Chapter 1 Volume 6

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It's been weeks since Haven. Qrow sent a letter to James telling him the police report and letting him know that we're coming. We currently in the Mistral train station waiting on a train that takes us to Aurgus. From there we should find a ride that can take us to the city of Atlas. Ruby was currently running all around the station because she was excited while exit the gift shop with a new jacket and mask.

Ruby and I get back to the group.
Ethan- Lookin good my guy.
Zack- Thank ya.
Nora- Oh I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus. Beautiful northern coastline. You think it's to early for beach season?
Ruby *mind*- What I'd give to see Zack in some trunks.
Zack- Ruby, your face is red and you're drooling.
Ruby- Oops! Sorry.
Ren- Unfortunately but we will be one step closer to Atlas.
Weiss- Well I'm glad you're all excited but I don't think you appreciate the trouble Dante and I took to leave Atlas.
Zack- Hey but this time, we all got your back.
Weiss- Thanks Zack.
Two jackass huntsmen come up to us.
JAH 1- No one's gotta be worried with us around.
Nora- And you are?
JAH - Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus Limited's very own huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through grim territory.
Dudley- But for a generous tip, we can make sure your passenger card gets extra special attention should things get dangerous.
Zack- Hmph. Hey I got a tip for ya. Back the fuck off. Looks like Mistral is scrapping the bottom of the barrels these days cause you guys don't look like much.
I notice Yang and Ruby make funny faces at them from behind me.
Dee- Oh yeah well you don't look like much either you twig.
Zack (sarcastic)- Ow my feelings. You've made me mad.
I light my face on fire and my demon mask comes on.
Zack (demon)- Now scram before I turn you ash.
They scream run off and my mask disappears.
Weiss- Was that really necessary?
Zack- No but it was funny as fuck.
Dante- Yeah it is.
Qrow comes by.
Qrow- Are you guys ready.
Ruby- Yeah. We're just waiting for Blake. She's saying goodbye to Sun because he's heading back to Vacuo. And I think Ilia is going back to Menagerie.
Blake comes to where we were.
Zack- Alright. The gang is all here. Let's go.
We're on the train traveling through a snowy valley.
Zack- Damn man. Why does it got to be so cold?
Ruby- Maybe if you wore something other than a fishnet shirt and a jacket then maybe you won't be so cold. But your abs are spectacular and so good to stare at.
Zack- Hmph. Well if that's the case, I'll take me and my abs back my teams cabin and I'll leave you guys alone.
Ruby- No wait!
Zack- Too late.
I teleport to my team's train cabin.
Zack- What's up fellas!
Ethan- Yo
Elias - What it do bro.
Dante- What's good my guy.
Zack- Bro I didn't realize that this train ride was gonna be so long.
Dante- C'mon it's only for a day.
Elias- So why'd you come back to the room? Thought you were chillin with Ruby.
Zack- I was but I left her so that her and her team can sort their things out.
Ethan- Oof. Drama.
Zack- So who wants to play a game of super smash bros?
EED- Yes!
Zack- Alright I'll set it up. Good thing I bought a gaming system in Mistral.
There is a loud boom and the train rocks. Dante jumps off his bed and looks out the window.
Dante- Guys, we got griffin grim on our tail. Lots of them.
Zack- So much for gaming. Let's take em out.
We run into RWBY, Qrow, NJR, and Oscar along the way. We all climb onto the train and see those two idiots fighting the grim at very back of the train . Dee charges his weapon and rushes one of the grim.
Zack- No!! Don't!!
He gets grabbed by another grim and is carried off to his demise.
Zack- Damn it!!
I change my eye and surround myself with Hellfire. I unsheathe both my swords and teleport to the end of the train. Some of the griffin Grim that are flying started shooting fireballs at me. I deflect them away and teleport onto a griffin grim. It tries to shake me off but I stab it in its head and it dies. I fall and land conveniently on another grim. I stab it it's back and it becomes paralyzed. It dives towards the tracks and I teleport back into the train. Everyone is now fighting the grim. Dudley activates the train's defense systems.
The leader of this grim pack roars and some of the grim fly towards the front of the train to take out the defenses.
Zack- You idiot!! Turn them off. You're leading them to the civilians.
Dudley- Are you crazy?! No way!!
Zack- Dumbass.
I summon a portal.
Zack- Hell's Gate.
My gate appears and it releases beams of hellfire at the grim. I take half of them but the grim back off.
Zack- Hmm.
Oscar- Tunnel!!!!!
I look at the front of the train and see start to go in a train tunnel.
Zack- Holy shit!!
We run to the opening between the train cars but a grim fires a fireball and it knocks Weiss off. I jump off the train and catch her.
Zack- Don't worry. I got ya.
I teleport Weiss and I back inside the train.
Qrow gives Dudley a talking to while we all regroup.
Zack- Ok here's the plan. Ren you stay in here and mask everyone's emotions with your semblance. Jaune will use his newly discovered semblance to enhance your aura so don't worry about it.
Oscar (Oz)- That won't be enough. There also attracted to this.
He points at the relic hanging from his belt.
Qrow- Oz you serious?
Yang- Why wouldn't you tell us that.
Zack- Seriously. What the hell man!!
Ruby- It doesn't matter right now. With every second we are putting everyone on board in danger. Ren get the passengers to the front cars and mask their emotions. Dudley will turn off the turrets. If we can cut the back car from the front car, we can deal with the grim. Just make sure you Jaune and Nora get the people to Argus safely.
Jaune- Only if you'll promise you'll meet us there.
Ruby- Promise.
NJR go to the front cars to get people there while we get back onto the roof of the back car.
Blake cuts the train car lock and the front cars seperate and go on. The griffin grim are back upon us. I take out Last Rite and change it into sniper mode.
Zack- Here they come.
I pick off the griffins that are in the sky.
Zack- Boom headshot!! Boom headshot!!
I see Qrow having trouble with the pack leader. I put away my gun and take out my swords. I dash at the grim and slice his side. It roars and knocks me off the side of the train with it's wing. I stab my sword into the side of the train car. I use my Hellfire to rocket myself high into the air. I see that Blake and Yang have the grim grounded. Weiss freezes it's wings and Elias uses his wind to shatter them. Ethan and Dante use their semblances to stun it. Ruby and Qrow stand on opposite sides of the grim prepared to strike it. I engulf my swords in Hellfire and rocket myself down towards the grim.
Zack- Hellfire Twin Fangs!!
I slice the grim's head off while Ruby and Qrow slice it in half. Before I sliced it it's head off it fired a fireball and blew up the tracks. The train fell of the tracks and we crashed into the snow. We all slowly get up.
Qrow- Is everyone ok?
Zack- Yeah. We're all good here.
???- Still alive!
The train door opens to reveal an old lady.

Old lady- That sure was a close one huh?
Author: Strong start to Volume 6 however I do apologize for the epilogue of Volume 5. I realize that it was shit and most of y'all would agree. I still thinking if I should just delete it. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

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