Chapter 6: Volume 7

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Zack (POV)
We're currently on the team ZEED airship heading towards the mine. I sitting down admiring my new upgraded weapons when the boys come up to me.
Indigo: New Demon Dragon

New Demon's Rebellion


Dante- Hey Zack.
Zack- Wassup.
Dante- You ready for this?
Zack- Yeah I think so. Been craving a little fighting as of late. A lot more than usual so this should satisfy my fix.
Elias comes into the conversation.
Elias but imagine a scar over his right eye

Elias- And you're sure you're alright?
Zack- Yeah I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that. First it was Cas and now it's you guys.
Ethan- Well you did turn into a gigantic grotesque demon a couple days ago and you were put in a little coma because of it so we have a right to be worried about you.

Zack- Guys trust me. I'm fine. I'm good. There's nothing to worry about now let's focus on the mission. We're almost there.
I put the communication earpiece in my ear and push past the boys to the ship opening. The doors open and we see team RWBY in the other ship giving us a smile and a wave.

Pilot- You are all clear to go.
I give the pilot a nod and leap out of the ship.
I bypass team RWBY as I divebomb headfirst towards the ground. As the ground approaches, I change my eye and a portal opens up on the ground.

Out of the portal comes Kaz and he catches me in his arms and places me in the ground

Zack- Nice catch little buddy.
He gives a playful growl and I scratch underneath his chin much to his delight. The rest of my team plus RWBY land right after me.
Ethan- Show off.
I just give him a smile when ACE Ops leader Clover comes over the earpiece.
Clover (earpiece)- This Alpha Squad. LZ's clear. Proceeding on foot.  You've all got fancy new scrolls so don't forget to use them. Keep your eyes and ears open. I want an update if you encounter the target. Alpha out.
Clover goes off and I catch Elias staring at Blake. Blake catches this too.
Elias (blushes)- Oh sorry. My bad. Just got get used to the new hair.
Blake- (blushes) I-Is it bad?
Elias- N-No no. Not all at all. It's just that you'
Blake's cheeks go red even more and she cracks a small smile. We proceed to the mine entrance on foot.
Ruby- It's freezing out here!
Weiss- Without heating or a projected aura, the cold of Solitas can kill you in a matter of hours.
Blake- I suddenly don't feel so bad for leaving Oscar behind.
Yang- Speaking of which, are we really not going to tell ironwood about this? About what happened to Oz? What we learned about Jin? About Salem?
Ruby- We are! We....will. But you saw how things looked when we flew into Atlas.
Elias- Ironwood seems to be trying to do some good.
Blake- But that doesn't mean we should trust him yet.
Weiss- We need to play along for a little while before making any major decisions.
Dante- We're playing it safe.
Yang-.......Okay but how did Oscar feel about this?
Ruby- It wasn't very good. He feels we're doing the same thing Ozpin did to us. But we don't know what else to do. What do you think Zack?
Zack-........Well over the years and especially as of recently, I've learned to trust very few people. As far as I'm concerned, you guys plus RNJ, Qrow, Oscar, and Maria are the only ones I trust. We're family. Everyone else can catch my blade the moment they double cross me. That includes James. Come on Kaz. I turn away from everyone and follow some of the other ACE Ops into the mine. After a bit of walking, we have to stop due our path being sealed off by debris.
Harriet- Bravo checking in. Hit a bit of a snag. There's been a cave in at the main entrance. Not sure if it was recent or caused by the original accident. Either way we're gonna have to do a little problem solving.
Clover (earpiece)- Understood. Let us know if you need anything. We start searching around for another way forward when I notice Blake holding onto Elias's arm and both of them looking sorta down.
Zack- Yo you ok?
Elias- We'll Uh...we'll be fine. It's just that....
Blake- We just realized where we are. This mine was closed after an explosion.
Weiss- I remember this disaster or rather, I remember how furious it made my father. I wish I could take back the years of pain my family had caused the faunas and all of my complacency in it.
Marrow- This society is set up so that the faunas are on the bottom. And the humans are willing participants. They benefit from doing nothing to help us. But there are those who still actively abuse us. Anyway, I didn't come all the way over here to solve systemic society issues. Harriet found a gap in the rubble we think one of you can fit through. Ideally someone with a knack of seeing in the dark?
Elias- Looks like this is on me. I got this one.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed. Uhm Zack, you seem a bit more of on the serious side as of late. You sure you're okay dude?
Zack-.........All is fine.
Indigo:.....okayyyyyy......Anyway, later indigo fam. Peace.

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