Chapter 3 Volume 2

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Zack (POV)
Zack *mind*- I've been having these weird dreams as of late. These dreams often appear in a series of flashes. It shows grim and whitefang invading the city, me dying by her and some mysterious skull mask dude, and beacon set ablaze. It's probably nothing but it is weird.
Qrow- Hey kid don't get distracted.
Zack- Yeah
I was training with Qrow again and the fight was going fairly decent. I'm basically on par with him and I can hold up King Of Sin for a good 30 minutes. We were stopped when I received a message from Ozpin saying that he needed to see me.
Zack- See ya Qrow. Gotta go see what Oz wants.
Qrow- Alright. Later kid.
As I was walking to Ozpin's office I notice an increase in number of airships and bullheads. I get to the tower and notice Goodwitch standing around.
Zack- Hello professor.
Goodwitch- Hello Mr. Fullbuster.
Zack- Do you have any idea why there are a bunch of atlas military around.
Goodwitch- General ironwood is here and he brought his fleet.
Zack- James is here. This outta be good.
I ride up the elevator and enter the office.
Zack- Hello Professor Ozpin.
Ozpin- Hello Zack.
Ironwood- Ah hello Zack. It's good to see you again.
Zack- Likewise James.
Ozpin- Did you receive Qrow's message.
Zack- Yeah I did and he confirmed my suspicions. Torchwick and the whitefang are only pawns. Ever since I fought them at the docks, dust robberies have completely stopped. It makes me wonder what's Salem's next phase is. Whatever it is, it isn't good.
Ozpin- No it's not good. That is all I wanted to talk to you about. You may leave.
Zack- Ok. I'll keep you posted if anything happens.
My team and I were in the library with RWBY and JNPR. I was reading a manga as well as Elias. Dante was helping Weiss in the game of remnant and Ethan was helping yang in the game remnant.
Ruby- Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle!
Yang- Bring it on!
Ruby- I deploy the atlasian air fleet!!
Yang- (gasps)
Ethan- Oh no!
Ruby- Looks like get to fly right over your Ursas and attack your walls directly. (Makes blowing up noises)
Yang- You fiend.
Ethan- How could you! Zack control your girlfriend!
Zack- (looks up from manga) She isn't my girlfriend and I'm not listening to you! (Continues to read)
Ruby- And since atlas is apart of mantle my repair time only lasts one turn.
Yang- Heh heh. Pretty sneaky sis but you just activated my trap card.
Zack: Yu- Gi- Oh!!!!
Author: Damn it Zack!!!
Ruby- What?!!!
Yang- Giant Nevermore! If I roll a 7 or higher fail feathers will slice your fleet in two.
Ruby- But if you roll a six or lower the nevermore will turn on your own forces.
Yang- That's just a chance I'm willing to take. (Rolls seven)
Ruby- No!!!!!! My fearless soilders.
Yang- Most of them were probably androids.
Ruby- Goodbye my friends. You'll be buried.
Yang- Not until I draw my rewards which are double this round thanks to the mistral trade route. Well Weiss it's your turn.
Weiss- I have absolutely no clue what's going on.
Dante- Look, you're playing as Vacuo which means all Vacuo based cards comes with a bonus. See you've got (shuffles Weiss cards up) sandstorm, desert scavenge, oh here's a good one resourceful raider. She now you can take Ruby's discarded air fleet and put in your hand. And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance boost against natural hazards, you can use sandstorm to disable Yang's ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate her kingdom.
Yang- I will not forget this declaration of war.
Weiss- And that means?
Ruby- (anime crying) Thst just means you're three moves away from concurring remnant!
Weiss- (stands up and laughs maniacally) Fear the almighty power of my forces. Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they they take your children from your very arms. I shall be queen and my dearest Dante shall be king.
Dante- You got that right.
Yang- Trap card.
WD- Huh?
Yang- Your armies have been destroyed.
Weiss-(anime cries and hugs Dante) I hate this game of emotions we play.
Dante- Stay strong Weiss. We'll make it through this together.
I put in my AirPods to tune them out and I listen to Timebomb by Nico Collins
Author: New song by him. Check it out.
I'm hanging out with RWBY in there room when Blake attempts to leave.
Zack- Blake stop. (Blake stops) You probably don't think I've noticed but lately you've been more quiet, antisocial and moody. Hell, you've even spent less time hanging around Elias. To be honest you think just like I do and the problem most likely concerns Torchwick and the whitefang. Am I wrong?
Blake- No you're not. I just don't see why everyone can be so calm. Something big is happening and no one seems to be doing anything about it
Zack *mind*- Oh Blake if only you knew
Yang- Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the huntsman I'm sure they can handle it.
Blake- Well I'm not! Besides Zack, they don't know the whitefang like I do!
Weiss- Ok between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom I'm sure the four of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er do wells.
Ruby- What?
Weiss- But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're not ready to handle this type of situation.
Blake- And we may never be ready!! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day. They aren't out there somewhere planning there next move and none of us no what it is but it's coming whether we're ready or not.
Ruby- ok all in favor of becoming the youngest group of huntresses and hunter to bring down a corrupt organization say aye.
Yang- Yes I love it when you're feisty!
Weiss- I suppose it could be fun.
Ruby- None of you said aye.
Zack- Aye.
Blake- Alright we're in this together.
Ruby- Lets hatch a plan. (Gasps) I left my board game in the library. I'll be right back.
She runs out of the room and I hear her bump into something. I get up to go see if she is ok. As I exit the room I'm immediately filled up with anger as I see three people I never wanted to see again. It was my ex Cinder and her pals Mercury and Emerald. They help Ruby up and they walk past her. All four of us make eye contact. As they walk past me, Cinder looks at me and smirks. Her eye glows yellow a little. My eye turns out of instinct and black/red energy slowly forms around my fist.They leave and I still am angry. Ruby looks at me with concern.
Ruby- Zack you ok? What's wrong?
I immediately calm down. My eye changes back to normal and the energy goes away.
Zack- It was nothing. I'm fine.
Zack *mind* What the hell are they doing here?!! Whatever it is, she's up to no good. I gotta tell Oz about this.
Author: Chapter three is a wrap. The ex has returned and she's going to be a problem. Hope you guys enjoyed it

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