Zamasu x Reader: Monthly Pain

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Little fluff story ^^

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke this morning feeling irritated and not myself. I felt pain in my abdomen and it was so annoying. I walked in to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower I changed into a (F/C) shirt and black shorts, then I felt a real painful cramp hit me hard making me scream.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" I held on hand on the bathroom sink while my other hand went on my abdomen area. I heard footsteps fast approaching my bathroom. Then the door was knocked off it's hinges and there in the door way stood Zamasu and Goku Black in a fighting stance.

"WHAT HAPPENED (Y/N)?!?!" Zamasu asked as he walked over to me and saw my face filled with pain.

"WHO HURT YOU?!?!" Black asked as he looked around the bathroom. "WAS IT TRUNKS?!?!"

"No Black-"

"COME AT ME SCRUBLORD I'M RIPPED!!!!!!" (Game Grumps reference), Black screamed looking for Trunks, who obviously wasn't there. My face showed annoyance,

"Black no one was hurting me, Trunks isn't even here." Black looked at me and he relaxed.

"Oh." I sighed and shook my head as I kept holding my abdomen.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" Zamasu asked in a calm voice as he put his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and motioned him to get closer so Black won't hear it. I put my lips close to Zamasu's ear and whispered,

"My time of the month has fallen upon me Zamasu." I pulled away as I looked at his face seeing that he immediately understood.

He then looked over at me and I nodded,

".....yea and it hit me hard this morning that's why I was screaming." He didn't say anything as he lifted me into his arms bridle style and walked back into the bedroom placing me back on the bed softly. I blushed as he kneeled down beside the bed and slowly rubbed my stomach.

"Is this helping a little (Y/N)?" I nodded a little as I felt the cramps slowly going away. I smiled and sighed happily closing my eyes. Black walked out of the bathroom looking at us.

"Um.....what's going on?" Zamasu looked up at him and got up pulling Black over to the door whispering in his ear. Black blushed red as he looked back at me,

"O-oh....I-is there anything you need (Y/N)?"

"Some water and some pain medicine if you don't mind." I asked nicely, he nodded and walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen to get the things I needed. I sighed as I looked over at Zamasu who came back and sat beside me on the bed, smiling softly at him.

"Is there anything I could do for you (Y/N)?"

"Cuddle with me Zamasu?" I asked sweetly patting the spot next to me. he blushed bright red but he nodded and came over next to me wrapping his arms around my waist cuddling me close to his chest. I smiled and put my head on his chest enjoying the closeness. I leaned up and pecked his cheek, causing him to look down at me.

"Thank you Zamasu, you're the best." He smiled and cuddled me closer to him. Black suddenly came back with a glass of water in one hand and medicine in the other one. I smiled as slowly sat up, took them from his hand, and took the medicine and drunk the glass of water. I set the glass on the table next to my bed.

"Thank you Black." He nodded and leaned on the wall next to the door crossing his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Zamasu asked as he sat up rubbing my shoulder. I put a finger on my chin thinking.

"Well....can I have some chocolate pancakes with whip cream and chocolate sauce on it?" I asked as I leaned on Zamasu's shoulder, he nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Of course my goddess, I'll be back." He got up off the bed and made his way into the kitchen. I smiled after him, ' He's the sweetest person ever.' I got out of the bed and turned on the TV. I set it on YouTube, clicking on Game Grumps, and going back to the bed pulling my blanket over me, snuggling in it's warmth. then Zamasu walked back in placing the plate of pancakes in front of me, getting in the bed beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you so much Zamasu," I smiled up at him, then a tear escaped my eyes and I cried, "You're so sweet to me." Zamasu looked at me worried and pulled me closer to him.

"Is something wrong (Y/N)?" I shook my head, "No, I-it's just that you do so much for me, what did I ever do to deserve such a sweet boyfriend like you?" I out my hands over my eyes and cried into them. Zamasu rubbed my back softly and looked over at Black, who has not said a single world.

"Do you want me to go beat up Trunks for you (Y/N)?"

"Black why-?"

I glared over at Black, " Why are you always talking about beating up Trunks?!?!" Black blinked and put his hand up,

"I'll leave." He turned around in the door way, "Already with the mood swings huh?"

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed and as I was about to get out of the bed Zamasu pulled me back slowly,

"It's ok (Y/N)." He rubbed my stomach, "I'm here." I smiled and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you Zamasu, so much."

"I love you too (Y/N)." I kissed his lips then turned my attention to the TV eating the pancakes.



"Yes Zamasu?"

"How long does this 'time of the month' usually last?"

"Five days."

"Oh, so I'll have to deal with mood swings for five days?"


".....Lucky me." I giggled and snuggled closer to him.

"You know you love me Zamasu."

"I do."

"And don't worry, Black will suffer these five days as well so you won't be alone."

And done ^^ I hope you guys like it

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