Chapter 15: Volume 7

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Zack (POV)
I'm wandering the halls of the mansion looking for something to do when Cas speaks to me.
Cas- Hey Zack, you got a minute?
Zack (telepathic talk)- Yeah. What is it?
Cas- Well, you should head back to the dining room.
Zack (telepathic talk)- But why?
Cas- Some shit just went down. The heat in Mantle just shut off and Weiss has barged into the dining room with something related to Jacques Schnee.
Zack (telepathic talk)- On my way right now.
I turn around and sprint down the hall I retrace my step. I make it back to the dining room and bust through the door just in time to see a video of Jacques Schnee doing a deal with Arthur Watts. One of Salem's men.
Ironwood- Enough.
Zack- Well well well Jacq. Looks like you just got caught with your ass out.
Jacques- That is Uh....I-I can explain that. That.....isn't real.
Sleet- Councilman Jacq, Take. Your. Seat.
Jacques takes one look at all of us and decides to make a run for it. I use what little demon power of have and I teleport to right in front of him and grab him by his scrawny little neck and chokeslam him onto the table.
Weiss- Jacq Schnee, you're under arrest.
Zack- Yeah, what she said asshole.
I change my eye to add more intimidation so he can get my point.
Jacques- Okay okay I yield!
I lift him back up by his throat and toss him back into his chair where we all surround him. RWBY, RNJ, and the rest of ZEED come in following the news.
Ironwood- I knew you'd stoop low to get what you want Jacq, but this?
Jacques- This all a great leap James.
Ironwood- No it's quite simple really. I know Arthur Watts is alive and working with a madman like Tyrian Callows. It would be easy for someone like him to coordinate an unthinkable heinous attack like the one in that warehouse. Watts designed Mantle's entire security network and he used that access to hack the surveillance system and frame two people for the job.
Zack- You still ain't shit James. You and me have things to settle once this over.
Ironwood- Understood. Anyway Jacq, once you became a councilman, your newly granted clearance gave him a back door into Atlas's security network. But you probably haven't even considered that have you?
Robin- The people that died that night, their blood is in your hands.
Zack- You hear that jackass? You basically helped commit mass murder. You going to prison son.
Jacques- These are outrageous accusations! I only intended to win the election, I have nothing to do-
Robin- Only?!!
She tosses a chair and breaks it.
Camilla- What else will he be able to do with the access Jacq has given him?
Ironwood- With enough time, whatever he wants.
Everyone then minds out that the heat has been cut off down in Mantle and we can't access the grid because Watts has blocked us off.
Ruby- General Ironwood, how bad is it?
Ironwood- He's using jacq's credentials. We can follow that activity on the network but has he found his way into the Amity system? No the secret is safe for now. But if he learns about Amity.......
Zack- So does she.
Elias- Can't you block his access or something?
Ironwood- It's too late. He's already starting to lock us out.
Ethan- Can't we trace him? Like locate where he's hiding?
Ironwood- He's going to be mobile. We need to get him out in the open.
Robin- Okay so let me get this straight, yep I'm still here everyone. How does a disgraced scientist and disappeared serial killer find each other general? Why would they target you? And why are you trying so hard to hide the Amity Communications Tower from them?
Ironwood- You know?
Robin- I used to think you were hiding something to protect yourself but I can tell there's something much bigger going on here. Now I think it's to protect something else. Us. Atlas. Maybe even all of Remnant. And you're afraid of what might happen if you tell the truth.
Clover- General, the Grim are all over mantle. The air fleet is doing everything they can but they can't easily target grim in the city without risking casualties.
Ironwood- This. This is what I was afraid will happen.
Clover- Sir, we need ground support now.
Robin- What we need is to start evacuating Mantle. If it's completely overrun, it's not going to be safe anywhere. Use the fleet-
Ironwood- If I use the fleet then atlas is vulnerable. I-I tried to keep the kingdom safe but now we're losing everything.
Oscar- General, earlier you're asked for my advice.
Ironwood- I wanted Ozpin's advice.
Oscar- And his advice would probably be to keep your secrets. When we got here you already knew that wasn't the right course. You had a new plan.
Ironwood- It's time to give up on that plan. It's all falling apart.
Oscar- The panic you were worried about, it's already happening. The secrets you're keeping are about to be out in the open. It's time. Tell the truth.
Ruby- You're not alone. We can do this together.
Zack- You may be a bitch and I'm most likely gonna have to kick your ass later but right now, the people need you. The world needs you. We can do this.
Ironwood-........Thank you.
Zack- Now with that out of the way, it's time for some action.
Somewhere above Mantle.
??? (POV)
??? *mind*- Mantle is about to become a ruin, Salem is about to be known my everyone, and Zack is running out of time. Just a little bit longer and he may be lost forever. Looks like I may need to step in and reintroduce the world to the Angelic Goddess.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. So you guys probably already know who this mystery character is. Can't wait till she appears. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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