Zamasu x Sick!Kind!Reader

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Requested by: KingdomHeartsRocks

Zamasu's POV

" Master Gowasu, why are we doing this?" I looked at my master with a glare. Gowasu just looked at me and just smiled,

" Zamasu, you need to learn more about the mortals and learn that they aren't all bad and evil, and I brought Cus here with us to help with this lesson." he gestures to the short angel beside me. I rolled my eyes and put my hands behind my back.

" And how is she going to help us?"

Cus smiles and hugs my arm and giggles, " I'm going to teleport you guys to Earth silly." I frown and shrug her off of my arm, then I look over at Gowasu,

" I do not want to do this, mortals are nothing more than scum who should be eradicated, because all they do is cause war and suffering-"

"ZAMASU!" Gowasu shouted my name and looked at me with a glare, " That's enough Zamasu, I will not hear anymore, you will be going and that's final am I clear?"

My eyes widen, Gowasu never yelled at me like that, I sighed and nodded my head reluctantly,

" Yes sir master Gowasu."

He then smiled and nodded his head, "Alright then, let's go to Earth." he looks over at Cus and she then nodded, and we all huddled close to her and put our hands on her back and then we were transported to another world.

I looked around in aww, luscious green grass and clean air, too bad humans had contaminated the beauty of the Earth. I kept looking around I saw we were next to a building.

" Gowasu where are we?"

He smiled at me , "We are on Earth, more specifically next to a hospital."

"What is a hospital?"

"It is a place where mortals go if they are sick or near death to be treated."

I looked up at the building then I looked out and saw a garden of beautiful flowers and then I scanned my eyes over the garden and I saw a girl in a wheelchair watering the flowers with a smile on her face. Gowasu must have seen her too because he came over to me,

"Why don't you go over there and talk to her Zamasu?"

I looked at him, "No."

"Zamasu, you will never know how different mortals are if you don't try and talk to one."

I looked back over at the girl, now that I got a good look at her, she has white hair and her eyes are like pure gold, which is unusual for a mortal to have. I then looked back at Gowasu and sighed,

"Fine, ill go talk to her."

Gowasu smiled warmly at me and Cus squealed, "My Zam Zam(Cus' new nickname for Zamasu) is growing up!"

I rolled my eyes and turned around and made my way towards the mortal girl.

As I was getting closer to her I started to notice what she was wearing, a gown that went all the way to her knees, she must have sensed someone approaching her because she turned around and her eyes mine, and I just froze there looking into her golden eyes. She just smiled at me with a heart warming smile,

"Hello there."

Her voice is so angelic and smooth, I didn't realize that I was staring at her until I heard her voice again,

"Excuse me sir?"

I snapped out of my trance and I cleared my throat,

" Hello mortal."

She looked at me, " Why did you call me a mortal?'

I rolled my eyes, " Because you are a human."

" Are you a mortal?"

I looked at her with a glare, " No I am not a filthy mortal I am a kioshin in training, I'm an immortal being."

She looked at me and then she giggled and put her hand over her mouth to cover her giggle. I glared at her for her rudeness for laughing at a god.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed its just I've never met someone like you before."

She gasps, " I forgot to introduce myself, I'm (Y/N) and I'm 24 years old. " She stuck her hand out.

I looked at her hand then back at her, " I'm Zamasu" When she realized I wasn't going to shake her hand she put her hand down and looked at the flowers.

"Their beautiful aren't they?" I heard her ask, then I looked at the flowers she was referring to and I nodded,

"Yes they truly are."

"These flowers are roses, my favorite." She touched one of them softly. " I always find comfort in flowers because they remind that there is something beautiful in this world."

She looked over at me and I looked over at her and she smiled, " That's why I always come here in the garden, where flowers are my only company and my only joy I have left in this world." She then started to hold her chest and whimpered in pain."

My eyes widen and I held her shoulders, "What's wrong?"

She just gasps and held her chest more then she started coughing continuously, then I saw a liquid coming out of her mouth while she was was blood. I looked at her in panic and I held her cheeks looking at her worriedly. She then stopped coughing and she tried to calm down. She then looked at me while I was still hold her cheeks.

"What was that (Y/N)?"

She looked at me with sad eyes, "I-I have tuberculosis..."

"What is that?"

"It's when I have an infectious bacteria in my lungs, and it causes me to cough a lot sometimes with blood and more symptoms."

I looked at her worriedly, "Can you die from it?"

"Well if you were diagnosed late you'll have a greater chance of dying because it can spread throughout the body, but I started my treatment early and the doctors actually helped me, they said I still have months to live but I'm not sure."

She looked at me and she still kept smiling, " So I enjoy my time here in the garden admiring the beauty what this world has to offer." She gestures to the flowers. I smiled at her,

"You are different from other mortals."

"How so Zamasu?"

" You see the beauty in this world even when you have a deadly disease you don't let that stop you from admiring the only thing that gives you comfort in this cruel world, plus you're really beautiful yourself." Is smile warmly at her and I hold her hand and I kneel down to her level.

She blushes more, " Do you really think so Zamasu?"

I nod, "Of course, you're a goddess in my eyes (Y/N)."

She squeezes my hand and she leans in and kisses me on the lips. I freeze for a moment then I start kissing her back with the passion I have for her and I squeeze her hand back and my hand goes to her waist and rest there. We then pull away, and she smiles warmly at me and she rubs my cheek,

"I love you Zamasu"

"I love you too (Y/N), and I promise you I will help you through this and make sure your healthy and safe from death's grip."

And done. Hey guys I have exciting news I got a laptop for Christmas and I'm using it now to write my stories instead of my phone and I'm using my hotpot for internet but soon we will get wifi so I'm excited for that now I don't have to keep using my data. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this :)

Next: Zamasu & Goku Black x Hyperactive!Child!Reader

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