Chapter 6 Volume 6

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Zack (POV)
Ruby- (serious and cold) So you're Kai.
Dante- Zack who is this guy?
Zack- The same guy who almost murdered me along with cinder at beacon.
Everybody jumps out and stands in front of me. They all draw their weapons.
Ethan- What do you want?
Kai- My business matters not to you. Only to you Zack.
Zack- Come to finish the job huh. You know I'm gonna kill you for everything that you did.
Kai- Then come to me.
Ethan- We can take this guy Zack.
Zack- No.
RWBYEEDQM- What?!!!!
Zack- This is my fight. Go to Argus. I'll meet you there.
Ruby- No. We're staying with you and fighting.
Zack- (sigh)
A red symbol appears underneath everybody except Kai and myself. I summon Kaz and put him with the others. They all look at me.
Ethan- Zack what's going on.
I don't answer or look at them.
Yang- Zack?
The symbol glows bright and I look at them with a sad smile.
Zack- I can't let my friends die for me. Not again.
Realization hits Ruby and tears flow from her eyes.
Ruby- Zack you're really doing what I think you're doing? Zack noooooooo!!!!!!
She rushes to me but gets teleported away with everyone else. I turn to face Kai.
Kai- Smart move. They would've died.
I draw both swords and change my eye. Hellfire surrounds me. Kai brings out his scythe.
Kai- So shall be begin?
I'm already in front of him swinging my swords in a millisecond. Somehow he blocks it. The force of the impact made a crater where Kai stood.
Kai- Not bad.
He pushed me back and rushed me. I prepared for the incoming strike.
Kai- Behind you.
The Kai rushing me turns to smoke. I turn around only to get lacerated by a scythe slice. I fly through multiple trees. I finally land next to a frozen lake. I'm still on the ground dazed when I see falling towards me. I quickly roll out the way as try's to stomp my face in.
Zack- Devil's Stream!!
My hellfire streamed and hit him but it didn't hurt him.
Kai- How weak.
I get up and charge him. In what feels like a second I'm covered up in cuts and my blood is everywhere. I fall face first into the snow.
Kai- Flash step. Move so fast that everything else including time slows down. One of my holy abilities.
Zack- Holy....abilities?
Kai- Still haven't figured it out huh?
He removes his hood and takes off his mask.

Kai- Hello....little brother.
Ruby (POV)
We all appear on the outskirts of a city.
I fall to my knees, started pounding the ground, and cried.
Ruby- Not....not again. We....I....just got him back. I get up and look behind us. I see the snow forest on the horizon. I take off in that direction but before I get anywhere, Yang grabs my hood.
Ruby- Let me go Yang!!!! He needs my help!!!! I'm not going to let him die!!!!
I struggle violently until something hits my neck and everything slowly goes black.
Yang *mind*- Damn it Zack. You better come back alive.
Zack (POV)
Zack- S..Sabin? What they hell?!! (Realization hits) IM GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU!!!!!!
I get up but get immediately chokeslamed into the ice. Sabin begins to choke me.
Zack- Why...would something like...this.
Sabin- Because you stole what was rightfully mine!!!
Zack- What?
Sabin- You see, when mom fought Caspian and defeated him, they needed a human vessel to seal him into so that he just die, spawn back in hell, and come back even stronger. I was supposed to be that vessel!! I was supposed to get that power!!! Yet mom saw more potential in you. A fucking baby who didn't know shit!! I always hated you ever since and when I killed everyone including our family, it was the best day of my life. Now you go join them.
He takes out his sword and stabs me in the gut. He repeatedly stab me there until I stopped moving.
Sabin (POV)
Sabin- Finally dead huh? What a waste of time.
I took my sweet out of him and dragged the body to the lake edge. I picked up the body and threw him through the ice and into the water.
Sabin- Done and done. How disappointing.
I turn around to walk away but the sky darkens and the wind picks up. Red lightning sparks and strikes everywhere.

Sabin- So you finally decided to get serious.
I turn back around and see a freakin tornado in the water.

Sabin- Looks like I'm gonna have to start playing around too.
Dark black smoke surrounds me and I transform.

