Zak's doppleganger

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Zak's point of view

I was in a place where everything was destroyed suddenly I noticed that it was Marituga. Oh no! What happened?

"Zak Storm, you'll pay for it!" a familiar voice called behind me, it was Skullivar. I ran away. 

But suddenly I stopped. Cece, Crogar, Caramba, Calabrass and the Chaos are all in the front. I ran to them and took Calabrass. "Cece? Crogar? Caramba? No, you're all dead and that's mint Guilt! "  Said I cried because it was all too much for me, I noticed that the Chaos still tried to rattle her and got hope again. "Do not worry smaller they are not dead, only unconscious." Calabrass said weakly. "What happened? " I asked, still with wet eyes. But he was too weak to respond, I was on my own. "It's I'm sorry people I did not want that. " I said and started to cry even more. 

"Soon you will be even more sorry! " Skullivar shouted, forming a green energy ball and shooting at me. I stood up immediately and ran again. "You can not escape me! I have the crystal and you will not stop me from achieving what I want!" he shouted and kept shooting at me, I just kept running. Suddenly he stopped and aimed his energy ball at the chaos. "NOOOOOOOOO-

"Nooo!" I called and woke up startled. When I realized it was just a dream I tried to calm down again. "What is going on Storm?" said a voice. I turned around and saw Golden Bones. I ignored him and tried to calm down. I took a deep breath in and out until I was calm again. It was a terrible dream.

Skullivar's point of view:

This boy does not know what difficulties he is in. I have many ways to achieve my goal. "Bones!" I called and he came. He bowed to me and asked, "Yes Master?" "Bring the boy, I have an idea how I'll force him to volunteer the Crystal and the sword!" I said and laughed badly. He left the hall and left. A few minutes later he came back with Zak.

"Why the dream Storm today?" I asked him as he looked like that and ignored me it seemed like something important to him. He looked up startled and answered, "Ehm ... nothing!" 

But no matter.

"Bones, bring me the machine!" I called and he went to fetch her. It was a Clone machine. But not only could she clone people No she made the person the opposite. (So Zak is good and when Skullivar clones him his second is just evil you understand? Just imagine a machine like that. No idea what that looks like) 

Zak's point of view:

Oh no, what a machine! Bones came back in after about 10 minutes with a big machine, but he needed help dragging her in. I was afraid. Worried that something bad would happen to me. If only I had waited for the chaos nothing would have happened to me, that's all my fault. 

When Bones finished the machine he came to me. I was scared and took a few steps back. He came closer and closer. Bones pulled a hair out. "Hey, what's that? Stop covering my haircut on me! " I exclaimed indignantly. "Sayings do not help you here Storm!" Skullivar spoke and ordered Bones: "Bones, turn on the machine!" Bones turned on the machine and put my hair in a container and pressed a green button. The machine shot a green beam on the ground and began to shape something. 

I was suddenly dizzy and I was getting weak. I tried to hold my legs but I fell down. Skullivar just laughed and looked at the machine. I also looked and could not believe my eyes what was there. A second copy of me!!! But I could not recognise anymore because everything was slowly turning black. The last thing I can remember is that somebody said, "Storm, you're lost!" and that someone laughed evil. 


The thing with the clone machine came to mind today during the bus journey. I wanted to ask you if that was a good idea. I was not sure. I hope you like the chapter. I would like to look forward to your opinions! Of course, if you have any ideas, I'm happy to tell you, I'm always open. 

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