Zamasu x Child!Reader

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Requested by: PinkZ64 ( I hope you like it ^^)

(Y/N)'s POV

I looked up at the two men in front of me, one was smiling warmly at me while the other just looked at me with nothing but hatred in his eyes.

"Well aren't you adorable." Said the yellow skinned kai as he picked me up in his arms smiling at me. I blushed and looked the other way.

"Isn't she adorable Zamasu?" He looked at the green kai next to him. Zamasu just rolled his eyes and looked the other way. Gowasu sighed then looked back at me,

"We are about to go somewhere, do you want to come with us (Y/N)?" He asked me. I nodded my head, then I looked over at Zamasu and reached my hands out towards him smiling.

"Aww, I think she wants you to hold her Zamasu."

Zamasu looked at me then turned away, "I don't touch filth." He then walked away. My eyes started to tear up and I hide my face in Gowasu's shoulder crying.

"I'm sorry about that (Y/N), Zamasu didn't mean it." He rubbed my back and held me tight. He walked over to Zamasu with a frown on his face.

"Zamasu that was very mean what you said, I expected more from you." Zamasu sighed,

"I apologize master."

I sniffled and looked up at both men as they were talking,

"Well we should be going Zamasu now grab hold of my shoulder." Zamasu looked at me in disgust but still put his hand on his master's shoulder. We teleported to another planet, with trees and inhabitants. They looked like dinosaurs, I smiled as I saw them.

"Zamasu to teach the life of mortals we are going to observe their behaviors."

"They are nothing but barbarians Gowasu."

While Gowasu and Zamasu were focusing on the creatures I slipped out of Gowasu's arms and walked around observing my surroundings, I didn't realise that one of the creatures was behind me, until a shadow was casted over my body, I turned around and saw the vicious creature in front of me. It looked at me as if I was a tasty meal and he brought his club above him ready to strike,

"HELP ME!!!" I screamed as I shut my eyes tight. I waited for the club to kill me, but I didn't feel anything instead I opened my eyes and saw Zamasu stand in front of me blocking the monster's weapon. My eyes widen as I saw Zamasu protecting me from the monster. The monster than cried out and went to attack Zamasu.

Zamasu saw this and he looked intently at the monster and his hand transformed into a ki blade, Gowasu's eyes widen.

"Zamasu what are y-"

Before he could finish his question Zamasu was already at the monster and he cut him in half.

I gasped as I saw Zamasu kill the creature, I was also flattered because he actually showed he cared for me....he protected me and that made me smile. Gowasu's grabbed me and Zamasu and transported us back to the Kai planet, Zamasu was walking away but Gowasu walked up to Zamasu to confront him on what happened.


Zamasu turned around his eyes looked like they were in a trance he then snapped out of it.

"Zamasu what was the meaning of that?" Gowasu looked at Zamasu confused.

"Why did you kill him?" Zamasu looked down then his eyes turned to look at me while I was standing a few feet from them.

He sighed, "To protect her..."

Gowasu's eyes widen and he turned and looked at me,

"You...protected her?"

Zamasu nodded, "Yes."

I smiled and ran towards Zamasu and hugged his legs,

"Thank you Mr.Zamasu, you're my hero!" I giggled and snuggled to him. Gowasu chuckled and put his hand on Zamasu's shoulder,

"I'm glad you did that Zamasu, you could have let her die, but you related fast and saved her, you care about her."

Zamasu looked down at me and a little smile crept on his face,

"Maybe you're right Master."

And done with that!!! ^^ this was very cute to write guys. Hope you like it, also I'm having the most chill birthday ever, yesterday my brother got me Mario Odyssey for the Switch and my sister is getting me a new 3ds game, Dragonball Fusions, I'm just glad I don't have to go to class today my birthday fell on a weekend which is always good 😀😀

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