Chapter 3: Work

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'I needed to go bye food but I only have enouf to pay my bills, ugg! Okay well its time to get a job maby Katelyn knows of somthing open jobs.' you think maby her job or where Aphmau works. Walking over to there house you spot Zane walking around. "Hey Zane!" you say and run up to him, "Whats up?" 

"Oh hi (Y/n), Im just doing my potrole around the neighborhood waht about you?" he says and blushes.

"Oh im going to ask katelyn or Aphmau for a good place to work. Say do you know of any places that need help?" 

"Theres a made Caffee that Aph works at and they need some new help. I can show you where it is if you want?" 

"Ya, that would be grate!" =D you say and smile. "Shall we?" he says holding his arm out. "We shall," and link arms with him.
We walk by Katelyn's house and she sees us walking along and laughing. She runs out of the house and tackels him. "What are you doing with my baby sister?!" She says.

"Im showing her to a job offering! Now can you please get off of me I cant breath!" He screms.

She gets off of him and turs to me. Oh My Irean. "(Y/n) I know of job offerings why di you not come to me?" She says and you see Zane get up. "Well I was walking to see you but I saw Zane first and asked him sorry but if he did do somthing then I could handle it you know this!" You scream and Aphmau come out. 

"Katelyn whats going on?" She asks. "(Y/n) and Zane where walking together and I dont trust him you know this Aph."

"Look I needed a job and Zane knew of one so I asked him to show me the place and I was going to apply for a job." you say and grab Zanes arm. "Bye Kat and Aph Ill let you know if i get the job. Come on Zane." you say and walk away.

~Somewhere in the city~

"Zane Im so sorry for the way Katelyn acted she can be so stubern sometimes..." You say.
"Its okay (Y/n) besids I like hanging out with you even if Katelyyn does not aprove of it," He says. "Ah here we are The made caffee that Aph works at,"

"Wow its cute but maby to cute for my tast," you say. He held the door for you and you walk in.

In side you see Kawaii~Chan working at the booth to great every one. "Hello there- AHHH! (Y/n)~Chan what are you doing here with Zane~Kun?!?!?" SHe says.

"I came to aply for the job and Zane just showed me the way. Also dont tell Katelyn im working here okay?"

"Kawaii~Chan wont tell Katelyn~Sama but let Kawaii~Chan get her boss so she can intivrew (Y/n)~Chan. Waight here." She says and runs off to the back room.

"You shere you want to do this?" Zane says and removes his mack, when does he ever do that???
"Yes I mean it pays and I need to pay the bills and Katelyn has alwaysed helped me with so much... But thats a story for another time." You smile and see Kawaii~Chan come back with a girl in a Made outfit. 

"So you want to apply? Well you cute and the blue hair is nice so..." She poses for a second. "Your Hiered just rember I will expect 100% out of you (Y/n)~Chan!" She says and claps her hand together. "Kawaii~Chan Can you show her to the back and give her the blue one?" 

"Yes Mum, Come on (Y/n)~Chan!" She says and pulls you along and leaves Zane behind.

~Zane's pov~

I see Kawaii~Chan pull (Y/n) to the back and befor I leave Kawaii~Chans boss asks me if I wanted a table. "No ma'ma Im fine besides I need to go home and take cair of afew thing..." I say and walk out.

On the way home all I think about is (Y/n) and how she is nice to me when the only other person is Aph but she is my best friend. But (Y/n) is really cute maby we can hang out and watch My Little Horsey together.

"Zane where are you giong?!" I here a felemar voce yell its Travis. "And Why are you blushing? Some Girl on your mind???" He says. 

"Hello travis and no its not a girl what girl would like me besides Aph?" I say and keep walking. 

"Ohhhh I know who it is! Its (Y/n) hu??" He says still folling me.

"So what if it is? She is cool and a nice person," I say and walk faster.

"Zane you know Katelyn will kill you if you date her sister, not to metion her sister is as strong as her?!" 

"Ya I know that but its non of your bisness what (y/n) besides we barly hang out..." 

"Okay then well I have to go later Zane!" He says and finally leves me alone.

~Okay so I hope you enjoyed Zanes first Pov and how you kindove know how he feels~

~So ya Stay happy not crappy stay in school dont do drugs and I LOVE YOU!!!<3<3~      

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