around and sometimes, they kiss each other's cheeks.

The sweet scene of Yunjae makes Yunho's mom happy.

She has chosen the right one for his son and she feels relieve about it.

(There is a knock on the door)

"I think they are coming..", say Yunho's dad.

Yunho's dad opens the door and it's Se Eun's family.

"Hyung..thanks for the invitation", say Se Eun's dad politely.

"You're welcome..come in..", say Yunho's dad.

Se Eun is the only guest who smiles forcefully.

"Unnie..", greets Se Eun's mom.

"Auntie..", greets Se Eun with a fake smile.

"Seohyun-ah..Se Eun-ah..thanks for coming", say Yunho's mom.

"Have a seat, please", say Yunho's mom.

"Good evening auntie..uncle..Se Eun..", greets Yunho.

"Good evening yunho-ah..", greets back Se Eun's family.

"Good evening Yunho oppa..", greets back Se Eun excitedly.

Yunho smiles to her but forcefully.

"Hello...Good evening..", greets jaejoong while placing the teas and cakes on the table.

"Hello..", greets back Se Eun's parents awkwardly.

"I am Jaejoong, nice to meet you..", say jaejoong.

"Hmm..nice to meet you too..", say Se Eun's parents.

Se Eun is the only one that doesn't greet back jaejoong.

Jaejoong doesn't care about it.

"Have a seat here, Joongie..", say Yunho sweetly while reaching Jaejoong's hands and taking him to the couch to have a seat beside him.

Se Eun who is drinking the tea at that time chokes suddenly because she can't stand of it so she coughs purposely.

"Are you okay Se Eun?", ask Yunho's mom.

"I am okay..I think the tea is too bitter..", say Se Eun in order to mock Jaejoong.

"It's Auntie's special tea by the way..", reply jaejoong with a teasing smile.

"Is it really bitter Se Eun-ah?", ask Yunho's mom embarrassedly.

"'", stutters Se Eun because she thinks jaejoong who made the tea and not Yunho's mom.

She shoots the wrong direction.

"Don't mock at my mom..", say Yunho coldly.

"I'm sorry yunho-ah..I think Se Eun doesn't do it purposely", apologize Se Eun's mom.

Se Eun's dad just gives Se Eun a death glare for her childish action.

"Well..I think the food is ready..", say Yunho's dad to break the awkward situation.

"I think so..let's have dinner..", add Yunho's mom.

"Unnie..let me help you..", say Se Eun' mom.

She wants to help yunho's mom to prepare the soup.

"No are the guest..have a seat please", say Jaejoong.

"I'll help auntie to prepare the soup", add him.

Se Eun's mom just nods her head.

This is the first time she talks with jaejoong and sees him that close.

She admits that Jaejoong is sweet and beautiful.

No wonder Yunho goes gay for him.


The food is ready.

"Please have a nice meal..", say Yunho's dad before eating.

They start eating the food.

On that table, no one can take their eyes from the sweetness of Yunjae.

Actually, Yunjae doesn't purposely to act lovey dovey in front of them but their love that leads them to do it.

Se Eun can't stand of it anymore.

So she lets her mouth lead her.

" are an orphan, aren't you?", ask Se Eun and everyone is shocked about it except Jaejoong.

Yunho gives her a death glare and Yunho wants to scold her but his hands are squeezed by Jaejoong as a sign that yunho has to hold his anger.

"Yes, I am. Why?", ask Jaejoong coldly.

"Orphan is always a burden for anyone else and so are you. YOU ARE A BURDEN FOR THIS FAMILY. THIS FAMILY WILL BE HUMILIATED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!GAYISH ORPHAN!!',mock Se Eun.

"SE EUN!!! Scold Se Eun's dad.

Meanwhile, yunho's parents are shocked at Se Eun.

They have never thought that Se Eun will be like that.

They are totally speechless.

Yunho is about to stand to stop Se Eun's mouth but jaejoong stops him.

Jaejoong stays calm because he doesn't want to be provoked by Se Eun and got trap on her trick.


Se Eun hits the right spot of the one-word man.

She brings up his parents and it makes him weak.

He tries his best not to show it but yunho knows it well more than others.

Moreover, yunho can feel that Jaejoong's body starts shaking.

