Chapter 4 Volume 6

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Flashback to that day
Zack (POV) 10 years old
???- Big brother! Big brother wake up! It's morning.
That was the sound of my little sister waking me up.
Zack- What is it Himiko? Can't you see I'm sleeping?
I pull the covers over my head.
Himiko- But you promised to take me fishing today.
I pull of my covers and look at her

Zack- Ok but after I train with dad.
Himiko- Okay. I'll hold you to that.
She runs out of my room.
Zack *mind*- Always the energetic one.
I get up and hop out of bed, throw on some clothes, and head to the bathroom to get ready.
I look in the mirror
Zack- Lookin good my man.

Once I'm done getting ready I run into mom in the kitchen.
Author: Imagine her with red eyes.

She see's me and gives me a big hug
Taya- And how is my little Zacky doing this morning.
Zack- Mom stop it. You're embarrassing me.
She stops.
Zack- And to answer you question, I'm doing fine. Himiko woke me up so that could take her fishing. I said I'd take her later this afternoon.
Taya- Well ain't that sweet. Hey I made you your favorite breakfast. Waffles with bacon and orange juice!
Zack- Now that's what's up. You're the best ma!
She chuckles and I take my food to the table and eat.
I step out in the back yard with my dad.

Raiden- Son, it's time for some training.
Zack- Yes!
Raiden- Pick up your wooden sword and get into the stance that I taught you.
Zack- Yes sir.
I pick up my wooden sword and get into my fighting stance.
Raiden- Are you ready?
Zack- Yeah.
Raiden- Ok. Here I come.
Dad rushes me with his wood sword. I do the same and we sword clash. We sword clash some more until we come into a sword lock.
Raiden- Good. You're getting better.
I smirk and he gasps. I shove him back and knock his sword out of the way and go in for a blow.
Zack- I've got you now!
He trips me and I land right on my back and dad points the end of his sword at me.
Raiden- Dead.
Zack- Man. I really thought I had you that time.
Raiden- Not gonna lie, you almost did. Had to rely on my quick thinking.
Dad helps me up.
Raiden- You're getting better. Keep this up and you'll surpass me in time.
Zack- You really think so?
Raiden- I know so. Let's go again.
Zack- Alright.
Before we spar again, we spot older bro Sabin with earbuds in his ears

Raiden- Hey Sabin wanna join in?
Sabin- Nah. I'll pass. Got something important to do.
Sabin walks off
Raiden- Wonder what's up with him?
After training for a couple hours I run next door and get my best friend Ron.

Ron- So what adventure are going on today?
Zack- I'm just taking Himiko up to the lake to go fishing.
Ron- Can I come?
Zack- Of course you can. That's why I came to get you.
Ron and I go back to my house to get Himiko. Mom tells us to be back before nightfall. All three of us leave the village and began our climb up the hill to the lake.
Himiko- Wow! You can see the whole village from up here!

Zack- Yeah. It's pretty amazing.
After a few more minutes of walking we reach the lake. Ron and I teach Himiko how to fish and we fish for hours.
Zack- The sun is setting. We should head back.
Ron- Sounds good.
Himiko- I can't wait to show mommy and daddy the fish that I caught.
Zack- I'm sure they'll be proud.
After a few minutes we reach the view spot of our village. What I see next will be the beginning of my nightmare. We see our entire village on fire.
Ron- Zack?
Zack- Say no more. C'mon!
We all run as fast as we can and make our way to the village. Once we reach the entrance, we stop. We see homes on fire. Bodies are strewn everywhere. Half of them are dismembered. It's nothing but guts and gore. I shield Himiko's eyes and Ron vomits.
Ron- I-I have to get to my family!
Zack- Yeah. You go do that and meet us at our house.
Ron- Ok
Ron's face explodes. His face is nothing but flesh and blood. You could even see some of his teeth in this mess. His body falls to ground.
Zack- Ron!!!!!
Himiko- Big brother someone is coming.
I look back to the front and see a man in a skull mask holding s scythe in his left hand and a gun in his right.

He puts away his gun and replaces it with a sword.

Skull man- Well well well. Look who we have here. Zack Fullbuster, you are my target. I grab Himiko by the hand and turn the other around and run. We take back alleys and side streets to get away from him. We eventually make to our house and burst through the front door.
Zack- Mom! Dad!
Taya- In the living room!
We run to the living room and mom and dad hug us.
Zack- The village. It's on fire! There was a man in a mask chasing us! He killed Ron!! He killed everybody!!!
I begin to cry.
Raiden- We know. What we didn't know is about the masked man. Dad gets up and grabs his sword off the fireplace.

