Zak in danger 2

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Zak's point of view:

It has already passed 3 hours it was now noon, I sat in my chair and wondered what it could have dream with it.

"What's up with Zak? You've been acting like that all day."  Calabrass said annoyed. "I was thinking about something, I had such a dream, and there was Bones, he had an injection in his hand, I do know what it is for, but he was aboard. The weird thing was, I could see him, but not the others." "Take off your boy, Dreams can not interpret anything." he said. "You're right, maybe I'm just thinking about it." I said and went to the deck. 

"Ehm.... Zak sounds kinda weird but I wanted to talk to you." I said to my other self. "You do not want a doppelganger, in short, get rid of me." he said sadly. "No... um.... I did not mean to say that, but I do not want to be hurt if you're hurt." I tried to explain it somehow. He has really changed since I came here, maybe we are not as different as I thought. Skullivar's machines do not seem to work so well. "Yeah, I get it, I just wanted to ask you the same questions, I'll miss you." he said. Oh man, I did not mean that he was sad, I mean, I mean he.... oh no matter.

"It's not that tragic, it does not hurt when i leave, I think... And besides, I'm sick of the hurting thing." he said normally. "Oha.... I thought you were going to freak out or something because you're my bad one." I said speechless. "Well Skullivar may have misread the manual, but honestly you know how dumb you have to be, I'm not your evil self but just your opposite, you understand." he said. "WHAT!!" everyone called in surprise. "So if you are my opposite, everything is boring, which I think is cool?!" I asked in confusion. "If you want to say so, yes." he said."He sounds a bit more like a nerd than you." Cece said and smiled.

 Hey! I'm not that stupid, either. "But it's a pity, I wanted to take a look around here in Marituga." he said. "Hey, we have enough time, then we two can go for a walk." I said to cheer him up a bit. "You really would do that for me?" he asked uncertainly. I nodded and he said, "great." We went down from the ship and went to the market. 

Golden Bones's point of view:

Finally, the two Zak's are walking alone, this is my chance to catch one of them. Crap! I have to hurry, I have only 50mins left. I ran after them and waited until they were at a dark alley.

"Marituga is really nice." said one Zak. "Do you also think we are being persecuted?" Oh man! "Yes, all the time." said the other. They stopped and turned around. Great, I have never liked Zak and now he is in a double pack. I thought his other 1 was angry?! Man! They looked around and walked on. And I just followed them. We slowly approached a dark alley. The effect of the magic potion eased a bit. I was no longer invisible but very pale. I took out a syringe and got ready. The syringe was filled with narcotic. I only had to poke him once and he would be unconscious right now. 

Zak's other 1 view:

We were in a dark alley. I saw something sparkling at once. I blinked and it was gone again. Must have been just a stone. Suddenly something fell behind us. We automatically turned around to look at a little pale.... Bones?!

"What do you want from us, Bones?" Zak shouted, holding Calabrass ready. "I knew I should have taken the other potion." Bones said quietly, but not quietly enough. We could still hear it. "Do not be so stupid, I know that you have the crystal." Bones said and was not so pale now. Surely he had taken such an invisibility potion for 4 hours. So somehow I'm already disappointed, I honestly expected more from him. "I will not give you the crystal!" Zak said and attacked Bones. I had no weapon and therefore took stones, and threw them at Bones. Suddenly I saw the pointed sparkling thing again. It was an injection! Just like in the dream. "Zak watch out, Bones has an injection in his hand." I called to him. Bones, who already had the syringe ready, was about to stab it in Zak's hand but he moved away. "Get away from here quickly, the situation is too dangerous." I called. "Zak, he's right, even if I do not like to say that." Calabrass said to Zak and we ran. Bones pursued us. Well, what a day, we have come back from an adventure and and already waiting for the second. We can not even walk in peace and quiet! 

"Is he still following us?" Zak asked softly. Meanwhile, we hid behind a house. Zak held Calabrass ready for safety. "Nope, I can not see him anymore." I whispered. "We should not even go back, Bones can easily find us here." replied Calabrass. "How right you are, Calabrass." Bones said. I was startled and turned back. Bones stabbed the syringe in Zak's upper arm and Zak went unconscious. Before he could fall, Bones grabbed him. I quickly grabbed Calabrass, who lay on the floor. "Calabrass, give me the eye of Sino." I called and transformed. I fired at Bones, but he skill-fully dodged and ran away.  "Hurry up, before he's gone!" shouted Calabrass. I ran after him, but was then stopped by skeletons.

"Really now?! As if skeletons are coming in right now." I called and froze them all. When I was done freezing, Bones was gone. "Shit, I lost him now." I said angrily. Only because of those stupid bone heads, I lost Zak. I went back to Chaos to let the others know. 


People, I'm really sorry it took so long, but I just had no inspiration the last few days. 

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