Chapter 8: Volume 7

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Zack (POV)
We exit the mine just in time to see Amity Coliseum come into view.

I hey trail back a bit and let everyone else go ahead.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Cas, what the hell was that back there?
Cas- I-I Don't know. I've never seen anything like that happen before. From no being able to use your powers to coughing up black blood? This is all new to me.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Damn it.
I taken out of my conversation my something grabbing both my hands. It was Ruby.
Ruby- Hey, are you okay?
Zack- Uh......yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Ruby- I mean you did kinda go down and started to have a major coughing fit. You looked like you were in a lot of pain.
Zack- Don't worry about it. I'm fine now see? (Smiles)
Ruby *mind*- He's hiding something. That's another fake smile. That's okay, I'll get down to bottom of this soon enough.
Ruby- So uh, what do you want to do when we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing? Or we could go on a date. We haven't been on one of those in awhile.
Zack- I don't know. I think I'm going to go to sleep and think over some things.
Ruby- Oh come on. It's been forever since we've gone on one. It's just that, we rarely get to be together without having to deal with any danger. We've been fighting grim and you almost died again and you were in a coma and you've become a lot more distant and-
I cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. She returns it immediately and wraps her arms around to deepen the kiss. We part once we needed air.
Zack- I promise we'll go out soon. Just not not right now.
Ruby- Ok but I'll hold you to it. I'll drag you out if I have to.
Zack- I understand crater face.
Ruby- Ohhhhh so we're doing nickname throwbacks again. Okay, I'll get you next time.
I see that James has arrived and he exits his vehicle.
Ironwood- Can I get the team leaders over here. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. You too Qrow.
Jaune, Ruby, Qrow, and myself go over to James just as he got done talking to Clover.
Qrow- New problems in Mantle?
Ironwood- More of the same unfortunately.
He puts up a hologram.

Ironwood- Someone in mantle is taking out public leaders who speak out against Atlas. Specifically people who speak out against me. It didn't look like a pattern at first, but this is the third murder of its kind in the last week.
Jaune- That's the guy who rode with us when we were arrested.
Ruby- He died?
Ruby instinctively holds on to me out of her uneasiness and sadness.
Zack- Your opposition getting bodied in mantle  isn't exactly a great look for you eh James.
Ironwood- I'm not really worried about my public image but it is causing unrest. I think someone is trying to frame me and by extension, Atlas. And it's working.
Zack- Well you only have yourself to blame with the embargo. Had you not done that, everyone probably wouldn't be so quick to judge and point fingers at you.
James-.........No no you're right. Things in Mantle have been......hard to manage lately. I'm not blind to it's issues. In fact, that's what I want to talk to you about. With the launch of this mobile communications tower and tensions down in mantle, I believe there's a lot of good your teams can do here.
James gets something on his communicator.
Qrow- More Mantle problems?
Ironwood- No. This one's an Atlas problem.
All of the teams and James go to the landing pad where a ship has landed. The doors open to reveal Weiss's father.

Jacques- So let me get this straight James. In addition to this nonsensical embargo of yours crippling my business, you've also decided to commandeer private property. When the council here's about this, you will never-
Ironwood- Actually, I've already informed them. As of this moment this is now the site of a classified military operation. It didn't even require a vote.
Jacques- Didn't require a vote?!
Ironwood- You night want to brush up on council law before you lose this upcoming election Jac. Now, I've allowed you land here once as a courtesy. The next time won't be a friendly reception.
Jacques- Lately you seem to forget you your friends really are. I'm going to get that council seat James and maybe then you'
He spots Weiss.
Jacques- You roped my missing daughter into this scheme of yours too? How long has she been back in Atlas? Does Winter know about this?
Weiss- It was my decision to come here just like it was my decision to leave. Or have you forgotten all about that?
Jacques- If you think I'm one to forget anything girl, then you've misjudged the man your father is.
Weiss- Believe me, I know exactly the kind of man that you are.
Jacques- How dare you speak to me that way? I have half a mind to-
James- Half a mind you what Jac?
Jacques- You know, your mother was devastated when you left. Didn't leave her room for days. You know how....she gets when she's upset. James I knew one day you'd overextend your reach. I didn't come here to beg for an abandoned mine. I came here to thank you for personally handing me the noose to hang you. You'll regret this. As for you Weiss, these are the little friends and boy you decided to throw everything away for.
Weiss- Not friends. Family.
Dante- Now do us all a favor and get the fuck out of here.
Jacques- Why you-
All of a sudden, everything went black.
Ruby (POV)
Jacques steps forward and suddenly, Zack is behind him with Demon Dragon pressed up against his throat. Zack left a trail of black and purple hellfire and black feathers and both of his eyes are purple.
Zack- Did you not hear what he said? I suggest that you leave now before I end your insignificant life. You have till the count of ten.
Jacques- Well if it isn't the former protector of Atlas. Word is that you died in beacon. Look how far you've fallen.
Zack- Ten!
Jacques scrambles onto his ship and it takes off.
Zack turns back to look at all of our shocked faces. His power dies down and his eyes go back to normal. He drops his sword and then proceeds to fall out but I catch him and cradle his head.
Ruby- He's our cold. Guys.........just what in the hell did we just see?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Uh Zack is out cold so I couldn't talk to him this time. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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