Chapter 1 Volume 2

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Author: Zack has the same abilities and appearance as last volume. Nothing has changed.
Zack (POV)
Once I got back from the battle I got a good talking to from my team. Talking to as in they beat me up a little but I deserved it. Fast forward to Friday during the break and this is day where Ruby and I hangout all day.
My alarm woke me up around eight and I got ready for the day. I decided to forgo my usual attire and decided to wear something different.
Author: He looks like this.

I left my room and went to Ruby's room and knocked on the door.
Ruby- I'll be right there! I'm almost ready!
Zack- Ok. I'll be waiting.
I leaned up against a wall by her door and I played on my scroll while I waited. About five minutes later she comes with yang. I must say, she really looks good.
Author: She looks like this.

Zack- Wow. You look amazing.
Ruby- (blushes) T-Thank you Zack. You don't look to bad yourself. Pretty handsome in fact.
Zack- Why thank you. Yeah I decided to change up my look for today but I'm still bringing my weapons just in case.
Ruby- Yeah same here.
Yang- Alright lovebirds. Go have fun. And Zack I want her home by 9 at the latest. Make sure she is fed and show her a good time.
Author: Not like that.
Zack- Yes ma'am. Oh and money isn't really a problem for me. I've done nonstop jobs as long as I can remember so I've got A LOT saved up.
Yang- About 5 million lien
RY- 5 Milillon?!!!!
Zack- Yeah, it was a good way to pass the time and hone my skills. Anyway let's get going Ruby.
Ruby- Ok. Let's go. Bye yang.
Yang- Bye Ruby. Bye Zack.
With that, we left the school and got on a bullhead to take us into the city.
We landed in the city and now we're just walking around.
Zack- So what do you want to do first?
Ruby- I don't really know.
Zack- Well I was thinking we could go to the local amusement park to start things off.
Ruby- Sounds good.
We walk for a little bit and we reach the amusement park.
Zack- Wanna ride the rollercoaster?
Ruby- Sure but I've never been on one.
Zack- That's ok. It'll be fun.
We get on the ride and we ride the ride.
Ruby- That was fun let's do it again.
We ride the rollercoaster a couple more times.
Zack- Ok lets go check out some more rides.
We ride a couple more rides. I even won her a teddy bear at a game. Eventually Ruby gets hungry.
Zack- C'mon I know a nice cafe where we can eat. I went there with sun and Blake.
We walk to the cafe and sit at a table and order some food and something to drink. While we eat we make small talk.
Ruby- So you and Blake huh?
Zack- (nearly chokes in his food) What no! I only wanted to help her out and get more intel on the whitefang and Torchwick. I see her as nothing more than a friend.
Ruby- Oh that's good.
Zack- What was that?
Ruby- (blushes) N-Nothing!
Zack- (smirks) Mhmm whatever you say rubes. And besides someone else has eyes for Ruby. (Thinks of how Elias and Blake have gotten closer over the past months)
Ruby- Who?
Zack- It's a secret. I can't tell anyone.
Ruby- Oh ok.
We finish up our food and Ruby decided that we go to the movies. We went to the movies and watched a couple movies. By the time we left it was starting to become evening. We ate dinner at a restaurant and got cookies and ice cream afterwards.
Ruby- Hey how about we go to the ferris wheel next. We still got time since it's only 7:30.
Zack- Alright.
We hopped onto the ferris and sat across from each other.
Ruby- U-Umm Zack?
Zack- What's up?
Ruby- Are you really a demon?
Zack- Oh it's that time huh. Well yes and no. I say yes because I'm still one hundred percent human. At least I hope so. I do in fact have a very powerful demon inside me. I use his power as my semblance. You see me get all that black/red energy to surround me and I can also do this (changes eye back and forth).Granted I'm only able to use about fifteen percent of his power currently. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to communicate with me sometime. I hope this doesn't affect the way you see me because I never asked for this. But if this does affect the way you see me that's fine too.
Ruby- It doesn't. Honestly I think it's kinda cool. What about your past? Can you tell me about that?
Zack- Sorry but I can't. I'm not ready to tell yet. It's still too painful.
Ruby- I understand. (Gets up and goes over to Zack and wraps her arms around him)
Zack- Ruby what are you doing?
She didn't say anything. She leans in to try and kiss me but I pull her into a tight embrace.
Zack *mind*- I know what you were trying to do but I still need to sort through some personal things before I can decide.
Ruby *mind* I was trying to kiss you but this just as good.
Ruby snuggles her head into the crook of my neck and we stay like this for the rest of the slow moving ride.
We finished hanging out and we came back to the dorms. Ruby was practically sleep so had to carry her like a baby. I reached her dorm Yang opened. I went inside there room and laid a sleeping Ruby in her bed. Yang I talked outside the room.
Zack- I got her here at nine o'clock sharp just like you said.
Yang- Yes you did. Thanks for doing that for my sister. It really means a lot to her.
Zack- It was nothing.
Yang- So when are you going to ask her out
Zack- I don't know. I'm going through some personal thoughts. Once I get through those, then I'll make a decision.
Yang- I see.
Zack- What about you and Ethan?
Yang- It's going good. We've been getting closer as time progresses. It's only a matter of time before he asks me out and mama is looking forward to it.
Zack- That's good. Good for you. (Yawns) I think I'm gonna go get some sleep.
Yang- Alright. Goodnight Zack.
Zack- Night.
I went into my room and went to sleep.
Author of chapter one. I decided to have this chapter progress Ruby and Zack's relationship a little bit further. Hope you guys enjoyed it

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