Zamasu x Depressed!Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

' Everything hurts.....'

From the cliff, I stared out towards the city were I lived. I couldn't go back there, no one really cared for me there, not even Trunks, my friend. He started to ignore me and just cut all ties with me, I don't know what I did wrong to make him do that. Guess I'm alone now......

I was over looking the city from the cliff, lost in thought. Tears started to well up in my eyes,

"Why must my life be like this?" I asked out towards the sky. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries of pain.

"What are you talking about mortal?" I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and saw Zamasu.

' What is he doing here?'

I wiped my eyes and turned back towards back towards the city.

"What are you doing here Zamasu?"

"Answer my question (Y/N)." I sighed and crossed my arms looking down.

"I'm questioning my life ok?" I snapped, which caused him to flinched a little. I looked back up at him,

"I'm sorry I snapped, I'm just not myself today."

"I can see that, usually you're smiling and cheerful." I smiled alittle,

"Heh...yeah." I started to think back to my life, which brought more tears to my eyes, and I couldn't hold it in anymore, I bursted into tears bringing my hands up over my face and just started crying.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Zamasu asked me as he stepped closer to me.

"No, I'm not ok Zamasu, I was never ok." I brought my hands down looking towards him with tears in my eyes.

"Did someone hurt you?" His fists were clinched to his sides, ready to fight someone.

" My life is what is hurting me." He looked at me confused.


"Zamasu, what do you do when you can't pull off a real smile to the world? That all your life you just have to fake it until you just can't anymore?"

He just stared at me with a questioning glance. I smiled a little and shook my head,

"Why would I ask a god that?" I questioned myself and wiped my tears away.


"All my life I had to put on this fake smile just to hide my pain, all the cries of agony I feel on a daily basis. I've been deceived, hurt, heart broken! My life is just nothing but pain and misery, I can't stand it Zamasu, I can't live like this anymore!" I cried sinking to the ground on my knees,

"Please tell me....what's wrong with me?!"

I then felt a warm embrace around me. I gasped and looked up to see Zamasu holding me right to him.


"I'm here (Y/N), no matter what, I'll fight the pain away from you." I blushed, my eyes wide.

"You will not be alone ever again, your heart will never be broken again, nothing will hurt you and decieve you again, not while I'm here to protect you from your pain, and I'll make sure the smile you wear everyday will be real because I'll never let that fake smile appear again." He pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm here for you (Y/N), no matter what." I sniffled and smiled through my tears and hugged him tight putting my head on his shoulder, holding him tightly.

"Thank you Zamasu." He kissed the side of my head,

"I'll do anything for you (Y/N), never forget that."

And finished, this one is kinda sad and gets you right in the feels 😫😫😩😩😩😭😭😭 I hope you guys like it.

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