Chapter 1

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It's been 2 years after Y/n been sent to earth and now she is getting used to live on earth.She also has a friend named F/n(Friend's name).

They're both living on a same house.At New York City.(They turned 14 so as Shu)
Y/n was taking a stroll at the New York's park central.After a few hours taking a stroll,she sat on the nearest bench.

'Where is F/n?'She thought.Then she looked beside her and saw two girls whispering something but Y/n still can hear it clear.

"Did you know that every morning there's this boy with white hair and a crimson eyes always jogs here?"

"You mean the owner of the Raging Bulls, Shu Kurenai!?Of course."

The girl with black curly hair took something from her pocket.It's a small notebook and a pen?

"I want to ask him for his autograph!"

That makes Y/n annoyed.She groaned,'Humans'.Suddenly,She heard a squekling sound.It's from a group of girls.The ran to the opposite of Y/n's direction.The two girls lately were the same.

Y/n checked on what's happening.Then she met with a crimson eyes.

"Shu,give me your autograph!"

"Shu,be with me forever!"

"Shu,be my boyfriend!"

Then Shu finally spoke,"Girls please,i don't have time for some autograph or anything."

But the girls refused and keep asking that they wanted.That makes Y/n losses her cool.

"Oi!Don't you girls have ears?He said he does not have time for your girly thingy."

One of the girls said,"Shut up you slut!Who are you to raise your voice towards me?I am the leader here."

"No one wonder you look like big fat boss."Y/n replied.The leader got mad and tried to punch her.Y/n managed to avoid by grabbed her arm and twisted it.The leader cried in pain.Then Y/n dropped her by pushing her away.Y/n bowed towards her and whispered,"What so called leader you are if you're not strong enough to protect your group.And another,I'm not a slut,I'm your queen~"

Then the leader ran away.The group of girls including the duo froze.Y/n stood up and glares like a devil towards them."Anybody else?"She asked.

All of the girls ran away.Y/n scoffed and said,"Just as i thought."

She walked away until a hand hold her arm."Thanks for saving me back there.I appreciate it."It was the boy who mentioned by the girls.

Shu Kurenai

Y/n turned her head towards him."Your welcome"She said in a cold tone."By the way,I'm Shu.Shu kurenai and you?"

"Listen here Mr.Perfect.I'm saving you doesn't mean i be friendly to you"Y/n walked away leaving the poor albino boy shocked.


A familiar voice from behind Shu called his name.It was his student,Fubuki Sumiye/Sumie."Oh,Fubuki,what is it?"Shu asked Fubuki.

"Don't you remember?Your meeting starts at 8!"Fubuki exlaimed.Shu was shocked and looked at his watch.It's 7.20 a.m.

Then they both quickly ran towards the Raging Bulls.

Y/n arrived at her house.She walked towards her bedroom and lay herself on her bed.

"What a big day"She murmured.But suddenly,She felt like she missing something no someone.



The doorbell dings as Y/n went downstairs and open the door.It was F/n.She looks tired and her legs became heavy.



"I was at Central Park."

"And leaving me!?Some friend you are."F/n pouted.

"Okey fine,I'm sorry."

Then F/n smiled and holding a plastic with food in it.

"i brought you some food.Let's eat!"

Then the duo started eating and chatting.

Hey,guys!I know the fight part was short i don't know how to do that part.But anyways hope you enjoy!Please comment to describe this chapter.

Bye love ya!

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