Chapter 4 Volume 4

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Zack (POV)
For the past couple days it's been the usual following RNJR while hacking and slashing at grim. This day we just killed a pack of beowolves on a cliff. There was thunder in the distance.
Zack- It's gonna rain soon Qrow. We should get moving.
Qrow- Agreed. The kids are heading are stopping at the next town. They have an inn so we can stay there.
Zack- Sounds good.
We were st a table in a bar across the street from the inn.
Qrow- How in the he'll did you manage to get in here?
Zack- I look older than what I am. You should know this by now.
Qrow- Yeah I should. You gonna order a drink?
Zack- Nah. Straight Edge dude. I'm good with my soda.
A waiter comes by with a alcoholic drink.
Qrow- I didn't uh
Waiter- I'm the waiter upstairs. Red eyes. Says you wouldn't mind bottom shelf.
Qrow- Thanks.
Waiter- But I went ahead and gave you top (winks and leaves)
Zack- Ooooh shit! My boy Qrow has two women after him. That's my man.
Qrow- Yeah I guess.
Zack- I gotta meet the red eyes. Race ya up top.
Qrow- Wait kid
I already teleported upstairs. I spot the woman at a table in a corner and I walk up to her. She stares me down the whole way as I approach her.
Woman- And you might you be handsome?
Zack- I uh... Im nobody important.
Qrow comes up behind me.
Qrow- C'mon Raven. Stop hitting on Zack.
Raven- Hello brother.
Qrow- Raven.
He sits in a chair across from Raven.
Zack- Do you mind if I sit down too?
Raven- Not at all hun.
Zack- O-Ok.
I pull up a chair and sit.
Qrow- So what do you want?
Raven- A girl just can't catch up with her family?
Zack- Well based on the vibe I'm getting from you, you're the mysterious type who only looks out for herself and takes whatever opportunity you can whether it be good or bad you don't care. As long as you gain something in the end.
Raven- Wow. You're good. You were spot on.
Zack- I know.
Qrow- Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
Raven- Does she have it?
Qrow- Did you now Yang lost her arm?
Raven- That's not
Qrow- Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family then carry on like your own daughter didn't exist.
Zack- I knew you looked familiar.
Raven- I saved her.
Qrow- Once because that was your rule right? Real mom of the year material sis.
Zack *mind*- So she's a brawnwen as well.
Raven reaches over the table and grabs Qrow's forearm.
Raven- I told you beacon would fall and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail and he has. Now you tell me, does Salem have it.
Qrow- I thought you weren't worried about that.
Raven- I just want to know what we're up against.
Qrow- And which we are you referring to?
Raven let's go and sits back down.
Qrow- You should come back Raven. The only way we beat her is by working together. All of us.
Raven- You're the one who left. The tribe raised us and you turned your back on them.
Qrow- They were killers and thieves.
Raven- They were your family.
That word irks me.
Qrow- You have a skewed perception of that word.
Raven gets up.
Raven- I lead our people now and as leader I will do everything in my power ensure our survival.
Qrow- I saw. The people of Shion saw too.
Raven- The weak die and the strong live. Those are the rules.
Ok I was ticked off now. I get up and they both look at me. I look at Raven.
Zack- I say screw your rules!Did you think my parents, my siblings, my friends, my entire village deserved to die because they were weak?! Hell why not put my name into that list. I was there when beacon fell. I was there bringing the fight to Adam. To Cinder. Shit o might as well say that I could've stopped it completely if I could've killed Cinder. I had her right where I wanted her then I got stabbed from behind. I was presumed dead by everyone. If you know so much then you should already have known this.
My eye changes and hellfire slowly builds around me.
Zack- You should know who I am. If you do then you know I'm not a guy to be talking that type of shit to. You should know damn well what I'm capable of. Now before I completely lose it and murder pretty much everyone here, I advise you to get THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I ROAST YOU ALIVE!!
Raven stares at me in shock before putting on her grim helmet. She creates a portal with her sword and before she walks through she stops.
Raven- No one has ever spoke to me like that before. I like that and I like you. You have my attention demon of legend. I could use someone like you in my tribe. We could provide you a family that was taken away from you at such a young age. Whether you say yes or no, you will be mine one way or another.
With that she walks through and the portal closes. By this time my flames are roaring and I have a very dark face on.
Author: Like this. Just imagine Zack looking like this

The waitress comes upstairs and sees me. She drops a glass which causes me to look at her. She screams when she sees my face.
Cas- Go cool off. You don't want to murder innocent people. Go kill grim or something.
Zack- Sounds like a good idea. Hey, Qrow I'm gonna go kill things so that I don't accidentally murder everyone in this town. See ya.
Qrow- Yeah go do that. I'll see ya in the inn room.
I nod and I leave leaving Qrow to drink away.
Author: Well don't piss off Zack. We got to see a little bit more of his malicious side. Don't worry we gonna see a lot more of his dark cold persona sometime in the future. And we got another woman after him for romance reasons. Zack you stud.
Zack: What can I say. I'm handsome. The ladies love me.
Author: Whatever. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Piece.

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