5) A Night to Remember

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Victuri week 2018, day 5
Created on: 6 October 2020

Man, I never wrote a Fantasy AU before but this was pretty fun to make, eventhough it's a slightly cliched 😀
Hope u like it 😊


"Are you excited, Yuri?!" I asked my half-brother, smiling excitedly.

"Nah. It's a horrible idea," the blond boy complained from his changing room. "The worst thing about this sh^tty plan is that no one will know we're princes, you know? They'll mistreat us!"

"Pfft! We can't be pamper all the time. Besides, it's not like we mistreat them," I said.

"True enough but it's gonna suck, obviously. A ball with the citizens, c'mon! They might steal stuff for cash!"

A while later, Yuri stepped out of the room with his jaw dropped. He was wearing an off-white upper garment, which was extended to his knees and and tied around his waist with a thin cotton maroon rope, and a pair of lose maroon pants.

"Beka, why the hell didn't you tell me about commoner clothes being so comfortable?" he asked his royal assistant with a bright smile.

"I thought you wouldn't be interested," Otabek said, averting his gaze.

"I'm gonna wear mine too! See ya both at the party!" I said, running to the door, excitedly. "Don't do anything weird when I'm gone, you love birds~"

"WHY YOU BA-" I quickly closed the door to avoid listening Yuri's shouting. It must be so nice for him to have someone by his side.

I went to my room to change my clothes and Yuri was right. It's really really comfortable to wear. The citizens are so lucky to wear this every single day. I looked out of my window to see a lot of people entering the castle. This is so exciting!! We get to see what our citizens are like! My heart was about to leap out of my chest as I ran closer and closer to the ballroom.

The ballroom has never been more beautiful. It had this a really lively and comfortable atmosphere and there were a lot of people, everyone one of them smiling brightly. They had brought their own drinks and homemade food, not minding much about the drinks and food we've prepared for them. Some couples were even dancing to the music played by the orchestra. I looked around as I walked past the fellow citizens of our kingdom, feeling a sense of pride to watch all of them get along so well.

"Hey! Young man!" I heard someone call out. I turned to see a man looking at me. I turned around to check if he was calling someone else.

"Me?" I asked for reassurance, pointing to myself.

"Yeah, you. Come here," the short man said, gesturing me to come over.

I went to the man with a smile. "What is it, sir?" I asked.

"Could you please place this on the buffet table? I have to be somewhere to be right now," the man said, giving me a covered casserole. It smells so good!

"Did something happen?" I asked, worried.

"I think I forgot to lock the farm," he said, panicking. "I'll be back later."

"Oh okay," I said, walking to the table with a smile while the man ran out of the room.

As I reached the table, my smile faded. Oh shoot. The table is full and there's wasn't an inch of space left. Where do I keep this? I began to panic because no one took any sort of attention to my situation. Are there any other tables? I jumped in surprise when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw a young man looking at me with a small smile.

"I'm sorry I startled you," the beautiful man chuckled.

He had dark, raven hair which was covering his forehead, he wore a pair of blue rimmed glasses in front of his breath-taking brown eyes. Woah.

"Uh... it's alright. I just didn't know where to keep this," I said, smiling at him.

"Oh, that's ours. I saw my dad pass this to you and you seem to be confused where to keep it so..."

"That's so sweet of you," I said. "So... where do I keep this?"

"Um... I don't kn-"

"HEY! THIS TABLE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE BUFFET!" a lady announced while pointing to a table.

Yuri looked back at me. "Let's keep it there then," he said, walking beside me to the table.

"What is in it by the way?" I asked, unable to resist the delicious smell any longer.

"Oh, it's katsudon pirozhki," he said.

"A what pirozhki?"

"Katsudon. It's a Japanese dish but instead we stuffed it inside a pirozhki. It's our restaurant's speciality."

"You're Japanese?" I asked, while he took the casserole from my hands.

"Yes, we are," he said, placing it on the table. "Your name is?

"Victor," I asked, not revealing my last name.

"Katsuki Yuri. Nice to meet you," he said, extending his hand for me to shake. Oh, another 'Yuri'?

"The pleasure's all mine," I said, taking his hand and pressing my lips on the back of it with a smile.

Yuri looked away, biting his lower lip, his soft-looking cheeks turning pink at my gesture. He looks so cute when he blushes.

"How long have you been in Russia, Yuri, and what brings you here?" I asked, still holding his hand on mine.

"We came here about a year ago. My parents own an inn and a farm here," he replied with a smile. "The farm is mainly just full of pigs for unknown some reason."

I chuckled. "That's good to know," I said.

"I haven't seen you around the town. Where do you live?"

"I'm a traveller," I said, hoping that he wouldn't see through my lie. "So, I live in, um, you know.... that inn near the palace." Are there even any inns near the palace? I'm so stupid.

