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You lived at Holmes Chapel and there is a bakery there where you get your favorite cupcake. Every morning before school, you went there to grab yourself a fresh-baked cupcake Watermelon Sugar to complete your day.

You come by to the bakery every Saturday and Sunday too but you failed to do so because you visited a sick aunt for the weekends.

You were back on Monday and you're surprised for a que laying outside, the bakery is still closed, you can't believe in what you saw and you're late so you were not able to grab a cupcake to start your day.

School didn't go well so right after class, you're out there, heading to W. Mandeville Bakery, wishing to finally have a delicious cupcake Kiwi.

The bakery is calmer now, no lines and it was the same again as before. The staff already knows you and they're already your friends. The manager asked you for a job there but you are not ready yet so you rejected the offer.

You can't refrain from thinking why the bakery opened late and what's with the line. You went to the counter and buy some cupcakes and asked the cashier about what happened earlier.

"Too bad you were not able to see him." She said giggly while speaking. You have to snap your fingers to snap her back to reality.

So, there's a "he" that caused your bad start of the week.

"We have a new part-timer, he started last Saturday. When he started working here, customers, mostly girls, started coming."

A Mr. Heartthrob huh, we'll see about that.

Saturday came and as you walked to W. Mandeville's, there you saw a line longer than what you saw during weekdays. You walked to the back door and there you saw the manager looking so stressed.

"(y/n), good thing that you're here. I really need your help, dear." He looked so tired.

"What can I do to help Sir?" Off course you know what he wants, stupid. Hahaha.

"The bakery is going wild, we need more helpers, I know you rejected my offer before but please, even for just today. I'm really lacking of employees." That was no joke, the line outside is really long.

"Sure, I'll help every weekend." He had a smile on and it's like his worries began to lessen.

"Really, thanks. You start today." The two of you went inside the back door and he gave you the procedures and your uniform with your name tag. He also gave you a copy of the menu and its prices but you told him that you had that memorized it long before.

You finally faced the people and there welcomes you a sea of faces. orders everywhere and girls pushing in front of the pastries.

"EVERYONE, (y/n) is going to help us today!" The boss yelled to his employees.

Everyone welcomed you shortly then back to work but your boss dragged you to the busiest part of the bakery, the pastry department.

"Harry, this is (y/n). She will help you from now on. (y/n) this is Harry, he started last Saturday and since then, a sea of people flooded over here." So, this is the culprit!

"Nice to meet you, (y/n)." He has dimples with his smile. What the F! You just smiled at him.

"I'll be leaving you two now. Get to work kids." The two of you laughed then back to the demanding customers. You faced upfront and you saw that the customers are all girls.

They had this weird face in you. Harry take care of the orders while you settle their payments. The girls draw evil looks at you like they're going to eat you alive. 'What did I do?' you told to yourself.

It was a crazy shift. There was a never-ending customer buying pastries. It's already lunch time and it was taken per shifts too. Harry and you are at the same time but you don't want to eat lunch with him.

Your food is free and after you grab your lunch and your cupcake, you went to sit at the table outside the shop.

"May I eat with you?" A voice asked. You looked at your back and Harry were there.

"Sure." You were just avoiding him and now, you left out a frustrated sigh silently. He put down his tray and you noticed that you have the same food as his. OMG! Golden!

"Why do you have the same food as mine?" You ask him annoyingly.

"Oh, right. Wow, we might have the same taste in food." He started eating his mashed potato, you were about to do that too so instead, you grab your chicken.

"May I know your age?" He asked while wiping his mouth with the napkin.

"15." You simply said.

"Hey, me too!!" This guy is so energetic, don't he ever run out of some.

You didn't continue with the conversation and instead, you just continued in what you're eating. He went quiet too.

"You don't like me huh?" You were shocked to hear his accusation. You're half way through your food and you don't know what to say back. Now that he mentioned it, you can't help to feel guilty. You hated the man for ruining your Monday morning. Well, it was not really his entire fault any way.

"I'm more of just a quiet type of person." You made an excuse.

"You're not quiet whenever I see you buy your cupcake here every morning." He whispered.

"Excuse me?" You wonder if you hear him right.

"Nothing!" He flashes that dimpled smile again and you finally noticed that he's actually cute. That causes all the customer in the bakery. He's not that bad after all.

