Zamasu x Pregnant! Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Zamasu is this really necessary?"
I asked my boyfriend, Zamasu, as he held me bridle style walking to Capsule Corp to see all my friends.

"I don't want u to strain yourself (Y/N)." He said while he kept walking.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, "Zamasu, I'm fine, I maybe 9 months pregnant but I can still walk fine." I said I put my hands around his neck.

He looked down at me, "I'm not taking any chances." I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. We made it to Capsule Corp, we saw all of my friends out there talking and hanging out with each other. I smiled and tapped Zamasu on the shoulder,

"Can you please put me down Zamasu?" I looked at him with big eyes.

Zamasu sighed and smiled letting me down on my feet but keeping his arm around my waist.

"OK (Y/N), but I'll be near you, you could go into labor at any minute now." I smiled at his concern for me and our child, I put a hand on his cheek bringing him in for a kiss,

"It'll all be OK Zamasu, if I happen to go into labor, Bulma will help." I said with a smile on my face, Zamasu smiled,

"I love you (Y/N) much." I blushed at his words, it's weird to hear that especially coming from him, since he never liked mortals, which made me wonder......what was different about me?

We walked in the yard towards everyone, Goku spotted us first he came running towards us with his signature smile on his face,

"Hey (Y/N), hey Zamasu!" I giggled and waved while Zamasu just glared at him while hugging me close to him.

"Wow (Y/N), you've gotten fat!!" All of a sudden Goku was knocked to the ground and an angry Bulma above him,

"You idiot, you don't tell a girl they are fat, have you no decency?!?!" Goku laughed nervously,

"I-im sorry Bulma, I-I didn't know." Bulma sighed with her hands on her hips,

"How you are married I will never know the answer to." She then smiled and turned towards me and Zamasu,

"I'm really sorry about him (Y/N)."

I waved it off, "It's fine Bulma, and to answer Goku no I'm not fat I'm pregnant." Goku jumped up and was in my face,

"Wow, you are? Who's the father?"

Zamasu came infront of me and glared at Goku,

"I am mortal."

"Wow that's awesome, congratulations (Y/N)!!"

I giggled, "Thank you Goku"

"So have you guys decide on names yet (Y/N)?" Bulma asked me.

"Well, if it's a girl we decided on Anastasia, and for a boy Levi."( You can change the names if you want)

"Awwww what adorable names, I'm so happy for you." She hugs me and I hugged back,

"Thank you Bulma."

Bulma gasps, "Oh I'm sorry (Y/N), would you like to sit down?, you shouldn't be on your feet much."

"I would like that Bulma, my legs are getting tired of standing." Before Bulma could speak I was picked up by Goku who smiled at me,

"I'll carry you to your seat (Y/N)." He sped walked all the way to a seat.

Zamasu glared after Goku,

"Mortal, come back with her, don't you dare hurt her!!!" He chased after Goku.

Goku set me down carefully in a chair,

"There you go (Y/N), do you need anything else?"

I shook my head, "No I'm fine Goku, thank you though."

Then I saw Zamasu running towards us with a mad look upon his face,

"Have you lost your mind mortal?!?, You could have hurt her and our child!!"

"Z-zamasu it's OK, we are both fine." I said as I put my hands up towards him. He looked at me and put his hands on my shoulders inspecting me from head to toe for injuries.

"Are you sure?" I nodded, "Goku would never hurt anyone even me Zamasu."

He sighed and nodded sitting down next to me and puts his hand on my belly rubbing it protectively. I blushed and smiled at him.

"Well if you need anything (Y/N), remember you can always ask Bulma!" He smiled with his eyes closed. I giggled, Zamasu rolled his eyes.

Just then I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and I put my hands on my stomach,

"You OK (Y/N)?" Zamasu looked at me worriedly.

"I-I don't know," I then felt a sharp pain which caused me to yell in pain, "AHHH!!" Zamasu then got up and put his hands on top of my hands,


Then I saw water on the ground under the chair,

"Um... Zamasu..."

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"I think my water just broke."

Part 2 anyone????

Also I'm taking a vote do you guys want the baby to be a boy or a girl?? And what names do you want them to be named if you don't like the names I had in the story..

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