Back In The Past Saga Part 1

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Years Ago

The day was just a regular day in high school with you as you was with your best friend you somehow made and her name was Yuta Akumu and you was at shock that she was related with the famous model and baseball player Sazzak. Now the two of you was talking with one another as the conversation was about video games.

Y/n: Do you really want to play that game? It's a waste of money.

Yuta: Is it your money I'm going to use? Stay out of it.

Y/n: *rolls your eyes* Whatever.

You heard some students running and yelling as you was confused but with Yuta she just sighed and gotten up and walked towards to where the students are going. And so you followed Yuta as well as you quickly saw fives students fighting one person but the one person was easily beating the people down as he punched the last guy as he let out a sigh and spit out a bit of blood.

???: Fucking morons.

Yuta: Oi idiot. What the hell you think you was doing?

???: Oh fuck off, I'm fine see.

Yuta: I don't care about that. You just don't listen to me or to Danny.

The students started to walk away as you was still there watching your friend yelling with the person who won the fight as you was worried that she'll get hurt and you got in front of her.

Y/n: Back off.

???: The fuck? *looks at Yuta&* You know this jackass sis?

Y/n: Sis?! *looks at Yuta* This guy is your brother?!

Yuta: Yes, Y/n meet my younger twin brother, Yuto.

You was shock that Yuta had a twin brother as you look at him as he was annoyed.

Yuto: What? Got something on my fucking face?

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