"Come on, say it!" You poke him in his side and then he started tickling you and that made you scream. People started screaming then the two of you went back to eating.

Lunch break is over and back to work. Ss soon as you two went back to your positions, you noticed that it's not only girl customers are but there are guys now. The bakery is starting to be like the bakeries featured in TV.

"This is your fault." Harry whispered to you. The girls shoot evil looks at you again like sharp daggers.

"How can this be my fault? fault in what?" You ask confusedly.

"Because you're pretty. These guys come here for you." He pointed his lips on the guys in line, you looked at them and the guys smile and waved at you. You looked away and went back to the customer.

"It was your fault first." You told him as you hand the change to the customer.

"What?" He answered with a weird look on his face but smiled as he hands the order of the customer.

"This bakery was peaceful until you came along." You're not looking at him, you just focused on the customer.

"I just have a thing when it comes to girls and you can't blame me for having a beautiful face." That's the time to look at him and he had an evil smile on.

"Whatever Mr. Narcissistic." He laughed at what you said then back to work.

Harry and you've become real good friends. Work is more fun when he is there making you laugh. Then you realized that you are starting to like him.

You feel awkward towards him and you feel that Harry is starting to notice it. One time, he walked you home and ask you to meet him at the park tomorrow, after school, he's got something to tell you and that makes you feel anxious.

Like what he said, you went to the park and you saw him together with a picnic mat and basket. You walk towards him and he has that smile again that makes you feel giggly inside.

"You're here!" He said in full excitement as he stands up and kissed you on the cheeks. He never did that before.

The two of you sat down and talk about everything then his face suddenly got serious. Meet me in the Hallway.

"(y/n)" He said as he emerges the guitar from his side. You stare at his eyes and he started plucking the guitar.

"Don't try to make me stay

Or ask if I'm okay

I don't have the answer

Don't make me stay the night

Or ask if I'm alright

I don't have the answer.

It makes your lips so kissable

And your kiss unmissable

Your fingertips so touchable

And your eyes irresistible.

I've tried to ask myself

Should I see someone else?

I wish I knew the answer.

But I know, if I go now, if I leave

Then I'm on my own tonight

I'll never know the answer.

Midnight doesn't last forever

Dark turns to light

Heartache flips my world around

I'm falling down, down, down,

That's why.

I find your lips so kissable

And your kiss unmissable

Your fingertips so touchable

And your eyes irresistible








It's in your lips and in your kiss

It's in your touch and your fingertips

And it's in all the things and other things

That make you who you are and your eyes irresistible.

It makes your lips so kissable

And your kiss unmissable

Your fingertips so touchable

And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes,

Your eyes, your eyes, your eyes


he strums the guitar one last time. You never leave your eyes on him and so does he. Everything seems new to you and this thing was way different from how you two spent time together.

"(y/n)" He broke the silence.

"Yes?" You answered back while harry's holding your hand.

"You wanna know why I took a job on W. Mandeville Bakery? Ever Since New York." His voice is so calm, you just shook your head.

"Because I thought that would be the way for me to finally talk to you and introduce myself." His smile is shy but oh so handsome. "But I think I was wrong."

He took the job on the bakery to talk to you... wait.. wait, WHAT!

"You wanted to talk to me?" Your heart is pounding violently.

"Yeah, I kindda have a crush on you but I was too damn scared to make the first move. I took the job there but I didn't get to see on the first day and the customers are everywhere. Even if you were there, I would still not be able to talk to you. But one day, you came and the manager took you to help and we were put on the same station. You don't know how happy I was back then." He stare at you and those dimples was something to die for.

"At lunch I was surprised that we had the same thing on our plate. I can't believe that we had the same taste but you were so cold to me Sweet Creature. I know that you are not the quiet type but I experienced extreme coldness from you. Then suddenly started to be like old friends doing silly things." His cheeks blushed and you think yours too.

You smiled at him and put your hand on top of his. Lights up.

"Say why you want to see me today. Say it please." You said to him with a smile. He took a deep breath and sit straight. He looked you in the eyes and said.

"Would you go out with me?" You gave him a weird face To be so Lonely and looked at your sides.

"Aren't we going out already?" You teased him and he slightly blushed. "Haha, I will go out with you anytime, Sunflower." You gave your sweetest smile and he suddenly hugged you.

This is the best day of your life!

>> Harry Styles Imagine <<

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