Jaejoong grips Yunho's hands tightly.

Se Eun's mom just keeps crying because she is extremely embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Se Eun's dad keeps scolding his daughter but Se Eun ignores him.



Yunho finally manage to loose jaejoong's grips because he can't stand of Se Eun anymore.

Everyone is startled by Yunho's yell.

"YOU!!!GET OUT!!! I WANNA TALK TO YOU!!!", say Yunho boldly while pointing to Se Eun's face.

Se Eun is totally afraid of Yunho's angry face.

"Mom..take Jaejoong to his room, please", say Yunho to his mom.

"Joongie..I'll be back", say Yunho while cupping Jaejoong's face gently.

Se Eun follows Yunho like a scared cat.

Se Eun's parents apologize to Jaejoong over and over again but jaejoong ignores them.

His body is shaking.

His face turns cold.

Yunho's parents are totally worried at him.

"honey..let's go to your room', say Yunho's mom.

Jaejoong doesn't respond.

His body is weak.

Yunho's mom is crying hard to see jaejoong in that state.

"Cmon honey..I'll help you to walk", sob Yunho's mom.

Jaejoong just let his body being helped by yunho's parents.


"Se Eun..I will just talk three things and YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THEM CAREFULLY!!!", say Yunho coldly.




And he leaves the crying girl afterward.

Se Eun's heart is totally broken now.

She feels a great pain in her heart.

The one that she loves said boldly that he never love and will never love her.

It tears her heart into pieces.

She is hard to breath now.


Yunho comes to his house with an angry face.

"Yunho-ah..we are very sorry", apologize Se Eun's dad.

"You can leave now", say Yunho coldly.

Then, Yunho goes straightly to jaejoong's room.

He opens the door and he finds his mom is crying while stroking jaejoong's hair gently.

Yunho comes closer and he finds jaejoong lays weakly in the bed with a cold and expresionless face.

"'s okay..just leave jaejoong with me", calm Yunho.

"Honey..I'm sorry..I don't know that Se Eun will say those things..", apologize yunho's mom.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore..", reply Yunho.

Then, yunho's mom leaves the room and closes the door.

Yunho sees his lover and he tries to hold back his tears.

Then, he lays his body beside jaejoong and brings Jaejoong closer to his chest.

"Joongie..I'm here..", say Yunho.

Jaejoong's body starts shaking because he cries as hard as he can.

It breaks Yunho's heart.

Yunho can't help but letting his tears fall down.

"Joongie..don't listen to what that devil said. You aren't a burden for this family and everyone will be an orphan or a widow someday, sooner or later. It has been a cycle of this life. It is just you experienced that cycle of life faster than any of us", say Yunho while calming the sobbing boy.

"I agree that God made a right choice to take away your parents that fast but not because you would humiliate them but because it made you become a one-word man and then, this one-word man got me under his spell 'fuck me' ", continue Yunho and it makes jaejoong smile.

Yunho can see Jaejoong's smile and it changes his previous cold face.

Yunho feels relieve now.

He knows that Jaejoong won't be that weak.

He is proud of jaejoong.

No matter how much the tears he shed, he will smile again.

"As a result, I can't get outta his spell because I'm already in love with this one-word man", continue Yunho while hugging Jaejoong tighter.

Jaejoong hugs back Yunho.

"Joongie..", call Yunho sweetly.

"Hmm..", respond jaejoong.

"Can you feel my heart's beat right now?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong.

It's obvious because jaejoong's head is buried on Yunho's chest so he can feel Yunho's heart beat.

"You can feel that my heart beat fast, right?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..", nod Jaejoong again.

"These heart beats are always and only for you, Joongie..", say Yunho sweetly.

"Therefore, no matter what people say, no matter how much and hard people try to separate us, these heart beat can't be denied. They always beat for you", continue Yunho.

Jaejoong's tears change into tears of happiness.

He feels so lucky that he met Yunho.

Yunho is right.

If God didn't take his parents, he wouldn't be the one-word man that could say "fuck me" to Yunho easily.

Without that spell, they wouldn't be like they are right now.

Jaejoong finally realize fully that everything happen for a reason.

