Chapter 15 Volume 6 The Finale: Part 4

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Dante (POV)
The ship was still flying in the air but Cordo was trying to knock it out.
Cordo (speaker)- You just couldn't keep rivalry between us could you Calavera. You had to bring in children to fail with you.
I was still hanging on to my sword and holding up Ruby. I began to swing left to right. I got enough momentum and I threw Ruby up and Elias caught her. I used my fire to blast myself up onto solid ground.
Oscar (earpiece)- Are you guys ok?
Dante- Yeah we're good. What's up?
Oscar (earpiece)- I think I finally found a weakness.
Nora- Well we're all ears.
Nora and Jaune limp towards us.
Ren- Guys!!
Ren runs to them.
Oscar (earpiece)- The cylinder on Cordo's cannon locks in a giant dust cartridge every time she changes attack style.
Weiss- (annoyed) We've noticed.
Oscar (earpiece)- Right but her missile launcher doesn't lock in. It pops out. Without her shield, one well placed shot can detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher.
Ethan- That's actually not a bad idea.
Elias- I'm down for that.
Nora- Can you make that shot?
Dante- Well Ruby is the sniper here. She should do it.
Ruby- We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd had to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.
Maria (earpiece)- Well I got a way to guarantee that.
Maria flies the ship in front of us and Ruby gets on.
Qrow- Ruby what are you doing?!
They fly away towards the robot.
Ruby (POV)
Maria relays a message to Cordovin.
Maria- Hey Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!
Cordo (comms)- One missile? That's a shame Maria BECAUSE I HAVE PLENTY!!!
She aims her cannon arm at us and the missile launcher pops out.
Oscar- Are you two crazy?!!!!
Maria- Sometimes the best approach is simply direct!!!!
I lean out the side of the ship and take aim. I fire at the missiles but the launcher goes back in at the last second and my bullet ricochets off.
Cordo- You thought you could fool me?!!!
A lightning blast is aimed right at us.
Oscar- Pull up!!!!
We go up but the lightning blast hits the bottom of the ship. The lightning travels through the ship and it affects Maria's eyes. We're going to crash.
Maria- Oscar you have to take control!
Oscar takes control and we fly erratically.
Oscar- We're gonna crash! We're gonna crash!!!!!
We crash right into trees on the cliff coastline
Oscar- We're still in one piece. I limp and stumble out of the ship.
Cordo (speaker)- (chuckles) Very clever but even the smartest apes can't compete with the intellect of man.
I walk back towards the cliffside but Qrow comes out of nowhere and grabs me,
Qrow- Ruby stop!
I turn my head to look at him.
Ruby- I need you to trust me.
He let's go and I run and stand before the robot.
Cordo (speaker)- Surrender for your crimes and accept your punishment.
Ruby- No! We're going to Atlas! Bigger people have tried to stop us and failed! But we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people! But you just use yours to look down on everyone! We didn't want to steal from you! We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.
She aims her cannon directly at me. I use my speed semblance to hop right into the barrel of the cannon. I stop and aim right at the charging electric blast. I shoot and use my semblance to get the hell out of there. The explosion brings the cannon arm down and the robot is immobilized. Qrow catches me.
Ruby-Told ya.
We hear the ships engine running.
Maria- Don't tell me I missed it.
We get word that a leviathan class Grim is heading for Argus.
Cordo (speaker) This is your fault! Do you hear me!!
???- When in the hell did you guys fight a giant robot? You didn't even invite me.
We all turn around to see Zack, Yang, and Blake.
Zack (POV)
Ruby runs up to me.
Ruby- Are you ok? Are you hurt?
Zack- Just few cuts and bruises. My chest wound opened up and is still bleeding though. Cas is doing his best to heal it.
Ruby- That's ok. We'll patch you up on the ship.
We hear a loud ass Grim roar.
Zack- Ok, that didn't sound like the average grim. That sounded like a big boy.
Weiss- Yes it is a giant grim. And we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it.
We all get on the ship and take off. Yang, Blake, and I explain the whole Adam fight thing to everyone.
Blake- I'm so sorry.
Zack- Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for.
Ruby- That's right. All we care about is that you're safe.
Blake gives Ruby a hug.
Maria- I guess I have to be the bad guy and say getting the lamp to atlas is still our top priority. Right now we have the perfect opportunity to do just that. We may not get another chance like this.
Zack- I think the fuck not. We gotta help them. We can't just leave the people of Argus to die.
Ruby- We need to head towards the leviathan. Ren, Jaune, can you be ready to mask our ship?
Ren- I think we can manage.
Jaune- Gotta few ideas?
Ruby- I've got one.
Qrow- Eyes up everybody. It's back.
The leviathan emerges from the depths

The city's shields go up and the leviathan stops. Argus ships engage it. The leviathan fires a fire blast at the shields and it takes it out.
Zack- Nigga damn.
Jaune- It tore straight through.
We here over the comms that they are switching to evacuation protocols and are disengaging the grim.
Ruby- No!!
Ruby goes to the comms.
Ruby- Wait we can stop this.
Voice- Wait who is this? Identify yourself.
Ruby- I'm a huntress. My team and I are headed for the leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack.
Jaune- We can?
Ruby- I can.
Author: And that's where we're gonna end that one. One more chapter to go and then an epilogue.

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