Chapter 11 Volume 5

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Ruby (POV)
We were all in the dining room eating and joking and telling stories of our journey.
Yang- (laughs) How do you lose your map at a time like that?
Jaune- Believe me. I've asked myself that question ever since.
Nora- Hey but you made up for it Mr. Muscles. You should've seen this guy take a giant grim head on.
Jaune- I course have done it without Ruby wearing it down.
Ruby- Uh me? Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control.
Ren- I'm sorry. I may have lost my temper a little. Plus we had help from that white haired fellow.
EDYW- White haired fellow?
Ruby- Yeah. He had white hair and it covered up the right side of his face. He had a red eye and a cool looking mouth mask. He was really strong and powerful. He kinda reminded me of Zack in a way.
Dante- Interesting.
We continue to talk and Weiss was talking about what she did at a party Atlas.
Ruby- (gasps) You did not!
Weiss- (face in her hands) I did. Right in the middle of the party.
Dante- She did. I was there.
Yang- Please tell me you let that lady have it.
Weiss- Of course not even if I did really want to.
Nora- No way. I don't believe it.
Weiss summons an ice boarbatusk and Nora jumps and screams. We all burst into laughter and continue to eat. We were practically stuffed. Yang decided to show off her arm.
Yang- It's not a replacement for the real thing but I'll make sure to make good use of it.
Jaune- That's amazing.
Ethan- That's pretty cool.
I go up to yang and examine her arm.
Ruby- And it's just as strong?
Yang- Hmph. Sure is.
Nora puts her right arm in an arm wrestling position.
Nora- Wanna bet?!
Ethan- Alright people. I'm taking bets. My money is on yang of course.
Weiss- Please. Now is not the time.
Ethan- Too late.
Yang and Nora are already arm wrestling.
Dante- You got this Yang.
Ruby- C'mon sis! You can't lose to a girl in a skirt!
Weiss- You wear a skirt.
Ruby- Weiss you're not cheering loud enough!!!
Nora was talking trash until Yang rocketed her arm off and Nora flew back and hit a wall.
Jaune- Did she win?
Nora sits up and screams as she realized she was holding Yang's arm. She throws the arm back at Yang and Yang bursts into laughter.
Jaune goes and collects all the dishes.
Jaune- We ate it all. I think in gonna throw up.
Yang- Easy there vomit boy. I believe in you.
Jaune- (walks away and says sarcastically ) Oh so we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderful.
Weiss laughs.
Nora- I mean the ice queen seems to like it.
Weiss's eyes get big.
ED- Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Weiss freezes them solid and I laugh.
Weiss- I so did not miss you people.
Nora- Oh my gosh! She really does like it. What went and warped your heart while you were gone? Besides Dante of course.
Weiss- Hey! You make sound like I used to be terrible.
Yang- Nah. Just a lot to deal with at once. Can you unfreeze my boyfriend now?
She unfreezes Ethan but leaves Dante in incased in ice.
Ethan- So worth it.
We were all sitting in the living room and Qrow just told us everything. Matthew (dragon) and Kaz were here too.
Weiss- So the maidens, magic, Salem. It's all true?
Qrow- Uh Huh. Zack was after her. Probably could've killed her too.
ED- Damn it Qrow!! You and Oz got our best friend killed!!
Oscar (Oz)- Ms. Xiao Long. Is this more or less than what your mother told you?
She doesn't speak.
Weiss- For the most part.
Yang- You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother.
Jaune- What is she talking about?
Qrow- (sarcastic) Oh great.
Ozpin explains what he did.
Ruby- Uncle?
Ren- You turned them into birds?
Nora- Alright now you're just messing with us.
Jaune- What else is new.
Dante- Unfortunately he's telling the truth. We saw it with our own eyes.
Yang- Why would you do something like that?! I mean what is wrong with you?!
Qrow- Yang that's enough. We made a choice. We wanted this.
Ruby- Ok so have you done with with others? Like General Ironwood or Professor Goodwitch? Zack?
Oscar (Oz)- As helpful as that might be, Unfortunately it's not that simple. My power is finite and to be honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was all things considered, minuscule. You see centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women who I hoped would use my good. They were the first maidens. Ms Xiao Long, Ms Rose. It was never my intention to lie to you. To any of you. There are just matters I prefer to play close to the chest. Isn't that how you phrased it Qrow?
Qrow- Yeah.
Oscar (Oz)- Everyone has a choice. The Brawnwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them. Mr. Fullbuster accepted his role and the responsibility's as well. Later one of the Brawnwen's decided to leave her duties in favor of her own self interests. Now all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave now is the time. There is no shame or disgrace in abstaining. Only in retreat.
Dante and Ethan get up.
Weiss- Dante?
Dante and Ethan nod to each other.
Dante- We're gonna stay.
Ethan- But we're not doing this for you. We're doing it because it's what Zack would've done.
Dante- Just no more lies. Got it?!
Oscar (Oz)- Understood.
They sit back down and Yang gets up.
Ruby- Yang?
Yang- If Ruby sticks around then so will I. If there's one thing I know about her is that she always knows the right thing to do. Zack did too. But like Dante said, no more lies. No more half truths.
Oscar (Oz) Understood.
Yang sits back down.
Jaune- So what now? I mean what can we do?
Oscar (Oz) That is a difficult question. One that is best answered tomorrow.
Jaune- What do you mean?
Oscar (Oz)- The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril however; it's been far too long since you've all been together. Please take tonight to enjoy this moment.
Zack (POV)
Oscar went back to normal.
Zack *mind*- There right. No more lies Oz. I'll be watching you.
Yang gets and grabs Ethan by his collar.
Yang- C'mon you. We have A LOT to catch up on.
Ethan- (gulps) Oh boy. Kids you may wanna wear earplugs tonight.
Yang picks him up and drags him down the hallway.
Zack *mind*- Oh lord. She's gonna be screamin all night. (Sigh)
Author: Well that's that. The group is going to stay together and is going to fight Salem's evil forces. Also congratulations Ethan. You got some.
See ya in the next one guys.

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