The Fight

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Zak's point of view:

"Let's destroy the machine." said my other self and me at the same time. We were still in Skullivar's palace. 

"Attack!" Bones called. Zak gave me Calabrass and I turned: "Calabrass, give me the eye of Aeria!" Cece and Crogar were already getting ready. "Give me back the crystal, he belongs to me!!!" Skullivar screamed angrily and skeletons came in. Great! "He does not belong to you, I do not see any jerks on it." I said with a grin. Bones and the skeletons attacked us. "Zak, we have no time for that, we have to destroy the machine." said Cece. I wanted to answer her, but I could not because a skeleton attacked me and I had to fight back. "Cece and Zak are looking for the machine, Crogar and I are taking it off okay?" I ordered. The chaos made such a noise. "Oh, I mean Crogar, Clovis and the mess distract them." I improved.  Cece and Zak started running, while we were still trying to stop Skullivar from getting the Crystal. 

Cece's point of view:

We walked along the corridors. Zak's second self and I searched for the machine, while Zak and the others were busy with Skullivar. "Where is the machine now?" I asked Zak. "She should be in the throne room." he said. We ran quickly there. There is the machine. "Quickly, before anyone gets us." he shouted. I ran slowly to the machine, but suddenly two elite skeletons jumped out. Oh no, that too. I took out my gun and fired at them, but they came closer and closer. Zak also tried to fight back, but he did not have a weapon. He tricked her instead of clever and they fell down. I shot them quickly, they broke. (People, I'm sorry, but how do you say that?) Zak and I slowly walked towards the machine. Suddenly an elite skeleton arm grabbed Zak. 

"Cece, quickly shoot the machine." Zak shouted. I also knew that if Zak gets injured then Zak will hurt himself as well, and since he just got the Crystal and is fighting Bones & the Skeleton Army, this is not helpful. I did not hesitate and fired on the machine. It exploded, and Zak's second version disappeared. I ran as fast as possible to the others. 

Zak's point of view:

Bones attacked me, but suddenly I could not move anymore. Bones took the chance and took the crystal from my hand. "Haha, finally." he spoke and handed him to Skullivar. I wanted to prevent it, but I froze like a stone. "Zak?" Calabrass asked. Suddenly I could move again and fell down, but it was already too late. Skullivar already had it. "Finally, after a long time, I have the crystal of time in my hands." he laughed wickedly. Cece was already there and helped me get up. "Zak, he can not use the crystal, who knows what would happen then." Cece screamed in panic. I shot a lightning bolt at Skullivar, but he dodged. 

"Bones, stop him, while I focus on the important thing!" he ordered. Bones and the skeletons attacked us. I could feel Skullivar almost deciphering the Crystal. Cece and Crogar did the skeletons for me by hand. But Bones was the bigger problem. I had an idea! "Calabrass, give me the eye of Sino!" I called and changed. I shot a ray of ice on Bones, who was about to attack me and he froze. "Yes!" I exclaimed, pleased. "Nice idea Captain!" Cece agreed. 

"Haha, you're too late! Nothing can stop me anymore." Skullivar interrupted us, holding the crystal up. Suddenly a light blue, glittering mist surrounded him. "No!" everybody shouted. He faded slowly, but before he was gone I jumped behind, and touched the crystal briefly, and was also gone. 

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