Yaoi on the rink

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"You can sit if you like." You say as you point to the settee. You rummage around for some popcorn and you put it in a pan to cook.

"Yuri, would you like a drink." You ask.

"Sure, what do you have?"

"I have (insert alcoholic drinks here)"

"Could I have some (Alcoholic drink) please?"

"Sure thing!" You say as you hand him a bottle and a bowl of popcorn. You get down on your hands and knees and pick out the anime 'Yaoi on the rink' and put in the player and sit back on the settee close to Yuri. You press play. You finish all twelve episodes and by the end of it, you were resting your head against Yuri and he had his arm around you. You turn everything off and turn back to Yuri.

You stare at each other for a moment and Yuri touches your cheek with his hand and plunges you into the deepest kiss of your life, you explored every part of his mouth, you yearned for more. Tongue tied you gasp for air.

"Y-Yuri," You said flustered. "Will you stay with me tonight?" You ask nervously.

"Of course, Y/N, I don't want to leave you." He said.

"I'm going, to be honest, I have liked you ever since I first saw you a year ago when we got drunk at Viktor's party together and we danced together." You admit.

"I liked you then too but you moved to England to see your family there and I never got the chance to confess." You never thought that this could be possible, the top ten figure skater was in your apartment, he kissed you and confessed his love to you. It perplexed you how it was all so real. You're in love, you just know it.

You kissed him passionately and crawled on top of him making him pull you closer, so your chests were barely touching. He holds you in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. You sat up on to his waistline. He breathes heavily.

"Yuri am I hurting y..." You were cut off by the sudden touch of Yuri's lips against yours. He pulls you towards him so that his mouth was to your ear.

"I need you... Y/N." He whispered seductively into your ear. Chills ran up your side and you felt the unfamiliar feeling in your stomach. A new sensation climbs your insides. Was this... 


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