Father!Zamasu x Mother!Reader

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Happy Father's Day!!!! ^^

(Y/N)'s POV

The sun was shining brightly through the window, causing me to open my eyes. I sat up rubbing my eyes and yawing, honestly not having the strength to wake up and be active today, but I have to cause today a special day...Father's Day. And today I was planning something special for my Zamasu. I smiled as I quietly got out of bed, making sure not to wake up Zamasu. I walked over to his side of the bed and softly kissed his forehead then exiting our bedroom and into our son's room.

I walked into (S/N)'s room and shook him softly awake. His eyes slowly opened, he sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Morning mommy." I smiled warmly at him and picked him up in my arms snuggling him close to me.

"Morning sweetie, do you want to help mommy make breakfast for daddy?" He smiled and nodded wildly, hopping out of my arms and running into the kitchen. I giggled and shook my head making my way (downtown lol no) to the kitchen.

"What do you think Zamasu would like for breakfast?"

" Scones!!!"

"Which flavor?"

"Blueberry!!!" I nodded with a closed-eyed smile.

"Ok honey, how about I make the scones and you make his favorite tea?" He nodded and started to make the tea while I started on the scones. While I was putting the scones into the oven I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Morning babe, what are you guys doing?"

"DADDY!!!" (S/N) yelled and ran to his dad and jumped into his arms giggling.

"Good morning to you little buddy." He kissed the top of (S/N)'s head.

"Honey, you shouldn't be in here go back to bed." I said I pushed him out of the kitchen.


"It's your Father's Day breakfast in bed, now go back into bed and I'll bring it there when it's finished."

"Fine, but can I get a good morning kiss?" He asked as he pointed to his lips. I sighed and kissed his lips.

"Thank you honey." He smiled content and happy from receiving a kiss. I giggled and pushed him out of the kitchen towards our bedroom. After the scones were finished I pulled them out of the oven and set the tray on the countertop. I let them cool off for a bit, meanwhile I set a trey to set everything on. The tea was done and when the scones were cooled I put two on the tray along with a note and a single rose. I smiled and walked into the bedroom seeing that Zamasu was relaxing staring up at the ceiling without a shirt on. I giggled and set the trey in his lap.

"Here you go baby." he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you my goddess."

"What about me? I helped to daddy!" (S/N) cried as he pouted crossing his arms. Zamasu chuckled and rubbed the top of (S/N)'s head.

"Thank you little buddy, you both are amazing." (S/N) smiled and sat close to his father's side.


"Yes honey?"

"What would you like to do today?"

"Can we just lay here?"

"You don't want to go out and do something?"

Zamasu shook his head, "No as long as you two are here, there's no place I would rather be." I blushed and kissed his cheek,

"You are so sweet Zamasu." Zamasu smiled as he ate the scones.

"These are delicious (Y/N)!"

"You're welcome Zamasu, anything for my amazing husband."

After Zamasu finished eating I took the trey back into the kitchen and placed it in the sink, I walked back into the bedroom and laid down beside him cuddling up to his side. He wrapped his arms around me and (S/N) pulling us closer together. And for the whole day we laid in the bed watching YouTube.

"Oh (S/N)!"

"Yes mommy?"

"Don't you have a gift for your dad?"

"Oh yea! I'll go get it." He got off the bed and ran back into his room to get his gift for Zamasu.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything you know that right?"

"Zamasu, today is Father's Day of course we wanted to get you something to show you we love you."

"Just being here is enough for me (Y/N)."

"Well Zamasu, you'll be getting two gifts from me and one of them you'll have to wait till tonight." I smirked and winked causing him to blush.

Before he could respond, (S/N) came back into the room with a bag and a hand made card in his hand.

"Here you go daddy! I made the card myself."

Zamasu smiled and hugged his son close to him, "Thank you (S/N)." Zamasu reached into the bag and pulled out a plushie of him and Gowasu hugging each other. Zamasu gasped as he examined it.

