Chapter 26: Michi returns

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~Zanes pov~

So my dads in town and he looks discusted to find our im getting marred. (Y/n) and mom went out shoping to get a cute outfit and to probably talk about our wedding. 

"So farther its good to see you again," I say Garroth and Vlad nod. I was farthers favorit but now im not so shere. "What do you think of (Y/n)?" 

"She seams like a nice girl but does she know your ritch? Is that the hole reason she sayed yes?" 

"No I told her today I was rich today and she was not socked or anything." 

"Well what is she like then and how long have you dated her befor you asked?" 

"About 6 or 7 months and I knew her back in high school too," I look over at my other brothers but they were looking down. 

"And what about you Garroth? How have you bean?"

"I have bean fine Farther just busy with other thing that arnt important," He says finally looking up. 

"And you Vlad?"  he asks but vlad still looks down. 

"I have bean fine Sir, just travling around and I moved back into town not to long ago." He finally says but he has to say Sir because he is my adopted brother. Farther did cair for him just not like he wanted him to. 

"Well im glad to see you all are doing fine. Im going to call a (Fancy restrant name of your chose) and make a reservation one of you call a tux place so we can get us all some and another tell your mother that (Y/n) and her need a fanicy outfit." He says pulling out his phone and begans to talk to the person on the other side. 

~Your Pov~

Zianna took me to get my hair and naild done for tonight. Aperenty Garte wanted togo some where nice so I had to get another dress and I was okay with it this time. We where going to a really fancy place that I have always wanted to go to. "Well lests look for a dress for you (Y/n)." I say as we enter a fancy store and as soo as we walk in I see a beautiful wight dress. "Zianna I found one," I say looking at the price. "Never mind it to expencave,"

"How much?" Zianna says looking at the price. "$300.90? Oh I know the owner so they might cut it down a bit for me." Zianna says and carries it up to the register. 

"Hello there Mrs. Ro'Meave what can I do for you today?"

"Hello there I need to see if I can get this dress and theses shoos?"

"Of corse that will be $1000.75," The cashier says. "Did you want a discount?" She says and Zianna nods her head. "Okay now its going to be $395. Will this be it Mrs. Ro'Meave?"

"Just on thing Can my daughter in-law put it on right away?" 

"Of corse Right this way Ms. Ro'Meave," she says giving me a derty look. "So witch Ro'mave boy did you marry?" 

"Well you see im her future daughter in-law," I say walking into the changing room. "Future wife to Zane Ro'Meave and im excited to be apart of there family." I say puting on the shoos and walking out. 

"So Vlad is not taken?" She says I shake my head no but I was not shere. "Okay well im if you ever need anything just ask for Anna and Ill help you in any way I can." 

"Thank you Anna I will. So Zianna what do you think?" I look over to Zianna to see her cry.

"Oh (Y/n) You look so beautiful!" She exclems. "Come on I called a tax to take us to the restrant." 

~Time skip to the restrant~

"Wow," I here Zane say when he sees me. "(Y/n) You look like an angle," He says and Kisses me. I here Zianna fangirl and Garte claming her down. "So are we ready?" Garte says looking at everyone and we all nod, "Good then lets go in," He says Zianna holding his arm and I hold Zane's. Garroth brought Cadenza and Vlad asked Lucinda to come but just as friends. 

We take our seats and Zane wisper in my ear. "Im extremely neverous tonight with my dad here but he seams to like you." I smile at him but I knew his dad did not like me for some odd reason. 

Lucinda sat next to me and Garroth next to her. "If I was not Mistacken (Y/n) there farther dos not like you," She says. 

"Ya he doesent but I dont know why," I say looking at the menu. 

Then we see our water come. "Hello there My name is Ross and Ill be your waighter for the evning alon with our new requert Michi," 

"NA~ Michi doesent want to be here!" she screams but then she saw Zane and Me and changed her mind. "Nevermind Michi can stay here it seams like fun." She says looking at me and Zane. 'F.U.C.K' Was my only thought when I saw Michi. 

"Can I start you all off with an excellent red wine imported form Italy today?" Ross says showing us the wine boddle. 

"Yes that will be fine," Garte says. Michi had to poor it to everyone but when she gets to me she spills it on my dress on peropus! "Oh Michi is so sorry na~" she says sarcasticly. 

"Its fine just a wight dress runed with red wine. Excuese me everyone im going to fo to the bathroom, Lucinda do you have a spell to getrid of this stain?" I ask Lucinda and she nods we walk to the bathroom but some how Michi got another one of Lucindas potions and turned her self into me!

~Michi as you~

Michi walks back to the table looking like you and sits next to Zane. "Sorry everyone but Lucinda will be back in a minut." She says and looks at the ring. "Oh Zane I love the ring you got me!" She says kissing him. Zane looks suprise and looks at her. He knew it was not (Y/n) because removing a stane with a spell. 

Zane looks at Garroth and Vlad and they all had the same idea to trick Michi. "So (Y/n) I have somthing important to tell you?" 

"What is it Zane?" She trys to say in a sweet way. "So I have desided we should have at least 5 kids and have a big wedding." 

"Five kids are you inseane Michi is not going to have 5 kids! NA~" 

"Z-Zane want are you doing?" (Y/n) Says comming back from the bathroom with Lucinda. 

"(Y/n)" He says running up to you. "Im so glad its you!"

"What is going on!" Garte screams looking from Michi to (Y/n). "Why are there two of you!" 

"Dad this is Michi a lire and one who wants to brake me and (Y/n) up just so I can get with her." Zane says and Michi turns back into her self. Ross uns up to Michi and firers her. 

"Im sorry Mr. Ro'Meave for all the comosin," He says apologizing.

"Its fine sir Ross just next time we come I dont want red wine but a different kind. Now lets leave everyone."  He says and we all leave the restrant and head home. Luckely the stane got out of your dress.        

~Wow that went bye quick. and just so you all know tomarrow I wont uplode im seblerting Easter early because my mom has work but dont wory ill try and get one out it might be late thow so im sorry in advance.

Stay happy not crappy stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU!! 

Oh and what do you think of Anna? she is new but is in love with Vlad just so you all know c;

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