Roles: PT 2

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- The big bad

- Wishes to rule a old ancient evil

- Has controlled the other costillations

Role: TAKEN (me)


- Any power

- Has been experimented on

- Mother to Andromeda 

Role: OPEN 


- Eris son

- Second in command 

- Strongest of the batch

Role: arihattieruff2011

- A dragon who been entrapped 

- Is said to be the last dragon 

- Eris personal pet

Role: OPEN 

- Eris new play thing 

- The spirit of Hercules rest in here

- He is forced to basically suffer for eternity 

Role: OPEN 


- Has ran away

- Bitter enemy to Draco

- Is missing currently 

Role: OPEN 


- Snake manipulation 

- Healer

- Poisonous 

Role: OPEN 


- Cursed princess in the stars

- Can have any power

- Weeps for freedom each day

Role: TAKEN (Im_Your_MotherNow)

Ursa Major 

- Mother bear

- Only doing this to protect her son

- Overprotective 

Role: OPEN 

Ursa Minor

- Bear cub

- Doesn't know what's happening cause mother won't tell

- The only baby

Role: TAKEN (HahHeresASimppp)

Canis Major and Vulpecula

- A hound and a fox

- One can never be caught and one can always catch

- A team

Role Fox: OPEN 

Role Hound: OPEN 

Remember these characters can have any power! Just only do one! Eris is the only different one!

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