"AWWWWW that's so adorable (S/N)!!!" I squealed, Zamasu looked down at (S/N).

"Where did you get this from son?"

"Grandpa Gowasu helped me make it daddy!" I awed at it and took it from Zamasu's hands looking it over.

"It's very well made (S/N), it's so adorable."

"Do you like it daddy?"

"Of course I do." He pulled (S/N) in for a hug and squeezed him tight.

"Now read the card daddy!"

Zamasu opened up the card and read it. He smiled sweetly and kissed the top of his son's head.

"Thank you so much for this (S/N)." I grabbed the card to read it,

' Dear Daddy,

Happy Father's Day I love you so much. You're my hero daddy, never forget that I will always love you. You're the best dad in the entire universe!!!!

From, (S/N)

I smiled and hugged (S/N) close to me, "That was very sweet (S/N)." He giggled and snuggled into my chest. I got up from the bed and stretched my arms,

"Well boys, I have to go and start dinner."

"I can help you." Zamasu said as he was getting out of the bed.

"No, no babe it's fine you can just relax." I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. before I could get the pots and pans out of the cabinet I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door to see it was Goku Black.

"What do you want?"

"To hang out." He plainly said as he walked in the house.

"Yea sure you can come in." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Where is Zamasu?"

"In the bedroom." He didn't say anything and just walked towards the room. I growled but walked back into the kitchen to start dinner. After I finished cooking dinner I called for the boys.

"GUYS DINNER IS READY!!!!" I then heard footsteps rapidly approaching to the kitchen. I sat down at the table as the boys entered the kitchen.

"It looks delicious (Y/N)." Zamasu said as he took a seat next to me. I smiled and thanked him while eating. Black dug in, bowl after bowl being emptied rapidly. Zamasu had a disgusted look on his face as a sweat glided down his head.

"Why do you eat like that Black?"

"It's this Saiyan body Zamasu." Black said while still stuffing his face with food. I shook my head giggling while looking at them bickering at each other. Black burped loudly after he finished eating.

"As always (Y/N) you are a great cook."

"Thank you Black." I smiled as I got up and put my plate in the sink. Zamasu got up and placed his plate in the sink as well, kissing me on the cheek.

"Thank you so much my goddess, food was amazing as always." I blushed and started to clean the dishes. "Anything for you my love." He sat down at the table and poured him and Black another cup of tea. After cleaning the dishes I sat down beside Zamasu and we started chatting with Black.

"So what have you two been doing today?"

"Just laying in bed."

"Doing what?"


"Sounds boring."

"Well sorry we don't do anything extreme." I said as I laid my head on Zamasu's shoulder.

" So have you guys done....you know."

"Done what?"

"You know." I shook my head not understanding. Black growled,

"Did the dirty in the sheets!" Zamasu blushed and spit his tea out, coughing.


"WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?!? IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!" I yelled as I slapped him in the face repeatedly.

"What we do in our private time is none of your concerns Black." Zamasu glared as he wiped the tea off of him. Black just shrugged, "Something to talk about." He said as he sipped on his tea. I glared but stood up taking Zamasu by the arm.

"Zamasu remember when I said I had two gifts for you?" He nodded, I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well the first one is, big news." I smiled as I grabbed both of his hands and intertwined our fingers together.

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"....I'm pregnant!!!!" Zamasu's eyes widened while Black spit his tea and turned towards us.

"....That's great (Y/N)!" Zamasu grinned and picked me up spinning me around in his arms. I giggled and held onto him.

"What's the second gift?" I smirked and pulled him close to me.

"Let's go into the bedroom and find out baby." I winked at him. Black heard what I said and just had a look on his face. I giggled and dragged Zamasu into the bedroom.

"Black look after (S/N) for a while!!!" I shouted then closed the bedroom door.

(The rest is up to your imagination my dear readers ^^)

And done ^^ sorry this is late today but I did update my Levi book as well so that took a while but I hope you guys enjoyed this ^^

Also this though ^^

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