Yuto Being Petty

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It's been a few days since the apple incident as Yuto was in his normal form as one of his eyes was dark green as he walks into the kitchen and looked at his older brother.

Yuto: Oi Danny.

Danny: Yeah bro?

Yuto: You seen my apple pie?

Danny: *started to sweat a bit* What apple pie?

Yuto: *glares at him* WhAt ApPlE pIe? It was half of an apple pie here with my damn name written on top of the fucking box. And now apple pie missing!

Danny: Oh you mean the apple pie that was on top of the shelf next to the sugar.

Yuto: The fuck you think dumbass? *slowly realizes* No the fuck you did not do what I think you did

Danny: *sweating more before sighing* I can explain.

Yuto: So you gonna eat my damn shit and act like you don't know where it is. 

Danny: look bro I was hungry.

Yuto: I don't give a demon's ass if your damn ribs was showing. You do not fucking eat another man's apple pie!

Danny: I didn;t know you would get this upset.

Yuto: ......Nigga what?! I am far from the word upset! Livid is the better fucking word! That was my apple pie you fucking idiot!

Danny: I can buy you ano-

Yuto: Fucking save it! You ate my shit and left the box! Oh I should crip walk on your damn dead body!

Danny: Brother you need to calm down.

Yuto: Calm down? Man I should shot you with some holy fucking bullets.

Danny: You is really gonna shoot your brother over some apple pie.

Yuto: .....The fuck yes! You know what I'm going to hide your inhaler.

Danny: ....H-huh?

Yuto: I'm going to miss place the most important thing you need and watch your ass die.

Danny: Brother no no!

You just walked in the house and heard the yelling and something crashed into the kitchen as you run over to see Yuto in his 'ink' form choking Danny to death.

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