Daddy!Zamasu x Mommy!Reader

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Mother's Day special

(Y/N)'s POV

I was sleeping soundly next my husband Zamasu, cuddled up in his arms while he held me tightly. I was in a middle of a peaceful sleep until I heard a whining sound peirce the quiet atmosphere. I opened my eyes slowly as the morning sun shine in through the window.

I say up in bed and rubbed my eyes while stretching out, I looked over at Zamasu still sleeping. I smiled warmly at him and kissed his cheek then getting out of bed to go into the nursery.

When I walked into the nursery I want over to the crib and looked down at mine and Zamasu's child. (C/N) had Zamasu's ears and eye color while (he/she) had my hair color. I smiled down at my (son/daughter) and picked them up snuggling them close to me.

"It's ok baby, mommy's here." I rocked (him/her) to calm them down. They looked up at me and sniffled, then smiled.

"Yes, mommy's here baby, oh you're mommy's little miracle." I giggled and held them close to my chest.

"I love you so much!" I kissed my baby's cheek over and over.

"What about daddy?" I heard a voice ask from behind me, I turned around and saw Zamasu leaning on the door smirking without a shirt on, only boxers on. I giggled and rolled my eyes walking over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course, daddy needs love to, I love you too Zamasu." I then kissed his lips. We then pulled away and looked down at (C/N) snuggling them close to me. Zamasu smiled warmly and he wrapped his arms around me and the baby kissing both of our cheeks.

"I'm so happy to have you guys in my life, my miracles." I giggled then pulled away from Zamasu.

"I should go and make breakfast-" But the Zamasu cut me off and shook his head.

"No, no let me do that you already do so much for us (Y/N), you need to rest."

"But Zamasu-"

"No buts now," He took (C/N) into his arms, "you go lay back in bed and I'll start breakfast I'll bring it to you when it's done ok honey?"

I smiled brightly and kissed his nose,

"Thank you babe." He nodded and was bout to walk out the door but stopped,

"What do you want for breakfast (Y/N)?"

"How about French Toast with bacon and eggs? Please?"

He nodded, "Anything for my goddess." I blushed as he left out of the nursery and into the kitchen. As I was walking back towards the bed room I couldn't help but to smile at Zamasu.

' He really has changed, ever since we first saw each other, I couldn't help but to fall for him, he was my Knight and shining armour. He was so kind and acted like a gentleman, even when (C/N) was born he has been an excellent father and husband, I wouldn't trade him for any other man in the world.

I layed back in bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking about my life and how happy I am. I then heard footsteps approaching the master bedroom and I turned my head towards the door to see Zamasu holding a tray with a rose in a vase and a plate full of food, I blushed as he set it down in my lap.

I smiled as I saw the rose,

' He still remembers my favorite flower'

"Happy Mother's Day (Y/N)." Zamasu said as he kissed me on the lips holding my head in his hands. I blushed brighter and pulled away from the kiss giggling.

"Thank you Zamasu, this is really nice thank you so much."

"Well today is a special day to celebrate the most special woman and mother in my life and all that she has done for our family." I hugged him tight with tears in my eyes, crying happy tears.

"You're the best Zamasu." We pulled away and continued to smile at each other, him wiping the tears from my eyes. We hen put our foreheads together giggling. Then a sudden realization hit me,

"Zamasu where is (C/N)?" Both of our eyes shot open and we scrambled out of bed and ran into the living room to find (C/N) on top of the book shelf giggling.

Sweat drops from both of our foreheads,

"How did they get up there?"

Zamasu shrugs and walks over to the book shelf and grabs (C/N) and brings them into his arms.

"Don't ever do that again (C/N), you could have gotten hurt." I scolded them, (C/N) just giggled and started to nibble on Zamasu's finger. I shook my head and looked up at Zamasu and saw that he smiled down at (C/N) and kissed he top of their head.

"Hey Zamasu?"

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"How would you like to have another child?"

"Um, why don't we wait for a while?"

Then (C/N) grabbed Zamasu's hair and tugged on it harshly.

"Oww!!" I giggled and smiled at my husband and child.

' Happy Mother's Day indeed' All the while Zamasu is trying to realease (C/N)'s hold on his hair with (C/N) still giggling.

And done ^^ hope you guys enjoy it.

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