Chapter 6 Volume 1

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Ruby (POV)
All of us run towards the cliff with Zack leading the way. We run for awhile until I spot the cliffs ahead
Ruby- Cliffs are dead ahead.
Ethan- Alright! Now all we have to do is cross that bridge.
As if right on cue we hear the nevermore right above us.
Zack- The damn bird doesn't give does he?
We see the nevermore perch on top of a stone column and we all take cover behind some rocks with all of our weapons drawn.
Elias- Uh guys, death stalker six o'clock
We all turn to see the death stalker come through the tress.
Zack- Y'know at first this was really fun for me, but now these two are really starting to piss me off.
Jaune- oh man run!!
We all take off running to the bridge only to see the nevermore take flight again.
Ren- Nora distract it.
Nora distracts the nevermore using her hammer now turned grenade launcher. She shoots grenades at the nevermore. With the death stalker approaching quickly, Ren grabs Nora and we all start crossing the bridge.
Pyrrha- Go go! (Shoots her spear now turned rifle)
Zack- I'll help too! (sheaths Death Sentence. Pulls out Angels Mercy and Last Rite and starts shooting.)
We all continue to run. I turn my head right to see the nevermore is coming right towards the bridge. I stop and turn all the way around to see Zack is still a little bit behind the rest of us.
Ruby- Zack hurry!!
Zack- I'm coming!!
Just as he was about to reach me, the nevermore smashes the middle of the bridge into pieces and Zack is nowhere to be found.
We all look over the edge to see Zack is falling into the misty chasm below.
RWBYEED- Zack!!!!
Zack (POV)
The damn nevermore knocked me off the bridge causing me to fall to my death.
Zack *mind*- No!! This isn't how I die!! I refuse to die like this!!
I started to see and feel black/red energy surround me. Unbeknownst to me, my left eye changed as well.
Author: His eye looks like this

I unsheathed my sword and stabbed into the pillar that's connecting the bottom of this chasm to the bridge and I start climbing my way up to the top at a very fast rate.
Ruby (POV)
Ruby- (still in shock.) He's gone. He's really gone.
Yang- Ruby you need to snap out of it. I'm just as shocked as you about his death but we need to take out the nevermore and death stalker or else we will end up just like him. (Looks at Nora, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Elias, and Dante) Hey, you guys deal with the death stalker. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Ethan, and myself will deal with the nevermore.
Jaune- But we can't make that jump.
I watched Nora as she smirked and changed her grenade launcher into a hammer. She then ran to towards the edge, turned around, and smashed the bridge causing it to flip up and throw that half of the group to the death stalker. Nora then made an explosion causing her to sail towards the death stalker as well. I turned back around and jumped up to where Yang Blake, Weiss, and Ethan were.
Blake- It's tougher than it looks.
Yang- That means we just gotta hit it with everything we got
Ethan- Don't worry. I'm gonna give it hell for killing Zack. (Changes buster sword into gun mode)
Author: looks like this

We all started shooting at the nevermore before the nevermore took out the platform that we were on. We all started to jump on falling rocks to make our to another safe platform. I land next to Weiss.
Weiss- None of this is working.
I look up to see yang shooting at the nevermore with her gauntlets.
Ruby- I've got a plan
Zack (POV)
I've almost made it to the top. I can see that Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, Elias, and Dante are having trouble with the death stalker. With that I leap from where I am and I land in front of the death stalker.
JNPRED- (shocked) Zack?!!!!
Zack- ... (turns towards the death stalker and give it a death stare) I've had about just enough of your shit you oversized bug.
The death stalker gets mad and tried to stab me with its stinger.
Zack- Same trick won't work again.
I catch the stinger with my left hand.
Zack- You've done it now. (Sheathes Death Sentence while still holding the stinger. Collect s energy into my right hand ) Now become nothing with FADE TO BLACK!!!!
Author: it looks like this but without grimmjow Its basically a cero from bleach

I blast the death stalker into nothingness only leaving scarred earth. I turned back around to see my friends shocked faces.
Dante- Zack is that really you dude?
Zack- Yeah. I guess I kinda look a bit different with all of this energy around me.
Jaune- Yeah and your left eye is different.
Zack- Really, I guess it comes with my power.
Zack *mind*- Shit I did it again. This only happened one other time.
My black/red aura dissipates and my eye turns back to normal. At least I hope so.
Zack- Hey look there (points behind the group)
We all look and see Ruby running up the cliff wall dragging the nevermore with her scythe. She reached the top of the cliff and the nevermore is decapitated.
She looks in our direction and stares at me. I see her eyes go big and her jaw drop a little. I wave and smile at her. Suddenly everything goes black and I pass out.
I slowly open up my eyes to find that I'm in some sort of hospital room.
Zack- Where am I?
Ozpin- You are in the infirmary Zack.
Zack- (surprised) Oh shit professor Oz it's you. Sorry, you surprised me.
Ozpin- It's quite alright. Do you know what happened?
Zack- I almost died. I activated my semblance and blasted that death stalker to oblivion. Then I passed out.
Ozpin- I see. And do you know why you passed out?
Zack- I might've overused my semblance. I'm sorry. I was just really angry.
Ozpin- Was your anger or his anger?
Zack- Excuse me.
Ozpin- Listen Zack, there might be more to your semblance that meets the eye.
Zack- What are you saying?
Ozpin- Come to my office after class tomorrow and I'll explain there. For now come with me to the initiation ceremony.
Zack- Ok
I was leaning against the wall in the back of the auditorium with Ethan, Elias, and Dante. We watched as team JNPR was formed led by Jaune.
Zack- Yeah Jaune!! I knew you could do it buddy!!
Jaune flashed me a smile.
Ethan- That totally came out of left field.
Elias- Yeah. I didn't see that one coming.
Dante- I expected Pyrrha to lead.
Zack- Yeah but I believe Jaune will be just as good. I believe in him.
We continued to watch as team RWBY was formed then it was our turn.
Ozpin- Would Zack Fullbuster, Ethan Hendrix, Elias Stone, and Dante Foster please come to the stage.
We walked on the stage and stood side by side.
Ozpin- Zack and Dante. You two retrieved the black king piece. And you Ethan and Elias retrieved the black rook piece. You four will henceforth be known as team ZEED led by Zack Fullbuster.
I smiled and my team fisted bumped me and gave me bro hugs. We met with team RWBY after the ceremony was over.
RWBY- Congrats on becoming leader Zack.
Zack- Thanks guys.
Ethan- How about we go to our dorms. From what I heard, our room is right across from yours.
Yang- Sounds good.
We start heading to the rooms but Ruby holds my arm preventing me from walking.
Zack- Guys, me and rubes are gonna catch up.
Blake- ok. Don't stay out too long.
I watched as my friends disappeared down the hall. I then turned towards Ruby.
Zack- So what's up?
Ruby then hugs me unexpectedly and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.
Ruby- I thought you died. I watched you fall.
I forgot. This is the first time I've spoken her since the initiation. She hasn't seen me since I passed out.
Zack- Yeah I thought I was dead too but I'm not. I'm not gonna die anytime soon.
Ruby- Promise me that you won't die on me.
Zack- I promise.
She goes back to hugging me. To lighten the mood I decided to tease her. I grab her chin and tilt it up to make her look at me. I smile and then I lean in and kiss her on her forehead. Her face turned super red.
Zack- Ha ha ha you should see your face. C'mon rubes. Let's go to the dorms.
Ruby- O-Ok.
Author: Super long chapter. Did not mean for this to be this long. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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