"I see," he said, surprisingly believing it. Okay, now I feel bad for lying. "You must've seen a lot of places, huh?"

"Yes, just around Russia not any other places," I said. I actually never left the palace apart for that.

"Russia is the only place I've been to other than Japan. I actually plan to go home in a few weeks."

"Really? What's it like there?" I said, wanting to know him better.


"Have you ever tried skating, Vitya?" Yuri asked, which was like the millionth topic we've been talking about. We chatted a lot tonight and even ate a lot. Thank goodness my nutritionist isn't invited or I wouldn't be able to eat the good homemade food the citizens made.

"Nope. Have you?" I asked, after finishing my fourth katsudon pirozhki.

"A lot. We usually skate on frozen lakes and all."

"That must be so cool," I said. I never thought about something like that.

"It is. We should try it one day," Yuri said, smiling brightly as he finished eating.

I kept my bowl aside and stood up from my seat, looking at Yuri with a smile. "You know... there is something else we could do." I extend my hand to him and Yuri looked at it and back to me with a confused look. "Care to join me for a dance?"

Yuri gasped a bit and gave a big bright smile. "Of course," he said, taking my hand and leading me to the middle of the room.

Yuri shyly placed his arm on my shoulder while I slowly held his waist with my right hand and held his hand with my left before we began to move with the music, just like the other people waltzing in the room. I couldn't help but gaze into those beautiful eyes of his and I could definitely get lost just by looking at them. Our lips slowly curved into a smile as we danced like we were the only ones in the room.

"You're an amazing dancer, Victor," Yuri complimented in voice low engough for only me to hear.

"Not as good as you though," I whispered, dipping him a bit, earning a laugh from him.

"I'm just going with your lead," Yuri admitted.

A while later, I gave in to the urge to get closer to him. Yuri didn't look taken aback by what I did but just kept smiling at me. I couldn't help but look down at those soft kissable lips of his. Is it too soon?

I shifted my gaze up to Yuri's eyes. "You're a really beautiful person, Yuri," I whispered.

"And what makes you say that?" he asked, smiling so sweetly at me.

"You have a heart of gold.... I haven't met anyone else with that unique quality," I said.

"I could say the same to you," Yuri said, smiling softly. "You're really something, Victor."

"In a good way?"

"In the best way."

I slowly leaned in closer to him to the point where our noses were brushing each other. Yuri's eyes were lidded as he gazed into mine. He slowly closed the distance between us by bringing his lips to mine, kissing me gently. The kiss felt so magical and so heartfelt that I didn't hesitate for a second to kiss him back. I could feel his smile on my lips and I could feel like heart fluttering in my chest.

We quickly pulled away when we heard the other people in the room cheering and whistling at us and the first person I saw was my brother, giving me a disgusted look with Otabek standing beside him. This was awkward.

I turned to the Yuri beside me when I felt him hold my arm. "Come with me," he whispered, lowering his head in embarrassment as he lead outside to the garden. "I..." He sighed deeply. "I'm sorry I kissed you over there in front of everyone without even asking you or-"

"You didn't have to ask," I said, calmly. "I'm glad you kissed me, Yuri. I loved it very much."

"You did?" Yuri asked, blushing in surprise.

"In fact...." I cupped his cheek on my palm, "I know we only met tonight but.... I think I'm in love with you, Yuri." Yuri froze up for a second to process what I said and then gave me a beautiful loving smile.

"I think so too, Victor," he said, placing a hand over the hand I was cupping his cheek with.

I leaned in till my lips met his and we kiss under moonlight, without a care for the world. I could feel his smile on the kiss just like the kiss we shared before and I couldn't help but smile too. This feeling I feel for him... it's indeed love and I know it's real. I know we only met today but I feel it. I really love him. With all my heart. Everything under the moon shined beautifully under the its light but Yuri shined on his own, sweeping me off my feet with a smile.


The next day....

'Dear Yurio (that's the name I'll call you in from now on),

I am really happy to tell you that I have decided to follow my heart and follow my beautiful Yuri to Japan. I shall leave the throne to your trusting hands. Isn't that great? You get to be crown prince now! Good luck with everything! I'll be sure to write to you once we reach Japan. Tell Yakov and Lillia I said, 'Hi'. Also, I might even tell my Yuri about me being a prince. Ex-prince now though ;)

Lots of hugs and regards, your trusted half-brother,
Signed, Victor Nikiforov ( • ♡ \\\) /

P.S.: Please don't send any guards after me. I don't need them. Bye!'

"Yura..." Otabek said, trying to calm his angry boyfriend down.

Yuri, now named Yurio by Victor, had his teeth gritted as he read the note with his hands trembling in pure rage.

"THAT F^&KING B*&TARD!!!" Yurio exclaimed, tearing up the paper.

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