Really long chapter..^_^

Chapter 34

"Even Heaven Knows They Belong to Each Other"


"Even Heaven Knows They Belong to Each Other"

("Are You a Good Girl ?" ringtone is ringing)

"Hello..", say Jaejoong in a sleepy tone.

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeee..............", shouts Junki at the same time.

"Aishhh!!!!", respond Jaejoong and he hangs up the phone immediately.

"YAH!!!THIS DAMN BRAT!!!", complain Junsu.

"Are you sure this is Yunho's house?", ask Kibum to Junsu.

"I don't know..Chunnie..are you sure this is Yunho's house?", ask Junsu.

"Well..this is the address that Yunho gave me..", reply Yoochun.

"Let's call Jae's name then..", suggest Kibum.

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............", call Junki once again.

"Aishhhh!!!", complain Jaejoong.

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........", call Junki again.

"Shit!!! What's wrong with this handphone??I have ended the call but why do they still call my name??", wonders jaejoong while checking up his handphone.

"Jaeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......are you there?", shouts Junki.

"What the hell??There's no sound from my handphone..", say Jaejoong confusedly.

"FUCK!!!Don't say they...they are...they are outside????Hh..ow..come??DAMN!!!", curse Jaejoong.

"What's wrong honey??", ask Yunho and then, he is back to his sleep.

"I'm sorry...", reply Jaejoong and then, he peeks at the window and he finds the annoying troopers are waiting outside of Yunho's house.

"Aishhh!!That troopers!!!", sigh Jaejoong.

Then, he gets out from his room sneakily because he doesn't want to wake up Yunho.

He can see that there hasn't been any breakfast yet so he guesses that Yunho's parents are still sleeping.

Last night's incident must have drained everyone's energy includes him for sure.

He opens the door slowly so it won't make any noisy sound.

"Jaeeeeeeeeee..............", call Junki again and this time is louder.

"SHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!", say jaejoong when he gets out of the house.

"That's Jae..", shriek Junsu.

"Aishhh!!!shut up noisy dolphin!!!", yell Jaejoong.

"EUKYANG..KYANG..what kind of pajama are you wearing Jae??", jokes Junsu.

Kimin and Yoochun can't help but laughing at jaejoong also.

Jaejoong wears a pinky pajama that has many strawberries around it.

"LAUGH UNTIL YOU DIE!!!", curse Jaejoong.

"Sorry Jae..but you look like a strawberry tree..", tease Yoochun.


"YAH!!!!", protest Jaejoong.

"Okay..Okay..", say Kibum while holding back his laughs.

"Jae..bring us come in. Our legs are already cramp now..", continue Kibum.

"I will but why do you guys in here?", ask Jaejoong.

"We wanna spend our holiday of course..", reply Changmin.

"In here??", ask Jaejoong.

"Sure..look!!we've already brought our cases", say Junsu while showing their LV cases.

"YAH!!!!do you think this is hotel or what??", protest Jaejoong.

"You even don't tell me at all???", continue Jaejoong.

"YAH!!we wanna make a surprise, stupid!!!", reply Junsu.


"Jae-ah..", call Yunho's mom from the door.

"Auntie..I'm sorry if my voice wakes you up..", apologize jaejoong.

"Good morning auntie..", greets Yoosu and Kimin.

"Good morning..", greets back Yunho's mom.

"Jae-ah..are they your friends?", ask Yunho's mom.

"yeah..we're his BFF..",say Junki.

"And we are his LOVELY COUSINS", say Yoomin.

"Owh really??why do you talk in the outside??come in..", say Yunho's mom.

"Get outta our way!!!wee....", say Junsu while sticking out his tongue to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong just sighs hard.

"I'm sorry if our house is small..", apologize Yunho's mom.

" No problem auntie..", reply Yoosu and Kimin.

"I'm sure all of you hasn't had your breakfast, right?", say Yunho's mom.

"You are right", say Kimin immediately.

Yoosu and Jaejoong send their death glare to Kimin but as usual, Kimin ignore them.

Yunho's mom chuckles to see these cute boys in front of her.

"Let me help you auntie..", offers Jaejoong.

Then, Jaejoong and Yunho's mom make breakfast in the kitchen.


Yoosu and Kimin are busy in the living room.

