Yuri Holmes1 - Yulsic (15), (16), (17)

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Case 15 The Past

Jessica covered her ears with her pillow and pulled the blanket over her head .

But the annoying sound that's disrupting her sleep just gets louder .

" Agrh ! " Jessica let out , jumped out of her bed and went downstairs .

Yuri was playing the violin . The music was perfect , but no doubt conveying some sad emotions .

Jessica stood at the stairs , lost , while seeing this side of Yuri . She never knew Yuri could play instrument , and she never knew the Yuri who's always in suit can look so beautiful . Handsomely beautiful.

Suddenly Yuri stopped and noticed Jessica observing her . She smiled .

" I .. was not admiring you ..I ..You're disturbing my sleep ! " Jessica said nervously .

Yuri smiled while keeping her violin away .

Jessica could sense that the normally fun making Yuri was solemn tonight , and she unconsciously walked to Yuri and sat beside her .

" Tell me what's bothering you . " Jessica said so calmly and convincingly that the tough Yuri cant help but submit .

Yuri adjusted herself closer to Jessica until their arms touched and Yuri relaxed to lean on Jessica .

" It was 5 years ago . Taeyeon , Hyoyeon and I graduated from the police academy .We were best friends . As you can see , Taeyeon worked her way up to an inspector today .And me , who always fail to follow rules and regulations decided to become a private detective .

Hyoyeon , is a very talented police who excelled in criminal psychology and crime methods. There was one day when we were supposed to guard a collection of diamonds in the city hall museum . That was when she told me how she would execute a crime if she was the criminal . I thought it was a joke of course . But the next day , the diamonds were gone , taken away the way she described and she was gone too . Overnight , a talented police turned into the world's most sought after criminal . Professor H . " Yuri said heavy heartedly , almost gritting her teeth .

" Is she the one behind the missing Soshified Sapphire ? " Jessica asked curiously .

" I believe so . " Yuri replied .

" Would .. would you let her go just because she was your best friend ? " Jessica asked again .

Yuri suddenly realised she was appearing too weak in front of Jessica and sat up .

" Never . A good detective needs no emotions . " Yuri said seriously and that made Jessica felt disappointed strangely .

Yuri stood up .

" I'm sorry to have disturbed your sleep ..you should go back and have a good dream now . " Yuri said and took another look at Jessica .

" And ..erm .. you should cover yourself if you're coming out of the room if you're wearing this ?this kind of .. " Yuri couldn't finish her sentence and went back to her room .

Jessica looked down at what she was wearing and her face went red .

- End -

Case 16 - The pursue part 1

Victoria smiled she looked at the gold coffin which was about to be dispatched from the house .

"The crime is perfect . The Professor's a genius . " Victoria said to herself and smiled again .

" Get in and arrest the lady ! " Taeyeon gave her order and her team stormed in the Duke's villa .

Victoria looked out of the window and she cursed . She looked at the corpse and back to Taeyeon who's stationing outside the building .

" Damn! " Victoria cursed before running out of the room .

" The lady's nowhere to found ! But the Duke's body is here ! " n officer shouted from the room to the first storey .

Taeyeon stomped her feet .

" It's up to you now Yuri . " She said .

Victoria ran .

The professor was smart to ask Victoria prepare this secret tunnel , always with a back up plan .

Victoria kept running till she saw a familiar shadow in the half bright tunnel .

A shadow of someone with long hair , hat , and windpipe .

" Damn . Holmes . " Victoria said panting .

'" In a rush ? My lady . " Yuri said calmly as she walked a few steps forwards, revealing her face to Victoria .

"Victoria tried to regain her composure and smiled at Yuri .

'Yuri Holmes . Let me go . You know who I'm working for . She told me about you . You can come with me . And we could do great things together . " Victory said hopefully .

Yuri took out her windpipe and looked at Victoria with eyes that could kill .

" Great things like stealing jewels ? I'm Holmes . Yuri Holmes . " Yuri said .

Victoria gritted her teeth and bent down to take out a pistol from her black stocking .

" Then you leave me with no choice . " Victoria said but as she stood up Yuri had a pistol in her hand as well .

" Private detectives are not supposed to have guns ! " Victoria shouted , losing her patience and composure once and for all .

Yuri smirked .

" Not me , the only one who's recognised by the government , the national crime .Now surrender . Or I will do something that I normally wouldn't do , fighting a pretty lady . " Yuri said .

Victoria gulped . She was almost trembling . She left the Sapphire back there and now she's facing the most powerful opponent ever . She had to think of something .

" Alright .. but first I want to know how did you know it's me . " Victoria said , trying to stall time .

- To be continued -

Case 17 - The pursue part 2

" Alright . I shall let you know how foolish your crime is . " Yuri said .

" Firstly , I knew the criminal is a woman since I pursued you from the museum . Secondly , the question to the case of the Sapphire is how should it be deported out of England , in the safest way as the Professor would plan it . The national security is tight , no one would be able to leave unnoticed , bringing the collection of Sapphires out . But of course , no one would dare check the great Scotland Duke , especially when he's dead . "Yuri said and although hating to admit it Victoria was impressed with Yuri's wit .

It was as how the Professor described . Divine Deductions .

" But .. no one would link the 2 cases together .. it was so unrelated ! " Victoria retorted fiercely .

" My lady . Every crime leaves a trace . And a trace leads to the truth .The story you made up of the Duke's being robbed in the study was ridiculous . Would a criminal choose to invade a house which he needs to run a mile to escape , not to say that the gate of the house was obviously heavily guarded . But the most obvious , was the Duke's wound . You said he fought with the robber and got stabbed .. but according to Jessica the would was a clean stab , which is impossible to be caused in a fight , but by someone who he wouldn't safeguard himself against . And that could only be you , Victoria . And finally , when I pieced everything together , the puzzle was complete . " Yuri said , confidently , as she would in every of her deductions .

Victoria's face went pale . She was defeated . In her years of helping the professor it was the first time she came across someone like Yuri .

" Yuri ..You know what ..I am so charmed by you . But fate has it we have to be police and thief . " Victoria said bitterly .

" Enough of nonsense . Are you going to surrender ? " Yuri said .

Victoria was helpless until the tunnel rang with the sounds of heels running and ..

Jessica appeared a few feet away from Yuri .

" Yu ..Yuri .. " Jessica said panting .

Victoria smiled .

" Well Holmes .. I guess if your darling friend is dying you wouldn't have time to run after me .. " Victoria said and unlocked her pistol .

Yuri's face went pale . For the first time in a very long time Yuri Holmes felt threatened and fear .

" No ? " Yuri shouted and sprinted towards Jessica .


Yuri fell on Jessica and brought the both of them down to the ground while Victoria sprinted away .

" Yu ..yuri .. " Jessica said weakly as she turned Yuri's body .

Yuri's face was pale as her hand touched her waist and got stained with blood . A lot of blood .

Jessica broke down into tears ..

" No .. no .. Yuri .. " Jessica said and tears were flowing .

Yuri gritted her teeth and forced a smile while looking at Jessica .

" Ha.. I .. I .. couldn't ..let.. your precious ..dress ..get dirty ..can I .. " Yuri said with a smile and fainted .

- End -

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