Chapter 5 Volume 2

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Zack (POV)
I jumping rooftop from rooftop getting closer to Blake's location
Zack *mind*- Shit I need to go faster. I regret picking that diner now.
I jump to the next rooftop and suddenly an umbrella lands in ground in front of me
Zack- The fuck?
A girl wearing a Neapolitan colored suit and Neapolitan colored hair appears out of nowhere. She grabs the umbrella and stares at me with a smirk.
Zack- Okay? So hello
She bows
Zack- Do you have a name?
She points to her hair.
Zack- Neapolitan got it. I'm gonna call you Neo instead. Is that alright?
She nods.
Zack- Not much of a talker eh. Can you not talk or are you refusing to?
She points at her throat.
Zack- Mute got it. So what do you want?
Author she looks like this for y'all who don't know who she is

A blade comes out of the top of the umbrella.
Zack- (unsheathes Death Sentence) Ok well it's a safe bet that you're one of Torchwick's henchmen. I haven't seen you before so you must be new.
She nods then rushes me. I block and we get in a weapon lock.
Zack- It isn't to late to change your ways. You don't have to go down this road. I can help you. You can trust me.
She gets an annoyed look on her face and kicks me away. I rush at her with my sword in my right hand and I her in her side with hit. I swing at her a couple times and she parries them and stabs me in the shoulder.
Zack- Ow! Fuck that hurt.
I jump back and reverse grip my sword. I crouch down and place my left hand in ground. I send black/red energy streaks at Neo
Zack- Devil's Stream!
She tries to jump out of the way but it's too late as the attack hits her. She's blasted back and almost falls ofc the roof. She stands back up, smirks at me, then bows.
Zack- Not gonna finish this? Fine I'll end it right now. I engulf my sword in black/red energy and I rush her. I swing at her and I connect with her body but she shatters into glass.
Zack- Hmm. Must be part of her semblance.
I look around but she is nowhere to be found.
Zack- Oh well. On to Blake.
The ground shakes and I see a giant robot running on the highway to my right.
Zack- Nevermind- I jump on the highway and land on top of a moving car just behind the robot.
Zack *mind*- Kinda reminds me of a Michael Bay transformers movie.
Author: Damn it Zack! This not the time or place
Zack- Fuck you Author
Yang and Neptune come up in front of me and Neptune starts shootings the robot with his laser gun. He then changes it into a trident and he jumps onto the robot and stabs it. I get closer to it by jumping from car to car. The robot flings Neptune and crashes into a jumping Sun knocking them both off the highway. I jump onto the robot and I stab my sword into the cockpit barely missing Torchwick who is piloting this thing.
Torchwick- You again?! Get off!
She tries to shake me off but I hold on tight to my sword which is still stabbed intotge robot.
I place my right hand on the robot's back and I place a tune of it. The ground turns into ice probably thanks to Weiss and the robot starts to slip and slide. I activate the rune.
Zack- Demon's Agony.
The rune explodes causing me to fly off with my sword and sending the robot and myself tumbling of the highway. I crash land into the ground and I hear an audible pop in my left arm.
Zack- Ow!!!! I think my arm is broken. That's it enough playing around.
As RWBY lands next to me, my semblance activates and my eye changes. Due to my power's healing factor, my arm becomes fixed but it's still sore as hell. I get up and look at the robot.
Zack- How are we taking this bitch down?
Yang- Don't know but we have to try something.
Zack- (sarcasm) Great the usual rush in with no plan. Got it.
Ruby *mind*- He's still like this? It's not like him. What's going on?
Ruby- Freezerburn!
Weiss casts freezes the ground and Yang up into the air and punches the ground causing mist to appear. I run behind the robot while Ruby attacks from the front.
Ruby- Checkmate!
Weiss and Blake start attacking the robots legs while take out it's laser sensors with Angels Mercy and Last Rite. It fires missiles at us and all three of us dodge by continuously backflipping. It sends more missiles at us and Blake cuts them in half while I shoot them out of the air.
Ruby- Ladybug!
Ruby and Blake continue to attack the robot's legs then they finish by slicing at its midsection. Yang jumps on top of the robot and punches it repeatedly. It shakes her off and punches her through a pillar.
Zack- Yang! (Cold and sadistic)Fine you wanna play rough Torchwick, let's play rough.
I become surrounded by even more black/red energy ay I stab my sword into the ground.
Zack- Hell's Gate!
A red symbol portal appears on the ground and out comes a big gate structure.
Author: Looks like this

Author: the gate is the triple rashomon from Naruto.
The gates open up and multiple black/red energy beams fires at the robot.
Author: it's this but think of about five blasts and no vegeta or the other guy

Torchwick- Screw This I'm out.
He ejects just as the blasts destroy the robot.
Torchwick- Just got this thing cleaned. So Zack, is that the best you can do?
With that I lost it. All anger from Cinder showing up again and Torchwick breaking my arm, to not taking him down finally boils over. By this time my black/red energy is everywhere.

Author: The color of the flames is black outlined with red and Zack is in the place Rin in the picture.
Torchwick's face pales and Neo comes from somewhere and jumps in front of him
Torchwick- Neo if you would.
Neo stares at me and bows.
Zack-(demonic voice) I'll murder you! X slash!
Ruby (POV)
Myself and the rest of the girls stand in shock of what Zack has become. It's like he isn't human anymore. His anger has clouded his mind and it's like he's given in to his demon. We watch as Zack attacks the girl named Neo and Torchwick. The attack connects and they both shatter into glass. We thought he had killed them but we see a bullhead fly overhead with them in it.
Zack- (demonic voice) Roman get back here! Aghhhhhhh!!!!!!
Zack yells into the night and I've had just about enough of this
Yang- Ruby wait!
I run up to Zack and hug him from behind.
Ruby- Please stop this Zack!! This isn't you!! Come back to us!! Come back to me!!
Zack (POV)
Ruby says that last part and I come back to my senses. My energy dies down and disappears and my eye goes back to normal. Ruby lets go off me and I turn to her.
Zack- (looks at RWBY) I'm so sorry. That wasn't me. I lost myself and his anger took over. Again I'm so sorry.
I then walk off making my way towards beacon.
Ruby (POV)
We watch as Zack walks off
Yang - So I guess Torchwick got a new henchmen.
Weiss- Yeah. I guess she really made our plans fall apart eh?
Blake- No. Just no. (Turns and leaves)
Weiss- What?! (Looks at Yang) But you do it all the time.
Yang- There is a time and a place for jokes.
Weiss- Was this not it?
Yang- No it just wasn't very good. (Turns and leaves)
Weiss- Well at least I'm trying. (Turns and leaves)
Ruby- Wait, where are Sun and Neptune?
Author: Chapter is a wrap. We got a little bit more of glimpse into what Zack can do.
Zack- What will happen in the next chapter? Find out next time on Dragon Ba Z Kai!!
Author: (cocks shotgun) Ok now I murder for real.
Zack- Run away!!!

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