Chapter 13 Volume 6 The Finale: Part 2

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Ruby (POV)
Weiss (earpiece)- Seriously? You want to fight this thing?
Ruby- We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady....with one very big robot.
Cordovin (speaker)- You little spider roaches thought you could sneak your way into Atlas?! Well let's see how long your resolve holds out against the Atlasian military.
She shoots missiles at the ship but I shoot them down. She turns to us and aims her cannon at us. Weiss and Maria land behind and Weiss makes an earth barrier just as cordovin shot and ice blast.
Ethan- That was close.
Dante- We need to find a way to stop the midget and protect the airship until we do.
Elias- Then lets give her more targets to shoot at.
Nora- You mean us don't you.
Dante- Well duh.
Jaune- Just look at that thing. It's not meant for small enemies. It's probably meant for large grim that come from deep waters. We can turn our size into an advantage. We just have to be smart.
Ruby- Maria can you keep the ship out harms way?
Maria- They can take my drivers license but I won't let them take this ship.
Ren- Very reassuring.
Oscar- I'll be more useful if I go with her. If I'm up in the air, maybe I can spot a weakness.
Qrow- You're not the only one who can grab a birds eye view.
Weiss- You said you needed me on the ground?
Ruby- Not exactly.
Dante (POV)
The ship takes off while NJR take off to my right. Ruby goes up in the air while me and the fellas take off to my left. Ruby shoots the robot and it launches missiles. Three of them come at us. I unsheathe my katana and slice one down the middle while Elias uses his claws to cut another in three and Ethan stabs another with three of his swords. We make a right and jump off the cliffside. Weiss made an ice ramp and multiple ice platforms in the water so we could jump on them. We slide down the ramp and jump from platform to platform as we make our way towards the robot. It looked at us until it got hit by Nora's grenades. Cordo activated her shields and fired upon NJR.
Dante- She activated shields.
Oscar (earpiece)- I saw that. We need to find whatever is generating it.
Ruby- You know in video games, the generator is usually on the back of the boss.
Ethan- You may have a point.
Weiss- This isn't a video game.
Cordo tries to stomp on us but we keep moving from ice platform to ice platform.
Qrow flys on top of the robot and attacks to get it's attention off of us.
Qrow (earpiece)- Until we can find a way to bring the shields down, we're gonna have to get up close and personal.
Elias- Working on it.
Jaune (earpiece)- Yeah easier said than done.
Weiss creates a row of ice spikes that rock the robot.
Elias and I look at each and nod. I generate fire at the tip of my sword and Elias gathers up his wind.
DE- Wind style: Flame Emperor's Destruction!!
The wind hits my fire and it creates a spiraling plume of fire that hits the side of the robot.

It rocks the robot big time and it turns to us.
Oscar (earpiece)- That's it. When she....guys move!!!
She aims her cannon arm at us and fires missiles at us. I grab both guys and rocket is towards the robot using my fire. Weiss made an ice lancer that she and Ruby got on before the missiles hit. We landed on top of the road along side Ruby and we started slicing into it. It walks back and leans into the cliffside.
Cordovin- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NJR comes by and Ren climbs in the robot's left arm. Jaune slices the back midsection while Nora hammers the cannon arm. We continue attacking the top until Ruby accidentally slides down into Cordo's field of vision.
Cordo- Get off!!!
A robot had comes in to smack us off.
Elias- Time to bail.
We all jump off.
Elias- We're screwed!!
We all land on individual ice lancers.
Weiss- What if I didn't catch y'all.
Dante- I knew you wouldn't let me die. You love me too much.
Weiss- Touché.
We fly around and see Ren in the robots back. The robot tried to hit us which made Ren fall but he was caught by Qrow. Qrow brings him back up and they open a section of the robot back which revealed to hold the shield generator.
Ethan- I guess Ruby was right.
They shoot at the generator and the shields go offline.
Nora shoots more grenades and yells.
Nora- You get back here with my man!!!
Zack: I ship them.
Author: Agreed.
I swing by and Qrow and Ren jump onto my lancer. The robot hits Jaune and Nora and she fires her cannon at us lancers and we all fall towards the ground. Everyone else makes it except Ruby and I. We fall towards the water until I stab my sword into the cliffside and catch Ruby with my right hand.
Dante- I don't want Zack killing me for his lady dying on my watch.
Ruby- Thanks but how are we gonna get up?
Dante- Still thinking on it.
Cordo (speaker)- This is what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge.
She charges up her cannon and aims it at us.
Dante- Shit!!
Maria flys by and shoots a missile at the robot. It catches and turns around and throws it at the ship. It hits the ship and it starts to go down.
Dante- Oh no. That ain't good.
Blake (POV)
I was sword clashing with Adam and jumping off trees. We come into another sword lock. I push myself away as he tries to slash at me. I use whip end of my sword to swing away from him and I continue to do so.
Adam- Can you do anything besides run?!
She shoots a bullet in from of me and I whip around a tree and try to kick him out of the air. He slices me and cuts my jacket off. I land on the ground and open fire at him. He slices my bullets and I leap away until we come across a an open area with a waterfall and natural bridge.

We rush at each other and clash some more. He shoots at me close range and I use my shadow semblance to get out of the way. He comes at me and tries to stab me. I move out the way and flip over him and slash his back which causes him to stumble forward. He turns around and fires at me. I leap over and attempt a corkscrew slice attack but he blocks it and kicks me away. I jump over him again and he grabs me.
Adam- I wouldn't have to do this if you'd just behave!!
He throws his scabbed to distract me and he hits me in the face hard with the butt of his katana. I fly back and land on my side.
Adam- But you're selfish!!
He rushes to end me. I get up and move out the way. I block his next strike but I fall back down on the ground.
Adam- You're a coward!!
He slices my side and I roll back.
Blake- You're delusional.
He glows red and strikes me but I block it. It broke my sword in two leaving me defenseless.
Adam removes his mask.
Adam- People hurt me long before we met. All sorts of people in all sorts of ways. But no one hurt me quite like you and the other guy.

Adam- You didn't leave scars. You just left me alone. So tell me Blake, how does it feel to be alone?
She stabs me but I switch out with a shadow clone. I grab the blade end of my sword.
Blake- I'm not alone.
Yang comes flying off the waterfall on her motorcycle. The bike hits Adam dead on and it crashes into the water. Yang lands next to me.
Adam- You.
Yang shoots him and he goes to one knee. He gets curb stomped out of nowhere by none other than Zack. He slowly walks to us and Adam gets up.
Adam- You're supposed to be dead!!
Zack- I'm alive. So what? I'm just hear because you hit Blake and cut the arms of Yang and myself. Now it's about that time where all three of us kick your sorry ass and be on our way. (Unsheathes swords) Now, shall we get started!
Author: Ok. Looks like Zack and Yang made in time. Now we get to see them gang up on Adam.

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