Chapter 13 Volume 5

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Dante (POV)
We make it back to Blake's house. We hear gunshots inside.
Dante- Sun with me!
I run on all fours and burst through the nearest window. Sun follows behind me. We see downed WF soldiers, Ghira, and Corsac and Fennec. They point their wands at me and shoot fire and wind at me.
Dante- Hmph. Air Slicer.
Three air slashes pushes back the fire and wind and it hits them. Blake comes in.
Blake- Dad where's mom?!
Ghira- I'm not sure. I got ambushed right away.
Blake- Once we take down Corsac and Fennec
Ghira- No go now! Elias you go with her!
Sun- We got this Blake. I've wanted to sock these creeps since the day we met.
Elias- Blake lets go!
We off further into the house. We go into a big open room and see Ilia perched on a railing on the second floor. I growl and bare my fangs and my wolf nails extend. Blake readies her weapon as Ilia readies hers.
Blake- Did you come in here to hide?
Ilia- I told you I didn't want this.
Dante- To bad. You forced our hand.
I use my wind rocket myself at Ilia while Ilia dives towards me
Dante- Roooooaaaarrrr!!!!!!
She tries to stab me but somehow avoided and grabbed her by the neck. My momentum was greater than hers so I carried her into a wall making it crack. I toss her over railing down to the second floor but she lands on her feet. She extends her sword into a whip and goes for Blake. I hop down as the were fighting. Blake wraps the whip end of her sword around illa's hand and pulls her to her. Blake dropkicks ilia' chest which sent her flying to me. I catch the back of her head and smash her face into the floor. Ilia sweeps me off my feet and kicks me into a wood pillar.
Dante- Damn that actually kinda hurt. Ilia kicks Blake towards me and I catch her. The lights in this room go out and it's really dark in here.
Dante- My guess is that she's using her skin color change ability to hide in the dark and sneak attack us.
Blake- Most likely. Watch your back love.
We search the room for her. Blake heard a creak by her and Ilia hits her from outta nowhere. Blake shoots at her but she disappears again.
Ilia (voice echo)- Why couldn't you just leave?!
Blake- Because I run away too much.
My ears catch the sound of electricity. I turn to see Ilia about to whip me. I dodge a couple times and hide behind a couch. Blake shoots a fire bullet into the plants above. They catch fire and aluminate the room. We see Ilia.
Elias- Can't hide now!!
I dash at her. We dodge each other's strikes and hits as we fight. I grab her sword and force it down.
Elias- Air cannon!
I blast Ilia away into another wall.
Ilia- Fight me like you mean it!!!
Elias- With pleasure!!!! Gale Force Winds!!
The whole room is filled with my wind. Ilia stabs her sword into the floor to keep herself from flying off. I slowly walk towards ilia. She takes her sword out of the ground and whips me and I get electrocuted.
Elias- Arggggghhhh!!!
I get blown back and my wind stops.
Blake shoots freezing bullets at Ilia. She blocks them but her sword freezes. Blake tackles Ilia to the ground and pins her underneath her.
Blake- Ilia please. You're a good person but you're making all the wrong decisions.
Ilia- Shut up!!
Blake- Is this really what your parents would've wanted?!
Ilia- I don't know what else to do!!! (Begins crying) I don't know what else to do.
Suddenly Corsac comes flying through the door. Ghira comes in.
Ghira- Blake, Elias!!
He gets stabbed in the back of his shoulder by Fennec. Ghira tosses him off and throws him to me. I Superman punch him out off the air. Ghira and Corsac go blow for blow. Fennec gets up and tries to stab Ghira I get in the way and as a result my left hand gets impaled. I wince in pain but clutch Fennec's hand. I'm my right wind swirls around into a spinning giant shuriken.
Author: Shout out to my boy Naruto

Elias- Kinda saving this for Adam but I guess it needs a test run.
Fennec's eyes go big as dinner plates.
Elias- Wind Art: Spinning Blade Of Wind!!!
I send it right into Fennec's gut and he goes flying through walls and out to the outside.
Sun comes in and hits Ilia into the pillar I hit. It cracks.
Elias *mind*- It's not gonna hold.
The pillar breaks and some of the second floor comes down. I run to Ilia position and save her by blasting wind upward.
Elias- My strength is failing I don't know how much longer I do this. Go Ilia!!
Ilia gets out. My wind begins to weaken
Elias- Shit!!
Just when my wind fails, spectral Suns and Ghira come hold it up.
Ghira- Go!! I can't loose my son in law.
I get out from underneath it. Fennec who was all messed up from my attack comes running at me. I grab him and belly to belly suplex him. He goes underneath the piece of second floor Ghira was holding until Ghira was pulled out by Blake's whip. The piece of second floor falls on Fennec and explodes killing him. I go to a not on fire wall and slump against it. Corsac gets up from the beating Ghira gave him.
Corsac- You ruined everything. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
He rushes us but gets electrocuted by Ilia's whip. Ilia drops her whip, falls to her knees and begins to cry.
Elias- Guys. Can we get out of here before we burn to death or die of smoke inhalation.
We made it outside. Blake has to assist me. Corsac was arrested on the spot and Ghira informed the police that Fennec was dead. The cops went inside the check for anymore stragglers.
Blake- Are you ok.
Elias- I'll be fine. It's just that I have cuts in bruises all over and my hand hurts like hell. Other than that, I ok.
Blake smiles and kisses me. She turns around and goes down the steps to address the big crowd that has formed.
Blake- (Points to the house) Humans didn't do this. We did this. Faunas. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him! You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away. I don't. But I know that this kind of violence isn't the answer. I understand that asking you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what at stake. So I'm going and I will stand by myself if I have to.
Ilia- I'll stand with you!! If you'd let me.
People started saying that they'll go.
Elias *mind*- Well it looks like we got ourselves a little army. We got a month and a half till Haven so that gives us sometime to train. I'll be seeing you soon Adam.
Author: Well shit!! That was something wasn't it?!! I like this chapter. Pulled a little Naruto into it. Hope y'all enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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