Valentine's Day Special

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Hey guys I'm back, I decided to do a little Valentine's Day special since I haven't written in a month, but my classes and family issues had stopped me from updating my stories and for that I'm sorry you guys :(. I meant to do this one on Valentine's Day but I had stuff to do, which was watching my niece for the day and that was tiring, and also I've been playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I just haven't had the motivation to write anything for a month and again I'm sorry about this. I hope you guys enjoy the story ^^. Also a side note: I got the Fighters Pass to Smash Bros and one of the characters, Hero from Dragon Quest XI S, looks like Android 17 mixed with Trunks just a little bit, but that's just me, the reason why I think that is because Dragon Quest is the same art style like Dragon Ball and I love it, I haven't played it (I want to) though.

(This is Hero by the way) Sorry, this has been on my mind for a while, let's just get back to the story now

Zamasu's POV

It was a calm and bright day today here on Earth. The wind was calmly blowing through my hair putting me at ease. As I was closing my eyes, enjoying this beautiful day, I heard a heavenly voice calling my name.

"Zamasu!" Opening my eyes, I turned around and saw the most beautiful girl running towards me with a bright smile on her face. (Y/N).......Kami she was the most gorgeous mortals I have ever met, she always manages to put a smile on my face everyday. Since I met (Y/N), I could never stop thinking of her, she was just so.......breathtaking, just the thought of her brings a blush upon my face.

"Uh, Zamasu are you okay?" Snapping out of my day dream I noticed that (Y/N) was in front of me with a worried look upon her face, she looked adorable. I chuckled at my thought,

"Yes my dear (Y/N), I am okay." That turned her frown upside down into a smile,

"Well that's good, cause for a second there you looked like you were staring into space." She sat down beside me, looking up at the sky, her eyes shining bright, the sun beaming down on her making her have a heavenly glow around a goddess. 

"Guess what today is Zamasu." I was stumped at her question, trying to think why this day is important enough for her to ask.

" it your birthday?"

Giggling, she shook her head, "Hehe no silly, it's Valentine's Day!" I looked at her in confusion. I have never heard of this Valentine's Day before, what was special about it?

"What's Valentine's Day?"

"It''s the day of love, where you spend time with the ones you love and care for or a time where you can confess your love to your crush." She smiled as she explained, looking at me, her eyes sparkled. Our eyes stared at each other and after a few seconds we looked away blushing.

"U-um anyway Zamasu," (Y/N) said as she rubbed her arm, "Bulma is having a Valentine's party tonight at her home and she said we had to bring a date, and I-i was wondering if y-you wanted to go w-with m-me?" By now her whole face was bright red as she looked the other way, waiting for my response.

My whole face was red by the end of her question, she wanted me to be her date to a party?, does she like me? I looked at her and I couldn't help but smile, she's just so adorable blushing like that.

"I-i mean it's fine if you don't want t-"

"I would love to my dear (Y/N)." I stopped her mid sentence, she had a surprised expression on her face. She then smiled and put her hands over her heart area.

"T-thank you Zamasu, I-i'll see you tonight at 7:00 pm okay?" I nodded, mentally remembering the right time to take her to the party. She walked a little closer to me and lightly kissed me on the cheek.

"See you tonight Zamasu." And then she left. I was frozen, while holding my hand on the cheek that she kissed. My heart started to beat rapidly, she really knew how to get me nervous. I want to make tonight special for her, I love her and I want to tell her that tonight at the party. I better ask for some advice but from who?

~~~Time Skip~~~ 

I decided to get help from Bulma, since she will probably know more about this love stuff than I do.  I was at Capsule Corp talking to Bulma as she started to set up everything for the party. 

"So what should I do Bulma?" 

"Hmmm." She hums as she placed a finger on her chin, " Well you can give her flowers, I know her favorites are (F/F), or you can give her chocolates, which a lot of girls love to get on this day, or you can write her a song or poem." I thought about the different things she said.

"Thanks Bulma, I want to make this special for (Y/N), I love her so much." Bulma smiled sincerely and placed her hand on my shoulder, which caused me to freeze and stiffen. 

"No matter what you do Zamasu, I'm sure (Y/N) will like it, just like she likes you."

"You think she likes me?" 

Bulma nods, "Yeah, I don't think she's liked anyone before she met you, plus she's always spent Valentine's Day alone this one will be the first time she'll finally be with someone who loves her." That made me blush, she never liked anyone before me?, well I'll make sure this Valentine's Day is the best she's ever had. I thanked Bulma and began walking towards the flower shop.

' This Valentine's Day, you're not going to be alone (Y/N), I promise'

~~~ Another Time Skip~~~

It was almost 7:00, which means meeting (Y/N) at the party.  I doubled checked myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good for her. I was wearing a black suit with black pants and shoes. I started to get nervous while adjusting my red tie. What if she doesn't like me or this night? I know I shouldn't be thinking this, but I'm so nervous I really do love her and I want tonight to be magical for her. Sighing, I looked at my watch which read 6:57 pm, I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror and left, making my way to Bulma's party.

~~At Bulma's Party~~ 

As I arrived at the party, I tried looking around for (Y/N). I finally found her and when I set my eyes upon her, everything around us seemed to stop except for us. She was so beautiful, she was wearing a (F/C) knee length dress with black flats. A blush appeared on both of our faces as we stared at each other, I didn't notice that I was walking towards her, until I was in front of her.

"Y-you look extraordinary (Y/N)."

She blushed and looked down at what she was wearing, "T-thank you, You look handsome Z-zamasu." I smiled and brought out the (F/F) and a box of chocolate.

"I bought these for you (Y/N)." I said as I blushed. She smiled as she took them in her hands, she smelled the (F/F) and sighed.

"They are beautiful Zamasu, thank you." She leaned on her toes and kissed my cheek lovingly. Suddenly, my heart started to beat wildly as I looked at her.

"U-um (Y/N), t-there's something I always wanted to tell you."

"W-what is it Zamasu?"

"(Y-Y/N), ever since I've first laid eyes on you, I couldn't look away. You were and are still the most gorgeous being I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You always bring a smile to my face and are the sunshine to my rainy days, I can't imagine a day where you don't exist. I don't think my life would be worth it if you weren't there in it. I want you to know that you will never be alone ever again, because I will be there for you through your worst days and your good days. And I want to spend the rest of my immortal life with you, will you be my valentine (Y/N)?" I blushed as I poured all of my emotions out at her. Looking at her, I could see tears coming out of her eyes.

"Z-zamasu, "(Y/N) cried, "That was beautiful, no one has ever said that to me." I walked closer to her and took her hand in mine,

"Because no one ever saw how beautiful and special you are." I wiped her tears away from her face, she sniffled and hugged me tight.

"I will be your valentine Zamasu." I smiled as I held her tight to me, everyone around us awed and clapped, but that didn't matter to me, I finally had the girl of my dreams here in my arms. We pulled away and smiled at each other, suddenly a song came on. (The video above: Everytime We Touch by Cascada)

"You wanna dance my dear?" I asked as I offered her my hand, she nodded and smiled putting her small hand in mine. I took her hands in mine and we danced the night away.

Best valentine's Day ever. 

And done ^^ I hope you guys liked it.

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