Zero Two ||Darling In The Franxx||

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A/n: I wrote this on a whim as I started watching this anime and I love it :)) hope it's ok!

"..I don't even want to be in this damn unit.." I muttered bitterly as I wrote in my notebook a few thoughts I've come to notice about my unit. I wasn't exactly the analytical type but after seeing the training battle between Zorome and Hiro, I felt I needed to touch up on some things myself so I didn't mess up. I kept tapping my pen unconsciously whenever I found myself stuck, no answers as to what was going on within my situation and why.

"Something the matter Y/n?" Miku sat in a chair across from my own as I closed my notebook and lifted my head to give a tired smile "Nothing Miku, I'm sorry to give you trouble." "It's no big deal! Ichigo was just worried about ya!" Just that string of words only made my eyes roll as I picked up the fork between my fingers "Ah, was she now..? Somehow I don't believe that for a moment." I ended up cutting a small piece of the pancake on my plate as I went to take a bite. "Yep! Plus, your pretty rough around the edges! You can take anything! But that wound that you got the other day was pretty nasty, are you doing ok now?" "Yeah I am. But it's hard to believe that Ichigo has me on the front of her mind instead of Hiro."

I took a brilliant red strawberry from the bowl next to the plate, just admiring how brightly colored it was. It reminded me of her horns that everyone so desperately hated. "Beautiful..." The word fell off my lips as I gave the strawberry a small kiss as I was greeted with sweetness of the fruit. "Caught you pervert!" Someone's hands clasped down on my shoulders, causing a frightened scream to come from my throat. I was startled just enough to spill the entire fruit bowl on the table "Shh~. It's only me my darling~."

The said culprit lifted my chin a bit to look at her sweet smile only to do a twirl afterwards to then park her spot on my lap. "Mmmm~ My darling Y/n is so warm and soft." "Zero Two, aren't you here a bit early? You usually have things to do?" "Maybe, but I just decided to come see you. Oooh~ Honey cakes." My cheeks suddenly heated up at the phrase as my attention diverted to her eating the pancakes off my plate. With a deep sigh and a shake of my head "I also mean you too Y/n. You are just as sweet as honey cakes." "I-"

"Oh gross, it's that weirdo with horns again? You aren't supposed to be in here dumbass!" Zerome stammered from his seat as Hiro rolled his eyes "She's going to do what she wants, she goes to the pace of her own drums. You might as well stop trying to get her to leave." "Well Streletiza's little Brave Heart won't last long in a battle against me anyways. They'd lose almost instantly with no trouble at all haha!" The more he boasted and boomed across the dining hall just made it so much more irritating to be here. "Besides, it's gross for two girls to even pilot a—"

"Darling! Here have some more of your honey cakes! Here, I'll feed them to you-" "Anyways! Isnt it weird that both the pilots are female? That's gross!" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Zero's eyes widened with a bit of shock but she knew it was coming the more he pressured on the topic. We both stood up as my eye brows stayed knitted the entire time. But my expression seemed to melt as she wrapped her arms around my waist to only muzzle into the back of my neck "Don't listen to them darling..we know that the love we share is genuine. I won't let you go and I know you won't ever let me go, so don't let them get involved with us ok? With us together, Streletiza's Brave Heart will always be the strongest unit of them all. We're combined and never to be separated.." She smiled and she swayed herself into my view as her fingers gently made me look her in the eye as her lips locked with my own.

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