Taya- Raiden what are you gonna do?
Raiden- I'm gonna go kill this masked man.
???- Are you talking about me?
We all turn to see the skull man standing in the living room entrance. Dad rushes the man. They sword clash multiple times and then weapon lock.
Raiden- Taya! Get the kids and run somewhere safe. Look for Sabin while you're it.
Taya- What about you?
Raiden- I'll be right behind you.
Skull man- Oh really?
Skull man headbutts dad. He then uses his sword to cut dad's stomach open. His intestines and entrails fall out and hit the ground with a disgusting splat. Dad looks at us.
Raiden- Go. I love you guys.
Those were his last words before being vertically cut in half by the skull mans scythe.
Himiko- Daddy nooooo!!!!!
Zack- Dad!!!!!
Mom grabs us both and rushes out of the house. We pass burning buildings as we head towards the exit of the village.
Suddenly mom drops us. We look at mom to see the blade part of the scythe is stuck her back.
Taya- Run kids!! Mommy loves you!!
Skull man- Get over here!!!!
Author: Shout out to scorpion
The man presses a button and the blade and mom is pulled back to him. The man drops his scythe and grabs mom's neck.
Skull man- Say bye bye to your mother.
Mom smiles at us one last time before her neck is slit with the skull man's sword. Her body crumbles to the ground. It begins to glow and her body disappears.
Skull man- You and your little sister are next.
I grab Himiko and run to the exit. We run for a few minutes until we come upon the exit.
Zack- We're gonna make it! We're gonna make it!
Himiko- Big brother watch out!!
I get pushed and fall to the ground.
I look to see Himiko standing there looking at mewith wide eyes. Her chest turns red with blood and she collapses. I catch her and lay her in my lap. think...the blood...will...come out....of my dress......big brother?
With tears in my eyes I answer.
Zack- Yeah. For sure. All it needs it a little washing.
She smiles.
Himiko- Big brother....I'm cold.
Zack- That's ok Himiko. Don't worry. You're gonna be fine.
Himiko- Oh goody.
I watch as the life leave her eyes. A sign that she is dead. I hear footsteps approach me.
Skull man- Awh. So sad. Don't worry kid. This is very personal but take comfort in the fact that I didn't do this on my own incentive. (Points gun at Zack) Salem sends her regards.
I lift my head to see him.
Zack (tears flowing down his face)- You're going to pay!!!! You here me?!!!!! You're dead!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kai (POV)
I did not see this coming. I knew the demon was inside him but I didn't think Zack would be able activate the power so soon. This is bad. Black/red energy is coming from Zack and it's spreading everywhere. His left eye had changed from normal to all black with a red pupil. Zack uses his speed to appear in front of me.
Kai- Shit.
He punches me into a burning building. The building collapses on me.
Kai- Ahhhh! It burns!!! It burns!!!!
I somehow escape and stumble back out onto the street to face that hell spawn.
Zack- Rawrrrrrr!!!!!!
Zack rushes at me and I empty five shots into the kids abdomen. He falls stomach first and slides to my feet leaving a trail of blood.
Kai- You have been a major pain in my ass. So I'm gonna let you suffer and bleed out.
Zack- man.
Kai- Doubt it. Goodbye Zack.
Zack (POV)
The skull man leaves.
I blackout.
Timeskip to next morning
I wake up and see the village destroyed and some of the buildings were destroyed.
Zack- I'm not dead? But I got shot.
I check my stomach to see no bullet holes.
Zack- Huh.
I then recall the events of last night and look to see Himiko's lifeless body. I cry till I couldn't cry anymore. I buried my sister and dad under a Sakura tree by our village. I made a memoriam for my mom and older brother which I believe is dead. I then set off into the wilderness in search of this skull man and this Salem character.
Present Day
Ruby (POV)
Zack- (with tears in his eyes) You see?!!! Do understand why I have to kill Kai and Salem?!!! They took everything from me!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!
Zack screams in sadness and tears flow from his face like a river. I cry from hearing his story and I pull him into an embrace. He cries and cries until he cried himself to sleep.
Ruby *mind*- Zack Fullbuster. I'm sorry for everything that you went through. I promise to protect you and help make your dream a reality.
Author: Well shit. That was dark. Really dark. Now we see why Zack is scarred for life. Damn. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter. I'll see y'all in the next one.

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