Chapter 8 Volume1

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Zack (POV)
I made it to the elevator that goes to Ozpin's office and I was greeted by the huntress from that night and from the cliffs
Huntress- Hello Mr. Fullbuster. I'm Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Professor Ozpin has sent me to come meet you here.
Zack- Ok then. Shall we go.
Goodwitch- Yes. Right this way please.
We both enter the elevator and we ascend to the top floor.
The elevator doors open and I was greeted to the sight of Oz and some other dude who looked like he had one to many drinks.
Ozpin- Ah Mr. Fullbuster. Please come in and take a seat.
I go into his office and take a seat in front of his desk.
Ozpin- I called you in here to talk about your power. Before I do that, there is a lot you need to know. My good friend Qrow Branwen will tell you.
Qrow- Hey kid. The name's Qrow.
Zack- So you're the uncle that Ruby was talking about. You seem like a chill type of dude.
Qrow- You got that right kid. Anyway, time to get serious. What's your favorite fairy tale?
Qrow then goes on to explain the four maidens and stuff about Salem.
Ozpin- You don't seem that surprised by all of this.
Zack- It's just a lot to take in y'know. Then apart is thinking that I swear I've heard the name Salem before.
OQ- Really?! Where?!
Zack- (thinks of dark past) Okay. I'm gonna give you a brief summary about my past. Some guy in a black cloak and skull mask killed my family and burned my village to the ground. I don't remember word for word of what he said but he said something like "You are my target. The queen Salem requires you dead because you are a threat."
Ozpin- This is troubling.
Zack- There is a second instance where I heard her name. I used to date a girl by the name of Cinder Fall. She wasn't always evil. At least I hope not. We loved each other. Then one day she changed. I started to see her less and less. She got two people by the name of Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai who followed her everywhere. She started doing crime and hurting people. She told me that her mistress Salem required it. I tried to stop and partially succeeded but I didn't see her after that.
Ozpin- can you describe Cinder for me?
Zack- She has long black hair and ember...eyes. Wait a damn minute. Professor Goodwitch saw a woman with black hair and ember eyes that night when we fought Torchwick. That was her.
Goodwitch- You're right. This isn't good.
Ozpin- No it isn't.
Zack- So why is Salem after me?
Ozpin- Well, it is said in legends that a great demon king lived a long time ago and that he ruled the underworld for centuries. It is said that he came to this realm and he fought a mighty warrior for three days and three nights. Eventually this mighty demon king was defeated and he was sealed inside of a child. I did some digging and I found out that your father was that warrior who defeated the demon king and that the child that used as a vessel for the it was you.
Zack- So you mean to tell me that I have a freakin demon inside of me? I mean it kinda makes sense but if this demon was so great and powerful, then why aren't I as powerful as him?
Ozpin- Well based on what you've displayed, I say you're only using maybe 5 percent of his power.
Zack- Only five percent?!
Ozpin- Yes. So that means you going to have to train a lot more to get your power level up. I'll your schedule changed so that one of your classes becomes your special training and qrow here will be your teacher.
Zack- Sounds good
Ozpin- Any questions?
Zack- One more. You said earlier during qrow's explanation that you have the fall maiden here in a vault underneath beacon. If she doesn't recover, who will be the next maiden.
Ozpin- We're still trying to find a candidate. You might have a say in who we pick. Until then, here is my number. You can use it in case you see something suspicious or you just want to talk. You are dismissed.
I get up from my seat and take the elevator to bottom floor. I then headed to my dorm room.
I'm chillin on my bed when I receive a text from Ruby.
Ruby- Hey Zack.
Zack- Hey rubes
Ruby- Where were you afterschool? I was looking for you so we could hang out a little.
Zack- Sorry. I was talking to Oz.
Ruby- What did the headmaster want?
Zack- It's kind of a secret between me and him.
Ruby- Aw ok.
Zack- Hey, are Weiss and you ok? I mean she looked pretty upset with you earlier.
Ruby- Don't worry about that. We're cool.
Zack- That's good to hear. So whatcha doing.
Ruby- I was doing homework but I needed a break.
Zack- Understandable. Welp, I think I'm gonna call it a night. Try not to stay up too late.
Ruby- I won't. Goodnight Zack.
Zack- Goodnight Ruby.
With that, I plug my scroll on the charger, I change into some sleepwear, and then I go to bed.
Author: Another chapter done. So that's a little backstory on Zack's power. It ain't the best backstory on his power but it's the best that can think off for now.

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