Chapter 2: Volume 8

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Ruby (POV)
Everything just went south so fast and we weren't even close to be prepared for it. Ironwood is against us, Salem and her forces are here, now we have angels fighting against Salem and we have no idea what they want, and then there's him. My beloved. The one of want to spend eternity with, turned into someone I don't recognize anymore. And I don't even know if it is him. He said his name was Astaroth. He said Zack was dead and yet, Zack's voice came from his mouth begging for help. He was speaking to the Angel's leader and he called her mom. Could she be Zack's mother? And if that's so and Zack is still here, we need get in contact with his mother and come up with a plan to take down Salem, stop Ironwood from doing something he's going to regret later, bring down Astaroth and get Zack back once and for all. But first things first. We have to get Oscar and locate uncle Qrow. The ship that we're in hovers around Mantle and refugee camps looking for our friend. We spot him in one of the refugee camps and he hops aboard. Back to Mantle we go and the destruction is ridiculous. Explosions going of every once in a while as androids, demons, angels, and grim tear each other apart. Bodies of each force litter the streets and yet the battle just started not too long ago. Refugees try to find warmth in the fires that dot the streets.
Oscar- I was stupid to think the general would listen. Every choice I've made was the wrong one. And now..........
Ruby- We all did what we thought was best. I'm just glad you're alright. We get flagged down by someone of the local militia.
Maria- Yeah yeah I see you.
We land and rush inside their current base of operations which in one of the buildings left undamaged in this place. We were greeted by EED, JNR, Yang, Blake, Penny and Doctor Pietro.
Blake- When we heard you went after Ironwood on your own, we...........
Weiss- How did you end up down in the slums anyway?
Oscar- It's a......long story. I get the feeling that there has been a few of those tonight. Where's Qrow?
Everyone including me looks down in sadness.
Ruby- We don't know. Last we heard, he was with Robin but...........
The militia leader comes through.
ML- Alright. Your friend is back now. You ready to work? The largest Grimm horde ever seen is hovering over the tundra, demons angels Grimm and androids are tearing up the place with their fighting, and yet we still have a city full of people with no heat, and front what you told us, no more military protection. While we're happy to give you guys a place to lie low for awhile since you're all on the wanted list now, it's time to give those who can't defend themselves some help.
Ren- How? Ironwood is stopping all evacuations to Atlas and we can't get them out of the city with Salem and Astaroth's forces surrounding us. We could ask the Angels help but we do not know their position is when dealing with us humans.
ML- We take them to the crater beneath Atlas. It's not safe but it's warm. With everyone in one place, we can do a better job protecting them. May can send you where you're needed most. We've got to get everyone down into that crater before nightfall. In the slums, we might have a chance.
Weiss- We're never going to sleep again. I just know it.
ML- Either you're helping or you're baggage.
She leaves and left us in silence until Yang gets up.
Yang- We need to do whatever we can for Mantle.
Ruby- We need to do what we can for everyone. What about Amity and telling the world about Salem? We can't do this alone. We need help.
Blake- Ruby's right.
Elias- I second that. The Happy Huntresses militia are handling the evacuation better than we ever could. And there's an even bigger picture.
Ethan- But Amity isn't even finished bro. It was still under construction before we got stabbed in the back.
Ruby- Doctor, what would you need to launch Amity now?
Pietro- We've made decent progress on construction and fuel collection. All potentially manageable but.......Amity wasn't designed so that it couldn't launch itself without first being granted clearance from General Ironwood's terminal.
Yang- Ruby, there is no way Ironwood will cooperate with us.
Ruby- But he doesn't have to. We just need the green light from his terminal right?
Yang- You want to go back to the Academy?
Pietro- Actually, there's more than one terminal. The one in his office and one in the main Atlesian Military Compound at the base of the city. You'd have to get into the compound somehow then get inside their operations room and then......hoo boy. I might need to think about this some more.
Oscar- And just to clarify, this is the easy option?
Ethan- So it can't be done. It's pointless.
Yang- Even if you got the message out, there's no guarantee help would come.
Ruby- It's not pointless! Atlas is only Salem's current target. She's not hiding anymore and once she's done here, she'll move on to the rest of Remnant. We need to warn them!
Yang- Ruby.......when we came here we said we'd follow your lead. But things haven't exactly worked out.
Everyone covers their mouths or looks away at what she just said.
Ethan- Look, we got Zack back then we found out Ozpin lied to us while we were stranded in the middle of a snow forest. Zack got hurt again and we went up against a tiny woman with too big of an ego. Not to mention Adam as well. Zack got corrupted and put into a coma. Shit happened here in Atlas and now Salem is here, Ironwood turned his back on us and now we don't know if my bro is dead or being held captive by that Astaroth freak. We've been fucked three ways from Sunday ever since Mistral.
Ren- There are people here who need our help. That's something we actually given our situation.
Nora- But this isn't about just Atlas. Ruby's right. It's about all of Remnant. They need to know in Vacuo, in Mistral, in Vale. They can prepare.
Jaune gets in between the four of us.
Jaune- Okay okay..........Then let's go for both. Get Amity up and running and evacuate Mantle.
Ruby- But that's how Salem got this far. By dividing us. We have to stick together.
Dante punches the table he's sitting at, gets up and looks at all of us with tears threatening to fall down his face at any moment.
Dante- This. This is what she wants. Do you see what you're doing right now. Sister turning on sister. Friend turning on friend. What we need is to get our heads on straight what is we all want as individuals. Until then, we separate into groups like Jaune said. One goes to Amity, the other goes help evacuate, and I'll try to make contact with the Angels to see if they can help us. Before you guys say anything, we need all the help we can get. We have the same enemy in common and from what I've seen, they've saved the people who were in danger and caught in the middle of the fighting. Not only that but they can help us with Astaroth. Zack isn't dead. This I'm sure of. And I'll be damned if I don't do whatever it takes to get my best friend back.
Penny-.........Or maybe I can take the relic to Salem. Maybe then she'll call off her attack on the kingdom. Astaroth, the Angels, and her forces can do battle elsewhere.
Oscar- Not happening. Salem won't go for it. The moment she gets her hands on the staff and creates anything, Atlas falls and crushes Mantle, taking us with it.
Elias- Nobody is turning you over to anybody. That's the one thing we all can agree on.
Ruby- Then I guess we're going to Atlas. Can you help us get to that terminal doctor?
Pietro- I suppose you'll need someone needs to help you bypass security.
Penny- I'll go.
Pietro- Penny, we can't risk-
Penny- I'll go.
Her maiden flames flicker from her eyes.

Yang- (sigh) Do what you gotta do. Ethan and I are going out there to see what we can do.
Pietro tosses Yang some keys.
Pietro- Go by the pharmacy. I was developing some new tools for you all before this happened. You're gonna need them.
Ren- Nora?
Nora- I'm going with Ruby.
Ren- But what about Mantle?
Nora- Oh, I'm saving Mantle. Because I actually believe we can do this.
Jaune- I'll go with Ren, Yang, Ethan.
Oscar- I'll go with you.
Blake- I'm with Ruby. Weiss?
Weiss- I'm with Ruby too. That leaves the two of you Dante and Elias.
Dante and Elias look at each other and nod.
Dante- Neither.
Elias- While you guys do what you gotta do, we're gonna talk to the leader of the Angel army and save our boy with or without your help.
Dante- You have us on your comms. Shit goes down and you need backup, we'll come running. Until then, what's left of Team ZEED is heading out.
He looks directly at Ethan when he said that last part. Ethan narrowed his eyes at Dante before Elias and Dante exited the building.
Ruby *mind*- Separate but United huh? I sure hope so.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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