They joke around while waiting for the breakfast.

Jaejoong is totally mad at them.

"IGNORANTS!!!", murmur Jaejoong.

"What's wrong honey??don't be angry..where is my cutie jae?", calm Yunho's mom.

"I'm sorry auntie for my friends' behavior..", say Jaejoong shyly.

"They are cute..", say Yunho's mom.

"CUTE MY ASS!!!", curse Jaejoong.

Yunho's mom chuckles to see the blunt boy in front of her.

She feels relieve because Jaejoong is back unlike Jaejoong that she saw last night.

"jae-ah..come here honey..", say Yunho's mom.

Then, Yunho's mom hugs him lovely when jae goes closer to her.

"Please always stay by our side..", say Yunho's mom sweetly.

"Auntie...thank you..", reply Jaejoong and he hugs her back.

"So sweet..", say Junki at the same time.

"I think Yunho's mom has totally changed..and it's good..", say Yoochun.

"Hmm...", nod Changmin.

"Hey guys..", say Yunho in surprised.

"Yunho my man..", say Yoochun.

"Hey Yunho..sorry for our sudden visit..", say Junsu.

"No problem..I'm surprised but happy anyway..", say Yunho.

" are really nice..", say Junsu.

"'d better teach your stubborn boyfriend how to be polite with your guest..", add Kibum.

"YAH!!!DON'T TALK BEHIND MY BACK!!!", protest Jaejoong.

Then, all of them are laughing.

"Breakfast is ready..", say Yunho's mom.

"YAY!!!!", respond Kimin happily.

Then, Kimin rush to the dining table.

"As expected from those two food monsters!!!", say Junsu.

"Hmm..", nod others.

All of them except Yunho's dad , who are already leaving at dawn to work at farm, are having breakfast together now.

"Nyam..nyam..nyam..", munch Kimin fast.

"Take a Breath..", say Junsu to them.

"We are breathing why do we have to take our breath again?", ask Kibum.



"What???Spooky???Watch your words food monster!!!", shriek Junsu.

"YAH!!!SHUT THE HELL UP!!!", yell Jaejoong.

Their boyfriends as usual just can shake their heads meanwhile Yunho's mom giggles to see their cute fight.

After they had their breakfast, they are sitting on the bench outside Yunho's house while chatting happily.

They don't hesitate to show their affection to their partner.

They are the teenagers who are in love now.

" there any motel in here?", ask Jaejoong.

"Nope..why?", ask Yunho.

"For these annoying troopers of course..", reply jaejoong.

"WAIT!!! We wanna sleep over in yunho's house by the way..", say Junsu.

"NOOOOO...", say Jaejoong.

"YES!!!", reply Kibum.

"NOOOOOO...!!!", say Jaejoong once again boldly.

"'s can sleep over in my house but one room must be shared by three people..", say Yunho.

" Me and Yoochun and KIbum/Changmin in one room..", say Junsu.

"and another room is Yunjae and Kibum/Changmin", continue Junsu.

"YAH!!!", protest Kimin.

"The right order is one room for me and Changmin and you/yoochun and another room for yunjae and you/yoochun..", say Kibum.

"YAH!!!", shriek Yoosu.

"GUYS!!!", shouts Yunho.

And four of them shut their mouth.

"The right order is jaejoong's room is for the 'girls' and my room is for the 'boys' ", say Yunho.

Four of them pout their mouth.

" sweety moment with Chunnie at night will kill me slowly..", pout Junsu.

" is the same with me..", pout Kibum.

"Well..there is no other choice..", sigh Yoochun and Changmin.

Yunjae just can smile to see the two couple in front of them.


They feel exactly the same like what they feel..

But Yoomin is right..

There is no other choices..

At night..

"Jae...I miss my chunnie...", say Junsu.

"Me too..", say Kibum.

"I wanna jump onto him right now and kiss him endlessly..", continue Junsu.

"I wanna eat My Minnie up right now..", continue Kibum.

'Aishhh!!!these two sex freaks!!!", protest Jaejoong.

'Should I watch my sex video with chunnie now??but it isn't enough!!!", add Junsu.

"You are can't be compared with the real sex..", add Kibum.