Just as I finished my transformation, the tornado explodes and a demon with a dragon takes its place

Zack (POV)
Zack (demon form)- Have to admit. You had be on the ropes. But what you didn't take into account is that I'm a lot more powerful. And it seems you have more tricks up your sleeve.
Sabin (fallen angel)- I am Sabin Fullbuster. The Fallen Angel. And yes, I was wondering when you were going to get serious. That shit you pulled earlier was weak. Too easy. Now then (draws the two curved swords) Shall we begin round two?
I use this form's purple hellfire to form a sword and I point it at him.

Zack (demon form)- Come to your death.
Ruby (POV)
I slowly wake up and I'm in a bed in a room.
???- Finally awake.
I sit up and see Yang staring out a window.
Ruby- What happened?
Yang- You were acting irrationally and you weren't going to calm down. So I knocked you out and we made to Argus. We found NJR and now we're at Jaune's sister's house.
Ruby- Oh. So has he come back yet?
Yang- No. He's still fighting.
Ruby- How do you know?
Yang- Because I'm seeing it right now.
Ruby- What?!!
I hop out of bed and go to the window Yang was starring out off. I see the snowy forest in the far off horizon. I also see explosions going off left and right and a big humongous dragon flies into the air.
Ruby- Oh my god.
Ruby *mind*- Zack please be ok.
Zack (POV)
I'm riding my dragon and I'm firing purple hellfire blasts at Sabin as he uses his wings to evade and fly away from my dragon and I.
Sabin (fallen angel)- Fallen Angels Conviction!!!
He slices the air and black energy slashes come for me.
Zack (demon form)- Dive dragon dive!!!
The dragon dives but one of the energy slashes hit its left wing and the dragon roars in pain. Sabin lands on the dragon and attacks me with both swords and I'm put on the defensive
Author: Like this.

We go into a sword lock.
Sabin (fallen angel)- You've had enough yet?
Zack (demon form)- Not by a long shot ya bitch. Satan's Eye Blast!!!
The eye on my sword fires a purple beam at Sabin and it hits him off the dragon. Before he could fall completely off he stabs into the dragons right wing, making the dragon and myself crash into the ground. I get up from the impact but I'm still bleeding a lot from the injuries I've received earlier. I look up to Sabin who was in the air.
Sabin (fallen angel)- It's been fun but grow tired from this encounter. I'm ending this right now.
He powers up and surrounds himself in black energy. He sticks his arms out and black energy arrows started spawning. I power up my purple hellfire. I stick my hands in the air and a ball of purple hellfire spawns and it grows bigger.

I look in Sabin's direction to see that black arrows have pretty much blocked out most of the sky.
Sabin (fallen angel)- Now begone with the  Fallen Angels Volley.
He sends his legion of arrows at me

Zack (demon form)- King Of Sin Hellfire Nuke!!!
I throw the bomb at Sabin and it collided with the energy arrows and it causes a very big explosion.

We all get caught up in the explosion and it causes a massive crater to form in the ground. Both Sabin and I are hurt a lot and turn back to normal. I'm the first one to get up thanks to the good graces of both my swords. I see Sabin begin to sit up. I dash to hit and stab him in the chest with both of my swords. He spits up blood and looks me in my face.
Sabin- You should've went for the head.
Zack- What?
He fades to spoke and I turn around. Sabin is there and he slices my chest with his scythe and I fall to my knees.
Sabin- Goodbye brother.
Before he could finish me off a beam of yellow hits Sabin in the chest and I fall face first into the ground. Darkness begins to to takeover but before I pass out I make out a dark figure.
??? (POV)
Sabin- No way!!!! I killed you!!! You can't be alive!!!! I'm out of here!!!
He puts back on his mask and uses his smoke to teleport away. I look down at an unconscious Zack who is bleeding out.
???- Don't worry Zack. I'll patch up the most serious injuries and take you back to your friends.
Author: Cool so Zack almost died again and failed to kill Kai or should I say Sabin who is his older brother. Also, who was that figure that Sabin was so afraid off? Hmmm I wonder. Anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one.

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