Chapter 17 Volume 5 The Finale: Part 3

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Zack (POV)
I fall Damn the passageway for a few minutes at best. I reach the bottom and I'm in a cave with a big tree with a gate in it. I see Raven in ice and Cinder with a grim hand that's inside Vernal. Vernal struggles and screams in agony before she dies.
Cinder- What is this?! Where's the power?!!
Raven breaks from the ice and tosses her helmet away.
Raven- You won't find it because Vernal isn't the spring maiden. (Eyes light up with red fire) I am!!!
Zack- Oh shit a double cross. Not gonna lie, didn't see that one coming so soon.
They both turn around to face me and I walk up to Raven.
Raven- Zack, if we work together we can beat her.
Zack- Oh so now you want to work together.
Raven- Zack please.
Zack- Fime whatever.
Raven takes point and I keep my distance behind her. I smirk then run at her and drop kick her in the back of the head sending her to Cinder.
Zack- You honestly believed that? There is no way in hell that I trust you. You thought this was gonna be a 2 on 1? Nah bitch. It's a triple threat now. And since I'm dealing with two maidens, my base form just isn't gonna cut it. Now watch closely.
I take a step back increase my Hellfire's intensity. My Hellfire starts to swirl around. It becomes a swirling pillar and it shoots up through the cave ceiling, up to the building above and out the roof. It turns the the sky red and black like that night at beacon.
Author: Like this but red and black

Timeskip couple minutes before
Elias (POV)
I reach the outside of Haven Academy alongside Blake and the people of Menagerie.
Blake climbs on top of one of Haven's buildings to get a better vantage point while we wait where we are.
We see Adam Taurus.
Blake- Adam!!! Stand down!!!
Whitefang soilders aim there guns at Blake and prepare to fire but Adam stops them.
Adam- To think that I went through so much trouble to find you only to have you deliver yourself to me.
Blake- This isn't what's right for the faunas. Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully.
Adam- You're wrong Blake and you can't stop us.
Blake- No I can't. Not by myself.
That's our cue for sun and I to present ourselves along with the people of Menagerie.
Sun- That's why she didn't come alone.
Adam- What?
Ghira and his half of the army appear from the other side of the academy.
Adam- Make no mistake brothers. These are our enemies and we will not let them ruin
Mistral ships fly overhead.
Elias- Yeah, we took the liberty of letting the Mistral police know about your scheme.
The police order Adam to surrender.
Adam- How?!!! How did you do this?!!
Blake hops down and stands next to me.
Blake- Adam it's over.
Adam- Then it's over for all of us.
He takes out the detonation key and presses the button but nothing happens.
Elias- Hmph. Gotta love Ilia's ability. She disarmed your bombs asshole.
Blake- I told you Adam. It's over.
He gets pissed and draws his katana and rushes Blake. I get in the way and activate my new war claws.

Once he got close enough I stabbed him right in his side with my right claw. He falls to the ground and clutches his wound.
Elias- Don't worry. It's not fatal but you will be in a lot of pain.
Adam- Kill them!!!!
Whitefang soldiers start firing at us and we engage the enemy. Blake and I take out a couple soldiers before the ground begins to quake.
Elias- What is going on?!!
Blake- I don't know?!!
Suddenly a black/red beam of what looks like fire bursts out the top of one of the buildings and up into the night sky. The sky turns a dark red color. My eyes get big.
Elias- We day this at beacon but this can't be real. He's dead.
Blake- No way.
Elias- Lets go check it out.
Ruby (POV)
I was fighting Mercury with Yang until the ground shook again and a pillar of hellfire burst through the ground and into the night sky
Ruby *mind*- Zack.
Yang *mind*- Not again.
Yang runs to the passageway opening but Mercury grabs her robot arm. Yang releases it and jumps down the passageway.
Zack (POV)
The light dies down and I reveal myself to the two maidens.
Zack (demon)- You see Cinder unlike last time, I can actually control it this time and my first demon mask is complete

