Chapter 19: Volume 8

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Ruby (POV)


Through the concrete wall I go as the Grimm bashed me with its massive amount of strength that it has. Through the dust cloud it lumbers to me through the big hole of the building.

It lets out a growl as it prepares to attack once more but Blake comes from above to slice at its head. With a simple swat of its hand, the Grimm hits Blake out of the air. I use my semblance to regroup where she landed.

Ruby- What is this thing?

Blake- It's just a Grimm. Just focus.

Blake goes on the offensive while I close my eyes to focus on using my silver eyes power.

Grimm- Take.....the girl......

I get interrupted as I open my eyes to see the Grimm barreling towards me. It tackles me to the ground and my aura is broken.

Blake (POV)

Ruby got knocked out when the Grimm tackled her. Wings sprout from it's back and gather Ruby in its arms. It begins to take off but I use my whip to keep from flying away.

Blake-  Ruby!

Weiss comes and shoots ice crystals at the Grimm. It's still trying to fly away and it's getting harder to keep it tethered even with the makeshift anchor in the ground. Three more Grimm dig up from out of the ground and attack myself and Weiss. The Grimm that has Ruby breaks free and begins to fly away.

Blake- No!

The Grimm stops mid flight and Ruby regains consciousness.

Ruby- It's not here for me! It's here for Penny!

The Grimm drops Ruby high out of the air and she crashes down hard on the ground and is out cold once more.

Blake- Weiss, help the others at the Manor. I've got Ruby.

Weiss (POV)

I rush as quickly as I can back to the manor and see the Grimm has busted through the windows. I open the doors and everything is quiet. Too quiet. Slowly and carefully I make my inside, checking my surroundings.

Weiss mom (comms)- Above you!

I look up and the Grimm drops from the ceiling and backhands me hard. I go sailing into the grand piano and my aura is gone. It walks forward, mouth agape looking to finish me off. It stops and turns it's head to sniff the air. I take the opportunity to use ice glyphs to hurl more ice shards at it. It dodges and climbs along the walls, pulling itself up over the railing of the second floor and disappearing down a hallway.

Weiss- (uses comms) Mom?

Weiss mom (comms)- I....I can see it. It's outside Winter's old room. can kill it? Can't you?

Weiss- What is it doing?

Weiss mom (comms)- I'm...not sure. It's acting strange. Why is it here?

Weiss- It doesn't matter. Just keep an eye on it so I can track it down.

Weiss mom (comms)- Right....right. Um ok. It's moving again. Heading towards......oh dear no....

Crashes can be heard down the halls and I take off without haste. I turn down multiple corners and see my mother and Whitley running my way with the Grimm on their tail. I successfully erect a ice wall preventing the Grimm to catch mom and Whitley.

Weiss- I didn't forget you.

The ice begins to crack as the Grimm bashes the wall.

Weiss- Go!

Whitley and mom rush past me leaving just the Grimm and myself.

Blake (POV)

I'm on the defensive against the centipede Grimm monster.

Blake- Why did it get more disgusting?

As in response to my question, acidic bile comes up it's gullet and it spits at me. Jumping back to avoid the acid puke, it crawls forward swings both its blades to take my head off my shoulders. I lean backwards and the blades barely miss the tip of my nose. Not satisfied it quickly comes back to stab me. I use the flat of my blade to block and hold off the Grimm attack.

Blake- I don't know if you can hear me but I need you Ruby. We all do.

The Grimm uses its acid puke shot at point blank range forcing me back again. I rush to go on the offensive. I leap into the air to stab it in its face but it catches my blade and slams me into the ground. It tries to stab me but I use an afterimage to escape. It's not easily fooled as it slices me as I try to create distance and I go crashing into a wall and my aura breaks. It uses one of its arms to grab me by my neck and lift me up. It opens its maw to finish me off.

Blake- Please......


Ruby's scythe as impaled the Grim from behind whereas a war claw has burrowed itself in the Grimm's head.

Attached to the gauntlet was my beloved.

Blake- ELIAS!!!

The Grimm withers away and Elias offers his hand.

Elias- Sorry I'm late. Ran into some problems. I hope you can forgive me.

I take his hand and pull myself up but I quickly wrap my arms around him and plant a deep kiss on his lips which he returns. After a few seconds we stop for air.

Blake- Ruby are you okay?

Ruby- Yeah but I'm more bewildered about Elias? How'd you get here?

Elias- I had help from a certain Goddess of Angels.

Blake- Say what now?

Elias- Yeah Zack's mom helped us out. She's here along with Dante.

Ruby- That's great news. Where are they?

Elias smirks and counts down from three with his hand. Once he hits one, a plume of fire bursts from one of the windows inside the manor.

Elias- There he is.

Weiss (POV)

The Grimm scampers off as hit had just got hit with a blast of fire. The source of that fire happened to be Dante.

Dante- Run. That is all that you can do. But you won't leave this place alive. My flames will catch you and drag you down back the disgusting cesspool from which you were created.

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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