Chapter 10: Past

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~Zane's Pov~

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!" I scream.

"Zane clam down its not that big of a deal," Aphmau tells me.

"How can I be clam? Yoy and Aaron Kissed!!!" I yell at her again. 

"So I did not act like this when you and (Y/n) first kissed and started dating!"

"Ya well this is different! Now I know I was not imaging things at dinner you held his hand!"

"How do you know that?!"

"When Jeffory bumped me knocking my fork under the table but thats besides the point what are you going to do?"

"Well we are just going to see how thing will go and besides you shouldent be talking you never caired for anyone but (Y/n) ever sence high school you just never knew it." she says. But she has a point ever sence high school I did not want to open up to anyone and (Y/n) was the only friend I had...

"Aphmau Im going home ill see you later but go over to Aaron's today," I say and walk out.

"God Zane your not my dad," she says as I walk out and start walking home. I have not thought about the past and ever sence me and (Y/n) started dating was because of I remberd how much fun she was and how I was her friend that she turend to when her boyfriends dumped her I would protect her no matter what happens.

~Flash back~

'Zane guess what?!' (Y/n) screamed at me as we met for lunch that day. 
'What?' she would hug me and I would just push her off. 'I get to go to Japan for a entier school year! AHHaha isent that exciting?!'
'Wow your dream came true you get to go to Japan and learn what its like over there, how exciting.' I sayed but I was not thereld. '(Y/n) are you shere you want to do it?'
'Zane this is my dream and your my best friend I will send you some of the MLH stuff they have,' she bribed me like always when she wanted somthing.
'What do you want me to do?' i say and with out hesatation she asks me. 'I want you to come with me,'
'(Y/n) thats not possable I have things to do here and I dont have time to just pack up and move away!' I yelled at her and she got up and started to walk away.

I did not know at the time she was crying and I kick my self in the face for not seeing the sines she liked me. She told me so much like her cuting after her parents left her and her siblings, how she wished to die and I would be the one to stop her from doing so.  God im an idoit for not seeing the sings...

~End flash back~

As I sit on my chouch I see the Pinkey Cake doll (Y/n) gave me she always had a present for me and all I got her was the brclate i need to do somthing special for her I could get her something that has to do with Rainbow Flash but what? Then a knock is apon my door."Comming!" I say and walk to the door. When I open it I see (Y/n) holding a hamster. 

"Zane look at this Im babysitting this hamster! hu why are you freaking out it just a baby one?" she says trying to move closer to me with that thing. 

"(Y/n) I love you but keep that DEMOND away from me!" I shout not meaning to but I hate hamsters they are evel and cant be trusted. 

"Zane come on it wont hurt you besides Garroth wanted me to show you then he went on to talk aboute cupcakes and how I make the best Sprinckel cupcakes and then he just broke down and now im here so come on I figuared if I shoud you on maby we coulf get a pet??" she says.

"Ya we can get a pet but I dont want a hamster they are evel!" 

"Werent you evel once too?"

"Ya but that was befor i met you," i say. "Do you want to leve that thing out here so we can talk without me freaking out with the thin?"

"Shere thing Zane," she says and leves the hamster and some kid comes and takes it. "What do you want to talk about Zane?"

"Do you rember when you told me aboute Japan?" I ask as she sits next to me on the chouch. 

"Ya i do, I asked you to come with me. Why do you want to bring that up it was so long ago?"

"Well I um how do I put this. I- ugg- Do you want to know the reason why I dident go with you?" I ask but I sound like an idoit for not thinking about what to say.

"Zane its in the past I dont cair about that any more your with me know and Im happy we are together,"

"But what i want to know is befor now did you like me?"

"Yes I did I liked that after you graduated school you came back for me at lunch and helped me pass and i liked that about you," she says and is blushing I know there is more but she just wont tell me.

"Okay well what kindove pet do you want to get?' I ask after we where quiet for a long time. 

"A dog a little husky puppy or even a Belgian puppy," she says and snugles with me. Time pased so quick it was dark outside and she was falling asleep. "Zane why cant my sister and jeffory like you and stop being mean to you Zzzzzzz," she falls asleep.

"Come on (Y/n) let me take cair of you," I say picking her up and taking her to my room to sleep. That night I sleeped on the chouch and my last thought was (Y/n) and I, if I went with her would we be dating now???

~I just want to say that if the story might be comming out later then i want it to but im swamped with school work god I hate high school XC~

^But I hope you like the story so far and if so leave a vote and sheir the story and as always Stay happy not Crappy Stay in School dont do Drugs and I LOVE YOU!!<3<3^        

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