Zack (demon)- Now, (unsheathes both swords) Shall we get started?
Raven turns to Cinder and dashes at her. Cinder uses her fire to shoot herself up into the air. I teleport behind her
Zack (demon)- Where do you think you're going?!
Cinder turns her head and looks at me in shock. I slice her side that caused her to rocket into the tree. I was still in the air with Raven came at me with her sword. I block her strike but her momentum sent us both into the cave ceiling.
Raven- You will be mine!!
Zack (demon)- You're still on that? Bitch I am seventeen. I don't turn eighteen for the next couple of months ya pedo. Hellfire Mouth Cannon!
I open my mouth my mouth and hit her with a beam of hellfire. She crashed into the ground and I dislodged myself from the cave ceiling. Cinder comes out from the crater she made in the tree and goes for Raven.
Zack (demon)- Can't let go guys have all the fun.
I use my Hellfire to rocket me to the ground. Raven and Cinder were already exchanging sword clashes when I landed. I dashed in between them we all exchanged sword clashes until we came into a three way sword lock.
Cinder- Just give up!
Raven- Never!!
Zack- The triumph will be mine
Zack: See What I did there? I added in the name of the theme song of season five of RWBY.
Author: I like that. That was good.
I look at Raven.
Zack (demon)- Hellfire Eye Beam.
I shoot beams out of my eye and it hit Raven knocking her back. Cinder and I sword clash until her sword breaks. She clutches her grim arm.
Zack (demon)- Aura can't protect your arm. It's grim. You've become a monster since we've last seen each other.
Cinder- Look who's talking.
Zack (demon) -(sarcastic) Ouch. You hurt my feelings.
She conjures a sword and we go back at it. Raven comes back into the the fray. We're all attacking each other and going faster and faster
Author: Like this except image three people and swords

Eventually we break the sound barrier and we develop our own spheres of fire that surround each of us. Cinder with her fire sphere, Raven with her red fire sphere, and me with my Hellfire sphere. We take this into the air and we fly while fighting. Our energies fly out and hit the rock spikes hanging from the cave ceiling causing them to fall. We break apart to avoid getting hit with spikes. We all stare at each other with death glares. We all have the exact same idea. They begin to make giant great swords with their fire. I sheathe my swords and began to chant.
Zack (demon)- From the depths of hell my power rises. O Mighty Sin King grant me thy power to strike them down!!!
I bring my hands together and hellfire erupts in them. Out of that Hellfire comes a giantic sword.

Zack (demon)- Devil's Eye Greatsword!!!
We dash at each other and clash causing an explosion of fire and energy. It causes even more spikes to fall. All of our swords break and we fall back down towards the ground. We get up and cinder stretches her grim arm to pin Raven to a wall. I run at Cinder but she grabs me by the throat and starts to drain both Raven and my power. Using my quick thinking, I lock cinder into an armbar. Raven freezes Cinders feet.
Zack (demon)- Clever girl.
I let go of the submission and get away from Cinder just as a rock spike crashed on top of her. Raven and I fly back up and stand on opposing falling rock spikes. I unsheathe Demon's Rebellion and draw Last Rite. and prepare to engage. Before I do. Cinder flys up behind Raven and they attack each other. I jump from multiple rock spikes to make my wat towards them. I get to a spike and Cinder is running up the side of it while Raven chases her. I run down to Cinder and she starts throwing fire balls at me. I front flip over them and her. I fire at her while in mid air and land a few shots in her shoulder. Raven kicks me out of the air and I dig my sword in to keep from falling. I use my momentum to swing myself back up and slice Raven into Cinder. The spike that we were on crashed into the ground and we were all down.
Cas- Zack you all right?! Speak to me!!
Zack (telepathic talk)-Yeah I'm here.
Cas- Are you ok?
Zack (telepathic talk)- Other than a lot of cuts and bruises and a couple rock shards lodged in me,I'm good. My jacket is ripped to shit though.
Cas- As long as you're ok. Your healing factor is out the window and your power is getting low so be weary.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Got it.
I get up along with the other two. Half of my mask has broken off. I take off shredded jacket and toss it over the edge.
Raven- Had enough yet?
Cinder- Shut up!!
Zack (demon) Nah. Not by a long shot.
I spit blood out my mouth.
Raven- If you were stronger or more clever then you'd remember to watch your back.
I smile and Cinder sees this
Cinder- Zack!!! What do have up your
She gets impaled from behind by my doppelgänger that I secretly created.
She turns her head to face him.
Zack 1 (demon) Hello.
He becomes hellfire and disappears. I teleport in front of her.
Zack (demon) Devil Trigger.
My hand goes right through her right shoulder blade. Raven dashes over and grabs her face and steals her power. I dislodge my hand grab her by the throat. Cinder looks at me with a scared face.
Cinder- Please....don't
The rest of my mask cracks and falls off but I smile.
Zack- Too late.
I fwip my hair out my right side of my face so Cinder can see my silver eye. Her eye gets even bigger and tears of fright escape.
Zack- Checkmate Bitch.
My silver eye glows and there is a flash of bright light. Once it goes away Cinder is turned into stone.
Zack- Now fall.
I push her off the edge into the pitch black abyss below.
Zack- See you in hell.
Zack: What I should've said at the end was BEGONE THOT!!!!
Author: Couldn't have agreed with you more. High five (high fives Zack) Alright guys. This is by far my longest chapter and quite possibly the best one. The fight scene was freakin awesome. I really hope you guys enjoyed it. One more chapter and then an epilogue to close out this volume. 😊

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