Chapter 23: what will his parents think

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~Your pov~

We got home late that day and tomarow Zianna and Garte where comming to town to suprise the boys, I just had to not say anything to his parents about marring me and nothing to Zane, Vlad or Garroth about them comming. "So it offical," Zane says comming in the living room handing me coffee and kisses me. 

"Ya now all we need to do is plan and tell your parents," I say being cairful not to give it away. 

"Ya thats important. So I want to know if you like the ring?" 

"Zane I love it!" I scram at him. "Opial is so expencive thow, how much did it cost?" 

"Money is not the problem. My family is rich so we can go all out on this wedding okay." He says kissing me again. I nod and just look at the ring almost forgetting that I need to pack some of my things and bring them over to Zane's house. "So do you need help packing or do you have it?" Zane asks me. 

"I can do it but if I need you ill call okay," I say huging him bye. "See you later honey. Have fun with Aphmau," I say walking over to my house and begian to pack some things up. I need my ponies, my posters, my close, and everything else important to me. Zianna sayed she wanted to move somewhere close to her kids and future daughter inlaw. "Maby Zianna and Garte can live here? Well its up to them not me." I say.

~Zane's Pov~

(Y/n) was at here house packing up some things so she can live with me. I went to Aphmaus to hang out with her. "Aphmau," I say walking into her room she was there but asleep with Aaron but her was awake. "Sorry ill leave." I say but then Aaron gets up.

"Can I talk to you Zane?" He says, I nod and we leave Aphmau to sleep. 

"What did you need Aaron?" I ask him, im not going to lie but I hate Aaron but him and Aphmau have been dating sence yesterday so I guess its okay. 

"I want to know if you asked Katelyns Parents for promistion to marry (Y/n)?" 

"Aaron thats non of your bisness besides her parents are dead and its heard on her. She is the other girl in her family and why am I telling you all this?"

"Because I wanted to know. So Im guessing you asked Katelyn then?" He says and I nod. "So when I asked you to date Aphmau you agred because you finally gave up on her?"

"I gave up on trying to make Aphmau mine when I saw (Y/n) again. Im happy for you and Aph but dont think that im not going to hurt you if you hurt her." I tell him, he walks back up the stars. 

"Dont wory Zane I wont now go back home. Ill take cair of Aphmau." He says and I dident want to wake Aph so I just went home and desided to cleen a bit and make lunch for me and (Y/n). 'I hope shes doing okay with packing,' I think, let May out of her cage letting her run around the back yard for a wile.

~Your pov~

Im finally done packing my things I dont need my bed or aneything else like that so I deside to take the boxes to Zanes and put them in the basement for right now. But befor anything my phone rings, it was Zianna so i answer it quickly. "Hey Zianna how is everything?" I ask her rembering not to tell her me and Zane are engaged. 

"Oh everything is fine. How are my boys doing? How was the Con?" She asks me excited.
"Oh everything was grate I had a blast and so did every one else. Aphmau has a boyfriend and-" She cuts me off with a scream.
"AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Really who is it Garroth?!"
"Um no its Aaron you met him once befor when you thought Zane and Aphmau where dating rember?" I say trying not to sound mad.
"Oh yes I do any way I was calling to let you know we will be at your house late tonight. I know you are moving in with Zane but keep some boxes there and save them for tomarrow. Me and Garet will be there around 9ish, leave the key some where and we'll let our selfs in okay?"
"Ya thats Fine with me Zianna and dont worry I wanted you and Garet to suprize them Ill bring them to my house saying I needed help with some of the boxes. This is going to be so fun!"

"Yes it will (Y/n). Ill call you back if we need anything else bye Darling!"
"Bye Zianna!" I say and hang up the phone. 

Okay so all I need to do is get them to help me tomarrow and there suprise is set I cant wate to see there faces when they see there farther!:D

~Okay so thats it for now< just to clairafuy somthing I dont really know what Garet looks like but im going to guess he is somthing like Garroth because where else would he get his blond hair>

So ya Stay happy not crappy stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU!!~

P.s. I have another story comming out its random but I think you all will like it so be on the look out for it!!!!    

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