Zak in Danger

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Cece's view:

We are almost there at last, I can already see the mess! We are almost at the end of the forest. Zak is still sleeping and the Demoniak I do not see from here. "We're almost there!" Caramba shouted. I can hardly believe that we have managed to find the Kristal.

We are on the chaos but I do not see Zak anywhere ?! "Where is Zak?" I asked Clovis. "Zak, he wanted to wait for you downstairs, did not you see him?" he replied in confusion. "Crogar has not seen Zak." he said, slightly confused. "Come let us search the island, maybe something has happened to him." I said in a worried voice. Zak wanted to find us, but he can not have come that far. " said Calabrass.

Calabrass's point of view:

Hach! They all worry too much. If Zak wanted to look for us he could not have got far. I mean on foot you can not run so fast unless you run, but I do not think Zak does that now. 

Clovis's point of view

Funny, I just saw Zak. I left only briefly because I got my marbles and then he was gone. I was just bored, I could not help it. There is the demoniak! I better let the other one know. Look, here's the demo-hook, I think I know where Zak is!" I called to the others. "We have to free Zak, who knows what Bones would do to him!" Cece said in panic. 

"Yes, but we need a plan that's not so easy, is not it?" I said. "So I say we go there and you're done!" said Calabrass. That's not how it works, I say we sneak out and free Zak so that they do not notice anything." replied Cece. What are you waiting for? " Calabrass said annoyed. "Hey what about me, what can I do, I can help too." I said. But they did not hear that anymore. Typical! I always have to stay here, never someone else. 

C ece's point of view:

I can not believe that Bones caught Zak. Zak would know who Bones had him. Funny?! 

"People think we have to be quiet otherwise they catch us!" I said quietly as we continued to sneak through the skeletons. "Stop!" Caramba said and pulled me to a rock near the demoniak. "Thank you, Caramba, that was close!" I said with relief that the skeleton almost caught me and then our cover was blown up. We crept on to the demoniak. I still have not found Zak yet, most likely he's with Bones that does not make the whole thing any easier. "Cece where should we look now I can not find Zak?" said Caramba. "He's probably at Bones's command center, Caramba, you're going back to chaos so you can help us in an emergency." I said. He nodded and left. We crept on to the command center in the Demoniak. To get there is not easy, you have to pass many guards. 

"There's a command center." Crogar said softly. We walked closer and saw Zak unconscious, two skeletons held him by his arms. And there is Golden Bones! "Bones release Zak!" I called, pointing my gun at him. Crogar also had his weapon ready.

Golden Bones's point of view:

Not again! This time, his crew will not stop me from capturing him. I do not want to let me mess up the day. No, this time I will win today is my lucky day. 

"Or what?" I asked playfully. I waved my hand and ordered the skeletons to carry the zak to me so Cece and Crogar had no chance to free him. "Who I am I would be careful with what I say!" I said, pointing my hook to Zak's neck. Cece got nervous, you could see her, she tried to shoot me but I dodged and she missed. Crogar wanted to free Zak but I was able to fire a shot just in time so he had to jump away. I took Zak and said, "Surrender or you can say goodbye to your captain!"

Cece's view:

Oh no! What should I do now? Suddenly Caramba fired the demo with the chaos. It wobbled and Golden Bones fell to Zak even as Bones grabbed him. I took the opportunity and called to Crogar: "Come on Crogar fast! We have to save Zak another time." It would not help if we were trapped so we would not be able to help Zak. We ran outside as fast as we could but we were kept up by skeletons. Crogar quickly knocked her away and we kept running. Outside we ran to chaos. How did we retreat to think about a new plan?

"And could you save Zak?" asked Caramba. "No, we could not save him because Golden Bones threatened to hurt Zak." I said. "Cece, the demoniak leaves, we have to go fast!" Clovis shouted. I thought and finally said "Good, but they do not notice us." 

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