Chapter 8 Volume 5

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Zack (POV)
Im outside the back of the house in a Sakura tree staring up at the moon. I sit on a branch and put on my mask and turn on voice changer just in case.
Zack (telepathic talk) So I can reach god level power?
Cas- Yes. You see I'm not just the King Of Sin but I'm the forgotten god that history doesn't talk about. You see I was exiled by my brothers both light and dark for being who I am. I went to hell were I became the most powerful demon in existence. When I was powerful enough I came back to remnant to exact my revenge. Though the lost legend said that a human killed me, it was actually your mother who killed me after three days of fighting. The thing is, she wasn't all the way human. She was actually a angelic goddess. Literally. Your parents sealed me inside you because it was the only way to prevent me from coming back completely.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Why didn't they seal you in my older brother?
Cas- I don't know. I never found out. Now going back to the angelic stuff. You have your mother's blood running through you. Therefore you and your siblings have her holy power.
Zack (telepathic talk) That's Cool. I have a question. How come you're not all big and evil like you were?
Cas- Because you made me change. To be honest I really hated you at first but seeing you grow and to see how hard of a life you had to endure after everyone you loved died by that Kai fellow, I felt sympathetic towards you. To see your determination to get stronger and get revenge got me to really respect you and like you. Then when I met you in person I decided that I would do anything to help protect you and help you in your quest. I'm really happy that I'm your friend Zack.
Zack (telepathic talk)- I feel the same. Thanks man.
Cas- You're welcome.
A felt a projectile coming at and I caught it with my left hand. It was a rock.
Zack- What the hell.
I look down and see Ruby looking up at me.
Ruby- Hello again.
Zack- Sup.
Ruby- So I got a question.
Zack- Alright shoot.
Ruby- Who are you and why are you following us?
Zack- Like a said before. I'm a nobody. What can know is that I'm a friend and I'm here to help Qrow.
Ruby- Then why are always hiding and disappearing?
I give her a piece sign.
Zack- Later.
Ruby- But wait! I'm not done talking to you!
I teleport away into the night.
The next day Somewhere close to Raven's camp
Yang (POV)
This lowlife bandit and I have been driving towards moms camp for two days straight without stopping. He's tried making advances towards me but I either cut him down with words or I just straight up elbow him in the face.
Yang- How much further pal?
Bandit dude- This should just about do it.
I pull over in a clearing. The bandit dude gets off.
Bandit dude- You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear.
He runs off into the woods and I just tilt my glasses down and shake my head.
Yang *mind*- Some people just don't know.
I take off my jacket, gloves, and sunglasses and put them on my bike. I stretch and prepare for what's most likely is going to be an ambush. I hear a gun click and a shot comes at me. I block it with my robot arm. A group of bandits including the bandit dude comes out of the woods.
Bandit dude- I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.
They encircle me.
Yang- Is this everyone?
Bandit dude- Yes little lady. This is it. Well unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way. (Points behind him)
Yang *mind*- You dumbass.
Yang- Good to know. Thanks.
Bandit dude- Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're gonna take your bike and you're gonna take your lumps.
I activate my gauntlets.
Bandit dude- Get her!
One guy comes up to kick me. I catch his leg and trip his other foot. As he falls I punch him into the ground. Another comes from behind with a sword. I backflip kick his sword arm and I land on my knees and punch him in the back of his right knee. I jump up and tornado kick him away. Two more fire their guns at me and I block it with my robot arm. I run at one and jump at her face. I kick her face and use as a bounce pad. I land behind three more and sweep them off their feet. I get up and get in a boxing stance as one bandit comes at me. She throws a punch but I dodge and lay her ass out with a right hook. Another comes behind we with a sword. I block his strike with my robot arm and elbow his gut. I spin around and uppercut the shit out of him.
Zack: Shoryuken!!!
Author: Damn it Zack!!!
I run at the bandit dude and stomp on his foot knee him in his jaw. Three more come behind me and I hit them all with a spinning heel kick. I take out a couple more and I dodge a shot fired by the bandit dude. He gets scared and use the recoil of my gunshots to dash towards him. He tries to hit me with the but of the gun but I fire into the ground and use the recoil to flip over him. I hit him in the face with a right and he flys into another bandit and they're are both on the ground. All of them are out and I stop my left hand from shaking.
Yang*mind*- Damn this PTSD.
The bandit dude gets up.
Bandit dude- Who are you? It doesn't even matter. When Raven finds out what you did, you're dead!
Yang- Probably but I doubt it. I am her daughter after all.
Bandit dude- I'm dead.
He passes out and I head to the camp.
Author: So I added a little backstory to Cas and I built Zack and Cas's relationship up more. I also added some action since it's been nothing but talk since the Weiss and Dante part. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see ya in the next one.

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