Chapter 12 Volume 1

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Timeskip a couple weeks
Zack (POV)
It's been a hectic couple of weeks. Class has been good for the most part. I'm still getting my ass kicked in Qrow's special training but I'm getting better. I'm actually making him go somewhat serious on me. Also me and Ruby have gotten a lot closer as of late. It's to the point where we FaceTime every night and talk for hours on end. Today is actually the last day before break and Weiss dragged my team and her team to the city of vale to check out the preparation for the festival.
Weiss- The vytal festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!
Zack- I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much ice queen. It isn't normal.
Weiss- How could you not? It's a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament. The amount of preparation and organization that goes into this is absolutely breath taking.
Yang- You really know how to take a good thing and make sound boring.
Ethan- Yeah. What she said.
Weiss- Quiet both of you.
Zack- So would you enlighten me by telling what we're doing visiting the stupid docks on a Friday before the break?
Ruby- Ew it smells like fish.
Weiss- I heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today and as a representative of beacon, I feel like it was solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.
Blake- She wants to spy on them so that she'll have in upper hand in the tournament.
Weiss- You can't prove that.
Zack- (turns to Dante and whispers) It's not like it matters anyway. I mean we're still gonna win the entire thing.
Dante- Oh for sure.
Ruby- Woah
We all turn to see what she was looking at and we see a store that was robbed. We walk up to the officers.
Zack- Officers what happened here?
Officer 1: Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week. This place has turned into a jungle.
Yang- That's terrible.
Officer 2: They left all the lien
Officer 1: Yeah. It just doesn't make a lick of sense.
Officer 2: Who needs that much dust?
Officer 1: I don't know.
Officer 2: you thinking the white fang
Officer 1: Yeah I'm thinking we don't get paid enough.
Zack *mind*- It couldn't be the white fang could it? I mean I know Torchwick has to be involved in it somehow. I mean he did hit that dust shop when I fought him a months ago. The only way the white fang would be involved is that if they.... No they wouldn't. Would they?
Weiss- Hmph. The white fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates
Elias/Blake/Zack- What's your problem?
Weiss- My problem? I just don't care for the criminally insane.
Zack- The whitefang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They are just a bunch of misguided faunas.
Weiss- Misguided? They want to wipe humanity of the face of the planet.
Elias- So then they're very misguided.
Blake- Either way it doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown vale.
Ruby- Blake's got a point. And besides they never caught that Torchwick guy from a few months ago. Maybe it was him.
Zack *mind*- Clever girl. She's finally catching on to my thinking.
Weiss- Still doesn't change the fact that the whitefang are a bunch of scum. All they know how to do is lie, cheat, and steal
Author: Eddie Guerrero!! God rest his soul. If you get why I said that then you're the real MVP
Yang- That's not necessarily true.
Suddenly a monkey faunas who stoad away on the ship behind us comes flying over us and runs away.
Dante- Well Weiss, there goes the competition.
Weiss- Quick! We have to observe him!
We all run after him. That is until Weiss runs into someone.
Weiss- No he got away.
Yang- Um Weiss.
Weiss finally notices the person she's on top of and she gets up quickly.
Person- (still on the ground) Salutations.
Ruby- Hello.
Yang- Are you ok?
Person- I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking.
Elias- Do you want to get up?
Person- (thinks for a moment) Yes.
She kips up to a standing position.
Person- My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Zack- Hey Penny. I'm Zack.
Ethan- I'm Ethan.
Elias- Elias.
Dante- Dante.
Ruby- I'm Ruby.
Weiss- I'm Weiss
Blake- Blake
Yang- Are you sure you didn't hit your head?
Ethan and Blake hit her in her side.
Yang- Oh I'm yang.
Penny- It's a pleasure to meet you.
Weiss- You already said that.
Penny- So I did.
Weiss- Well sorry for running into you.
Ruby- Take care friend.
Zack- Yeah so long pal.
We leave penny and walk for a short bit.
Yang- She was weird.
Weiss- Now where did that faunas riff raft go off too?
Penny suddenly appears in front of us.
Penny- What did you call me?
Yang- oh I'm sorry. I didn't think you heard me.
Penny- Not you. You two.
Penny comes up to me and Ruby.
Penny- (looks at Ruby) you called me friend. (Looks at Zack) And you called me pal. Am I really your friend? Am I really your pal?
Ruby looks at me for conformation and I nod yes while the others shake their heads no.
Ruby- Yeah sure.
Zack- Of course.
The rest of my team and the rest of Ruby's team gets shocked expressions and falls.
Penny- Sensational!! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys.
Zack- Nope I'm out. Yo rubes, I'm heading back to beacon. I got some stuff to take care of.
Ruby- ok. Bye Zack.
Zack- Later.
I just got from doing some training on my own and I hear a bunch off yelling come from Ruby's dorm room so I knock.
Ruby- (answers door) Oh hi Zack.
Zack- Hey red. What's going on.
Ruby- Well Weiss and Blake are arguing about the whitefang.
Zack- Can I come? Maybe I can help resolve this.
Ruby- Sure. Come right in.
I enter the room to see Weiss and Blake yelling st each other like Ruby said.
Blake- there is no such thing as pure evil. It's because of people like Cardin, people like YOU that force the whitefang to take such drastic measures!
Weiss- People like me?!
Blake- You're discriminatory!
Weiss- I'm a victim!
Zack- Woah!
Weiss- You want to know why I despise the whitefang? Why I don't particularly trust the faunas? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War. As in actual bloodshed. My grandfathers company has had a target painted on its back since as long as I can remember and ever since I was a child, I've watched family and friends disappear. Board members executed. A whole train car full of dust stolen. And everyday my father would come home furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood.
Zack- Weiss I..
Weiss- No!!! You want to know why I despise the whitefang?!! It's because they're a bunch of liars thieves, and murderers!!
Blake- Well maybe we're just tired of being pushed around!!!
Zack- Blake!! Now wasn't a good time!
Realization of what she said hit her. She quickly fled the room and I was done with Weiss's attitude.
Zack- (angry) you know Weiss. You want to talk about how the whitefang went to war with your company and family and how the murdered and stole? News flash! It doesn't give you the right to blame an entire species because of a few bad apples. It doesn't give you the right to judge somebody like Blake. Hell might as well go ahead and judge me too. My, family, friends, everybody taken away from me at the age of 8!! (Tears come out of his eyes)I was fucking alone with no else to turn to for 8 fucking years!! I was forced to grow up and gain experience and fight for my survival!! And in that time, I had my fair share of run ins with the whitefang. But let me tell you something, they all ain't bad. The whitefang you hear about in the news are a rouge regime lead by a bad man. And you know what, you should go ahead and count me as a faunas you love to judge so much. Why?!Because I'm a fucking target by some very very bad people. All because of my fucking power that I get from a fucking demon!! Yes!! I have a demon inside of me!!! Now why don't you go ahead and judge me and despise me!! See if I give a shit you ignorant fucking brat!!!
With that I run off after Blake with Ruby telling me to come back. I find Blake in the courtyard with her bow no longer on and her cat ears exposed.
Zack- Y'know you look better like that kitty.
Blake- You shouldn't be here Zack.
Zack- Well I am and you can't send me away because I'm about to leave for the same reason you're about to leave. So why not team up.
Blake- okay fine.
??- I knew you'd look better without the bow. Also can I come too.
We look to see that it's the faunas from earlier.
Zack- Sure. We could probably use your help.
Author: by far my longest chapter. Lord help me. Hope you enjoyed it.

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