Chapter 4 Volume 5

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Somewhere in the sky close to Anima
Weiss (POV)
I'm sitting back in the cargo hold snuggled up In Dante's arms. We were admiring the floating mountains as we fly by.
Weiss- Hey I'm going to speak to the pilot real quick.
Dante- M'kay.
I give him a peck then get up to go speak to the pilot.
Weiss- Where are we?
Pilot-Nowhere good. We passing by some of lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity dust that forms in these things is giving us a little turbulence. Nothing I can't handle but the islands sometimes hide some pretty nasty grim. Im just betting on our friends in distress keeping them preoccupied.
I hear some kind of noise coming from my right and it's getting louder. I turn my head right and see a damaged ship about to crash into us.
Weiss- Look out!!
The pilot sees what I see and pulls up narrowly avoiding the ship. The ship crashes into an island and explodes.
Pilot- You've got to be kidding me.
He turns on his radio and we hear the same person's voice from earlier. They're still in distress. I look to my right again and see a Mistral ship surrounds by hornet looking grim.

The grim which are called lancers hooked onto the ship and began to stretch it apart. Another lancer came from above and smashed into the ship causing it to explode. They turn their attention to us and start coming for us.
Pilot- Lancers. Freakin lancers. Alright buckle up.
I'm already jumping down the hatch to get to the lower part of this cargo plane. I find Dante down there getting ready to fight.
Pilot (intercom) What are you doing?
Weiss- What we should've done in the first place. You're carrying dust right?
Pilot (intercom) Officially no. Actually yes.
Weiss- Then when I tell you, open the rear door.
I begin to loud different kinds of dust into the hilt of my rapier.
Dante- I heard the commotion so I figured that you're gonna need some help.
Weiss- Thank you sweetness.
The ship rocks.
Pilot (intercom)- You better make it quick.
Dante- Alright. Time to test this new baby out.
He unsheathes his katana

Dante- Say hello to the Flame Emperor Sword.
Pilot (intercom)- Kid where cutting it close!
Weiss- Ready!
The cargo door opens and Dante and I see a swarm of lancers. I make a gravitional glyph under Dante and myself. A lancer shoots its stinger at us and I uses a wind glyph to push the lancers back. I make a fire glyph and fire fireballs at them.
Dante- I can do one better.
He points his katana to the lancers. A small fireball forms at its tip.
Dante- Flame Emperors Rage.
Dante shoots a huge blast of fire at the lancers killing a good chunk of them.
Pilot (intercom) - Hold on.
The ship moves around trying to knock the lancers off our tail. I make five ice glyphs and fire ice beams at the lancers. I kill five of them.
The rocks violently this time.
Weiss- What was that?!
Pilot (intercom)- We're hooked!! I got an idea!! Hold on!! Literally!
The ship flys up vertically and then after a few seconds it's yanked down.
Pilot (intercom)- Ha ha!!!
Dante- Can you find a pair of islands we can fit between?!
Pilot (intercom)- Kid you just read my mind.
We fly faster as more lancers try to hook us with their stingers.
Dante- Shoot the rocks. It'll fall on them.
I make fire glyphs and shoot fireballs at the rocks above us. The group of lancers get smashed by the rocks.
Pilot (intercom)- Yeah!! Good going kid!! We are in the clear!
I sigh in relief.
Dante- I senses something. It's not over.
I hear more buzzing coming towards us. I see I faint sized lancer.
Weiss- It's a queen lancer!!
Pilot (intercom)- What?!
I create more ice glyphs and fire at it. It does nothing accept making the annoyed. It starts shooting horns at us.
Dante- Fire shield.
A wall of fire blocks the horns from hitting us.
Pilot (intercom) Do something!!
I release my gravitation glyph and hop back behind the cargo and cut its ropes.
Dante- Let me go Weiss.
I release the gravitational glyph under him. He runs to the end of the cargo door and jumps off. Miraculously he lands on the grim's big end. I create wind glyphs and use wind to throw the cargo at the lancer. It hits it and the cargo explodes but the lancer survives.
Dante- Hey I'm on here!!!
Weiss- You shouldn't have jumped!!
Dante- Whatever!!!
Dante begins to surround his sword in fire and stab it into the lancer.
Pilot (intercom) I can see the shoreline!! Guys where not gonna make it!!!
Weiss- The hell we aren't!!
I create a big portal and form a knight.

I create another gravitational glyph below me.
Weiss- Pull up!! Now!!!
The ship pulls up and goes upside down. My knight jumps out and falls towards the lancer.
Dante (POV)
I'm weakening the lancer by stabbing it repeatedly. I see the ship go up. I look up to see what looks like to be a white knight with a sword falling right towards me. It slices the lancer then disappears. It reappears again and slices the lancer again. The lancer shoots it's stinger and hooks onto the ship.
Dante- Not in my watch pal.
I jump off and begin to spin. I Incase myself in a flame cloak and I spin master.
Dante- Secret Technique: Flame Emperors Raging Inferno!!!
Author: The move looks like this and the point where it touches the ground is the point where it hits the lancer

I dive towards the lancer as the knight comes from its other side. We both impact the lancer and it explodes and dies. I begin to freefall but the knight catches me and throws me to the ship. I land in the ship next Weiss as the ship is going down. Weiss begins to form gravitational glyphs to decelerate the crashing ship. I sheathe my sword and but both hands on the ground.
Dante- Flame shield circle.
A ball of fire surrounds both Weiss and I as we prepare for impact. I clutch Weiss into my arms. There's a loud noise and then everything goes black.
Weiss (POV)
Dante and I were flung from the ship as it crashed. Dante took the brunt of the landing and he isn't moving.
Weiss- Dante?! Dante!!
There's blood coming from his head. I put my head to his chest to check for breathing. Thank god that he is. He's just unconscious. I hear footsteps coming towards us. I look up to see three people. To males and a woman with a grim helmet.
Weiss- Please help us.
Man #1- What do you think?
Woman- I think we just hit the jackpot.
She kicks me in the face and everything goes dark.
Author: Uh oh. Looks like Rae Rae found herself a Weiss and a Dante. Could spell trouble for them. Hope y'all enjoyed it. See y'all in the next chapter.

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