"Aishhhh!!!shut your mouth or I'll kick you out!!!", yell Jaejoong.

"Jae...don't you miss Yunho's touch??", ask Junsu.

"yeah..don't you miss him when he kiss and suck your body bit by bit..lower and lower..", add Kibum with a seductive voice.

Jaejoong starts imagining what Kibum says and he becomes horny.

"SHUT UP!!!!", yell Jaejoong and he tries to hold back his desire.

"Aishhh!!! I can't sleep!!! I want my chunnie..", say Junsu.

"I want my minnie..", say Kibum.

Jaejoong just keeps silent but actually, his heart, mind and soul also scream for Yunho.

"DAMN!!!", curse Jaejoong.

"What's up with our one-word man, huh??", tease Junsu.

"Starting feel hot, aren't cha??", tease Kibum.

"YEAH!! I FEEL SO HOT NOW!!!", blurt Jaejoong.

"Call Yunho then..and get him under your spell", continue Kibum.

"Mind your own business!!!", reply Jaejoong coldly.

"EUKYANG KYANG..", laugh Junsu.

"YOU TOO DOLPHIN!!!", say Jaejoong boldly.

Then, three of them are trying to sleep but their faces can tell that they are so helpless.

They really wanna be with their lovers.


"YAH!!!WAKE UP!!!", yell Yunho to Yoochun and Changmin.

"What's up bro??why do you wake me up??", ask Yoochun sleepily.

"Hmm..", nod Changmin.

"You know what??both of you MOANED in your sleep and I can't sleep because of that!!!", protest Yunho.

"Well..I dreamt about my susu..", admit Yoochun shyly.

"Me too..I dreamt my Kibummie..", add Changmin.

"Didn't you dream of Jae??", ask Yoomin curiously.

"Well..hmmm...I..", stutters Yunho.

"Don't say you had that DREAM also??", tease Yoochun.

"Aishh!!!just go back to your sleep!!!", reply Yunho sleepily and then, he covers his head with blanket to hide his red face.

(Stand By You ringtone is ringing)

"Joongie..", say Yunho.

" I miss you..", say Jaejoong.

"Me too..", pouts Yunho.

"Let's g o out!!!", say Jaejoong.

"But where??", ask Yunho.

"You tell me honey since this is your hometown", reply Jaejoong.

"Hmmm..let's go to the tree house near the farm..", suggest Yunho.

"LET'S GO!!!", screams Yoomin.

"Aishh!! I think we can't go alone Joongie..", say Yunho weakly.

"I guess so..", reply Jaejoong weakly too because Junki are already excited beside him.


Those three couples walk hand in hand to the farm and go toward the tree house.

They bring chips and sodas along with them.

'Here it is..", say Yunho while pointing the tree house in front of them.

Then, all of them go up to the tree house.

"I can see that your village has a beautiful scenery..", say Yoochun.

"Moreover, when we see it from a high place like this..", add Changmin.

"Do you like it, Joongie..?", ask Yunho.

"Hmm..I don't like it but I LOVE IT!!!", reply Jaejoong.


After chatting happily together, the three couples sit separately to give each other's privacy.

They sit in each of the window of the house.

There are three windows and a door in that tree house so it means, in every window there is one couple in there.

"Joongie..are you glad to meet me?", ask Yunho.

"I'm sooooooooo glad to meet you..", reply Jaejoong.

"How about you?", ask Jaejoong.

"I have never felt so glad before until I met you..", reply Yunho sweetly.

"Joongie..I love you..", whisper Yunho sweetly.

"I love you too yunnie..", whisper back Jaejoong to Yunho.

"Please always be my one-word man who stays by my side forever..", say Yunho.

"Sure..because this one-word man can't live without this Gwangju Boy..", reply Jaejoong.

They smile to each other.

They look at to each other deeply.

Their heart beat at the same time and they know to whom those heart beat are belong to..


Their lips are getting closer and closer..

And so do their heart, mind and soul..

All of them are melting into their kiss.

The kiss between the one-word man who has already found his true love that succeed in melting his cold heart and the Gwangju boy who has already found his only love that brings him into a deep and sincere love.

Nothing and no one can separate them..

Nothing and no one can doubt their love..

Even heaven knows that they belong to each other..


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